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Jimmy Sieng

EDU 5490
8 September 2016

The following classroom management plan details every aspect of my philosophy, rules, and
expectations for my 9th grade Secondary 1 Mathematics
class. I will use this management plan as a
guide throughout the year in order to help me make decisions, plan lessons, and work with students.

1. Classroom Philosophy
1.1. Every student deserves an opportunity to learn and be able to achieve academic
success. This is the foundation of my teaching philosophy for my students in my class.
When they enter my classroom, I want them to feel open to learning and expressing
themselves. Surely this is humanist approach of what my classroom will look like. I
want all of my students to feel motivated and actively engaged in their education as I
help them feel loved and validated. As they enter the classroom, they will respect the
classroom and others around them. Students should feel comfortable about getting
the wrong answer and be willing to ask questions when there is a misunderstanding.
They will understand that learning isnt about getting the right answer, but its about
the thought process and using critical thinking. As a teacher, I will use active positive
teacher talk and make sure to never shun, demean, or invalidate my students. If the
student is struggling or gets a problem wrong, I will try my best to point out what
went well and correct with empathy. I will set clear and high expectations that will
allow the student to understand their purpose as a student and goals to succeed in my
classroom. Last of all, I will create an environment where students can enjoy math and
find a sense of fun through each period hour.

2. School Policies and Procedures

2.1. School policies are reflected upon the policies of Eisenhower Jr. High School. Some of
these policies include dress code, attendance, and school activities.

2.2. Students are expected to follow classroom procedures and instructions given by the
teacher. Some of these procedures include how to use materials, assign seating,
asking for permission, readiness in the beginning of class, end of period procedures,
and interactions with each other and the teacher. The purpose of these procedures is
to develop a learning community in the classroom and utilize every minute of the

3. Preventive Methods
3.1. Students will be able to develop classmate relationships with each other and keep
each other accountable. On the first day of class, they will understand the rules and
begin to learn the procedures that I expect from them. Everyone will understand their
role in the classroom and support each other in their learning.
3.2. My classroom will have various teaching methods where students will learn in
different ways. It will be primarily focused on using the smartboard and projector.
Students will also have opportunity to use technology in the classroom with a set of
computers provided by the school. They will also do partner and group activities with
each other. Lastly I will also develop both individual and team games for students to
learn teamwork and positive competition.

3.3. Students will learn and develop a routine in my classroom. Everyday in the beginning
of the class, they will be given instructions either verbally or on the board. These
instructions may vary with using classroom materials including calculators,
whiteboards, or computers. Students are expected to be seated in their assigned seats
and begin class with a warm up activity. During instruction, they will do different tasks
that may involve group work or working with a partner.

3.4. Homework will vary between each unit but they will be expected to have a notebook
with their class work and notes. Note taking will be strongly encouraged in my
classroom but not fully required. At the end of each quarter, I will do a notebook
check that will be part of their term grade.

4. Positive Reinforcement
4.1. Positive reinforcement will be used minimally in my classroom. For the most part, they
will receive verbal positive reinforcement and praise for every successful task. I may
also do a random morning or a post-test light breakfast by bringing doughnuts or
other treats. Students can also earn their own classroom party if they maintain an
expected cumulative grade.

5. Classroom Rules
5.1. Students will be able to collaborate with me in creating classroom rules. By the end of
the first few weeks of class, they will be able to understand the rules and follow them
5.2. In general, my classroom rules will be as follows:
Be in Class Prepared to Learn
Ask Questions
Help Each Other Learn
Put Effort in Every Activity
Respect Others and Self

6. Child Motivation
6.1. Out of the six types of motivation of praise, power, choosing projects, people,
prestige, and prizes, I plan on focusing more on praise, people, and prestige. Students
in my classroom will receive a moderate amount of praise from me as they do well in
assignments, procedures, and work together. I will make sure that my students are
given specific praise on their actions rather than on character. Students who achieve
beyond my expectations will also have the opportunity to be recognized through the
school and in my classroom. As a classroom, I will develop a culture of a team and
have students be able to motivate each other in their class work.

6.2. I will also share personal experiences of my struggles with education and valuing it. I
will share them about my family and cultural background to relate to some of the
students and be an example. I will also give them personal opinions on the value of
education and express my care for their academic success. This will all be in hope that
they feel motivated and actively engaged in their own learning. By the end of the
class, they will feel empowered to make the choices for themselves on succeeding in
their education.

7. Consequences for Breaking Rules

7.1. In time, students in my classroom will misbehave or perform off task behavior. Every
situation will be treated independently from each other and there will not be a
generic step by step process. In general, I will give the student(s) one or two verbal
warnings. Depending on the severity, I will have them step out of the class to be
talked with later or talk to them after class. Then I will contact their parent or
guardian. If needed at its worse, I will refer them to the school disciplinary system.

8. Form Letter for Consequences


Dear ____________________,

I am writing this letter in regards to, ___________________________ and their

behavior in my classroom on _______________________.

During the period, ____________________,


I hope that this letter will build communication with us and we can continue to
discuss about ways we can improve your childs learning in my classroom.

Please contact me at:

(801) 111-2222

Thank you so much,

Mr. Jimmy Sieng
9. Consequence Time Frame
9.1. Consequences will be given as soon as possible and will only last briefly and at most a
whole period in my classroom. For rewards that are earned, students will gradually
earn more at least once a quarter. Negative consequences will be discussed and
determined on a situation base level.

10. Contract

Dear Secondary Math I Students and Parents,

The above document is the expectations for my classroom management plan for the
upcoming school year in Secondary Math I. This plan is also a reflection of the mission
statement of the school and similar to my fellow teachers in the school. As I thoughtfully
developed this plan, I wanted to share with you the goals I plan to set for your child. It is my
first priority and concern to develop a positive learning experience for them. I hope that
you can thoroughly read through this and be willing to cooperate with me in teaching your

I would lastly like to express that the rules and guidelines written are not finalized. As you
read this document, please take note of the parts and statements that you would like to
contribute or clarify with. At the bottom of this, please sign this contract stating that you
have read my classroom plan and agree with continuing to collaborate with me. It is a
pleasure and privilege to be your childs teacher. Please contact me if you have any other
questions, concerns, or comments and I will plan on responding as soon as possible.

Thank you so much and I look forward to continue to learn and grow with your child this
upcoming school year.


Jimmy Sieng

Student Signature:______________________________

Parent Signature:_______________________________

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