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Ragnaros player here

Im here to say, Im agree with this post. Imo, average Ragnaros player is
different from average US player, and I think -as someone already said- is a
cultural thing. It seems (to me) that LatAm players sees VideoGames
different than US players do. Ill try to make my point with an example:
As raid leader, Ive experienced how US and LatAm players react when
things doesnt go well in raid environment (i.e. several wipes on same boss).
When the problem seems to be a particular player, I whisper to him trying to
communicate what I need from him (more DPS, better mechanics, etc). The
results -commonly- are different if this particular player is from US or Rag.
Lets imagine the issue is lack of DPS, Ill whisper the person and say Hey,
Ill need more DPS from you for next fight or we would not be able to kill the
boss. If the player is from US, Im used to get two kind of answers: 1) Ok,
Ill give my best or 2) Sorry, I was tunneling. It wont happen again. But, if
the player is from Ragnaros, I commonly receive this answer gg learn2play.
You are not telling me how to play my class. So, the first difference seems
to be LatAm players inability to acknowledge own mistakes or lack of skill
(not saying that lack of skill is wrong, we all are lack of skill on something,
The problem (and example) doesnt ends here. After whispering, I do the
/dbm pull and the fight starts
Imagine the problem persist (lack of DPS). After the wipe the US player
-commonly- says sorry guys, seems Im not ready for this boss, then he
leaves the group and we can find a replacement (if needed). But, the Rag
player says nothing and I have to whisper him dude, I have to remove you,
really sorry, I do the /kick thing and as you may be expecting, the kicked
one makes a pull on boss before being removed from the instance, the
whole raid wipes, and the discomfort begins/continue.
As conclusion, I would say average US player is aware he is playing in a
group, with humans beyond the screen, while Ragnaros players has this
entitlement sense of I deserve being here, no matter what

Is hard for me (LatAm player) saying this. Still, this is the way I feel with this
2 kind of players/behaviors.

Of course there are bad/toxic players on US, and of course there are good
players on Ragnaros. This is just an example of how the average players of
each side react (or -at least- how I feel the average player from each side

Apologies ahead for any grammar mistake

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