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To: Sara

From: Geri
advice needed

Hi Sara
how are you ? i'm sorry read this, I really think you should talk to dave and tell him
what you think of that situation,You can tell they spend less time at home because you
must rest. You could talk to Hilary and tell him that you do not agree to give the key to
Dave because only he rented the room to her and that is uncomfortable for you. I
congratulate you on your promotion, it is a good opportunity for you. I completely
understand to situation but I think you should not mix work with the personal, how
about standards at home, it might be a good idea if change the door lock because you
are annoyed with what is past in his house. I really think you should eat and sleep for
you will not get sick by so much job you have no

I hope things improve, see you soon.

one hug dear friend

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