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Student Teacher :: Haley McLean

Observer :: Eric Grossman

School :: Chilhowie HS
Cooperating Teacher, Subject, and Grade Level(s) :: Vincent Adams
Date of Observation :: 4/11/16
What is observed in the lesson plan? :: Clear objectives, Reference to SOLs, Key questions to guide learning
What is observed with the questioning technique? :: Questions facilitate higher order thinking, Questions help
students make connections to current life
What is observed with classroom management and atmosphere? :: adult atmosphere
What is observed with teacher-student interactions? :: Positive and respectful
Which of the following characterize the student teacher's command of language? :: Clearly communicates
Which of the following characterize the student teacher's command of the subject? :: The unit and lesson plan
demonstrates wide-ranging grasp of subject, Explanations of concepts demonstrate content knowledge
Which of the following is observed with the instructional format? :: Provides opportunity for practice of
procedures and skills
VII. Comments, suggestions, and/or any areas of significant concern :: Energy level of students was a bit low
today. Seniors in spring -- their minds start to drift. They still took notes dutifully, but the perennial problem
remains... how to engage kids in math?!
VIII. Other comments, suggestions, and/or areas of significant concern (Including professionalism and
appearance) :: I really liked how you started class with a research study about the value of high school
mathematics preparation for college and career success. Could have pursued it a bit longer even (I think).
Especially interesting that the pre-calculus emphasis paid off later. Seems to me we too often get ahead of
students, especially in math.

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