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Thursday, January 19, 2017

CIED 1003: Google News

News Section
- Title: Cell Biology-Take the mRNA Train

- Date Published: January 17, 2017

- Publication: Science Daily

- Summary:

When proteins need to be made, you can think of the mRNA as the recipe be-
cause it contains the instructions to make the proteins. Previously researchers knew
that the mRNA was transported from the nucleus into the cytoplasm, but they werent
really for sure how this happened. Dierk Niessing wanted to solve this question, and
used yeast cells to test possible theories. During this experiment they found out that
motor proteins carry the mRNA from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. These researchers
used X-Ray Crystallographic analysis to detect these motor proteins as well.

Books Section
- Title: Biology-Functional Groups (Page 48)

- Date Published: 2007 (No month/day given)

- Publisher: Peter Adams

- Authors: Solomon, Berg, Martin

- Summary:

Hydrophobic interactions keep hydrocarbons insoluble in water, while hydrophilic

interactions are solvable in water. This is due to way in which a hydrocarbon are
grouped together. Functional groups are grouped up atoms that indicate the type of re-
actions that will occur in a compound. There are many different functional groups, all of
which contain different types of reactions. Some examples of these groups include:
aldehyde, ketone, carboxyl, amino, hydroxyl, and methyl.

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