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Social Studies Lesson Summary

Unit: Signs & Symbols Topic: Global Symbols

Lesson Activities:
Introduction: The teacher will show students examples of
different stop signs from around the world. He/she will ask
them what each signs means and how they know. The
teacher will introduce the concept of global symbols
(symbols that are universally recognized).
Activities: The students will be given a large collection of
different symbols and they will be asked to sort them into
local and global symbols. Then, students will create a virtual
collage of other global symbols that they know.
Wrap-up/Exit Slip: For homework, students will make a list of
5-10 global symbols they find in their home to share with the

Learning Point: Formative Assessments:

Each group will be assigned the task of
What categories of symbols are
there? creating a sign that solves a problem at
school. (ie: choosing each of the food
groups at lunch, walking on the right
Standards Addressed:
side of the stairs, etc.)
- SO 4.4 Demonstrate how
non-verbal communication allows Modifications:
people to transcend language
Student with asperger's will be
given further one-on-one
- SO 4.5 Explore a variety of signs instructions/cueing during the
and symbols and interpret their symbols sorting activity to ensure
messages. he has a strong grasp on the
concept before completing the

Prepare signs and symbols for sort ahead of time.

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