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Story 1

Since sex education lessons at school, Pascale (15) wants to practice safe sex only:
safe sex, or no sex. She has discussed the issue with her mother and her friends.
Despite the fact that she is using oral contraceptives, she thinks that sexual risks
outweigh the disadvantages of condom use. Moreover, she assumes that most of her
friends use condoms too.

Story 2
When Tom recently participated in a large survey about Societal Issues Tom
expressed deep concerns about the growing traffic and related environmental
problems (CO2 exhaust, etc.). Since Tom started his job, some 15 years ago, he has
always used his car to travel the 5-mile distance from home to work.

Story 3
When Sarah comes home from a busy day of work, she always changes her office
clothes for jeans, pours herself a glass of wine, and starts preparing dinner for
herself and her husband Jonah. When Jonah arrives, he kisses Sarah, pours himself
an inch of whiskey with lots of ice, and sighs: pff, good to be home and to relax.
Sarah agrees with a smile.

Story 4
Henry shares an apartment in Maastricht with 2 other students. They play squash
together two times a week and usually go out for a 5-mile run on Sunday afternoons.
Henry will finish his master soon and plans to move in with his girlfriend in

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