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Shakira interview - 'I'm a tiger mum'

Well, I am a little bit of a tiger mum, speaking of which, I like to teach em. I have like a

little teacher inside of me, and I really love, I enjoy reading to my kids and they like

learning too. Its a good relationship because Milan at least is very very

_______________________________. He loves letters, he loves numbers. I think

every kid does if you present it to them as a game, you know, if you present it with joy

and they feel that the time theyre learning theyre also sharing with their parents

because they feel important and ____________________________ because youre

dedicating all that time to them. So, Im pretty devoted to them, their education, like I

said I also rely on research and a lot of research, I like to find out what are the best

ways of stimulating my children and also dealing with whatever difficulties and obstacles

I might encounter in the process of being a mother every day. And I also like to give em

lots of love and very touchy touchy and hug em, kissing to death *Shakira laughs*

Well, they see me dance, they see me sing, I do it, I just

_________________________________ and they enjoy it, but theyre very much into

football so far I dont think I have dancers in my house yet, but you never know, its too

early to tell. Theyre constantly changing. Right now Milans obsessed with football, you

have no idea. Hes the biggest Barsa fan there is on the planet. He sleeps with the

Barsa jersey on and he sleeps with a ball sometimes, the soccer ball. He doesnt miss
one match. He knows every single team there is in the world including Englands, like

he knows about Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester United. He wears the T-shirts of all the

teams sometimes because likes to play around, so so far hes just into football very


Well, its something Im learning as I go because Im new at this, relatively new as a

mom, but I can tell you it is the most difficult job Ive ever had. I also want happiness for

my kids, I also want em to be responsible, I want em to be socially conscious and I

want so many things for them, but happiness________________________________

my number one priority. I think the mother of happiness is love, really is, so thats the

question I ask myself morning when I wake up, I mean, make my kids feel loved and Im

sure everything I do for them ______________________________, but not always it

comes across that way for their little minds, you know, I wanna make it clear, I want

them to count on that love to make their minds really strong and healthy and to help

them develop with this sense of confidence and security. Love is the most important

thing, of course.
Sia interview with MTV Australia 2011

I wrote it about six or seven years ago with Greg Kurstin who produced the record. I

have no idea, I think I was trying to write pop songs and it was like a long time ago I was

really into it, and we wrote a lot of songs during that trip. He was sharing his time so he

would come between me and Cathy Dennis and then back to me and we both lived in

the country and so, he was staying with us too, and I knew what I wanted,

and_________________________________________________, and so it was

awesome. We wrote down Bring Night, Stop Trying, The Codependent, just a lot of

songs just during, like six, seven years ago, you know. And other time I was kind of a

party animal, I mean, I lived in the countryside, I rarely party, but when I did I partied like

hard, but I think that at the time I was actually trying to write again pop songs for other

people. Its taken a long time, you know, this is something I really wanted to do is write

pop songs for other people for such a long time, but for some reason I thought I had to

be an artist, but I dont feel that way anymore.

Yeah, these dance tracks are very ________________________ just in the sense that I

get to sing out, so the quieter stuff, the more introspective stuff can sometimes not really

read well live, its quite difficult live because its real close mic-stuff. The belty stuff is

where I get a lot like, I dont know, I feel like singing, you know, like when you sing in the
car and nobodys in the car with you and you like belting it out and its like you get like a

vibration in your body that must be healing because it feels so good to do it, and I think

that Im lucky because I get to do that as part of my job, and I know its weird because

even the pop songs, some of the pop songs also have kind of saddy lyrics, but

_________________________I try to have some sort of uplifting because theyre all

really notes to myself, like it will be okay.

Sam flew over, my friend Sam Dickson whos probably my main co-writing cohort. Ive

had a long _______________________ from writing because I had been I think

probably touring and I just couldn't really get with it. I was like, oh, gosh, and I started

to cry and I was like Ive lost it, I cant write anymore, Ive lost it. He

_________________________ and then he sat down next to me and he was like Sia

Furler, we have been writing for four and a half minutes, you are an insane person, you

havent lost it, just give it a chance, and I was like okay, and then we wrote Im In

Here, so thats a weird one, and then we wrote Clap Your Hands, same day.

I do have a problem, Im a bit of an oversharer, so I do have a problem and sometimes

that comes back to bite me in the bum, like Im lucky because I dont really read press

and all that sort of stuff so I never see anyones judgment. The only place I hear

peoples judgment is on Twitter, really, and on my website in the message boards.

Mostly people are awesome and supportive, so in that sense I feel happy about it, and

also I always think its nice to sort of create some sort of identification for other, you
know, ______________________________, you know, like its nice to know youre not

the only one.

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