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Hagoromo - by Seami !

The story of the mortal who stole an angel's cloak and so prevented her return to heaven. !
May our Lord's life!
Last long as a great rock rubbed!
Only by the rare trailing!
Of an angel's feather-skirt. !
Oh, marvellous music!!
The Eastern song joined!
To many instruments;!
Harp, zither, pan-pipes, flute,!
Belly their notes beyond the lonely clouds.!
The sunset stained with crimson light!
From Mount Sumeru's side; !
For green, the islands floating on the sea;!
For whiteness whirled!
A snow of blossom blasted!
By the wild winds, a white cloud!
Of sleeves waving.!
Aya No Tsuzumi - Seami !
A courtier sees a princess and falls in love with her; she tells him that when he beats a drum
hanging in the garden, she will come out of the Palace and see him. The courtier has just told
the gardener to beat the drum; the chorus comments on this. !
Chorus: !
The watchman of the hours, -- !
"Wake from the sleep of dawn!"!
And batters on the drum.!
For if its sound be heard, soon shall he see!
Her face, the damask of her dress . . .!
Aye, damask! He does not know!
That on a damask drum he beats,!
Beats with all the strength of his hands, his aged hands,!
But hears no sound.!
"Am I grown deaf?" he cries, and listens, listens:!
Rain on the windows, lapping of waves on the pool -- !
Both these he hears, and silent only!
The drum, strange damask drum.!
Oh, will it never sound?!
I thought to beat the sorrow from my heart,!
Wake music in a damask drum; an echo of love!
From the voiceless fabric of pride!!

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