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Behold Natures Rich Spectrum

Consider the multi-hued colors of sand. Beaches around the globe range from
volcanic black to lily white, and every imaginable shade in between.

Like everything else in nature, qualities of the planet's covering come in many
varied tones and textures. Creatures native to local ecosystems take on shape and
coloring to blend in with their surroundings.

Variety is the key to progressive evolution. Without a deep field of diverse genetic
traits, talent cannot surface to take on pressing challenges of environmental

Skin color merely identifies which wavelengths of the optical rainbow are absorbed
by epidermal cells, with the rest reflected back into space. We are all
chameleon-like in our adaptations to natural conditions.
Rather than insist on a single monochrome appearance of features, open up to
multiple possibilities in spontaneous combination. Be as the sands on distant
shores, deep with transitioning hues of reflected illumination, mirroring subtle
backlight of the infinite heavens.

This country put out the call for immigrants in its early years, courting their many
talents and strong work ethic. Skin tone or accent of speech were not a barrier to
absorbing multitudes seeking freedom, fleeing Old World attitudes of aristocracy
and serfdom.

Vast tracts of back-country were made available for settlement once native
inhabitants were subdued and removed. Then laborers were imported from
overseas to work the stolen lands. That antiquated colonial plantation system with
slaves and overseers didn't operate as well on a remote frontier.

Free ranging workers needed to migrate where opportunity beckoned. Details of

their home culture mattered little to enterprising owners of capital infrastructure,
ready to exploit their hard work and sell their produce into teeming coastal cities.

Color of manpower was less a factor than cost to profits and access to supply.
Robber-baron railroad tycoons lured Asian laborers to California so that
continental transportation links could be rapidly built, only to turn around and
lobby for deportation of non-Europeans when the job was finished and labor

Much mouth noise made about religious freedom has long neglected honoring
faiths of people which originate in distant lands. Discrimination by creed serves as
a litmus test of imagined loyalty to the dominant language group.

But if anyone is sincere about their spiritual convictions, they cannot ignore
implications of human equality under a common divinity. We are all brothers and
sisters related through our shared ancient history of survival on this planet.

No single group was ever the one chosen people, favored over the rest by a supreme
being or sacred text. Honest humility, not cynical arrogance, enlightens the
questing mind and searching heart.

Stroll along a beach sometime, viewing an endless variety of granular light beams,
bathing the tops of waves and ripples of sand. Its rich feel of brightness mixed with
texture comes directly from inherent diversity. If every atom was identical, the
visible range of natural creation would seem a boring mediocrity.

Celebrate the world's vast wealth of variation in appearance and spontaneous

music of speech. Joyous fulfillment from recognizing the strength of this peaceful
appreciation, is free to all.

please visit on fb: Democratic Humanists of the World

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