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Developmental Checklist 4 Year Olds

Physical Growth/Motor Development _ Date Date Date Date Date

Uses scissors
Dresses/undresses without assistance
Walks stairs alone, alternating feet
Self-reliant in bathroom
Kicks ball
Throws ball
Bounces ball
Catches ball
Developing eye-hand coordination

Social/Personal Development
Plays and interacts with others
Dramatic play is close to reality, detailed
Shows interest in gender differences
Tries new things
Participates/functions well in group activities
Works and plays well with others
Uses table manners
Respects property of others
Able to resolve minor conflicts
Accepts authority

Cognitive/Language Development
Interested in letters and sounds
Good listener
Follows directions
Makes decisions or choices
Sees the connection between effort
and accomplishment
Can complete a task without distractions
Works independently, will ask for help
Strives to get things right
Likes to learn

Emotional Development/Feelings
Feels secure away from familiar Accepts mistakes
Expresses individual thoughts and feelings
Separates easily from parents
Develops self-confidence
Greater ability to control anger/fear

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