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Erin Smith

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Title of Article: Nova Southeastern University; NSU Named to IDG's Computerworld 2013 List

of 100 Best Places to Work in Information Technology

Date of Article: July 2, 2013

Publisher of Article: Information Technology Newsweekly

Summary of Article:

Nova Southeastern University, (NSU) was recently named into IDGs top 100 places to

work in information technology. This list was compiled by a lengthy questionnaire, which

involved questions regarding benefits, diversity, training, and much more. This is the second

award of this magnitude that they have received in the past two years. Tom West, the vice

president of information technology credits this success to creating such a great IT program, and

the team that has built it up to be. This job has other benefits, such as annual training, and

assistance for school funding for members of their immediate family. The University is located in

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

The article listed information on the award itself, and how the top places to work are

chosen. NOVA University is known as a great research institute in all fields of study. The degrees

range from associates to first-professional degrees, and the University is home to over 28,000
Erin Smith

students. Computerworld is a large IT company that provides information and news for IT

influencers. The best places to work list ranks the top 100 places to work based on the

questionnaire that was mentioned previously.

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