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Jordan Nissen

Dr. Ubeda
EDUC 300
17 April 2017
2nd Cultural Field Experience
Since I was unable to go with the class on the cultural field experience, I went a few

weeks before. I asked my mom to go with me since going to church or anything that involves

religion makes me uncomfortable because I know so little about it. Thankfully, my mother said

she would go with me which made me feel more comfortable with going without the class. While

we were at the Islamic Center, I thought it was a really amazing experience. My mom and I were

able to go into the mosque and we were also able to take a tour of the whole center. While we

were on the tour, we talked a lot about how as teachers, we need to learn to accommodate

Muslim students in our classroom and we also need to learn more about their religion ourselves.

As teachers, we need to learn more about the prayer times the students have and when they are

fasting. My mom and I were able to hear from Imam, as well as future teachers, and we were

also able to be in a group with another class from another school (I dont remember from where).

While listening to the other future teachers, they gave us examples of their experiences that

theyve had with other Muslim students and how they are treated in classrooms as well as

I really enjoyed the experience as a whole, and Im glad my mother was able to attend the

trip with me. It really opened up my eyes and views to a lot of things that involve how to

accommodate Muslim students, and I was also able to learn about the different prayer times for

Muslim students and how important those prayer times are to their religion.

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