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Alexz Nickrand

Journal 4
9 February 2017

How important are race, class, and gender to cultural meaning?

I would say race, class, and gender are very important to cultural meaning. When we define

these things, we often think about what we heard often from the news, newspaper, media, etc.

The question we need to ask ourselves is what we think about race, class, gender in our own

perspective or is it the perspective that media portrays? The media is a big key on shaping the

way we think about these things. For example, the news we hear about police officers and

other races. The media only shows certain parts of the story and makes police officers to be the

bad guy or vice versa. This means some people will give in to what the media says and start to

develop their opinion of a certain race or question someones class. Race, class, and gender are

very important to cultural meaning and we must remember that we can show how important

they are by forming, and developing our own opinions, and not by what others say about these

three topics.

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