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280g Plain Flour

2 tbsp Icing Sugar
2 Egg Yolk
1 Egg White
150g Salted Butter

150g Castor Sugar or fine sugar
150g Hot Water
4 Whole Eggs
250ml Fresh Milk
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
a pinch of fine salt

Method (for Pastry)

1.Cream butter with icing sugar, egg yolk and egg white.
2.Add in flour and mix well. Once it is well mixed, using hand, press the mixture
together and form a dough. If the dough is too wet or oily, do add some flour.
Give it a few knead.
3.Wrap the dough in a clingwrap. Put it into the fridge for 15mins to let it cool.
4.Take the dough out of the fridge. Cut pastries into 12 equal portion (about 38g
5.Roll individual dough into a ball. Using a tart case, press the pastry ball into a
flat piece. Line dough in the middle of tart cases, lightly press the dough into the
tart cases.
6.Refrigerate the tart cases for 30mins, and it is ready to use.

Method (for Filling)

1.Add castor sugar into hot water, mix until sugar completely dissolved. Set
aside and let it cool.
2.Beat eggs with milk, vanilla essence and salt. Pour in sugar water. Mix well.
3.Sift egg mixture TWICE to achieve smooth egg mixture.
4.Take tarts out of the refrigerator, carefully pour egg mixture into each tart
5.Bake tarts for 25mins at 180 degree, fan ON.

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