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English 2, Irada Mamedova Group 1062

Card 4

1.Write an Essay: Books

1.Write about the kind of books you prefer to read.

2.Write about the book that impressed you last time.

2.Write an Essay: Jobs & Careers

1.Write about the job of your dream

2.Do you have a career plan and where do you want to be in 10 years time?

3.Translate into English

1.Danmaz mlak korporasiyasnn xsusi mlkiyyti hesab olunur. sn xaricdn mal almaq istyirsns,onda pullar valyuta mbadilsi

bsind dyimlisn.

3.Bu maln sat qiymtlrin dyimsin tsir gstrir

4.Bu dkanda geni eidd mallar vardr.

5.Bu maazada rzaq bsi yoxdur.

1. .

2. ,

3. .

4. .

5. .

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