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Such a destructive thing and yet needed to protect those you care about and
the nation that you love but yet do any of the combatents that are in this
ever think of the long term damage? Probably not. At least not on this day did
the thought ever run through her mind that it would be the day that changes
anything and everything in her life that if she had known, she would have
done things differently. Maybe this war could have been avoided all together
but here they are, a battle field, just waiting for the moon to rise before they
make their strike.

As the tent flapped a bit in the calm breeze, the air seemed to have a
warmness to it, making it a little stickiness and uncomfortable but it was the
view of all the campires that caught her attention. Almost seeming like
thousands of fire flies the flames danced in each of the fire pits from both
sides. Gripping the railing of the small balcany type, claw like nails dugg into
the wood making marks as her nose crinkled from the god aweful stench that
carried in the wind from the other side. It was unbearable and she had not
missed that smell ever sense she left the underworld but it reminded her of
why she was here, standing there in her black armor with a crest on it from a
unknown kingdom just above her left breast. The armor fit her toned body
perfectly but yet was just as hard as a dragon scale. The weight didnt bother
her because at the same time, it was as light as a feather.

It was then that she heard the door to the tent open and the foot steps from
the boots that hugged the man she had so much fascination for walked
toward her almost silently. Training for years to hone that movement must
have been hard but he was much older than her even if his looks only made
him seem like he was thirty years old. Turning, golden optics met the icy
pools of the handsome man that approached her. He smiled. That god
aweful, but yet so wonderful smile that she had came to love so much. The
smile she would do anything to see as he made it to the railing and looked
out to the camp sites before clearing his throat. "Its almost time." His smooth
voice trailed out a little slowly as his dark black hair moved in the wind as he
looked down.

A gentle hand moved through his hair as she spoke. "I still dont like the fact
you are here. I dont like the fact you are putting the kingdom in gepordy for
me. You all should leave." She said as her golden eyes looked up at him. This
handsome, gentle yet fierce man looked at her with eyes that just seemed to
shine. His throat bobbed a little as he then brought his own hand up and
caressed her cheek. She pressed her cheek into his gloved hand before
placing her own hand on top of his. "Lucian, I dont want you to get hurt." Her
eyes closed as she spoke. "I would die if anything happened to you." A smile
formed on his perfect lips as he gave a small chuckle. "You know thats not
how it works Azrya." Her name leaving his lips was like cat nip to a cat for
her. Just hearing him speak it was enought to drive her wild. "The kingdom
supports you, the king supports you, hell he even adopted you and then gave
me the most precious gift of being assigned to protect you." His hand moved
from her cheek to grasp her own, tracing the engagement ring on her finger.
"And then you gave me a even better gift of your love." He said softly, his
deep voice smooth as he leaned in towards her.

His lips barely grazing hers as he spoke. "So if I have to fight off a thousand
demonds to marry you, I will. I will fight for you, die for you, live, for you
Azrya." He was driving her crazy and soon she just couldnt take it anymore
before arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in as their lips met in a
deep embrace and his arms wrapped around her waist tight and possesive
leaving no room in between them. As their kissing came to a stop, she was
heaving trying to catch her breath because it seemed every time they kissed,
he always managed to take her breath away. "Lucian... I want to make the
bond. Now. " She said before looking up at him, her sight piercing. "Lets make
the bond." His smile faded before he losened his grip. "We will soon enough.
On our wedding day. Not here." Her own smile faded as she kept her arms
around him. "But why?" She asked in disbelief.

A small sigh escaped his lips. "Because that is something sacread and special
and should only be done on that day." She growled, and snorted her retort.
"Dont give me that." Her voice going a little dark for a second. "I want to be
yours now. I want to step out onto that battle field knowing I have the bond
with you and that if anything..." She paused as she bit her lip before speaking
again, almost choking on it. "I want to have it so if anything happens to you, I
go with you. I will know." She said as her eyes swelled with tears and she
blinked them away.

His hand gently caressed her cheek again as his forehead met hers. "Are you
sure? It might leave you weak." He said as he closed his eyes and she did as
well. "Yes. Make the bond Lucian." Softly she spoke as her hand made its way
up and untied the armor that was on her shoulders and covered part of her
neck. Untieing it from her corset, she untied the right side as the sleeved
armor fell off and exposed her neck. "Do it." She said softly. "Please." Her
voice trembled and he gave a nod before leaning in.

Gently, so gently, his lips trailed her neck just above the silver shackle that
was around it never to be removed thanks to Hades and his craftmen. Many
have tried to break it but sense the metal was forged in the underworld, its
been difficult to find something that could break it. As he kissed, her skin
tingled but yet she seemed to tremble under his touch. Her hands wrapped
around him as he wrapped his around her waist and pulled her in. His canines
grazed the delicate skin as he spoke. "Azrya La'Luna Nagasaki, I make this
bond, and take you as my ultimate mate and bind myself to you." His words
where soft against her skin before he sunk his teeth into her and a gasp
escaped her lips as he bit her. Quickly her hands moved up and undid his
armor letting it slide off of him exposing his neck. "And I make this bond with
you Lucian Tyberius Black. I bind myself to you." She trailed her lips across his
neck before biting into it with her own canines.

It tasted so sweet as it ran down her throat and some fell from her mouth. His
blood was warm and thick as she pulled away from him slowly. The wound
started to heal but the bitemarks remained as a seal appeared on it. Her seal
that she had crafted for them for this very moment. As he pulled away, hers
did the same and she wiped off his mouth and hers as well before kissing
him. It was then that more foot steps could be heard and the door opened
inturrupting their moment. Growling, she turned and looked at the three men
that bowed before them. "What is it?" She asked in a low growl.

A young male who seemed to be in his twenties stepped forward. In the moon
light his blond hair seemed dull and thats when she noticed and looked
around. "When did the moon come up. Why didnt you get here sooner." The
panic in her voice showed as she let go of Lucian and looked over the railing.
The other side already moving in. "What are you doing? Mobilize the troops!"
She turned and yelled at the men. "Go!" They scrambled to their feet and
then ran off. Her gaze turned to lucian as he pulled back on his armor. "Looks
like its party time." He said as he tied it back into place and then smiled at
her. Her gaze searched his face, memorizing it, taking in every chizled
feature as he walked up to her. "Dont forget the plan..." She said softly. "Get
yourself out if you are over powered. Promise." She said and he frowned.
"Azrya..." He started but she cut him off. "Promise!" She said in almost a
panic. "Dont let him have you. Fight. Sense I cant be near you. Promise."
Giving a nod he shook his head. "Yes. I promise." He kissed her deeply before
walking off.
Tieing back on her own armor, she walked over to the rack that held her
weapons and reached for the elegant sword that sat there. Its blade was part
black and part silver. It curved upward at the tip a little and had a extra small
handle above the handle that she would use as a lever. She strapped it to her
back and then sheathed all of her daggers to her thighs and waist before
placing her bow and quiver on her back. All of it was made of high grade
materials and heavy but she was used to the weight. After she braised her
hair, she pushed it off her shoulder and it hung down her back. She opened
the doors of the tent and then walked out.

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