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Simone Grant

Professor Whittet
Unit 3 Context Draft

This piece is essentially a collection of some frequently-asked questions about note-

writing. Notes are a shorter way to encompass the documentation we provide as
residential counselors, engaging with the people we serve. Notes are deceptively
simple, but often we had notes that needed to be discarded due to a lack of quality
in the work.
During my time as a co-op student at Vinfen, I learned how to create notes mainly
through trial and error. I would submit a note, my supervisor would give it a quality
rating (either bad, good, or okay), and I would learn what she expected and what
she did not regarding rehabilitation. However, it took a few months for the format
she expected to sink in through this trial-and-error method. I feel that, if concise
information were given to me at the very beginning of my co-op, I could have done
rehabilitation with the people we serve in a way that was less tedious and more
effective. For unit 3, I decided to create a document that explained to other new
members of the company what was expected of our notes, in the clearest terms
possible. As documentation is one of the most important parts of our jobs, it is
crucial that we understand how to approach it effectively, and I feel that this
document may eliminate much of the guesswork in being a residential counselor.

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