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Samantha Ashcraft

Dr. Kellner
Magazine Articles
The magazine article, Unintentional Motherhood written by Joshua
Lang in the New York Times, is about a teenager who became pregnant and
wants an abortion. She wasnt sure about it at first, so she was asking her
sisters opinion about it and her sister told her that God will understand that
shes just not ready. When S., the teenage girl, went and got her first
ultrasound, she was further along than what she thought she was. She ended
up being 20 weeks along, which is too far along for planned parenthood. This
didnt stop her from wanting an abortion. But it turned out that she was past
the deadline at every other abortion clinic she knew of. She knew that no
matter what, she was going to have to have this baby. The thought of that,
ruined her inside.
The magazine article, Teen Pregnancy written by Marcia Clemmitt, is
about the issues that teen pregnancy can have on ones self. The article
starts out telling the story about how politician Sarah Palin, announced that
her 17-year-old daughter was 5 months pregnant. Her daughter, Bristol Palin,
was supposed to marry the father of her baby, but they ended up breaking
off the engagement and she ended up having to raise the child by herself.
This article also talks about how the teen pregnancy rates were so high, that
MTV came out with a tv show all about teen pregnancy.

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