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Article #1

URL of Article:

Title of Article:

Online vs. On-Campus Learning in Teacher Education

Author of Article:

Kaydee Caywood, Jane Duckett

Year Published:

April 1, 2003

Article #2

URL of Article:

Title of Article:

Online versus on-campus instruction: Student attitudes & perceptions

Author of Article:

Lawrence A. Beard, Cynthia Harper, Gena Riley

Year Published:

November 2004

Article #3:

URL of Article:

Title of Article:
Factors that Influence Students' Decision to Dropout of Online Courses

Author of Article:

Willging, Pedro A.; Johnson, Scott D.

Year Published:

October 2009

Summary of Article #1:

This article is a study that was conducted at a graduate school program in California. The
class topic was behavior management, and half the class was online, while the other half was on
campus. The students chose their preferred learning type. After the study was conducted,
extensive surveys were conducted, which showed no significant difference between the two
learning styles. With other research, the article states that technology use is needed in the
professional world, therefore agreeing with the online based learning strategies that are arising.
Other studies that have been conducted have shown that between the online students and in class
students, the online students score significantly higher on exams and assignments.

The article describes the participants, the methods, and the results of the study. Male and
female students with a wide age range were enrolled, so these were not contributing factors to
the results. The author of this article believes because there was no significant findings between
online and in class results, that the classes should be offered in both forms, in order to reach rural
students or those who are unable to come to class. However, online classes do not have the face
to face contact, limiting the development of the thinking process that a professor can aid in.
Because there are a significant number of advantages and disadvantages to both styles, it is also
important to note that because technology is becoming a large part of the world today, online
classes should not be counted out as a great source of education.

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