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Britany Klarich

FHS 2400: Marriage & Family Relationships

Instructor: Denise Landes
E Portfolio Reflection
April 17, 2017

E Portfolio Reflection

The following papers I selected to highlight for my e portfolio

were ones I enjoyed most while writing. First is an essay about
switching roles with my spouse.
I like the imagination the assignment took on by thinking about what
kind of man I would be both in the way I looked but also the role I
would take on as a man. I was also able to see a new perspective into
my husbands role as father and husband. It gave me a greater
appreciation for him and I realized many of the positive attributes I
modeled my male version were based off of him.

The second assignment based off what romance looks like. When
I think of romance I automatically think of what the movies portrayal of
romance is but I now see it as simple gestures rather than grand
feelings and expressions. It was fun having my friends recount their
memories but it was even better to have my husband recount his
memory. Its nice to have conversations like these with your spouse
because you gain a greater insight into what is motivating for them in
the relationship.

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