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The military is the most formidable and autonomous political actor in

Pakistan, capable of influencing the nature and direction of political change.
It acquired such centrality to the political process over time which
represented a shift from the disposition it maintained at the time of
Pakistan's independence. Though the military was integral to the British
imperial rule in south Asia and served as its ultimate shield, the military
functioned within the parameters set out by the civilian authority and stayed
out of active politics. These traditions were accepted as the cardinal
principles of military organization in Pakistan. However, with the passage
of time, the military expanded 1ts role and established its primacy to the
political process which manifested in different forms1.e., active role in
policy making from the background, direct rule under the cover of martial
law , establishment of civilianized regimes which relied on the generals for
their survival, and penetration into the civilian institution and processes.


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