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Duration: 30 min
National Music Standards: Perform, Respond, Connect
Repertoire: Tinker, Tailor
Other Teaching Materials: Power Point
Lesson Objectives:
Students will (sample objectives)
sing Tinker, Tailor with accurate pitches and rhythms
Review the pitched Sol and Mi
demonstrate understanding that sol is higher and mi is lower, and further that
when sol is on a space, mi is on the line below, and when sol is on a line, mi is on
the line below
demonstrate steady beat by passing a stuffed animal to the beat of Tinker, Tailor

Teaching Procedure

- Have students echo patterns using sol and mi
- Use body movements (touch shoulders for sol and hips for mi) to represent sol
being higher and mi lower

- Review sol and mi on the staff using power point presentation
- Explain that the lines on the floor could represent a staff

Practice & Extend

- Sing Tinker, Tailor for students
- Have students learn song through chunking
- Help students to remember the order of the words by presenting patterns that
appear (two Ts, two Ss, Poor/Rich, beggar man/thief)

Assess & Close

- Have students move to a circle
- Students will pass a stuffed animal around the circle on the steady beat
- The student who ends with the stuffed animal on Thief will come up to the staff
on the floor, and place mi or sol where it has to go in respect to the one already
placed on the floor.

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