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Multiple Choice

1. Who coined the term sociological imagination?

A. Karl Marx
B. C. Wright Mills
C. Emile Durkheim
D. August Comte

2. According to Durkheim, sociologys subject matter was _________, which

are qualities of groups that are extended to individual members yet
constrain their thinking and behavior.
A. social interactions
B. social ideologies
C. social opinions
D. social facts

3. An analogy of the human body is often used to describe which of the

following theories?
A. symbolic interactionism
B. feminist theory
C. conflict theory
D. functionalism

4. This paradigm is concerned with analyzing large scale patterns and

A. Micro
B. Nano
C. Macro
D. Terca

5. When using sociology to analyze the social world, it is imperative to use

A. Sociological imagination
B. Sociological theories
C. Scientific methods
D. all of the above

True or False
1. True or False, Conflict theory examines conflict between the
proletariats and the bourgeoisie.

2. True or False, sociology is the scientific study of human social

relationships, groups, societies.

3. True or False, Karl Marx was a functionalist.

4. True or False, Women were systematically included in influential
positions in European universities where sociology and other modern
social sciences emerged.

5. True or False. Sociologists use social theories as a lens when analyzing

social life.

Short Answer: Determine whether the following examples are

personal troubles or public issues.

1. Liam gets laid off and blames it on his vindictive boss. _____________
2. 400,000 autoworkers were laid off due to large scale outsourcing to
Mexico. _______________
3. Lauren fails an exam and blames it on her lazy professor.
4. Tony gets evicted from his apartment for not paying his rent, but blame
it on his roommate. _______________
5. 100,000 people are homeless due to the 2008 economy crash.

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