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Cassandra Wray

Chuck Bonjour

InTASC Standard

1.4 Coursework and the Teacher

1. Compare the course requirements for elementary certification and for secondary

certification at your institution. How are they similar? How do they differ? What benefits,

or problems, do you see with the differences between programs?

A elementary education certificate is considered a generalist meaning they can teach a wide

variety of subjects. This also means they can get an elementary education license/certificate

without getting an endorsement for a certain subject. This is the opposite for secondary

education programs because you need an endorsement for a certain subject. They are both

similar in the fact that they require a teaching license and certification. Some benefits with a

generalist certificate could be that you could move anywhere you are needed and not be stuck

in one subject area.

2. Use the Internet to locate the most current information about the debate over content

knowledge versus pedagogy. Search terms such as alternative teacher certification or

teaching credentials will get you started. Based on the information you find, do you

support the position that anyone with adequate knowledge can teach, or that anyone

with enough teaching skills can teach anything? Perhaps your opinion is somewhere in

the middle. If so, explain your perspective on the issue.

I found some information discussing how in areas with a high need for teachers can issue

temporary licenses, which I disagree with because they dont have the training, skills, or

knowledge how to successfully run a classroom or beneficially teach students. Also if you have

enough general teaching skills you cannot teach anything especially at the secondary level.
Because someone may know how to run a classroom and create lesson plans does not mean

they understand math concepts enough to explain them a different way or teach a Spanish

class. On the other side of the issue if you have adequate knowledge does not mean you will be

able to teach anything because you most likely do not have classroom management, the

knowledge to put together a lesson plan, or how students will react or take in information in the

best ways. In conclusion I believe teachers all need to be trained and certified.

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