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Dear parents,

Thank you for allowing us to work with your children and investigate the topic of
water with them! The students were engaged throughout the course of this exploration
and got to take away new insight about water in their school and other uses/purposes. We
did four mini investigations that consisted of making music with water, creating art with
water, a sink/float activity, and finally a water scavenger hunt around the school. The
investigations were prompted with questions about what the students knew about water
before and ended with what they learned about water after. When we first started this
investigation the class came up with many responses on the uses of water such as,
cooking, cleaning, showering, and other everyday uses for water. After the investigation
the same question was presented, the students were able to relate the mini lessons that
they got to experience and respond with answers such as water can create art and water
can create music, which was not an answer before hand. This investigation allowed the
class to expand their horizons and knowledge about water and really grasp the concept
that water is all around us and has many other uses.
Unfortunately our semester is short but that does not mean the water investigation
has to end here! Each student received a booklet during the scavenger hunt where they
were able to write down or draw pictures of different places they found water, which they
can continue on their own at home or any other time! The class was engaged through out
the course of the lessons and can continue this on their own! Thank you again for
allowing us to further our education in your childs classroom as well as expanding their
schema on water!

Thanks Again,

Allison and Hannah

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