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Esperanza Torres


FoE- 5th period

17 April 2017

Self-Concept Survey Analysis

I found that my survey had a few different opinions on the statements that I provided. I surveyed

four students, one of which is my cousin, and one teacher. I found that my teacher, Ms. Bryant,

gave stronger answers, but the students did not tend to pick either of the strong answers. In

regard to my first statement, I believe that social media influences the way I view things. the

two people that do not go on social media much responded that they disagreed, but the other

three that go on social media more often said that they agreed. Everybody that I surveyed

answered that they agreed with the statement, I believe that my academic experiences had an

impact on my self-concept. Next, two of the people that I surveyed said that the disagreed to

having a positive outlook on life, these two friends of mine tend to be more negative toward

situations compared to the other three people that were surveyed. The next statement got some

interesting responses in my opinion. I wrote, I believe that I get along well with others. nobody

that I surveyed disagreed with this, they all responded that they agreed or were neutral. On my

final statement only one person had a different answer than the rest. I put, I believe that being

an individual is more important that meeting societal normality. The only person that put that

they felt neutral about this as opposed to agreeing like the rest of the group, is the person that is

on social media the most and she is also the most popular out of everyone surveyed. In

conclusion, the answers that I received did not vary too much from one another.

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