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Erin Smith


Title of Article: What is Menieres Disease?

Date of Publication: January, 23, 2017

By: Anna Medairs Miller, staff writer for U.S News

This articles main ideas were about the diagnosis of Menieres, and some personal

stories. Menieres is an inner ear disease that affects 2% of the population today. Symptoms such

as tinnitus (slight hearing loss), ringing/fullness feeling in the inner ear, nausea, dizziness, and

vomiting. Because these symptoms are similar to those of viruses and sinus infections, the

disease can go undiagnosed for a while. However, it can be dangerous due to the ability of

patients to fall, or pass out, especially while driving or operating machinery. Treatments include

medicine and diet changes, but the challenge is the ultimate hearing loss, if not treated soon

enough. Patients that do suffer from hearing loss can purchase hearing aids, or undergo surgeries

for cochlear implants.


Title of Book: Medical-Legal and forensic aspects of communication disorders, Voice Prints,

and Speaker Profiling

Date of Publication: 2007

By: Dennis C Tanner, published by Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company

This book addresses the main legal and forensic aspects of speech pathology. By

targeting cases that deal with voice profiling, prints, and audiological components, the

connection between communication disorders and forensics is useful. The article describes the
Erin Smith

key uses of communication in everyday jobs such as justice, manual labor, and medicine. The

first chapter covers the overview of the outline of the book, and how the voiceprints and speaker

profiling have changed the use of communication disorders in the forensic field. It also covers

the liability of speech language pathologists and their treatment of certain disorders, including

sucking and swallowing, and the legal battles that can arise from malpractice and treatment.

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