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The Bah's

The Bah's is a movement established by al-

Shaikheya, one of the Shia groups, in 1844 by the
support of the Russian colonization, universal
Judaism and English colonization. This movement
aims at spoiling Islam, destroying the Muslims unity
and keeping them away from their essential issues.

Establishment and Main Characters:

1. Al-mirza Ali Mohamed al-sherazi, who learned the

Shia and Sufi when he was a child, is the one who
established al-Bahaeya. In 1844, encouraged by one
of the Russian spies, al-sherazi declared that al-
Bahaeya is the way to God.

Not only did he claim later on that he is a

messenger from God like Moses, Jesus and
Muhammed peace be upon them all, but also he said
that he is the best messenger ever.

In 1850, he claimed that God dwelled in him;

consequently he was sentenced to death.

2. Qur-rat Al-a'yn is an eloquent and fluent woman. She

studied the Shia with al-sherazi. She was a lewd and
wanton woman, so her husband divorced her and her
children denied her. She has held a conference with
the leaders of the Bahs in Desht, Iran and stated
that Islam is plagiarized. So she was sentenced to
death in 1852.
The Bah's founder:
Before his death, al-sherazi bequeathed his position to al-
mirza Yahia Ali (known as Sobh Azal), but his brother al-
mirza Hussein Ali (al-Baha) contended with him at pulling
this position till Sobh Azal was banished to Cyprus island
where he died in 1912. And al-mirza Hussein Ali was
banished to Aka in Palestine where he was killed by one
of his brothers followers in 1892 and buried.

Mirza Hussein Ali Baha

Beliefs, thoughts and rituals of the Bah's' faith

1. Believing in Gods dwelling within some creatures

and that he dwelled in Mirza Hussein Ali Baha.

2. Believing in transmigration of creatures and that only
souls receive punishment and reward from God.
3. Believing that all religions are still true and that the
Torah and the Bible are not distorted. They also find
it is important to unite all religions in one religion
which is the Bah's.
4. They believe that The Most Holy book which was
written by Baha represents all the Holy books
including Qur'an.
5. They believe that the Indian, Chinese and Persian
philosophers such as Zoroaster, Confucius and
Brahma are prophets.
6. They believe in the Crucification of Jesus.
7. They deny the miracles of prophets, Angels, Jinn,
Paradise and Hell.
8. They prohibit hijab veil for women and allow
lewdness. Women and money are available for
everyone. It is quite clear that it is a religion seeking
pornography and destruction of all values and
9. They believe that the Bah's represents sharia of
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
10. They believe that Day of Judgment will come by the
appearance of Baha. Their destination when the
pray is directed to Baja in A'ka, in the occupied
Palestine "Israel" (where the grave of Baha is
11. They have three prayers; each of which consists of
three prostrations, in the morning, afternoon, and
evening. The ablution is by rose water, but if it is not
available, it is enough to say in the name of Allah
the purest five times.
12. They disallow praying in groups except praying on
the dead which proves their aim at destroying the
Muslims unity.
13. They sanctify number nineteen, thus they
divide the year into nineteen months, each consisting
of nineteen days.
14. They fast for one month called al-Ola which starts
from March 2nd till March 21st; it is the last month in
their year. In this month, they stop eating from the
sunrise till the sunset. It is followed by the feast of
15. They prohibit al-jihad and carrying weapons to fight
the disbelieving enemies. This is of course to serve
colonization as will be clarified later on.
16. They deny that Prophet Muhammad is the seal of
prophets claiming that there are still more prophets
to come.
17. They prevent pilgrimage in Mecca and they go for
pilgrimage in the place of Bahas grave in the
occupied Palestine "Israel".

18. They do not believe in ritual ablution from impurity,

because they think that who converts to the Bah's
is purified.
19. Al-zakat (charity) is replaced by 19% taxes paid just
one time.

This is the Bah's and some of its beliefs. It is a mixture

of disharmonious beliefs and idol thoughts faked by al-
Baha in a strange mold which he has called revelation
and a Holy book. For Allahs sake, how could a wise man
believe in such a religion?

The relation among the Bah's, Colonization,

Christians and Jews:
1. One of the Russian spies is the one who encouraged
al-Sherazi to claim that he is the gate to God.
2. Baha planed in killing king Naser El-din ex-shah of
Iran, but the plan failed and the crime was
discovered. Consequently, al-Baha escaped to the
Russian embassy which protected him and did not
extradite him to Iran till Iran promised not to execute
3. When Baha was exiled to Aka in 1868, the Jews
welcomed him and took care of him, hereafter Aka
became a holy place for the Bah's.
4. Some Christians also supported the Bah's, for in
one of the Arab countries where the Bah's exists,
the leader and the lawyer of the movement are both
5. The Israeli ambassador in one of the Arab countries
visited the Bah's and met their leaders to ask them
to share in political activity by establishing an
assembly or a political party and to share in the
parliament elections to affect the decision makers.
He also promised them to facilitate their visit to Israel
to go for pilgrimage.

6. There is a number of representatives for this
movement in the United Nations offices and
authorities. They are about seven!!

So no wonder that they prohibit fighting enemies and

impose on Muslims submitting to colonization and
occupation and that al-Baha, in his books, called for the
Zionist gathering in Palestine (Israel).

The spread of the Bah's

and centers of its authority:

The majority of the Bah's are from Iran. Some of them

are from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Egypt. They
have assemblies in Ethiopia, Uganda, Zambia, South
Africa, and Pakistan. They also exist in some western
countries such as London, Vienna, Frankfurt, Sidney, and
their biggest temple is in Chicago.

The Ringstone symbol represents humanity's connection to God

The star of the Bah's

Fatwas by Muslims scholars' concerning the Bah's

It is clear that the Bah's is one of the mislead groups that

deviated from Islam.

Lots of fatwas were stated by Muslim scholars to declare

that the Bahs are disbelievers who deviated from Islam:

1. In 1910, Sheikh al-Azhar Selim al-Beshri stated that

the Bah's are disbelievers.
2. On 30th June, 1946, a legal judgment from an
Egyptian court stated that a woman whose husband
converted to the Bah's should be divorced because
her husband defected from Islam.
3. In 1947, the Fatwa Committee in al-Azhar declared
that the Bah's are apostates.

4. In 1939, Dar al-Iftaa al-Masria (The Egyptian House
of Advisory) proclaimed a fatwa that the Bahs are
5. In 1968, Dar al-Iftaa al-Masria stated that those who
converted to the Bah's are Islam deserters. Thus
he should be asked to convert to Islam again and if
he refused he should be killed.
6. In 2003, Islamic Researches Academy in al-Azhar
stated the following fatwa The government should
fight and put an end to the Bah's and all other
distorted thoughts.
7. Sheikh Ibrahim al-Fayoumi, the superintendent of
Islamic Researches Academy, declared that the
Bah's are apostates and that the Bah's is one of
the most dangerous movements against Islam. It was
established by the support of the Zionist colonization
and still supported by enemies of Islam. the Bah's
has a project that is called The Political Anti-Islamic
Project, it aims at destroying Islam and subverting
the political and religion stability in Islamic society.
They have also abolished lots of Qur'anic verses
thinking that these verses are distorted by Muslims.
They eliminated pilgrimage and called for destroying
al-Kaba and distributing its ruins over the countries.
8. Sheikh Gad El-haq, the former Sheikh of al-Azhar,
gave a fatwa, concerning the apostasy of the
Bah's, that was acknowledged by the current
Islamic Researches Academy. This fatwa goes as
follows the Bah's is a mixture of different
philosophies and religions. It has nothing to add to
Islamic societies, or reform and unite them. On the
contrary, it serves Zionism and colonization. It is a
combination of perverted thoughts to launch a war
against Islam in the name of religion.

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