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Reflection on Classroom Management Plan, Case Study, and Lesson Plans

My classroom management plan changed a great deal from the original to the final plan.

Many of the items that I felt were important in the first plan were secondary to more important

aspects of classroom management that I outlined in the second plan. I think that I had

misconceptions as to what classroom management meant at first. I felt that the environment

was the important part of the classroom, and when it came time to update my classroom

management plan, I had learned that there needed to be a policy and procedure for everything in

the classroom. I had previously overlooked many things, such as line up procedures, classroom

entrance and exit procedures, and different areas that had to be in the classroom. I used all of

information that I outlined in my classroom management plan to determine the type of teacher I

would be. I was able to see what I valued the most, and how that will affect my classroom


The case study was an effective way to see how childrens behaviors can impact their

learning. The student that I observed displayed many behaviors that could potentially indicate a

problem with focusing and attention, and being a teacher, I would have to take this into

consideration when designing instruction. I would have to consider his needs in terms of how

much seatwork I would incorporate into my lesson, and how often we would transition from one

activity to another. I used this case study during my student teaching. I attempted to see the

students as individuals, and looked at them using the whole picture, not just what was on the

surface. It helped me to consider the diverse learning needs of each of my classes.

My lesson plans evolved considerably over the course of my college career. In the

beginning, I was confused about what differentiation meant. I have come to realize the

importance of differentiation, especially in the inclusive classroom. Differentiation is something

simple that I can do to help my students, and teaching is about whats best for them. I understand

the difference between differentiation, accommodations, and modifications is; which is

something I did not understand before. Even if I have students that are not identified or

diagnosed with exceptionalities, I can differentiate instruction to meet their needs.

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