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Petition for The Florida Student Political Activism Scholarship

Juan C. Porras
(305) 987-3552

As young political activists and college students, we urge you to sign this petition in supporting
the creation of the Florida Student Political Activism Scholarship, funding the unpaid volunteers
and encouraging our future generations to get involved in their local politics and make a
difference in their communities.

Millennials are increasingly getting involved in politics, but for many the costs may outweigh the
benefits. As stated by Anya Kamenetz in her articles on student debt, students today pay
too much for their education, and don't have access to the right kind of
education rewarded in labor markets. Rising costs of tuition in addition to heavy
workloads make it difficult for college students participate in elections, much less volunteer for a
campaign. The ones who dedicate their time often work for free, while they could be searching
for paying jobs elsewhere. A study done by the International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary
Sector Marketing shows that the key for recruiting and retaining volunteers is understanding the
targeted group, in this case being college students. Volunteers are a vital part of any campaign,
and it is about time they are better compensated for the extensive grassroots work they provide.

With the creation of The Florida Student Political Activism Scholarship (FSPAS), college
students will have the ability to earn $1,000 - $3,000 in scholarship funds by assisting local
campaigns for their elected officials. FPSAS will be a yearly scholarship, meaning applicants
may apply for the scholarship every year and only three students will be chosen. The student
winning first place will receive the $3,000 scholarship while the runner up will get $2000
scholarship and 3rd place receiving $1000 scholarship. With these additional funds, students
across the state will be encouraged to influence the politics of their neighborhoods and we will
introduce a new era of young leaders for the future of our country

Every signature is one step closer to achieving this goal!

Name Phone Number Email Signature

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