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July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 1


Volume 27, No. 7 July 2008
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Hurricane Warning Check List

From the Desk
of President Cut Out and Save!
Below is a list of things you should do before, during and after a hurricane. This short list was
George put together from all the information the Emergency Committee could find.
Things to Do Now
Loewenstein • Review your insurance policy.
• Register with the Emergency Management program if you must depend on electricity for
your life support in any manner. Example: oxygen, refrigeration for insulin, etc.
Those of you who have come through the West Gate in re- • If you want to install shutters, speak with your Association President. Storm panels are rec-
cent days have seen the rise of UCO’s new office building. We ommended. (Note: Century Village is not an evacuation area. Our buildings and our area are
hope to have a ribbon cutting ceremony around the middle of considered very safe in a hurricane.)
October, if the weather cooperates. • If you are leaving for the hurricane season, remove or secure all items on your patio. Take
I have been in contact with our sheriff and deputy officers, them inside. Remember, it is not the wind that destroys, but the objects the wind throws
and was able to sell them on the idea of having a substation in around that causes destruction.
the Camden property that we are now using as the UCO office • Select a safe room in your apartment, away from windows and doors and all flying debris.
which we will be vacating when we move into our new build- Example: Use your bathroom if it has no windows, or a hallway.
ing. The new building will provide separate offices for each of • Check stair lights and emergency lights on building.
our four vice presidents and also for UCO’s president. There Things to Do One or Two Days Before the Storm
will be a private area for our Investigation Department. Our • Remove all patio furniture. Install your shutters.
Treasurer also will have her own office, as well as our Property • Remove recyclable containers to your laundry room and secure your Dumpsters. Tie down lids.
Manager. The new building will have a large conference room • Fill your car’s gasoline tank.
which can be divided into two smaller ones. Most committees • Turn your refrigerator and freezer to its coldest settings and freeze water in plastic jugs. They will
will now be able to meet in these conference rooms, thus en- keep food colder longer, if electricity goes off, and when thawed out, can be used for drinking.
abling our officers to attend committee meetings and still be • Wear your Medic Alert tag.
available in the office to solve the problems of the residents. • Clean your bathtub and then fill with water for sanitary purposes. This is not for drinking.
On another very serious matter, those of us who experienced • Place all your valuables, such as treasured pictures, personal papers, insurance papers, etc.,
the three hurricanes that hit our area know what it was like to in waterproof containers or plastic garbage bags. Store them on the top shelf of the closet.
lose electricity for days, and for some of us even weeks. Since Also wills, contracts, deeds and bonds, passports, Social Security cards, bank accounts, im-
everything in the village works on electricity, we had no cook- munization cards, birth certificates, etc.
ing facilities, sweated without air conditioning and learned to • Secure checkbook, cash, ATM card. Do not leave valuables in a home safe during the hurricane.
see by flashlight. The only communication was with a landline Kit Check List
telephone, since cell phones did not work. Therefore, please • Water — the most important! One gallon per person, per day. Portable cooler.
see the suggestion for preparedness, which is in the column • Packaged foods — canned meats, fruits, vegetables, juices, milk, soup, sugar, salt, pepper,
next to mine. Between now and the end of hurricane season, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, granola bars, cookies, hard candy, sweetened cereals, instant
we will continue to provide information. We have met with the coffee, tea bags.
following organizations, who have promised to provide the • Manual can opener (not one operated by electricity).
necessary aid, should the need arise. Our ambulance company • Toiletries — toilet paper, soap, feminine supplies, denture needs, extra eyeglasses.
(Medics) will have an ambulance, with a paramedic, stationed • First aid kit — bandages, gauze pads, tape, scissors, tweezers, needles, antiseptic, safety
in the village after an event. The Area Agency on Aging, as pins, sunscreen, aspirin.
well as the Red Cross, have promised to bring meals. The medi- • Battery operated radio and extra batteries, for flashlights, etc. and charge rechargeable batteries.
cal center will have Dr. Katz and one or two nurse practitioners • Eating utensils — paper cups, plates, plastic knives and forks.
on site. Seacrest will make their equipment available to clear • Extra medicine — prescriptions.
our roads. Sheriff’s deputies will assist with security. And let’s • Flashlights. Matches. Candles.
not forget our CERT team, which has been trained to act as • Plastic trash bags — to store many of the items in this section.
first responders in an event. UCO has prepared itself: the ques- • Change of clothing. Gloves. Mosquito repellant.
tion is — have you? During the Hurricane
Betty Lapidus is recuperating nicely and hopes to be back • Stay in your safe room or hallway.
soon taking minutes. • Close and stay away from all windows.
I was both shocked and saddened by Phyllis Richland’s de- • If electricity goes off, use only flashlights during the storm.
cision to resign her office of Vice President of UCO. She will • Keep on your person at all times keys to home and car, driver’s license, cash.
be greatly missed by all of us. She was a hard worker accepting • Bring into the safe room a pillow or mattress in case you need to cover yourself from flying debris.
every challenge thrown her way. To me personally she served Also, bring in as many items from the hurricane list as you can — especially drinking water.
as a friend and advisor and campaign manager. Even though • If no electricity, use your battery-operated radio and tune in to FM 100.7 Y-100; 107.9
we may not always have agreed, I valued her opinion and in- WIRK; 102.3 WHLG; AM 1290 WBZT; 1450 WSTV. Don’t listen to rumors. Get the truth
sight. I wish her well and know she will succeed in whatever from the radio.
direction she chooses to go. o After the Hurricane
• Stay tuned to the radio for instructions.
Delegate Meeting • Don’t use the telephone, unless you have a life-threatening emergency.
Fri., July 11, 2008, 9:30 am • Don’t drink tap water unless you are told it is OK. Boil the water for five minutes before using.
• Do not refreeze thawed out food. If electricity is out, try store foods in freezer compartment.
Clubhouse Theater • Your Security and C.O.P. rover cars will be around to make sure all buildings are secure. o
Page 2 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008

Security Chair Al Mc- for 12 residents who are 100 New Business
Laughlin reported 14,600 years old. Call him at 686 3834 None.
guests entered CV in May. The with any Villager who reached Meeting was adjourned at
At the Delegate annual pass issuance started that age. 10:50. o
June 2. Maps will be given out Old Business
Assembly at the gates to any visitors re- Roberta Fromkin was nomi- Do not hire any handyman,
quiring them. Dogs are not al- nated and approved as chair of contractors or painters without
Betty Lapidus lowed to be walked on any the Nominating Committee seeing a copy of their license and
property other than on the and to the Executive Board. insurance.
Remember, if the workers do
grounds of the association per- Sometime in August, there
not have insurance and are injured
mitting their occupancy. will be a meeting of candidates on your property, you can be sued
also explained that the County Ted Silverman is arranging for local and county offices. and may also be held responsible
Minutes taken by Roberta
Fromkin in the absence of is having a problem supply- for an October 24 celebration for any damage that they may
cause to your Association.
Betty Lapidus. ing water to the lakes. Once
The meeting was chaired by the rainy season starts the
Vice President Sal Bummolo. situation will improve.
Guests from the Sheriff’s of- Vice President Phyllis
fice included Lt. David Krons- Richland requested ham radio
berger, Major Rick Jenkins, operators volunteer their ser-
Captain Chris Callaway and vices, which are needed in case
Sheriff Rick Bradshaw. State of emergency situations. Door
Legislature Richard Machik hangers are available at the
from District 78 was also in UCO office for use before and
attendance. during hurricanes. Florida De-
The summer quorum is 117 partment of Health will train
delegates; 158 were present. people to give oral antibiotics
Sheriff Bradshaw led the during hurricane emergencies.
Pledge of Allegiance, after They will be authorized only
which, he gave a report about in Century Village POD (point
local gangs, homeland secu- of distribution).
rity, and the County budget. President George Loe-
Dan Gladstone moved to wenstein met with local
accept the minutes; Ted agencies, companies and
Silverman seconded. stores who volunteered to
Treasurer Dorothy Tetro lend a helping hand during
explained a change to the line hurricane emergencies.
item 5104 re canal and shore Committee Reports
line maintenance, all of Howie Silver reported that
which will be in her UCO the Channel 63 computer hard
Reporter article. drive crashed, but a new one
Lt. Kronsberger gave the will be installed.
monthly crime report: one bur- Claudette LaBonte, Trans-
glary and two thefts. He portation Chair, reported that
thanked Security and the COP over the summer bus runs
for jobs well done. would be re-investigated. A
2102 is taking shape and full report will be in the Re-
will, hopefully, have a grand porter. Anyone with a sugges-
opening in mid-October. tion or a complaint must sign
A meeting will be held 9:30 his name and phone number.
a.m. Thursday, June 19, in the Dan Gladstone, Insurance
Clubhouse. Rod Tennyson will Chair, reported that, when
discuss new laws that will af- Mitigation Reports were given
fect associations and owners. to the companies, many premi-
On Friday, June 27, 10 a.m. ums were reduced.
to noon, new Optical Scan Cable Chair Larry Kall re-
Voting System machines will ported that some TV station
be brought to the Clubhouse numbers would be changed. A
Party Room. All are welcome. full list will be in the Reporter.
Sal Bummolo, as Chair of UCO Reporter Chair Irv
the Irrigation and Co-Chair of Lazar said the delivery service
the Infrastructure Commit- of the paper would be changed.
tees, explained what is hap- It will be delivered to each
pening at the Haverhill Association as long as there is
entrance. Three pumping sta- a mailbox or shelf available.
tions are being refurbished Jerry Karpf of the Mainte-
and brought up-to-date with nance Committee will take a
computerized systems taking vacation during July and Au-
several weeks to complete but gust, but a meeting will be held
at no cost to the Village. Sal on June 10, 10 a.m., Room C.


Fri, Jul 11, 2008, 9:30 am
Fri, Aug 1, 2008, 9:30 am
Fri, Sep 5, 2008, 9:30 am
Fri, Oct 3, 2008, 9:30 am
Clubhouse Theater
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 3

CERT You Are My Committee. Politics of a

Community Emergency Sunshine, My closed meeting could be a
Response Team problem but there is no legal
Community By Phyllis Siegelman Only Sunshine impediment.
We are now in hurricane By Phyllis Richland UCO is not a Condo
Relations season and our thoughts must According to page 15 of the Association and is not subject
turn to preparations for our UCO Bylaws, paragraph H, to open meetings as per Chap-
Ted Silverman the Sunshine Laws are used ter 718 F.S. Condominium
home. Having a family emer-
only as a guide for any and all Act, which governs Condo
gency plan is important. It not
meetings, with few excep- Associations.
only lets those in your condo
tions: 1. meetings with attor- UCO is not a governmen-
The first work in the name of our Village is “Century” building know where you are, tal agency and therefore is not
neys, 2. Nominating and
and the Community Relations Committee of UCO is actively but it also tells your family Ombudsman, 3. investigating subject to the Sunshine Laws
seeking to locate and identify our residents who have at- members (whether in state or prospective renters and or buy- requiring open meetings.
tained the inspiring age of 100 years. To date we have a list out of state) where you will ers and finally, issues relating UCO is a corporation not-
of more than 12 Centenarians who are members of our Cen- be staying. to paid employees. for-profit subject to Chapter
tury Village community. The second important plan UCO must provide open 617 F.S. That chapter has an
In honor of our Centenarians, we are sponsoring a Dessert is an evacuation plan. If you records to its members, but open record provision, not an
Buffet by invitation only, on October 28, 2008, in the Party are going to a shelter for the open records is quite different open meeting provision.
Room of our Century Village Clubhouse. medical needy, you must call than open meetings. Associa- The rules governing the
I am very fortunate to have the energetic and positive com- tions governed by F.S. 718 records inspection by mem-
to make a reservation and also
mittee members that I do have: Betty Lapidus, Phyllis Frishberg, must provide both open bers is very clearly spelled out
call for transportation to the
Lesie Darrigan and Eileen Pearlman. All have made contribu- records and open meetings. in Chapter 617.1602 and 1603
tions to the success of our future Dessert Buffet. shelter.
Chapter 617 which governs F.S. This allows members to
UCO Vice President Phyllis Richland is our advisor and co- Preparation for a hurricane view the books and records of
UCO does not mandate open
ordinator of our efforts. Vice President Howie Silver has started consists of more then an meetings for committees. Our UCO with reasonable notice
a message on Channel 63 asking for those who know of any- evacuation plan and emer- bylaws, that’s UCO bylaws, and proper purpose. See Mil-
one 100 years or older to contact me at 686-3834 so that we gency plan. If you are staying say only the Delegate Assem- lennium UCO Amendment
may validate their date of birth. in your condo or with a friend, bly is an open meeting,which Operating Agreement.
Karen Leone, manager of the Riverside Bank Branch Office it is important to have your is our Board of Directors. The rules governing the ap-
at our local Wal-Mart, is our business community non-voting supplies on hand. An abbrevi- Any member of UCO, de- pointment of committees can
member to the Community Relations Committee and has given ated list follows: fined as a unit owner in good be found in the UCO bylaws
me the following update on her participation. One gallon of drinking wa- standing, can attend a commit- starting on page 6, article 8.
ter per person per day for up tee meeting if invited by the Committees shall be selected
chair or request to attend a spe- and serve at the discretion of
to seven days.
cific meeting to discuss a sub- the President of UCO.
Flashlights and extra batter-
ject related to that committee. I have tried to explain as
ies, extra battery bulbs, battery much as I could in simple
After which the member is
powered lights, basic tools asked to leave so that the meet- language, so anyone seeking
(hammer, tape, etc.), paper ing may go on. to attend a committee meet-
products, soap, toothpaste. Policy of open meetings can ing can know what the guide-
Non-perishable food. Wa- be changed by the Executive lines are. o
terproof matches, manual can
Important documents in a
waterproof pouch.
Land line telephone.
First aid kit — full gas tank,
car cell phone charger, cash
(most places will not be able
to take credit cards or checks).
Most important: at least a
seven day supply of all your
Area Agency on Aging
phone number: 561-684-5885.
We are only in the planning and preparation stages and it is Health Fair, August 6, 2008,
apparent to me that our Dessert Buffet will be successful and 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in Party
truly honor our Centenarians. o Room. Come all, welcome,
free testing, free samples.
Please bring a friend to the
Notice to All Associations next CERT meeting being held
Due to water restrictions in Palm Beach County, hos- June 16, 2008 at 6:30 P.M. We
ing of the building will no longer be provided by Seacrest need ham operators. If you
Services, Inc. until the restrictions are lifted. These re- know of someone in the Vil-
strictions are Palm Beach County’s — not Seacrest lage, please have them contact
Service’s. Residents may contact Le’Roy Coffee at 1- Phyllis Richland,Vice Presi-
800-662-8876 to verify these restrictions. Residents may dent of UCO.
pressure wash buildings, wash cars, boats or hand water Remember, you do not have
new plants with a garden hose, however, hosing of the to belong to CERT in order to
buildings is not permitted. help in case of disaster. We
Should an Association want their building hosed need everybody to help in
and are willing to sign a waiver stating they will pay many capacities.
any fines for violations, Seacrest Services, Inc. will For further information,
then hose their building upon receipt of the signed please call Phyllis Siegelman
waiver. 561-471-7750. o
Page 4 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008

Road Out of Time

The road has a personality.
Where it winds, where it
Frankly Speaking dips, Investigations
the trees and the river…the David Frankel
Vice President hills and lights;
Frank J. Cornish the signs are now a memory. Louise Gerson
Berta still lives in this
through the sights and
smells —
As we are now in the midst They are never on vaca- the touches…needs; A big special thank you to all Board to accept or reject the
of our “Summer Season,” with tion! We at UCO do not have confusion that kept us always Association Volunteers who are person. Your decision should
a number of our residents en- the authority or seek it to apart. be based on age, good or bad
taking care of business while their
joying life elsewhere, whether make decisions for your re- Always “just a little further” Board members are up North! credit and the criminal report.
it be in foreign countries, or spective Associations — it’s from each other. To assure privacy and If the applicant is of age,
here in the good “Old USA,” all in your hands.
business as usual still contin- Years ago, some Associa- confidentiality, we will not has good credit and has no
That road, one night we took
ues here in Century Village. tions formed “Federations” to give out any information re- criminal background, then
in error,
The UCO Board of Directors share and address common our needs as one to our garding pending investiga- there is no reason for you to
continues to address the issues problems, the Chathams, for knowledge lied. tions over the phone. Please reject them.
at hand, as do many other Asso- one…perhaps this concept Driving — searching — come to our office with iden- Please come into our office
ciations’ Board of Directors, could be expanded throughout awaiting some moment, tification so we know who we by the Camden Pool if you
however, there are several build- the Village, giving the Federa- when someone of us would are speaking with. have any questions about pro-
ings who have no representation tions permission to act, on be- make the turn, We make sure that all paper- cedures. Our volunteers are
at Delegates’ Meetings, in sea- half of those Associations turn the phrase, make the
son, and therefore none out of requesting them to do so, at work needed is complete be- here Monday through Thurs-
move towards simple sex.
season, representation in season, any time. Uniform guide lines fore sending it to our day from 9 a.m. and close at
But we couldn’t — didn’t —
by members, whose primary would be established and ap- shouldn’t — didn’t — Investigation Company. When 12:45 p.m. On Fridays, we
residents are elsewhere, again, plied throughout. It’s just a wouldn’t have; the report comes back, we give open 12 Noon and close at
no representation during the thought…any interest? except that we wanted to. you all the information. We 3:45 p.m.
summer months, while prob- As always, I can be reached We drove — we waited — Just remember, everyone in our
cannot advise you what to do.
lems continue… at the UCO office. o and still we wait. It is up to your Association Village must be investigated. o
R. Rosoff

Say You Saw It in the UCO Reporter

Dear Century Village Residents,

Here at American Eagle Taxi, we have become the
primary taxi company used by residents for trips to
561-282-8251 AIRPOR
all airports and to places that the shuttle vans don’t AIRPORT TRIPS • BACHELOR PARTIES •
go. BEACHES • BIRTHDAY PARTIES • 561-215-2814
We are dedicated in keeping our taxi service an CHURCHES • CONCERTS • CRUISES •
enjoyable service through clean vehicles, friendly DELIVERIES • DINING • DOWNTOWN SPANISH LINE
reliable drivers and low competitive flat rate fares to
all major locations.
Please feel free to call anytime for a price inquiry. NIGHTCLUBS • PETS • ROUND TRIPS • LEAVE MESSA
Thank you. Sincerely, SHOPPING • SIGHTSEEING • THEATRES • 24
Daniel Joseph Somers III,
President, American Eagle Taxi, LLC

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13500 00
12 00 Expires 12/31/08
$ 12 90
0 0 Expires 12/31/08 90 Expires 12/31/08 $ 135
% % %
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 5

FBI Fraud Alert

If you can answer “yes” to
any of the following questions,
From the Desk of you could be involved in a Transportation
fraud or about to be scammed!
Vice President • Is the check from an item Claudette
you sold on the Internet,
Howard Silver such as a car, boat, jew-
elry, etc.?
• Is the amount of the check
more than the item’s sell-
By now you know one of always spoke her mind and ing price? Our last meeting can clearly stand that the bus will not go
our Vice Presidents, Phyllis said so at every meeting. In • Did you receive the check be defined as a workshop. In beyond the East Gate Security.
Richland, has resigned. She her letter of resignation, she via an overnight delivery addition to the committee It will come in the Haverhill
will be surely missed. said she was leaving due to service? members, we had 17 guests entrance, but will make a U-
On the blog, there are all “philosophical differences” • Is the check connected to who experienced our process. turn prior to the guardhouse and
kinds of things said about our with the Administration. I communicating with some- We reported that the $5 Deal will pick up at the bench on the
administration, some like us went to the dictionary to see one by email? store stop is working well and exit side of the road. We are
and some don’t. All I know is what “philosophical” meant: • Is the check drawn on a that the afternoon mall runs getting copies of the Blue Link
that we try to do the right thing 1: a basic theory concerning business or individual ac- will have a street stop at the flyers and will leave them at the
for everyone in the Village. a particular subject or sphere count that is different from Forum Place where, in addi- Clubhouse Security desk.
I am but one person on the of activity. 2: a critical study the person buying your item tion to the stores, you will be Help, Please — Please
UCO team, but I do the best I of fundamental beliefs and the or product? able to go to the Pita and Grill. When completing a sugges-
can, trying to do what is right. grounds for them. • Have you been informed This adds approximately five tion or complaint question-
I put my heart and soul in my I will miss her the most, she that you were the winner to six minutes to the route. naire, please include your
job, not to receive any mon- is the one person I used to turn of a lottery, such as Cana- This is a summer test, prior to name and telephone number.
etary gain or any kind of re- to, when seeking advice on all dian, Australian, El Gordo, the season traveling schedule. We read them all and occa-
ward, my reward is when I see matters that had to do with or El Mundo, that you did We are in the process of sionally need further informa-
the people in the village happy UCO that I didn’t know or not enter? doing time study runs for the tion. We recently received a
with the job we are doing, we wasn’t sure of. • Have you been instructed to Wal-Mart Supermarket area, suggestion with initials in the
call it job satisfaction. We now have to move on. either “wire,” “send” or which should be open at the name section and in the phone
Phyllis is one person who I know the next V.P. has to “ship” money, as soon as end of June. number section, it said “you
will not be easy to replace. fill a big hole left in the possible, to a large U.S. city, There was another meeting never return my calls.” No
She put her heart and soul in UCO Board. o or to another country, such with Blue Link. Please under- phone number left for us. o
her position with UCO. She as Canada, England, or Ni-
• Have you been asked to pay
money to receive a deposit
from another coun-try, such
as Canada, England, or Ni-
• Are you receiving pay or a
commission for facilitating
money transfers through
your account?
• Did you respond to an email
requesting you to confirm,
update, or provide your ac-
count information? Notify
your bank branch personnel
From the Internet

Excursion Buses run Mondays & Wednesdays.

The Monday bus normally goes to Wellington Green at 9:30 a.m., returning at 1:15 p.m. This same bus makes a second trip
at 10:30 a.m. to Wal Mart, returning at 2:10 p.m. so, for July, the Wellington/Wal Mart trip will be on July 7th, 21st, and 28th.

EXCEPTION: The 2nd Monday trip is to Lake Worth Beach, leaving at 9:30 a.m. and returning by 2:30 p.m. This is a big
bus holding 48 passengers. The July trip is on July 14th.

The Wednesday bus normally goes to City Place at 10 a.m. and continues on to Gardens Mall, arriving about 10:30 a.m.
This bus leaves the Gardens Mall at 1:30 p.m. and picks up at City Place about 2 p.m. For July, this trip is on July 2nd, 9th,
16th, and 30th.

EXCEPTION: The 4th Wednesday trip is to Delray, leaving at 9:30 a.m. and returning by 2:30 p.m. The destination is the
Carnival Flea Market, and Beall’s Outlet is within walking distance.

This 48 passenger bus is usually full, so it makes sense to arrive between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. to be sure of getting a seat.

When you receive this issue of the UCO Reporter, you may be able to catch the June 25th trip to Delray. Or, mark your
calendar for the July 23rd trip (remember, it’s the 4th week, not the last week).
Page 6 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008

my “regulars” — they can’t

find my cartoon; their eyes are
no better than mine.
I’m now 96 (and a half!), Hazardous Weather
The official newspaper of Century Village legally blind, but with periph- Hurricane Email Alert
eral vision; I paint, draw car- System Website
24 Camden A, West Palm Beach, FL 33417
toons, and write verses. Don’t
Tel: 561-683-9336 • Fax: 561-683-2830 know how much longer I can redcross/hwns.html
Email: do that, but hope you can find A call to “511” from your
Office hours: By appointment a little more space. cellphone or landline will
Helen Seigler give you statewide detailed
Editor: Irv Lazar ............................ Co-Editors: Syd Kronish, travel information in real
Protest Comcast’s time. “511” systems are in
Dot Loewenstein, Joe Saponaro, Myron Silverman Be Aware other states also. For
As Chairperson of the Beau- Removal of Channel 46 nationwide information,
Editorial Board .................... All Editors, Pres and Vice Pres
tification Committee, I would Village residents should go to
Production .................................................... John Saponaro like to give all the residents of protest Comcast’s removal of
Century Village a “heads up” Channel 46. Access the deploystatus.htm
Editorial Associate ........................................ June Saponaro regarding our reclaimed water. Comcast Web site and under (source: Florida Dept. of
Advertising Staff ................................................... Avis Blank
Reclaimed water is solely to customer service, click on Transportation)
be used to irrigate our lawns email and make known your For other information:
Photographers ................................ Ken Graff, Howie Silver and landscaping. It is not for displeasure. The Elder Helpline
watering our fruits or veg- Channel 46 covers the Sen- number is
Artist .................................................................. Helen Siegler
etables that we may be grow- ate and on weekends has book 1-800-96-ELDER
Circulation ............................ Jack Eisen, Dave Rabinowitz, ing here in the Village. It is not discussions. In this political (1-800-963-5337)
meant for drinking. season, it is vital to have the Elder Helpline can assist
Paul Skolnick, Mindy Weingart Sandy Cohen channel. Instead, Comcast has non-English-speaking folks
To Be Accepted .. items must display name, address, phone #. replaced it with another insipid Hearing or speech-impaired
Classified Ads for CV Residents Only: Where’s the Cartoon? entertainment network. can dial “711”
Personal items for sale or wanted may be listed I’ve been getting calls from Sy Lutto from anywhere in Florida
on a “space available” basis, FREE of charge.
(Submit on 8.5" by 11" paper.)
Submissions & Articles ........ Please type in upper/lower case
letters, double spaced, any item. On a “space available” basis.
Deadlines ....... 7th of each month (call about special problems).
Visit your Century Village web site:

24 Camden A, West Palm Beach, FL 33417
UCO Office: Tel 561-683-9189 • Fax 561-683-9904
Office Hours: Mon-Thu 9am-1pm • Fri 12 noon-4pm
President: George Loewenstein
Administrative Associate: Mary Patrick Benton
Vice Presidents: Sal Bummolo, Frank
Cornish, Howard Silver
Treasurer: Dorothy Tetro
Corresponding Secretary: Avis Blank
Recording Secretary: Betty Lapidus
Co-Office Managers: Mary Benton, Edie Levine
Office Assistants: Sandy Levine,
Florence Pires, Isabelle Scherel, Irv Small,
Lillian Yanofsky, Marcia Ziccardy
Receptionists: Sidele Bushaikin,
Rhea Cohen, Natalie Hauptman, Claudette LaBonte,
Sandy Levine, Myrna Schecter

Executive Board
Dave Bernstein Syd Kronish
Randall Borchardt Claudette LaBonte
Sandy Cohen Irv Lazar
Ken Davis Evelyn Leibowitz
David Frankel Al McLaughlin
George Franklin Haskell Morin
Roberta B. Fromkin Marie Oliver
Louise Gerson Joe Saponaro
Dan Gladstone Phil Shapkin
David Israel Myron Silverman
Larry Kall Ted Silverman
Jackie Karlan Carole Szepesi
Jerry Karpf Jeanette Veglia
The United Civic Organization Reporter is published monthly without charge to
the residents of Century Village, West Palm Beach, FL.
The United Civic Organization, aka UCO, is a not-for-profit organization. Its
officers, directors, editors, staff, and any committee people are not responsible for
typographical errors or misrepresentations in any advertisements or articles. They
are not responsible and assume no liability for the content of, or any opinions
expressed in, any contributed articles which represent the author’s own opinions
and not necessarily the opinion of UCO. Acceptance of advertising for products or
services in no way constitutes an official endorsement of the product or service.
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 7

board. The owner is respon-

sible for the permits.
Unit owners are responsible
Official Notices
for the cost of reconstruction
Insurance of the condominium property • Do not give your resident pass to a relative or friend. It will be
Dan Gladstone for which the unit owner is re- confiscated and there will be a charge for replacement.
quired to carry casualty insur-
• Investigations highly recommend that you use a realtor, an
ance, but does not have any.
attorney, and/or title company for all your sales or rentals.
All such reconstruction work
undertaken by the Associa- • No person shall be permitted to occupy a unit without a
Not a dull moment. On Janu- cause of a deductible or other- certificate of approval per Florida statute 718.
tion shall be chargeable to the
ary of this year, Judge John Van wise), the Association will as-
unit owner and enforceable as
Laningham issued a Recom- sess the unit owners. • Take the bus, leave the driving to us. See new bus sched-
an assessment.
mended Order that transfers the If an owner makes an im- ule on back page.
The Association must be
burden of many insurance provement (for example, a
an additional named insured • Special note for bus riders: Express bus does a perimeter run
claims from the Association to balcony enclosure), the unit
and loss payee on all casu- at 8:45 a.m. (except Sunday). All buses do a perimeter run at
the unit owner. This was not a owner will be required to in-
alty insurance policies issued 11:45 a.m. Shuttle bus does a perimeter run at 12:45 p.m.
new law but an interpretation sure it and repair it due to a
to unit owners.
of bill 592 that took effect on casualty, even if the improve- • Wear something white when walking at night, carry a
Any portion of the condo-
January 1, 2004 and became a ment is outside of the unit flashlight.
minium property insured by the
law under 718.111(11). boundaries. The bill also re-
Association and lost due to a • Put a smoke detector in your apartment.
Many homeowners’ insur- vises the Association’s insur-
casualty shall be repaired, as
ers like State Farm, Allstate ance responsibility.
necessary by the Association as • Road rules at intersections: Making a turn, you are required
and others have difficulty ad- The Association and unit to signal. This is not only the law; it is essential for safety.
a common expense. All insur-
justing to the new court ruling. owners must have adequate The first vehicle to reach the intersection has the right of
ance deductibles, uninsured
UCO is now helping a unit insurance and should be ap- way. If more than one vehicle reaches the intersection at
losses, and other damages in
owner in a claim that accord- praised every 3 years for the the same time, the vehicle on the right has the right of way.
excess of hazard insurance cov- Do not assume that any other driver knows these rules.
ing to this new ruling is sup- replacement value.
erage maintained by the Pull out of an intersection cautiously and if possible, sig-
posed to be paid by State Farm HB 601 changes. The
Association are a common nal with a gesture to the other driver(s).
Insurance Co. UCO lawyer Association will be required to
expense except that:
Rod Tennyson Esq. advised us insure A/C plus compressors. • If you have a transponder and you sell your car, or if you
A unit owner is responsible
(on a general scale) that the After January 1, 2009 move within the village or outside the village, please no-
for any portion of the condo-
unit owner’s insurance com- home-owners insurance of tify UCO.
minium property not paid by
pany was responsible for this each owner must contain a
such insurance proceeds, if • To report alligators: Florida Wildlife Commission
claim. By the same token, we provision to…include special
such damage is caused by in- or dial 1 866 FWC GATOR (1-866-
met with several insurance assessment coverage of no less 391-4287).
tentional conduct, negli-
adjusters that were not famil- than $2,000.00 per occurrence.
gence, or failure to comply
iar with this ruling and All improvements or addi-
with the rules of the Associa- PBC Supervisor of Elections Staff is coming
“guided” them accordingly. tions to the condominium
tion by a unit owner. to Century Village to demonstrate the Optical
Not many moons have property that benefit fewer
The Association is not obli- Scan Voting System! Where: CV Clubhouse,
passed and here we are facing than all unit owners shall be
gated to pay for repair of casu-
new changes in the condo- insured by the unit owner or Party Room. Date: Friday, June 27, 2008. Time:
alty as a common expense if the
minium insurance law under owners having the use 10:00 am-Noon.
casualty losses were known or
House Bill 601. (Please note thereof, or may be insured by
should have been known to a
while I write these lines, the the Association at the cost
unit owner and were not re- Are You on the List?
Governor has not yet signed and expense of the unit own- The following Associations had no representation at the
ported to the Association until
this bill into law.) The Gov- ers having the use thereof. June 6, 2008 Delegate Assembly:
after the insurance claim of
ernor can sign the bill (as in The Association shall re- • Andover A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, J, M
the Association was settled or • Bedford B, C, D, F, H, I, J
most cases) and it becomes a quire each owner to provide
resolved. • Berkshire A, B, C, E, F, G, H
law effective July l, 2008 or he evidence of the currently ef-
An Association is not obli- • Cambridge A, C, G, I
can veto it. fective policy of hazard and • Camden B, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
gated to pay for any repair due
In any case, here are some liability insurance… Upon the • Canterbury C, E, H, I, K
to casualty loss to any im-
highlights of the new pro- failure of an owner to provide • Chatham C, D, E, H, I, J, L, P, Q, R, S, T
provements installed by any-
posed law. This is not the full a certificate within 30 days of • Coventry A, B, C, F, G, I, J, K
one if it benefits only the unit • Dorchester A, C, D, H, J, K
wording of the law, but in my request, the Association may
for and is not part of the stan- • Easthampton A, B, C, F, G, I
mind, the most interesting: purchase a policy of insur-
dard improvements installed • Hastings B, D, E, F, G, H
Partial highlights of HB 601 ance on behalf of an owner • Kent B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M
by the developer on all units
(The bold words are printed and the cost may be col- • Kingswood A, C, D, E, F
as part of original construc-
by UCO; see disclosure at the lected through collection of • Northampton B, D, E, G, H, I, J, L, N, O, Q, R
tion, whether or not such im-
bottom.) assessments. • Norwich C, D, E, H, I, M
provement is located within
HB 601 is a complete rewrite All reconstruction work af- • Oxford 100, 300
the unit. • Plymouth 3
of 718.111(11) — (the insur- ter a casualty shall be under-
As of 6/9/08, the Governor • Salisbury C, E, G
ance section.) taken by the Association. A • Sheffield A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, M, O, Q
has not signed this into law.
After a casualty, if the unit owner may repair only • Somerset C, L
The effective date of HB 601
Association insures it, the with written consent of the • Stratford D, E, G, H, J, L, M, O
is July 1, 2008.
Association repairs it and if Association’s Board and after • Sussex A, D, E, G, I, J, K, L, M
(Partial highlights for infor-
there is not enough money the method, qualifications, • Waltham A, B, D, E, F, G, I
mation only, not to be used in • Wellington B, D
from insurance proceeds (be- etc., was approved by the
any legal matter.) o • Windsor A, C, E, F, G, O, Q, R, S
Page 8 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008

Sun Safety…
Tips from the
Skin Cancer From the Desk of
Cable Foundation State Senator
Larry Kall • Use a sunscreen with an
SPF of 15 or higher every Dave Aronberg
day. Apply one ounce (two
tablespoons) of sunscreen to
all exposed areas 30 min-
While it was announced that Comcast Corporate has made utes before going outside. education funding would be
Don’t Let the
Comcast would continue to the decision that some time in Reapply every two hours or Constitutional held harmless. Several months
deliver our TV programming the future all cable broadcast- after swimming or exces-
Amendments on later, the legislature delivered
in analog format after Febru- ing will switch to a digital for- sive sweating.
Education Sneak Up a budget to the Governor that
ary 17, 2009, they will begin mat. As the entire process • Cover up with clothing, in-
moves ahead, we will try to
on You cuts Florida’s K-12 funding by
switching some of their pro- cluding a broad-brimmed
gramming to a digital format keep you informed as to what To seat or not to seat? $330 million.
hat and UV-blocking sun-
before that date. How exactly is going on and what options glasses. What’s the latest superdelegate The Relentless Voucher
it will impact our basic TV are available. One option is, • Keep newborns out of the tally? These and other ques- Debate Returns — Two pro-
lineup is not certain at this and will be in the future, is to sun. Sunscreens should be tions surrounding the uncer- voucher amendments will be
time. In reviewing our contract get a new TV set with a cable used on babies over the age tainties of the Presidential on the ballot in November.
terms with Comcast, there is a ready digital tuner or acquire of six months. election have dominated de- The first is the highly touted
clause that allows them to a Comcast set top box, which • Examine your skin head-to- bate in most political circles. “65% Solution” amendment
change the lineup from time to will work no matter what hap- toe every month.
But lost in the nomination (Amendment 9). More signifi-
time or under circumstances pens in the future. • See your doctor every year
shuffle is a series of proposed cant than simply proposing to
beyond their control. It is an- Will there be set top boxes for a professional skin exam.
Do You Know...? constitutional changes facing dedicate 65% of school fund-
ticipated that some of the sta- built into new TV sets? Yes.
• Year-round sun protection is Florida voters in November. ing to classroom instruction,
tions we now receive will be Will there be a new kind of
moved to the digital tier and set top box that you can buy important? Seven of these changes have the amendment would also
become part of a digital pack- from a retail store and hook • The sun’s harmful ultravio- been added to the ballot by the eliminate language in Florida’s
age and what these stations up to your TV? Most likely. let (UV) radiation can pen- Taxation and Budget Reform Constitution that requires a
will be replaced with, if they Will these off the shelf set etrate many types of clothes? Commission (FTBRC), a group uniform system of free, pub-
are replaced, is not known at top boxes be compatible with • It can also go through automo-
convened every 20 years to offer lic education. Florida’s Su-
bile and residential windows?
this time. the Comcast system (which changes to Florida’s tax and bud-
• It can damage your eyes, preme Court cited this
The first three to change are incidentally is the old get policy. To learn more about
contributing to cataracts, requirement when ruling a
C-SPAN 2 on channel 46 is Adelphia system)? That is yet
macular degeneration, and the FTBRC, visit its website at: voucher program — the Op-
moved to 104, Oxygen on to be determined. What is
eyelid cancers? portunity Scholarship — un-
channel 65 moved to 123 and also known that until the
• When you’re on snow or Below is a brief summary of constitutional.
CMT on channel 79 moved to matter of off the shelf or built
ice. your face and eyes are three FTBRC amendments
146 as part of a new Digital in set top boxes is resolved Second is the “Religious
at almost twice the risk of that propose drastic changes to
Basic package that is being the only way to receive any Freedom” amendment
UV damage because of re-
created. C-SPAN 2 will be re- of the premium Comcast Florida’s education system: (Amendment 7), which
flected glare?
placed with E!, which was on packages is by way of the Shift Education Funding would remove a second bar-
Recently, to combat these
channel 74. Channel 65 will be present Comcast set top box. hidden dangers, The Skin Can- — Local governments cur- rier to voucher expansion by
replaced with VH-l, that was In order to find out how this cer Foundation expanded its rently partner with the State to allowing the State to send
on channel 77. Channel 30 will digital transition will work, the Seal of Recommendation pro- fund our schools. This amend- public dollars to run religious
now be MTV, that was on FCC has decided to have an gram. For more than two de- ment (Amendment 5) would organizations.
channel 78, and Channel 31 advance conversion take place cades, the Foundation has take much of the responsibil- Proponents argue that this
will now be Spike, that was on in the Wilmington, North granted the Seal to products ity away from local govern- change would prevent reli-
channel 75. Carolina area on September 8, containing SPF 15+ sunscreen
Channels 75, 76, 77 and 78 2008. It is hoped that by doing ments and shift it to gious discrimination and pro-
that meet the highest standards
are now blank and channel 79 one place in the country early, Tallahassee legislators, who tect the ability of religious
for safety and effectiveness.
is now devoted to Comcast it- issues not anticipated will be Now, in recognition of the would shoulder the extra cost organizations to receive con-
self. Also available now are learned and dealt with before need for extra forms of sun by closing sales tax loopholes tracts from the State.
PBS Create on channel 201, the rest of the country is protection, several other types or raising other taxes. Opponents argue that legal
PBS Florida Knowledge on switched over. of products have been awarded The amendment would protections against religious
channel 202, WPEC news on Based on a just-concluded the Seal as well, including… eliminate 25% of the average persecution already exist and
channel 212 and WPTV meeting with representatives • A UV- protective automo- property tax bill and replace it that this amendment will ex-
weather on channel 216. I have of Comcast, the following in- bile window film
with a one-penny sales tax in- pand vouchers by blurring the
also been informed that HBO formation was imparted to us. • A UV- protective residential
crease, along with other un- separation of church and State.
Signature may be moving to 1. A set top box will still be window film
digital only in the near future. required, even if you purchase • A UV- blocking face mask specified taxes to fill the This election’s proposed
How this HBO changes effects a new TV set. Current TV sets • A UV- blocking deck and remaining gap. Opponents are constitutional amendments
our cable contract is unknown will be able to receive the patio awning concerned that the amend- could dramatically impact our
at this time. channels that will be con- • A laundry product that can be ment’s vagueness would put public education system. So
What is known is that verted to Digital. added to detergent to increase school funding at greater risk. when deliberating Presidential
Comcast will continue to of- 2. A separate set top box UV protection in clothing They point to legislative politics with neighbors and
fer programming in analog for- will be required for each and • Sunglasses that protect
leadership’s unfulfilled prom- friends, don’t forget to address
mat for perhaps up to two every TV set in order to receive against UV and high-energy
ise, less than a year ago, that the amendments! o
years after the transition date. Digital channels. o visible light o
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 9

careful thought to the design

and color of doors, windows,
and shutters that are allowed.
I would also recommend that
Maintenance anyone planning to install any Security
of the above, must submit in
Jerry Karpf writing a notice of intent to the Al McLaughlin
Association. Remember. if you
don’t have any rules in your
documents regarding shutters,
doors or windows, unit own-
The meeting began with the no golf carts are allowed on the ers can put up anything they In May we had a lot of traf- moved in. Please make sure
announcement that House Bill Association’s property. want and the Association will fic at the entry gates. The visi- your residents know that they
995 had been signed by Gov- The next subject that came not be able to stop them. tors gate had 1,466 vehicles must get IDs from WPRF as
ernor Crist on May 1, 2008. up was hurricane doors and Our next guest was Mrs. entering. There were 293 soon as possible and they must
The bill will go into effect on shutters. Many people were Elizabeth Tetreault, who rep- people denied entry until they register a “land line” with
October 1, 2008. This bill has confused about the question of resented one of the roofing were called in. Owners using UCO to call in a guest. If they
made many changes to Chap- permits. I informed everyone companies that installed the the transponder lane, when don’t have a telephone, they
ter 718 rules and regulations, that currently, all outside doors free electrometric coating the gate does not open, must must come to the gate and
and at this point in time, I will must meet or exceed either sponsored by FPL, which, by show their Century Village ID present their ID to the guard
not discuss this bill until I see Florida or Miami/Dade Code. the way, could only be placed to the guard to gain entry. to bring in a visitor.
the finished bill. I am sure that All doors and shutters must on flat roofs. Unfortunately, Since some transponders Dog walking has been the
by the July meeting, I will have have a permit in order to be the program was put on hold were not removed when a car subject of many complaint
a lot more to tell you. Don’t installed, and remember, the the very morning Elizabeth was sold, it is necessary for calls. Century Village does not
miss the July 8 Maintenance Association has the right to was to give her lecture about UCO to remove the transpon- allow dogs on private property,
Meeting. specify the type of door and the benefits of having an der number from the com- unless authorized by the build-
George Franklin, the head kind of shutter that is allowed, electrometric coating. Eliza- puter. In order to protect ing documents. The roads and
of our Safety Committee, had plus the color that is accept- beth did say that her company Villagers from nonresidents, lawns in CV are private; un-
asked me if he could have a able to the Association. did contract to do two or three we ask that drivers show less a Condo Association al-
little time at my meeting to According to Dan Glad- roofs in the village and another proof that they are current lows dogs in that building,
discuss a very important topic stone, the owner of a unit that roofing company had done residents by showing IDs. If dogs are not permitted. The
about road safety in the Vil- has shutters may close them another three for a grand total a gate frequently fails to open, perimeter road around the lake
lage. He asked me to invite all at the beginning of June to the of six roofs. We will see the the correct thing to do is to is also private (UCO, Inc.) and
of the property managing com- end of November. One very results of the electrometric have UCO check out your has ruled that it may not be
panies to take part in a discus- important point I would like coating after this summer, with transponder. used to walk dogs. Please, if
sion about golf cart safety in to make is that every Associa- regards to the condition of the We have started using the your building allows you to
the Village. tion must update their bylaws buildings’ roofs and to see if annual guest list that will give have a dog, keep your dog only
Unfortunately, only one of now by adding into their there was any cost reduction access for one year from the in the approved dog area of
the Property Managers showed documents the type of hurri- on the use of electricity in the date of purchase. This permit your building property.
up. We could have solved a lot cane windows that are al- apartments. is not available for workers or Because we have fewer
of problems dealing with golf lowed, the type and color of Elizabeth described other employees. The one year per- people here in the summer, it
carts in the Village, because shutters that can be installed services her company sup- mit will be in the computer and becomes more important that
there had been a few accidents over their windows and, most plied, such as waterproofing of will allow entry when the visi- we “watch out” for our neigh-
in the Village which could of all, the type, color and de- buildings, repairing and re- tor shows their picture ID at bors. We have people living
have been prevented. sign of a hurricane-resistant placing of roofs using new as the gate. The cost of this pass here that might fall or need
I then introduced George door that may be installed. well as the regular methods (I will be equal to four 90 day extra help but are unable to call
Franklin. George gave his lec- If you don’t update your have a limited number of paper passes. Thirteen dollars for help. Often Security will
ture on driving safely in the rules and regulations, unit DVDs showing how her com- is the total. get a call looking for a person
Village, using golf carts. He owners can install any type of pany installs various treat- The Palm Beach Sheriff’s that cannot be reached. It may
told all present that the golf hurricane shutter, window and ments to roofs). Elizabeth told Office again complimented us on be that the resident is on vaca-
carts can be operated under door that they want! Wouldn’t everyone about her own com- the lack of crime in our Village. tion, but often, it is because
certain rules in a retirement that look great? pany, which deals in many Security has found both new they are in the hospital. I am
community. Riding a golf cart During the next month or types of energy products, so- owners and renters are unclear asking that you keep your
between the hours of sunrise two, I will be a lot more infor- lar heating, products that cut about use of the call in system. neighbors informed about your
and sunset. Golf carts should mative about new hurricane down on electricity and other The new people claim they trips and if possible keep in
not be driven on the walkways codes, and I will be bringing energy-saving products. were never given this informa- daily telephone contact with
and if a golf cart is operated in more manufacturers of hur- I suggest that everyone at- tion by the building when they neighbor, or visit often. o
between the hours between ricane resistant shutters, win- tend the July Maintenance
sunset and sunrise; it must be
equipped with headlights, rear
dows, and doors.
I would like to bring in an
Meeting that will be held on
Tuesday, July 8, 2008 in the
Special Meeting Notice
lights, windshield, and turn engineer to tell everyone who Clubhouse Room C at 10:00 Come to the July 8, 2008 meeting of
signals, etc. may have to rebuild a patio a.m. I will be going over the
George also went on to tell what they must do to have their changes in the new bill H.B. the Maintenance Committee to be held
everyone that no child under patios meet hurricane codes. 995 that has a major effect on in the Clubhouse, Room C, at 10:00
the age of 14 may operate a The next subject was the changes to Chapter 718 and
golf cart in Florida. installation of shutters. I ad- the maintenance of your a.m. Changes to Chapter 718 will be
Dan Gladstone added that vised everyone that an Association. This is probably discussed.
an Association should make Association cannot stop one of the most important
sure that any golf cart that is any unit owner from putting meetings I have held to date. Don’t miss this meeting.
operated on their property is up shutters, windows, It will be opened to everyone
Social Security Office
insured, because if there is an doors, or enclosing or re- in Century Village, so don’t Wish I Said That Location
accident and the golf cart’s building of a patio. miss this meeting, because you By John Saponaro 1645 N. Congress Ave.
owner is not insured, the I again would strongly rec- will have no one to blame but “An eye can threaten like a WPB, FL 33409
Association will have to pay ommend that every Associa- yourself for not knowing what 1-800-772-1213
loaded and levelled gun, or it
Half mile south of
all the costs from that accident. tion place in their documents is going on with all these ma- can insult like hissing or kick- Okeechobee on the right side
If any Association doesn’t rules regarding the installation jor changes to Chapter 718. o ing; or, in its altered mood, by of the road, right next to a
want any golf cart riding on of any of the above items I beams of kindness, it can make Citgo gasoline station. This
their property, they should post
a “no trespassing sign” stating
have mentioned. I would rec-
ommend that the boards give SSS the heart dance for joy. ”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
address became official on
July 2007
Page 10 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008

pressionist with a little

comedy touch.
• Tuesday, July 22, 8:00 p.m.,
Cavendish Revue — Al-
Your Theater ways a favorite. The Gold
From the Desk of
Claudette Coast Singers present Hoo- Commissioner
ray for Hollywood. They
LaBonte will perform Academy Jeff Koons
Award winning musicals
and contemporary hits from
film composers Henry
Some subjects are exciting, May be the most versatile Mancini, John Williams and BCC Facing Tough up their regularly scheduled
romantic or even delicate. The singing talent in the coun- Alan Menden. merit increases in the current
• Saturday, July 26, 8:00 p.m.,
Budget Decisions
following falls under the lat- try today. He will thrill year’s budget.
Daniel Belmont — A Pari- Folks, I’m sure I don’t have
ter. When incidents occur in you with opera, classic The Sheriff’s Office is seek-
sian recording artist and to tell you that things are re-
Your Theater, I ponder as to ballads and romance you ing a $36-million budget in-
showman acclaimed ally tough. Our national and
whether or not it should be with old standards. Open- crease, which we are trying to
throughout the world as the local economies are sputter-
shared with the community. In ing his show is musician absorb within state specified
highlight of concert halls, ing, fuel and food costs keep
this instance, I believe that it Walter Lena, who first revenue limitations. But it will
nightclubs and cruise ships. soaring, houses aren’t selling,
should be. performed on the radio at be impossible to fund future
Delmont will pour out and property values continue
The subject is “Handicap the age of four. increases in the sheriff’s bud-
French torch songs, gypsy to drop. Combined with state-
Seating.” Not usually a prob- • Saturday, July 12, 7:00 get without additional tax rev-
melodies and 50s rock mandated property revenue
lem, but now that we are off- p.m., Gwen Johnson — enue. To the extent that we use
tunes. Opening for Delmont cuts and passage in January of
season, where there are no Mixes the sounds of one-time sources, such as re-
is violin virtuoso Alexander a second $25,000 homestead
specific seat assignments, here Nancy, Natalie and Gladys serves, to balance next year’s
Mikhaylovsky. exemption, county govern-
lies the problem. Our Usher for her own special blend. (2008-09) budget, it will leave
Watch for the 7:00 p.m. ment is facing its most diffi-
Corps is positioned in the front She is a real crowd pleaser. us that much short the follow-
show. See you at the theater. o cult budget process in years.
of the theater and checking Opening is master guitar- ing year.
We were already anticipating
ticket stubs specifically ist Fito Espinola of Gua- As my fellow commission-
marked for seating in the front rani Indian descent. He has
Wellness Corner about $80 million less in gen-
ers and I wrestle with all these
eral fund revenue when we re-
two rows. I am not going to hit songs in South America By Dr. Ron Peterson, PT, ceived more bad news from the
financial issues, I assure you
elaborate further, but ask your and Europe and a large fol- PhD, DPT, GCS state: Funding from state rev-
it will not be done in a vacuum.
cooperation with the Ushers as lowing in his native Para- Licensed Physical enue sharing and sales and tele-
The board remains committed
well as respect for the job they guay. Espinola plays a Therapist and Board communications taxes are about
to involving the public as
must do. Be grateful that you unique plend of Flamenco, Certified Geriatric Clinical $7 million below projections for
much as possible in our bud-
do not need this special con- pop and dance music. Specialist get process. In January, we
this year and next year. This ad-
sideration and do not judge • Saturday, July 19, 8:00 The Beneficial Effects ditional shortfall, not to mention
held a series of public budget
your neighbor if they are p.m., Errol Dante — A of Massage forums around the county, and
lower than projected revenues
seated in this area. Should you magnificent voice coupled From the earliest days of hundreds of citizens offered
from franchise fees and utility
need additional information on with a hilarious sense of civilization, the practice of comments in person and via an
and gasoline taxes, will be very
the ticket process, please call comedy. He is famous for massage has been utilized as a online budget survey.
difficult to make up.
the WPRF ticket office at 640- smash performances in Las therapeutic option to deal with There are several more op-
We may have no choice but
3111 and they will explain the Vegas and Atlantic City and ill health and disease. Since portunities for you to comment
to dip into reserves or cut or
process for you to obtain the has performed in concert then, the popularity of mas- on the budget before we make
reduce some programs and ser-
necessary documentation. halls, cruise ships and stage sage has waxed and waned, a final decision. I hope you
vices. Job cuts are also a pos-
In the meantime, here are appearances. Opening for but over the past few years, its will plan on attending one or
sibility. The county currently
the upcoming July events: Dante is Stuart Gasston, a popularity has increased and more of the following:
has more than 500 vacant po-
• Saturday, July 5, 8:00 performer with a strong the beneficial effects of mas- Budget Workshop —
sitions. While this is twice the
p.m., Guy Rotondo — voice and a talented im- sage have been validated by June 18, 9:30 a.m. — Admin-
historic number, only half of
research. istrator presents his tentative
these are paid for out of the
For the aging population, budget
general fund. Many of these
massage is becoming not just Budget Workshop — July
CLUBHOUSE MOVIES openings are the result of a
a luxury but an important ad- 14, 9:30 a.m. — Board discus-
selective hiring freeze, but
GREAT DEBATORS (PG-13 • 123 min) junct to good health. The pro- sion on tentative budget
some are due to inability to
Denzel Washington, Nate Parker, John Heard cess of aging is usually Public Hearing — Septem-
When the nation was in need, he inspired them to give us hire. If all of the general fund
accompanied by dehydration ber 8, 6 p.m. — Preliminary
hope. A drama based on the true story of Melvin B. Tolson, a vacancies were eliminated —
professor at Wiley College Texas. In 1935, he inspired in the body. As our body loses budget adoption
and some can’t be — we
students to form the school’s first debate team, which went water, we dehydrate and begin Public Hearing — Septem-
on to challenge Harvard in the national championship. would only save about $10
to shrink, and as our muscles ber 22, 6 p.m. — Final budget
Tue, 7/01, 1:45 pm; Thu, 7/03, 7:00 pm; Sun, 7/06, 1:45 pm; million.
Mon, 7/07, 7:00 pm; Tue, 7/08, 1:45 pm atrophy, our skin begins to adoption
We have asked each county
P.S. I LOVE YOU (PG-13 • 126 min) wrinkle. Drinking lots of wa- As always, I welcome your
department to submit a budget
Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Lisa Kudrow, Harry Connick Jr. ter and having a regular mas- comments and suggestions.
A young widow discovers that her late husband has left her
for next year that is at least five
sage is a great way to get rid Please feel free to contact me
ten messages intended to help ease her pain and start a percent lower than this year’s.
of drying out and in-folding of or my staff at 355-2202. o
new life. Employees have already given
Thu, 7/10, 7:00 pm; Sun, 7/13, 1:45 pm; Mon, 7/14, 7:00 pm; the skin — commonly known
Tue, 7/15, 1:45 pm; Thu, 7/17, 7:00 pm as wrinkles. lism and lowering raised sage increases the lubrication
Gentle massage affects the blood pressure. between muscle fibers and al-
Frank Langella, Lauren Ambrose nervous system through Stronger massage stimu- lows the muscle to move opti-
An ambitious graduate student convinces a writer that her
nerve endings in the skin, lates blood circulation to im- mally. Muscle fibers are
thesis can resurrect his career. prove the supply of oxygen
Sun, 7/20, 1:45 pm; Mon, 7/21, 7:00 pm; Tue, 7/22, 1:45 pm; stimulating the release of en- designed to work indepen-
Thu, 7/24, 7:00 pm; Sun, 7/27, 1:45 pm dorphins, the body’s natural and nutrients to body tissues dently of each other. When
‘feel good1 chemicals, to and helps the lymphatic sys- muscles dry out, or dehydrate,
MAD MONEY (PG-13 • 104 min) tem to flush away waste prod-
Diane Keaton, Ted Danson, Queen Latifah, Katie Holmes help induce relaxation and a the fibers stick together and the
They’re having the crime of their lives. Three female sense of well-being, to re- ucts. It eases tense and knotted muscle becomes stiff or
employees of the Federal Reserve plot to steal money that is
lieve pain and reduce levels muscles and stiff joints, ridged. As fluid is reintro-
about to be destroyed. thereby improving mobility
Mon, 7/28, 7:00 pm; Tue, 7/29, 1:45 pm; Thu, 7/31, 7:00 pm of stress chemicals. It helps duced, the muscle softens and
reverse the damaging effects and flexibility. regains its flexibility. As cir-
of stress by slowing the heart From a physiological or culation increases between the
rate, respiration and metabo- mechanical viewpoint, mas- Continued on page 16
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 11

The World of
By Edythe Pekin
Transponders We live in a wonderful area Anita J. Cruz
for salt water clean beaches.
Larry Kall V.P., WPRF, Inc.
Many of these beaches are
owned and maintained by the
Palm Beach County Parks
Department. Their magazine,
valid registration, a valid Summer has definitely ar- ment your own special food
It Only Took driver’s license and a valid Leisure Times, is published
rived, and I trust you are en- and drinks. Listen and sing to
60 Seconds Century Village ID. You will several times a year and is
Each time we install tran- joying relaxing summer patriotic songs from 4 p.m. to
be asked to fill out a form, available by calling 966-6600.
sponders, we hire an off-duty have your registration, driver’s activities, both outdoor events 6 p.m. and stay for our regu-
Deputy Sheriff to help control It lists all their facilities. and inside activities in our lar Friday night Karaoke
license and Century Village ID
the traffic at the Okeechobee copied and someone will re- The information that fol- comfortably air-conditioned event from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
gate. We are required to have view the information and ar- lows was taken from their fall/ Clubhouse. I know many of Another popular activity
the Deputy for a minimum of range a future appointment to winter issue which features you are swimming at our pools here in the Clubhouse is
three hours, so we normally have the transponder put on
have some time left after com- beaches. I have added some in the cooler evening hours, Bingo, held every Wednesday
your windshield by one of our
pleting the transponders por- volunteers. It will not be done additional information. and with the longer daylight night. For those of you who
tion. We send the Deputy on the same day you come to The following nine beaches hours of summer, many of our attend, please note that Bingo
Sheriff to patrol the village the UCO office for an ap- are from Blue Heron North to residents are happy to take ad- will be “on vacation” from
until his detail is up. The pointment.
deputy may patrol stop sign Jupiter: vantage of the extended swim- June 25 thru August 13 so that
The transponder desk is also
runners, speeders or “right on involved in the visitor “call in Peanut Island — Inter- ming hours available before the volunteers can have a short
red violations.” system” and some of our new coastal Waterway near Lake sundown. summer break. We wish all of
In June, it took the deputy residents are unsure how the Those of you who attend the the hard-working Bingo vol-
Worth Inlet, Riviera Beach,
only 60 seconds from the system works. You cannot use
accessible only by boat, his- Tuesday night Karaoke at Kent unteers a healthy and happy
time he entered the Village a cell phone to call someone
to catch the first stop sign Pool will be moving on July vacation.
in as the system only recog- toric and picnic site.
runner on East Drive. Need- nizes wired landline phones. 1st to the Party Room. We are We will be receiving our
Phil Foster Memorial
less to say, this person was You must call from a landline making this move for the season brochures for the 2008-
not very happy with the ci- Park, 900 E. Blue Heron
phone in your unit and you safety of all residents who at- 09 season in July. Once the
tation and all that goes with must be in your unit to receive Blvd., Riviera Beach, good
tend. Originally, outdoor Kara- brochures are in, the day you
it. It is also interesting that guests. If you do not have a snorkeling, gentle waters as it
this person was only two- oke was started as a form of can pick up a brochure will be
landline phone you will have is in the Intercoastal waterway.
tenths of a mile from exit- to come to the gate and tell the recreation for the residents in announced and advertised. Or,
ing the Village before being Ocean Reef Park, 3860 the aftermath of the hurricanes in the alternative, those who
security guard on duty who
nailed. It must have been a your guest will be. Any deliv- Marcini Road, Jupiter (A1A), when the Clubhouse was not completed a form requesting
very expensive exit. ery of any kind must be called nice picnic area, rocks may be available. However, Karaoke the mailing of the new season
In order to get a transpon- in. If your guest or delivery is exposed, possible snorkeling.
der for your vehicle, you must has become so popular among brochure will receive their
not called in properly, they will
go to the UCO office with a Loggerhead Park, 14200 our residents that we are often copy by mail. We are very ex-
be refused entrance. o
U.S. Highway 1, Juno Beach, too crowded for the Kent fa- cited about the shows for next
NOTICE check out the Turtle Museum, cilities; thus the move to the season, and trust that you will
grassy area for picnicking, hik- Party Room. Many residents enjoy the variety of musicals,
To all Associations in Century Vil- ing trail on ridge. are disappointed to see this comedies and Broadway per-
lage: Because a number of Umbrella Juno Beach Park, just very well attended outdoor formances that are scheduled
event move indoors, but I urge for our theater.
Associations cannot find anyone to north of Loggerhead but ac-
cess is from A1A. all of you to give it a try — I am especially grateful to
pick up the UCO Reporter for their Dubois Park, 19075 you might find you are pleas- the wonderful craftsmen who
sections, beginning with the July is- Dubois Rd., Jupiter, not a
antly surprised. And your regularly work in our Hobby
friends and neighbors in Kent Shop. They have graciously
sue, we have arranged to have the beach but a creek which can
who live in the surrounding donated the time and talent to
be fun to tube on, historic
newspapers delivered to each indi- home.
homes will be grateful for the create the wonderful sign hold-
return of their once quiet Tues- ers you now see on all of our
vidual Association’s mailbox area. Carlin Park, 400 S.R.
day nights. doorways in the Main Club-
Those Associations who do not A1A, Jupiter (take Indiantown
The celebration of Indepen- house. If you are attending a
Road to Ocean and turn south
have mailboxes with slots for on A1A), Shakespeare and
dence Day is a very popular class or meeting in the future,
summer event for all Ameri- you will be pleasantly sur-
packages will have to contact the concerts presented during the cans and it’s right around the prised to find an informational
Reporter office and arrange to summer, small takeout restau- corner! Century Village resi- sign on the door of the room
rant, small shelters overlook- dents will not be left out, for your particular event.
have the Reporter delivered to a
ing beach (get there early). since we’ve planned for you Thank you, gentlemen, for
central location or unit for distri- Jupiter Beach Park, 1375 to celebrate in our Party such a wonderful job!
bution. Call 683-9336, The UCO Jupiter Beach Rd., Jupiter, has Room on Friday, July 4 in As always, feel free to call
freshwater fishing and pier. conjunction with our regular or stop by to see me any time
Reporter, and we will make sepa- Friday night Karaoke. The with your questions, com-
For information on all
rate arrangements. these parks, call during busi- event will run from 4 p.m. to ments, or concerns. Be well,
Irv Lazar, Editor ness hours 624-0065. Happy 9 p.m., and we will provide and have a healthy and safe
summering. o drinks and snacks to comple- summer. o
Page 12 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008

Join us for a morning of fun at Century Village!

Refreshments Door prizes Entertainment
Health Screenings

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Comprehensive Home Care – Meet our Village Nurse and home care team
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Balance Screenings – Fall prevention education
Golf Clinics – Tips to tune up your Golf Swing
Chair Massages
Low Vision Screening
Oxygen readings
Senior Olympics – Sign up or be a volunteer Wednesday,
Hurricane Safety August 6, 2008
9:30 - 11:45 am
Home Care of Palm Beach
Raising the Standards of Home Health Care
Located in the Community Medical Center
State Lic.#HHA299991293

Century Village
at West Palm Beach
(In the party room
at the club house)
For more information, please call

(561) 588-0996
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 13

Library County Library. (up to age 13). Girls wore

• Fiction: red dots bobby sox and saddle shoes.
Committee • Current Events: yellow dots • Families gathered in front of
By Dot Loewenstein • History: blue dots From the the radio to listen to the
Summer has arrived, and • Biographies: green dots nightly news and to FDR’s
many seasonal residents have Science Fiction and Health Listening Post “Fireside Chats.”
departed for other climates. topics are located in the book- • Candy stores sold candy for
The Okeechobee Branch Li- case near the clock, as are some Syd Kronish a penny.
brary is closed until Novem- varied Religion selections. All • Say “Goodnight,” Gracie!
ber, and residents are now other non-fiction should have **********
aware of our library, right up- a white dot and the letters NF, Century Villagers have
stairs in the Clubhouse. We but are not arranged in any or- News and cartoons. more additions to this list. So,
Remember When:
hear many wonderful com- der whatever. Grocery stores sold only write to me at the Reporter
• The Good Humor man •
ments about what a surprise it Thank you all for your co- food — not drugs, clothing with your favorites. o
came ringing his bell.
is to find such a choice of operation — it makes our job or hardware.
• The ice man delivered to
titles. If you notice a volunteer most rewarding. o
your home or apartment — • Doctors made house calls. Wish I Said That
busily rearranging shelves, be • Families went to drive-in By John Saponaro
and put it in the ice box.
sure to say thank you. You may movies. Some couples “I think men who have a
Please... • Subway and bus fare were
also offer to help, even if you went, but not to see the pierced ear are better prepared
a nickel.
are not on the regular list. I had Try to Have the Exact Change. • Boys played stick ball, shows. for marriage. They’ve experi-
a lovely experience a few Gate Pass: $3.25 for 90 Days Favorite funny films: Marx enced pain and bought jew-
punch ball and box ball in •
weeks ago when a resident was Replacement Transponder: Bros., Ritz Bros., Laurel elry.” Rita Rudner
the street.
waiting for a class to begin, and Hardy, Abbott and
See the
and had a few minutes to help.
$16 • Eddie Cantor sang
Whoopee; Al Jolson sang Costello, Three Stooges.
What did we do together? We New Transponder: $26.75 • Movie theaters had “Give
Shows at the
For Info Call 683-9189 Mammy.
looked thru tons of magazines, Away Nights” — dishes,
• Fannie Brice sang My Man.
many of which dated back to We Cannot Take Anything
• Movies cost 10¢ for double toys and gifts.
2001 (that is not a typo) and Higher Than a $20 Bill features plus a serial, Pathé • Young boys wore knickers
which needed to be carried
down to the recycle bin. Since
I neglected to ask her name at • SCREEN REPLACEMENT • SCREEN REPLACEMENT
that time, this is my public
We’d like to bring your at- • WINDOW CLEANING • WINDOW CLEANING
tention to the fact that maga-
zines are called Periodicals for
a reason — they come out pe- 20% OFF 20% OFF
riodically, and there are always
new issues. Thus, we don’t ALL WORK ALL WORK
have proper display room for Licensed and Insured Licensed and Insured
those dating back several 2008-07498 2008-07499 2008-07498 2008-07499
years. Please limit your dona-
tions to the current three Replace: Vinyl Windows: Torn or old looking Replace: Vinyl Windows: Torn or old looking
months only, and save us those
tedious trips to the recycle bin.
window screens • Porch screening • window screens • Porch screening •
A Latino gentleman has of- Waterproof screening • And much more Waterproof screening • And much more
fered to donate several books
written in Spanish, which will
be a tremendous asset to our
Foreign Languages section.
Right now we have many in
561-968-7520 561-968-7520
French, a few in Dutch, Ger- • Family Owned • FREE • Professionals • Family Owned • FREE • Professionals
man, and Hebrew. One resi- & Operated Estimates Since 1974 & Operated Estimates Since 1974
dent asked if we had a Bible
in Greek, which was hers, had
been misplaced, and perhaps • SCREEN REPLACEMENT • SCREEN REPLACEMENT
was returned to us. Unfortu-
nately, we never saw it. If any- • REPAIR WORK • GLASS TINTING • REPAIR WORK • GLASS TINTING
one has picked up this Bible • WINDOW CLEANING • WINDOW CLEANING
(very small, black cover)
please be kind enough to re-
turn it to the Lost and Found 20% OFF 20% OFF
in the front lobby.
Check the Fiction hardcover ALL WORK ALL WORK
section (red dots) and note Licensed and Insured Licensed and Insured
most now have a rubber stamp 2008-07498 2008-07499 2008-07498 2008-07499
on the top indicating the books
come from our library. This Replace: Vinyl Windows: Torn or old looking Replace: Vinyl Windows: Torn or old looking
doesn’t mean you must return
them, but it may remind you
window screens • Porch screening • window screens • Porch screening •
that we appreciate replacement Waterproof screening • And much more Waterproof screening • And much more
books (new titles) instead.
Many residents stocked up on
books before the Okeechobee
branch closed, and now dis-
cover that they have been in-
561-968-7520 561-968-7520
ter-mingled at home. These • Family Owned • FREE • Professionals • Family Owned • FREE • Professionals
also have a rubber stamp on & Operated Estimates Since 1974 & Operated Estimates Since 1974
the top - theirs say Palm Beach
Page 14 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008

did that and before his pur- phone calls from people re- cide to donate. Chances are,
chases were rung up, his wal- questing donations to various 99.9% they will not do this. A
let was gone. He had to charities and organizations? red flag should go up when
replace his driver’s license, The answer: too many! The they say no, they can’t. Third,
Safety concealed weapons permits voice on the other end is fast you know that yes, some or-
for four states, credit cards, to tell you what type of orga- ganizations do employ
George Franklin and a loss of a lot of cash. nization he represents and then telemarketers to do their
When exiting or entering asks for donations. In some fundraising. However, if an
your vehicle, be aware of your cases, they will ask for your organization received 10 to
surroundings. Look before you credit card information to 20% of your donation, they are
get into or out of your vehicle. make this donation. extremely lucky. The rest goes
This month, we will around it, then place it in your Is a person wandering around? Not to say there are no le- into the telemarketer’s pocket
discuss “Shopping and rear pocket. This will foil any If you are in your vehicle, gitimate organizations in this for “expenses.”
pick pocket unless they use a move to another location. Do world. We all know there are. If you decide you want to
Personal Safety” not open your door. Report You need to know there fol- make a donation, check with
razor to slice your pocket
What’s shopping safety? this as soon as you can to a lowing about these callers. the Better Business Bureau or
open, letting the wallet fall out.
Shopping safety is more or less store employee. After dark, try Yes, they are telemarketers, call that organization yourself
Yes, this happens! My sugges-
personal protection against to park in well lit areas as close and yes, they do operate what and ask where you can send a
tion is to carry the wallet in
your being a victim of a crime. to the building as possible. Do are known as “boiler rooms,” check. This way, they will re-
your front pocket. Another
What type of crime? not become a victim. which are, in many cases, a ceive 100% of your donation.
suggestion: do not carry cash
How many times have you In the future, we will be giv- store front with many phone The next item — the Lot-
in your wallet; instead, carry
ladies gone to the local super- ing out more crime prevention lines and people specially tery/Contest Scam. Have any
the cash in your front pocket.
market and kept your mind on tips for you. In the meantime, trained to take your money. of you received a mailing,
Minimize your loss.
your list of groceries and paid be safe out there! First, do not ever give out phone call or email stating
Ladies and gentlemen,
no attention to your surround- ********** your personal banking or you have won a contest or
when at the checkout
ings? By this we mean plac- And now, we will discuss credit card information to any- sweepstakes? The company
counter, do not leave your
ing your pocketbook in the “Personal Safety/Security” one over the phone. Second, wants you to send a certain
wallet on the conveyer belt
children’s seat of your basket. What does this mean? How ask them to send you informa- amount of money to cover
with your purchases. Just two
Then you walk away looking many of us have received tion in the mail before you de-
weeks ago, a friend of mine Continued on page 16
for an item on a shelf not pay-
ing attention to what is hap-
pening around you. Bingo!
Some thief comes by your cart,
The UPS Store •
reaches into your purse, takes Village Commons/Publix Plaza
out your wallet and you have 931 Village Blvd., #905
no idea it is gone until you West Palm Beach, FL 33409
reach the checkout counter and
have to pay for your purchases.
By then, the thief has had time
to use your credit cards, cash
or other items you had in there.
Men, you are not left out of
this situation either. How
many of you have had your
wallet stolen and never knew
it, until you reach that check-
out counter? How does this
happen? “Light Fingered” per-
sons, by that I mean, the old-
fashioned pickpocket.
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your card company and report
it lost or stolen. Cancel your
account and request a new ac-
count and card. That way, you
will not be responsible. Report
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Men, do not carry your wal-
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The UPS Store • The UPS Store • The UPS Store •
must: Tie some rubber bands
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 15

Ladies’ Hair Cut - $16

Ladies’ Style - $17 & Up
Ladies’ Cut & Style - $26 & Up
Men’s Haircut - $13 Senior Men’s - $10
Summer Pampering Package $85
Full Service Salon
1 Manicure & 1 Spa Pedicure Tuesday-Thursday 9:00 am thru 4:30 pm
Friday & Saturday 9:00 am thru 7:00 pm
1 Haircut or Hairstyle
1 Collagen or Seaweed Facial 5772 Okeechobee Boulevard
1 Parafin Hand Treatment West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Mini Facial Treatment $28 Century Plaza South
Deep skin cleansing and hydrating Across from Century Village
includes one facial hair removal.
Deep Cleansing Facial “Special” $38 Hair Services
Using Peel exfoliants for renewal.
Massage to face and neck.
Skin Care
Nail Care
French Manicure/Spa
Pedicure Package $36
Se Habla Español
European Facial $58
Using gentle peel exfoliant for radiant skin
renewal. Antioxidant serum treatment. PUBLIC
Includes one facial hair removal. Stone
massage to face/neck. Total time one hour. $2.00 OFF ANY HAIR SERVICE
Matrix Color Service $35
Matrix Perm Service $38 COUPON EXPIES 7/31/08
Page 16 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008


Continued from page 14 Continued from page 10 Visit My Site
Office: 561-804-9603 • Fax: 561-640-0224 • Cell 561-512-2485
what they deem handling ex- muscle fibers, nutrients reach 5776 Okeechobee Blvd., WPB, FL 33417 •
penses and taxes. Well, one the cells and toxins are carried * ANNUAL RENTALS *
question from this end, folks off more efficiently. SALISBURY G
furnished, carpet, tile
furnished, carpet
— if you did not enter a con- It is generally accepted that
furn, ceramic tile, beautiful condo
furn, carpet & ceramic tile
CANTERBURY C furnished carpet, very nice 550
test or lottery, how in the good circulation is necessary CANTERBURY H furnished, carpet, nice!!! 550
SALISBURY F furn, ceramic tile, new range, fridge 575
world can you win a prize? to maintain good health. Be- CHATHAM P
furnished, ceramic tile, very nice
furn, pergo flooring, very pretty
Too many of us fall victim cause blood carries oxygen
furn, carpet, cozy, very nice
furnished or unfurnished, ceramic tile
WALTHAM F furnished, near East Gate, carpet 550
to this scam because we don’t and nutrients to the cells, SUSSEX A unfurnished, redone, cul-de-sac 600
CANTERBURY H unfurn, new carpet, newer AC, painted 550
think. Next, they will again ask good body circulation is nec- BERKSHIRE G
furnished, near West Gate, rent to own
furnished, redone, a nice loft
you to send a credit card num- essary for optimal health. NORTHAMPTON R
furnished, ceramic tile, beauty! 650
DORCHESTER A furnished, tile, shows nice place 600
ber or bank account number so Massage increases circulation CAMDEN H furnished, new AC, newer fridge 550
SUSSEX B furnished, tile floors, windows 550
that the prize may be collected. and hence increases oxygen to KINGSWOOD D
unfurn, ceramic tile, carpet, new app
unfurn, ceramic tile, carpet, newer AC
Well, the only thing that will the cells. It’s time to get a
furnished, new bath, wood floors
furnished, new bath, wood floors
KENT H furnished, near Kent pool, CT 550
be collected will be your hard- massage! WALTHAM A part furn, tile, redone, near E-Gate 600
CAMDEN B sweet w/lakeview, newer appls 625
earned money! From a psychological point WALTHAM G
cute pie!!! ceramic tile, furn
great condo, carpet, part furn
Do not fall victim to these of view, massage creates a
furn, pretty carpet, near Hastings
furn, near Clubhouse, new kit
SHEFFIELD F furn, near Hastings Fitness Center 625
scams! Please, folks, think be- sense of being cared for, of SHEFFIELD D furn, near the Fitness Center 600
fore you write a check or send being nurtured. Massage helps NORWICH C
furnished, gardenview, carpet
ceramic tile, new appls, furn
personal information to a us become more aware of our
furnished, gardenview, carpet
upgrades galore! CT, furn
CANTERBURY K unfurn, pergo fls, CT, new appls 625
stranger. If it sounds too good bodies and the feelings we SOUTHAMPTON A golfview, part furn, ceramic tile 600
DORCHESTER C furn/unfurn cul-de-sac near pool 525
to be true, it probably is. An- value. Human touch connects NORWICH F
near Hastings Fit Ctr, furn/unfurn
furn, near E-Gate, CH, carpet, pretty
other suggestion is to call the one person to another and the
ceramic tile, furn, close to pool
beautiful condo, cpt and CT
Police or Sheriff’s Dept. clos- feelings shared promote heal- CANTERBURY C unfurnished, tile, near pool 550
NORTHAMPTON N unfurn, carpet, waterview 550
est to you and ask for an of- ing and emotional revitaliza- DORCHESTER C
unfurn, new kit, CT, beauty
furnished, ceramic tile, carpet
ficer in their frauds unit and tion. Safe touch is an
furn, lower set back, near pool
carpet, furn, near Fitness Center
CAMDEN H unfurn, carpet, CT, new appls 575
explain why you are calling. I important part of life. Massage UPPER FLOOR 2/1.5 OR 2 BATH
GOLF’S EDGE E furn, carpet, near pool w/lift 750
guarantee that what you have by a responsible, licensed pro- CHATHAM K
new AC, tile floors, part furnished
furn, wood, cpt, nice patio
received is a scam and you will fessional is a relaxing way to NORWICH H
furnished, nice
very pretty, furn, carpet lite & brite
be told that. Do not feel em- enjoy safe touch.
furn, CT, gardenview, near W-Gate
furnished, waterview
STRATFORD K furn, large patio, central air 700
barrassed as some of these Looking at massage from a CAMBRIDGE A furnished, great location 850
ANDOVER G newly furnished, pretty, walk right in 900
scams look all too real. The physical sciences point of CANTERBURY G
furn, CT, linoleum, keeps cool, add appls
unfurn, new counters, DW, disposal
best way to avoid being a vic- view, we see that there is a CAMDEN F
unfurn, new appls, wtrvw, carpet 700
SOMERSET E furnished, carpet, central AC 825
tim is to read, read, read! two-way exchange of electro- CHATHAM R carpet, tile, central AC 850
STRATFORD J furnished only, ceramic tile 950
Until next time, be safe out magnetic energy from the mas- DORCHESTER F
close to pool, fully furnished
furn/unfurn, near Clubhouse
there! o sage therapist to the receiver COVENTRY C
ceramic tile, near Clubhouse, E-Gate 600
ANDOVER A beauty! ceramic tile, furnished 700

July Classes and back. This energy transfer GOLF’S EDGE D

furnished, carpet tile
new appls, repainted tile fls, great!
furn, Berger carpet, newer AC
By Jennifer Mompremier cannot be duplicated by gad- COVENTRY H ceramic tile, furn, near Clubhouse 600
SUSSEX M furn, beauty, new kit cab, freshly painted 600

Summertime has finally ar- gets or machines. The oriental NORWICH I

furn, carpet, near Clubhouse & Fitness 700

rived! Don’t want to be in the cultures call this energy Chi or GOLF’S EDGE E
w/lift, carpet, furn, near pool
furn, nr pool, cpt, elev building
BEDFORD C mirrored walls in LR, queen beds, scr patio 750
hot sun? Come to the Club- life energy. This human energy WALTHAM A furn, cook island, central AC 850
NORWICH L PT furn, CT redone completely 800

house and join classes or transfer is an important part of DORCHESTER I

near pool, furn, cpt, tile floors
furn, carpet, tile, near E-Gate

clubs. We have great air con- the healing process. COVENTRY A

furn, pergo, carpet, ceiling fans
beautiful! extra clean cul-de-sac
COVENTRY E furnished inside corner 750
ditioning in here! Also, if Massage gives a person a CHATHAM K newly redone 775
WALTHAM D gardenview, new AC, fresh painted 850

most of your friends went feeling of comfort and relax- WINDSOR C

furn/unfurn, waterview, nr W-Gate
unfurn, new appls, gardenview

away and you are looking for ation like a mini vacation from NORWICH C totally redone kit, nr E-Gate, furn

NORWICH C carpet, furn, gardenview 575

something to do, just stop by the pressures of life. A clini- GOLF’S EDGE E unfurn, CT, beauty, encl patio 600
NORTHAMPTON A furn, AC, CT, garden 600

the Clubhouse. cal study at the University of CAMDEN I

carpet, furn, near pool
furn, cul-de-sac, cpt, CA

Classes that continue for the Miami School of Medicine, CANTERBURY C

furn, 1st mo free w/12 mo lease
furn, nr E-Gate, Clubhouse, clean
SUSSEX B cnr unit, furn, beauty! 650
summer are Tai-Chi, Painting shows that massage increases NORTHAMPTON B furnished and waterview 650

Workshop, Ceramics, Plastic mental alertness and acuity. 1ST FLOOR CORNER 1/1.5 BATH
WALTHAM C 1,375 3 mo/1,250 4 mo

Canvas, and Reflexology. There This relaxed state lasts longer SHEFFIELD F
cpt, furn
CT, lots of lite

are two new classes in July. One as the cumulative benefits of CHATHAM K
NORTHAMPTON H cpt, furn, wtrvw 1,200
is called Scottish Country Danc- more massages at regular in- 2ND FLOOR 1 BED 1/1.5 BATH

ing. The instructor is Freddie tervals are experienced. NORWICH C


Sverdlove of the Royal Scottish Despite widespread use of CAMBRIDGE A

Country Dance Society. massage techniques in ancient 2ND FLOOR CORNER 2 BED/1.5 BATH
SOUTHAMPTON B carpet w/lift 1,200

The second class is Doll Greek and Roman civiliza- COVENTRY A

cpt, wd flrs, furn 1,200

Making taught by Stormy Har- tions, some people regarded it WALTHAM A

ris. Spaces are limited. So please as a self-indulgent luxury. But DORCHESTER I 1,200

be sure to sign up in advance. Per Henrik Ling, a Swedish SUSSEX B

carpet 1,200

We want to keep the Club- gymnast in the early 19th cen- DOVER B
house jamming all summer tury, based his “Swedish SALISBURY G carpet and ceramic tile 1,000
CHATHAM K carpet 975

long. Feel free to stop in the movement treatment” on hu-

Clubhouse. o Continued on page 19

July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 17

signs were based on the writ-

Stamps in
ing of love letters. The famous
correspondence between
Abigail Smith and President
John Adams during their
the News courtship form the backdrop of
We spoke to each other on
the stamp. The word “Love” Personal
Syd Kronish is in the forefront, with the “O” To all our friends and neigh-
the phone daily and discussed
being a big red rose. numerous things — we gos-
bors in Century Village: The siped a little, and we made din-
Collectors and the general kindness expressed at this time
public alike have eagerly ner appointments. We played
of sorrow is deeply appreciated. cards together, at least once a
Ever since Adam sang the “You” (obviously “I love sought these Love stamps as Gloria (Golda) Shore
an opportunity to grace their week. Sometimes we went to
world’s first love song to Eve you”). The concept of the and Family
love letters, wedding invita- a movie. Basically, we enjoyed
(I’m in Love with You Honey) sweethearts candy stamps
tions and holiday wishes with going out together and with
or T-Rex warbled Love Makes dates back to the 19th century, Ethel Liebowitz
stylish and colorful designs. other ladies.
the World Go Round to his pre- when printed sayings on col- Ethel Liebowitz was my
We will keep you posted as Ethel, you were always kind
historic lady friend, everyone ored paper were placed in friend for at least 25 years. We
to first day covers. For further to me. I’m sorry I have to say this,
realizes that all the world and all small crisp candies. laughed, we fought, we made
information, you may call toll but au revoir — adios, Ethel.
of its inhabitants need is love. In 2001, the love stamp de- up, we cried — but we were
free 1-800-STAMP-24. o But most of all, I miss you
The U.S. Postal Service has good friends. We always re- very much. We all miss you.
been echoing this ancient mained good friends through Thanks for being my friend.
theory with the issuance of
many stamps with the theme P P P P P P P thick and thin. Helen Haber
of “Love.” Some of these
stamps were combined with
others related to weddings.
The first in the series of
Love stamps was released in
1973 with a set of two stamps
featuring the work of Pop Art-
ist Robert Indiana, whose
iconic design of “Love” has
appeared in a wide variety of
settings. The 37¢ and 60¢
stamps show designs of hearts.
This year’s Love stamps
show an oversized heart being
transported by its owner to this
unseen beloved, conveying the
message that a heart filled with
love could be a gift to one’s
beloved, rather than the usual
flowers or candy.
At the same time, there
will be a pair of wedding
stamps reissued from last
year (2007) design featuring
vines that form the shape of
a heart created especially for
mailing wedding invitations
and RSVPs.
The wedding stamps come
in two denominations (42¢ for
one ounce and 59¢ for two
ounces). Each one ounce
stamp is intended for use on
the RSVP envelope often en-
closed with the wedding invi-
tation. The two ounce stamp
accommodates the heavier
weight of the wedding invita-
tion with enclosures.
The art work on the 2008
hearts stamps was created
by Nancy Stahl, who based
her designs on a wide range
of intertwined objects, in-
cluding silver charms and
garden gates.
In 2006, the main design il-
lustrated a pair of love birds
nesting together, colored blue
to signify happiness and ful-
In 2004, the Postal Service
issued a 37¢ love stamp de-
picting two overlapping candy
hearts, one imprinted with “I”
and the other with the word
Page 18 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 19

Wellness Corner
Classified Continued from page 16
man anatomy. His methods
Ads were developed into physio-
therapy and this put therapeu-
tic massage on the road to
Classified ads are printed medical respectability.
on a space available basis. A weekly massage will
Ads should be submitted by make you look and feel years
the seventh of the month in younger. You owe it to your-
whifch they are to appear. self to give massage a try.
Articles must be submitted Today, many Royal families
every month if they are to have massage professionals
appear. on their family staff. Bob
All Classified ads must be Hope and George Burns
on a full sheet of paper (8-1/ have previously been regu-
2 x 11). Scraps of paper will lar recipients of massage for
not be repeated. over 50 years. Treat yourself
All items submitted must like Royalty. Take a mini
include name and address of massage vacation for an
contributor. Name and ad- hour or two this week. You
dress will not be printed; this are worth it! o
is for our information. The
Classified ads are a service bbbbb
for UCO members only.

For Sale or Rent

Furn, 1-1½, 2nd fl, nu 23 cubic

side by side Whirlpool fridge,
nu Tappan stove, nu door lock,
nu roof, clean & painted, nu
flrg, nu pat tile, wndos & scrs,
3 fans, cpt & HW tank 6 yrs
old, 2 nu toilets, $4,000 53"
Sony TV, sleeps 4 adults, 2
steps to pool, outdoor bldg pat,
laundry & bus stop, very motiv
seller. Redu price already by
$25,000 to $55,000; make of-
fers. 845-246-4319; 845-246-
2060; 561-687-9324

Greenbrier C, lg 2-2, FL rm,

CAC & htr, fans, mirr walls,
tile fls next to laund & stor-
age, lux furnish. $169,000 neg.
786-473-2682; 561-478-6564

For Rent

Sheffield I, 1-2½, gr fl, remod,

furn, tile, nr gym & pool. $5K
for sea. 452-8863


Sturdy, 3 wheel walker w/lg att

bag (removable), good cond.
$40. 683-6131

Curtis DVD player, brand new

in box, never used. $10. 640-

Wanted to buy: bookcases,

shelves (plastic or wood),
small plastic containers, desk,
also old jewelry, bags, pipes,
etc. 640-5443

If You Need
from Security,
call 662-1591
Page 20 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008


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Front wheel drive, foreign cylinder and road test car. Front wheel timing, carburetor and choke.
cars, Corvettes, pick-ups, and drive, foreign cars, Corvettes, pick-ups, Includes electronic ignition. V-6
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2495 $
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Peterson Rehabilitation, Inc.

5912 Okeechobee Boulevard, WPB, FL 33417 • Tel 561-697-8800 • Fax 561-697-3372
(Opposite Century Village on Okeechobee Boulevard) •

Dr. Ron Peterson Carmen Peterson Tony Armour

CEO Chief Financial Officer Chief Operations Officer
Are You Fed Up with the Status Quo of Pain, Stiffness, Weakness
and Unsteady Gait?
We are experts at restoring your Quality of Life!
Our Services are personally supervised by Dr. A. Ronald Peterson,
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of the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialities.
Massage Therapy $5.00 Off With This Ad!
When Life just gets you down, there is a solution!
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 21

Susan Wolfman

#1 REMAX @ Century Village Email
561-401-8704 Main • 561-340-1980 Fax
Ground Floor 1 BR/1 BATH Ground Floor 2 BR /1½ BATH
CAMDEN-P Lovely UNDER turnkey condo, garden on
CONTRACT ANDOVER-L Turnkey, rentable unit on water,
patio ....................................................... $29,900 great association ................................... $54,900
KENT-G Tile floors, new appliances, next to NORWICH-N Pet friendly, updated garden,
pool, nice fresh paint .............................. $29,900 pat w/Frch drs (negotiable)................... $57,500
NORWICH-O Pretty, near gate, new bath & SHEFFIELD-D Tile on water, SOLD very nice, must
appliances .............................................. $39,900 see, rentable .......................................... $49,900
SHEFFIELD-K New oak kitchen, tile & new Upper Floor 2 BR /1½ BATH
bath ........................................................ $39,900 SOUTHAPTON-B Corner, new kit & baths,
EASTHAMPTON-A Clean & bright, across
from gate ................................................ $35,000 granite, tile fls on golf course................ $99,000
Upper Floor 1 BR /1 BATH NORTHAMPTON-F Corner & more on the
ANDOVER-B Dec turnkey, rentable unit, great water ..................................................... $59,900
investment, stunning ............................... $37,500 NORWICH-N Pet friendly, corner, tile &
NORWICH-C Excellent condition, new berber, more, great price too! ............................ $67,500
stainless appliances, furnished............... $27,900 Luxury 2/2s
SHEFFIELD-K Oak kit, nu AC & flg... $29,900 SOMERSET-B Lakeside beauty, entirely new,
KENT-B Nu cpt, OL H2O, poolside ....... $39,900 open fl plan, tile & new pat ................. $107,500
Ground Floor 1 BR /1½ BATH WELLINGTON-F Corner, tile, updated, and
WINDSOR-G Turnkey furnished unit, abs lovely ................................................... $119,900
perfection ............................................... $36,900 WELLINGTON-E Lovely,RENTED lakeside condo,
EASTHAMPTON-F Corner, new AC, new stall great association ................................... $87,500
shower, walk to gate ............................... $39,900 WELLINGTON-H Pristine, lovely vw $87,900
CANTERBURY-J Cnr, tile throughout, nuer GREENBRIER Tile, mirrors, new everything,
AC .......................................................... $49,900 shows like a model .............................. $159,900
STRATFORD-O 2 patios, on water, all redone, OXFORD-500 Oversized, ground floor, tons of
great building too ................................... $59,900 potential ................................................ $79,900
CAMDEN-I Corner, tile a real beauty, WELLINGTON-F Ground floor, gorgeous
furnished, rentable, across from pool ..... $69,900 new kit, updated baths, tile, on lake .... $109,900
WELLINGTON-E Spectacular lake view,
sacrificed................................................ $59,900 CYPRESS LAKES ConvertibleSOLD 3 bedroom,
Upper Floor 1 BR /1½ BATH tile, villa ................................................ $99,990
STRATFORD-N Oversized beauty, new GOLDEN LAKES 2nd floor tile, waterviews,
flooring, baths & new oven too .............. $29,900 excellent value....................................... $49,900
SUSSEX-F Corner, file floors, on preserve,

great buy!!! ............................................ $42,900
SALISBURY-H Corner, new central, needs tile
work, rentable, good buy!....................... $29,900
DOVER-C Tile throughout, great decor, and STRATFORD-O lksd, wd fls, galley kit, 2 pats on wtr .. $750
best of all, lakeviews .............................. $54,900 CAMDEN-I 1½ cnr, gr fl tile, acr fr pool ........................ $675
SOUTHAMPTON-C Tile throughout, new
CAMDEN-L 1/1 stng, turnkey, ann/sea, 2nd fl . $600/1,000
patio, furnished, stall shower ................. $39,900
NORWICH-O Walk 2 gate, cnr, gr pr .. $33,500 WINDSOR-G 2/1½ 2nd fl cnr, furn & clean ...... $675/1,000
WELLINGTON-F Exquisite view, tile, SHEFFIELD-D pris, nu kit/bath & wtr too............ $675/mo
updated, great price ............................... $59,900 WELLINGTON-H nu cpt & paint, 2/2, lkvw ................. $850
SUSSEX-A Corner, tile, lovely unit ....... $54,900 WELLINGTON-E lovely, furn turnkey .......................... $850
NORWICH-D Stunning corner, open kitchen, NORWICH-D cnr all redone, some furn, lift too ........... $700
lift, tile .................................................... $49,900 SOUTHAMPTON-C 1½ furnished, lovely view ............ $650
SOUTHAMPTON-C Parel, nu bath, stun
............................................................... $43,500 MANY MORE, SEASONAL TOO!
Page 22 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 23
Page 24 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008


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Simply stated, the loan is based on your age and the value of your home. (Example) If your current age is 67 and you have a
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The money YOU receive from a Reverse Mortgage can be paid to $115,026 All at once (in a single lump sum of cash)
YOU in several ways or as a combination of these payment methods: $590 As a regular monthly payment
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A Brief History of Reverse Mortgages - In the 1980’s AARP lobbied Congress to create a program whereby Seniors could turn
some of their home’s equity into cash. In 1989, Congress created HUD’s Reverse Mortgage program. Essentially the US
government backs a loan that you do not have to pay back in your lifetime. The balance of the loan is paid by your estate. You
have worked all your life to own your home. Now you have the opportunity to use some of that equity in your Golden Years and
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There are no income requirements or qualifications and there are no payments for the loan, as long as you live in your home as
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homeowner 62 years or older. Condominiums, townhomes, duplexes and triplexes also qualify for this loan.
This special type of mortgage is available only to seniors and allows you to access the CNBC’s Suze Orman says…
equity in your home - without selling it and without having to make any payments on it. “A reverse mortgage can be a
Even better, there are no credit requirements. terrific income source for anyone
who owns a home but doesn’t have
It takes approximately 4-6 weeks to fund a Reverse Mortgage from the date of application. a lot of cash to cover living costs.”
Please call us with any questions on how you can benefit from a Reverse Mortgage. Source The Costco Connection Nov. 07

Reverse Mortgage… A Loan Program That Pays You!

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Supplemental Retirement Income… Is Available To You NOW!
Some Question & Answers about Reverse Mortgages…
What is a Reverse Mortgage? children or heirs from a Reverse Mortgage.
A Reverse Mortgage is a special type of home loan that lets the homeowner turn the equity of their
home into cash. Either in the form of a monthly payment, line of credit, or a lump sum. No What would happen if one spouse
repayment is required until the borrower no longer uses their home as their primary residence. This passed away?
program is Federally Insured and gives you the money you need today to help improve your As long as one spouse is living in the house as their primary residence and is on title, no repayment
lifestyle. It lets you do the things you have always dreamed of doing! of the loan is due. Only when none of the borrowers are living or using the house as their primary
The most popular Reverse Mortgage is the FHA HECM, which stands for Home Equity Conversion residence does the loan become due.
Mortgage. Can I do a Reverse Mortgage if I already have a mortgage on my house?
Absolutely! Though the proceeds from the Reverse Mortgage would be used to pay off your existing
What are the age restrictions mortgage first with any excess being given to you. There are no payments with a Reverse Mortgage,
for a Reverse Mortgage? so you will save money each month.
All parties on title must be at least 62 years old. The older you are the more money you will receive.
Why is a Reverse Mortgage better than a home equity loan?
How much can I borrow? Two reasons - First there are no payments with a Reverse Mortgage and second there is no income
This depends on many factors including your property value, the FHA loan limits in the area you live or credit qualifying for a Reverse Mortgage.
and the type of loan you’re looking to obtain.
How does this affect my heirs?
Are the payments taxable? A Reverse Mortgage is a great way to share some of your children’s inheritance with them, while
NO! The payments are not subject to income taxes because you’re just borrowing on your home. you’re still alive and can enjoy it with them. Additionally, if you work with a financial planner, you can
Although you still need to pay your property taxes and insurance as you do now. use your proceeds to increase your income streams or to help pay for long term healthcare costs.
Does the lender take my home when I die?
NO - absolutely not - When the last surviving spouse passes away the loan becomes due. The heirs This is a great option to help you live your life
or estate can either sell the house or just pay off the loan and keep the property. If for some reason
your house value is worth less than the loan, they would just deed the property back to the FHA if the way you want to - to its fullest!
they wanted. The house stands for your debt on this loan - no debt could ever be passed to your

CALL US and we can tell you what to expect from a Reverse Mortgage!
For more information about a Reverse Mortgage - PLEASE call toll free 888-368-1233 or mail this
to RM
formInformation P.O. Box 1660, Lehigh Acres, Fl 33970-1660, or fax to 888-368-1233.
Name Date of Birth
Co-applicant Name Date of Birth
State & County You Live In Address
Telephone # Best Time to Contact You?
What do you think your home is worth? Do you have a mortgage?
Do you have other bills you would like paid off? Amount of mortgage?
Interested inq Monthly Paymentsq Lump Sum Paymentq Line of Creditq Other
Information provided is kept confidential and is not shared with any organization. It is only
to help determine your eligibility for a Reverse Mortgage.

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Advisors Mortgage Group, LLC ™

Your FEDERALLY APPROVED Reverse Mortgage Specialists

Call Toll Free (888) 368-1233
to reach our local office.
Advisors Mortgage Group,
13750 W. Colonial Dr., Ste. 330 • Winter Garden, Florida 34787
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 25

please feel free to contact Jack Third Place: McGrory, Mody,

Fahey at 640-3373 or Mary Avignone, McCarey.
Recreation Pittman at 687-7373. o Planning for the January
2009 Awards Luncheon is al-
Recipes News Ladies’ Golf ready underway. Hold the date
Sylvia of January 27, 2009. More in-
Avis Blank Whiting formation will be provided as
Shuffleboard plans are finalized. Birdies for
Now that our Tournament is April included Galler, Sager,
Jack over, many of the “snowbirds” McGrory, LaSalle and
Fahey are heading North. The Turtle Rogers. Congratulations to all
Bay Ladies Golf League is a our players and special thanks
America • 2 tablespoons sliced fresh The shuffleboard games hardy bunch and will continue
Happy Birthday America! strawberries or 1 tablespoon to our Hospitality Committee,
continue on the summer throughout the summer.
July 4th is a day for enjoying strawberry ice cream top- Carol Bannister, Elena Ben-
schedule of Wednesday after- We survived play on April nett, Edie Reiter and Renee
parades, picnics, band con- ping noon at 1:15 p.m. and Thurs- 15 with “three clubs and a
certs, bathing beauty contests, • 2 tablespoons whipped Kreisworth for providing
day evening at 6:15 p.m. putter.” Many ladies accepted
ice cream and hot dogs. cream Passover snacks for our April
These games are open to all the challenge. Nine Hole win-
Shades of the early 1900s! • 1 tablespoon chopped pea- meeting.
CV residents. ners were Rossetti (Class A)
Roxanne, the famous designer nuts Lady golfers interested in
Don’t know how to play? and Brown (Class B). Eighteen
of swimwear, has created a • 1 tablespoon chocolate joining the Turtle Bay Ladies
No problem! Just show up Holers A. Libbey (A) and
new, modern line with the cov- syrup Golf League, please contact
with interest to learn and we McGrory (B) showed a great
ered-up look of the early • 2 maraschino cherries with the Membership Committee,
will supply the equipment and performance. Before many of
1900s. Her bathing suit fash- stems Lolly Pollack (689-0219),
provide no cost instruction. our “snowbirds” head home, Alice Klein (471-7959) or
ions can be seen online. Place banana in a dessert All summer games are infor- we held Captain’s Choice on
When you see the ladies dish; place scoops of ice cream Debbie at the Clubhouse for
mal and “no” leagues or stand- April 22. First place team win-
wearing their “new style (old between banana. Top with re- information and membership
ings recorded or maintained. ners were Brown, Beaty, A.
look) swimsuits,” it will bring maining ingredients. Serve im- applications. Play during the
Just come, learn and enjoy. Klein; Second Place: Reiter, summer began May 1 every
back memories of “going to mediately. Yield: 1 serving. o If you have any questions, Whiting, Siciliano, Vitullo;
the beach with grandma.” Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. o
This year, I will enjoy a nos-

talgic 4th by wearing one of

“Best Dining
Roxanne’s new-style covered-
up swimsuits at the beach or
pool and then enjoy an All-
American Banana Split.
All-American Banana Split
“In 1904, the first banana
Value of 20 07 ”
sy, Food Cri
split was made here in
Latrobe, Pennsylvania by
David Strickler, an appren-
tice pharmacist at a drug
Charles Pas
Palm Bea ch Pos t — Dec. 14, 2

store,” says Melissa Bly- AMERICAN Select as many entrees as you care to eat
stone of Valley Dairy. “We HOMESTYLE Entrees Include Fresh Carved:
still use his original formula
when we make splits in our COOKING Roast Turkey & Dressing • Baked Ham
restaurants.” Roast Beef • Leg of Lamb
Breakfast Buffet and Prime Rib (Sat Night)
• 1 medium banana, peeled
and split lengthwise Omelet Station Corned Beef (Tue & Thurs)
• 1 scoop each vanilla, Roast Pork (Sun & Wed)
chocolate and strawberry
$ 99
ice cream
Baked Fish LUNCH
Perdue Fried Chicken (NO Trans Fats) $
To all Associa- Perdue Baked Chicken
11-3:30pm 749
Fried Shrimp (Fri Night)
tions or Groups Every Saturday & Sauteed Chicken Breast
who own a lift: Sunday Morning Beef Liver & Onions (Mon) Mon-Sat 3:30-9pm $ 99
The permit fee from 8am to 11am Meatloaf/Stuffed Peppers
Sun 11-9pm 8
has been raised Children’s Lunch & SENIOR CITIZEN
by the Bureau Dinner Buffet

$ 99
of Elevator Under 3 Free 3:30-6:00pm 7
Safety to $75 3-7 $2.99
per year starting 8-11 $3.99
August 1, 2008. Typical Hot & Cold Foods Include:
Any renewal Coffee or Tea Two Soups Iceberg & Romaine Lettuce
Mashed Potatoes Spinach Leaves • Bean Sprouts
application after for Your Broccoli • Green Beans Salad Vegetables
August 1, 2008 Table. Carrots • Zucchini Cottage Cheese
will be $125. All Expires 10/31/08 Baked Squash & More Fruit Salad • Jello w/Fruit
fees across the Pies, Cakes & Beverages Available at Extra Charge
board have been
increased. 561-842-7791 vingsta
vingstationb uf
Page 26 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008

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July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 27

centuryy village ® real est

centur ate, inc. has 150+ active listings incl
esta uding:
$25,900 gr fl, grt pot at grt price $39,750 just red apt on 2nd fl w/wtrvw

$29,900 beauti gr fl apt at stealing price $59,900 nuly furn & dec w/CAC, scenic wtrvw & elev

$27,900 grt gr fl apt close to the pool $115,000 gorg kit, awesome panoramic view; must see!

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$43,500 great buy! move-in condition! gr fl $59,900 gr fl apt w/lg kit & CAC

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4$ 5 9 , 9 0 0 4$ 4 1 , 9 0 0 4$ 5 4 , 0 0 0 4$ 8 2 , 0 0 0
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Page 28 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008

“Dad Gets It Done!”
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771 Village Blvd., #205, WPB, FL 33409 • email: • websites: &
Looking to Buy or Sell? Call the “Condo Specialist” for Century Village!
Everything I List Turns to “Sold”
Inventory Needed NOW For This Season • The Most Professional Service with Proven Results!
Northampton N, 1/1.5, 1st fl cnr, Norwich N 2/1.5, 2nd fl, OS cnr, Camden H, 1/1, 2nd fl, immac, furn, tot
beaut neutral tile thruout, updated comp tiled thruout, remod kit w/nu turnkey unit w/lovely gdnvu, walk to
Camden pool, close to West Gate
kit & baths, nu CAC, wtrvu, unfurn, cabs & appls, updated baths, dec $625/mo ann $1,000/mo sea
great loc, make an offer today! Nu paint, WD in unit, all imp resist wn-
Sheffield I, 2/1.5, 2nd fl cnr, immac,
price: $45,000 dos, encl balc, small pet OK, rentable, furn, turnkey, scr balc, mirrors, gdnvu,
Dorchester B 2/1.5, 1st fl cnr, great unit at a great price $68,900 close to Fit Ctr & Synagogue
immac, furn, nu kit appls, cptg & Dorchester G 2/1.5, 2nd fl, comp $675/mo ann $1,000/mo sea
tile, CAC, nuer roof, rentabl bldg. remod & updated, neutral 18" tile Sheffield J, 2/1.5, 2nd fl outside cnr,
See this today! $59,900 thruout, fresh paint, cust mirrs, up- immac, nuer cptg, nu tile, furn, gdnvu,
Norwich H 1/1.5, 1st fl cnr, im- dated appls, baths, elect & plmbg, lift walk to Fit Ctr & Synagogue
incl in sale, no xtra fee, encl balc, fully $1,100/mo sea
mac, furn, updated kit & bath, great furn, a real beauty $65,000 Somerset H, 2/2, 2nd fl gorgeous
loc & XL price, rentabl bldg. Make beauty, CAC w/lift, lke pool vus, nr
offer today! $48,000 Northampton F 2/1.5, 2nd fl, IS
cnr, all 18" tile thruout, gorg lkvw, nu tennis, pool, fully furn & turnkey
Windsor E 2/1.5, 2nd fl, outside CAC (2006) & H2O htr (2006), up- $800/mo ann $1,100/mo sea
cnr, gorg canal vu, nuer cpt & tile, dated appls, baths, wiring, plmbg, Kent A, 2/1.5, 2nd fl, gorg wtrvw, nr
kit appls, updated baths, nu CAC, nu sold unfurn, make offer, gorg unit Kent pool, immac cond w/nuer tile &
encl porch, next to Camden pool, a cptg, updated kit & bath, furn, avail now
$62,500 $750/mo ann $1,000/mo sea
beauty at a great price $67,000 Southampton B 1/1.5, 3rd fl, elev,
Andover C, 1/1, 1st fl, comp remod w/
Waltham I 1/1.5, 2nd fl, immac, sensat golf cse & lkvws fr encl balc all tile, nuer kit appls, bath, paint, nu
comp furn, nuly paint, updated ap- which could be a den or office, up- berber, refurb $575/mo ann
pls, encl balc w/gdnvw, nuer roof dated appls, cptg, CAC in great shape, Southampton C, 1/1.5, 1st fl, comp
(2006), rentabl, open to all offers, sold furn, turnkey, steps to pvt pool, remod, encl pat fr golf cse, nu cptg, kit,
close to CH & E-Gate $45,000 make an offer today $37,900 appls, acr fr pool $675/mo ann
Call Today to List with a Proven Professional!
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July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 29


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Page 30 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008


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July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 31

Say Scram to They say “please submit ready has all the information
the tax refund request at once on you account, including
Spam and allow us 6-9 days to pro- your Social Security number.
By Syd Kronish cess it.” Again, it’s your money, don’t
The Reader’s Every day we see ads in the They say, “It’s your money! throw it away! o
newspapers, on TV, or via And you should get it now!”
Corner Email, by unscrupulous per- To scare you a little, the ads Goldie Oldies
Lenore Velcoff sons or companies promoting say that your deserved refund Submitted by John Saponaro
ways for you to make money could be delayed for a variety When Irish Eyes Are
or save it. of reasons. Smiling
The offers sound good — in The scammers declare the When Irish eyes are smiling
written, it tells a powerful story fact, too good to be true. Be- quickest way to avoid such Sure, it’s like a morn in
Escape by Carolyn Jessop
of a woman who, for her own ware: if it sounds THAT good, delays is to Email your request Spring
with Laura Palmer is the true
sake and for the sake of her it ain’t! to a certain code number. Do In the lilt of Irish laughter
story of a woman who grew up
eight children, decides she One of the recent big pro- not be duped by these great You can hear the angels sing.
in the FLDS (the Fundamen-
must escape the clutches of motions involves an official sounding pleas for you to get When Irish hearts are happy
talist Church of Jesus Christ of
this cult. She was the first looking report, supposedly money, or rather say goodbye All the hearts seem bright
Latter-Day Saints). Mormon-
woman to do this and retain from the Internal Revenue Ser- to your dough. and gay
ism has been in the news lately
full custody of her children. vice, that advises all taxpay- A word to the wise: don’t And when Irish eyes are
because of Mitt Romney’s run
Escape is probably one of ers how to get their tax refund be a victim to the “gotcha” smiling
for the Presidency (he is a
the most bizarre memoirs I of $184.80 immediately – game. Do not respond, even Sure they steal your heart
Mormon but not a member of
have ever read. o without delay! out of curiosity! The IRS al- away.
the FLDS).
While polygamy was dis-
continued in mainstream Mor-
monism in 1890, sects have
branched off and have taught
that polygamy is an “eternal
principal given by God.” This
is the same sect as the one in
Texas where hundreds of chil-
dren were removed from a
If you can get past the whin-
ing, you will learn of the deg-
radation and deprivation of
women in the FLDS. At the
age of 18, Jessop became the
fourth wife of a 50-year-old
man. She tells of her abuse by WE OFFER: SHLOMIE’S KOSHER BAKERY PRODUCTS,
her husband, of manipulation LARGER SELECTION OF SUGAR FREE CANDY, LARGE
by her “sister-wives” and of
children who are taught to turn PRINT LABELS, AND AS ALWAYS FREE DELIVERY
on each other to escape hard-
ship. Her husband eventually
We accept most insurances, HMO’s, Medicare “D” Plans, Medicaid
had six wives and 34 children. & Humana
The leader of her sect, Warren
Jeffs, was recently convicted HEAVENLY SOFT BIC PENS 81MG (BABY) ASPIRIN
of rape as an accomplice for PAPER TOWEL 10 PACK 1 0 CT
his role in the marriage of a 14-
year-old girl to her 19-year-old
cousin. $.59 reg. 0.99 /$1.00 $1.99 reg. 3.99
It is hard to believe that this Limit 2 per customer. Exp 7/15/08 Limit 2 per customer. Exp 7/15/08 Limit 2 per customer. Exp 7/15/08
religious sect could exist in the
frank about plural marriages TOILET TISSUE PACK MANHATTAN BOX CANDY DETERGENT 100oz.
and tells how sex plays a cru-
cial role in them. The wife who
gains sexual favor with her
$.79 reg. 1. 9 10% OFF $3.50 reg. .99
husband can use this power Limit 2 per customer. Exp 7/15/08 Limit 2 per customer. Exp 7/15/08 Limit 2 per customer. Exp 7/15/08
against the other wives and
have a much easier life.
While the book is simply Your Complete Homecare Supplier
• Canes, Walkers, & Commodes • Enteral Nutrition
Editorial Policy
Editorial • Diapers, Underpads & Incontinence • Bathroom Safety Equipment
The UCO R epor
Repor ter will Supplies • Support Surfaces
no longer accept ar ticles
articles • Surgical Stockings • Electric Seat Lift Chairs
about national politics • Diabetic Supplies • Manual Wheelchairs
during this election pe- • Hospital Beds • Scooters and Motorized Wheelchairs
riod. These can be sub-
mitted ttoo our local
new spaper
spapers.s. Howe ver
However 561-68 -9 00 • Se Habla Espanol
paid adver tisements will
advertisements 110 Century Blvd. 1st Floor
be printed, as long as Mon.-Fri. 8:30am to 5:00pm • Sun 10:00am to 2:00pm
theyy are within the
bounds of decency
Page 32 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008

they cannot be walked on any

other property, including the
roadways that are owned by
UCO. The moment they leave
From the Desk of their property line and enter
Ombudsman into, and/or on another ’s Opinions
property, they become “tres-
Phil Shapkin passers.” Kurt Weiss
Well, now that we have de-
fined trespassers, what can be
done to enforce this claim?
and be home, or at Joe’s house The answer is as follows. Memorial Day it any easier for them to cope
“Trespassing For many years, when I was
much faster, and we can start Memorial Day ceremonies with the loss in battle of a
Enforcement” the Commander of C.O.P. (an loved one. It shows them,
the card game early, and then I remind us all of the many
(Uninvited solicitors, arm of the Sheriff’s Depart- however, that we commiserate
can be back in time to see my young people who made the
intruders on your property, ment) here in the Village, and with them and that we tell that,
favorite TV show). These are ultimate sacrifice. Yes — they
dogs and dog walkers, etc.) when I took the position of regardless of what we think
“trespassers.” were volunteers, and the
We have, over the years, Ombudsman, I said that this about the war, their loved one
Now we have a new form thought may have crossed
been faced with a problem of problem (not the dogs, as they has given his/her life in a case
of intruder. This is the dog their minds that, as soldiers,
uninvited intrusions on our were not here yet) was a case they considered of the utmost
owner that has been allowed their lives were at risk.
Association properties. These of illegal entry onto someone importance.
into the Village by way of mis- Disputes raged these last
have taken the appearance of else’s property. This was borne We all should show our
guided Association Boards seven years, whether the Iraq
venders of goods and services, out by discussions with the gratitude to those who made
that have voted to allow dogs war was — and is — neces-
that were called in by your Sheriff’s Deputies assigned to the ultimate sacrifice.
on their property (without sary or even justified. These
neighbors, and these venders, the substation at the UCO Re- Bereaved family members,
bothering about the feelings disputes will no doubt con-
after having completed their porter building. while taking part in Memorial
of or the effects on their tinue so long as the U.S. is in-
business, then decide to see if This was reported to UCO Day ceremonies, need no spe-
neighbors). (If so, then it volved in Iraq and
they could drum up some ex- since we were having a prob- cial date to mourn the loss of
should have been done by the Afghanistan.
tra work, some without the lem with the aforementioned their child, or father or
correct and legal method, i.e., There are two groups of
knowledge of their bosses (so venders. There was, at that spouse. They are constantly in
a legitimate change and regis- people for whom the dispute
they could pocket a few ex- time, a signage issued by the their thoughts. There may be
tration of their documents, af- has become meaningless:
tra dollars). At this time, they Sheriff’s Department designed some who would like to see
ter a positive vote from the unit Those whose death we mourn
become “trespassers.” for use on business property the death of their loved one
owners.) on Memorial Day and those
We also have had people called the Palm Beach avenged. There are others
As I have stated in past who are left behind: parents,
that feel they may use your County S/D Trespassing En- who pray that things should
Ombudsman columns, the spouses and children.
open property as a shortcut to forcement Affidavit. At this change, so that it should not
“legal” dogs and their owners It is for them that Memo-
their eventual destination (gee, point in this report, let me say be necessary any longer to
must stay on the property of rial Day ceremonies have spe-
I can cut thru this hedge and
their own Associations and cial meaning. It does not make
cross that newly planted lawn, Continued on page 34 Continued on page 34
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 33
Page 34 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008

Ombudsman Kurt’s Opinions ceptance is reached or until, if

Continued from page 32 Continued from page 32 necessary, a relative or spiri-
for your edification that every tual adviser can be contacted
decide differences of opinion
Association is in effect a busi- and brought to the bereaved
violently by way of armed
ness property, and therefore family.
this signage is tailor-made for Those who had to perform
In every army, there are
each and every one who this necessary service never
teams whose task it is to go to
wishes to take advantage of forget. The scenes encountered
a fallen soldier’s family to in-
that fact. stayed with one for the rest of
form them of the tragic event.
If your Board wishes to their life.
I can only relate how this is
avail themselves of this prod- So, on Memorial Day, we
done in Israel, where in the
uct, you have but to phone the not only remember those
course of my service, I was all
Sheriff ’s Department and whose death we mourn, but
too often called upon to head
speak to the Deputy in charge, also those who are left behind.
a team, sent to a family to tell
D/S Robert Buchanan at 561- All they have left is memories,
them of their terrible loss.
776-2115, of crime prevention unanswered what if questions
Usually, it is an officer —
unit district #3. I have had dis- and a hole in their heart which
preferably from the dead
cussions with Deputy Bu- never heals.
soldier’s unit and a comrade of
chanan as to the relevancy of Memories may recede —
his, who was close to him or
this position of trespass as in the hurt remains. o
was near him when he was
regards to a dog, and/or a dog
killed, who was “elected” for
walker. He has advised me that
this task. There is no formula
he will be looking to alter this
sign to include dogs, etc., but
that can be used to relate what
brought about the soldier’s
Always Have
the intent is, at present, to
cover a dog situation, if chal-
death, except that he did not Your CV ID
suffer, that the end was merci-
This sign was created for the
ful. We usually stayed with the On Hand!
family until a modicum of ac-
use of property owners,
property managers and
business owners. You may
purchase these from the
Deputy, after the application
form has been filled out and
the fee of $21 each has been
paid. You may produce your
own sign following the tem- JUDGE REGINALD R. CORLEW
plate that you will receive from
the deputy. This sign has been
produced pursuant #810.08(1)
and (3) and/or #810.09(2)(b):
“Palm Beach County
Sheriff ’s Deputies are
hereby designated as autho-
As your County Court
rized representatives of the
business property and are Judge I have been
authorized to warn and di-
rect persons to leave said
serving the citizens of
As a sidebar to this, you
will have opened an avenue
Palm Beach County
of enforcement that has been
sadly overlooked by the citi- with independence,
zens of Century Village. Our
attempt here is to always
make the Village a safer place
fairness, experience
in which to live.
(Note: Attached you will
and integrity.
find a facsimile of the sign,
and its official wording.) o
Note to Contributors
Contributors: PROFESSIONAL
For ease in converting • Current County Court Judge, Palm Beach County
your articles to the UCO
• Former Federal Trial Tax Lawyer, United States Department of Treasury
Reporter into print,
• Litigated Cases in United States Tax Court
please type your items
on a full size 8½ x 11 • Former Special Assistant United States Attorney
paper, and double • Represented Federal Government in United States Bankruptcy Court
space so that we may be • Former Adjunct Professor, Nova Law School
able to make editing EDUCATION
insertions or changes • LL.M Tax — Southern Methodist University
when necessary. Please • J.D. — Southern University Law Center
avoid setting entire • B.S. — University of Florida
words in capital letters.
The deadline for VOTE AUGUST 26, 2008
submission of articles is RCORLEW2008@AOL.COM
the seventh of the
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 35

Offer expires 7/30/08 Offer expires 7/30/08

Page 36 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008

I wish to take issue with the contents of an ad inserted by Ben Graber in the UCO Reporter.
Mr. Graber attempts to replace our Congressman, Robert Wexler.
The ad is headlined: “Wexler Takes Risk with World Jewry!” Following that headline, Mr.
Graber picks and chooses, misquotes and misinterprets, any and all of Congressman Wexler’s
remarks related to his backing Presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama. He casts doubts on
the Congressman’s true motives by saying, “Wexler has embraced some of Israel’s enemies,
such as Palestinian National Authority President Yasser Arafat and has supported major sanctions
of the Israelis in negotiations.”
Mr. Graber’s intention in publishing his ad are two-fold:
He wishes to gain votes in his race for Congressman Wexler’s position by painting him “not
quite pro-Israel.”
Let me respond to this first: All these years, our Congressman has been a true friend of Israel,
always working for the Jewish State and its security. I served as an officer in the Israeli army for
quite a number of years and I cannot imagine anybody whom I would trust more where Israel’s
security is concerned.
The other reason for this ad is to subtly influence Jewish voters to either not vote if Senator
Obama is the Democratic candidate, or — heaven forbid — even vote for another Bush term,
this time by a Bush clone.
Which is really not surprising: I first learned about Mr. Graber’s intention to challenge
Congressman Wexler from a news item in The Palm Beach Post, which also mentioned that
originally, he thought to run as a Republican. No denial ever appeared in the newspaper. He is
now running as a N.P.A. (No Party Affiliation).
The question whether to speak to one’s enemies constitutes a dilemma for the United States.
As for Israel: It would not be the first time should Israel decide to negotiate with its enemies.
How else could there have been peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan?
How else would Israel try to find a solution to the Palestinian problem, if not by maintaining
contacts with Arafat’s successor? And now we learn about negotiations with Syria.
What is acceptable to the goose — ought to be acceptable to the gander — in this case, the
United States.
Not speaking with Iran? OK — what is the alternative? Another Iraq? Iran’s sphere of influence
has been greatly enhanced, thanks to Bush-Cheney and now also covers the Shiites in Iraq and
Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Surely attempts should be considered to resolve a situation, which easily could deteriorate
into considerably more bloodshed within a much larger segment of the Middle East.
As to the elections to Congress: We know what’s good for us and we know who to rely on
where Israel’s security is concerned: We shall reelect Robert Wexler.
Kurt Weiss, Democratic Club of Century Village
Paid for by the Democratic Club of Century Village
July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 37

disinfects the blade and pre- the lid tightly and set in the
Vodka Practical? vents rusting. sun for three days. Strain
I’ll Drink to • Spray vodka on wine stains, liquid through a coffee fil-
scrub with a brush, and then ter, then apply the tincture
Helpful Hints That! blot dry. to aches and pains.
• To remove a bandage pain- • Using a cotton ball, apply • To relieve a fever, use a
Larry Kall lessly, saturate the bandage vodka to your face as an as- washcloth to rub vodka on
President, Village Mutual with vodka. The stuff dis- tringent to cleanse the skin your chest and back as a
solves adhesive. and tighten pores. liniment.
• To clean the caulking • Add a jigger of vodka to a • To cure foot odor, wash
around bathtubs and show- 12-ounce bottle of sham- your feet with vodka.
most homeowners or asso- ers, fill a trigger-spray poo. The alcohol cleanses • Vodka will disinfect and al-
We are now in the official
ciations insurance policy bottle with vodka, spray the the scalp, removes toxins leviate a jellyfish sting.
hurricane season and sooner or
have some kind of clause caulking, let set five min- from hair, and stimulates the • Pour vodka over an area af-
later we will have some kind
relative to depreciation due utes and wash clean. The growth of healthy hair. fected with poison ivy to
of hurricane or tropical storm
to the age of the item. How alcohol in the vodka kills • Fill a 16-ounce trigger-spray remove the urushiol oil
come through our area. Based
many and whose air condi- mold and mildew. bottle with vodka and spray from your skin.
on past history, many central
tioner will be damaged de- • To clean your eyeglasses, bees or wasps to kill them. • Swish a shot of vodka over
air conditioner condensing
pends on the wind speed, simply wipe the lenses with • Pour one-half cup vodka an aching tooth. Allow your
units will suffer damage from
where you are located, and in a soft, clean cloth damp- and one-half cup water into gums to absorb some of the
the winds. Broken or torn
some cases, just plain luck. ened with vodka. The alco- a Ziploc freezer bag and alcohol to numb the pain.
wires are on the top of the list
At the time this article was hol in the vodka cleans the freeze for a slushy, refresh- And silly me! I’ve only been
along with missing covers.
being written, changes are on glass and kills germs. ing ice pack for aches, pain drinking the stuff!
Broken wires are not hard to
the way for air conditioners • Prolong the life of razors by or black eyes. Submitted by Rhea Cohen
replace, but covers are a prob-
damaged as a result of an “act filling a cup with vodka and • Fill a clean, used mayon-
lem. In most cases, they would
letting your safety razor
have to be special ordered
from the company if they are
still available.
of God.” I am sure that the In-
surance Committee will give
more details as they unfold. o
blade soak in the alcohol
after shaving. The vodka
naise jar with freshly
packed lavender flowers,
fill the jar with vodka, seal
There is no such thing as a
generic cover or top. Some
central air conditioners and
window units suffer power
surges that destroy compres-
sors and motors. Some units
get extensive water damage
and others are tossed around
by the wind and still others
tom away from the base they
are bolted to and damaged be-
yond repair and would have to
be replaced.
This brings up another
situation. Even if you have
replacement coverage for

Enriching Lives
your air conditioning con-
densing unit or air handler an
“act of God” is not a covered
item and you will then have
to look to your homeowners
or association policy for re-
covery of any costs. Again,
you will probably find that

Celebrate with
a Dance
Anyone attending a
special celebration and Our Adult Day Care Centers offer specialized programs and services designed to meet the
bringing food, birthday needs of seniors in our community who are cognitively and physically impaired. Our centers
focus on therapeutic activities, allowing for better quality of life for the member and caregiver.
cakes, etc. to the dance
must obtain permission Programs and services include:
from Jennifer at the
• Art therapy • Gardening • Caregiver support groups
ticket office. The area
• Music therapy • Cooking • Limited transportation
for any setup will be • Life-enrichment classes • Athletics • And much more
limited to the three
rear tables on the right Financial assistance for those who qualify.
side of the entrance For more information, please call 561-687-5790.
room. No electrical
Make your reservations
early. Schaffer Adult Day Care Center on the Marilyn & Stanley M. Katz Seniors Campus
4847 Fred Gladstone Drive | West Palm Beach, FL 33417 | 561-687-5790 |
Page 38 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008




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July 2008 THE UCO REPORTER Page 39


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5776 Okeechobee Blvd., WPB, FL 33417
UPPER FLOOR CORNER 1 BED/1/5 OR 2 BATH Cambridge C - Cpt, furn, pretty, rentable 30,000
Camden H - unfurn, lots of light rentable 39,000 Berkshire G - cpt, CT, Rentable 36,000
Golf’s Edge - unfurn, rentable CT & encl pat 38,000 Easthampton A - Loverly furn upstairs unit, must see! 37,000
Bedford E - incl lift! lots of light! Cpt 40,000 Berkshire G - Rent to own, close to W-gate 43,000
Norwich G - unfurn, remod, nr CH 32,000 Kingswood C - Pretty, rentable, close to amenities 55,000
Camden I – furn, cpt, rentable, bldg nr pool 35,000 Coventry E - CAC, new furniture, mirror walls 39,900
Sussex A - CT, new AC lots of light 42,000 Canterbury F - Furn. New Shower & tile in bath, AC 39,950
Salisbury D - BONUS Pergo flrng, furn, newer AC 30,000 Sussex K - Furn, quiet loc, beauty 34,000
Kent H - furn, rentable bldg 64,000 Northampton L - part furn, newer appls 35,000
Sussex B - Rentable bldg, new AC & H2O htr 56,000 Sussex M - TBD Beauty! Furn. Lift incl 49,000
Golf’s Edge E - nr CH, furn, Berber cpt, AC 53,000 UPPER FLOOR CORNER 2 BED 1.5 OR 2 BATH
Camden C - BONUS Wtrvw, nr pool and W-gate, pretty 39,000 Northampton O - Furn, rentable, berber cpt 46,000
Waltham C - Furn, newer fridge & counters 44,000 Golf’s Edge E - Furn w/lift, cpt, nr pool!! 59,000
Norwich G - Beauty, fully furn, newer AC, nr pool 49,900 Cambridge E - Cpt, out cnr, furn. Cpt 43,000
Easthampton H - Furn. cpt, gdnvw 50,000 Waltham I - New AC part furn. Lots of light! E-gate 57,900
Windsor S - Fully furn, very clean condo 55,000 Easthampton F - Nr E-gate, priced to sell!!!! Out-cnr 59,000
Coventry E - Furn, nr E-gate and fit ctr 69,000 Dorchester I - Furn Rentable, tile & cpt, gdnvw 49,900
GROUND FLOOR CORNER 1 BED 1.5 BATH Kingswood D - Beauty, well taken care of. Rentable 60,000
Norwich G - Furn, gdnvw pergo floors 52,000 Waltham A - Furn Rentable, cpt, nr CH E-gate 58,000
Golf’s Edge D - Beautiful! nr CH gate 55,000 Hastings B - Unfurnished, lift, cpt, light & bright 58,000
Sheffield B - Furn, wtrvw, very pretty 37,000 Canterbury C - New wtr htr, CA, encl pat 59,000
Andover F - Nice, Central 42,000 Waltham A - Rentable, nr amenities, furn 68,000
Norwich G - Real beauty, pergo floors CAC 34,000 Sheffield M - Cnr unit, mod app, close to Temple 59,000
Andover M - New AC, pergo flr, rentable 42,000 Sheffield J - Furnished, nr Hastings FC 85,000
Norwich A - Rentable nr E-gate and CH 49,000 Norwich L - Furn. Rentable, great loc 70,000
Coventry C - CT, walk in shower 40,000 Sheffield O - Ceramic tile, Pretty Gdnvw 75,000
Sussex M - Amazing!! Completely redone! Furn 53,000 Sheffield O - Beauty!! Furn. Quest area, nr Hastings 75,000
Sussex A - Furn, CT, rentable bldg 41,000 GROUND FLOOR CORNER 2 BED 1.5/2 BATHS
Sheffield M - Sweet & cozy, nr Hastings FC 49,000 Andover M - CT, wtrvw; C/D/S 55,000
Berkshire F - Unfurn, tile, new appl, CAC 49,500 Norwich J - Furn. Nr E-gate. Great Price! 49,000
Windsor M - Furn CAC gdnvw 49,000 Coventry E - Furn., CT, close to CH 66,000
Cambridge G - BONUS Lots of grades!!! CT, nr pool 38,000 Salisbury I - New vanities. Tile 70,000
GROUND FLOOR 1 BED 1.5 BATH Camden F - Wtrvw, WD 75,000
Dover B - Wtrvw, beauty, nr CH 65,000 Kent D - New everything!!! Tenant in place 95,000
Chatham O - CT, encl patio furn 35,000 Chatham U - bonus OS cnr! furnished! freshly painted 55,000
Norwich G - Furn. Only, cer & pergo fl, gndvw 52,000 Northampton J - Rentable, bldg wtrvw, very pretty 89,900
Canterbury B - Rentable, gdnvw, cpt 32,000 Northampton L - Rentable bldg, well kept, encl pat 65,000
Kent J - Furn. Beauty drive right up 66,900 Southampton B - part furn, pkg very close 104,000
Easthampton G - Furn, cpt, nr E-gate 35,000 Plymouth K - CT beauty! Upgrades galore 179,500
Oxford 600 - BONUS CT, over 1K ft WD 68,500 UPPER FLOOR 2 BED 1.5/2 BATH
Camden E - Wtrvw, nr pool, rentable, furnished 45,000 Norwich A - furn. Near amenities, well taken care of 58,600
Camden J - Full of upgrades, turn key, new furn 72,900 Easthampton C - New ctrtps, cabs, DW 67,000
Windsor N - Beauty, nr pool, and W-gate 46,900 Stratford B - Near E-gate, CT, lots of light 65,000
Camden H - Unfurn, newer appls 40,000 Norwich L - New appls, new tile, many upgrades 39,900
Southhampton C - CT, nr pool, golfvw, unfurn 39,000 Northampton J - Very nice, furnished, carpet 49,000
Easthampton C - Furn, CT newer appls 55,000 Bedford H - Part. furn Wtrvw, storm shutters, NICE 40,000
Canterbury C - Unfurn, redone beauty 48,000 Wellington J - Beautiful Designer furnished, Granite tops 165,000
UPPER FLOOR 1 BED 1.5 BATH Kent F - Furn. Near Kent pool GREAT DEAL! 41,000
Northhampton K - Furn gdnvw, Really nice 35,000 Sussex E - unfurn Rentable, CT 52,000
Camden J - Tile, gdnvw nr large pool furn 45,000 Oxford 100 - Furn. Wtrvw, steps to pool 65,000
Salisbury D - Lift incl!!! Walk to E-gate. Furn 34,000 Chatham K - Pt. furn Wtrvw light and bright gdnvw 54,000
Dover B - Unfurn, CT, wtrvw, beauty 55,000 Sheffield G - New bath, furn, great design!! 65,000
Dover A - Unfurn CT wtrvw, new AC 48,900 Windsor G - Furn, gdnvw, CT 55,000
Waltham A - Furn cpt, come enjoy 36,500 Greenbrier B - desirable area, pool in front of elev bldg 73,000
Greenbrier A - ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!!!! 95,000 Coventry D - (BONUS) Furn Neg, new kit all remod 48,000
Northhampton S - Very pretty, extra clean, cpt, elev bldg 27,000 Greenbrier A - golfvw, renov, part furn 105,000
Stratford N - Furn, nice location 37,000 Coventry C - Newer appl .Berber carpet 49,000
Southhampton A - unfurn, redone, golfvw 49,900 GROUND FLOOR 2 BED 1.5 OR 2 BATH
Golf’s Edge G - Beauty, cpt, CT 49,000 Hastings C - CT, across fr Hastings Pool 74,000
Norwich J - Furn, lots of light, pretty nr FC 39,900 Northampton H - Furn, wtrvw, rentable 59,000
Dover C - CAC, elev bldg nr CH 56,000 Norwich L - Pvt area rentable, furn new AC 45,000
Easthampton G - furn, Berber cpt 2 AC units 49,000 Sheffield A - Wtrvw, decorator delight WOW 55,000
Easthampton D - Lovely furn condo, nr E-gate 50,000 Stratford A - Near CH, great floor plan 55,000
Dorchester C - Cozy, lots of light, nr pool 49,900 CONDOS/HOUSES OUTSIDE OF CENTURY VILLAGE
Norwich H - Lots of upgrds, nr E-gate 42,000 GOLDEN LAKES
Southhampton A - Rentable bldg ,newer appl, furn 59,000 Lake Frances - wtrvw, 1/2 convertible, new appls, CT, wash mach 86,500
Chatham K - Newer appls, nr amits, furn 44,000 Lake Olive Dr - 2/2 villa, gl porch, wtrvw, CT thruout, DW, WD, garb disp, CAC. BEAUTI-
Wellington D - Wtrvw, furn elev in bldg 73,000 FUL! 125,000
Canterbury D - Furn, Motiv, nr pool 48,500 LAKE WORTH
Southampton A - HW fls, new appls 75,000 Rental - 2/2 furn, CAC, WD 1,200 mo
Camden J - Unfurn. Nr W-gate, & pool 29,000 Cresta Circle - great for families, incred lkvw, burg alarm, tile fls, furn, hurr shutrs, commun
Northampton G - Furn cpt, newer cntrtp 29,500 activs & aminits. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!
Salisbury G - Furn needs tic, cpt, gdnvw 22,000 369,000 will rent
Chatham N - Rentable, furn cpt 35,000 CRESTHAVEN VILLAS
Waltham A - Redone, rentable, nr E-gate 32,000 Crosley Drive East - 2/1.5 1st fl, furn, cptd retreat feat CA
Canterbury H - Furn Gdnvw, Knock down wall in kit 25,000 sea 1,250 mo/700 ann
Sussex A - Redone, perfect condition, CT 42,000 MYLA LANE
Berkshire F - Drive right up, very pretty. new appl 26,500 Myla Lane - 2 BR, 1 ba, unfurn, very, very clean 750 mo/1,000 dep
Chatham S - Beautiful wtrvw!!! Furn 33,000
Camden H - Lovely furn unit; must see!
Canterbury D - Furn, new cpt, gdnvw, must see
Canterbury H - Cpt, rentable, furn. Quiet area
Norwich L - Cpt, Rentable, part furn. Nr Hastings
This 2 BR 2 full bath is compl walk right in to. Fant
Hastings F - Furn. Nr Hastings FC 27,000 golfvu in front. Poolvu. $98,500
Sheffield A - wtrvw, pergo fls wall units, new AC
Windsor D - Furn. Wtrvw, nr E-gate
Canterbury C - Rentable, cutie, furn, gdnvw 35,000 This 2 BR & 2 full baths is state of arts, architectually
Northampton S - CDS, nr pool, cpt, gdnvw
Windsor D - Furn. Wtrvw, nr W-gate
des, incl spec wtrvw, HW flg thruout, comp renov kit,
Dorchester B - Furn. Beautiful CT fls, pretty 35,000 feat gran ctrtps, X-storage, built-in shlvg, custom
Salisbury F - furn. New Range, Frig, ceramic
Norwich D - Furn Pergo flrg, very pretty
closets. All this for $165,000
Page 40 THE UCO REPORTER July 2008


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