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ENGLISH: 13-She had not lost the credit card.

1.Laura had written letters in Spanish. 14-After she had finished her sandwich
2.The servant had found the book. bought a soda
3.Mr. Baker had built airports around THEY HAD SPOKEN ABOUT GERMANY
the world. AND FRANCE.
4.The students had answered the test - HE HAD LIVED IN CANADA SINCE
in French. 1989.-
5.Sandra had driven the car for three - I HAD PLAYED TENNIS SINCE 2007.-
6.He had brought it today.
7.She had done it at once.
8.He had loved her very much.
9.He had forgotten to write a postscript
10.Bruce had run away and hide in a
-I had made my homework in my

1-I had run 10 km.

2-I had had a shower in his house.
3-He had tidied his bedroom
4-They had drunk too much alcohol and
they had to go to the hospital.
5-We had seen TV
6-She had sang so much.
1-By midnight more than 1000 soldiers
had died.
2-He hadnt been in London before
3-If you'd told me before, I would have
gone with you
1.I had fallen asleep when the
telephone rang
2.The policemen arrived because there
had been an explosion
3.She hadnt left when I arrived at the
4.If you hadn't studied for the exam
you would have failed
5.Hadn't he phoned when the
policeman arrived?
6.Had you paid the bill when the waiter
7.What had you done before you left?
8.Had they not resolved their problems
before the divorce?
9-I haven't visited the museum Maria
Reiche before
10- They hadn't studied English before
they went to EE.UU
11-Had Henry worked as an engineer ?
12-You had not cleaned the house

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