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1 (English Notes)

Very Short Review Questions

Q: - 1 What is functional grammar?
Ans: - Functional grammar is a general theory of the organization of
natural language. Functional grammar has a number of features. It is
concerned with the way in which grammar is organized.
Q: - Define parts of speech and hence noun and pronoun.
Ans: - There are eight parts of speech. (a) Noun (b) pronoun (c) verb (d)
Adverb (e) Adjective
(f) preposition (h) interjection.
1. Noun: - Nouns are naming words. It tells the name of person, place or
thing for example: Rohit, London, chair etc.
2. Pronoun:- Words used at the place of noun are called pronouns. For
example padam is my friend. He is a good boy.
3. Verb:- Verbs are action words. These are of two types (a) transitive verbs
(b) intransitive verbs. It can also be divided into two parts (a) main verbs
(b) link verbs. She is helping me.
4. Adjectives:- Adjective are the words which tell the quality of noun or
pronoun. For example:- you are a nice man.
5. Adverb:- Which adds meaning to the verb is called adverb. For example: 1
she runs fast. 2 she married happily.Here fast,happily are adverb.
6. Conjunction:- A conjunction is a joiner, a word that connects parts of a
sentence. Both Rohan and sita are going for movie.
7. Preposition:- A preposition describes a relationship between other words in
a sentence. For example:- He is coming on Monday.
8. Interjection:- An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey
emotion. For example hurrah! I won the match.
Unit: - 4
Q: - Explain different types of verbs?
Ans: Verbs have two types: -
1. Helping verb: - These verbs have no meaning of their own. They are
necessary for grammatical structure. For example:- I can do it.Here can is
helping verb.
2. Main verb: - Main verbs have meaning of their own. There are thousands of
main verb. We can classify them in several ways.
Verbs can be classified as:- 1 Transitive verb:- A transitive verb has a direct
object. For example: I saw an elephant.
2 Intransitive verb: - An intransitive verb does not have a direct object. For
example: He has arrived.
Another classification: - 1 regular verb 2 irregular verb


ANS:- Other name of helping verb:- helping verbs are called auxiliary
Q:-Write the other name of main verb?
ANS:- Other name of main verb:- main verb are also called lexical verbs.
Q:- 5 What is preposition and how it is used?
Ans: A preposition describes a relationship between other words in a
sentence. preposition are nearly always combined with other words in
structure called preposition phrases.

Unit 6:-
Q: - How interjections are used in sentences?
Ans: - An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey emotions. It
expresses feeling of surprise, pain, happiness etc. we put exclamation
marks. For example:-hurrah, wow, ah etc

Unit 7:-
Q: - 1 Paragraph is collection of sentences explain it?
Ans: It is a group of sentences that introduces, presents and develops one
main idea about the topic. And it can be divided into three major parts.
1. The Topic Sentence
It is normally the first sentence of the paragraph.
It conveys the overall point of the paragraph.
It helps the writer focus on the idea written about.
It helps the reader know about what the paragraph is all about. B.
2. The Supporting Details
They are sentence used to support the main idea stated in the topic
They give more information about the main idea through examples.
They say in details what the topic sentence says in general.
They should be clear evidence that what the topic sentence says is
They should be strong convincing points on which the topic sentence can
rely upon. C.
3 The Concluding Sentence
It is a reflection of the main idea pronounced in the topic sentence.
It sums up what the topic sentence and the supporting details talk
It is the closing sentence that reminds the readers of they have to
It is compulsory for the completion of the paragraph unity.
It eventually indicates the end of a paragraph.
It prepares the reader for a smooth transition to the next paragraph if
there is one.
Q:- 2 what is descriptive paragraph?
Ans: - These paragraphs give description of something so that you can
form a mental image of what is going on. For example:- Describe your
favourite T.V. program.
Q: 3 Describe narrative paragraph?
Ans: - These paragraphs narrate what is going on in a story. All sentences
lead toward an idea. Events in narrative paragraph are arranged in
sequence. For example:- How I spent my Sunday?
Unit 9:-
Q: - 2 The portrait of lady is written in which person and which
Ans: - The portrait of lady is written in first person and is in biological

Unit 10:-
Q: - 1 How did Khushwant Singh established his reputation as a
Ans: - Khushwant Singhs name is bound to go down in Indian literature as
one of the finest historian and novelists. He got Honest man of the year
award. He was one of the best known Indian writers of all times.
Q:- 2 Khushwant Singh Short story is not flamboyant but
modest. Explain.
Ans:- It is true as his stories are well-crafted perhaps his greatest gift as a
writer is a wonderful quality of description. He first established his
reputation as a writer through short story.

Unit 11:-
Q: 1 Name of Debut short story of Jhumpa Lahiri?
Ans:-Name of the short story is Interpreter of Maladies.
Q:-2 When did Lahiri won the Pulitzer prize?
Ans:-lahiri won the Pulitzer prize In 2000.

Unit:- 12:-
Q:-1 When and where did Lahiri born?
Ans: - Lahiri born on July 11, 1967 in London.

Unit: - 13:-
Q:-1 When R.K. Narayan Born?
Ans: -R.K.Narayan was born on 10 Oct. 1906
Q:-2 How many short stories Malgudi Days contains?
Ans:-Malgudi days contains 32 Short stories.
Q:-3 Explain the career o R.K. Narayan.
Ans:- R.K. Narayan was an Indian author whose work of fiction includes
series of books about people and their interactions in an imagined town in
India. He brought credit to Indian literature in whole world.

Unit:- 14:-
Q:- 2 Name of short story of Malgudi days?
Ans:- Swami and his friends

Unit 15:-
Q:-1 Author of Malgudi days.
Ans:-Author of malgudi days is R.K . Narayan.
Q:-2 Who is Swami?
Ans: -Swami is a a small child in Malgudi, Living with his family.
Q:-3 To whom Swami has to deliver his fathers letter?
Ans: - Swami has to deliver his fathers letter to head master.
Q:-4 After nightmare with whom Swami started sleeping?
Ans:- Swami started sleeping with his grandmother.
Q:-5 where did kamla work?
Ans:- kamla worked hard around the home.
Q:-6 What is the name of leelas mother?
Ans:- Name of leelas mother is kamla.
Q:- 7 Who was accused and handed over to police?
Ans: - Sidda was accused and was handed over to police.

Unit 16:-
Q:-1 Theme: - The poem revolves around the theme that man is lost in
worldly pleasures. We have spent our yeasr in getting and spending. Only
materialistic progress has been achieved. Poet excuses that modern age
has lost its connection from nature.
Q: - 2 Describe the word sonnet
Ans: - sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal
rhyme schemes.
Q: - 3 when the world is too much with us was written?
Ans: -Poem was Composed in 1802 and it was first published in two
volumes (1807)
Q: - 4 Words worth is known as a romantic poet explains?
Ans: - Words worth is known as a romantic poet. As he doesnt see nature
as commodity. He believes in living with nature. He wrote about nature,
beauty. One should appreciate natural beautiful events.

Unit 17
Q: - 1 What is another title of poem daffodils?
Ans: - Another title for daffodils is I wandered lonely as a cloud
Q: - 2 When was daffodils published?
Ans: -Daffodils was published in 1804
Q:-3 Theme of Daffodils
Ans: - Theme of daffodils depicts that these daffodils are much more than
mere flowers. They are symbol of natural beauty and their dance depicts
the romance. Acc. To poet, nature has many beautiful gift but due to our
busy life we neglect all this. A bunch of daffodils symbolizes the joys and
happiness of life.
Q: - 4 Write imagery skills of the poem
Ans: - The poet paints images of lakes, fields, trees, stars in ullswater.

Unit: - 18
Q: - 1 who wrote where the mind is without fear?
Ans: - Rabinder Nath Tagore.
Q:-2 Describe aim in where the mind is without fear?
Ans: - Aim of Tagore is to make his country heaven, where her people hold
their head high with pride in knowledge.

Unit 19:- from book

Unit 20:-from book

Unit 23:-
Q: - 1 who wrote monkeys paw.
Ans: - w.w.Jacobs
Unit 6:- write down to interjections
(a) Hurrah! I have won the match.
(b) Bravo! Well done
(c) Ah! I get it.
(d) Alas! She lost her bag
(e) Nasty! What a small.
(f) Hush! Baby is sleeping.
(g) Hey! Look at it
(h) Ouch! It hurts
(i) Eh! Really
(j) Oh! You are there.
Q: - write 10 conjunctions and use them in sentence:-
1. And: - I and my brother are going to Delhi.
2. But:- This sum is easy but not important
3. If: - if it rains, I will not go.
4. Or: - keep quiet or go.
5. Either- or: - Either you or your brother is at fault.
6. So that: - he works hard so that he may pass.
7. Unless:- unless you work hard, you would not pass
8. Not only- but also: - he is not only a thief but also a liar.
9. Because: - he is absent because he is ill.
10. As: - he behaves as he is a hero.

Q:-2 Do you agree with the statement that the third & the final
continent, is a moving tale of an Indian immigrant. Discuss.
Ans:- In her novel, the third & the final continent, jhumpa lahiri writes
about the conflict of identity that immigrant face in America. characters
are Indian Americans who have trouble adjusting the difference in culture
and environment.
The story weaves among three continent i.e Asia, Europe & America. The
protagonist is an Indian, educated in Kolkata but moves to England for
better prospects. He shares accommodation with other Indians to save
money. He plans to go to U.S. but before that he comes to India he gets
married. It does not occur to him that he should have a say in the matter
but goes with the tradition of agreeing to arrange marriages. After his
marriage, he moves to America.
Lahiri examines her character struggles, anxieties and biases to chronicle
the nuances and details of immigrant psychology and behavior. The story
is about the struggle the immigrant goes through trying to come in terms
with the change in culture of the nature country and the adopted one. The
second generation has an even bigger problem trying to find an identity,
pulled in their directions.
The distance in the geographical terms and metaphorical ones between
India and U.S. and the initial emotional distance between the narrator and
his wife have been highlighted in this story.

UNIT 23:-
The Monkeys Paw
The Monkeys paw is W.w.Jacobs most famous story and is a classic of
horror fiction. The mystery of the story is divided into three parts .One
rainy evening Mr. and Mrs. White and their son. Herbert were waiting for a
visitor, and he arrived. He was Major Morris. He sat down in the seat
nearest the fire. He talked about some of his experience. He told about a
magical Mummified Monkeys Paw. This Magical Paw had magical Powers.
It gave three wishes to its owner. It was given to the Mr. Whites family.
They wished for some money, and next day an employee of their sons
company arrived at the familys home and told the parents that their son
had died in an accident and they would receive some money. That was the
exact amount they wished for. About a week later, mother wished that
their dead son would return alive. This was another dangerous wish she
had. There was knock at the door. Father realized what had happened.
Before the Mother could open the door, the father used his last wish. The
knocking stopped. When the door was opened, no one was there.
ANS:-chess symbolizes life in the monkeys paw. Those who play a daring,
risky game of chess, for example, who take unnecessary risk in life will die.
when the story opens, Mr. white and Herbert play chess by fire, and the
games outcomes mirror the outcome of white explains the radical
changes concerning chess. He takes terrible unnecessary risks with his
king, risks that make his wife nervous as she watches the game unfold. as
he plays, he notices that he has made a mistake that will prove deadly.
The risks and mistakes Mr. White makes playing chess parallel the risks
and mistakes he makes wishing on the monkeys paw. These mistakes
ultimately lead to Herberts death, the most radical change of all.

Where is the mind is without fear

In this poem poet describes a moving picture of nation he wants his
country to be. It describes Tagores vision. In his views, he wants India to
be a country where people can express their views freely without fear.
Where knowledge is not restricted to few people. People are open-minded
and eager to accept and listen others viewpoint. They are true to each
other and honest in their dealings people work hard and try to achieve
Everyone is free to work for anything they desire. Everyone is
encouraged to attain full satisfaction. People should be led by reasoning.
They are open to change and guided by scientific thought and action.
When such vision is accomplished such a country would be free and a
heaven to live in.
Portrait of a lady [Story]-10marks
This story is written by Khushwant Singh. In a Portrait of a lady, Poet
describes about his grandmother. She was an old and widow lady. She was
kind at heart and kind to animals. She used to go to temple daily. Her
posture was bent because of her age. Her face was criss cross of age line.
She was very kind to the dogs and feed them chapattis. In the village she
helped her grandson to get ready for school. She used to help her
grandson to get ready for school. He was also helped in his lessons.
Khushwant Singhs relationship with his grandmother went
through several changes. First stage, when he was a small boy and lived in
village with his grandmother as his
Parents were trying to settle in city. Grandmother took care of all his need.
She woke him up in the morning, got him ready for the school.
She used to escort him to school. The turning point in their relationship
came when they shifted to the city. Author got admission in an English
school grandmother could not help him as she couldnt understand it. She
was disturbed by the thought that no moral education was given in the
Another turning point came when writer went abroad for further
studies. The common link of their friendship broken. She was a strong lady.
She controlled her emotions. She used to tell rosary beads and spent her
time in spinning wheel. His relationship with sparrows was depicted in fine
When she came to know that author was coming back to home. She
gathered all neighboring ladies and whole day sang songs. In the evening
she went to her bed. She told that her end was near. In the morning she
was found dead. All sparrows were mourning in corridor.
A daffodil is written by William words worth in 1804 memory of daffodil is
engraved in his mind. His soul is cherished forever. One day poet was
wandering as a cloud over valleys. He saw these flowers dancing in the
These flowers were many in numbers. There was endless line of
flowers. It was looking like twinkling stars in Milky Way galaxy. He was glad
to see them dancing. But the beauty of the flowers is enjoyable. He could
not take his eyes away from the flowers.
Whenever, Poet feels sad he remind the day and feels good after
thinking about it. According to Poet it is priceless treasure and source of
Parts of speech- min-10marks
1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Verb
4. Adverb
5. Adjective
6. Prepositions
7. Interjections
8. Conjunctions
1. Common Noun- A common noun is a noun that is refer to a common
person, place or thing.
Eg- boy, girl, city, chair etc
2.Proper Noun- It is a noun that is used to name of a specific person, place
or thing is called proper noun.
Eg- Rohan, Ludhiana, Mall Road.
3. Material Noun- It is used for making anything is called material
Eg- iron, wood, gold.
4. Collective Noun- Collective Noun is a noun that is used for group of
things people or animals crowd. Eg- team, class, army.
5. Abstract Noun- Noun used to express feeling and quality. Eg- love,
anger etc.
A Countable Noun- Which can be counted it has both singular and
plural form.
Ex- I have four chairs.
She found five million dollars.
Non-Countable Noun- which do not have plural form. It is that which usually
we cant count.
Oxygen is essential for life.
Air is necessary.
Qus:- Pronouns- words those are used at the
place of noun. Eg- I,we,she,he,they etc it
Rohan is my friend
He is very
nice He is
1.Personal Pronoun- These are of 3 types.
First person- I,we,our,we,us etc
Second person- you, your etc
Third person- he,
she,it,his,him,her,they,their etc
Demonstrative- It points to noun or
pronoun. Ex- This is my book.
That is your house.

Interrogative-It is used to ask

question. Ex- What,
who,where,which etc
What is your name ?

Relative Pronoun-It is used to link one Phrase or clause to another

phrase or clause Ex- the student who won first prize was my

Reflexive Pronouns- These pronoun refers back

to subject. Ex- myself, herself, himself,
yourself etc
I will do it myself.
Indefinite Pronouns- It conveys the idea of
indefinite numbers. Ex- all, any, some etc
How many students are
absent. Tenses
1. Present tense
2. Past tense
3. Future tense
Present Tense:-
(i) Present Indefinite
(ii) Continuous
(iii) Perfect
A). Present Indefinite Tense-
Positive S + v1 + s or es + O
- I go to school
- He goes to school
- They go to school
- Negative S + do/does + not + v1 + O
- I do not go to school
- He doesnt go to school
- Interrogative Do/does + S + V1 + O ?
- Do I go to school?
B). Past Indefinite Tense -
Positive S + V2 + O
- I ate food
Negative S + did not + V1 + O
- I did not eat food
Interrogative Did + S + V1 + O?
- Did I eat food
Interrogative + Negative Did + S + Not +
V1 + O?
- Did I not eat food?
C). Future Indefinite Tense -
Positive S + Will/Shall + V1 +
O Negative S + Will/Shall +not
+ V1 + O Interrogative
Will/Shall + S + V1 + O?
Interrogative + Negative Will/Shall + S +
Not + V1 + O? I, Plurals Shall
You, They Will and singulars
D). Present Continuous Tense
Positive: -
Interrogative: - is/am/are+S+
v1=ing+O? Negative: -
Interrogative+ Negative:-
E). Past Continuous Tense
Positive: - S+was/were=V1=ing+O
Negative: - S+was/were+not+V1+ing+O?
Interrogative+ Negative:-
F). Future Continuous Tense
Will/shall be+V1+ing
Positive: - S+will be/shall
be+V1+ing+O Negative:-S+will
be/shall be+not+V1+ing+O?
Interrogative: - will be/shall
Interrogative + Negative :- will be/shall
G). Present Perfect Tense
Positive: - S+has/have+V3+O
Interrogative + Negative
H). Past Perfect
Positive :- S+had+V3+O
Negative :-S+had+not+V3+O?
Interrogative :-had+S+V3+O?
Interrogative + Negative :-had+S+not+V3+O?
I). Future Perfect Tense
Will have/shall have+V3+O
Positive :- S+will have/shall
have+V3+O Negative :-S+will
have/shall have+not+V3+O?
Interrogative :-will have/shall
Interrogative + Negative :-will have/shall
J). Present Perfect Continuous
Positive: -
Interrogative + Negative:-
K). Past Perfect Tense
Apply had
L). Future Perfect Tense
Will have/shall have

Qus. What is the theme of Malgudi Days.

Ans. Malgudi days is a collection of short
stories that comprises of three stories. The
most famous story of this book is swami and
his friends. It is related to all mischief done by
he and his friend rajan and mani. These three
were inseparable. This was created at the
time when was for independence was going
on. It showed all the things beautifully that
how wave of freedom struggle affected each
and everyone. Then comes the story of
chandran named The Bachelor of Art. He is
confused about his goal in life.
This story reveals human emotions
beautifully. The whole story is about chandran
finding out whether he is in love with the lady
whom he professes to love or not. The third
story is really more fascinating. It is about
Jagan and his son Mali. It shows the struggle
between the generations. The generation gap
is always there between Parents and Children.
All these stories are really enchanting and
leave good Impact on mind of reader.
PHRASE:- It may refer to any group of words
which form a constituent and works as a
single unit in the syntax of a sentence.
For example:- on the way, in the evening, at
CLAUSE:- A clause is a part of sentence. It
has two types.
1. Dependent clause
2. Independent clause.
Dependent Clause:- It is a part of sentence. It
contains a subject and verb but does not
express a complete thought.
For example: - I imagine (that) they are
having a good time.
Independent Clause: - Independent clause is a
complete sentence. It contains a subject and
verb and also expresses a complete thought
in context as well as meaning.
For example: - She is going to Market.
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Interrogative + Negative Did + S + Not +
V1 + O?
- Did I not eat food?
C). Future Indefinite Tense -
Positive S + Will/Shall + V1 +
O Negative S + Will/Shall +not
+ V1 + O Interrogative
Will/Shall + S + V1 + O?
Interrogative + Negative Will/Shall + S +
Not + V1 + O? I, Plurals Shall
You, They Will and singulars
D). Present Continuous Tense
Positive: -
Interrogative: - is/am/are+S+
v1=ing+O? Negative: -
Interrogative+ Negative:-
E). Past Continuous Tense
Positive: - S+was/were=V1=ing+O
Negative: - S+was/were+not+V1+ing+O?
Interrogative+ Negative:-
F). Future Continuous Tense
Will/shall be+V1+ing
Positive: - S+will be/shall
be+V1+ing+O Negative:-S+will
be/shall be+not+V1+ing+O?
Interrogative: - will be/shall
Interrogative + Negative :- will be/shall
G). Present Perfect Tense
Positive: - S+has/have+V3+O
Interrogative + Negative
H). Past Perfect
Positive :- S+had+V3+O
Negative :-S+had+not+V3+O?
Interrogative :-had+S+V3+O?
Interrogative + Negative :-had+S+not+V3+O?
I). Future Perfect Tense
Will have/shall have+V3+O
Positive :- S+will have/shall
have+V3+O Negative :-S+will
have/shall have+not+V3+O?
Interrogative :-will have/shall
Interrogative + Negative :-will have/shall
J). Present Perfect Continuous
Positive: -
Interrogative + Negative:-has/have+S+not+been+V1+ing+O+since/for?
K). Past Perfect Tense
Apply had
L). Future Perfect Tense
Will have/shall have

Qus. What is the theme of Malgudi Days.

Ans. Malgudi days is a collection of short stories that comprises of three
stories. The most famous story of this book is swami and his friends. It is
related to all mischief done by he and his friend rajan and mani. These
three were inseparable. This was created at the time when was for
independence was going on. It showed all the things beautifully that how
wave of freedom struggle affected each and everyone. Then comes the
story of chandran named The Bachelor of Art. He is confused about his
goal in life.
This story reveals human emotions beautifully. The whole story is about
chandran finding out whether he is in love with the lady whom he
professes to love or not. The third story is really more fascinating. It is
about Jagan and his son Mali. It shows the struggle between the
generations. The generation gap is always there between Parents and
Children. All these stories are really enchanting and leave good Impact on
mind of reader.
PHRASE:- It may refer to any group of words which form a constituent and
works as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence.
For example:- on the way, in the evening, at home.
CLAUSE:- A clause is a part of sentence. It has two types.
3. Dependent clause
4. Independent clause.
Dependent Clause:- It is a part of sentence. It contains a subject and verb
but does not express a complete thought.
For example: - I imagine (that) they are having a good time.
Independent Clause: - Independent clause is a complete sentence. It
contains a subject and verb and also expresses a complete thought in
context as well as meaning.
For example: - She is going to Market.
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