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Drug Testing

Review and Analysis

Received: 12 September 2011 Revised: 13 December 2011 Accepted: 13 December 2011 Published online in Wiley Online Library

( DOI 10.1002/dta.413

Fluorine in psychedelic phenethylamines

Daniel Trachsel*
The so-called psychedelic phenethylamines represent a class of drugs with a large range of psychoactive properties in
humans, ranging from naturally occurring mescaline to amphetamine analogues and homologues. The interest in many of
these compounds, occasionally referred to as designer-drugs, is widely dispersed across popular culture and political and
scientic communities. In recent decades, uorine has become a powerful and important tool in medicinal chemistry. In addi-
tion, uorine-containing compounds and medicines can be found in numerous commercially successful pharmaceuticals that
have gained a market share of some 515%. One might anticipate this trend to increase in the future. As far as uorinated
phenethylamines are concerned, much less is known about their chemistry and pharmacology. This paper provides an over-
view regarding the biological properties of over 60 uorinated phenethylamines and discusses both historical and recent
chemistry-related developments. It was shown that the introduction of uorine into the phenethylamine nucleus can impact
greatly on psychoactivity of these compounds, ranging from marked loss to enhancement and prolongation of effects. For ex-
ample, in contrast to the psychoactive escaline (70), it was observed that its uoroescaline (76) counterpart was almost devoid
of psychoactive effects. Diuoroescaline (77), on the other hand, retained, and triuoroescaline (78) showed increased human
potency of escaline (70). Diuoromescaline (72) and triuoromescaline (73) increasingly surpassed human potency and dura-
tion of mescaline (22) effects. Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keywords: phenethylamines; amphetamines; psychedelics; entactogens; uorinated; 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C

Introduction applications includes the use of LSD and psilocybin for the treat-
ment of anxiety in patients suffering from terminal cancer.[710]
It was in the late 1950s when the British psychiatrist Humphrey Among other structural developments in the eld of phenethy-
Osmond coined a new term when attempting to describe the lamines,[5] recent developments of modern uorine chemistry or
effects of mind altering compounds such as d-lysergic acid uorinated reagents on phenethylamines has led to the availability
diethylamide (LSD) or mescaline: psychedelic.[1,2] A semantic of several new derivatives. This paper reviews the literature in
drift occurred in the following years and anything of abstract respect to the established uorinated analogs as well as the latest
decoration or multiple bright colours began to be described as knowledge about some forty uorinated, potentially psychoactive
psychedelic. On the other hand, this particular term is in- phenethylamines developed and investigated in recent years.
creasingly used in the scientic literature as a descriptor for a
class of compounds whose primary action involves a dramatic
change in mood, perception, and cognition. As psychedelic Why uorine?
compounds can cause visual distortions and synesthesia, they Fluorine-containing compounds and medicines can be found in
are generally referred to as hallucinogens. This can be some- numerous commercially successful pharmaceuticals, such as the
what misleading since true hallucinations, i.e. the inability to blood cholesterol lowering agent atorvastatine (LipitorW, SortisW)
recognize them as such, appear to occur extremely rarely.[3] or uticasone propionate used to treat asthma (FloventW, FlixotideW)
Dissociatives such as ketamine or the tropane derivative scopol- or allergic rhinitis (FlonaseW, FlixonaseW), as well as the well-
amine can induce true hallucinations and they have their own known antidepressant uoxetine (ProzacW). Over the past ve
modes of action. As such, psychedelics are typically recognized decades, uorinated derivatives appeared to represent some
as their own class. 515% of marketed drugs[11] with a tendency to rise. A com-
There are a vast number of psychedelics that can affect the monly used example of diagnostic value is uorodeoxyglucose
state of mind in various ways which offers the potential to em- (18 F-FDG), which, among others, allows the monitoring of meta-
ploy some of them as powerful tools in the research eld of per- bolic processes by positron emission tomography (PET) through
ception and the nature of consciousness. With the use of these the positron emitting radioactive isotope 18 F.[12] The inuence
receptor probes, it is hoped to understand the underlying neuro- of uorine in medicinal chemistry, particular in the alteration of
pharmacological mechanisms involved in mental functioning and metabolism or binding afnity for a biological target has been
disease. The highest congregations of such compounds are found described extensively.[11,13] Its dramatic inuence on acidity
particularly in phenethylamines,[35] followed by tryptamines.[6] and basicity has also been shown on numerous amines and
Despite the fact that many of these derivatives have been ex-
plored recreationally to some extent, the safety prole remains
to be investigated in detail. In addition, further research is re-
quired to elucidate the extent to which some of these derivatives * Correspondence to: Daniel Trachsel, Nidaugasse 29, 2502 Biel, Switzerland.
might be explored within a potential therapeutic context.[35] A
reection of increased interest in a range of potential clinical Biel, Switzerland

Drug Test. Analysis (2012) Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Drug Testing
and Analysis D. Trachsel

carboxylic acids[11] which means that acids become more acidic only recently that these derivatives are not as selective as originally
and bases become less basic. Fluorine (3.98) shows the highest thought and other receptor systems may be signicantly involved
electronegativity according to the Pauling scale, and based on in their overall psychological effects.[35] In substructures 810, the
new data, its Van der Waals radius is considered to be slightly overall pharmacological prole is greatly inuenced by the nature
larger (20%) than hydrogen (1.47 vs. 1.20 ). Fluorine is more of the 4-subsituent and small, lipophilic substituents lead to ago-
isosteric to oxygen (1.52 )[13] and is the smallest substituent nists whereas large, lipophilic substituents lead to antagonists.[24]
that can replace hydrogen. Polar substituents abolish receptor afnities[32,36] and greatly
decrease in vivo potencies.[3]
The phenethylamine pharmacophore
Which uorinated phenethylamines are known so far?
Today, several hundred psychoactive phenethylamines are
known and a large range of data are reported in the popular Although there are numerous uorinated phenethylamines de-
literature.[35] From these data, extensive structure-activity rela- scribed in the literature, this review focuses only on simple psycho-
tionships (SAR) have been described and most commonly three active phenethylamines or structurally closely related candidates. A
distinct simple phenethylamine classes are recognized, namely look at the phenethylamine pharmacophores (Figure 1A) reveals
the stimulants, the entactogens, and the psychedelics (Figure 1A). numerous positions where a hydrogen atom could potentially be
The term simple addresses non-tethered, non-rigidied phen- replaced by uorine. Several investigations have been carried out
ethylamines without heteroatoms present at the side chain and so far with some starting in the 1960s when Pinder and Burger eval-
each member of the three structural classes show distinct psy- uated the presence of three uorine atoms at the terminal methyl
chopharmacological effects that correlate with specic neuronal group of amphetamine.[37] When compared to amphetamine (1),
mechanisms. Within the group of simple phenethylamines, stimu- 2-amino-3-phenyl-1,1,1-triuoropropane (11) was found to be
lants generally bear an a-methylphenethylamine (= amphetamine) inactive when testing anorectic, antiemetic, central nervous system,
structure with no substituents at the aromatic part (e.g. amphet- monoamine oxidase inhibitory and pressor activities. Later, this was
amine, 1, and methamphetamine, 2). They may enhance wakeful- explained by electronic effects[38]; the triuoromethyl group
ness, alertness, and locomotion as well as temporarily improve dramatically lowers the basicity of the amine (amphetamine
psychological or physical activity. They are generally considered pKa = 9.93, 11 pKa = 4.97). As a consequence, under physiological
to be of high abuse potential. Some amphetamines, however, conditions 11 cannot be protonated anymore and its body distri-
have proven to be medically benecial, for example, for the bution may be signicantly altered. A similar structural investiga-
treatment of attention-decit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).[14] tion was done with the psychedelic 3,4,5-trimethoxyamphetamine
Entactogens (to touch within, derived from the roots en (Greek: (TMA, 12) whereby the triuoromethyl analog 13 showed only one-
within), tactus (Latin: touched) and gen (Greek: produce)[15]) such tenth of the activity of TMA (12) in the head-twitch test in mice
as MDMA (Ecstasy, 3) generally bear the 3,4-methylenedioxyam- which is associated with 5-HT2A receptor activation of psychedelic
phetamine structure (compounds 37;). They show the ability to phenethylamines.[38]
produce signicant sociable and emotional effects. The third class, The (+)-enantiomer of 2-amino-3-uoro-1-phenylpropane (14)
the psychedelic-type phenethylamines (mind-manifesting, derived bears only one uorine at the terminal methyl group. In mice,
from the Greek words cw (psyche, mind) and dlen (delein, to it increased locomotor activity similar to (+)-amphetamine
manifest)[1,2]) is represented by the largest part of psychoactive during the rst hour, followed by a sedative effect, while with
phenethylamines. Perception, mood, and cognition can be amphetamine mice still remained stimulated.[39] The b- and
changed profoundly and visual distortions and synesthesia can b,b-uorinated derivatives 1516 have also been shown to signif-
occur. Within the psychedelic phenethylamines, there are three icantly impact on the overall effects of amphetamine.[4042] The
relevant subclasses, with the following general order of increasing pKa values decreased with increasing degree of uorination from
serotonin 5-HT2A receptor afnities as well as human potencies: 9.5 (amphetamine) to 8.4 and 7.0, respectively. The results of an
3,4,5-trisubstituted < 2,4,6-trisubstituted < 2,4,5-trisubstituted phe- i.p. administration (rats) correlated with the pKa values; 15
nethylamines (structures 810 reviewed in references[3,5,16,17]). showed similar distribution to amphetamine while 16 was mainly
The a-methylated phenethylamines (amphetamines or 3C deriva- detected in fatty tissue. In mice, 16 was shown to display a much
tives) are generally more potent in both humans and in vivo animal shorter half-live in brain than for amphetamine and likewise,
studies than the corresponding phenethylamines (2C derivatives) higher doses were required for 16 to maintain elevated locomo-
and show a longer duration of effect. Although the afnities at tor stimulation.[42]
the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor, the primary target thought to be The N-triuoroethyl analogue 17 of amphetamine has also been
responsible for the psychedelic effects,[1822] do not signicantly described.[43] Apparently, this derivatization of amphetamine (1)
change by the introduction of a racemic a-methyl group into sub- leads to almost complete loss of the stimulating properties. The same
stituted phenethylamines,[18,2325] the metabolic stability,[18,26] N-substituent has been introduced into the well known derivative
hydrophobicity,[27] and intrinsic activity[25,28] increase, which as a 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA, 3), an entactogenic, stimulat-
consequence leads to higher in vivo potencies. For a-methylated ing and psychedelic compound.[3] Only investigated in humans so
psychedelic phenethylamines an R > S enantioselectivity has far, 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-triuoroethylamphetamine (MDTFEA, 18)
generally been observed for in vivo potency,[3,29] receptor seems to be inactive up to 500 mg[3] while its uorine-free
afnities,[25,3032] and receptor activation.[25,32] Stimulants and analog MDEA (5) is a well known entactogen and active in the
entactogens show S > R enantioselectivity, but they act through range of 100200 mg with a duration of 35 h.[3] While steric
monoamine transporters and not receptors. Although all psyche- effects might play a role it has been shown that an N-triuoroethyl
delic phenethylamines show 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptor afnities derivative loses its amine properties and that this group was used
and the agonistic activation of the former seems to be of great successfully as a bioisostere to replace an amide group.[11] Amide
signicance in the mechanism of action,[33,34] it has been shown analogs of psychoactive phenethylamines are generally considered Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Drug Test. Analysis (2012)
Drug Testing
Fluorine in psychedelic phenethylamines and Analysis

Figure 1. (A) The three main phenethylamine-type core structures stimulants (1, 2), entactogens (37) and psychedelics (810). Structures 810: Gen-
eral trend for serotonin 5-HT2A receptor afnities as well as human potencies (which do not necessarily correlate). (B) Some side chain (11, 1316) or N-
alkyl (17, 18) uorinated phenethylamine analogs investigated by several scientists. C: Some aryl (19) or aryl substituent (20, 21, 23 and 25) uorinated

to be inactive in humans.[44,45] Similar electronic effects might apply PFA, 19) has been compared in vitro and in vivo to amphetamine
to derivatives 11 and 13. (1) and its other three related 4-halo amphetamines revealing
The effects of a simple introduction of a 4-uorine at the aryl that it resembles more amphetamine (1) than other 5-HT
moiety of amphetamine has been investigated by several releasing-type amphetamines (e.g. MBDB, 7).[47] It appeared on
scientists.[4648] This compound, 4-uoroamphetamine (4-FA or the black market and is believed to be an active stimulant with

Drug Test. Analysis (2012) Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Drug Testing
and Analysis D. Trachsel

euphoric and possibly some entactogenic effects in the range of In addition to the low serotonin 5-HT2A receptor afnities of
100200 mg for 68 h.[49] DOF (27), and most probably also 2C-F (32), the molar refraction
The presently obsolete appetite suppressant fenuramine of the important 4-substituent in these ligands may be too low to
(Pondimin, Adifax, 20)[50] showed that the presence of the activate the receptor sufciently.[20] Furthermore, DOF (27) rather
3-triuoromethyl group separated the stimulating and anorexic resembles the 4-unsubstituted 2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine than
effects of amphetamine (the N-ethyl group in 20 helped as well DOC, DOB or DOI (2830).
but to a lesser extent).[51,52] The 4-triuoromethyl derivative 2C-TFM (34) was identied as
With the derivative 21, Alpermann and Werner presented a a potent 5-HT2A/C receptor agonist by Nichols et al. in 1994.[28]
polyuorinated homolog of mescaline (22) in 1979.[53] In mice, Together with its a-methyl congener DOTFM (35) it is among
the authors could not detect any sympathomimetic effects the most potent simple phenethylamines at these binding sites,
known from mescaline (22) and they mentioned the absence of showing comparable or slightly higher binding afnities than
the typical mescaline-like hallucinogenic effects. DOB (29) and DOI (30).[28] Compared to DOB (29) and DOI (30),
The psychedelic uoro derivative 2,5-dimethoxy-4-(2- both compounds 34 and 35 turned out to be of equal, or slightly
uoroethylthio)phenethylamine (2C-T-21, 23) has been prepared increased potency in DD studies (rats, training drug: LSD).[28]
and was initially investigated by Shulgin and Shulgin.[3] Psycho- Within the context of a DD study, this was the rst time for a
active effects have been reported to last 7-10 h at dosage levels 2C derivative to be found equally potent to the potent 3C deriva-
of 812 mg[3] and 1020 mg,[54] respectively. It is structurally tives DOB (29) and DOI (30). In humans, initial experiments seem
related to numerous other 2C-T derivatives and most closely to be consistent with high potencies (34: 35 mg; 35: 0.3 mg or
related to the uorine-free derivative 2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylthio- more. A.T. Shulgin, personal communication in 2003).[4]
phenethylamine (2C-T-2, 24. 1225 mg, 68 h), which is only
slightly less potent although it was reported to vary in its psycho- Toxicological considerations
logical effects.[3]
Another potent uorinated psychedelic is 2,5-dimethoxy-4- There are dozens of marketed and safe uorinated pharmaceuti-
(2-uoroethyl)amphetamine (DOEF, 25).[3,55] In comparison to cals. Fluorine as a chemical substituent may help enormously in
its uorine-free counterpart DOET (26. 26 mg, 1420 h) it drug design, for example, helping improve target selectivity
showed about twice the potency (23.5 mg) and a shorter dura- and/or binding properties, metabolic stability issues, body distri-
tion of action (1216 h) in humans.[3] At the agonistic [125I]DOI- bution, and excretion.[11,13] However, uorine in elemental form
labelled serotonin r5-HT2A receptor (frontal cortex) DOEF or as hydrogen uoride is extremely corrosive and highly toxic.
(25, Ki = 9.1nM) proved to be a high afnity ligand (D.E. Nichols, per- Also certain uorine compounds are considered to be among
sonal communication in 2009), while the counterpart DOET (26) the most poisonous derivatives such as soman and sarin, both
showed high afnity at the antagonistic [3H]ketanserin-labelled highly effective chemical warfare agents. Nature even produces
serotonin r5-HT2A receptor (frontal cortex, Ki = 100nM).[18,56] a very toxic organouoro compound, namely uoroacetate
The derivative 2,5-dimethoxy-4-uoroamphetamine (DOF, 27) (36).[59] It shows its extreme toxic effects towards mammals
is a uorinated analog of the well known potent serotonin wherein it cannot be distinguished from acetate; uoroacetate
5-HT2A/C agonists DOB (29, R = Br) and DOI (30, R = I), as well as underlies the same metabolic pathways (enzymatic transforma-
the less known DOC (28, R = Cl, Figure 2, A).[36] With the 77Br tions as follows: together with coenzyme A, uoroacetate forms
and 125I radioactive isotopes, respectively, both DOB (29) and uoroacetyl-CoA, which in the tricarboxylic acids cycle (TCA
DOI (30) are used extensively as standard agonist radio ligands cycle) substitutes for acetyl-CoA. The resulting uorocitrate inter-
in competitive 5-HT2A/C receptor binding experiments.[23,57] Their feres with the citric acid cycle ending in disruption (enzymatic
high afnities at the h5-HT2A binding site (both Ki < 1nM, [125I] blockage)[59]). As a consequence it causes an accumulation of
DOI-labelled[36]) is reected in their human potency; both are ac- citrate in blood ending in energy deprivation of cells. Considering
tive in the range of 13 mg and have a 1630 h duration of ac- this, organouoro derivatives, see for example Figures 1, 36,
tion.[3] DOB (29) and DOI (30) are among the most potent simple containing a monouoroethyl moiety (or generally an even-
phenethylamines known, and the chloro-analog DOC (28, 2 numbered monouoroalkyl residue FC2, FC4, FC6 etc.) could pos-
5 mg, 1224 h) is only slightly less potent.[3] In contrast to this, sibly be metabolized to uoroacetate.[60,61] But in general uorine
the uorinated derivative (DOF, 27) showed a signicant lower that is covalently bound to a carbon cannot be abstracted meta-
afnity at the serotonin h5-HT2A binding site (Ki = 41.7nM[36]) bolically and will also leave the body at the same carbon. The only
and in rat drug discrimination (DD) studies it proved to be some exceptions are acyl uorides or analogous compounds. Finally,
six times less effective in DOM (31) stimulus generalization the inuence of uorine atoms on pharmacodynamics and phar-
experiments when compared to DOB (29) and DOI (30).[58] A di- macokinetics may be rich, unpredictable and should be investi-
rect relationship has been shown between the ED50 values gated carefully as with any other newly designed molecule.
obtained from animal DD studies and human potencies[58] and
according to that, DOF (27) was predicted to show a human activ-
ity of about four to six times less than the heavier halide derivatives
Recent developments in uorinated
DOB (29) and DOI (30).[3,58] According to limited trials, DOF (27) phenethylamines
showed no psychedelic activity but some stimulating effects were
Fluorine in 2,4,5-trisubstituted phenethylamines
noted at 3x6 mg (spaced by 1 h, each).
The a-desmethylated analog 2C-F (32) was evaluated in The 2,4,5-trisubstituted phenethylamines can be considered as
humans up to 250 mg where it proved to be essentially the most important class since the initial investigations of com-
inactive.[3] In comparison the well-known bromo-analog 2C-B pounds with such a substitution.[5] Very briey, within this class
(33) is a fairly potent psychedelic phenethylamine (1225 mg, the most potent 5-HT2A receptor agonists bear a 2,5-dimethoxy
48 h).[3] substitution pattern paired with a small, lipophilic substituent in Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Drug Test. Analysis (2012)
Drug Testing
Fluorine in psychedelic phenethylamines and Analysis

Figure 2. (A) Aryl halogenated phenethylamines (2733) and two 4-triuoromethyl derivatives (3435). (B) Fluoroacetate (36), a highly toxic natural
product found in several plants.

the 4-position (Me, Et, Cl, Br, I, F3C, EtS etc.) as indicated in struc- afnities of all compounds mentioned herein were measured by
ture 10 in Figure 1A. Simultaneously, these types of compounds standard procedures.[69]
have proven to be among the most potent psychedelics in The 4-PrS derivative 2C-T-7 (39: 1030 mg, 815 h)[3] has also
humans.[3] Larger lipophilic 4-substituents (e.g. Bu, t-Bu) lead to been investigated in humans and compared with its monouori-
potent antagonists which seem to be devoid of psychedelic nated analog 2C-T-28 (40: 820 mg or more, 810 h).[67] It binds
effects.[3,5] Generally, an a-methylated phenethylamine (amphet- at the [3H]LSD labelled h5-HT2A receptor with a Ki = 75nM.
amine) shows higher in vivo potency than the corresponding Further homologs, 2C-T-19 (41; Ki = 14nM) and 2C-T-30 (42;
phenethylamine although afnities at the 5-HT2A receptor do Ki = 47nM) were tested in radioligand binding assays using [3H]
not necessarily change, and a-ethylation as well as N-alkylation LSD labelled cloned h5-HT2A receptors, indicating a high afnity
lead to a dramatic if not complete loss of biological activity.[3] of 41 at this binding site. In this case uorine seemed to decrease
An exception, however, appears to be found in N-benzylated afnity slightly by a factor of around three. Virtually nothing is
derivatives.[6266] Thus, focus was set towards the 4-substituent known about their human activities. 2C-T-30 (42) was tested up
position over the past decades and numerous analogs have been to 6 + 3 mg which revealed no detectable effects.
scientically tested. Despite that, within the 2,4,5-series there Within the group of the 2,4,5-trisubstituted phenethyla-
were only a few uorinated derivatives described and investi- mines, a few 4-alkoxy analogs have been described before
gated so far such as compounds 23, 25, 27, 32, 3435. (Figure 3, B).[3] Both 2C-O (43; >300 mg) and 2C-O-4 (44;
To get more insight into the inuence of uorine atoms on >60 mg) proved to be inactive in humans, at least at the levels
such compounds the existing series of 2,5-dimethoxy-4-thioalkyl- tested.[3] Whether they underlie a strong metabolism[70] or
substituted phenethylamines (2C-T derivatives)[3] was expanded show low afnities towards the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor[36]
and characterized further.[67] In comparison with 2C-T-2 (24: remains to be established. In humans, the a-methylated 3C
1225 mg, 68 h), progressive terminal uorination of the 4-EtS analogs TMA-2 (45; 2040 mg, 812 h) and MEM (46; 20
group either increased (2C-T-21, 23: 812 mg, 710 h, shown 50 mg, 1014 h) are fairly active compounds,[3] probably result-
by Shulgin[3]) or maintained (2C-T-21.5, 37: 1230 mg, 814 h) ing from increased metabolic resistance, higher lipophilicity
human potency according to the double conscious technique and pronounced receptor activation.
(Figure 3, A).[68] The triuoroethyl derivative 2C-T-22 (38) was The 4-alkoxy derivatives seem to have lower hydrophobic
not investigated sufciently to draw any conclusions. At the properties and showed distinctly decreased afnities at the
[3H]LSD labelled cloned h5-HT2A receptor, 2C-T-21.5 (37; Ki = 146 [125I]DOI labelled cloned h5-HT2A receptor (TMA-2, 45: Ki = 58nM
nM) and 2C-T-22 (38; Ki = 69nM) showed fairly high afnities but and MEM, 46: Ki = 73nM) in comparison to the potent agonist
no further comparison can be made as the afnities of 24 and DOI (30: Ki = 0.7nM).[36] Some uorinated analogs (4752) of
23 are currently unknown. Unless mentioned otherwise, binding 2C-O (43) and TMA-2 (45) were prepared. Whether their

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Drug Testing
and Analysis D. Trachsel

Figure 3. Some novel uoro analogues of the 2,4,5-trisubstituted phenethylamines. (A) 2C-T derivatives and uoro analogues. (B) Representative ana-
logues of the 2C-O series and uorinated derivatives. (C) Fluorinated analogs of 2C-B (33) and 2C-H (55). (D) 4-Alkyl-uorinated derivatives of 2C-E (58).

potentially changed metabolism and increased 5-HT2A receptor The effect of methoxy uorination in 2,5-dimethoxy derivatives
afnities lead to in vivo activity is presently almost unknown. A on 5-HT2 receptor afnities has been tested (Figure 3, C). A deter-
single experiment with 42 + 15 mg of 49 revealed this level to mination of the h5-HT2A and r5-HT2C receptor afnities for the
be a potential threshold dose. 2-diuoromethoxy derivative 2DF-2C-B (53) and the 4- Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Drug Test. Analysis (2012)
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Fluorine in psychedelic phenethylamines and Analysis

Figure 4. DOM (31), some representatives of 2,4,6-trisubstituted phenethylamines (5961) and uorinated derivatives (6269) of the 2,4,6-series.

unsubstituted 5-triuoromethoxy derivative 5TF-2C-H (54) 2C/2A subtype selectivity remain challenging, especially when
revealed a certain 2C over 2A subtype selectivity (Table 1). Antag- developing agonists.[20,24,73]
onistic labelling experiments showed a ratio of 2C:2A = 29 for The importance of the 2,5-dimethoxy groups upon agonistic
2DF-2 C-B (53) and 5TF-2C-H (54) presented a six-fold 2C subtype properties as well as the H-acceptor abilities of the involved
selectivity. MeO groups for agonistic binding modes of these molecules
The higher afnities of the triuoromethoxy derivative 5TF-2 has been shown extensively[19,20,24,72,7477] and are most prob-
C-H (54) in comparison to its non-uorinated analog 2C-H (55) ably changed by uorination. If a strong electron withdrawing
may be explained by the increased lipophilicity present in the group is attached in the neighborhood of a phenolic ether,
5-position.[71,72] Interestingly, with the presence of two F-atoms in the oxygen loses its basicity and so loses its capability to ac-
the 2-position of 2DF-2C-B (53), 5-HT2A afnity markedly decreases cept hydrogens with its lone pair electrons. Through this one
(Ki = 1100nM) and 5-HT2C afnity slightly increases (Ki = 38nM) in might expect the compound to gain additional lipophilicity. In
comparison to its non-uorinated analog 2C-B (33: Ki = 16nM other words, Ar-O-CH3 is an H acceptor and therefore, to a
and 190nM, respectively[24]). It would be interesting to evaluate certain degree, extends hydrophilicity, whereas the lone pair
the effects of methoxy uorination on receptor afnities and electrons at Ar-O-CF3 cannot accept a hydrogen, rendering
selectivity in more detail, since the issues surrounding serotonin this substituent to be much more lipophilic. Fluorine itself
could act as an H-acceptor or undergo so-called multipolar
interactions but these effects are generally considered to be
less pronounced.[11,13]
Table 1. Afnities (Ki) at the h5-HT2A and r5-HT2C receptors of some
uoro analogs of 2C-H (55) and 2C-B (33). Values in nM.[69,105]
Expansion from MeO to EtO or modication to MeS of either of
the 2,5-MeO groups has been investigated in humans which
Nr. Name h5-HT2A Ki r5-HT2C Ki revealed a drop in human potency with greater impact of the
[3H]Ketanserin (nM) [3H]Mesulergine (nM) 2-position.[3] Replacements by Br or Me of one of the MeO groups
55 2C-H 3000a 5520a dramatically alters human potencies.[3,78,79] Receptor binding
54 5TF-2C-H 1873 316 studies showed that replacement of a methoxy group by either
33 2C-B 16a; b
190a; b F[72] or Et[77] diminished serotonin 5-HT2A receptor afnities.
53 2DF-2C-B 1100 38 These experiments provided further support for the idea that,
for high human potency and 5-HT2A receptor afnities, structural
Both transfected r5-HT2A or r5-HT2C receptors.[24] b Afnities of Ki = 34 modication of the 2-position seems less well tolerated in
and 36nM at r5-HT2A and r5-HT2C receptors from rat brain
comparison to changes at the 5-position. Nothing is known about
homogenate (frontal cortex), respectively.[18]
human activity of these compounds (53, 54).

Drug Test. Analysis (2012) Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Drug Testing
and Analysis D. Trachsel

Figure 5. Mescaline (22) and several other 3,4,5-trisubstituted derivatives. Inuence of homologization or uoro derivatization on human dose and
duration of action.

Within the 4-alkylated 2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamines two Fluorine in 2,4,6-trisubstituted phenethylamines

novel uorinated derivatives have been prepared and investi-
gated (Figure 3, D). These compounds, 2C-TFE (56) and DOTFE The fact that 2,4,6-trisubstituted phenethylamines are much less
(57) can be considered to be homologs of the potent serotonin investigated might result from the more complex nature of
5-HT2A/C receptor agonists 2C-TFM (34) and DOTFM (35)[28] and organic synthesis. A few derivatives, for example, 59 and 60, how-
analogs of the non-uorinated potent psychedelics 2C-E (58) ever, have been evaluated (Figure 4) and it was suggested that
and DOET (26), respectively,[3] as well as of the mono-uorinated every psychoactive 4-substituted 2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine
DOEF (25).[3] At the [3H]ketanserin-labelled cloned h5-HT2A re- could lead to an active 4-substituted 2,6-dimethoxyphenethyla-
ceptor 2C-TFE (56: Ki = 116nM) showed slightly decreased afnity mine positional isomer.[3] These 2,4,6-substituted compounds
in comparison to 2C-TFM (34: Ki = 74.5nM, rat brain homogenate are the so-called pseudo derivatives (the Greek Psi, is used as
from frontal cortex[28]). In humans, 2C-TFE (56) proved to be a po- a prex), in which the 5-MeO group of a known 2,4,5-derivative
tent (515 mg) and long-lasting (1224 h) psychedelic. The has been shifted to the 6-position.[3] The preservation of human
homolog DOTFE (57) turned out to be without effects in a single activity, paired with an occasional decrease of potency, has
0.56 mg trial. One might expect this to be a potent 5-HT2A been shown with a few examples so far and examples include
receptor agonist with a potential for high human potency but DOM (31) ! -DOM (59) and TMA-2 (45) ! TMA-6 (60).[3]
further studies are needed. An in vitro and in vivo decrease in potency for -DOM (59) Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Drug Test. Analysis (2012)
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Fluorine in psychedelic phenethylamines and Analysis

Figure 6. (A) 3,4,5-trisubstituted a-methylated phenethylamines. (B) Fluorinated 3,4-methylenedioxyphenethylamines.

over DOM (31) has been shown for 5-HT2A receptor afni- to be moderately active in a single experiment with 2x5 mg,
ties[22,72,80] and in DD studies,[75,80,81] respectively. In humans, which had a long duration of action (around 20 h) as well.
-DOM (59: 1225 mg, 68 h) was distinctly less potent than
DOM (59: 310 mg, 1420 h).[3] The two derivatives TMA-2
Fluorine in 3,4,5-trisubstituted phenethylamines
(45: ED50 = 3.59 mg/kg) and TMA-6 (60: ED50 = 3.69 mg/kg) both
substituted nearly with similar potency in rats trained to discrim- The class of 3,4,5-trisubstituted phenethylamines has been inves-
inate between DOM (31: ED50 = 0.44 mg/kg) and saline.[82] Similar tigated rather intensely and its prototype structure is represented
to the 2,4,5-derivatives the -derivatives seem to behave as 5- by mescaline (3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine, 22, Figure 5). It
HT2A receptor agonists[22,80] and may exert their psychoactive was Arthur Heffter who isolated it from the Mexican Peyote cac-
effects by similar neuropharmacological mechanisms. tus rst in 1896.[83] The rst synthesis of mescaline was published
Similar to 2C-O (43: >300 mg[3]), -2C-O (2,4,6-TMPEA, 61: by Ernst Spth in 1919.[84] Up until the present day, the chemical
>300 mg) did not show any human activity (P. Rausch, personal structure of mescaline has served as a lead compound for proba-
communication in 2009) and interestingly, the 3,4,5-trimethoxy bly hundreds of homologs, analogs and related derivatives.[35]
isomer mescaline (22: 180360 mg) does.[3] A couple of uori- Mescaline (22) itself is not a very potent psychedelic in terms of
nated -2C and -3C derivatives have been prepared (com- human dosage (180360 mg) but its effects (1012 h duration)
pounds 6269, Figure 4). can be very intense and accompanied by visual distortions and
The introduction of two uorine atoms into the 4-MeO group of synesthesia.[3] It is believed that like other phenethylamine-type
-2C-O (61) seems to change biological activity distinctly and psychedelics, mescaline acts primarily as a serotonin 5-HT2A
leads to a fairly active and long acting compound (-2C-DFMO, receptor agonist.[85] Its low human potency could be explained,
68. A single experiment with 17 mg was stated to be only moder- at least partially, with its relatively low afnity at this receptor
ately intense although a relatively long duration around 18 h was subtype. At the [125I]DOI labelled 5-HT2A receptor it showed an
observed. Its a-methyl analog -DODFMO (69) has been shown afnity of Ki = 551nM,[85] and in comparison, the potent

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psychedelic DOB (29) had an afnity of Ki = 0.6nM.[36] With a yet fully be determined, as at present too little biological data of
slightly higher afnity, mescaline also acts as a 5-HT2C receptor either the non-uorinated derivatives (85[3] and compounds de-
agonist (Ki = 302nM, [125I]DOI labelled)[85] and it has been shown scribed in Trachsel[86]) or the uoro analogs 84 and 8689 is avail-
that, among other phenethylamines, it may interact with other able. For some uorinated 3,4,5-substituted compounds some
receptor systems as well.[35] volunteers reported skin itching during experiments. Whether this
With the simple transformation of the 4-MeO in mescaline might point towards the involvement of other targets, such as the
(22) to a 4-EtO group, i.e. escaline (70), a ve times more po- histamine receptors, remains to be seen.
tent analogue is obtained (Figure 5).[3] An even more dramatic Some effects upon a-methyl introduction into the 3,4,5-series
increase of human potency has been observed with a 4-O to could also be observed. Among the very limited data so far, a
4-S substitution. 4-Thiomescaline (4-TM, 71) is one order of slight increase of afnities for the a-methyl derivatives over their
magnitude more potent than mescaline.[3] It seems that the counterparts could be suggested at the 5-HT2A receptor (Table 2;
5-HT2A receptor afnities do not increase sufciently by these s. pairs 72/84; 76/86; 77/87; 80/89). This would be in contrast to
structural modications to explain the increased human po- the well investigated 4-substituted 2,5-dimethoxy derivatives
tency; the enhanced lipophilicity and receptor activation where similar afnities were found for the phenethylamines
could also play an important role.[85] and their racemic a-methyl congeners. For the compounds
Among numerous modications of the 4-position,[3,86] 4-uor- described in Table 2 an increase of afnities did not appear to
oalkoxy derivatives have been prepared and investigated be evident as far as 5-HT2C receptor data were concerned. It
(Figure 5).[86] The smallest investigated uoro analogs of mesca- might be worthwhile to carry on with agonist receptor labelling
line (22: 180360 mg, 1012 h), namely diuoromescaline (72: rather than with antagonistic labelling experiments.
50100 mg, 1218 h) and triuoromescaline (73: 1540 mg, 14 Interestingly, the few data available from human compari-
24 h) proved to show psychedelic properties, with 73 being one son[3,5] indicate that a-methylated 4-alkoxysubstituted 3,5-
of the most potent mescaline derivatives so far discovered. At least dimethoxyphenethylamines have only slightly increased potency
for 72 (Ki = 5949nM) the afnity at the antagonistic [3H]ketanserin- and similar duration of action when compared to their a-methyl-
labelled serotonin h5-HT2A receptor was determined, which was free congeners (data not shown although an exception is mesca-
not signicantly different from mescaline (22. Ki = 5500nM[85]). line (22) and TMA (12)[3]). This stands in marked contrast to most
As observed with escaline (70),[85] afnity alone cannot explain of the 2,4,5-trisubstituted derivatives, where introduction of an
increased in vivo activity. The long lasting effects of 72 and 73 a-methyl group increases human potency by a factor of up to ten
could also result from enhanced metabolic stabilities as a in addition to prolonged duration of action.[3,5] The inuence of
consequence of uorination. an a-methyl group on lipophilicity, metabolic stability and 5-HT2A
It has been shown that enlargement of the 3-MeO group in receptor activation should certainly be considered for an expla-
mescaline (22) up to 3-EtO retains human potency (metaescaline, nation of these observations. Another issue must be taken into
74: 200350 mg, 812 h), although the nature of psychological account at this point. It was found that different methoxy substi-
effects were changed signicantly.[3] Larger substituents seem tution patterns at the aromatic moiety also seriously inuence
to abolish human activity[3] and therefore a small uorinated the extent of amine oxidation.[70] For mescaline (22) and TMA
analog was investigated. In comparison to mescaline (22), meta- (12) there were also observed differences in the extent of
diuoromescaline (MDFM, 75: Ki = 2988nM) has shown a slight CYP2D6 interaction.[87]
increased afnity at the [3H]ketanserin-labelled serotonin At least for one a-methylated derivative of the 3,4,5-series,
h5-HT2A receptor. With 75 (85 mg, ~8 h), an anecdotal report namely TMA (12), higher intrinsic activities have been shown
states some rather unpleasant effects. for the h5-HT2A receptor, i.e. activation of phospholipase A2
Three uoro analogs (7678) of escaline (70) have been inves- (PLA2) and phospholipase C (PLC) stimulation, than for its
tigated.[86] At the [3H]ketanserin-labelled serotonin h5-HT2A
receptor both uoroescaline (76: Ki = 7628nM) and diuoroesca-
line (77: Ki > 10000nM) showed low afnities. Interestingly, with Table 2. Afnities of several 4-(uoroalkoxy) 3,5-dimethoxyphen-
monouorination the human potency of 76 (75 mg, ~6 h) ethylamines and their a-methyl analogs at h5-HT2A and r5-HT2C
decreased distinctly, while the diuoro analog 77 (4080 mg, receptors. Ki values in nM.[69,105]
612 h) regained similar potency to the non-uorinated deriva-
Nr. Name h5-HT2A Ki r5-HT2C Ki
tive escaline (70: 4060 mg, 812 h). The triuoroethyl derivative [3H]Ketanserin (nM) [3H]Mesulergide (nM)
78 (3565 mg, 1218 h) proved to be a psychedelic compound
of similar or slightly increased human potency with a prolonged 70 E 2100 a nd b

duration of action. 85 3C-E 2582 1 assay <50%
A uorinated analog of proscaline (79)[3] was also investi- 72 DFM 5949 5820
gated.[86] At the cloned [3H]ketanserin-labelled serotonin h5-HT2A 84 3C-DFM 2335 1594
receptor uoroproscaline (80: Ki = 8792nM) showed only low 76 FE 7628 1210
afnity and in humans, uoroproscaline (80: 60150 mg, 35 h) 86 3C-FE 5987 >10000
was distinctly less potent and of shorter duration than proscaline 77 DFE >10000 5682
(79: 3060 mg, 812 h). Similarly, limited trials suggest that triuor- 87 3C-DFE 2695 >10000
oproscaline (81: 66 mg or more) might be less potent as well. 88 3C-TFE 1825 1659
The preparation of diuoroisoproscaline (82), a uoro analog of 80 FP 8792 >10000
the psychedelic derivative isoproscaline (83),[3] has been achieved.[5] 89 3C-FP 4581 3872
A series of 4-uoroalkoxy analogs of 3,4,5-trimethoxyampheta- a
values taken from ref.[85]
mine (TMA, 12: 100200 mg, 68 h[3]) has also been investigated b
not determinated.
(Figure 6, A).[86] The inuence of uorine introduction could not Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Drug Test. Analysis (2012)
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Fluorine in psychedelic phenethylamines and Analysis

a-methyl-free congener, mescaline (22).[34] This follows the trend in these competitive assays. Correspondingly, it would be inter-
also observed with derivatives of the 2,4,5-series.[25,34,88] esting to investigate monoamine transporter interactions for
At this moment, the reasons for the different behaviors ob- 9698 using functional assays to determine their monoamine
served between the 2,4,5- and 3,4,5-series are currently unknown releasing properties as well. How strong uorine and its position
and more work has to be done in this eld. Recent research also on the aromatic moiety can inuence the binding properties on
suggests that receptor dimerization between the 5-HT2A receptor adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors has been shown
and the mGlu2/3 receptor could play a role in the effects ob- extensively on uoro analogs of DA and NE.[106108]
served in humans, in addition to simple agonist receptor
Discussion and future directions
Fluorine in 3,4-methylenedioxyphenethylamines
Within the 2,4,5-series, some 14 novel uorinated derivatives have
The 3,4-methylenedioxyphenethylamines, particularly 3,4-methy- been described (37, 38, 40, 42, 4754, 56, 57). Perhaps the most
lenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, Ecstasy, 4) gained tremen- recent ndings were obtained with compounds 2DF-2C-B (53)
dous attention in scientic research and became very popular and 5TF-2C-H (54). Fluorination of either the 2-MeO or 5-MeO
in so-called techno parties as a recreational drug. As an entacto- group produced an impact on binding properties, making them
gen MDMA (4) differs from stimulants and psychedelics not only more selective for the serotonin 5-HT2C than 5-HT2A receptor
mechanistically but also in its psychological effects. Very briey, (Table 1). Further derivatives should be investigated with the
MDMA has the ability to cause feelings of closeness, a desire to application of progressive uorination in order to assert the
socialize and an enhanced feeling of empathy as well as an extent of subtype selectivity.
increase in euphoria and energy which appealed to people Up to now only very little biological data can be found for
attending dance parties.[3,54] Its unique pharmacological proper- the derivatives of the 2,4,6-series. Compounds 6269 may
ties also made it attractive for psychotherapy, and currently there further help understanding the structure-activity relationships
are clinical trials which investigate MDMA (4) assisted psycho- of this class. At least two novel derivatives have been assayed.
therapy in patients with posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD) A modication of the human inactive -2C-O (61, >300 mg) to
and anxiety associated with terminal cancer.[90] the 4-diuoromethoxy analog -2C-DFMO (68, 17 mg) could
The underlying neuropharmacological mechanisms of MDMA (4) greatly change the pharmacological properties in humans
have been studied comprehensively[5,91,92] and its neurotoxic po- leading to a fairly potent derivative. The derivative -DODFMO
tential have been debated controversially over the years.[5,9296] In (69) showed some effects at a dose of 2x5 mg. Although too
contrast to the psychedelic phenethylamines, MDMA acts via little data are available so far, this suggests that similarly to
monoamine transporters and not as a 5-HT receptor agonist. Briey, the 3,4,5-series, from the presence of an a-methyl group in
MDMA (4) is known to release serotonin (5-HT) and, to a lesser the 2,4,6-series only a modest difference in human dose may
extent dopamine (DA) as well as norepinephrine (NE).[93,97] All three result.
monoamines may contribute to the psychological effects.[98100] It A total number of 14 uorinated mescaline analogs/homologs
also increases 5-HT levels by inhibiting the serotonin transporter have been described (72, 73, 7578, 8082, 84, 8689; 3,4,5-series).
(SERT).[93,101] It is believed that MDMA-mediated elevations of oxy- The simplest analogs, diuoromescaline (72: 50100 mg,
tocin hormone levels may at least partially contribute to the subjec- 1218 h) as well as triuoromescaline (73: 1540 mg, 1424 h)
tive pro-social effects.[102,103] have proven to be more potent and showed distinctly longer
The rst uorinated 3,4-methylenedioxyphenethylamines de- duration of action in humans when compared to mescaline (22:
scribed in the scientic literature were compounds 9095, all 180360 mg, 1012 h). With compounds 7678 it has been
bearing a 3,4-(diuoromethylenedioxy) moiety (Figure 6, B).[96] It shown that uorination of the 4-ethoxy group of escaline (70)
was hoped that this introduction of uorine could lower the for- can change the (psycho)pharmacological properties profoundly.
mation of potentially neurotoxic metabolites of MDMA[96] by While monouorination causes loss of psychoactivity (compound
either blocking formation of neurotoxic a-methyldopamines via 76), diuorination retains human potency (compound 77) and
increased methylene bridge stability or formation of glutathione the triuoroethoxy derivative 78 proved to be a long-lasting psy-
adducts via changing the electron density of the aromatic chedelic with similar or slightly increased potency.
nucleus. Only few pharmacological characterizations have been In addition to uorination some differences have been ob-
carried out so far. Initial in vitro investigations showed DFMDA served in regards to a-methylation of the 3,4,5-series when
(91: Ki = 1200nM) to have a SERT afnity between that of MDA compared to derivatives of the 2,4,5-series. In other words, intro-
(3: Ki = 700nM) and MDMA (4: Ki = 1600nM) using a functional as- duction of the a-methyl group can dramatically increase human
say.[104] DFMDA (91) did not appear to show any activity in potency as well as duration of action but only a moderate impact
humans up to 250 mg, whereas MDA (3) showed its full activity was observed for derivatives of the 3,4,5-series. There is some
at a dose of 80160 mg.[3] The diuoro analog DFMDMA (92) indication that 5-HT2A receptor afnities might be increased by
was inactive at levels up to 120 mg (MDMA, 4: 80150 mg[3]). introduction of the a-methyl group into some derivatives of the
Derivatives 9698 have been investigated for their interaction 3,4,5-series, at least on an antagonist binding assay (Table 2). This
with monoamine transporters using radioligand competition would clearly contrast with the 2,4,5-series, wherein no apparent
assays.[105] [3H]WIN-35428, [3H]nisoxetine and [3H]citalopram effects on afnities could be observed following introduction of
were employed as radioligands at the DAT, NET und SERT, respec- the a-methyl group.
tively, with Ki values above 10000nM for all compounds and Fluorine introduction was also performed with the 3,4-methyle-
transporters. An exception was 2 F-MDA (97) with a Ki = 8064nM nedioxyphenethylamines and a total of nine derivatives (9098)
at SERT. Similarly, MDMA (4) was reported to show values above were described. Monoamine transporter binding properties
10000nM[69] whereas MDA (3) has not yet been described so far described so far did not elucidate the extent to which these

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and Analysis D. Trachsel

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Psychoactive Drug Screening Program at the University of North a label for the 5-HT2 receptor in rat frontal cortex. Pharmacol.
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