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on ,

Sarvarth Chintamani OF
J.N~ Bhasin



Publishers Note
This volume or Sarvarth Chintamani has been . sadly
over delayed due to the sudden demise or its renowned author
Sh. J.N. Bl)asin. In his absence the Publishers had to ovcr come
many difficulties. which,irhe had been with us could have bcen
sortcd out without any cffort two years ago.The manual proors
or over 'hundred , pagcs had to be discarded as they distortcd
the image . the learned author wanted to present A sea rch or
the original text in sanskrit had to be made; with hclp or
Shri S.S. Sarecn. bUI ror whom the present rorm and shape could
have not been possible. He has not only edited the original
manuscript but rcvised and set them in order so that a prcscntable
shape to such a rare and ancient tcxt cou ld be provided with
Eng li sh rendering. a long relt need or Ollr readers.
The publisher cxpc resses his hea rt relt gratitude to
Shri S.S. Sarccn. Shri Girish Chand Sharma & Shri Vivek Seth to
make the book what it is now berore you.
Chapter Pages

Introductory Note 1-2

I. Rashi vichar (Definitions & Elementary Principles) 3-48

2. Lagna phaJ vichar 49-72

3. Results of 2nd house 73-102

4. Results of 3rd & 4th houses 103-133

5. Considerations of 5th & 6th houses 134-158

6. Considerations of 7th house . 159-180

7. Considerations of 8th & 9th houses 181-200

8. Results of 10th. 11th & 12th houses 201-218

9. Raj yogas 219-236

10. Span of life 237-252

II. Cancellations of yogas for short life 253-256

12. Medium longevity 257-269

13. Ruling Periods of Sun & Moon 270-288

14. Ruling Periods of Mars & Mercury 289-304

15. Ruling Periods of Jupiter. Venus & Saturn 305-327

I6. Ruling Periods of Rahu. Ketu & sub periuJs 328-366
17. Miscellaneous 367-371

(I) "Sa rvarth Chintamani" is onc oflh e lOp astrological works.

From the'poi nt ofvicw of practical utility it offers very valuable
comments on the su bjects rcla ting to eac h o f the 12 houses of a
birth charl H has the unique distinction offollowing a procedure
where by the main subject orobjecls pertaining to a ho use are fi rst
of a ll slated in the ve ry beginn ing of the chapler relati ng 10 that
house a nd th en each of those subjects is dea l! with in a s uitab le
astrologica l waya n the basis orthe house co nce rned. its lo rd a nd
ils sign iliculor and Ihe resulls- good and bad- declared.
(2 ) For example in the first s hlo ka of chupte r 3 dealing with th e
affairs of the 2nd house of the horoscope the author- Sh ri
Ven klcsh Sharma has given famil y, depe ndents. mout h. speech.
right eye. accumulated weallh. educatio n. eating. serve nts & frie nd
as the affairs cove red by th e 2nd house. !-I e then deals wi th each of
these aITairs in detail. Fo r example: !-Ie stales that if a natu ra l
benefic Pla net occupi es th e 2nd ho use. a nd .th e lord o f the 2nd is
al so a natura l benefic Pl a net and the significator-th e Sun-is
unde r good in llu encc the man has broad eyes wit h good sight.
Simi lar trea tmcnt is accorded to other aITairs.
(3) On certain impo rtant points which required special men
lio n we have inserted our notes bringi ng ou t the va lue o f th at
specific poi nt , with a pt ilhl strat io ns from aclu al life. It is ho ped
these notes and illu stration s will go 11 long way in bri nging out the
true import of the s hlo kas.
(4) The aspel.:ts of Ra hu and Keto a re co nsp icuous in thi s book
by thei r absenc!!. But we havc added sui tab le notes to fil l in the
omissio n in thi s respect.

(5) It is our co nviction that a b irth chart having correct lon-
gitudes accordi ng to correct aya nmnsa would give correct balance
of das ... Di vi nation ca rried ou t on th e basi s of such a dasa with due
rega rd to the aspects o f the nodes and to the fL .Ictioni ng of the
planets as di spositors. wou ld givc correct result s when appli ed to
the house in vo lved. the lord o f that hou se & its sign ificator.
(6) In rega rd to the use o f correct ayanamsa we would recom-
mend o n thc basis of our experience th at the va lue of the Shri
La hiri' s a}'lIIlOlrnsa as applicable to a pa rticu lar date s hou ld be
rcllu,cll by J llegrcc a nJ 7 OJ in utes anll the longitmk o f Moon Ihen
urri vcll al shou lll be uscJ to as,crta in the balam:c of Jasa. In the
alterna ti ve the langituJc of Moo n according to Sh ri Luh iri shou ld
be increased by I degree & 7 minutes & Ihe balance of dasil
a rri ved.

IN. Bhasi n
Flat I. Doubte Storey Market
New Rajendru Naga r
New Delhi
Author of Astra Suiras. Med icu l Astrology. Eve nts & Nativities!
Art of Prediction.

'4lqi0tijfil~t{tei~PI(fj4 Jilif<t;i!!tt ~
OjNI ~OjllHb M"lfitot \lIltftl5ql;qf~ : I I
>RiIft'1 :
!tllH l'1l51fitl41('IQ'" tllt"lllil tftdlfflcfl
34'iRl : lIi1H tMi$ ~ ~ et!4fi4~dlqPli~ II ~ II

Shri Vcnket Sharma. the author. olTe rs (he followirig opening

pruYCf tmanga lacharanam);
"After bowing repeatedly to lord Vcnkcles hwar. who has his
abode 0 11 the side of the mo untain called "S heshadri" and to th e
moSI rcspeclable Guru of mine whose grace has made me Pand it
Vyankat s ha rma. I ofTe r the book "Sa rvarth Ch intamani" as a ship
to n a ss the G rcal ocean of Astrolob'Y by .he people lea rned in the
art of amological divination. ( I)

4'l(!'1!'!f'(1f.'1 ~ eifitllRl q;:fj(i/f'l II

~ : 1IQ1"4 <i ~ a "'lAIn:. "\1'''1'1'1 II ~ II

I how to Shri Ganesh. who ha s the lu stre like a bluc lotu s and
by worshipping who m all the gods easily get their des ired
ohjcct (2)

~lfi~'{fuQGI <Mt 'q( q ~d""1Ifiqdl I I

lil ~N~\!il<tlI(1 m ~ m q II ~ II
May Ih ~ GoJ~ ss ~aras\'a li. wh o b~ S I O ws o n m~n th e wealth of
~p..:..:..: h. wh o ha s h..:r aboJ ~ in Ih..: w hit ~ Lotu s and whos..: comple-
:-.ion is whil": lik..: Ih..: Cow's milk. make my speech a s h e r
ahod..:. (3 )

qtjlf<!:mll<J: ~ f<!:4~IQ'jU1 1m: II

~ ... cliilq<tl(\f(: ~ '1lfl:18 a ~ I I 'd II

Ma y Ih..: :o>i ~n s A ries ":lc.lh..: Plan..:1S S u n etc and o lh..:rs e ngaged

in tllo; wd ra r..: o f mank ind. a lways giV\! me th ei r prol..:..:lio l1. (4)
qa\\ld~ f.:Iillld ~ ~ ddllftt'1~fq 4ACflffl <t>iQ4f(1 dwll . I I
!l~ "~6Grn
14t1R! \i"It<r: \Hl'1(04 'I'1"iJ ,]1'1'1(04 .,. ~'4GfB:i I I I( I I

Nhatever p rinciples have b~en t::nuncia ted in the Natal Astrology.
Lre equally applicabk to the" 'Horary" Astrology. The re is no dif-
erence bccween the two (Horary relutes to chart ofth c hcaven prc-
)a rcd for the moment of query). (5)

~ 41~ fq cq ;;;: d'i!I~F(!~(ja0<l 4<t jij:;+adl 'l~ ;)ljl : I I

&!E4iR'lI"lI'lftNI : ~ d~lliOfl!"li ... fQ a~ : 1I 6. 1t

rh e lords o f the 12 s igns Aries to Pisces a re Mars. Venu s. Mercury.

\.1oon. Sun. Mercury. Ve nus. Mars. Jupiter. Saturn. Saturn and
lupi ter respectively. The lord of a navamsa is the same as Ihat of
:hc sign as stat.:d abbve. (6)

The idea underlying the lords hip of lh e plantcts over the s igns is
:0 stale the fact thai th e various s igns a lways ac t like the p lanets
havi ng lordship over Ihem. Fo r details regarding Navamsha. (Sec
Shloka II .)

&!OiiR'f'I1 ~ L li1i~16,&fMI4i*1d"4fki'Jet'{ 'I

ddlt1>Jii:Ii:ll<:CElJ:j!Jil qjqlRd "lI'""~ "111l1'{ II \9 II

Aries represents head. T au rus face. Gemini breast.. Cancer

h eart. Leo belly. Vi rgo wa ist. Libra p rivate parts. Scorpio rCClOm.
Sagill<irius hips. Capricorn knees. Aqu<irius legs and Pisces feet.
Th e sign that is .. fnicted by the association etc of male fi c Planets
denotes trou b le in th~ lim b it represents. (7)

Th e shlo ka is useful in the diag.nosi s of dis~as~s ort he li mbs of
the body. Th e particular limb re prcs ~ nt ed by the sign. of course
_~ ll frers as a result of afllict ion ofl h~ associat io n or aspect o n it "of
malefi c plands. But the resul ts would be morc palpable
if the lo rd oflhe sign al so isafllicted. Ie in addition, the h o u s~ rep-
n:seilli ng the lim b is aflieted. the disca se o r injury would be mo re
seve re. If,Lllthc l"ou r fac tors represent ing a lim b na mely Ihe s ign.
its lord. the house cotresponding in number to the sign and the lord of
that house are a micled the trouble would be the severe most. The
nature of trouble in the li mb and ils severity al so de pend on [h~
s~vc rity o f th e afnietion i.e. on the number and stre ngth of the
alTIicli ng. p la ne ts lind Ihei r natu re. Fo r eX<im ple. if the 5th s ign and
ils lo rd. th e 5th hOll se and its lo rd arc innuetll.:cd hy Rahu and Ih~
lord of the sign occupied by Rahu it would be a ease of heart
attack. Ifby Saturn and by the lord of th e sign occupietl by Saturn
it wo uld be a case of dyspepsia. indi gestio n etc. If by M(lfs and
Ketu or by the lords of th e signs occupied by Mars a nd Ketti. il
would be a case for operation of or inj ury to the belly. In rcgartl to
intensity it may be added that if for example. the 12th house. lord
of the 12th house sign number 12 and its lord Jupiler a rc all at1lc-
led by both Mars & Ketu or by Mars as lord of lh e sign occupied by
Kelu or hy both. the feet may have to be am pu\a ted.

6!lOE<I(O(Iqt+<llttl'lQcNIEljf"llQ1 4f>4 : B'IG 'ElifI'J(IOj I I

1'!!'QQt<::11I 2fl(fi'1'E1.,,j ",,1'E"11jdj\!1l ql'11i\ qfiJl'fl 'f II C I I
eRr <:ij Q1[GI'1IH~Illq : Wm : 1:4'11"111'111 1Oj<!jR! II
~ irm ~: ~ ~ ~ ~i!ftH+:!I'" 'l~:q~f(;j : II Q, J I

The sign Pisces is symbo lised by two fish with Ih(' ta il oro ne on
the mouth of the other. Sagillarius by a man with the lowe r portion
as of a horse and with bow in the hand. Gemini by a pair of man
and woman. holding mace and the musical instrument-vcena.
Virgo by a girl in a boat. holding a fire pot in one hand a nd grains
in the ot her. Libra by a man with ba la nce in the hand. Aquarius by
a man carrying on his shoulder a water pot. The traits of the rest of
the sign s arc as deno ted by their names i.e. Aries by lamb. Taurus
by an ox. Cancer by crab. the sea creat ure of thai na me. Scorpio by
Scorpion. (8-9)
uM R!llfOE<l $2fljOlql~o!lllI8l?l~ lI!"ll~'1I"'1 : II
~",,~~ ~ (4\i "'1T'ft ~ QQ'1+i4 ~ 11 ~O t t

A decante (Drikaan) consists of o ne th ird pari of a sign. The II rst

decante i.e. from degrees I to 10 has the same planet as its lord as
th e lord of the sign whose l SI dccanle it is. Th e 2nd decanle from
degro:es II to 20 is owned by the planet who is lord of the sign 5th to
the sign under co nsideration . The 3rd decante from 21 to 30
degrees is owned by the planet lord o f the sign 9th to that under
consideration. In even signs the lord of the first hora i.e. the first IS
degrees is Moon & of the next is the Sun. while in the case of odd
signs the hora of the first halfofthe sign belongs to the Sun & the
second ha lf to Moon. (10)
"'I(Wtil '1lq~ql"::MlIlr;lm ~ a"IEjqiji!i(ltll : t t
2~gqa~d(l~r'1llQlG:lcRl 1I1lf'lll'4retoil &l15la : I I ~ ~ II

The first Navamsha sign in th e ca rdinal signs I. 4. 7. & JO is the

lord of the sign itself i.e. Mars. Moon. Venus & Saturn respectively.

The first Navams ha sign in the fixed signs 2. 5. 8 a nd II arc the
i igns 9th from Ihe sign i.e. 10. 1. 4 and 7 n:spectivcly. The first
Nava msa sign in signs 3. 6. 9 & 12 arc the signs fifth from Ih e sign
i.e. 7. 10. I & 4 respect ively. (The resl fo llow in the o rder as slah:d in
; hlo ka-6.) (I I)
Since the order of the Navams ha signs is th..: S,II11\: as in th . :
na tural order Aries T au rus etc to Pisces there is a very simpk wily
10 find oUlthe Navamsha sign. Suppose we desire to find out lh..:
1st Navamsha sign in the sign G..: mi ni. Multiply the nu mh..:r o f
signs past i.e. 2 by 9. The result gives the signs pa st i.e. 18 or Virgo
(12 plus 6) hence th e firs! sign in Gemi ni would be the sign next to
Vi rgo i.e. Libra.'
wmple 2 Find o ut the sign repn.:scn ting the 4th Navams ha of
Sagittariu s. Here 8X9 = 72 plu s 4 = 76 divided by 12 leaves 4 i.e_
the answer & lord of 4 i.e. Moon is the lo rd o f Ih e 4th
Navamsha of Sagit tarius:
We give below tables s howing the signs falling in the various
vargas or divisions of a sign and the lo rd of the s igns so
fallin g.


,\,;,... T. u

( '~ ......, l '" Vi'l!'> lil>u
s........ s. ~
"J ri "
.\o n!
. ....
" U,

L ",I, "',
,j , , , , , , ,
!M, n M,,,,,, 0;..11 M_.
M""" SUn M""H Sun ~. M_ ~. M,.",

"",.1- I~ '"
,M... ,,, , , ,,,," , ,~" R , , ,M,,,," , , ,
Su" M ,,, M .., ,,\ ,\4",,"
~" ~" SU"

A,;", T;,u' G.;rno Ca n- Virg" l ibr4 5.:",. s..gj- Capn. '\qua f'iS<:(~
r.;", "" rus ni,'"m ,',' pio (Iadu .. "U ~

, -, , , , , ,
, , , ,
, -
, " "
'" , ", " ," , , , J
" '" " " - I J


.,.. ....


, , ,
Gem '

V irgo

Moo 7,,,
lib .. ,,,"
Sol,;. Capr>i~II"'~
lI a.;", .."O.n rI ....


~7-)(1 M. .
'" Moo Moo"
"" M.B 50, """ '.p
.. , ,,, , ,
0-15.(1 Moo" .. Moo
" " "
~or. SiI,i. Cirri Aqlla. PiK't
Arin T. . Gemi.

;~: ".. , , , ,
""," .. ""'" , ,
10 I
0-22 Ven. S<o" Capri M e. Tau. Gem; Ca n. '-'" Virao

,. s., " ,., 10 I
" """ So, T au.
Gem. Can. '-'"
6 7
VilJ(! lib..
""'. SaloL


:~ >0 .
"~ , "~ '?, -.. ~~ '- "".-
'{! <;;
.. "
1 "'-~ ~. ~.
'l 'S, ~ "
'6\ ;.
.. , , , , 7

" 10

.. , , , , 7
~,..'" " 6 I 10
.. , , , , 10 7 " 6 I

I)-il-SI "
.. , 6 I 10 , 7 , ,
0-17-8" "
.. , , , 6
+ I
, 10
G-21 l! " 7

.. , , 7 , , ,
6 I 10
" ,
,. 7 2 I
, ,~ 6 I
, 10 ,


"'.. Tau- Gem; Can Uo

N' ,; m
V;'IO Libra '"
.. Sa,;, Capri Aqu a"
uuiu ,vm ri LH
'i . . u
., I 10 1 4 I 10 1 4 I 10 1 4
IH 20 M, . SOl y" M oo, Mar, S" y" M oo M, . S" y" M oo,

, , ,
y" ".. So,
S M, .
y" " So,
s., M,.
y" "
S.. M,. So,
, 3 , 3 12

M" "
J.p J.p M" M" "
J.p Jvp M" M" J.p J.p M"

()'1320 I 10 1 4 I 10 1 4 I 10 1
M oo, M,. S,,( y" M oo, Mars SOl y" Moo, M, . s., y"
" M,. S. , "SOl S" I"s.,
(H6-40 1 3 1 1
s" y" SOl y" M oo y" M, .

~,... , , 12 ,
M" "
J.p J.p M"
J.p J.p M"
M" J.p J.p

IJ.23 20 4 I 10 1 4 I 10 1 4 I 10
y" Moo, Mars SOl y" Moo Mar SOl y" Moo, M " SOl
, ,
" S"
, ,
M, . So, y" SOl M, .
V~" "
SOl Mars S"
y" "

, , ,
'" .p Mer
J.p J. p M"
J. p J.p Mer Mer

d<%t?l4j -eWl,JjIlHIIQr i BH4 i!!iid~qRl('{ld'hm<l II

f.;l~lhtiqi ~'1l/I:fld<l(1~""'l~ '1l!!t4t""18 rt q II ~~ tI

~ (!hld .: q:qIlI(loc('la:tdiIOIl : ;nSiI~i<O'\ct>1tiff'l : II

('Ia:tIQl4IH"-'I8 a<f!lIf1tI' q '}W EI'kIq(l ~l qI1 II ~~ II
The 1SI 1/ 121h part of a sign bdongs 10 the sign itsel f & !hl' o lhe r
parts come in thc ordcr ofth c signs. As regards th e 30th parI. in th e
odd signs th e lords of the first 5 degrees is Mars. oflhe 6th to 121h
degrees S<llurn. of the 13th to 20th degrees Jupit er. of the 21 51 to
25th degrees Mercu ry. or the 26th to 30t h Ve nu s. In the I!vcn sig.ns
the order is reverse i.e. Ihe fi rsl 5 degrees belo ng to Venus. 6t h 10
IOlh 10 Mercury. II th 10 18th to Jupiter. 19th to 25th 10 Sa turn &
26th to 30th 10 Mars.
In odd signs Ih e lord or the firsll l7 th division is the lord ohhe
sign itselr & in even signs th e lo rd or Ihe 1st Il7th division is Ihe
lord or the s'ign 7th to the sign involved. Th e order or the signs
~cmaining as Ihe natural one. This table has already been given.


Aries l au-
.... Virgo Libl1l "0> Sagi- Capri AQua- Pisces
"0 nari" ~ rous

1 2 J , , 6 7
, 10 11 12
().!30 M, . V" M" Moo So, M" V" M OD J.p So<
". J.p

.S<1 2 J , S 6
, 10 11 12 1
V" M" Moo' Sop M" V" M OD J.p ,", S.. J.p M, .

(}.~30 J , S 6 7
, 10 11 12 1 2

M" Moo So, M" V" M, J.p So, S.. J.p M V"

1" , S
M oo, S.,
6 7
V," , 10 11 12 1 2 J
Mer Mars J.p ,", S.. J. p Mon V," M"

()'12'~~ 6 7
, 10 11 12 1 2 J ,
,", M" V" S..
M, . J" S.. J.p M, . V" Me. Moo,

(), U.(J 6 7 8 , 10 11 12 1 2 J , S
M" V(R Ma.... J.p ,", So, J.p M, . V" M" M oon S.,

, 1 ,
"', "
10 11 2 J S 6
V" Mars J. p S.. J.p Mar, V" M" Moo' Sop M"
.,... , , M, . J.p
J. p
1 2
M, . V"
J , S
Moo, ," ,
6 7
M" M" V"
0. 223 , 10 . 11 12 1 2 J , S 6 7 8
J.p So<
". J.p M, . V" M" Moo, Sop M" V" M ~"

0:25-0 10 11 12 t 2 J , , 6 7 , ,
Sat S.. J.p M, . V" M" Moo Sop M" V" M, . J.p
r 1).27 '~ 11 12 t 2 J , , 6 7
, 10
". J.p M, . V" M" Moo Sop M" V" M,. J. p So,

t 2 J , , , It
JO "
J. p M, . V" M" M oo Sop
V" M, . S..J.p

Degrees Aries Gemini l<o libra Sagi t. A"Iua.

M," M," M," M,"

" M," Mal1i

10' 5" ", 5" ", 5" ",

J,p J, p J,p J,p J,p J,p
'" M" Mer M" M" M" M er

30' V," Von V," Von V" V"


[)cgress Taurus Cancer Virgo 500", Capri Pisces

V," V," Von V,"
",,' M" M" M" M"

",' J,p J,p J,p J,p J,p

". ", So< So< ,," ,"

30' M, M,. M,. M,. M,"
..L ~


~f/ lrlllqHlq~ql\kltfli(lillil" ~ a " lqil~Q(I~1 : II
art lfil!t1"'lq~41~<ftII~:q1$il ~(t f~"'I : I t ~'d I t
~ IMldCn'<i<iqdl ttit q6C~~lqi'1lq~qIE<'dl1Iq II ~':( II

In the odd signs the first 1/ lOth divis io n belongs 10 the lo rd of

the sign itsdfa nd in even signs the 1st 1/ lOth division be longs to
th e lo rd of th e s ign cou nted 9th from it. Th e orde r of signs is
natu ral one. Th e lords o flh ese divisions are the 10 Ji k pal s{ lo rds
of di rections). In the II I 6th division the lo rds o f the di visions are
th e lords o f the signs Aries to Pi sces & then Aries to Cancer. In the
sign Taurus the signs would bc5
to 12 & then I toS & so on (Sec the
lablc). ( 14. 15)


Aries T~ ... Gem;' Can .. ~ VirgO Lihra s........ s",;.

C~f'ri- A..,...~ Pis....:5
'", m ccr
''0 u ~ riu ~"rn flUS

, I ,10 , , ,
12 2 7
Mars S.. M" '0 , s." Moo '0, V,. V~ n s.,
2 , , ,
M" "
II I 6 3 10 7 12
V~n So, So. s.,
M,>I)n M8" Mer Mars V~n '0, '"
, 3 , . , ,
12 2 7 6 II I
M" 'or Moo '0, M"
Son V," V" So, "Ma N M" So,

, M" , , , ,

, ,

, 7
S'UM ~r

' or


'0 ,
Soo V,"Moo ' orV," S.. Mer Ma rs Mars ,,", " M"
6 , , , ,. , , 10 12 II Moon M,. I
" Mer M" Soo Mars 'or Sal Ven Jul' Vcn S~l

,'or 6 , II I 10 12 , ,
" V" Moon s., M"
Mer ,,", Mars Mars or "'. v,..
" ,
Ma N Su ..
, ,
Sa l
Vor 12
'0' 'or Vcn
Sa l

Mo.ln Mars M"
, , < ,
" ' or
Ma,.,. MaN
s., M" "
'0, So. V"
Vcn Moo.
W 10 7 12 , , II Moo I Me. , ,
Vor So.
Sal V" 'or '" "" Ma I"li Mcr Marl'


.. .. A'o,,,, Tau- Gem. C a n- l V,,>,,, U hf''' ,,~ S:lgi- iCa,'rI

I\,p ;,' I 'i,c,'~
ru , oo ' ,'r I,i" na r' u :orn ""-,

15230 , , , , , , , , I' ,
; OJ

, , , ,+ , , , ,
" - '" - '" '"
5-37-30 1 7 II 1 7 II 1 7 II 1 7 II

, ,

~22 30
, , " , , " , , " , , ,"



11 15.(1 , , , ,
- ,
13730 7
" ,

1 7

II 7




II 1

".... , , , , , .
, ," , , ," , , ," , , ," ,
8 8

, , , , , , , ,
18-4 5.Q


'" 10 10

" , , " 1 7
" , 1 7 II 1 7 1 7

24-22 )0
" , , ," , , " , , " , ,



25- 1S.() 2 6 10 , 6 10 , 6 10 , , 0

28730 1 7
" 1
" 1
, , " 7 II 3 7

" 8
" " "
orq A~llI f':~11Q1 Ru:htlql!ti'tlE4jfhtlillq:q~o:;:li#lj : I m ~Qlf!tl: I
6I"'i ~iilRi ql ' II "'I 'I ~ql il!'fUh~dl : I I ~<t itq~ ft::qt ;qlql""fY~I~.;q
1'l 11:4<f1 11 ~ 11 ~ ~ \{<Ii 1a;frfll\llttl \i!I 1I!li ~ II <rrU &'llt!1lljfi1
~ 1imdl ", I icll'idl I I ~ I I !l;::cl~I(j ri M qql41 q(t::1~ i I fl1u
~ ~ f4qq qftf41d~'l I I Q I I e+f(lw f t itq fgo:otllfiqj
ftilfllf'!ofl I i i{"Ilqtil'f '{j(l.f! 1Im "f:161111"1Q11 I I ~ I I M IM I ~'<nl mu
tI(le aml~ ftrar II "fAlifi ~ " q. t@ ~q(l~dl I I '( I I

Now we wiIJ deal with the 1/20th division etc. T here arc dirrerent
Devis governi ng the various numbers of the 1/20th division. These
are shown in the table for the 1120th d ivis ion. They are governed
by l?evis from Kali to Aparajila. (1-5)

," g0 , ";;" k:; , ," , "-
, ;;0 ,
0<. n
~ -
< l(- Q
> ," "
- -- - -
0", ;
o >
1'1 -


--- - "- _. N.
"- <. 0 <.
I>J)J) s,~ <.
L. .. "'910
, ""Ii
,, ,, , , , ,
5 5 5 5 Daya ,
-, (i" y.; ,- ,, ,, ,, , ,
, 7 , " ~II" , "
" M edII..

, .
( 'lIloinn.. ,
" , " 7
, " 7 7

L ,bllmi

V ijJ)'~

", , ", , , ," , , , ,
l l 12 8 Pi,hac h;


, , ,, ,, M , 'an ~ 1 ,
Vi m alJ
" " , 7 , '" , '"
'0 , 2

+~r " " "

7 Smi 7 7 8 il!!la 7

, ,
Ta r~
", , , , , ", , ," , , ,"
4 12 K Rhd r

Jwa~\l u k h i 5 Aruna

r.;;- ,, , ,, ,
, " , '" J ""
2 2 2 Shecll "
" "
" Lalita
" 7
", , 7 3 Pingul a
" 1l ~1l1"

P r~r)",
", , -, I-, , ," , , ," ,
12 Ch huka
" , ,, ,, , ,
J G hor:!

VlI ,a hi
, J J '" J " , "
ShJchi 2
" " "
7 Va i,hnav;
" R" uJ ri
" " " , "

7 7
" Illl .. ,ani 4
" - " " " l Sila
VlIr<J lI ,,, , ,, , 5 9 9 5 9 allav n..
" , , '"- , '" , , , , S ha;",';
'" , , , ," " "
Jay ..
7 7
"., Tri"",.
, " 7
" " ," 7 Ma ngal ..
Su mu kh i 4
--" " " " " " ~.
RU:hIICfl Ri;II2flHlll~ql : ~ i5[;fI 'lqiJ <tl\flT .qqi'j
"'" "
i:t2(4)"'< : q~("'j(i'l : t I 5. r I ~qCflql "Pit ~ qZiYdCfl"lqE:q"iI : 11 "
In~~ lR"lT '4IlJ : ftll5l~ ~qi:l Sflliiq II \9 I I Cfl~~ ~ ~ ~01q"1
~~<:'1ljl'lll C; II ~ ~ ql 1:;1 'd~ <tl<tilfi!:' loI4 "'I<f)(II,fu : II aT'@f

qlfll<:tl'l II .,,,~itrl : lfl'UiifiiqQQ$r.tQdl'll5l : I I i

q'ltlf~ dl : II Q" II & 411I<ii~qtli!"1(1 I!Q:Sflltirf.:t?lqlflql : II f.",r,!Ij~"l""'''*
: II ~Q I r i;1d\iJlqliC~ibO'<l : !fIT ~ lI<t1ffm : II

"'ll5~"I\:'4I1Ol1~JlU : 1I11(=I6I1 : ""'1I11l Ihl1lij II H II 3 GII5(ISI'l - -qqr
@'if q I t:; I g'4. &f(IiJ,iUI"'l4 ftJI dlP ld tt'f~~ II ~ & ~GI~''''1'''l1 I I
I 'HGIi'(12I1i'II"'lil1fiN I f'lqq ftti41ij II ~"'1"~ ",6fttiI N6C01 ql ~ 1
1tItI ~ : II ~ ~ I I 1pft 4 e Wl~41 ~ ct601 ~ 'I( II 'U'4"it P
$tIr : "",,,,,,,{qQQI1f.<:tdl : II tQ II d<18(u1"l- 4Efi(!1'ol Q - t:;-~'(
$1',i'e:'I"1;:ft41 : *"'41 dll'll:Il : ~ m ~ II dlEfIl58!<tlill'l II
d4l48!qQ'R1i1tiNI81'11(Q f$41i3 II ~~ftl8ij:e""'''4 "4i"iii~~m: II
'VlliiJ!I~hit6COf!I"'l~IIiI(I~~ I I t ~ II
3<18(011{ Ilf'ff 1!1' OJ't Q I t:; I \t'( I iNI"iiiu1"'l41 "{'f 611'ld : ~ m~ II.

In th e 1/24th divisioil the signs from Aries & other odd signs
sta rt with leo. In the case of eyen signs these sta rt with Ca ncer as
s hown in the table.
As regards the 1/ 27 th divis io n the 1st 27th division oflhe sign
Aries belo ngs to Aries. 2nd 27th divisio n to the next sign & so on.
till the 27th which will in this o rder be governed by Gem in i. Hence
the 1st 27th division of T aurus will be governed by Cancer & so o n.
In the 1/4Oth d ivisio n, the firs t division in all odd signs belo ngs to
the sign Aries; wh ile in all even signs. it belongs to Libra, as s hown
in the table: ln the 1/ 45 division. the 1st division orevcry movable
sign belongs to Aries; the I s t of every fixed sign, to Leo and the fi rSI
of every co mmo n sign. to Sagitta riu s. The o rderorthe signs owned
re mains the natu ral one. (6-14)


""", n
- - - a . , ,
fNO Odd Si sn >
~ 0
, n
~ c ~ = ,.
, k0 _. .... 2..f;'
5' 0 = = ~ ~ ii. ,.0 0 ,.

~ ~

- , 0

.. g ..

, Skanda ,,,, , , , Bh ima 1/ 15

, Pa ~hud bar
i- , , , , , , , Malian
, , , , , "'" ,
Govinda ~.,

Visli~a ka , ,
, , i- ~, , ,
, ,
, Ohaga 9 8 8 8 , "" ,
9 8 8
V. Dh""j

."nlaka WI!

, ,
10 ,


10 9
10 9
" "'" ,
9 10 Maya


" " " " " "

10 10 10 10 10 10 Mi lra

, Aniak
", " ," " ," f)." 1" " ," " ," " BII~ga 1010 8

12 , Vi$h\"a k~

, , ," , ," , , ," .

VI Dhwaj 12 " I!

10 GoYind. 2 2 2 Ill'" 2 Ana la 10

M ~dln
, , , -, , , , , , , .
"12 , , ,
, ,
" Puhudhar 1/4S

Bh ima - Skanda
" "10
Sk~nd~ ,,,,,, Bhim~ 16/15
" , , , , , , "
" P.lShuUha r

, ,,,,,
" 6 Madan 17130

I! "",'
. 6
" Govimla tg/~ S

16 Vi shvaka , , ,
, , ,." , , ," , , , 'MDhwaj OIl 16
" Bh ~~~
" 8 An laka 21115

18 Milra 10 , , , , , ,
10 10 10 221'" 10 10 Maya 18

Ma ya 10 23/45
" " " "12 "12 " " "12 "
10 10 10 M ilra
"I "12 ," " , " , " ," " , " Hh a, 2510 20

"n 'MOII"aj

Govin da , , "
,2, "
, , "
,, , ,

12 Vishu.ka

Anala 27/30


II Madan ,,,,, ,,,,,, 2 Puhudhar . 8/45 II

" Bhima ,,,,, ,, Skanda ~/O


_-,-_ _-,-'/27TH DIVISION TABLE

a' ~;' ~
-.s~"i. '~. ~. ~ S. No.

-+--f-Oa.r~ J .. 7
-H- -=-++-"'+
' +----
I 4 7 10 I 4 7 10 "-6"-40"" ,
2 Varna 2 ~ 9 II 2 ~ 8 II 2 S 8 II 213-2{l 2

, ~II; } I> 9 12 3 6 ') 12 3 I> ') 12 )-20. 0 ,

, Bmhma 4 710 1 4 7 101 .. 11014-26-40 ,
, S 8 II 2 5 8 [I 2 S II II 2 5-33-20 ,
, I> 9 12 1 I> 9 12 J I> 9 11 1 ,
r'- +""-;f;--- -;+-,,+,+,+,+-" -,+, +-,t-" -,+,+,,,,,,,,,--+-,---1
f8 - -Jc..:va
- - - '8 1 1 2 5 8
2 ,

11 2 5

, , -,,+-,+,-+,-';; -'+'+'+'~2r,+,+,-_--t--,----1

10 I

11 1


10 I

It 2


10 I

II 2



Aryama Il) I> 9 123 I> 9 [11 I> 9 13-20-0
" "
147101" 7101 .. 7 1014-26-40
" 2



II 2

12 J



12 J
2 S 8


12 16-I().(l
Vayu I>

to t
" 4


10 I

11 2



11 2 5

6 11 2

" .M itra

9 12 ) 6 \I 12 1 6 9 12) :!O-O-O
'" Ino.lrd I>

7 10 I 4 7 10 I 4 7 10 I 4 21-6-10
" Ninri

II II 2 S 8 II 2 5 8 11 12 S 22-13-20
'" ,,
12 1 12 J 6 9 12 1 6 11!O-(l
" Vishnu , , ,, " -,+-
4 ~l4"36-40
2J Indm
II 2
'" S 8 II 2 5 8 11 2 S 8 2$)l-20 2J
l~ 12 3 6 9 12 J 6 9 2~~

,, ,, 10 ~~,,~......
26 A budhnya 2 ,
'" ,
II 2 . 11 2 7f; -"-1-,,-,,-,-,,.,--1--,,- -
" Pus l,"
1 (, 9 12 1 6 9
-I-- -'-
12 J I> <;I 12 J()..()..O
--1...-1------'_ _ "

,, ,.if "., ,
, 0, >0 _.

" "
,.> , ,
~ ,
_. r_.
< ",. O".. r~~'
_. -
' No o.:vala
, 0
,. "
" - 0 , ,
1 Vi shnu 1 , , , 1 1 1 , , , 1 1 O"-4Y .
2 Cha nd r4 , , 2 2
, , --+- 2 2 1-)0

l Manchi l , , , l l l l l , 2 15

Tva.\ h l~
10 10 10 10 10 ,
10 l~

, DII:'l, , ,
, , , f-,

, Sh i~a , ", ", ", 12 12

" , "",
12 .,.,

, ,

, , ,
, ",
Ravj 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1S

, . Vama
, 2 ,
, 2
, 2 2

V~ ~~h~sh l , , l l , , , l. l l

10 Gandharva 10
10 10 .. '-30 10 10

,, , , , , . 8 1S
"12 ", ", ", ", ", ",
Ka la

-" i-, " , , " , i- , " , ,
Vlrona 12
II Vistlnu 1 1 1 1 1 1
, - '-- '--,
" Ch a ndr~ 2
- 2 8
'.30 2

t.h,i , l\i 9 - , - -++ ,

9 l 9 l 9 II 1 S
" 3 9 3

" T.ashra
10 10 10 10 10 10 ,,~

Ohara , , , -, - -,
-++ , 12-45
" -, i-" , " , "12 -, -" -, " , "
-, -" , " ,

19 R~,'i 1 1 1
-, -"
-, "
1 ,


141 S
--I- 2 - -++
20 Yama

, , , , , ,
2 2 2 2
l l l l l Y 15-45
" Yah"b es ha
-10 , 10 10 - -10 - -10 10

- '--, ,. f-, - -, - , - ,

" -"12 --+
, 12 6 6 12 , " , ", ,
" " " 171 S

" Varuna

Vi ~hnu , , ", , ", ,

" 1
' - '--
1 1 1
18 -45

, . , ,0 n ,
- 8'
- n <>

. ..
o.:v,na >
- -
" ,"

- ,
,. ,

, ';- ';- ';-

0 S



" Chand ... 2

2 2 2

27 M arkh i J , , J J ,9 3 J 9 J , XI I 5

T. ahla ,
" " -'-" W
- -" -
" ll '~"

" Dhala


, " , -" -, -" -, -" -, " ,

5 5 5 5 5
" ~ I ..j \

," , ", , "ltt-ttl


, " ", ", ~!.\U

Rllv i 13- 1S
" , +++-
-, 21, ~ 82

," ," , - - -
J2 YHma 2 2 2H l

lJ Y~kshc~ha , J J 9 J 9 J 9 J 14-45
- - -
" Gandh a n 'a
"5 "5 " -" " 9
" , 15-30

"", ~S
", ", ", ", ,I
", 21>1 5

Varuna ~7-O

," , ," , ", , -," -7 -," 7


" Vishnu

, , -, - -2 , ,,
7 27 -45

" Chandra 2 8
, ,
8 2 8 28.\0

J9 Maneh i J J J 9 J 9 J 9 J 9 29 1S

SO Tva ~h la
" " " --
" - - - " W JO.<)



oral Shi~ Vi. h ... Shi Vi , B, SlIiv Vi sh B"

Shi ViI I

St.i Vi,h ,' Shi ViS!

S> Vish Br~h Shi.- Vi B"
'co S ' Vis
tHV Bla Sh: Vi,
". Sh;, Vi , h Bra Sh;
Arie T" Gcrri Cion .... VI U .
Sag; C.,
" Aq

, , 5 , , -,- 9 , , , , , , ~ ..,
2 2
10 2 , 10 , , 10
,02 '-20
, , 7 II . l 7 II J 7 II J 7 II
, , , ," , , , ,, ,"
, 12 , 12 ,..,
5 5 5 l-l<>

, , 10 " , , 2

1 10
' -0 10

7 .., 7
- II l
"7 II l 7 II J l

, , ," , , , , , , . , ,
12 12 12 4 5-2\)

5 5

10 , , ,
10 , , ...,
10 10 6 10

II II J 7 II. l 7 II J 7 II l 7 7_2\)

, , ," , , ," , , .~

12 12

II 5 , , , ,...
, , , ,
" , J 7


II l 7

II l


+ 7

II ..,...,

, ,
12 12 , " 12
, , 5 , , 5 ,
" l
IO-t, 10 , ,
9 1120

" 7 10 10 6 I!~

"+ , 7 7
II J 7 "..,
II l II l II l
, 12 , , 12 1320 g
'" , ," , , , "
, ,
" 10 , 5 5
5 ,, ~

10 , 6 , 10 2

".., 10
~~ 7II 7l,:1- 7 7
II l l II l 1520


" 12 12 4 , .
.- .

" , , 4

, , , , , 9, ,


9 ,..a
"l (. , , 9

. to l 6 to l 6 to l
to 1720

3 7 II ) 7 II )

7 II )

7 II
" , 12 12 8 12 8 12 "...,
19 ) , , , , , 9 , , 9 , ]9-20

JO 6 to l 6 to l , to l 6 to l 2M

Jl 7 II ) 7 II ) 7 II 3 7 :t ) ,....
Jl " , . ,
, , , , , , , , , , , ".

12 21 20

,.. to --
to to


"' 6

7 II

7 II


7 II


7 lJ.lO


4 II 12
, , , , , , , , , , ,
8 8 4 8

J8 , 6 to , 6 '0 , 6 '0 , 6 to 25-20

J9 ) 7 II ) 7 II , 7 II ) 7 II ,...
, , ,
'" , 4 8

," , , ," , , ," , ,"


" 9

to , ".to to ,

27 :!O

" 6 l 6 l 6 6

" 7 II ) 7 II ) 7 II ) 7 II )
, , ,-t , ,
, ," , , ," , ," , ," , ,..,
4 2'1-20

" 9

orq ",6i!(!~ : II ~ IJiql6il('Q'l~tf mfr. "'tet.lQI!f')I"'lqftlql(O(q~jil II
e:ndVlI6I t I&.o <lltIfi X 1'("\ <etiilj~ ~ Il(e pr 'd 1'(19 niltu, '( 1'(&
f~H(IlI : &. 11(1( II t'( II ~ : 1911('d ,,e;:fI ~I '( ~ '1(1!'1I "\ I'(x
~",~#fI to II(~ qlqIQI4i : ~ t 11(0 li'd'lf!Qlqlll :. t'i! l'd~ ' I I arqt qfff :
~ ~ l'de h,rViQiql'l : t'd 1 ~19 <ti11!'1l ~I( 1'd19 feql lil ~& l'dl( tf'1dl1fJl ~ISI
'd'd' ~ t ~ l'd~ II ~ &. I I . R : ~~ l'd'i! ct3lqQ'1 'i!O I'd t q'ilqll~ 'i! ~ 1
'dO ~* x'i! I~~ tfllh~ 'i!~ I~e ~llill(htil : 'i!'d IQI9 Ii ~ 'i!1( IQ5.
~ qlla 'i! &. I Q'( <tifui'1IWI iiI' I : ~IS I ~ 'd ~ tf(iWI : 'i! e I QQ qo;"IIi1I4i(IWI :
'i!~ IQX II ~IS II fli:lul qGI(f1~ ~ O I ~ ~ ~ H 1fJ!0 <:riH:!'l ~'i! tx~
i!Cltf,fI'l ~~ I~e -eiro fJ!'d 1:19ll1f QI( I'i!&' <R4iIQ'" ~&. I'i! '( ~ Q19lx'd
_ Qe I'i!Q qR'l.ui ... ..;: Q'\ Ix~ ~qg"tlq 'dO I'i! ~ ~i!1'1IQl'i'i"1' 'dt I
'i!0 l'd'i! I ~ '\ I I ~ e I I /!IlIl!;I4i 'd Q I t I::; i;<lldill 'd'd I ~ '\ IfliiHitrr: 'd \(1 t 5.
Ei\k1'. 'd'&. It I( ~QT 'd19 1~ 'd WhdQ1l~ 'If I::; I t Q II ~&;lilI(J<il 'dl( I t 'i!
iOljd '(0 I tt giftoll : I(~ I to Iflli1lfl'1 I('i! IC!" C:IOi5Ii I(Q II::; PI'Jm11l11 :
'(1:{ lIS II tC!" II ~'(I( I&. i(ll'il~n 1(5. I\( tfR10'1dl!'1lVi : '(19 I'd W'ilq4t~
'(t:: I Q ~ '(C!" I'i! tm : &0 I t II~ : \filii;" ('oj~iltf ~ i(ll'i1f.:<1dIWr
lffit Wrq'1l~ : II XO II

In the case of the I/ 60th division, the l :!Jot a nd th e 2nd division

belo ngs to the sign itself. the 3rd a nd the41h division belongs to the
next signt21. the 5th & 6th d ivisio n belongs to the next sign i.c. to
Gemini and so on as shown in the table. If a particula r division is
associa ted with a benefic Planet. the rcsuhs given by the Pl anets
are good. (1520)

, B,L_E _ _- , _
~ 0 >
;I ~ r- 8 .;. ~ ~ In ewn Sill"
.In Odo.l Si,n
Devi ta
~. 2 _. ~. ~
. ,
'" - ,
So'l, (i
a[ ~0" ;;
'I! [)evala

+- --1+
Glloransh a I 2 3 " S (, 7 8
. -t'-\-I--'f---
9 10 II 12 [nd u lI.~kha 0"-)0'

2 I 2 ) .. 5 (, 7 ~ \I 10 I I 12 Baraman ,~

, Do" 2 1 .. S (, 1 8 <;I 10 II I! I SUJhd Y<'11'1 1-30

, -Kube.-+-t-- ~

2 1 " (, 1 B 9 10 II 12 I A';sllcel
, Ki nna. I, , 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 121

, Blua illl 4 S (, 7 8 9 to II 12 1 2 ) Nirmal

, Kul ai\hna 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO I I I l I ,, Oam13yutlh

rc,--1-G s 19
C,-,-.----1-,cr,c1C,1c- III [ I'",+,:- ,
10 II l:"'lagni

5 (, 7 8 -++
10 II 12 I 2 1 4 Pravecn

(, 7 8 9 lO JJ 12 I 2 1 4 S l ndumukh 5-)0
" Ma ya
[);o n~hlntkar 4-0
1-".."- + - - -
Va rn a 6 1 8 <;I 10 11 12 I 2 3 .. 5

Varuna 7 8 9 10 II 12 I 2 1 .. 5 (, Sheelal t30

" Indra 7 S \I 10 .. 12 I 2 3 .. S (, MriJu
" 8 , 2 1 4 5 (, 7 Saum)a
" Kala 1011121

I-""--+A-'- '----I-,- 9 to II 12 I 2 1 4 -; 6 7 -.-,,-.-,-,,---+-,.-,--1

f--t--- f - -f-+-H- -I-+--
" Armin aMhu
10 II 12 I 2 3 " 5 (,
--I-" --I-+- +-l-- -
9 10 II 12 I 2 1 .. 5 6

'" Mri<.lu 10 II 12 / 1 '2 3 " S 6 7 8 9 MukhY<I ,.",
Komal :) LL 12 I 2 1 " j b 7 8 9 KUlna,"
II 12 ! 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pra<.lim~ W)O

12 Vi ,h nu !! 12 I ! J 4 S 6 7 8 9 !Ji I ChanJu

r,c,-rvc.-",-,-.,--r,c,r'-~l 4 5 to C,+,-tc,-+,-,r"+Am-c --1-,-,.C",:-1 r i-


Oi8amb~r 12 I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 ttl 11 Su<.lha

" I 2 J 4 5 6 7 ~ 9 10 II 12 IUnlra - l~)()

I-":-t--"'-'-'-'--- _'+'-t-'+'--t+++-'+'- III II 12 Maya
27 Ka li n~ ~h 1 3 4 5 r, 7 11 'J 10 It 12 I Gllora 13-30
28 2 J 4 5 6 7 H 9 110 II 12 I VaJ agn;

KlI ml akar 3


S 6

S 6



IU ]1 12 I



Mri ryu

r ~
Mnly u
Kab I~ ~2


5 6 1


1;1 II
11 1! I

I? l
2 J



f-+----j- -i-+- -r-r
JJ ! 5 6 7 II <; tU II 12 I 2 3 -4 Kshi lis l\u ( l-JO

" Ghora 5 6 7 ~ 9 I{\ II 12 I 2 3 4 KaJi Na,h ,,<

JS Maya 6 78.,11011111 ,,, "-30
I-"- t--,,,-',-,.-,--+-, -,+.-t-,C'~I '-0 II 121-,+,- -,+,-t-,+",-,-"-- -I-,-,.--1
,, -,,, ,
Su<.lll.. ,,
, , 10 It; ~t-,+,-

10 n'u 1 2 3 4 5 V
Diga mbllr

Vagis ha ..
c;--t,- r,-1--,-"-,-"- ---t-,-,-_3O-
Porn" y

I I~ ~~____+-_
, ,,
'Ct PrJ,jima

1011 112 1 2 3 14

"-"-"-,,C,-,- t:-, -,,+,', 12r~r;t t4 , , . Padma

Koma l

4] M u~h ya 9 10 II 12 I 2 3 4 56 18 M ridu ll-{J

f-+-----t-- ~i-

" Vansh Il, hay Qoj III 12

, I ~I'
~ 5 6 1 8 9 ChJndl""d 21-10

Ul pa l 1011 121 , J " S 6 7 8 9

J , , 9 U-J<)
i-,,"- i-"'-".-)"a' --r,",
Ka l itu pa I I 12 I 2 -4 S 6 10 Ah i

12 ,-+;- -;W-,+,- -,+,+,-,t",,-_-,",---+,,-.-

u , .I I ~
-+- , ~ -+-~----t:-:-
6 17 S'I 10 n [mira
I1 'h-

MriJu 2 13 1_,, 30
Sh~~. al 12 I 2 1 ~ .5 (, 1 II <) [0 [ I Varun~ t4-<l

, -, +Q-:--,
-"-,-. -'- I'-If-,-t t- :+;+-.+,--t-,,+,-,t-"+y-.-.-.- --t-",'-c,,,:-
lndum uk h ~ Q 1 J 4 S (, 1 8 ') [(I [[ 12 Maya

( J S 'f) 7 8 12 [
" Prav na J <) [(I [[ Agn i
1--+-----1-- '- -I--I--J.____-I----J

~ ~

, , , , Gada ",..,
, , , , , "",,
Kalagni 23 6 8 9 12

" Oandayudll 1(.. JO

, , ,, "" ,,
3 6 12 Kulaghl1~

" Ninnal 3 6
" ", , 9 12 Rh ra,hl
,, ,
" "" ,, 9 12 Kinna r 27 JO
Shubha 6 8 )

,, ,
" Ra~_' h "ga n ~l)~)

, , I- "j " ," , ,

Ashubha 6 8 9 )

J7 6 6 9 3 Kul><-," 2M-30

, , I-, " " , , ,


58 Sudbapayo

"",, , 12 3 Deva
. ".
59 Bhraman J Raksh a, 2'/-30

" "9 W

,, ,

"' [ndu Reklla 12 J

8 ) Ghor"ns h J<H)
6 9 W
" ~

Qi,("I6!tiWt1r: ~ '1IQI4Rt triltftol: II ~ ,!"jilR~4d>1: (4)C4'!(!'j-
~<blOlin: II 'i! ~ II t4dctOO;:;l'd'fIQI(lQ1 il1'li!ft'il~c6tOI'n: II tlG;!-
~jiF;1'{" ql: t4IW: t4t~Ft!?lIQI<f)jj}qdl: II 'i!'i! II

Plunet with full stre:ngth such as by being in exaltation, in posi-

Ii 'Ie sign. but located in a malefic l /flJlh division gels hanned (21)
Aplancl in its own sign, in kendra, in frien dly sign, in positive sign,
located in its own sign in the 7 vargas, in a bosom friends sign is
called "uttam" (best), (22)

q.n! it ~ 'Iitnir: 'lq\iIl~4flIMftl : J I 144fd ""Il41i) qlft""ldl~

fi~~I : II 'i!Q II ~: (lQlftofl:q111.':;(lQt m iIItilftilttRial : II li(uIIi!j(lQillttil;;X
qift",,!al~"mll~l : II 'i!~ II

The ancient Acharyas and Maharshis have mentioned ten fold

division of the longitudes of planets etc, They have termed the
number of vargas or division obtained as "Parijat" etc, Planets
which are located in bad houses Le, 6th, 8th & 12th, in their inimi-
cal sign or in their debilitation sign or are eclipsed by the Sun or
are otherwise weak by being in ' Maranavastha' Le, in the end Of a
sign._destroy the good results arising out of the good vargas or
divisions got by them through their longitude, (23. 24)

a'd ~ Q ~q.'et4 ~ Q;~II 1!"lq:q~fiq,?t flUsltl"lf4i16Qd 11'i!1( II

",'\;4 41\l:ilIld "1 00 11 4't(lqijlttICfl"'! II flIkI4 ~qt'lIi$ 'i4IG6!Q "'Ilit
~II~& II ~(Iq~ Q 1I!tq tT.i'it ij'qf QI!l4"jI!l'fi11 <tQl el'if4 fi.M
ftiI~~V1fi:1~I*lI'61111~" II
If in the longitude of the planet etc there are two beneficial
divisions, it is called "Paarijaat". If 3, it is called "Vttam", if 4
"Gurur", if 5 "Simhaasan", if 6 "Paaraava'" if 7"Devlok", if 8
"Am,ar", if 9 "Airaavat". & if 10 it is called "Vaishesh ik", The
resull ~ of these are different (see next shloka), (25-27)

i).(lqd tll<ftft"1 : +I~~q4t1'1f.:qa : II ~qil$ lilii<:H<6fI1 '{'I"'f

f~~*lq( : II~>::;II ql(lqd liro$Rit~: 'tAef*lIl'E?)lfC'ittll(lt: II ~81t1~
~ft:lqRt: ~ : ~ lit51111~Q, II ril"9;t liI .. Cllf.:otfli +I~f*lI
fi!I*lII(G : II ~ fI$@ ~ qlitlJlld tHIRa : I i~O II 'WIVI ljQIE'4l
'1l"d1i11 ij4~tl4 ijiif.::l;:ja : I i~~ J I
In the case of "Airaavat" division one becomes emperor, in
"Devlok" one is highly charitable. in "Paaraavat" one is king
. knowing all sciences & arts, ifin "Simhaasan", One is the object of

praise every where.. in "Gopur" one is wea lthy & a man of all rou nd
knowledge. if in "Unam" o ne has a ll kind s o f wealth & if in ., Pa rio
jaC' o ne is fa irly ric h. If the planet has the d ivision d e no ting his
own sig n the native is fa mous. inte ll ige nl and lead s a confol1i1 bJc
li fe. (28,3 1)
~ iii'll ffil~ j<!le:4 fIl l;:(j ..If. ~ Qlfeqd~o I"II "II '11 I uW~tI(kIlIO Iq(! ;,fii/I:;I
EI<!I:q Ql~htltfl1Rl d"'lli : I t~~ I t :q lql taq in~ ~ ~ Ell!e4 (lgHl ~
dfl"llij I I . ;;101 el~e: Q"'IIf6QJJ(fl: ~ 'tq16ltl fCI q '1lft'u'ilq I I Qq I
"'141~'14I oqf!j"l'1I[&"'i 4l'11<N.: q:qEli!1'<'l'Aj: II }lqu, Tql~"J '
'J"1~ .E<;l Eltllll'lloji fG '1'1IQg;"iI : II~~ II 61f!iIEil'lli'lO j EllIlIl'llojr ijqll;'l .
+tICEli!1TI t:ql'i! I I 4l'1lf'0di (I .... <In ~i!fl ql '6ijI"Ald~ dNiQII'l!'tl'41
: II ~"( II

Th e duration of each of the 12 s igns from Aries is two & a h1f f

ghat!. Thu s ("ilc h sign comes twice in a d ay of 24 hou rs. Th h I!.
i called hora lagna ... P ra n pad is the s ign arrived at by con verting Ihe
Is ht a i.e. ti m e el apsed f,'om the last Su nrise to the momenl o f hinh
a::' lh e Palas & dividi ng the pa las by 15. T he resu ll would be signs
and degrecs etc. Th ese signs etc added to the lo ngi tude ofth r. Sun if
located in a movable sign gives the locati on poin t of P ranpad. In
ca se Ihe Sun is not located in a movable sign but in a fix ed o n e the
movable sign 9 th to the one ar rived at by ta king Sun in a movable
sig n s ho uld be takc n & in ca se the Sun o ccu pies a commo n s ign
I h ~ s ig,n 5th to it should betaken as contai ning the Pran Pacta. For
~:.;amp l e su pposi ng Sun has the longitud e9' 28 30' & the Ishle is 2

ghatis & 16 palas th e 2 ghatis & 16 . pa hls are 136 palas. whi c h
divido.:d hy 15 gives 9 aym. & 2 degrees. whil.:h added to 9 2fJ 30 (A
movJbk sign) g ivc;. 11) 030 = 7 0-30 a s Pran Pada poi nl (3 .'/.
Th e Su n comes back twO & a h a lf Gha tis from Sagiwu:u<, So
::t lso is the case with Moo n. Ma rs co mes on ly one ghati in o pposite
din.'ctio n, Mercury comes only one ghal i in o pposite d irectio ll.
Ju pih.:r i~ 5 ghatis in o ppos ite d irection of Pisces. Venus c o~n cs
afte r 1 gh a tis from Pisccs & Saturn after I ghati s. Rahu is I gh :n i in
o ppo.~i t c d irection from Aries. Ketu comes 7th 10 Ra hu: The re ~:li.s
of Ih es'c positions arc la id down in other works. (3235)
"1(fI1<M~1 : sf!qQTI Q6IOU..u-l ~ d2qf\dI'1ll: 1
~ : IO"l ~ " ~ (fItll'1l'1Wtt : }lqO! t 1~ 6.' I
i!4I(!'1!'tIqfl!llf1"! IF~RI d~I$Cf)j<ilI~'1'1 IQ!!MI : 11~l.9t :
The above shlo ka s 33 t035 a re not quite cl ear. Nor is it known ,I~
to where there expla nation a p pears.

Pl an .:ts located in odd s igns are (symbolica lly) given the na mes.
"child" "boy" "youth"" o ld" & "dead" when occupying the degrees
I to 6, 7 to 12, 13 to 18. 19 to 24 & 25 to 30 respectively in the
occupied sign. Irthey are located in even signs the n ames rorth e 5
states involved a re give n in th e reverse Ol der i.e. Deat h". "O ld".
"Youth", " Boy" & "C hild" respective ly. Pl a nets in their ruling
period s give their n:sults with (l strength in keep ing with the agc
s pccilicd 0 6. 37).

q~I;:;jj <H."<I "ll'1!flt

1'I\i4Q:q <t<i't I~,.ih;tIWtWf1I01 ... 11~t; 1 1
o1>t W'I fowl 'l'il't 'II< ~ ~ '~'(I~lq I .
f~l5flf $61(qQ1q(-l;:t11 ql-nwJl t qtj@ ... ~ l l fJq, I I
~ Qi!J144i1tdllfflM'I EI", : Jlailo:c::4 ~fOIt!~Ei ~~ : I
;l 1iI ~fa1<ti"llq+A$i t'1I<f;<tl{ f'l/IU'Ilf " 'illfl'i 11'00 II
R1 1 1,!,..q f.jO::(l N I +A~ ~ ~ql! 'ill fdqRQfl fl"' : 11 'd~ I I

The sy nonyms of lhe va rious sign in th e Sa ns kri t lallguage an.::

Aries is ca ll ed Meshaj . Vas ta Pratha m. kriy: Ta urus is called
Vrish abha, U ksha. Go. Tavari. Shu kra S h am (s ign or Ven us)
G em ini is called Mithun, Ba udh. Nriyugma. JilUm, T rih!eya. C an-
cer is ca ll ed Karka. Chaa nd ram. ku leer. chaturth. Leo is called
Si m ha. Kanth irav. Leya. Virgo is ca lled Ka nya Pat hon. S ~a s hti. &
Abala. Lib ra is called l oo k. Yan ik. Saptam. T ula, & Tau li. Sco rpio
is calied Kaurpya. Ashtam. Vrishchik kauj. & Ali. Sagittarius is
called Jaiva. D ha nu.. T a u ksh ik. chaap. Ca pricorn is ca lled
Aa kcka r Dasham. C lakra. &. Ma kar. Aqua rius is ca lk J H rid rog.
Kurnbha. G hat. Pis.;es is .;alled Ris hp h. Mec n:l, Jh ash. An{im. &
Meena (38 & 4 1).

w arlfiG4 WIO"l' ql(1tj'd <t' ~.... q"-llfdJ(-I" q I

~g)N5~i(!fq' l til ~ Wt if" 1fiI1f 'ifSI~" 1I4 : l i b";:' I !

(~l d<'!11 ~ ~ ... "Wl ql dl <!'M: I ~ "I q' q ti~1 : I

~ U"'I ~Ifi'1 ~ 4?1 f1 $i {4~Cfl ~i ~ 3 U ~ ~t : 11 'd~ II

') " I5 \1tft O<j ~ ;:J ~ ~ q~fa""'flI6 1~(l Uli : ;

~ dl <:'ll<tiI4'i "1H~'" q i'j~JI'II;:J 'ti<il'it <ftt~fI;:t1 11 i l'd'd I I

~ 1Jt '{'liitiT 0"11'i !If " ty I

w:if t;"IU ~ ~ iti ql'l4q q 11b''(11

611"'1 i(" qr;:J" <:w l ~ i(" $Jf a <lw~ f1 tt"'liil "lfOlll4'i I

Cl( <f(i"l~ ftQfl{4"1l fl1 f1" <'!1''1Ii''ltJJE: : itiflld'i ~ : 11'd & II

The first house is named as hora, tanu. (body) moorti. (comple-
xio n) udaya. ( rising) shir, (head). The second is cail ed vaag
(speech). vitta (wealth), kutumba (family). eye. The 3rd is ca lled
sa hOlha (brother). dushchikya. gala ( th roat). The 4th is called
shourya (b rav.:ry), kama (ears), sukh a, water. bandh u (comforts.
\later & friend & relatives) rasalal (nad ir) hibuk (c hest) veshma
(residence). pa tal ( nadi r) hrid ( heart). va han (conveyance) maIn
(mot her). The 5th is called budhi (intellect), prabhav (i nflu ence),
aatmaj (son). mantra (advisory capacity), vive k (discrimi nat io n),
udilr (belly). The 6t h is called disease. ksha t (inj ury), ari (ene mies).
vysana m (add iction). chor (thert), Yighana (obstacles). The 7th is
ca ll ed chilloth. kaam. madan (sexual urge). wi fe. bh rtri ( hu sband).
dadih: (curd) soup. The 8th is called ksheer (milk) gudam (gur)
montra kricha (u rin ary trouble). goohya (h idden) randhra (bad)
marana anta (death) Aayou (age). The 9th is lenned as dhanna
(quly). daya (compassio n) pailrik (father) b hagya (lu.:k). guru
(preceptor) tapas (penance) laabh (gains) shub haarj ita an i (earned
merit). Th e 10t h is termed as aagya (orders) nlUan (honour)
dashma (te nth) karma (actions) aspa<! (positio n) kham (sky). The
11th is term ed as ayum & laabh (gains). The 12th is termed as
"yaya (expend iture) antya (last sign) rishpha (bad) vi nash (des-
truction) (42-46)
~f'tIPt'" '11111Rq<l1 qt:l~ qtl6l,<Rtqijfldl(k[~q I
3Q ~ ~ 't'd~'l!jlQllcl1vbfil ilf'Q,"'l : {tTl'll : I l'd\91 1
a- (l~ifJl df.15 i!iH!11f1 ~ : fl~e(le:lIl ifl"'~4qIUlI't II'dct I

Pl anets located in the 6th. 8th or 12th house lose their influence..
So also is the case wi th the houses whose lo rds occupy thest! three
houses. The signs Aries. Taurus, Gemini. Cancer. Sagitta riu s and
Ca pricorn are called " Prishtodaya'" signs i.e. Rising with thei r
hind part a nd are strong in charts wilh night b inh. Signs Ll.'O.
Virgo, Ubra. Scorpio. Aquariu s & Pisces are strong in birth chari
for day birth. These a re ca ll ed. "~heers hod aya" signs i.e. those
which rise with their iront pa rl But the sign Pisces rises in both
ways ie. with fo re as well as hind parL (4748)

~ ~~<lqll l~Rt ... q'1'lffl 4&iHltiE'lft4JiEll qra : ti4~I~I'l'di : qRItl(1Q

q{l :m~di!flq '1 l q l I
I/Icli@"'I'I'lffi 6l'j< IQ 1f fWr tf";f aiNlI Clih/ll : Rlr'll?; 'f J'qt 'fflf fi:M ifJ~d
\lIldifJRm : @llij 11'!fq, II tfa Ritll1lllJ I!II : t I

By adding 13 degrees 20 minutes to the longitude of the Sun in
the birth chart we get the lo ngitude of the space point called
" dhoom~. By deducting from 12 signs the lo ngitude of dhoom we
get the remainder as the longitude orthe space point called " paat"
o r vyatipat". By deducting 6 signs fro m thi s longitude we gel the
lo ngitude of the space point calJed "paridhi" o r "parives h". By
deducting parives h from 12 signs we get rema inde r' as "c haa p" or
"d hanu" by addi ng 16 degrees and 40 minutes to Dhanu we get
Ke tu. By adding 2 s igns to Ke.u we get again the longitude of the
Sun with which we started. (49)

ozftQIE{1Qldtt.!'1i"!t'il'''I'IHI tI<tia "I1"'l1f.1 'f..fl"'lllllti1l : I

ij\ tI;e$ o$"(i!iijf<lI "" tI'/I1Mt4:<tlH:ec"lethtiitilE" I t':(O I t

The wise term the iSL 4th. 7th & ' IOth houses as kc ndras.
..:hutushtayas. etc. If a Planet occupies the Navamsha of Ihe same
sign in which it is located it is ca lled "Vargottam" (a vargottam
planet gives good results). (50)
"4(f1"(Qyt1(otRI if\:fr JJR" wfr ""'l"t I
W'I"'I1tfI q<!tfd ~"\!1I4:<tI('QQj~ qrftr II':(~ II

The watery s igns (second half of Capricorn. Aquarius and Pis

ces) a re strong when loca ted in the 4th house. The animal signs
(Aries. Tauru s a nd Leo). the fi~t half of Capricorn and 2nd half of
Sagittarius) are strong when located in the 10lh house. The human
signs (Gemini. Vi rgo & Libra a nd I sl half ofSagiliarius) are strong
in the 1st house and the insect s igns (Cance r a nd Scorpio) a re
~t rong when located in the 7th ho use. The signs. located in the 7th
house fro m where they get slrengt h. a r'! without stre ngth . In the
inlerm.e diary posi tion their strength is proportional. (51)

~til~"I':tIriH41If'i;4t'1 W'1IE1(1 ; ~1QI*"''iill : I

dt~G4'l1.""q"l"t<t(Q('qI"'l"ltijl("It : I1l~OI I I ':(~ I I
ltItil~q t:'ijlil'1:q[Q~fu1':liql q~,!!c4ijql'1 'li leil : I
Pc:ijRl~ollf.:l q ~fd ~ f4lr.tfil:t1"1If.1 ilii1lf.T ~ II':(~ II
SUIl is in its highest exa ltatio n in the 10th degree of Aries, Moon
in the 3rd degree of Taurus. Ma rs in the 28th degree of Capricorn.
Mercu ry in 15th degree of Virgo. Jupiter in 5th degree of Cancer.
Venus in the 27 th degree of Pi sces. Saturn in the 20th degree of
The mooltrikon o r positive sign for the Sun is Leo: for Moon.
Taurus: for Mars. Aries: fo r Mercury. Virgo: for J upiter. Sagil

lariu s; fo r Ve n us. Libra a nd fo r Salurn Aqu ariu s. Plan ets in th!!;r
pos itive signs are ve ry stro ng. o nly a linle less Ih an wh e ll in !!xalla-
lion. (52.5 3)
A ques tio n m ay be raised as to why a p ar::~ul ar I'lanet g el S
exalted in a particular sign & degree. So far as we arc aw.: rt? no
autho r h as answe red thi s questio n. W e. however. think that thi s
ca n be explai ned o n the basis o f spirit ua li ty 10 wh i(.;h a strology
o wes allegie nce be ing its main limb. Th e 10t h d egree o f Aries fall ~
in th e asterism Ashvini whose lord is Ketu. Ketu has heCll d edarcd
by aSlrology a s the " M o ksh a" karka i.c. Ihe s ig nifi cator to r salvil-
lio n. The Sun is very well krow n as the " Alma in the Veda s.
(~: \311<;+11 iJjildelt?iJ;IifQ'I)

T h w> Su n in Ihe 10th d e~rl!e o f Aries mea ns Alm a in f\. lOksha.

o bviously Ihe highest state tha t Ihe Atm a can as pire to. Thu s the
exaltatio n of S un in the 10th degree of Aries i:.. perfectly in con-
sonance witI-: the spiritual princ iples. Now. w hy is Sun {'xa lted in
Aries & not in Leo o r Sagittarius. for if availability of Ketu is the
c rite rion. this aste ris m is equally ava ilable in Leo & Sagiuarius.
The a nswer to thi s pa rt of the questio n is that Leo and Sagiua ri us
be lo ng 10 the "Satvi k" Sun a nd Jupiter. Th e sig ns o fth esl." pla nets
ca n ha rdly constitu te a testing ground fo r the exa lted Su n. It is o nly
the sign o f the sinful Mars whic h call o ffe r a suita b le Il."stin g
grou nd for the purpose. for Atma m Mo ksha is u nto ul"iled by
s m.
(2) Moon is exa lted in the 3 rd degree of Taurus. Thi s t!egrec fall s
in the a ste rism Kritika be lo ng ing to th e Sun , Th e Moon is mint!.
('4;:':'11 '1"141 ~:)
Mind imm ersed in the Atma represe nts the highest state of
Sa ma dh i. Nothing hig her c an be d esired for the m ind. He nce the
exaltation in the aslerism "Kritika". Now. why Taurus is preferred
whe n the aste rism s o f Sun are available in th e signs 5.6.9. & IO'!
The a nswer is that no ne of these four signs offer a n e mo tio nal &
lu xurious testing gound a s d o cs the sig n Tau rus-the sign o f the
lu xurio us a nd amo ro us Venus. He nce the cho icc. Mars is exaltl."t!
in the 28 th degree o f C a pricorn in the ' a sterism DIHUli s hta
belo ng ing to Ma rs h im ~ l f. We kno w fro m as tro logy tha t Mars is a
g rl." .. t ma rtia l pl anet. Fo r a solidier to retain hi s mettk & b r<l vcry.
even whe n surro unded by ene mies in the ene my"s ca mr. is hi s
highest atta in me n t. T his is exac tly what ha ppens whc n M a rs
o cc u pies Ca p ricorn-the sign o f its bitte r ene my. S;tlU fl l. Iknel."

lhe justification for exallalion in Capricorn. The asterism of Mars,
no doubt. is also available in the signs 2.3,6,7 & II : but Mercury.
the boy & Venus. the neutral can hardly lest the bravery of Mars
th rough their signs. As regards Aquarius. Ma rs in Cap ricorn is
mo re slrong than in Aquarius. In Capricorn il is near the asterism
of Mars while it is near thai of Rahu in Aquarius.
(3) Mercury gets exalted in the 15th degree of Virgo. This degree
falls in the asterism "Hasta" belonging to Moon. Now Mercury is a
highly intellectual plan et. Its intellect is a great asset. But too much
of intellect can ruin man as we have see n :n the dcvelopemcnt of
the Atom Bomb. 11 is therefore highly desirable thai inlellect
~ h ould be compassionate also. If it can be so nothing more can
make intellect exalted. This is exactly what happens when Mer
cury in ils own sign sti ll retains compassion by being in the
asterism of Moon. Here again the point is that the asterism of
Moon is aV<lilab le in the sign s 2 & 10. Why has Virgo been given
preference over signs 2 & 101 The answer is that in none of these
signs Mercury retains its intellectual emi nence. It is only by retain-
ing intellect with compassion that Mercu ry can be considered as
exalted. Hence the justilication.
(4) Jupiter gets exalted in the 5th degree of Cancer. belonging to
the asterism "Pushya" whose lord is Saturn. Jupiter is the
signifil:ator of wealth. Hence it has plenty of riches. II is also th e
mos t spiritua l planet. 1-knee it is fed up with wealth. It bdieves in
the maxim that man docs not live by bread a lone. Hence its aim is
spiritual Sam ad hi. which is a state of "Shoonya" o r absence of
mallcr. This slate is afforded easily by Saturn. Hence Jupiter gets
exalted in the asterism Pushya. Here again emotions& desires arc
h inderances to Samadhi. Jupiter's exaltation is tested in the
emotional sign of Cancer. No other sign afTords Samadhi a nd
emotional ground. Hence Cancer is most appropriate.

l5) Venus gets exalted in 27th degree of Pisces which fafls 'in the
asterism Revati belonging to Mercury. Venus. a most luxury loving
and sensuous planet. is normally averse (0 the precepts of the shas-
tras denoted by Jupiter. But when he gets the spiritual intellect of
Mercury he gets changed spiritually & then Pisces constituting a
testing ground for him no longer remains a problem for him. No
other sign con taining the asterism of Mercury is religious enough
10 offer a testing ground to Venus.

(6) SalU rn is exa lted in the 20th degree of Libra. The degree falls
in the asterism "Swatj" belonging to Rahu. Saturn. the yogi. is in
his best ele ment in the friendly congenial asterism of Rahu which

also stands for void Th us Saturn is sti ll poor in spirit & is not
tempted by being in the luxurious. rich & se nsuous sign Li bra.
~tl14IQ1i ''1I :.rHlltI4 : 9. U?ft" '41?1~'Q1 : Qltltl Viil cfiRT: I
6Ull114 WI1I4"1lfq,wll 'iltll1I641'11 ~ iil4k'1 mn I I'.(~ II
Human signs (3.6.7 & 1st halfof9) a re strong in birth charts o f
day birt h. Animal signs ( I .2.5 I sl half of Capricorn and 2nd halfof
Sagittariu s) are strong during 'the night births. insect signs (4 a nd
8) are st rong in the morning and evening time. The 3rd. 6th, 10th
and the 11th houses are common ly called "Chay(!" or "Upchaya"
hou ses. (54)
The term "Chaya" or "Upchaya" means houses that ga ther the
traits of the planets located in them are said to be gained by the
native, This is particularly true for planets in the 10th & 11th
houses. For exam pl e. one gets many animals if Saturn (which
denotes animals) is located in the 11th house. The author of
Bhavarth Ratnakar holds (see shloka I under Libra lagn a) that
Jupiter for Libra nativilles gives good wealth in his dasa even
though Jupilerown s two bad houses of the horoscope.'The reason
is that the clement of "fi nancial ga in" as upchaya hou se is com-
mon between Ihese hou ses & Jupiter.
ttIi: ~ : It<lI''l<tllk'1lt''' ~ qW~iil?l : 'fiwi<tlIRt : ~ : I
~U~4 : f4l\tjl4D ~: f?!I'i;iiijll ~ qfiJl81 ~Il~q: I t'.J..\( II

Aries is red. Taurus while. Gemini green. Cancer rcd. Leo

s moky. Virgo of variegated colours. Libra is hlac k. Scorpio of
Golden colour. Sagitt ariu s is yellow. Capricorn is white rcd.
Aquarius is of the colo ur of mongoose a nd Pisces is of white
colour. (55)
~~lfI!Ii4 tIMrfil\1l:dl4 ,,;p;fi~IfIl;:qI'1llt!i4fiij:i : I
~E4 f4iiflUi6~ffi;;j,* '1 al!11RliGil 'tCfl(lit : Iflijul II'.J..& II
The house 2nd to the one occupied by the Sun in th e birth chart
is called "Veshi". Ch akrardha mean s half the ci rcl e. h may he
from 6th to the 12th house or 1st to 4th & 41h to 7th co n stitutin~
o neha lf. Aries to Libra & Libra to Aries. (56) -
l'i!:<ivl"'o1l '1(QI(!1~ if.:n ~ : BlIlfJ:' : Wlll( : I
~'l&41 ~f<lc(j ltlf.iV'I ~ diiRi~ra ~ : I I '(IS II
The Sun & the Moon are roya l or high class goV<.'rntllCnl

officials. Mars is connected with Ihe military. Mercury is heir
apparent. Jupiter and Venus are ministers. Saturn is treated as ser-
vant. These planets give ca reer in the sphere to which they
relate. (57)
How the Planets, Jupiter and Venus. perform the functions of
ministers is illustrated by the Horoscope of Late Sanjay Gandhi.
His Horoscope (birth 14th Dec 1946) is reproduced below. It


would be observed that Venus. the minister. is lord of the house of
Mantrana or ministership viz .. the 5th from lagna. Similarly
Jupiter. the other minister. is the lord of the 51h house from the
C handra Lagna. Both arc located in Ihc foremost kendra (10th)
denoting karma. Hence the active interest that Shri Sanjay
Gandhi showed in the affairs of the day to day working of the
government as an advisor. Even though holding 00 ' portfolio.
bears out the 4ualities of Jupiter & Venus as advisors to
<311<;'1"11 m :' Q~dcn(1 iFI41I ~ ~ qlt(oll1G1'!: I
ql:qrq~~'1~ q<Q"l . ~ q~<<6'Et'41I ~:U1f II'(CII
Sun is the self {also body). Moon is mind Ma rs strength. Mer-'
cury speech. Jupiter wisdom & comforts. Venus is Sex & Saturn
represents sorrow. (58)
wit I f/:qUiSl:u: (041~qtlli4i(18f*i(fl:q I
aI"l : mqQ'if<.:ql : fli'td(tlq : ~ : BlIS iooq.dcn : CfItRfll: 11'(<:t. II
Sun i"S ca lled Surya. Heli. Bhanumaan. Deepta Rashmi. Chan-
daanshu. Bhaskara. & Ahaskar.
Moon is called Abja. Som. Chandramaa, Sheet Ras hmi. Glau.
Mrigaanka. Kala Ish ( Kalesh). (59)

am q'lflViiil"ilq : ~: f41$~'i: wU tiI~dl'h\l QTtfr I
~'li#1 : ~ .nj"'ift:~,,*Ifi!: :

m : V:q14'II:JtfMlef : II~ O II
Mars is calh:d Aar. Vakra. Aava ncya. Kuja. Bh aulll'l. Krnora.
Lohilaanga. P"p i.
Mercury is c ulled ViL Gya, Sau mya, Bodhana. C ha nd r:qHllr<L.
Chaa ndri. Shaa nla. Shyaamga ttra. Atidt'crgha (60).
J'I~'f/I(1 ~ : 1fm ttl"llqli\aqf.ll R~Ii(clI : I
'i' lit1;flql'fqll"1 tG t0~lijft : Cfi~~?tl'J<1: Ftl'di!i 11q, ~ II

Jupiter is called Jecva. Angira. Dcvguru Pras hil illllil.

Villlchaang p atio Ijya. Di vcsh vand Yil.
Venu s is called Bh rgu. Ushna. Bhargav 50011u. Achha. Kaa n.
Kavi. D a itya guru. 511.(6 1)
Q141{4NI : cj~"i ci>'l:'11 : <tiluhfBd : I I 1{ ~ : I
: ,ilfrr : !fifQQ1II9<f1~ a""w~t'lI~'f(MI II&' ;: 11
Saturn is ca ll ed C hhayaal maj. Pa ngu. Ya llla, Arkpulra. Kon.
Asit. Saud. Shani. Ned. Kroo r. Kap il aa ks ha. Dccrgha. T 'lIll. Astir.
Agu. Sai nhikeyaa. (62)
(IE1I E'tiqf1~".l~ f41 (<ilq : fmjt flll;;jj'1I"1~4 : I
iR : W' : flI lo:;!ftiI4ilQ q(fi:l:4"1ltfi;JJ : IiIUIi5()RNltt I l a~ II
Rahu is also t ail ed Swarbhaanu Vidh untuJ.
Kelu is calkll Shikh i. Dh vaj.
Maandi i" ca llcll son of Sa turn (S hane SUla) Gulik. Maandi.
Ya maatmaj. P ra nha r. Alipappi. (63 )
Praanpad is called Praan. There arc man y olher names of
vario us pla nets. (64)
111014\1 : RlolQftj ;uzJ Q4f4Q:::qdlCi;tRi d411 : 116;~ II

14lfflldlli"4ld ~I!!IH:fif/'Mlpqd : ~'Itjl~?i<tilfill : I

fifulo;;q~~ \MII?i4f'iie: : R d lQi~ af4'ffttNO'I1 I I&<J..I I
tI"'I(,!4t1~f;!dlq41q:<l : ~tNR;it a~'1l ~'1dl : I
~ : fe dl'l : \jqi lbl<ilteeti .. 41 Qf(.,..q'I~~q:;,!'ffi : 116;6.11
i!ftIf;!f1Hli : :nld\i1 41q:<l'!'ffi : 'H,:4p'A4't 4Id'1l"'lf.:I@1:'l1 I
cSqlf/"'ot?i : Itdhfl'lbl : fQ'clII:'l,*,f/:q' oq cl ~$h : 116.15 11
1lf/II'I'1'ffiI"ltl~$ffl~ ~ : SHlitt (R1iil~ ;;Hiifl : I
~<ti I:i I!1I 14 : f/1~1;jlraf%11 (;:j\'J"f : \{1M'Iq:<l'3lI\i1: I is.~ 11
I!!lfllfil4 : fq 'd'1l"'IPI@<:"'I1 '{l'ilf:li dlQ) "f1 tj./"Itjlf/oq I
,l5fllRl~(!1'1I?i4P>e : 4\"'I<:"'I'1l : ~60Ljra : fd~iil1 11&" I I
~fql9)l4 : ~~'J'Infi:l(j'1: ~'lial,,;::qCfli!ilfi:l(I'1: I
'@fIi!i"ll/oqlfilllf31eUflCflI'1 : ~ ~ ",a(CfIIR1ff: 1100 II
dI!~(!'IctOI'ftt;d?tI"l!!,:ril (;(['1'1 : 'Iil~i"lIf1:1(tq : -l
'*I101"11ltr.TQ1~ei'lI?1 : ftIi'tall: SIi.(CfI:qIfi:lOq: 111.9~ II
(JI{fflIit3l(Od11"lE1!!i$@ ctldlf"lCb1 ctlct4ifb"lE'i4 r.m: I
m f.:I~i!if4 ct~~\ltloll ddll~"I1ii ",o:qp-\ d~'J:IIIE'i4 111.9~ II
Th e Sun has a sq uare body. Its colour is dark red the lustre of
his eyes is yellow. has the body humour of hi Ie.. of average lenglh
in the bodily stature. has prowess. is satvik in nature. has very little
hair (66) is 'intimately linked to causing movements. possesses a
speec h which gives meaning in very few words. gives vel)' little. his
ii.tellect,is divinely oriented:
Moon is of, white body. of average size. well at speech. with
round body. :las the power of right thinking. is s9mewhat (67)
weak in body. has pleasing speech. is satvik in 'temr,erament.
possesses all the three humours i.e. bile. phlegm & wind.
Mars has eyes red with anger. has body whitish red in colour.
possesses bik i.e. has heated nature. has haughty (emperament. 'is
thin of body. is pron e to sin. has prowess, is given to sexua , l
Mercury is of th e colour of gree n grass. is highly learned. is
a mbitious. truthful in speech. (68) He is jocular. possesses all the
three humours bile. phlegm & wind. gives statu s etc.. with quick-
ness. & is impo tent. (69)
Jupiter is ofsatvik temperament. is endowed with all the good
qualitks of character. has yd low eyes. has no hair on th e hl!ad.
Venus has beautiful eyes. is sexy in nature. gives comforts.
strength. & beautiful compll!xion. (70)
Venus has blaok coloured hai r on his body is ambitious in
nature. is endowed with all the good qua lit ies.
Saturn is cruel. with a thin long body. yellow eyes. & hurd ha ir.
(71) He has big sized tceth, is ta masic in nalUre (full of inertia)
causes wind i.c. nervous troubl es. is cu rt in speec h. & is despicable.
The results of Ihe planets should be declared after dUI! considera-
tion of their strength whether it is Ihe domain of natal astrology or
of the hora ry astrology. (72)
~ q~dl !!<'<:M~&.fl ~~I1MI "I(ql1!1~ I
41'1lJi!i ~fl'4'ii(fjIl~dl ~:tI'l?l'E"i! >qf'ftjoj: I IISQ I I

oql!J[t!1<jjlfa",Qil ' : ~ \!II1~d(&li ~ : I 1\9'li r
Jupiter and Venu s are brahmins. the Sun and Ma rs arc kshat-
(iya s or of the warrior cluss. Moon & Mercury bt'long 10 Ihe trad-
ing com munily. Sa tu rn bclongs to shuddra. Rahu a nd Ketu
represent the lower most strata of one's community. Mandi rep-
rc=se nts a foreign co mmunity ot her than the set of communities in
whi ch one is born. (73. 74)
~: ~~difaH'fi1 I5ftd<tl"l<tl(1'fiR!li"'@~ "IIQj QI5"1~'n{4~"I \lild\
8R\Jo<'jOl(j~;o;:ql4ii'Jjll[ldl : I ~: 4ilo41 t:jo.'i(U~f.:IQi~l"I : mqf-4l-
q~1NI1 :ft'4IfB:::C;;;If\"IIQI : flt;;qq:"IPl'a"l1 (fVl;q~ ('Iill;;;l: 1 1\9\( 1[
Sun is red coloured. Moon is white. Mercury green. Jupiler
yellow. Venus of variegaled colour. SaturJl is blue. The devata of
Sun is AgnL (fire) thai of Moon is Jala (water). of Mercury Vishnu
(protection), of Jupiter Indra (wealth). of Venus Indra ni (sex)- the
wife of lndra. of Saturn is Brahma (long life). The direclions rep-
resented by the planets are East by Sun. South East by Venus.
South by Mars. Soulh West by Rahu. West by Saturn. North Wesl
by Moon. North by Mercury and North East by Jupiler. The signs
Aries. Leo & Sagittarius represent the East. Tauru s. Virgo. & Cap-
ricorn represe nl Ihe South. Gemini. Libra & Aquariu s represent
the West & Cancer. Scoprio & Pisces represent the North. (75)

IIM'S'i~i ~O%ft1qGI : qrqr 1El('6ffif!dt11 qrq : I

"I9:('I~ ~ F<tZ%l!1 ~ l!1l!II<tI~ ~ " Qrqr: 11\9& 11
"'1(1181 "l111/ \lII Q{\RI1 : ~ "ii1I'ddlQ~f<I d'4U : 1
4lq4:4 q\NII~ 4m ~ ~ '1i7lf{::CQ&~I"I"'1f4 11\9\911
... "<:4:4 ti ~'1q4:4 "ilftlq ~: 1I10%qj"f'llItlS4Ift1: 1
diil~4!;::q(ll' UlIIRI ('il~dl"liftl8 q:q(jijil'f [1\9C:[ 1
Mars. Saturn, Sun & Moon that is near the Sun (i.e. within 72
degrees on eilher side of Sun) & Mercury associated with the
malefics a re treated as malefics.Other planels and unaffiicted
Mercury and full Moon are benefics. Saturn al).d Mercury are
treated as enunch planets, Moon and Venus are treated as females.
Sun. Mars & Jupiter are treated as male planets. The dominant
infl uence of male elc planets gives male etc bi rth. Mars represents
muscles. Jupiter fat. Venus semen. Mercury skin, Moon blood
Sun bones, Saturn nerves. Disease should be considered as in Ihe

tissue concerned by the affliction of these planets. Planets located
in the 8th house cause death through their respective tissues etc.
~qW14 \OI1+:<f)(f41'f41'E1 flf4lfi.,ftII'1All!(4if4 I
stlslf"ll4 +fjQ':!,"A4:4 <tll~I;p:jlol :t\cu;:Qq"llfii lli1 II
' ~Wlol "'Ilfl""lflw,t ~ ~qe<llol 41tl:fj"lf4 ~ II~Q, II
:;!tIlt ~1~l!Ii~FIi"lCf)4:4 ~ iU"E4"141 ifJ4~:q II co 11
<6Ift"'4"lI!Jlf4 ~ ~ ~ i"&w4 ~'3j4:4ljT'1i5d ':q' "~"'~'1" I
~ QlU\Y4:4 ~ ~'A.. ql cfidifliillfMldl ~:ltqt<:J 11t:;~ II
Sun (being satvik) is intimately linked to the Dev Sthaan i.e. the
temple elc. Moon to watery reSOris. Mars to ficry places, Mercury
(being kumar i.e. boy) to play grounds. Jupiter (being the
significator of wealth) to treasury etc. Venus (being sexy) to the bed
room. Saturn to uneven places. Rahu to holes of se rpents etc. (79)
If Saturn represents a cloth. it would be old; if Sun. it would be
gross; if Jupiter. it would be neither old nor new; if Venus. it would
be strong; if Moon. new: if Mercury, it would be weI. if Mars. it
would be partially burnt. if Rahu. it would be old & of various
colours like the cloth of a poor menicant; if Ketu. it would be with
many holes. (81)
~ R,",~IB'I f.t~II<ti('4 14jill~(ijtl ~ l(IWI'4 I
:ufffiitli{) ,fqi1+:1 ~ ~ 'lill(I;q~"I$'l""' : I It:;~ II
~ rRtf ft!lft'l'1+:1 ~ l(I"IlUlklci4,\!jljRt a\QlI : t
410::'1161< <tCl'ilq'l1i1 ~"II6It "iIWl(f&I;;:.nq"f I tt:;~ I t
~ fffi1t (1f?!.,Iii.l4:4 ~ : ~41q lffl'l4" Hfi~?I ~"'f4 I
~ ~ q;t:lfII ~ ~ (l1ilJ'julf't'llIf.qij 'if 11t;'d t I
~qlf.:qij ae~o:1 'if ctdi4irl1f.:c1al'11 '1 q~<;Jli5IUII"'l 11t;~1 I


Sun represents Copper, Moon Gems. Mars Go ld. Mercury rep-
resents are of Pearls. Jupiter Silver, Venus Pearls. Saturn Iron. (82)
Rahu represents Lead & Ketu represents Neelam. Amongst the
clothes. yellow cloth is represented by Jupiter. Silken by Venus.
variegated by Sun. white by Moon. Green by Mercury. dark red by
Mars, blue by Saturn. old by Rahu. beautiful by Ketu, The strength
of planets should be given due consideration in this context
'1'n~fla : fiilRt'lf"ll::ci\U'i1ll'i : ~1~li<tlt4 ~~ : I m:
~: *iCl'10+:1 ~ ~ : ~: t4lft;JQI('E'<;')jfiI<!1 : IICS, J I

Venus represents the Vasan! season (Murch and April) Ma rs &
Su n represent the Sum mer season (May& June) Moon slands fo r
the Rainy season (July & August) Mercury fo r the Sharad season
(September & October) Ju piter fo r Heman! (Novembe r & Decem-
ber) & Saturn for the ~ hi s hir season (Janu ary & Februa ry), (86)

tICflIQI~t{l:;:'IdQ;t1 qtti:! m R~dICl~ "'1b(OtI:1I I

qRr : 4i~'1ffiW'f4 ftItt 6iqf?1 dl<li*'*fli ~ I It:;\911
fql!fl'tli:! ~ ~>JQ"lIi~'I'I~q~ 11' ~ : CfI'4i4 : I
!4j'f'l1l q"1\WII'ICflf4 ~ rllf/d<fHi4 ~ ~\lIf4 I ICC 11
~ W"'l~ '1m: ... 'I',""".4i'!41 : I
~ ~ 'lIElI~"IWI41 : ,*di~ Qlej'lQq 1$l<.1 : Il cQ" II
In horary astrology. in n a la l astrology or when the quesliofl of
reconstructing a ho roscope without the birth dala is invo!"cd the
d ata is ascertained from the nature ofl he planets who a rc the lords
oflhe dccanles involved. Among th e tas tes. the Sun represents th..:
Pungent taste. Ma rs th e biller. Moon th e saltish. Mercury the
mixed one, Jupiter the sweel Venu s sour & Sa turn astringent. In
periods of time. the Sun repn::sents a period o f s ix months, Moon
o nly a second. Ma rs a day. (89) Mercu ry a period of (WO month s.
Ju piter a mo nth. Venus a fortn ight & Sat urn a year, R<lhu rl'p'
resents a period of 8 mont hs & Ketu o nl y 3 mO nfh s.
l1'1111!51 (Ifii41~""i ,!i.i'HIe1 *1fl~'1itt:l'1i<1l I
::fJqQ~ Jlqfiifill~E{1 Q'4IRt ,nill~ 4"'lIIflQol II~O II
Rahu, Saturn. Moon and Mars are planl!ls rl!prcse l1 ting. Dhalu
i.e. metals. Su n and Venus represent p lanets. Jupiter and Men:ury
a re jeevas i.e. Anim als inc luding ma n. The signs <lnd the <l st.:ri sms
Ashvini, Bharn i & Kritika a re meta ls. plants & Animals respec-
tively. s'imil ar is th e case in order for the rest of the asleri sms i.e.
Ro hini. Mrigs har & Ardra a re metal s. p lants & Animals & so
on. (90)

dI~1oli ~""""l'q..;'jl1~ ~ : <tiCiltlU j <ti4l'N~ : t

!innl<ti'l~ : : i ,'-I. ~ i ,
The Sun and Ma rs have "upw<l rds" sigh I. Venus <lnd Mercury

look sla ntingly. Moon <lnd Jupiter look stra ight. Saturn and Rahu
look downwards. (9 1)

q~4f!1~ 141'1W'1'1814 mot 't 'Ff "'1!('6I'II( : I
;jlqffj<RoJ 1f<fof ~ ~ Q:t4f'a it<:\{i ",(Olw1G\{i i iQ,,~ i i

Saturn fully aspects i.e. in Ouences the house. sign o r planet-
p lilced 3rd and 10th from it. Mars simila rly ilspeets the house etc.
plilced4th and 8th from it. Jupiter similarl y throws its inOu ence o n
th e house etc 5th a nd 9th from it AU the planets aspect the 7th
house etc from the place o f their loca tion. The pla nets aspect the
3rd & IOlh plJlce from th eir places with qu arter aspeclthe pl ace etc
51h & 9th from them with ha lf aspect & the house etc 4th & 8th
from them with three quarters aspect. Th e house numbers s hou ld
be counteti by taking the as pecling planet as in first house. (92)

Most of th e a Sl:ological texts do not prescribe any as pects fo r
Ra hu and Kelu. They o mit it at their own peril. Mahars hi
Para shar-the fath er of India n ast rology-has very clea rly la id
dow n that Rahu and Ketu have aspects mostly similar 10 Jupiter
i.e. o n the house etc 5th. 71h & 9th from th em.
In th is co nnection please sec the foll owi ng shloka (number26 in
chapter 5 1) o f Brih31 Pa rasha r H Ord Shastra Bo mbay edition of
Shaka 1837.
W'l'Ii'H ""qlo:d ~ ~ ~qf4 ~ ItQl'1 Trt 1f1\f ~ qi{Pd
\HiiJi tt,. p!qQq;:q11t ~ ~: f.ll'llqq",,~8'\ <ffi""""IP! : 1II11f<r.4t1CO" :

i.e. Rahu has full aspect on the hou se elc located 5th. 71h. 9th and
121h fro m it. It has ha lf Ihe aspect (i nOucnce) on the houses 2nd
a nd 10th fro m it. II aspects with a lIu arterstrength the ho use etc3 rd
an d 6th from it and is b lind towa rds the house it occu pies.
Since th e s hadowy planets Rahu and Ketu easily ta ke upon
th emselves the inOuen('.c o f other planets etc. we have deduced a
coroll ary from the above rule that in throwing their own malefic
inOucnce o n the house these shadowy pla nets may be aspeeting.
they wil l also th row on the aspected houses the malefi
c inOuence
of the male lic planet o r planets that may be influencing these
nodes. by association o r aspect For exa mple. if Ketu & Ma rs are
located in the 6th house in a ny ho roscope o r if Ketu is located in
the 6th house & Ma rs in the 3 rd. Iith or 12th house. then Ketu in
th rowing its 5th. 7th & 9th aspect will co nvey to the IOlh. 12th & the
2nd ho uses and will amict the said houses with the malefic

influl!nce of Ma rs as well. This corollary has great impact o n the
"Xuja Dosha" for even thoug h when for example Ma rs & Ketu a re
located together in the 6th house. Ma rs docs not constitutc
technica ll y " Kuja Dosha" in accorda nce with shlo ka rd'lling to
thi s dosha viz.
~ ~ ';!f qldliil "uftl'31 'illteq pr :
ctc. But in actual effect it would shorten the life o f the partner very
much beca use the in fl ue nce of both Ma rs & Ketu (kil lers) woul d
be fe lt by the 2nd house whic h being the lo ngevity (8th ) house o f
the partner is bound to suffe r through the influence of Mars &
Ketu (who also acts like Mars).

"l1;flBj f4'311iUl 'J]1~t1ql : am 11:l : l@'illiofl flIq~ I

~ iIllllt<6(Oll ~ ~ ~ : '@IT 1'{IllWlfll ftr;rI:J 1 1 q, ~ J I
(~1Oi1ql!t"l ~~"1 ~ : lJlfr ~"lili "i\JIGI'14\i4' I
~14{4 ~ ~+t l'4 ~ ~Nlfjltl 'Ofti <R: +14('1 : 11q,'d I I
wh1;)1 ~ : eqH1 fi:1'llIPl'1 'EI"4 (1li,,'E"il qt2f : t
lll ")10"4I~e:e<6a If'IIBl ~ : eQ61I:t"l "EIliI ~ 11 ~~:i' l
6I(fQ ~ 'flq7l~Rt) tn:iJ ~ f.1f&1.!1I : fjQ('11 : I
~ fti'3lliUl <641&FIGi : <isdif:!!l~~I'3I q~R1 d'#1I : I iq,a It
The Sun considers Jupiter, Mars and Moon as its friend s. It is
neutral towards Mercury. II is inimical to Saturn a nd Venu s.
Moon considers the Sun and Mercury as its friends. It treats the
re'st i.e, Sa turn. Venu s. Jupiter and Ma rs as a neutral. Mars treats
Su n. Moon & Jupiter as its friend s. It is inimically disposed
towards Mercury. II is neutra l to Saturn and Venu s. Mercury treats
the Sun a nd Venus as its friends. It is neutral towards Jup iter. Mars
a nd Sa tu rn, but it is inimica l to Moon (94) J upitc r treats Sun. Mars
a nti Moon as frie nds. but Venus anti Mercu ry as enemies. Jupiter
is neut ra l to Saturn. Venus treats Salu rn a nd Mercury as its
fri ends, It is inimical towards thc Sun a nd the Moon & is neulral
towards Jupiter and Mars (95). Satun~ trcats Venus and Mercury
as its friends. Ju piter as neutral. While it treats the Sun. Mars and
Moon as its enemies. Rahu treats Ve nu s. Jupite r a nd Satu rn as its
frie nds. So a lso is the case with Ketu. (96)
"l~RI <:I1i"<tlifI.!1if1fll?l'{dl : 'EI"4 q ~lcffilG(i(E1qffi' : I
fCll&:Ildl"I'fI;!iool'f <:lR1 ~4I'frtjj"flqdlR1<:f1l'fqlftl{;:lt : I 1q,13 1t
d <:QM.!Ifi::t~ 'i! A('4,lfq71 ~ 'qq'dfqfilfil'il{l~'1 I
i.Nq' :tlild~~~Ii$lqifl')f ~: ('4l'f al~RI I Iq, C\ I

~Ian e t s located in Ihe 2nd, 3rd or4th ho use from anotherpianci
or 10 the 12th. 11 th or 10th from II become temporary friends of the
latter. I n o ther places they become natu ra l enem ies. In case the IWO
arc bolh nalural & temporary frien ds they become Ad himilra i.e.
boso m fri:nds. If ~th are inimical natumlly & temporarily they
beco me bltlerenr.=m les. Iffriends in o ne way and enemy in another
th ey arc neulra lto each other. (97. 98)

~ c4 ~ (4'1ctf~Cfifi:l m ~ fhefwtfq I
Cfi(!II~ICfiI~~I*,f..l 1<:\"4l'1!i1l"1 m : I I q,q, II

wi! ~ .fulo1l l! '{< O\il "" ",~"M 4I,

'fiIiI~1t4ti1ell5\ljcl~ ~ f.:!QII'ilqCfittJ ~ II ~ 00 I I
{'IH'i'klii ~'iiij(!1::q;;qJllge~1( "t4'lQlrl ~ I
+GIJllei?t (j~'iqce(!I ctlqlP-::I(1I\IIfl61 d'l:l : I I ~O~ I I
Positional 51rf!flgrh
Pla nets located in their.sign of exaltation. in a fri endly sign. in
their own Navamsha sign. in the signs they own. in their own
decante or in \/ 12th part or in their own 1/ 16th part are considered
10 possess " Pos itional" strength. (99)
Ju p iter and Mercury have full directiona l st rength when loca ted
in the ascendant Mars& Sun get this full strength when located in
the 10th ho use. Sat urn gets il when located in the 7th house. Moon
a nd Venus get full directional strengt h when s ituated in the 4th
house. Planets arc in zero directiona l strength when located in the
7th house from that where they get full directional strength. In the
intervening situatio ns planets get proportional strength. (100)
Su n etc. located in their own month hora. day or year a rc con-
sidered as strong in tem po: al strength. ( 10 I) i.e. Sun in the Shadon
month (August a nd September). Moo n in its own hora division'
Ma rs o n Tuesday & Sa turn in the year whr.=n it is in its own sign.
Cap ricorn or Aquarius. arc considered as strong. (lO I)
~ IIIcll;\l1 !tIp.'ifI:~qa41 tll5ll/"U f$ 'i t i~h.RIP : I.
-w.I' 'iiij'Qft f<!Iffed1lWIQ&1 ti1"'4IWc::~ IIIThI1 : *l?NI II ~()~ II
~ : I!"liiijQ11j)qd1t.1 $&!iif<A QIQtl~($ee : I
41"'414", (4R1i*.1~ R4Blfil111!! l/i!I""!:wc::;::qeI4Q "'' ' ' 'I!''"ll'' ' ': II ~()~ II
q<!IH11k1'l6i@fil/!~liCfifillFj ~BMCflIflFi!4 itl"" : tili!1tl : "irIr II ~()'l{ II

q:tllf.:q(.tl : fiflRl@!llfJl : t:1l'i~1 ~ 'flit ~<'!I4R"ldi#iRr'1tt'1 : I I ~()'( II


Saturn. Moon and Mars get strengthened in a night birth . The
Sun. Jupitcr and Venus get strengt hcned in a day birth. Mcrcury is
sirong both in day and night births. Bencfic plancts get st rength-
ened in Ihc bright fortnight of thc Moon whiie the malefies get
st rengthened in the dark fortnight. (102)
The planets aspccted by bcndics and unaspecled by malefics are
strong so far as the question of aspect is concerned. The Sun is very
strong in the Unarain (six month s from the Sun's entry into Cap-
ricorn). Moon is strong when the Sun is in Daksharlayan (i.e. in six
months from its entry into Ca ncer). (103) In natural strength
Saturn, Mars. Mercury. Jupiter. Venus, Moon and Sun are
stronger in order one ove r the other i.e. Saturn is the least strong&
Sun the most. (104) Planets Mars. ~ercury. Jupi ter. Venus Hnd
Saturn arc strong when in retrogression. A planet is victorious in
war when il has in com parisian more northern declination and
has brilliant rays (i.e. are away from the Sun). (lOS)

W"WI ~4qff:rq~ ~ ~ 'Wt ~ ~ ~ tHjifllEgil<4Qq'1 II ~o6. II

~ ;p:t ~e:tt14j 'f?q41~ '1q"llI$li41!l1'd@'1 I
:iletlc<;<I4 fCflqi:1l~ "11R<9 ~ ~(j1i"1'4 0R1f ~ : II Nl3 t I
The st rength of the Ascendant (and ils lord) consists mainly in
their sixfold st rength. In regard to the strength of the Ascendant
:hc Author says that if the Ascendant is a hum an sign (see shloka
SI antil.the ascendant gelS full st rength. If the sign is watery or
animal. the strength of the Ascendant is half. Incase there is insect
sign in the Lagna the gets no strength on thi s account at all.
Sixfold strength of the Ascendant is as under. (106. 107)
t:11ii:ifOl ~ dlll'lI<tl(1 G1<;<fllIb'l;;;:'8'I til;;cf'l ~ 14(1~: I
t:1C':"W;fl(fQ I!f;; ~V'I' t:1re:lfOl cfijl"l ftRJr lliflllF'I 11 ~Ot; 11
~~ ij' til$ ... tt1I"1i B41 I , ~"'iq("IIr:q"liE1 : I
~q'A4 i1~ij'ilfll"l qi<:tl4 ~14 ~ R'''1;!14''1rf-altltl''1'f?4'1 I I ~OQ, 11
~(:;;hlUfl"1'*.ijl'i?l ~ ~lG!dltWl'iG!ifil@l'1!!,lqq '1 Cfll<'!l~tlq I
'l.unitlt'li ~lfill<tiWlI'l( 'i<llfli1'I\f 04\!t <:z\<i"1l tt "I"1fiqlil'l II ~ ~o II
The maximum strength in the sixfold ways for the Sun is6 and a
half rupas. rupa being a unit oi strength. That of Moon is 6 rupas.
of Mars S. of Mercury 7, of Jupiter6. of Venus S and a half. (108) of
Saturn S. The actual strength is worked out proportionately. In

positional strength it is two rupas 3 q uarters. in di rectional
strength it is I rupa & 3 qu arters. (109) In C heshta strength it is a
rupa less by 1/6th of it In te mpora l strengt h il is2 rupas less by o ne
eigh th of a rupa. Sun, Mercury and Ju pi ter get half a rupa strength
in the Ayan strength.
In the sixfol d strength Sun gets thl! max imu m strength of six
a nd a half un its. Moon get s 6 units. Ma rs 5. Mercury 7. Jupi ter 6.
Venus five an d a half. a nd Satu rn 5. In the posit io nal strengt h the
max imu m un its a rc a q ua rter less th ree u nits. The max imu m
d irect io nal stn:ngth is three q ua rters o r a unit ( 109)The Cheshta
(mot io nal) strength is 5/6t h of a uni t. In tem poral st rength it is 2
units less l /8th, In Aya n strength Sun. Ml!rcury a nd Jupiter get
h,ll f a u nit. ( 110)
~.ntR f<mrr ~dl'll : ~ ~ qtlttN\$!f I'lfi'Q"Il I
m 'WI" 54~lf!:ItI " !f "l~ 'lEI c4 frled~44C1 I I ~ ~ ~ t l
WlIIH4<fj N~"i 1Wf fl4 1i0ldi~4i:aN \" t ~ : t
ft t<:]iI(!i WlIlfdi "l 4$ E1l td ~lfi'q ~ ~ E'll1':'1 I I ~ ~'1: II
~lI ~~fi'q 4<i1 1'l1 4"i ~ ?lfvt 'll:\ff1lIlf"1l:fil'la !f 1'l11 t
f<t Ollll'l?l'f'4 ~ : ~ : i)l1'l1,~4 '1GU5tRl I I ~ ~ Q I I

T he d irectional st rengt h is a un it less by 1/61h of it i.e. 50/61), T he

positiona l strengt h is a qu arter mo re tha n 2 units. TCII~pora l
strength is o ne th ird I ~s s tha n 2 i.e. 1-40. T he motiona l strengt h is
ha lf un it (i ii) Ayan strength is 2/3rd of a un it Moon. Jupiter &
Ve nus get motiona l strenght as 2/ 3rd unit. In Kaa l Ba l & as o ne &
o ne eight h unit. (1-7-5) ( 11 2) Saturn has half a unit as ils d irec-
tio nal a nd Ayan strength. M a rs ilas two & a half un its as its
posi tional strengt h.

Na tive with 2 or more tha n 2 of them are involved the p::riod

becomes particula rly ha rm ful. Th is is the reason why the time
wh cn bot h a sign & a Na kashl.ra are ending. such as the end o f
signs Cancer. Scorpio & Pisces a re conside red da nge rous to life
wh en occup ied by Moon. (lJ 3)
dll(}iSft 41 : wl1l'4fa ."mIClne~"="I4~'~o~"~'~'R"!I""'
1:11 : ~: I
~I e~ 'iD~ .t l% qfi q~qa(~ ~Ij&lp..qdJfq t t ~ ~'d t I
~ f{:i<; a : +it IQl(if : IIR<o::fhf'EI fq~ q.,1 lIli Plqlcfl I
IIIOI~ifirol II q~~ ~ m qtotl lfkt d O ~ I~MI I I ~ ~\( I I
I'lto4liill:fllc<tJOli ld PlWo!t d~iill:flla;ffi'i!ldO~I<filu' t
rMIII:fl{l !ldl Q4il ol( liift d ~lIl""d;;qIt<tilijlq ,.. I I ~ ~ 5. I I
11~ ~131 1

A planet having a longitude up to the longitude o f the house in

which placed is called "Aarohi" (i.e. mounling). If it has greater
longitude than that it is called "C hyul" (i.e. fall en). A planet that
occupies a junction point is without results part icularly in its dasa
periods. even if it ocupies its sign of exa ltat io n, a friendly sign &
even if endowed with all the six types of strengt hs. The position of
the Ascendant is (a) ,ringular to the" Pranpada" (b) is triangular to
the sign occupied _by "Maandi" (115) (c) is triangular to the
Navamsha sign occupied by "M aa ndi" (d) is in the 7th to the
Navamsha sign occupied by " Maandi" (e) is triangul ar to the sign
occupied by the Moon or(f) in thl! sign 7th to the Navamsha sign
occupied by Moon (116). The learned thus determi ne the Ascen-
da nt both in natal and horary aStrology. I mportance is given to the
Ascendant or the sign occupied by Moon whichever is stronger.
( 11 7)
~ ~ 14 IRq~nfih'li4 .g ~ '~4ltnil QI ' 'i 1'f I
alr;t <FM 'rYHA ~ ~ ibtQfd2qfld,liVt II ~ ~ t:11
In case the Ascendant is sronger. the process of rectification of
the Ascendant should be carried out from the Maandi. If Moon is
stronger the process should be undertaken with Moon as the base.
In case the Ascendant arrived at is of odd sign and odd Navamsha
the birth is of a male. ifthese two belong to an even sign the birth is
of a fe male. (118)
Sfl14I<;Q6: 41:q<6ef1ilC6!t'Q ~<tII(q;) ~il<tl@iIllt:q t
i7lt:I( ;f\11l4<ltltl.'iQ1 : l@fIr(~q'j<:'t'Jjqi~(fili : II ~ ~"'I t
(41 "'l1.j<2'1 'Jj:q::~?11 : ltrltli<tll{\ql5lil(lfOJI\1 'i!I' I
fifll<:'t'JjI<iR"lIfiHI'4j : ~JOir~~?1lobR",ltl9).;jr : It ~'(Q II
~~~'$Qil(I'ifdI!I:q ""e.Ri (1~I<tI~1 trm: II ~ ~ ~ II

in the followin g sets of four planets the first is " Pachak" (literally
digestor) Bodhak (lit: informative). Karka (significalor or doer) &
&dhak (piercing). The sets are (I) Saturn. Mars. Jupiter & Venus,
(2) Venus. Mars. Saturn & Sun. (3) Sun. Moon. SalUrn & Mercury.
(4) Moon, Jupiter. Venus & Mars. (5) Saturn. Mars. Moon & Sun.
(6) Moo1l. Mercury, Sun & Saturn (7) Venus. Moon. Jupiter & Ma rs.
f1i1l"'tlf.1 ~ !fll4ltll \16I0,j t4?('IC(1ill4T:qII <:l1 : IJlqul I
'qFj't : :tiltli<tlt""lt:""" Q@Ii!!%Ifi'l8JiI"'I "'R1'd'i1 eq I' ~ =( =( I I

'El1IP. @li l{'(Ol'l dl"* 't~1! dllI"iUlI(4N'Eflc:C(I:t'i!{ t
~ q66i(4NICfiil1ft:"4l1 : l(!IIlilC' 11 i'to;qllil"H'd.1 : I I ~ ~ ~ I I

qdlll@"'IIRCfii.!1Wllfq ~ ~:tI't41 : !lq~fa d<101l : II ~~~I I

The afo resaid Pacha k. Bodhak ele. fo r d ifferenl planets are as

5 1/11 Planets 6th. 7th. 9th & 11th from il
Mooll Planets 7th. 9th. 11th and 3rd from it.
Mars Planets 2nd, 61h. 11th & 12th fro m it.
Ml'rcu"J' Planets 2nd. 4th. 5th & 3rd from it.
Jupiter Planets 6th. 5th. 7th & 12th from il
VC'I/IIS Planets 2nd, 6th. 12th & 4th from it.
SarI/TIl Planets 3rd, Illh. 6th & 7th from it.
( 124)
:t1'!ffl~!tIf4 ~ QliiCfi : f4lfo:oi'>lli!ll ~ : :t1~1'1B;l <W I
sA ~ "'~"E'4 11' ~tj4i:t'" !tla".E'4ld<tiil ~ I I ~ ~'( I I
QlcfBjlft ~tj<ti~~Cfi W ii :t1'i!l'Ma:IEiJ~d!t'i!{ ~ I
+iI<iiR<:ffl ~I<ti~#1<ii!t:q ~ dBM(<ti6:qoR ; II ~~& II

To the Sun its Pach ak pl anet acts as its enemy. The rcst arc fri en-
dly to Sun. The planet 12th to Moon is her enemy. Bedhak of Mars
acts as its enemy. Bedha k fo r Me rcury is its enemy; for Jupiter the
Pac hak pla net is enemy. Fo r Venus the Bcdhak planet is enemy.
The Ka rka for Sat urn is its enemy. The rest arc its friends.
(1 26)

fqoeI"'1QI'1I,,(~ollf?ij (13II1i!f,{(!'1lI1'ldlqo ltgql'f I

~ 'l81ffill!5"ith ~ t4i;;u : Qlttlfl'EiMillIl'f I I ~ ~\9 11
~ ;Q\QI""lIQ1fl8 da:...q m dC:"'4Nlitl'lld41fa I
('I LiS! li" 4 iIl( 1"''i>i4 f?f:rt ft\'4lc:If<6ao".htJ'll'f I I~ ~~ I I

The Pachak planet no rma lly gives high caree r. high favour fro m
Government. Educatio n, pleasure in the co mpany. The men in
Power. In case the Pachak p la net is also lhe friend of the planet
ha ving its dasa. it gives high class food cloth es, o rnaments, rul ing
powers. wea lth. lands & h igh co m fo rts. (1 27-1 28)
C:lIld4 : Ult<f'ltit' , QliIHj 'JjlriNlcl oi'iqctim,<ti:t"l I
ri 'it dR:i1 ('I'lU4ttlt<f1fl8 Moil 11~~ q, 11
A Bodhak plan er. if it is also fri endly to th e planet to who m it is
Bod ha k. gives excellent results beyond expectations arising o ut o f
one's own hard work & othetwise, if not friendly. (129)

ql 4 'ttf'w.1)ol"6i!'l ifitt" cQ GI(I'4i1f4i{JNIOIIQJgl I
Iimll'1Qlsi qi("t\ ~ \'jqil(ttll ftI'5le41 'lI'f<t fLIh't II ~ ~O II
. +i<til(<i\ ~ft\'jl{j '1" ~ tt~fd 6Q('lIIf'lQlQi ftI~t(11 I
;:fI(lfi'101qfefdqM6~(i:f\tt !i:u 4:4q<"$I 'if II~~~ I I

If the Karaka planet is friendly to the planet for whom it is

Karaka. it gives some tim es better prospects and so me lim es loss of
fortune. some times disease to wife. son. relatives of wife. fea r !"rom
thieves. li re. and conflict with others. (130)
case Ihe Karak planet is enemy to the p lanet to whom it is
Ka raka. then it gives in ils dasa eXlre mely bad res ults in regard 10
t hefl fire. trouble to relatives. suffering a tth e ha nds of the Gove rn-
ment a nd loss of position of self (131)
~ tH'1I11I'1 'if ~ElUfdNlli1 w:qql;::q : II ~ ~~ I I
If the BeJhak p la net is friendly to the planet to whon it is
lkdhak. it hrings about Foreign travel & loss of Wealt h. If it is
ini mica l. the results are opposite. (132)
dMIFIIQ,qd"J;ttf.:1"1l s"l QIf(IF<tql<'3; I
~"I 'lI'1E1 o!l'JfOldl "Illledl ~<ti'1It%<ti1 : ...."'' "'1 : II ~ ~~ II
fllli! ~<ti'iII1:<ti1 fqlR'l (4i11i11~1 \I'IQ"'1lfi01 I
I!jl'11<:I"ds4'1 (hI4QI<ti<:!1i F<t~q<i\ ~ : II ~ ~'d It

AI a pl'lI.:e where the meas ure of Ihe Jay time is 30 ghat is i.e. 12
hOUfS. Ihe G ul ik occ upies t he degree denoted by the Ishti! (interval
ho:lwccn the Sun riSI! & the coming mome nt of birth) of 26 gha ti s
Ill. Su nday. 22 ghatis on Mo nday 18 ghatis on Tuesday 14 ghalis
011 Wedn esday 10 ghat is Oil Thursday. 6 ghatis on Friday & 2
!! h;ltis on Sa turday. Wh en the duration of the day is more. o r kss
than 12 hours the Is hta s hould be asce rta ined by the rule o f 3 i.e. if
o n SundilY for 30 ghat is duration it is26 ghatis. how much is it for
the Juration of the day involved. Having asce rta ined the Gulik
b hla cOllcalled for the d .. y involved. the Ascendant on Ihat ls hta
worked out in th e normal manncr gives th e Gu lik point J133.
~'H'II:'" <I at! 1ql dl "fnt'llft!: f.:1 ~dl ~ "f'1Hld I
"Il i lli1-.:jfqfl'1IF<tEitl PlII!\.'I''1Qrt''1'efi1sl''l4if fW I.! ~ ~'( II
Multiply the mcasure of the d ay ti me by 26. 22.18. 14. 10. 6 & 2
respectiveJy for the days Sunday to Saturday. Divide the result by
30. the answer will be the Ishta at whic h Mandi is. (135)
The aut ho r has opined that the product of the du ra fion of the
day period conce rned and 26 elc. shoul d be di vided by 30. Th is is
obviou sly ba sed o n the assumption that the d uration of the day

wou ld be 30 ghat is which is not the case in most cases. Hence the
a ppropriate step is to divide the product by the duration of the day
in ghati s instead of by 30 in every case.
ql$!tnG:+JI'fleq ~ ~ ~q61 ~ttq(~'<Q'aqtt8t6 (!lllN1tl 41C'l1I{1tl
~ ~ ~ eQf.:qdlHIE'd41''l1I611Rtd ~ (4)11'1If.::4d Wl(Rct!4'11J1 :
6Q61011~ : tl~~&l t

If the planet having its sub-pe riod is located in 6th. 8th o r 12th. it
is inim ica l (to some extent) to the pla net having the ma in rul ing
period. If located in the rest of the houses except 7t h. it acts as a
friend to the dasa lo rd. The sub-period lord in 7th to the main
period lo rd gi ves adverse resu lts. ( 136)
T he fac t that II pla net is placed 6th. 8th or 12th from the pla net
having it s main ruling period makes the sub-period lord adverse
by one point If it is enemy also or the main period lord it would be
adverse by two poi nts. If it is ene my to the lord of the Ascenda n t. it
would be adverse by 3 point. Ifit is located 6th. 8t h or 12th from the
lagna it would be adverse by 4 po ints. If it is placed 6th. 8t h & 12t h
fro m the lord of th e lagna it woul d be adverse by 5 po ints.
Thu s a planet that indicates good results in its sub-period by
!.'\'cn 4 poi nts by being in a fri endly sign. by owning good hou ses.
oy be ing in assoc iatio n wi th a benefi c & by being in its Qwn sign
may still give slightly bad results fo r such a planet is good o nlyon 4
cou nts & bad on 5.
qlqQ i5I~ e ftid1 !!'I('E1 ~: (4t ~ l1 dHQ ~q,n""qftwi'lI'1 1!&q : I
'!?lI1"I11"qQlf!1ilji:C f).!fltfll '>tPf "tNt q~RI ~ ""Idl 'i{IfIG:~ II ~ f,!191 I

The planet having its sub-period if with a malefic. acts in an

in imical manner. I ft he Sub- period lord is a good planet in hi msel f
li nd is also good from the po int o f view o f the ho-use it occupies
from the Main-d asa lo rd. it gives very good resu lts. Thus it is
necessary to give the resu Its after due co nsideration o f th e positio n
held by the SuO- period lo rd fro m the Mui n-p!.'riod lord. ( 137)

\l~Ib4 I 41 &fUld : \.'i~":llI f1Ilffilt ~ \.'idl.'~<NqCfiI(101 I
4\tjffi~ 4"<dil'1 'i=' dt't(Qlct <DiJI~ t'tNlcllf"1 II ~Qt:: 1 1
~ "6""<lfq~"'ftl"",n t;i~l f.:1t'quil "'1TI:f m St414 : I I ~ 11

1. Vcnkateshwar Sha rma. have stated the chapler of definiti o ns

lakcn as the essence from the Astrological works. for th e hen efit of
all. It should be applied in the manner statcd" (138)


.3N (i1 ;N.(.lfi\1'i'1I(I~: I

"'Ilcil<;4 t Uf.:1 f4fili E11'1f.tdi f!! 4f'1"il 3I l f'lItd(l~ ~ ' Iui! ~o;1' 4 9 I
41r4 1:1 'ffl'f.r f1'i4ljll!l~llil~1t1 ~ ~1fiJ ~ %~ in?tfll II ~ II

The Ris hi s a nd men of rip.: wi sd om have give n various results

ari :o:ing am of the as:o:ocialioll of the va riO lls pl anets .".'ith the
variou~ houses. I am p resen ting the same for the pleas ure of the
Ic ... rncd renders. ( I)
~: ~ ~ qlt1 $11 ~?U ~;j}fI'1~: l6w~ q le:1 : qlq ~lli1 'I
tAT: I
Q'l11T: ~ W~1qdlOl~~R!': I~ ~ m; ~ : ~14fil Qi7!t PlC1'i,r-
ftM: I I~ I I
If a natu ral henefic planet is lord o f any hous e and is lo~a t e d in
.hal ho use o r aspects it a nd the huuses as pc\:ted o r assoc ia te d are
:101 u nder t he innucnce of m al efic pI anets b y association or aspect.
he house con cerned gets boos ted in regard 10 th e trai ts rel ated to
.I. Si mi la rly natu ral m alefic pla nets. lorus of ho uses sim il arly
;ituated d o not give nice re sults. Planets in general arc strong when
.hey a rc 11 0 t in de bilitatio n. ecli psed b y S un or in inimica l
;ig ns. (2)
W1IR qll!ll~~ qlqg i5 lR1~*'F!lR11\!j1 ; I
411'419 "f1t4dQ)(jlQiI'IR1<;"'Il!Ilfh,H t q;mill!l14Il;: t I ~ II

If there <Ire nat u ral malefic planets in [h e 6th. 8th or 12th from
he Ascendant etc lmd the lords of Ihes!! houses arc natura l
endlcs. these bene fi cs d o not g ive m uc h good results. (3)

4~"'11:111.qy f('1~f(tQ; l:e<lI141 4o;"w'Iffo:Idi <u I

d~"'11!11NI ~iQ4R1 dQII : t(iilf$d ~1:I"'(4 ~6ll'1 ' ['l1 11

The T rait s of a ho use suffer. if its lord is located in the 6th. St h or
l e 12 th hou se. Similarly the lord of the 6th. 8th or Ihe 12th h o use
a rms the p rospects o f the house in which it is localc/J. If. howl-'ver.
is well aspected il gives good re sults. (4)

ad1QiCllfi1lz$) fCtWlQ<.,q ",jf:qi YUl@. 4j4HI S~81" Qq"4t1lW~
414~!(idi I
..tecHI !!fG!'1I, : tI<t>Q'iflJlq!f)t'\q;;qqp;<\ gijll~1 ~ fl:I",,,, ~ oi! : tt4!Qi q~
~ '1ft1qlql ~ qil"1If't I II( II

A house Ih at conta ins its lord. o r fro m who m there are in Sih.
91h, 2nd, 4th, 7th or 10th benefi c pla nets and is not influe nced by
malefic pla nets get strengthened If reverse is the case the houses
become destroyed. If the yoga is m"ixed there are mixed results.
Thi s rule is applicable to all houses incl ud ing the Ascen da nl

11V1f11111,ffl Rql <t>(<t>t~\1: tj~ I~I 41 ;ft:qI(lfa',fflil q'( ~ q~<4 ~(

qhfala : t
M'1qt"l flIflIr.r11"'ftl";t I1f.1tou : WleRl Q2~"iI:?lIfQ Ql~nl<1i ~ it ~
'lf4ifct'1l"l1 !Pi : t l li l l
A house ge ls its traits destroyed if its lord is localed in the 8th
house. also if it is eclipsed by the Sun. o r is in its d ebili latio n sign.
or in an inim ical sign or is neither assoc iated wilh nor aspected by
benefi cs. In cases where a house contain s a planet hu t that pla net
is weak in Ih e ma nner slated above. even then the Ira ils of the
house get lost. Th is ru le is applicable to all houses including the
Asce nda nl (6)
dI~<t>il4~ Q111Q1~4I : Jl11r~: a"ltil1*"' : fQq"'I1Qllttm'1I:;:aRf1:t :
t"It: 'i'1 t
'1fll li: l fH.,tqcl' ., !tI~l1f ~ 4I!fflNleaa : <ti ~ ~ IE"!'l.,qhtl(l ~l q!tl;;,1 ~
1lI'jed2<::I : tll3l I

Source of income should be decla red from the p lanel occu pying
the IOlh house from the Ascenda nt o r fro m the Moon. wh ichever
is stronge r. If the pla net occupying is Ih e Sun. the source is father.
if Moon it is mother, if Ma rs the enemy. if Mercury th e source is
the relations. if Ju piter it is from brothers(elder). if Yen us it is from
wife. if Sat url\ the source of income is from servants. The
livelihood is a lso d ele rm ined fro m the na ture of the p lanet who is
lord of Ihe Navamsha sign occupied by the lord of the IOlh
ho use. (7 )

~ ,,'AI "IItfliti:11441"fqo ~ 1 Ijdlllil!ll ~ Il M..I(j I

a ;:4t ...... 5di. 1"',!Iit"", d ~" fll41 "Itt ("f14itil~ I t l;; I I

J:I.,.)qe1jIH'I!fII!C~.,)'tql" ~ 'l1l: ~ijlii1iilf;f qu:rr ~ : t
#l1;flqaQN~fq: ~Rlql{i\'{>4l :i\ tk4.:11 fiMaaQl fl:11Iqi1)l~ 11'1, II

If the said lord of the Navam sh a is Sun. one earns from

medici ne. gold. wa ter. conveya nce trade. pearls. ruby.
Ambassadorship. (8) tours, advisory capaci ty. oxides. law suits.
through pleasure aITording matters. prcceptorship .& under
Governmental patrorrage. {9)

1i4<ff1~q!f11'l 1fi4f\!1lfill OI ~" +t4ii::f~"{I';;:ql'~il

UJlI! HI(t!IJWI~t'4If.:o:!ii!'MIJr q~1Sfi4 11U t I ~ o t I

If the lord of the sa id Navamsha is Moon. o ne ea rn s from pro-

cuets of water. agriculture. from earth products. law suits. through
pleasure affording m atters (cinema etc), through the palronage of
the royal femilies. o r from the sale of cloth. (W)
1:l1;;\1 ~ qla 1 ~o III !II (i<+i't*l Ill' 1G1IGk(i,iill'.i Rl{f'lll I
;iI",fQ~ "'le~qj'I(i>~~(jW' 11IfI ~ 'fH"flll I I ~ ~ II
If Ihe sa id Navamsha lord is Mars. one earn s from metal work.
militilfY occupation. from the use of fire (as in bo ilers etc). from
engaging himsel f in creali ng trouble. fro m acts of courage. or
through th eft. (I t)

f.l1 ~,q i ~tll641' 114~lIf?)I '11' ~;N4'tft1, la 1~11q ~i1~ ~'"-'II~ I

CI(,ef~(1E44'11'l\l14It4 'l(\ft(j&l I Jl",~ndl1f-a : I I r~ I I.

Ifthe sa id Navamsha is onwed by Mercury. one earns through

handicrafts: literature. from scriptural usage, from Astronomy &
Astrology. from moral mea ns. from the stu dy of the Vedas. from
doing Japa work for others. or by acting as a fa mily priest. (12)
JiClI~jif; ,!(Gekil11 '141 i!iI itl l414i1)jOwf't'4h'1 I
~VllflIl 'ili;fj Rllil'I1i:'i1qen *41&1l: Ii~~ i I

ff th e Navamsha in question belongs to Jupiter. the nalive earns

his livelihood by teaching the worsh ip oflhe gods and Brahmin s.
or from Ihe recitation, teaching etc of Puranas. & Vedas or by pre-
aching religion. (13)
,,,,uh'lfilI44'1\ljlilq'{\!'lIg'I,,,1 \1'iQl",*,!f'1lill0</i: I
'JliC::'1~(Gftllfillal Wlall Rm;~1 ~: ~ II~~ II
If the said Navam sha lord is Venus. one earns from gold. gcms,
elepha nts. horses. or from Ihe sa le of gur etc or from the trade in
milk and curd or from the support of wo men. (14)

VI;::q~I<t 'tk'6<1"11'11!{f41 ~liNlf.:tIl=l'd(1f1~IjElI:a : I
~;:qi "'I1(11!IlI(!1~glrl""lI<:l 4i;:q~?io;""I"'t{<i1 ql l ll1t:\ I I ~ IJ. I I
If the lord of the said Navamsha is Saturn. one earns by despic-
able means. from handicrafts etc. from wood works. from butchery
etc. from carrying burden. from works connected with water. o r by
creating rift amongst parties. (15)
ifq~i ifqOj",I:i/I<t ~ ~ fl~,"i)G4ql~ ~ MSJhlOliiweil'! eftli?ll
'!.<i1~qjJu'l <iT I
d=t:'$4>i(!1O(Q1If.:qi?llf<1 &'<1(1 e"ikiql?iR\ tn ij ~ l(!1'1<:11 "'I~Ri f! w.rr
ifqlahll<:ll"'~ I I ~ 6. I I
All planets when located in their own sign. in the Navam sha of
their own sign. in a friendly sign. or in the degree of their exalta-
tion. or in the decante of their own sign. or in the cardinal houses
(1st 4th. 7th & 10th) o r in their positive signs(see shloka 53 of chap
I)"or when strong by vi rtue of their temporal stre ngth or when
located in the Navams ha belonging 10 the sign occupied by them.
give nice results in their Main and Sub-ruling periods. (16)
dd~"'I I"'I!hltft "" tlt:i/h ~oq;lolI'd
"iiTftf "'I1<HfflOP : I
ql<fhin <iT a""1"1I~lIfu<il "" am ~ <it '1W; IfiOilq : II ~1311
<:1~41~~I+'4lft1~I'{lIm "" <it "" ~ ~lt!"4af!!ffi : I
dd(Qlcfl ,!fa~'<:11~4'li"1r ""'1M \llli"'~dll~"'l4'l:i/'<I II ~ c t I

One dealing with natal/?r horary Astrology. should declare the

trailS and characteristics of a house as lost when th e planel having
its Main or Sub-ruling period is (a) the lord of the 8th house from
th e house under considerat ion (b) when the planet having its
Main & Sub-period is kharesh i.e. lord of the 22nd decante (sec
sh loka 16 chapter I) or (c) when the said planet is Saturn as the
lord of the decante of Ihc said house. or (d) is the lord of Ihc sign
occupied by Maandi or(e) is the lord of the Navamsha sign orlhe
lord of the sign occupied by Maandi. or (0 is located in a bad
house such as 6th. 8th or 12th or (g) it is Adhi Shalru i.e. bitter
enemy of the lord of the hou se involved (see sh loka 17 of chapter I)
or (h) when that lord is in a sign having no good point in the
Ashtak Varga system. (l7 & 18 ).
qGl'iIl'Jtl(~lhlqli""'lq l~lqd4iftl it m: I
a, ~:i/IT "lRlY<:I1 <'fi&!q '<I(Ri "t.4"'1;:O;; ~ I I ~ Q, I I

The following planets when weak bring about death in their

Main and Sub-ruling periods:- (a) the lord of the Navamsha sign

occupied by Suturn(b) Ihe lord oflhe Na\'umsha s ign occupied by
M a andi, (c) Rahu (d) the lord of th e Navamsha sign occupied by
" Khar" (see previous shloka) the lo rd of the 8th house from the
Asce ndant & the lords o f the Nava mshd signs occupied by all
these. This ha ppens when Saturn in tra nsit c rosses the bad signs
!ouch as the one in 8th hous e etc. (19)
14'1lf1q: ~ {41"0o:ql(41.~"':~~~tHMrl! 1
~Wlrt tI'1'1I~ : qlqlP-<t\i d<;qqo:f m I I~ Q I I
~: qN6' 1 <i~1l: flI l ... ilC?!J1rt ~ra4 I(!'1 ~QIi'l I
'1l'1 l d'1l~l P1'I~"'.1(ial( fI'.ll'1""ffi' ti4"'C'J1~~t1lrz:j" I I~~ II
In case th e lord of the second ho use (th e H o use of Wealth) is
havi ng its M ai n ruling pe riod and the re is th e Sub ruling period of
<loy or the pla nets-Sat urn, Mars, Rahu and Su n- then the Sub-
pe riod will give loss of wealth. So al so is the case, if the second
ho use contai ns a malefic planet ( 20) in the da sa of a malefic
pl aneL lord of the 2nd hou se & in that of the lo rd of the sign
oc~up icd by th e said mal efic lord o f the 2nd housc. there is loss o f
Weal th. brought about thro ugh th e punishm ent orders o f the
Governmcnt. There is al so at that time relinquishment of pos ition
and opposi tion from the nc ar and dear ones. (21)
Shloka number 20 ma kes no m ention of !he influence of the
m a lefic Sub-period lords on the M a in-pe riod lo rd. It is. therefore,
d e<tr Ihal there is always the innuence o f the p la ne l havi ng ilS Sub-
pl.'r.iod o n the pla net ha ving its M a in period. T his s ho uld be taken
as a law and applied \0 all Sub-pcriods 10 ge l co rrect results.
(2) The wo rds " ~ .. (Ta d Is ha ) in the opening pa rt of
sh lo ka num be r 2 1: go to s how tha t lh e lo rd o r ! h ~' .;ig n occupied by
the lo rd of a ny house aels as the laller. Thi s is on the basis of the
th eo ry of dispositorship.

QIQQ8IUIIQQ6itllij'l QIQ'liifll'!l ~rw ~ m r

lld4d41'1I~31+:i1e:(IDti U 'EI'I14Ifa ~ -{tq : II~~ II
~ ~ iill14., I ",?iIl C1 t<lIIMIIti1 tl1'!1114 qR1 I
~i!flli'iqi5I(<tltd1 ~ qilo; i (4t ;M[ ih~ (,>MI : t I ~ ~ I t
W hcn bo th the Main and the Sub ruling pe riod arc of a malefic
p la n et, th e time indicates the destructio n, loss c.le of the articles of
food. finan ces. ho nour, sons a nd brothers. Whe n these Main a nd
Sub pe riod lo rd s arc he ne ncs the re is no har m. (22)

During the Main ruling pe riod of a bcnclic. placed in the second'.
house and th e Sub ruli ng pe rio d o f a benefic lord o f the second
house. one gets wealth. The n there is also pleasure fro m speec h
alHJ the so ns. (23)
The rati onale heh ind th e n.:s uhs in both the ca ses lies in the
pri n ciple that th e SUb- period lo rd always inOuen ces the Main-
period lord.

m~II"I l 'l"cll'lio;flt ! :'ti 'E1'!i"lifa ~\l~fq 11';('d II

E\'Cn if th e lord of the 3n.l house dl'noles good, the n a tive will
s uffer from lire. wea pons or thieves if there is the M ai n rul ing
period of a maktk lo rd o f the 3rd house conjoined 10 a malefic
planel and the Su h-perio d 100 is of malelic planets. (24)
4i~l\le61ql1Q1"'(li~~' '.1 '1.,hi;Sif'l8!Q ~6C"l I
dt ~vfG i Q"'i'iC;i"l<fllt~ ~$ ~!/I'hl "11R:a ' 11 ~ '( I I

Duri ng I he rnai n ru ling period of <l malefic lord o f the J rd hous::

there is tro ubl e fro m fire, th ieves and Governm ent Th ere is al ~o
inertia of mind : hut ifi l is a spl'cted by a b e nefic plan et. lhere is no
such trouhle. (25)
~ +i ~"'''''i i!ii ~ q1!I!4!ii1 ~1 \i\..,q ,HiO 111'1 II 151(<fIlcl I
"'1Tl1;jql:1?1 ei?l(loII \OiQfd;(\\4 : el!i~~;j1tlllij 11'1 6.11
During Ihe Ma in ruli ng period oflh e lord of the Jrd h o use & th e
S u b-ruling period or m ale ric p la net s the re is loss o fbrOlh c rs & al so
rift with them. (26)
Again note the facl lhal lhc resuhs in the shloka arise from Ihe
malenc inOuelU:e cxc rt(d on th e M a in ruling period lord by the
pIa net ha .... ing its S ub period and this is irre spective o f th e locatio n
o f the Two in the horoscope.
Ifl?li~q~q ~CI(E"I QlllQi510iiINI5I(/fi\cl I
fi4H~ aI~"1iVlqR1 olt,,*ie1'ii"liI'lQI5I(<f;I'Q 11'1\9 1'

During Ihe Main ruling perio d o f the lord o f th e 4th h o use and
the Sub-rulin g perio d o f malefics, there is relinquishment o f
residence & Ihe loss o f brothers. Similar resuhs fo llow during Ih s
Su b-periods of planets Ihat are H' aeOllllaUUIJ. vi all; Cl... l'lJ"," u U)

th ~ Sun. (27)

The Sub-period of Sun. Salurn and Rahu o r of their dispositors
is partieu la rly instru menia l in bringing about eh unge of residence
as Ihc~e 3re a lt factors of " Sepa ration". inOue nei ng the house of
residence. (4th)
~\l1t llRfta t:{J'l!4 ~ qiq<AijIUI! f! ~M;j(.~ I
<I il hn'llf IIq~""(iu rt !(!l4 Ui5 ~ ~ ~ I I ~I;; II
Du ri ng the Mai n period o f Ihe lo rd of the 5th ho use. and the
Su h-ruling period of malefics. the native gets confusion of intellect
and bad IOod. But if the Suh-peri od lo rd is a henefi c. il docs not
happen. (28)
II is slaled Ihat the nali ve wo u ld s uITer from taking of bad food.
Th is is ohv iou sly the result of th e affliction ofl he 5th house wh ich
re pre~en l.~ the hel ly. Ju st as Ihe4th house fro m the Hou seofGa in s
( 11th) is the pla('e. wh ere income is deposi ted. on the sa me amllngy
the 4th house from the 2nd house o f Food is the I~") od lying in Ih e
stomac h, whic h gets bad as a result of the m all-lie innue nce o flh e
male fi c pla nets having th "i!" Suh-period.
(i 'l1iff1:q1~04fi1;::j "lrinll~~ i! ~a([Qii,,! I
3hihll/lqj4 <tIG!tt fd \liWlifilMF!lt!tVI : 1 1~ q, II
Duri ng Ihe Main ru ling pe riod ofth ... lord of the 6th hOll se and
Ihe Sub period of malefk pla nets Ihe native s uffers f~om the
order,\ ()ft he king. fro m thio:ves o r from ch ronica lly had habits as
a lso from di seases like sem inal trouhles. colic pain s. consump-
tion, or hil e. (29)
F ro m a sl udy of the shlo ka it woul d b ... seen th at the bad result s
in re!!a nJ to wea lth and hea lth ha \'e arisen as a resu lt o flhe a nIie-
tinn o f th e 6th ho use. Thu s it wou ld be rig hllO assu ml.': Ihal lhe 61h
house is prima rily o ne of "hea lth" & of di sease o nly whl.':l1
atll icted.
m~i qlq\lM,<I,*, ii; (B<li ft.!( I1(VI "if 'lfQl : I

f?4~~I<li;::j ~ 'jtlQ "1.'lI 'fl0 \OI~~'iQR1<tliQ(P~ i Iqo I I

During the Dasa of the malefic lord of the 7th houst:. there is
opposition from wife. or even her death. There is also foreign
traveL lrouble in the semen and rectum as also the wrat h of the
Government. (30)
rill1 <tit ~~ OI'fi~fiJ~i1~IU"'l 1'{j H~i",~ 'HiO II Hq !W<til 8'1 I
3l1q4~IIP.h.,fq1!~14 9" i.;1':'I4~t?e!?ti.;(IOiiY I I~~ II

During Ihe Main ruling period ol"the lord ol"lh.:: 8th house and
the Suh-period of Rahu. Mars. or Saturn. then:! is the loss of Lon-
gev j Iy. fa me and weal th of self and the destruction of wi ft:. rdatives
& hro th er~. O J)

f<1'11'&i:fM~ f<i<Ir-.rr 9" ~~~ e6~f;VI"l :

"141 ~ q:fff11 ~~I 1M qlEf. :?f.t:r-i1 (I (I fE PH I ftlq l 1111 I I ;;! '1 I I

During Ihe Main ruling period o f the lord of the Illh hOllse and
the Sub-nlling paiodofSaturn. Mars. Rah u or the Sun Ihe native
suffers in his career. gets opposition from his brothers. Iravd s Lo a
foreign land & has rift wilh his brothers. If the lord of the 9th is a
benefic. these results an: modi fied in the Suh-period oftht.' benefic.
( 32)

<til (I' )ilIlll M (i:jifif ~ 1: ("Cj GI@$I 'M"< "I~ t Ii I

~qH.qI'i'1(l'lfdli7i\1 QI4\HlloIIHQ<tllBilfcl II~~ II
During the Main r,uling
, pniod of the lord oflhe 10th house and
the Sub-period of tllilleries there is liklihood of getting imprison-
ment. sorrow. bad dreams. a 11(\ grt.'at mental worry. During this
pt.'riod the native gt;IS defame. en)
~~ ,~ \!lI.NP1 ~d,<ii:1( 1:54f'HI!iR" '" i
(""'lI(qi'hI:~~"'HIOII Cfll"lh~ f*lfA41<:<U;lqlij II~(I t 1

During the Main ruling pniod orlhe 10ft! oflhe II th hOllse and
Ihe Sub-pe rio d ofmakl"ics Sun. Mars. Rahu orSalurn the lT is loss
of things. paucity of ',,"Ork &. iocom...: & ""'"I"alh from the
~~~1"~.1~4 di'Hii'"lffiT ~~'i.AjI,:""Jj41~(.l: 1
'.fiitTr:,"Pi'r l1R'"."Rri 9" U"~ liffil'=lftel~I~'!H II ~'~ II
JJllfing the Main ruling period of the lord orthe 12th house and
the Sub-period of Saturn. Sun or Mars there is mental grief. con-
sumption. loss of honour and wealth. During the Sub-period of
R.dlU there is trouble from serpent. {35J
ij\(hlvl~4ql\'<fi<rl <"lf4:t?l "lI"ft ~1?'liW'lii~: !
31r41rt1Qt6ire",e:illifliffl f'1l1'1"':!Mejl "1(01 ~~ II~S.I
wGtl iflfpAR"l e:~ii~4r'1 fi!lfiii(AIi'iol J;t-11"'l1JlIMi : I
:iiiqidd : 'EltRlall>ll:ll<:til6tr,1 !li!(!OIT q:,'~141$~f.q,: II ~\9 I I

In case the Suh-period lord IS a temporary friend of the planet

h a \ing its Main period it gives halflhe had resu lts of what it would
gi\ e when it is the enemy orthe Main Dasa lord. During the period
\-"hell the Ma in Dasa lord and the Sub-perio d lord a n.:: lo cated 6th
& .sth to ~' ach other there is rclin4u ish ment of office or ewn
lkaill. (.16)
The learned people clarify in dewi l the res u lts oCthe Ma in an d
Ih,' Sub-periods of planets. We have of lh.'cessity. narrated their
result ~ in a language or brevity. (37)

f4~$W1Ift'1qB'ldl~ uW ~ '~TFi~115~fi'l I
-)If'-"'l11W"1Ie:Q ltI f?ittlllil Dir l:l"i:I ~ "I~""'1(IOIIY II ~t; II
~11(ill 11 i'+JIijq <;I J("""l(ill;'j \.ft"'Jiif?l f<I iii '!Ie:f: d
'3H~H(ilI<i fQ"4$ft:eziii'J ~QI,!~~'1lf;:>jij : E04lij 1 1~G, II

When during its transil the Sun comes 10 the 3rd sign from that
o f the 1st co nception. or when it comes in trans it to the 5th or 9th
hOllse from the Ascendant at the time o f other conceptions. people
are born. (38)
h'ople weI! versed in the science oLtstrology arc of the opinion
thaI the Ascendant at the time of birth i~ the same as sign that con-
stitutl's the Ascendant at conception.
In C:1SCS where the Ascendant"at the ti m e of conception cont<lins
a !wllefic p1<lnet or is aspected by a henefic. 1h(' n a livL' born is long-
lived. w jl,h power and afiluence. (39)

IF414Y;1:i f~Q2flw'1ilt2:i ~: TJtj~~<l1 I

~ f4Qifliflihl \'l:J1"""l i4t Q !ii1'1~ fi:lQIIJ'lI'1 11'd0 II
if from the Nishek Lagna the 5th. 2nd and the 91h houses arc
,1 ~P l'Ckd by benelic planets or by mak planets and if there is the
N<lvamshd of a male planet in the Ascendant ill the time of
Ni shck. birth of a male results. If contrary is the yog a a femak is
born. (40)
. .
f.,qctlwot ~I;jlt;fl ~ (611I'l;::(l ~ lIfi' qlq,tIG : I
MSlfifil ~ i!la'flltl;f\' ij11fi;1dW. I d!4i~i!1 CIQ 1I'd ~ I I
Whc=n at the ti me of Nis hck Lagna. there is. in thatiagna. Mer-
cury or Saturn aspccted by mal.etics. the birth will be on ly of a
piece of fl es h. But not so if that Ascendant is aspcctcd by
bene tics. (4 1)
f.:\flC6WotQI18ilHI<1I <iI''1~dI i\Q'l@i;t4i!l : \411:1 i
q;dJClO'i~"'I ~ Ptilctlffl';":\l/i!l(R1H:filil ~ i l'd~ i 1
The location of the lord of the Ascendant and of the 3rd ho use in
the Ascendant o r in the 3rd house gives rise to the birth of
twin s. (42)
The situat ion together ofl he Self of the nalive represen led by the
lo rd of lhe Ascendant& of its coborn represenICd by the lord of the
3rd house is essentially wha t contitutes a (win birth. We consider
th at th e yoga fo r Iwin birth ' be<:omes certain if M'lrs-the
s ignificalor of broth ers & Mercury - the factor of " Plu ral ity" a lso
take pari in the yoga in volving lagna. For exampl e. if Mars is in
Ascendant in the sign with Mercury. th e yoga beco mcs certain. fo r
all the fa ctors are togcther in lagna.
Here is the horoscope of a twin. It would be seen that Moon in
lagna is the dispositor of Satu rn, the lo rd of the lagna. Hence a ny
innuence on Iligna would also be o n Moo n & Saturn. The
innuence o f Mercury i ~ there.

Sincc Mercury is lord of the sign occupied by Mlirs Ihe influ ence
of Mercury o n lagna & ils lo rd (Moon as Satu rn) means Ihc
influencc of Mercury. lord o f Ihe 3rd hou se. and th e signifi ca tor of
thc 3rd house (Mars). An intimale link having been established

('1'4+C1( <ilq.I ~ f"' t!,.01 o:j'j.n""Yf" ma- qINI;j : t
Nm ~ fl!II!1 i 4 '1ti'il(~~~;j'tt'!tt : \4h'J 1I 'd ~ II
itt "'(Ill') 'jF<?ijH ~ e.4,tt( !fl f.N4W!:dl I
I\<U810,1 ~ $4IIQII:'I'4 \JI1<:i1(~~ftcd4:1"1bj : 'E'41(J I ('d 'd II
<iI' .,f.SI"Ilill'J\"'i~"l6I ,,1 ;j. ilq~~ ~ ~ f?i"llil I
II!"1!HlIUII ~ $?II' n-tt1 lJIl*"!lREMfQbj : \41(J 11'd'( i I
Qlli\$$6rtlW "I'ld ~'lif.:qa ~ (fld., ~ I
(j~4~"'I$,cnl'lI.,~il "1 ~ 1 {j~Ri1'\'Iqtt : t"Q1<i I 1'd5. I ,

belWeen the lagna & th e lord & s ignificator o f th e third house.

togeth er with fa ctor of plurality by Merc ury. T he twin birth is
If the lo rd of th e lagn a is in' the 10th ho use and Ra hu in the
lagnd. the child's fee t come out of the wom b fi rst. I f t he lord o f the
8th house and Rahu are in the lagna the child is enveloped in ser-
pent like um bilica l cord. (43) If Rah u & Gulik are togeth er in ken-
dra o r if the lo rd o f the 1sl & 8t h houses arc together and the
decante in the Ascen da nt belongs to a ma lefic planet. the child is
em-eloped in th e serpe nt like cord in the womb. (44) T he s:-t me
resuh fo llows if there is serpe ntine o r egg decante in Ihe Ascendant
and the d ecante is with its lord without good aspec t. (45) If Ma rs o r
Saturn is in ally of the lagnas Aries. Ta uru s. l co. the child in the
wo mb is e nvelo ped in the limb denoted by th e sign of the
lagna. 1.46)
~ f!41q 1(1!04(Q$t:2 (1'1""'''11'41 ",f8diQ ~ I
414<;181QII ~ f~t>1'''1.q bjI m:ro "1ti1 f.. ~ft;::: 111 'r : 1 1'd\9 t I
!ii(klt (iii ""' i';' q(te) w=t ~ " 1f1HI1Q1&.! 1
(ifrif ~ '{f4Wt"" J&2: \JIllj l1lt "11 "if1~f+<H I 'I : 'l'dcI 1

I.- ma lefic occupies the Ascendalll and ma ny ma letics aspect the

lagna o r ifRahu o r Ketu is there. o r if the lagna cont ains too many
malefic pl anets. the na tive is enve loped wit h the cord. (47)
If malefic surrou nd the Ascenda nt a nd Rahu
, i~ t here o r if Mars
and Sun areas pected in it o r Sulurn is there aspccled by Ma rs. the
pa rt indica ted by the Nava msha is enveloped with the con \. (48)
4(tQ(ffi?if!i4I ~o:l ~ ~ 8rij41 'lI4i ~~fie:l4tl1 I
ti1'4 Q ~( ~ f81'fi1lt4( ~ UNII~'l:ffi ",,,oj ~ t I'd" r r
If the lord s of the firsl a nd the 41t> houses ure loca ted in each
OI hcrs s ign & ifeitherthe lord oflhe lsi o r o f lhc 4th is situated with
Rah u o r KelU, the yoga indicates birth of a n an imal. (49)
qrtIT ilt?Il>: q i ~"<!1!B1 m"4 i 1'tt4<fi1 if{.;p i ffi +~i 4'1 if i
~PeRlj~j <l f~41Pit!11 ot 1:I'l04~1 ~;:q qafu <:I>J;Ii ; 11':(0 I I

Ir themalefic plancts are strong and the benefics weak & the
e u nuch planets i.e. Saturn and Mercury are in the ca rdinal house.
o r whell these two plan ets aspect an As(,:e ndant indicating an
an imal, (h e yoga leads to the birth or animals.
'lIQI' qt11~\jI : (211'* IN""'I : rr:zn:. (2IilS(jf (I~$nt : t
'1ijW'!:l -Jl'o:t1 ,.i! fq<fi~ q~ra Qilf'}Ilct(ql(IIHI : I I\(~ U

When in a nativ ity the malefic planets arc sirong & occupy their
own sign and the henefics arc located in a sign other than their
own & wh ere the Ascend a nt contains an <mirnal sign the wise
;J uthors take it as a yoga for animal birth. (51)
mit ~iflIO'i ~ RI<'!1 I "l'{d "Ii!1if;:qMQ !l"tul ~ I
uWt 'ift ~ ~ <:I....,ql~ ~ ...1f.t\jritftr ~ hlnfi ~ II\(~ II

I f in the Asce nda nt th C!re is th e deCl,lnle of a bird (th e 2nd

dccante of Gem in i. 1st of Leo. 2nd o fLibr u and first of Aqu a rius
are bird del'a mes) and the Ascend;~nt is aspected by ~ strong
p lanet & when the s ign & the Nava m sha in the Ascendant is of a
movahle sign. or of Merlury. thc bi rth the n is of a bird. (52)

'~ Ih"'l~ "l~lSZIi : \{4V<:q Jt '1I~ ~ : "W< : i

(1E2i'5!iRlf Bftdll'( rir
~ ::mji ...... qf(lf(ll'(i..a : " I\(Q Ii

If the yt) ~a me ntio ned in thc previo us. shlo ka is aspecl ed by

Venus. th e birth is of a cow. If it is associated with o r aspected hy
Sa turn. th!! birt h i .~ of a huffalow. Ifhy Rahu or Ket u. the b irth is 01
<J Ra m. Sim ila rly o ther animals art' born wh en th eir respective
sig ns arc in the Ascendant. (53)

~ .,.q$ "ll!df{"11~ W4",~ tiI"l\i<I!~hilf4 t

"'18ft!> i!i1f"I$1g;B41~I':"""I(41'I\?i(;Qi?j ~: 11'('0 I I

I f the lord of thl! oth house is loca t~d in the Ascendant in Ihc sign
) f Mercury and Ihe lord o f the A s ~endant occupies the sign of
\1 ercury the mall alo ng with his wi fe is impote nt. In the !iaid yoga.
f Saturn <luJ Mil rs take pan Ihen the mak him self only ",III be
mpoten t. (5-1.)
Sat u rn & M..:n.:u ry a re impotent planet s. Here is the ho roscope
of an impotent perso n.

Rahu. who always al.:h like Saturn-the impotl.'I1I. is ful ly
aspecting the 7t h house and its lord. Merl'u ry. ill10tlw r im pol l'lll
planc l. is al so inllue ndn!,! the 7th ho use and ils lo rd. SU Ii is wilh
the 7th house a nd its lord as lord o r th t' 12th house. S.l1u rn 100
as pects the 7th hou se nnd ils lord. Venu s Iht' semen is hl' lllrll ed ;I\
bem'een Saturn and Merc ury. disposilo r of Rahu <.!II.:. In \ il,:w o f
heavy impotency in!1uenl.:e on all fm:tors of sex impo le nq

dj"41 "4$<>i!i lIIf\!l::ct ('l {~n 1f"4I-:q 'U"5J1"1itf1! I

j'll~Vil "It WI ~ tfi'H"IW f"l'ld(kiatt 11 '('.( I I
-f l g; ~ t'f*"loj"lM'" jl:Iq~ TIi'r4l'l$SC : I
g;41'1l'II~i~~ ~ ~ ~61"'Ni!I fJlQUIfl(R t t~q, I I
~?Q<Al"l<:fPii : '1MI~ i!!ffli : !flffil "l1!!~".'QU6I~f?l4: I
(i\l~'!4(~'Ei\:\!~"1 W'i: ~ 11~<':\1~Ujtlil'1 W'i: 11 <,(\9 i I

Th e rollowing arc the 6 yogas Ihal gi\"e birlh to impotl.'nI

perso n ~

(a). When Sun Clnd M oo n aspect c ..1I.: h o ther.

(h). When Saturn and MI.'n;ury occupy dual signs.
(e). When Saturn occupyi ng an odd sig n aspects the Sun or
when Saturn is in dU:ll sign & aspel.:ts th e SUIl.
(d). When Moon is located in odd sign inlhc Ascl'nda nt a nd i.~
as pecled by Ma rs lOca ted in a dual sig n.
("::). Whc:n Moon & Mercury arc occupying: an even and odd
sign respectively & wh e n the Moon & the A~l.:e!\(Jant arc aspected
by M ars.
(I). W hen the lord of th e lagna is with~ Mercu r)'. (55-57 )

[-WH'M $*(t"1 1 ~'11~1 ~ fql" '''II~qf.:leltt:I:fi't i
6lI=l dCflii1fi! ~ ;mlr 'l~"""( : lliiiQfl:I<N~ ffiIl' i I<;(r:: I I

If the lords oflhe 10th &9th houses are loealed in one of the bad
houses, 6t h. 8t h o r 12th and the lo rd o flhe Asc.:endant is strong. the
boy even if bo rn in a high famil y is wilhout the ceremo nies such as
'seem an!" (a sanskara i.e. ceremony performc<.l during the pre-
gna ncy of a woman). (58)
~ Eiqlq ~ tr:qt ~ m Of{ : llioqf"i>:iilfQ ffi{ I
Rni\<c4 "("f l 'It d,,4) ....jJGiI 41~Itfq 'l1 "i4 1 1 <;(~ II
'1!!1IQi'{-4if!':lqRl : {'I(I~alt 'l1'fl'
'1~<tliiji(iQt : ,
m ~Q1I'1iftlqfd : fI(l:t1 : ~ft:rq~~4f1qf.4~1i I iliO Ii
In case Ih ~re is a ma lefic pla net o r a ma lefi c s ign in Ihe Illh
house. the boy even ifh e he the fir st born is with a sanskara such as
is perform ed during pregnancy.
If the lagna is Leo Ih e <.lei ivery room has [WO doors. IrVi rgo is the
i<lgna the hirth takes place in a third dass house. (59) Th e direction
of thC' door is ( i) in the direction ort he lord of the Navams ha in the
I.. gna {iii in that o f th e lo rd of the 51h house (iii) in Ihal o f the
st rongesl pl a net (iv) in the direction or lhe planet in the kendra (v)
in that of the lord of th e decatlle in the lagna. (60)

!!Ii'OliRltt:i:fi'4\{fdCflI~ i
ffif ~ q11~ ~ ~ ~ IlIfiQ'lIfi4:fl m 11 &~ II
(i i41J11Wli l'fiiQ 'lI1\?tHI NdlJfhfRlflJ'ii Ill?:<ei i
~ '1!<:'li74qW:1 <16 tI ~~ l:lj;;ql(iditl41 '4WB4')Pli!I i i &~ i I
The ladies a ttending at the lime of delivery s hould he deter-
mined from the pla nets located in the 2nd 12th and the 10th
houses. Ii' in o ne of th e~e houses there is Saturn the Woman
belongs to th e shudra class. If it is the Sun, she belongs to the
ks halri ~'a (wllrrior) class. (6 1)

If there is Rahu or Ketu. the attending woma n belongs 10 a low

class. Oth er planets there denote the attending woman as belong-
ing 10 the class of the planet concerned.
The women attending s hould also be delermined from Ihe
planets in the 2nd. 12th & the 41h house. (62)

dR'<li1~ : ifI'ld61:1<i: F$RlIii~fl?l fl8R:-l~!t'" I

:Ji~'~'PI'i!><i!'{'l'aeli ft;Iq~tf@4Cffi1Ifl:1( I I'fI ; t l &iI! I I
~ 4Iql~lfIt:f~'1 dl(11 q ~611'i'=I~(f"'d I
(1l'4JIIRI[ efta!! ~ '1"l1if::Aljfij')i 'iiI .. ""'! _ .11&'& II
'JiID1T "if ~ fltqcn qiti.'tll 41'u<;Q\!lft.lrt IFf<CC4 fjq l'i I
~:Qair U'!l 'lUi"" f l iNljl~qllf~dtj;:j(;:{; 11 6.'( 11
~'Illl ~~:<:bl a<t044y;:ffi~lfIiIi"~~?! "~fqllli: i 16.6. 1 1

Th e ~aste etc shoul d be determined from the planets in associa-

tio n with the lords of the houses (mentioned in Ihe previous
sh lo ka ).(63)
As against the opinion o f some who conside r that it s hould be
consiuen:u from the planets in these hosucs. Jupiter. Men; uiy unu
Venu s in these hOll ses denote the wom en auending deliver)' as
belnnging to the Brahmin class. (64) In case these planets are
occupying the Navumsha of a malefic planet the women will be
wiJ ows. If Ra hu or Ketu is located in a bad Nava ms ha there the
woman would still be of the high class but widow.
[n case of Sal u rn there the woman wou ld be o f black co[ou r& a
hUIl Ch back. (65) The number of the attending women sho uld be
J Clc rmincd from Ihe number of planets involved. The number is
many if many plan ets are located in one sign. ~(6)

41qfA :qi:q\fll~Ii'i(r." 'It WR ~lf.f ~ ~ mil ~: I

~ dffit;J~a4'I'I"'l,,",! El6I1'i 11&13 1I
~ ~a'ct?l f:tl!iilfl{OI ~f"'Hil"llij m ~~f<fiI",<:1"1 11&t:;1 1
If the Ascendant is a movable sign. the lam p will bc moving by
being laken from place 10 place. Iflagn'l is fixed Ihe lamp is slab k .
Ir il is aco mmon sign Ihe lamp would be in Ihe hand. The nu mbe r
of la mps al birth should be declared by the nu mber of planels in
the lagna. (67)
The co ndition of oil should he told from the Moon while the
wick of the lamp should he told by the cond ition of the lagna. Thus
opin e some. (68)

~ir (2iI cQfq?ll:n f41QjQI'lclfQ ~ 1

~U I5 ~ rt ~ ~ 1tIr.J~iH 11&' 1I

iii'~:n "'1E1y;:a=, t";:i: ~UI'lcl ~ t

4N A ~(f1&! ~ ~ ~ Tl: 11'00 1I

Good bodily health should he predicted when the lord or the
Ascendant is ~ituatcd in his sign of exaltation, or in the Navamsha
ofa fricnd. orin the :'\favamsha sign belonging to himsdfor '.... hen
associated with or aspecled hy benefic planet (69). Whl.'l1 the lord
of the As<.endant is strong in a cardinal or trinal house. and is nO!
under the aspect of any malefic planet then also good hodily
health should be predicted.
~tj<ffi<t1im ~ ;:;rr.;~ ~~lfiq8 I
qJrifm 'E"ftcijlJfm "l~'51'1i'lIct\fa"'l11 11\9~ II

If the Sun is located in the "Dev Lok" division (see shlokas::'5

chapter 1) & the lord of the Ascendant is strong. the lord of Ihe 91h
house is in ils sign of exaltalion. the native becomes famous
:1nd fortunate.
ii1l1IR:llnRl"l61qlo-lI!"MI,{"<::f;: 'E"ft c4 m:'5'ii5lj'1: '!41qi~ <IT I
W 111"1111':1'8 ~8 l:lft '-l;;;: 11 "-t ~ il lIct\ffil111""1 fl:t (I <:f I'd I 113 Z: I I

If the lord of the lagna is (a) very strong (h) is in the varga of
benefic plancts (cl is exalted(dl is with a friendly planet (el is in the
Navamsha sign helonging to itsclf(f) is associated with a benelic.
{gl is with Ihe lord of a kendra the native has best of afflu('ncl.'.
fame. wealth, grains & prosperity. (72)

~: 1ti.(''''P''lpq''Wi$~6f4 oro'l4IRf?HlW'II{: I
'1i~qq,c:+i ;:rrvJ 'Idi~ ~ ~fmal!"'N>~ijR;:;q~i f4i'1 1 1 \9~ i I
~'fRli1i'HI~ ~ ~(YjI1 1"i"4 ~~ij'4 '8"ftr (j'i1"lifflliij I
~ tA G! if14 '8"ffi (Y11""1" ;wT R Pl '*'M 1" ~ itrT 111"2fi 811 q I I\9 b' I I
w4""l(lf~Rd (1~111><it "!'fRlI1.n ~ ~ ~ (Cqlq I
W1111: "41~l!q( urn 1T~:~ \1.1W1IR ~11l!i"'lI: IIIJ\( II

If the lord of the lagna is located with a malefic planet. it harms

the health etc. The same is the result if it is in the 8th house. If well
aspected it gives good health etc. (73) In case the lord of the lagna is
located with the lord of any of houses 6th, 8th or 12th or if the lord
of anyone of these bad houses is in lagna one suffers bodily. If.
however. the lord of the lagna is weak but located in a kendra or
tiine one does not so suffer. (74) The lord of the sign occupied by
the lord of the lagna is located in any of the bad houses 6th, 8th or
12th gives a weak body. Whatever be the house lSI, 2nd. 3rd etc. if
the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of any house is badly
placed the house suffers in its traits. (75)
It would be seen from .~hloka number75 that the dispositors of
the lords of tile various houses act for the traits of the houses eon-
cerned. Thi~ i ~ a very important rule and should never be lost
sight of:
ql'~P.!(dr.r ~ f'n:lo'r ~"~f<'l'1I'4lJR!:I::f;;'1 ~ I
~ffi f.!T1l ~S"4 ~ nit 'RT 'l"Fi "'<i11:" ~T 11\35: II

~i1~ til'II'ilfCl"il"fl1141
l=ITfu ~ '"1'"11 ;ffi:"'~: I
mt rnT"it ("f'*i~<llof;' m1 '{::;,flili48j~{I<'1j: 11 '3\311
~ 'i411d tA(1(i; ~;:jI ....\1 i! m
'""11"'4: I
~ (i5i ~ f-Ai1cil ~ 'flit lOllY>. ~ ~ ! !'3~ I 1

If there is more than one malefic planet in the Ascendant anu

the Gulik is in a Irinal house or if Rahu & Gulik are in the Ascen-
danL if the lord oflagna is with a malefic planet and Rahu is in the
lagna then one is prone 10 be cheated or to suffer at the hands of
thieves & thl.' officials of gov..:rnml.'n1. (76)
If there is also the association of Saturn th~rl.' is ..:ertainty of the
said cheating de.
If Rahu is in the Ascendant with Mars the Acharyas take it as a
yoga for the native to have enlarged scrotum. (77)
If the lord of the As..:endant Manui al1d Rahu are located in the
Hlh house or if Rahu is in the Ascendant. Gulik in a trinal house.
and Mars is with Gulik Ihl.' same trouble should he predicted.
~~ q (I \tii d<1<::~1 Fjj\'.i1 (I Ge(I( 14 i<zll fOl [\:j( f.:q d~ 1
1jft,.,'1 "i;;:;o"F'l!f~6i",,"ilw::i,!wwp;f~lqf<!l : tA(I~: i 1130.. 1 i

If the lord of the Navamsha sign occupied by the lord of the

lagna is located with Rahu. Mars. Mandi ete and if the lord of the
;..javamsha occupied by the lord of the tllh house is with Rahu. the
result is the same viz the enlargement of the scrotum. (79)

~~ ~W1 ~ Qjqif.<ld QIQfe1clifCfia ?IT I

fi;i~'1it;lgINoi"r"d'1fiT tWilf~m ifil':lliRi ~IT: 1i~O II
111f.:lf'j"11 ~,oi'i;;'1;:jii) i.jlljlfi'il1l~ : qaq'i ~ I
<RT "1~fti'ilI;j<:::If<1<il'1 ~ "ii"idh 1" ~~ i I~~ II

If Mars is the lord of lagna and is situated in the lagna and

malefics influence it either by association or by aspect. the native
gets head injury through stone or the sword. (tlO)

If Saturn is similarly situated i.c. if Saturn is in the lagna tJndcr
the infl uence. by associution or aspect of m a lc!k pla nets. the
injury co mes through ne rvous trouble.. fire. weapons or a fa ll. The
head ofa native is big if the s ign in the lagna is o f 2 hours duration.
not when it is half of it. (81)
The idea is that the signs whose rising time is 2 h o u rs or more
( ma ximu m) when in the fi rst house wou ld m ake the first ho use i.e.
the head big in s ize.
~1!1"1!;<:<$ .~"'~lIfd""t~'m,"~'.,,,' fW: B'{ifild ~ ~: I
~ ~ (!1, .,' ld P'l<:.! 1'1 ~ <Rr ~~lcql1l~: 1 10::;~ II
w1"ffl ~'4lqd cN?:f ~J!'4'i\1g]UJf 'l4t1 'ifM tu I
l"..,IIQil.".rn ~ :{l"'fi( I:m ~ f{t"4l11d11!!i ~&! y I IO::; ~ II
&' ''l~ qpqilllq(lf~; i(f'"fl!:l llfl4fc1i''fil1l!g: 1
~ f'1Q1'1"i qtll 1t+> ;r.,ffiQ ~!;B'I ifi'.i1t"!ll1li; 110::;'6 11

If th e rising time oflhe Sign in lagna is one houf. the head of the
na tive is ~ mall. If a dry (other than watery ) plane! is in lagna & the
lagna too belongs to a dry planet the body is weak and slim.
S imi lar is the resu h if the lo rd ol the lagna is associaled with a
dry pla ne l o r is localed in the sign a f d ry pla nets. III cas...' the re is
Ihe sign ofa d ry pl anet in the la~ na and the lagna contains ma ny
malelic pla nets the resu lt regard ing the body hei ng slim
follow s. (tl4)

~ ;*..,~ ~6",~-a~ ~(Joqfm5tfe I

<i1' '' l filqfi'j)4f~j1 il d! (..1Po'il : 'EI~Qj lf.:qdf/ :ij~flkl1l!;: t 11:;<'( 1 1
~ij' "1lfqqll "' >3'Jt ~I(1Wt~(O'Ci: ~ l f>.:IdRlt ltO)., ~; I
~ :(l"l"et~' l dN "h ~~q ('4 illjqffi ~ II 0000q II
I f there is a watet) ~ igll in the Ascendant associa ted with benefic
plallo.!ts. the nativ e will have a fat hody. If th e lo rd of the Ascenda nt
is a watery pla nd & is strong & is assoeiutcd wit h henefic planets
Ihe n a Iso Ihe hody is hu l kyo(85 ) I n c a se the lo rd of the As(:enda nl is
loca ted in a walt..ry sig.n. is associated wi th a henefic planet and
as pee led by a watery pl ll nct o r if the sig n in the A seendant be lo ngs
to a benefic planet and the lOrd of the Navamsha occupied hy the
lord of the A scendant is located in a wate ry sign the native ha s a
hulky body. (86)
qlYQiillu!i "I" -:m fi!l tl 4 w1" ~~i ' ldf?:i ~ I
~ 'it ~ ~ ~ .jlQlaj.)unf?:i ;;Rf f1l'!1'1 11 0::;1.9 11

mRIlj}qa }/'I ";H:h~~ ~~ (qfcH:vtiif<l ~i@i tfd t
mr.r A (1i11dq qr t"l1f2q~II:qillitlT "!J:Rftf 'ffir: I I cc I I

If thc Ascenda nt sign belongs 0 a bene fi c pla ne t a nd it is a spcc-

ted by aliY malefic planet th e native has a fut body. If Jupiter is in
the Ascendan t or il aspects the Ascendant or if the water), sign in
th~' l ag na is aspcclcd by Jupiler p laced in a wa le lY sign: (87) jfthere
is a benefic in the A scendant which is also un der the aspl.!cl of a
bene fic planet.. even then the body is falty.
If Sa tu rn is in th e Ascenda nt a nti is with Ra hu. the trouble is
hom n Pi s..:haach i.c. a bad dead sou l. (88)

~ ~ fC : l/qifi !if1t mftl!ffi"'1'1I\l1"l t

~ f1IW 'l m ~ ~ 6$'IF::f1:r ; 41kd~8 '1l lflAi q l i t:;", II
If thc Sun loca ted in Ihe Asce ndant is aspecled by Ma rs. the
nat ivc suffers from breat h ing trouble. consumption. spleen
trou ble.
If Mars in the Ascc: nda n t is aspeL'ted by Su n and Saturn. Ihe
native is prone h) sufTer from hurt by sword etc. (89)

~ ~w't 1I'i4!4$oC flt~Il +.j 1"l( ";q f';' ~~ ~: I

0~ '.;IT ~i!I~+:4( ~ O!Itjf:ql E'l"l(f~ H id: i 1...... 0 I i

if KelU j .~ in the Ascendant a nd is aspec ted by many m aldie

pla nets the n !) u rely Ihe native suffe rs fro m the P i~ h aachaas and
thic v~s . If lh o: sign in the A scendant is a movab le on\~ or irlhe lo rd
of the Ascenda nt is loca ted in a m ov a ble sign. thl' native is mostly
on thc' move. 190)

t4 "@frffi"i~ "" tif f~qp", Ql' '1j~ ~ q 'i'lIIH Rt I

f""~}/t q l ' <l <RiI' p-!qp ;) 'It ~ 'ij( 6 ?$~ [ t '\~ I [

In ca se Ihe Ascen dant co ntain s a movable sign or if the

~ av a m s ha in rhe Ascen d a nt belongs 10 a movable sig.n Ihe man is
o n the move mos tly in life. l f the Asce nd ant belongs 10 a m ovabl e
sign. its lord is a pl anet of fast movement and is aspec ted by a fast
moving p la net Ih e native moves in foreign lan d s. (91)

lBrt w.~ ~ i'<4'lffi : f4?<t Ul ~~'FIIR <:1 : 'E4ICf I

Ili~u~ : ~ Jlr-r"11"'1I0l~li1 lI"'t'1t41'\\ I I '\~ II

~rn ~ 'l8" f'4I!"1 lilfl('ii4i ~"l q'H\![ ! fZlli;J 1

gR 1'1 ;!1 ~1 ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ '1 i'f4T f!r-) i'RJ II'\~ II

If th e lagna is a fixci..l sign and iii associated with planet s of slo w
motion (eg Jupilc r) Ihc native remains in his own country in a
wealthy a nd ][;c ky condit ioll. In case the lagna is Linda the
influence of hoth movable and ~lo w planets the natiy..:; gels luck
allli fame through had mCi.UlS by moving to dilTcre nt lerre-
tOries. (9::!)
If the lord ort he lagna is stro ng & located in ils sign of exa ltat io n
thc native possesses a sobre & influential gail. If the lord of the
lagn::! is weak Ihc native is a fool : but 1101 so. if associated with o r
aspcclcJ hy henefic planets. (93)
~ ~ m'1$1t::yft. '"I1<;!"IItt;ti ~H~ QI'l41 ' Il(j ,
:i:m 14~<;qlqiil~p.jqji 1 mr.; '1 "'1,,;qI;::q(OII 1<M!'l1J I \Q,~ I I
'1'~<;1Ii I ~ "lR hP"1"'li4 e1i c41~ ~ t4t!iCfjj.1t I

~ihd ~ ~efqi8 ;rtt .,i:j;::iq(Oil<'1~GG: 11Ci,''( 11

If lbe sign in thl.! lagoa hclollgS to a hendic pla ne t and the lagna
is a lso as pel.:ted hy a bCllefic the nat ive gets co mfo ris of life fro m
early l.:hi ld hood, Thi~ is not so. if Ihe lagna is associuted with
a ma ldi c.
In ca .~cIhl.! Asce ndant contains many malefic pl a nets. one goes
Ihrou~h trouhles throughout lik . (94)
Ifthc lord o r lhe Asc..::ndant is vargotlam or is in N a'.amsha of its
exa ltation s ign. in a frien dly iJecante or associated wilh be nefic o r
is under th e aspect of a henefic. on e lead s a co m fortable life IiI!
lkath. (95)
A reading orlhe ahove shl okas indicates tha tlhc Ascendant no!
o nly n:lah:s to coniJ itions al hirth. it cove rs also life as a who le.
T1Hlt is why the excdl..::nce of lagna & jt~ lord indicates comfort-
" hie 1.:oniJ itions throug hout life.
r;1' 1i <:'lI r; ii i1 ~ e"4 hi ~m 4i;:;;, i {l ilH!li<:ti I
~!I1"iHh7r 'lJR ~""ptI >lila. ""Itl<;lf4Q'lUltf'l6!l : I IQ,& 1\
I["natura l hen..::ficsocc upy the l~!. llih and the 121h houses. the
lurd o r th e Ascendant is located in kc nJra in strength and J upiter
is in "Simhasan" amsha (sec shlo ka 25 etc chapter 1) the native
go6 through comforts in Ihe early and m idd le porti?n of his
life. (%)
(i1l111'ft1itil l(ft$f\;c t iVI ~ :m'l'ltJoq('{ I
ql(l tl1hlT <rt'it <:l'1q,~ J\Ii'li 14i1tlfilQ'lUltJjeq : 11",1.911
If th e 1st, 2nd and 3rd ho uses a r~ asscdated wi th and aspecled
by na tural bene/ic I1lancIs. the lord o r lhe Ascendant is a benefi c
planet anti Jupiter is in .. Pa raavalaam sha" (see shlo ka 25 etc chap-
ter I) o ne gets comforts in the ea rly and middle life. (97)
m ~ fl4 i~<;;mtpit ;:f,-;;I ~ (fit 14R101c.'iI<::G : I
Q! (I:!I<'1IW <ITa' C!1'1"114 61'{ilPl:wd WSIif.:q<:?!llli I 1Q,t.:1 I
h<'!!i'~lm ~ w~il ~ I
~ l(!"i\lA~..e ~ W'J141~1(f I I Q,Q, II
mr.t :[it ~ qrft &>'1 qlq(lqAij I
QI'~~q( I'II~ 3l'Rr ~:": ffi'f: "'i"~",9 r I ~oo II
If Jupiter is located in kl!ndra. if the lo rd orthe Jagna is stro ng
anu occup ies "Paravataamsha" (see shlo ka 25 etc .:hapter I) the
nat ive is happy with wife. son. friend s and wealth. (98) If Venus is
in " Devlo ka ms ha" (sec s hlo ka 25 etc chapter I). the lo rd of the
lagoa is in. "Gopu rams ha" & the lagna is as pected by bl:nefic
plunets. the native is ha ppy in th e m iddk an d o ld age. (99) In case
the re is a benefic pla net in the lagna. the re .He malefi.: planets in
the ::' nd house & keodras and th e lord o f the lagn a is in "Ut-
ta m um sha" (see shlo ka 25 etc chapter 1) the natiw is hap py ~'x \: e p l
in th l: ca rly part of hi s li fe. (HX})
~ qrQ \f,{ ~ ",pi! ~fh~IOiU iS: I
hl'~ljT ffill$fiI ~ IQ 4 .::I1fjQlOi Jl o.q~ t I N~ I I
In elise the Asce nda nt is occupi..:d by il natural malefIC pla net.
lh ~' ~c;; ()n d and the 9th hou se I)y a bc nefi e and the lord of the
/\ scl: nd a nl is locutl:d in th.: 'O\.':vlok A msha (sec sh loka ::' 5 etc
c hap t ~' r I) lhl' native is comfurta b k in hi s ca rly life . if oppo,..;ll\! is
the Cilse i.c. the Ascendant is occupi!.!d by a ma lefic planc L th ... 2nd
a n d the 9 1h hOll se con wl;n a ma le fic & the lord of the A sce nd a nt is
wCH k in varga strength fo n .... gels su flc ring in early Ii!,!.!.
'.~ :tl4'
il'1""'fn.. - icl' ""-- f. d'
I <l "~1 "ll ..,l"'1 .. . 1 "{':
~II t4., ij : I
"../tir U~ ~ ~ B<:<tIffi~I~$li}ll (1 .~: I I N~ I I

In c ase the lord or th e Ascend a n t is siw a[cd in the IOlh house

a nd lh~' Sun is loca [ed in the ASCl'nd <l nl with nalu ra l benc!"fics a nd
Ihe lo rd o f the Asce nd a nt is in ils sign of exalt atio n. the n a tive gets
good name a n d fam e in li fe.
It is clear from th ~ shl o ka llial [hl: good situation ofth~' 1st &
10t h houses alo ng with [h e Su n lead s to fame. l SI ho use. IU[h
h Olls~' and S u n are Ihus the Ih rCl' fucto r.-l ror fa m e.
QTii ~(ijl "'~ mTir cR~~ tl4fUi qlq&e I
:fi<q14t d 'O{' ld*S~ f'*1 ~!iffi : fI q ~ 'de:I4i~ II N~ I I
Ir a ma le fi c is loca led in the A scendant th e lord of Ihe
Navamsha in Ihe Ascendant is in ke ndra (car(j ina l house) wi th
Rahu, a malefi~~ planet is situated in the 10th ho use and there is a
planet in its dehilitation sign aspecled by the S u n, the native gets
m uch d efa me in life. ( 103)

<SI1([I!<fiq ~ f<w:l'm ~I"'IINQ <:IISVI<il4':JJt> I

~qld=ilffi : Q'qa:il "1(~ ~llg.JIlfi:l ~"lhd ''''''''(1 I I ~O~ I I
In c ase Ihe lorri of the A~ ~ Clldant is h aving aa ro hi strength i.e. is
ncar ils sign of exu ltation & so also is the CUSI! with the lo rd of th e
9th house. an d each is situa ted wilh a natura l be n efi c planet. the
native gets much fame in life, (104)

3lT<'t .orO !!"I! <ih>t "'" '!'iI : W I

~pt %4( \:11'; ~ ~ GJ1l $ ~ II ~o'( It
If Venus is in the lagna.the nmive is ha ppy in the first h alfofh is
life. I n case th ere are mal efi c p la net s in the 4t h und th e 5th hou sc,
he gets tro ubles in the latter half of life. (105)
W.,11\1T: ~ <m ~ ~~ct~al~~d i(pi$F&:$'f. t
<tl"itNQ'1 ~ ;~ m- ~ ~~t 3$GI' 4iilffl !:R m<=<I r.Hl9;iPl II ~oa Ii
If the lord o f the Ascend 'lOt is located wit II a benefi c plane t in
his exa lta tion Navamsh a. in th e kend ra or a trine. under the aSI~e<.: t
ofhenefic pla net. is ..... ith th e lo rdofthe 10th h Oll se. or is in h is own
sign, the n ativc gC i.~ high IU<.:k. famc, wea lth. grains and long
life. (106)
W'1lfil4Ifcl1:4<f(!'lH ~"(1G! : ifi'i::l1>4d : ~ld~ (cK.{j4"P1t "1: I
~ ~ ta::;.ltkl 'd,fhi41,!: me' '1"1<4~fi:!t"fJt d(:n 'I"
!:ltilR!1 1I ~()\91 1

I f the lo rd o f the lagn a is very st rong. and is without the aspect of

any malefic p la ne t Oll il and is o n the other h a nd in any of the <.:al"-
dina l hou ses under the a spc,:t o f benctlc planets. the ),oga is a n ti
s ho rt life. (j ivcs lo ng life. virlues a n d wealth. ( 107)
$'i:f-Jlltatttf.,i:i't11" ~ QTqT 1i1' '''Iljqq : ''1R<'1~''-.lf'f "'IF=<I~ I
1iffqi 'dtllfPl ~ ~4~ "i1 JIll G4 1:ffiWtIi "
wr : II ~Q !;t l

\Vh c n a native has no ma lefic p lanet inthe cardinal ho.use s( l st.

4 th. 71h & 10th ) or in tri n es(5i !1 & 9th) or in theSt h ho use, and the.

lord of the Ascendant and Jupiter a re in the cardinal houses. Ihe
Iliu iw lives for a hundred 'yea r free fro m d isease. ( 108)
ifII'"tllq(Io::fddlt,;f! f.:!El:lflqUro <tro;;ffiqaf!tEl;@:'4I'laR ~ : I
d~I!!<<i<l4 III '!IT ~ *;QJOjI"ibffiII'lB41o: Q~II(tl(JOj I 'i< Rt I I ~ OQ. I I

Iflh..: lord oflh e 8th h o u se is stronger than the lord ofth ~ A scen-
dant and malefic pl a net s occupy the cardinal houses or the 8th
and the 121h house. th e native gets short or med ium life. It is o nly
a ft er fac ing dangers wi th courage that he may get long li fe.
( 10'i)
~~I 41'f"'<l1 ~W'JOj~1 ~ ft.qm I.!t"1 'fll' ldl ~ I
"I"'316C4 '!fI f@ I4'JV'1 ~ fl!'\f;jq(fa tjl"i~ "llrodl: I I ~ N I I

If Mercu ry. Venu s and Saturn arc lo!;atcd in the 9th house in the
sam e Navamshaor these arc IOGlteo in fhe /\s!;endant in the same
Nav.l ms ha & if Moon i .. in the 6tl-. o r the 8th ho use the nalive Jives
lo r 2 tho usand yea rs. (1 10)
A weak Moon in the 61 h or 8th ho use is not conduci ve tn lo ng
life. H en!;c it is implied thaI Moon should he quite strong by being
fart hest a\\'ay from the S u n.
jhi \il:tif'!ll : {l qlQlI !'It;;:1 : ~ 1(''A i11 ~"1I[);(dl <1T I
"lldl "Il: : QSl f.Jid: 'EI" !4 1 ~riI 9I' I :"' JOjII'!.!I~Q Il f';jif.aI I I ~ ~ ~ II

JOj"1~ i ~l<fifll.ll ( fo!t"1'll1 ;fr~: <fimf1A'dT EI.:I!fj1 OI \illi:"'I1 : I

<T~: '841<i1 ~4 . n f'1~Yj' ~ 'i'liMi<; : f~ I I ~ ~ ~ I i

Elq~q( '''Hill d ~ ~ ~ f!'l'l'h Of ~ i

Tft;j~(1 4 'lfoltil' I>Jild: ~11.,.....wt~. dl ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I I

Ir a l ~
th..: pl ;lno.:ts arc ]otol1eJ in ke nd ra or tri m: or the 2 nd ho u se
in the Navamsha sign bdo ll ging to Ju r,it.: r. th..: native rakes to
sanyas from childhoo d & lives tilllh t: en d o f a yuga & is Ihe author
o f many books. (III) If the Sun. M ars an d Jupiter arc in th e
Nava ms ha of Sa turn. & lin; located in the 9th or 10th ho use in
sirong:co nd ilio n and Ihe Moon is located in Ih e la st Nava ms h:. of
the lagll<l. Ihe native is wcah hy an d lives li ll the e nd o f the yuga.
(112) A person who hilS the lord o ft h elJth house located in the 9th
house & is aspcctcd hy Moo n loca ted in the Navamsha of M ars.
the nalive born in Such a Yoga. is a great muni (thinker &
phil osopher) who writes on the teac hings o f shastras & live'S lo ng
ti ll the e nd o f the yuga. ( 11 3 )

~ir '$IW ~~ f'Qi~I QtQ ~ I
o<IT wrn ~ 1I1'l"11 ~ H'~ la'1j;:q{ ~y I I ~ ~ 'd I I

If e ithe r th e lord o f the A SI:~ n d ant o r the lord o f tile :'iav,IOll;ha

o cc upied by Ih"" lor<.l u r lhe AscemJan l is 10 Cillcli in th e 2n<.l house.
the native gets wmfOfh o f II!'e lthrough pro fession elc ) atter the
age of 20 yea rs. ( 114)
w 2t:tI(01qI:r1'114 ~ ~ ",Mi't t4~~ I
"1Ii{~ >;fi i9'"~ T'* ft~Ii"1j;:q( 'W'lY I I ~ ~ 'l, I I

If Ihe lord o f th e N ava m s ha sign occ u p ied by the lord of th e

Ascenda nt is loca tell. in a ca rd in a l o r Irin a l ho use or in ex.tll'Hio n.
or if the lord of the 11 1h ho use i:-. sim ila rly situa ted. lile native gets
com fort~ o f life a fte r the age of 30 yca rs. ( 11 5)
'!1 'Oj ~) ;rt..M }(jl'llli5f>i(lf1<rit I
~twre ~ >tr101lV, I<:,Q( \'{t,i"'l I I ~ ~ aI I
In case Ihe lu n.! o f lhe Ascenda nt is lo(.:a lcd in a he nd i c sign Hn d
is a spe..:tc t! by a b endk pl;met o r is lo ca ted in " G opu r" d ivision
(sec shloka 2S etc chapter I ) h ~~ S la:1~ gett ing wealth from th e age of
16 yea rs. (116)
llt:'~t 'n~W II ""4i <:! "I\'lI<4ii1t1':tIl<::fi:I I
I,ll "1~ r.j I1i"<?i' :.~; 1!ifrI:J~ itle:rl ~o II I I ~ ~ \3 I I

Thus S h. Ve nka t Sh.lrIna desc ribes the s li rength ,m d wl!'ak ness

o f p la n ets a n d th eir aspect<. in Ihe lagn a. (117)

T h is comp kle s th e ~eeo nd c h a plCl o n lag na p ha!a of Sarvarth

Chin l;lmani.

q:8Jq, Suu<.t : 1 1 ~l l


Results of th e 2nd hou se.

~ ~iIIl~144oqli'ijti ~ tljlo::; ft:1 oi lf~lClj<ti1 I

ii!l'lJl~f~~QI1 ~!t:Ilf.::o1 -) 1 1U1 ~ ~ I I ~ I I

The fo llo wing should be studied from the 2 nd ho use :- Those!
).\'ho a :'C de pendent p n the native. fa~e. mo uth. speech. the righl
~y e. accum u lated weallh. education. eati ng. serva nt." & frien ds.
It b a point fo r note that the aut hor has opi ned that edw,;a li on
s hou ld he Siudied a nd determined from Ihe 2nd house. We a rc a lso
of Ihe sa m e o p i:1ion and do no t consider it ad visahle to eXcllllin e
euu!,; ,lli o n from 4th o r 5th hou se. as JO Il C by some other authors.
Th e 4tn hOllse relales to desires & as SUdl can givl' knowledgl' 0 1"
ou r des ired o bject whi ch m ay nol neCt'.~s ari!y be con ncdcd wilh
al:a d ~' rnic educa tion. The 5th hOll sc rdatt's to intel ligence & forc
... ig ht rathe r than to eduealion as such.

~I' Of~CI ~OI e ~d ~ f':hI11>4 r ~Sfe>.l"lI~H'''l I!lIf't f'''f<: "ig;ffi I

Of":}~t ~ ~ ~~I<tli"l : ~cil ~ !l 69;d ""1" <FfI Cloi: fd i I ~ I i
If th e lo rd or llle tirst il'JUSC along with thai of the 2nd ho u~ e is
located in <Illy o f the had houses oth. Kth o r 11th. the man gets h is
bO Il!;"s bro ken. If lhc lo rd of th e 2nd hou se alo ng with Ve nu s a nd
Moon is IOl..:atcd in (h e Ascen da nt th e 111;1 n hecomcs" Night hl i mI"".
J[ howeve r. il is wit h a benefic o r is in ils sign o f cx a lta tio n Ihe
ni!.! hl blind ness J oes not ta ke place. (2)
q l ;q3i ~""IQ fd ~ : e lM ~ >!iI lt"CIQ<n) \n~ OI<;iu ll ~i) fQ I
m I(lW1' I~ "Itl4 rn- !U"tr ~ (RI" ~'1"fit ~ d<='"Q1'I i I i !: I I
If the lord of the 2nd hou se. Sun & Ve n us, and the lord of th e
lagna arc together in the 6th, Mth or 12th house. the nati ve is burn
blind. (3 )

~i <b.:i'iffi!H1 R.I(!1l~ ~i"'lji($&!falftl1i~i1I%: I
:a41~~",ffi : fl1 ~M ~ : ~ftijliiOnRlt'1 I I ~ I I
If the Su n an d Moon a n: in leo A ~ce nJanl & are aspected by
Ma rs and Saturn. lotis o f cye should be predktcd. In case th e yoga
'i~ one ""here the aspel:led planets, Sun a nd Moo n, and the aspect-
ing planets (Mars & Saturn) are both associated with natural
benefic planet. the blin dness does not 'take place. The nat ive h,'IS
only unrestfu l eyes. (4)
f'1~fu1dl !lfl'd 'ti4 !/JQIQ ~ ~1~fte'Jiti I
'!l '1 1~ q QrQ!(f5I41i't ffi ~ ~ ~ (Wi't?4: 11'( I 1
If the re is a malefic planet in the 2nd hou se & the lord ofth~ 2nd
hou se is under the a~pecI o f benefic planet. th e native has hi s eyes
as if closed. If the lord or ih e lagna is with man y ma lefic planets &
aspcl,;tcd hy Satu rn. the nat ive has disease in h is eyes. (5)
~ ~ d<;liq1ffi lU ~Qlipqa <ti1(q;6",~' 1
m:tq(OIIf'Q $<I$t2 fl!I ~lf(ij ~: ~ ::m fi!l1l!iI:il",ql<f1:.! 118: 1t
If benefic pLmel oel;u pks the 2nd house. or irthe lord of th e 2nd
house is associ ated with he nefies & if the signifieator of t be eye i.e,
the Sun is with the lord of lhe lagna or aspectcd by illhe native has
very good (6 )
:t1"'41(4Iil '.fo1$"'1 ~di ~m ffi ~ "'?lil' l : I
~ <Rf QIQ!l aN41i't ~ ~ ma (, 10 14.'1 : I 1\91 r
In case the lord of Ih e 2nd house is si:uul!.!d with Salurn and
Mars or is with Gulik, th er<! will be disease in the eye. Simila;'!y, if
there arc many malefi~' pln net"> aspeeted by Saturn. the eyc ~ gl.'1
diseased. (7)
2jjVq('I:4I:.tI'lti; m 'lIQW::;fd?llia ~ t
ifl!'~ ~II W ,"q:f;!! ~ ( I 'ila '1'U 'ffii101l1<b$t<! r It:: 1I
lfth e lord of the Nav um~ ll;J sign occupied by the lord ortb c ~nd
house is located with a malefic or is in th e s ign ora malefic planet
there is di sease in the eye. So also will be th . :: case. if Sun is the 10rJ
of the 2nd house and is i:1 association with and aspected by
malefics. Similarly, if Su n is in the company o f Gil Ii k & is as pcclcd
by Mars. (8)

dtIJlI';l1iHIUji!:j ftr.;iif,IEPl'?I4 imt qqRl \lGR: 1

dl5Q1 ,il(1~ 4<H E'4 1.1' 11 <"("'lll '1Q ~ f'Q I I a \141""'1 I IQ, I I

As a result of the yoga ,q a led in the previous sh loka. the discase

10 the eyes com e.~ from heut bile. o r phlegm or from want of
ca r~. (9)

tll?l;;;m;:{I~IOj'1~ Cfi\i1'"Afi::t:;;IIfi= Q1q'l"1 ~q I

(6lI1(Y;dl ma ;):::'II'1I~ f5! S! (tl kll "tlHldfdi : I t ~o II
The disease etc \ 0 the eyes of the brothers. son. enemy. wife.
fri end etc shou ld also be determined in the same manner. If the
lord o flh e 2nd ho use is located with the Sun and Mars or is aspec
led by them. the native has redness in the comers o f his eyes.
( 10)
The right eye of the younge r brother is denoted by the house 2nd
10 3rd Le. th e 4th house. If the 4th house & its lo rd along with the
Su n su ffe r at th e hands of Saturn & M ars. the younger brother will
have serious troub le :n his rig ht eye. Si milarly. the 61h ho use. its
lord & Sun highly afflicted give serious trouble in the right eye of
th e son & so on.
MI4U6t 411't<:t)q''''1Iei't flIt ;;!1 ~ 1iieHlt .... dt ~ I
q lq U~~~ijltj<~l ' I;:'Q 'i( fQ=;j~q)lott l6t!1~211'l1 : I I ~ ~ II
The aut ho r opin es that if the lo rd of any hou se and its
significator are natural benefics but are associat",d wi th ma lefics
and are without th e aspect ofbe nefics but are under the aspect of
malelics the eyes of the relation repn:sented !Jy th at hou se such 'as
fa ther etc suffer. (II ) .
~~RI (I:IldM <1'El~!il ~ft:i4d ~eQ'Ml;;'l@ "QT I
~'4~q\i; ~ ~I;;!f ;q : 1t ~klfI(i5ijlqlfitl (j'II('I : I I ~~ I I

441 t4te<ld it~ 'H6:q~ t~kI(lvft :qQo1lf$d "QT I

dl~<:nfl(~ijl\JIl d 'i"4i 1I~\Iq( ~ ~ t I ~ Q I I
~ ~ ~q&' 11ft 4?'M'i.ft ~ dl'$i1Q(tI'1l~ I
~ e~ \\~af"" dJq ~ 1f(tq"f)lfj 1JI"!(l;ICfl: fQ ld I I ~~ II


If the lord of the 2nd house is a nalU ra l benefi c p lanet situated
in kendra o r in its sign of exaltation or in a frien dly sign or in a sign
of it benefic, the n ative protects or rea rs up his family and many
others & has a very n ice speech. (12)
If the lord oftpelagnaisst rongandinits sign ofexaha!i onand
if there is a benefic in his exaltation sign in the 2nd house. aspected
by a benefic. then also the nati ....e supports many persons. (13)
If Jupiter occupies its own sign in the 2nd ho use o r if Vt"" '1 US or

Mercury are similarly situated in their own sign in the 2nd house.
or if these planets are in their sign of exaltation or friendly sign in
. the 4th house, the native is helpful to & protector of others.
qp) q ~ ct~14Y Qlilfaffi QI4qd ~ I
(T1'rifffi @P1iill!t fl iWl if'4 Ji q;fl QI lift 51<1 <bI ;:r I I ~ 'i. I I

qrq ~ if'4't~i1mTr QlqfM ~1ii1(!t ~~ I

1=Pt ~"l'P1 I ~QCil fl41lr if'4<J11q4 P1lfBi ~ ~ 11~6. I I
If the lord or the 2nd house is a natural makfie & happens to be
associated ',vith or aspected by malefics & is hims,;Jf in his sign of
exaltation and if the lord of the Ascendant is weak & associated
with malefics. the native has no body to hdp him in his living.
() 5)

In ease there an: many natural ma!efies in the 2nd house and the
lord of the 2nd house is \\'caL and aspected by malefics and the
lord of the lagna is placed ;n any of the bad houses (6th. 8th or.
12th) with malclics. the native has no comfort in life. (16)
q-~ t?5kl~ <"jd1l1(llffi ffiila
<RT qI16li:<1stZ I
~ff>:lA tj'q(1I<1:t i811tt4<flil 'EF~;jj1Iq4'1:j1: I 1~\311

In case the lord oflhe 2nd house is located in thl.': Jrd house & is
aspe":led there hy male planets (Sun. Mars & Jupiter) & is in
occupation of a friendly sign or is in exaltation .. the native is the
ruler of all ml.':n. (17)
cr~ .r~ ?;ili/iiiliq ~ I
R!iglflrrt'.frcfi mfi'r lj'qIVI,,\lIPlU:[2f,: II ~ t:; II
If the lo rd of the 2nd house is located in Gopuramsha (see
shloka 25. Ch, 1) and the lord of the Navamsha occupied by the
lord of the 2nd house is a natuial benelic planet or if it is in -
"Simhasanamsha", the native protects (through his wealth) 50
people. (8)
"''''l"..'~f~"i'',,'fJI.llI.'.ld\ ~?5H1(I:JT: rrffi (YjIPlqa ... t!1i;~ I
1~ilI11<jff>:l'd(lruHI~ ~ +i!i'{\lIPllq;'liIT: II ~<l,! I
If the lOid of the 2nd house is located in its sign of exaltation. or
in its Mool trikon (positive) sign. in the 11th house. the lord orlhe
lagna is strong, and the lord orthe sign occupied I,y the lord orthe
2nd house is located in kendra. the native rules as a king. (19)
~8tit QIQlfiq.:t ~~ ~ ~ I
qIQU~OI fi$tZ ~ l'l!44 ~ I I~O I I

all~fJld (15<tl : flIl\i~;.1 ~ I
4I(1i!1dlill"t <:1~'f ti2t 'l4<,a:u:tRd II ~ ~ II
If thl! 2nd house contains a ma.'efic planet and the lon.l of the
:; nd is assod<t!cJ wit h a nd aspcctcd by maldic planels. lhe native
earns his livelihood with much difficulty. (20)
In ca ~ e the lord of the 2nd ho use is associ<lted with nalu ra l
bcnefics & Ihe Moon in the 2n d house is in the Paravataam sha. the
native s upports 20 people in their livelihood. (2 1)
(4) L4 'Jj$4 ~ ~ ~61Q" d ~ ... <t"fJq~ ~ I
41(ltldi'l ~r:"$f\:e'J/h fJl d~4 !tllffil ~ Glld'1dll: II~~ I I
~~~o\ i "t 4(41 cQ'.!ft, ~~ Q4H~d ~ I
dIQlf?;ti.1 M4i!j~fQ ~: Q!llill(ai) 4i!1fd Il~: II~~ II

If th e lord uflhe 2nd house is located in his sign of exaltation o r

in friend ly s igr:. o r in his own s ign. o r occ upies the "Sim haasa n"
division or the .. P aravalaam sha" divi si on & is aspecled by Jup iter.
the native blessed with merit rules OYe r 300 people. (22)
If the lord of the 2 nd house is in its highest d egree o f ex altation
and is well aspect\!d by J upi lcr & Ihe 2 nd house too is si mila rly well
sit ua ted. the na tive rules by his prowess over a tho usand
people. (23)
A reading oflhe above shloka shows th at the cxcel1cncc of the
2nd house and its lord indicates suppo rt of ot hers by th e native. II
may be due to th e fa CI that good usc o f accumu lated wealth. to
which the 2nd house relates li es in the help of ot hers. It is also
s ignificant 10 note that the 2nd house o f any horoscope is the II th
house-the house of gains of th e masses (41h ho use) & hence the
peopl e in general gain much th rough the excell ence of their house
of gain s.
f-tl61(FIi:il f1~~~ !tl% 't'l'i'i'{<{1~ ~ I
~(lq <;,MI lH4 iilf.! \I'!\1 Glla~qfl&4Ii;i1(1iliji: t'llli'f 11~'rl11

When Jupite r is in the division called Simha sanamsha. Venu s

in Gopuramsha a nd the stro ng lo rd of the 2nd house in
Airaavata msha the native protects in numera ble people. (24)
~ir ::g"M0::4 ~U6y:,{l~d I
!jl< W"'~ 'II1lr 1!'l6 ; .. m ~ I I, ", I
I f the rord of the hou se o f face i.e. the 2nd is loca ted in a cardinal

house and is aspccted by a natural beneti'c planet and or thl! 2nd
house _contains a benefic pla neL the native is good looking.
lI'ifl<:d Ele:., : :Ijl'114'~ 1'51Qd! ~ I
\4'Je"ilI=;n::q41 Ve1l e""'111/l lijq<I:</I~ I I ~& II
When the lo rd of the 2nd ho use is in ken dnt (cardinal house)
located in its exallalion sign. o r in a friendl y s ign or in its own
varga (see shloka 25 etc of chapler 1) or the lord oflh e 2nd house is
in "Gopu r" am sha (see shloka 25 etc of chapter 1) one has Ihe most
~miling face. (26)
~ 1t1f14t;i d nq Qlqfl'@ I
;fl'liOM1 ra ~ ~: QIQtfit$a 11~\91 1
~tql!44ii '1't: QTt\t ~ 1jft!i6lf.::aa I
qIQ4'lll"'i1F<i4fi;j41:q:ttt~~IlTd' : II'(ell
Whe n the 2nd house contains malcl'ic pl<lnets a nd the lo rd of
Iha l house 100 is located with malefi c pla nets or is in its s ign of
debilitation & aspected by maldics the native has a very bad look-
ing faei' . (17)
If th~ lord of the 2nd house is with Gul ik and influenced by
ma ny malefic plant!ts. the native is full of anger & s inful & fall s in
thc hands of his en emies. (28 )
qlq(tll'1Q 1Rl@ 1i<ilu'1 f;OO;:~d 1;!iflttf.:qa <tT I
~ ~\l8mllqffi ~lt \;P~'f!fft;fI'1~d1M II~G, II

If the lord of the house of speech i.e. the 2nd is located with a
benefic phmet & is situated in kendra or trin~ or is in its sign of
exaltation. is well aspeeted & is in the com pany of a male planet
the native is a great speaker with logical speec h. (29)
"114 (ql"iQ hijOftdot ~ m::J .,1l'ld'll If'i : I
~jlfhilotlftl"lq4 etRl6ffli !f\'i~&i~~I1!?>1~~>1: II~ () II
Iflhe lord of the 2nd house is located in the 8t h house along with
Jup iter. the native is dumb. In the sam e manner dumbn ess s hould
be p red icted to fath e r and othe r relations if Jupiter along with the
lord of 2nd house of the fath er etc is located in thei r respective
8th houses.
tjl:qlcli!fi : !flOO;:lld ~fiT qHlqal~ q(,,"e"'4I~ I
RlI5If1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ri-dit tAl'1~'1 ~ Il ~~ II
~I f4i~lq ~ t4i e~ ~!"HFj~d ,
lfl 'l<illili d ~ ql" ~'q 'i;;H.l ~ II ~~ I I
If the lo rd o f the 2nd house is located iri ke nd ra in the
Pa ravatam sha (sec shloka 25 etc o f chapter I) & in its highest
degree o f exalt<ttio n & if Jupiter o r Venus is in uSim h asanam sha ,.
(~ec ~h ' o ka 25 etc of c ha pte r I) a ssociated wit h Me rcu ry in its o wn
sign and N ava msh a. the n a tive is a greal speake r. (31) If the lord o f
the NHva m sh a occupied by the lo rlJ of
I'he 2nd house is a nat u ral
benefic planet at'd is in exaltatio n w ith a benefic p la l, ';1 or is in
G opu ra ms ha. the native is e ffi cient & great speaker. (3 2)
1tl~V1fi':l "I<HIf;qa : :a11~ Cf'~~'1I ~ ~ 11J\J! 41 f4 I{1"'1CfOll1<!(J
'j(' @ : ql(ll:l diWl ~ I
d"'"1111i'1 'IffTT ~ ~,ftftl~",,~l~(~lq~.~Ij\ir tNT FI\ e~ ~ ~ ~ tI'iQIci1
'*@i?<Il1 ctli Q1l 6M: I I~~ II
lf the lord o r the2 nd h o use is stro n g and lo ca ted wil h a ben e fi c
planet o r is in its own sign and N aya m sha. th e nalive is a good
speake r. If th e lo rd o f the 2 nd house is wilh Jupitera nd loca td in
" P <u;!vatam sh a" (see shlo ka 25 etc of c hapter I) or is in
"Airava ta ms h a " & is with M erc u ry o r Ve nus& if il is in its sign 01
exal tat io n or in a rriendl y s ign the man spe:t ks 100 much. (33 )
e "'It'll oil 'W Iftlq : E'l qlq : if) 41Brcit oft ~II 'til :fl'ltt.: I
~~ 'W\itl1"'i')' ~ ~ -g ~ ~: t l q'd II
If th e lord o flhe 2n d hou se is located \-dt h a m(llelic pl a net in Ihe
10th house, in ih sign o f dc h ili t;l1ion and wit h 'he ~ u n & wi th
Mandi & th e 2nd h ou se h as Sun in it a specled by m a lefics. the
native is u n uhle to speak in a ny a ssemhl y. (4)
~ ~ qlll~q III@Gq ~ ~ EH1~...,q I
fCil c~ ~ <:lrttlqflta ~ a4Jfdf!l~ li:I"6d41 Of( : 1l I t q':( I t
If Merl' u ry is lo r.:ated in a ca n.linal hollse. Ih e lo rd of the 2nd
house is slrong & Venus i~ located in the 2 nd or 3rd hous ... with a
hellcfic. or if Ven us is in ex altatio n in the 2nd ho us .... the nal i\'(:
hecolm's forem o,\t a mongst the A st rologe rs. (35)

l lliJlas11 \l ~'iJlldl ql' 4 1 ~ \j[t! +<t:1 I

~t?Jq "El"~ .e ~ '!11 <Hl'14<:1 I tq6. I I
~ ~ vil e; ~ e~\:'iF31d I
*i'i"'I lq'tvH::i:q-d; IliU l64il 11i.....'l(: 11 ~\3i 11
";Ii~ct)U I~ ;;1Tit ~ ~<""'d ma I
'fl ' ''lrq~ '!;( ll fO ,<;QI' j \f~"""(: 1I~C;l j
_ <iI "" , I
4(I'QOI: I I ~"'I I

If Mltrs is in the 2ntl house along with th e Moon aspectctl by
Mercurv or with Men,:urv in kendra, the native und!:!,Sl3nds
mathematics. (36)

. -
If MercurY is the lo rd of the 2nd ho use & is in ils sign of cx altac
lion. Jupiter is in the Ascenda nt. and Saturn in the 8th house. the
yoga makes the native a mathem atician. (37)
If Jupiter is in kendnt or in trine. & Venus is in its ~ign ofl'xalta-
tio n or if th e lord of the 2nd house & Me rcury a rc in thei r sipls of
exaltat ion. Ihe nat i\'e hccomes a mathematician. (38)
If the lord o f th e 2nd house is Sun or Ma rs and is aspected by
Jupiter and Venus. & Mercury is in " Paravatams ha" (see ~ h!oka 25
etc o f ch apter I) the nati\ c knows the rationa le o f Astrology.
The role of Mercury in ma ki ng one an Astrologer lies in Ihe fa!.:t
that a strong Mercury would give ma thematical ability. The
capacity [Q understand & know the future is given by the
excellence o f the 5th hous\! & its lord. for the 5th house rela tes to
"futu re" as distinct from Ihe 91h house which relates to th\! past
(having crossed the horizon before bi rt h). But 10 ca rn fro m Astro-
logy it wou ld be necessary that there sho uld be an intimate link
betwee n the lagIla representing the self of the native & the 5th
house repr c .~enting th e future. A link of Ju piter-the pl anet that
can foresee the fut ure wit h the lagna & ils lart.! would g.ive intuiti ve
powers to the nat ive. In addit ion. if th e iagn3 a nd its lord arc in
intimate relati on wit h the 4th & the 12th houses and their lord s.
this would be an ind icalion that the nalive carn s from the4!h & the
9th ho uses i.e. fro m the personal affai rs of the public (4 th house) &
their prospects in life (9th from 4t h is the 12th home). Th is is after
all what m.k es a good Astrologer.

!l" 'I ""...If. ""' f.<ofi:l<l I

'ltil ft.l<ilo l fT lU d<t~nBi ~ ~ : ' t ~O II
"Wrf ~ ~ ~ d<;l4q~~q( I
m \{'JfI$oe ~t l fi<:::6ilj -m ~ 1 1'd~ I I

When the lord of the 2nd hou se is either Jupiter or Venu s & is
aspe"'icd hy Sun & M ars & is locatcd in ihe 1'.1 001 trikon (positivl')
sign o r in the sig n of exaltation. thl' native is fo remost a mong the
knowe rs of Ih..: sckncc of logic. (40)
If Jupi te r as Ihe lord or l h..: 2nd ho use is in h igh slrl'ng:th a n d is
under Ihe a spect of Sun a nd Ve nus. thc nat ive oL'L'omes a g ra m-
marian. (41 )
~1'14I!:lQ a:tl ."qi'4 'T191<I:tI'ld ~ I
ilH5l('1~ ~ qrfq ~,:I{'j$l1 '4~""i( : I l'd~ I I
If thc lo rd o f the 2nd house is Mercury located in its sign of
exalcation and Saturn occup ies the " Gopuramsha" & J upiter the
"Sim hasa na ms ha" (sec shlok" 25 I.' le of r.: ha pkr I) th L' natiw
knows Vcd a nw Shas lra. (42)
~c::laqft~\!1 : f4k,;<::i1til ~ mI
~ 'j(,UII ~ ~ qj(l!:ldIQI<fl I l'd~ I I
If Jupite r occ upies a trinal or a canjinal ho use ML'rcu ry is a spec-
ted by Jup iter& Saturn is in "Paravatam sha" division thl' nati ve is
efficient in Vedanta Shastra. (43).
3" ,,10 'j'1\ ""' ~ '" d ~. 'j'1\ I
~!:lMICf)'id ~ ~<:1@l1ql(' I : 11'11'11 II

If Venus is s ilu a lcd in the As..::endant in th e" Ulla m" di vis ioll. \ )f
if Venus is in the sa me division in any othe r kendra. Moon is in tilL'
divisio n ca lled " Devlok . one is ex pert in Ihe knowkdg ..: o f Ih e
Vedanla. (44)
Qpil'!?4Q\!"i l1: ;t;{ ~ C::I"'I!:l'{f)!(i I
~6i{'j4 .ng;<liI ~I"-~hti~ ~ I I~<;( I i

If Juri!er is in a cardinal house, Venus is in the division ..::a lkd

"Simhasan". and Mercury becom es !he: lord ofNavamsha sign ill
the 2nd house anu is then si!uu tcu in Gopur division one is a gr.:a i
sc hola r. (45)
Pnn.iJ1l 'tOI4VI{'ll ( I vl'h#l~ l itlq R I
'(tqlQ :iJ'e:q;lu) en- ~qolj4 ~Plr.t~1 I iKa II
lf rhe lord of the Navamsha sign occ upied by the lord of the 2nd
house is in th e c ardinal or trinal house with a malefic planelth t'
native goes bac k on his word. So also is the case when M <lr~ is
similarly situated as the lord of the Navamsh a occupied hy Ihl:
lord of the 2nd h o use. (46)

qfHiiB'fi<! f.'wt \l li,rf<OH,"' ~tm I
~1' "'Ilqpq '*i1 il:~ ~ ('IIM4:i1fftifilfi 11~\9 t I

Wh en the lord of the N ava 111 sha sig n occup ied by th ~ Su n i.~
.. it uateJ in Ihe 2nd hou'}e in stre ngth a nd is in on:urat io n a flhe
Vil i ~IH:sh i k di \ision. the natin; is high ly jocular in d ispositio n.
~ "'I ~II;;~ tI'1(1~!~-ct. <:liftl/ '''RI\fIld '1l!lf~ 1
~ f-;uilol !1!'4 ~faffl "'111 'll "i.1 AI '<!I3i wA q(iliO 1:00 '<1 I I'd 1;:; t I

If a strong Ju pi!e ri s located in th..: 2 nd hous..:. and the lord uf the

~a\ a llls ha sig n ol."cupicd by the lo rd or the 2nd house is lo\.ated in
<lla rdina l ortrin al house. and i ~ as pected hy h encfic~. the native is
ful ly :twarl." o f thc rl,}lLits of actions a nd i') e ngaged in the study o f
thc reli~ i nll s litenlture. ('+S)
"I'~ rn 'i<I'1<P.f ~ ~ tflRlEl<jl I wr
qlUl!ld a<!'rVr r i f.)11'lid f%il~ ~ 11'6'<. I I
If th e lord of the Asce n da nt is in the 2nd house or is located in
the Ascc rll..lant itse\ f hut is in its sign ofexa lt;lIio n a nd in associa -
tion with " be ne fic planet & the lord of the lagna is in
.. Paron a lams ha (sec .. h la kas 25 elc of ch apter I ) & Venus is in the
12t h ho use. the n" ti v~' kn ow s. V ~ da s & Vl,!dant a. (49)
Q1I1 ~ "IH<4Il/T qR\ fI"!(If(l1"'!11q ~ 1llill~ q ffi 1IIi1i<:'i1 I
~ql Nifi lfil ~141ft<:'lffi -qp) ~ t:I ",!(fIIRql%: 11'(0 I I
Irthe lord o fl he Na va m ~ ha s ign m:cupied inturn by the lord or
th~ Nava m sha OI.:cu pied hy the lord of the Ascend a nt is strong. in
Ihe divisi on called 'Vaishcshik & is in associa tio n with or under
the a sp~c t o f benefic plane ls. (he native gelS muc h income d epe nd-
ing on the number of good yogas. (50)
~~ I!\ ~o I Bf~i!\ \4 'Hi f.l1"fl 4" ifi 41 fb q fI"! '1 "I"'III!\ q$ ~'it; t
~~M*llil ifi$1 q( 141 c4 >nir lifTr .. g;:4lH@ "4fl161~(II~1 : I I'H I I

If the lo rd o f t h ~ house of gains ( 11 th) is located wi th the lord of

th e 2 n d house (wealt h ) a nd both are a~pecled by the pla net who is
the lord of the N"va ms ha occup ied hy the lord o f the house o f
karma ( 10th } & th e 11th house lo rd is locat~d in its h ighes t degree
o f o:xa ltat ion in the d ivis io n calkJ V,l ish l's h ik the nati ve gl'IS
\"Cry highly rich. (5 1)
l:fl1iRiQ"" efM ll""U~t<1Ii1 W~fJqi, lfqd"'lq i ,lQd1fJ'!I(a l I
~t;2 l:1\fZq i id lijl1';f\o:::41il JiafOij; ~"'IQ1I\4~~ m I I '(~ I I

If Ihi." lord of I h~ 2nd hOll se is located with Ihe lo rd of Ihe 91h

hou se ,mo is aspecfe d by the lord of the Navamsha sign occupied
hy the lo rd of Ihe Ascendanl anll is also situaled in a cardinal
ho u ~e under th ~' aspeci of benefics the native gels im men sely
rich. (52)
l!1''''It'4 Q11'I::r ~ i(r'nh~ BncQ 'dtI~q:i5'la?l fC!!Vtf~H'IIil l
flttmt '*1Qr-t~"'IqlfJi"'IiIq1e2S~ Wt 1i4""Q1i\4~r-t ~ II,(~ II
If I h ~rt' a rl" n,u u ral benefic phlllets in the firs l se<"on d a nd the
seycnth h o uses and are in thei r exaltation sigry. friendly sign. o r in
the Na\'u rns ha or Ihe ir s ign of exa ltatio n o r a r in the " Vaishesh ik"
d ivision a nd are aspecled by th~ lord o f the Navumsha occupkd
by the lord of th l" 2nd h o use. 'Ihe nat ive get~ imuch wealth in his
chi ld hood. (53)
IT!' "'Ii1l:l"'l(lf~l~ wrl$ <m>I' (liM I
~ GI1fi:J {i1I ""~ iiIf.'IUJ I ~<h ~ i i '(~ I i
Hlhe lo ro of the Ascendant occupies the seco nd h o use. th..: lord
of Ihe 2nd house goe s to the I l lh house & thl" lord of Ihe I l lh is in
the As~endanl. the native becom es vel)' rich with a big ba r,k
balance. (54)
F ro m he above shloka if is dear that Ihe link between the houses
th ai d e note wealth in o ne s ha pe o r ano lher is con ducive 10 much
wealth. The I st, 2nd. 5th, 9th & II th hou ses are all h ouses ofweahh
or gai ns or luck i.e. weal th in some sha pe o r other.
e ~ 11 i!I iGPI iii ~ ~ ~ {i1 ' "'I '1 i\Q : :ilif ff;Q 0::1 tp,Pnli ~ <:IiJ '1 fJ" I
~:/lftl<tIQI<t~ "4"'1(t~l"'Il~ ~ f:44146j(!1ilR4MI ~(i4!; 11'('(1 i
If {he lord of the Ascendant is stronger th an all o ther planets
and is located in a c ardinal house with J u piler. the lo rd of the 2nd
house occ upies the division calle<.l"Va ishcsh ik (see shloka 2S etc.
or chapter I) the native ea rns by dint of his own efforts. (55)

~~ l tlW1'1'!1J*4R1~(lR!"'I\<ft ~ ef8d1 tH4fQ ~ ,

~~ij)IUiltd : fq'!8q lflfT ~: fqq14oq"'l~fcl !II~R<:fllt : 11'(& II

If th e lo rd of the sign occupied by the lord of the Navamsha

occupied by the lord of the lagna. is slrong and is a frie nd of the
lord of Ihe 2mJ house. is localed in kendra or a trinc. o r is in h is
o w n sign. Ih e nal i\ c ~ilrn .~ wta lth through many .... ays hy di n! o r h is
o wn power. (56 1

ffir~ (f1i1'lftlw"1Qlkll 'itt,IB<,ilti'I ~ ;i;;;:mft I

~ : :ti1 ~l*' l1f;::qii1 fif ~. : E4c(tuil: "14 fd ~ I 1',(\.91 I
In c a se tht" lo rd o r tlh' 2nd IlOU St" i:. si tu a ted w ith the lo rds ort h t:
I .~t a n d the l ll h ho u sc~ in a .:ardin a l o r tri na l housc. and is as pcc-
Il'd hy b.: n dks and has t ~'mpor<ll stn: ngth. the native earn s by d int
o f hi s own labou r in th ~' mi ddle age. (57)
~ ~ ~ ~W P1W4:t11 d eti'li:4 I
'31rw W"1' ld dlclI;:~ (iilq}j<H I ~q'l'=I@(,*, I 1',(t:;1 I
Ifth.: lord of the 1st h ouse a nd a b~'n dicpl a nel arc located with
tht: lord o f Ihe 2n d ho use il n d Ih~' lo rd o f t he sign so o ccu pil'd goes
to th t" Ascen d a nt &. is strong th e re Ihe man is ric h a l Ih e end of h is
life. The yoga is valid for the lord of the 11th h o u~e too j,e. iflh.:
lo rd arthe 11t h ho us.:& the lo rd oflhelnd hou se are togt:lh cr and
Ihe Io n.! o rlhe s ig n sooCl,;upied by thl." man is st ro ng in the A )~:c n
d a nl th e man i) ric h :1I Ihe elld of his li fe . (5!!)
1*f<H1m tH -"\ ",\",\loiI *:dif.:qJ1 $@$fie1fTl1 \
d1.;'~q (ijll fq ~ ~ \II 114 mfa fil~fl;Iii1l~ I I',(Q, I I
If th e lords of the I SI and th e 2 nd h ouse a re lo cated togethe r in
the 3 rd hou ~e in st re n gth & a re aspe(': led hy or are associa ted with
mal e planet s a~ well a s hy the lord o f the 3rd house & <m~ in
" Vai s hcshik" a m sh a (s..:.: s hl o ka 25 etc of c hapl er I) th e na tive gets
weallh fro m h is brot her. (59)
~ 1'lid;l\l:4 qd1 ~"'\ti1 C!?f ~ <tl1('*' tI"'1 ~ I
~ ~ '/fI 6:1'1'1 'Jildl )1 1<$<1 "l:!'1'itf ~~~dl~ 116.0 I I
I f th e lo rd o f th e 3 rd ho u :-~' is loca ted in the 2 nd h o u se a lo ng with
J upi tcr& a ssocill ted with o r as pcl'ted by the lord of th e lagn a. & is
in " Va ishcsl)ik" amsha. the native gets wealth from hi .~ hro ther.
q(W{ f:li:NW '1'11~ I ~'f~ \(!'iii. I
~ (!1l"1~*iq(i"4l ~ tr-t tnftJ iIiI1Uq:)i(: 11& ~ II
If the lord Oflhc Ascenda nt & that of the 2nd ho use arc loc ated
in kend ra s in good Na va ms ha a nd a re m UlUally as pec ting & if
they are a lso aspec ted by the lo rds of Ih e lsI & the 91h ho uses Ihe
native earm rn u(; h hy many ways. (6 1)
~1lCIt tn/llRl (.'''1''1lil Wt f<:Iefi4\;1il\'a ~: I
I;ldill "l IQt~q<t"(*ll=qf ~ ~ ii1t$*iiitfd M-dI{ I I &~ I I
When the lord o f the 1st house aSp!!el!' the lord oflhe ~nJ hou~c
or ifboth are located in the same housc.thc nativc carns hy dillt of
h is own labo ur. (f lhe lord o f the 2nd & I ~t hnu~c a rl' to~ct h t"r a n J
are a spcch:d hy the lord & s ig nilic31ol" of Ih ..' J rd housl.' (M .. r.;) o n e
ca rns thro ug h hi s brother. (61)

~ fq1 q ~ "4(i1k:,q ~6 "1(ijnIQ ~ "'1"41 ; I
~; fI'1l1"1ii <i<l ~ ~~ t:r.f QlIlfQ'lI ~~1 t l5.;;j I I
If a .~ Irong lordof thc :nd hous..: is in assol.:iatio ll w ith Of ulHkr
th t" aspc~t of th e lo rd of th l.: 4 1h !wu~c in Va i ~ h e shik amsha th l '
natin' gcts wealth fro m hi s mother. rc}at iws or from
.tgriculturc. (-13)
r.t ~ f<!lt1q~ G"'1e4 (f'lI" ~ * 1 ("*,,6"'('~ I
~ ~ ~ 1:1;1 '1"'1 ;;mir 1I1qG=1 ~ ~JIf1ai li1 I I~'d I I
If the lo rd o f Ih e 2nd ho use is io ca lo:J ill Ihe !oo;(mc hO Ul'l' Ln
Va is h csh ikam sh a (set" shloka 25 Clc. of ~' haplcr I ) in a~socL,llion
.... il11 Ihe signifkator of hrothers i.c. M ar~ and is also assoc ial cd
wilh o r ulH.lcr the aspect ofl he lord ot"lh l' Asccn d a n l lh c 111;LII ~cl~
>walth from h is b rothe r. (64)
~~ltl r;:%i(:ti ~ "'l ( I'\Oqf i'NlrN Rlf1q <;\~ iIij ',!1Ji;'.q I
~ ~ W"lq~ i((f1Ii;;,q ~~ifT:I:til~ ~ ~ <
"m!l~<:! I Hi.''': II
In c a s~ the lord o rl h e 2nd ho use i ~ ~ t ro nl!

a nd i ~ ilssocial ..'d w n ll
o r as pel."lcd hy Ihe lord ,m d tl w ... ign ifi..:;tlo r of Ihe :'Ih hllll'C
(Ju pi ll:rl and lilt' lord o f Ih e .o\ "~'[H l a nl is strong. in I h ~'

" V"isnc!<hik" di\isioll. Ihe nat ive I!C I ~ \\ c .. ll h fro m h i., son. (651
~~lfQifiM""lIft ',!1' 11iit ~: t:4'!"i[ .RFl h t ["'<:111 I
~1e1<'4"(", O 'l (l ~ ff".'l f':h'l Qii'j "'i1li!.q IIS; S II

~: 'difii~ Q;:f !FHftl a~M$ {) I'''lq,",~ ~htl,!ll I

i.Mbl 'lt4'I I <f)<llIk"l~q fffi '*i1?\')1I\:wra rn ""iWl : 1:5.\3 11

If Ihe 10 1"0 o f the lagna i~ IO ...i1tl'd ill V a i~ l h.' ~ h i k alll :-.h" I.'.:""
'h lo b 25 cl ... o f c ha pter I) In .... nal iH' !:!CI ~ lw nl"llllcd fro m Ih ..'
\\ calth ea rn..:iJ by h is son.
If th..: lo rd 0:'.ho.: 2nd house is ~ I ro ll ger Ilw n [hl' 6th lo rd & MOl r,
tlw ~ ig. lli fk a lor of 6th and th . . lord of Ih.: i:t gna is ~lrung iLl
V;,j " h ..... h ik am slw (sel' s hloka:5 ell' \)1" ~' ha l'ter I) the naliw g:CIS
\\Callh frolll his e nem ies. Sjnlila[" l~' if the said t\\ O plancl s <I re
strongly inll uCllcc d hy the lord ()flh~' "7 th hou " .' .in c! ils significal o r
{ V cnu~) onl' gds wealt h from hi~ wirc. (M, & 67 1
~ <f11(/fl"1lqq l~ Tl: ~~jl<::ftI (jq'!(iilij 1
<IiIl"QI~h 4,1 (ifl$ ftedj'llif=1 f4 <::i"'I\HiO II o;t<U';klll 116. t; 11

If the 9th house and the significator of fa ther i.e. the Sun a re
i!l\o l \'~' u in th e ~aid yoga one gets wea lth fro m his father as also
from h is G uru & from religious ceremonies. In ca se the assol,:ia-
lion or th e aspect of Ihe lord of the 10th hou se and the Sun i~
in ....o lved . the native gds mo ney through cha rity of o lhers ;lIld
through his own faille. (68)

In thi s way th..: a~ socia ti on a nd the aspect of the lord o(l hc I J th

hous\.' ;md jt .~ signiticalor LI.":. Ju piter leads 10 he(l\'Y incollle.
T he lo rd o f the Jlth ho use a nd ils s ign iiit'aror Ju pite r arc both
fac t or~ de noting Plt.:llly. It is th us cka r that the ir innuencc on
un ,\, factor would make the charac teristics o f that factor \'1.'1>', valu-
ahle. T his yog .. ubta ins wi lh add..:d vigour in the elise ofJ upit\.'r fo r
Aquarius nali\' itiL'~ in as mUl.:h as Jup iter in addition to bei ng the
lord a nd sign ifi .... il lo r o fthe II til ilOuse wou ll.! also he the lo rd of the
house of wealth. T h:lI is why Wl' hold Ihal in suc h a .... :l~C Venu s in
Tau rus in thL 1th hOll Se aspel.:led by a strong. Jupiter wou ld b e~ tow
o n Ih e 1hll ive mllL' h I.nllkd property .. ntl ma ny "a luahle \ehicks.
Hel'l.": is the horoscope of Quecn Wi lh el mina of Netherla nd. Sec

the f<ll.:t that Jupite r- the sig.nifica tor ofwe.tlt h is here The lord o r
IWO h ousc~ of weulth \iz. of the 2nd and the lll h. It is loca ted in
di!,!lli lY in i l s 0\\11 sign in th L' hOllse o fweal lh .. nd is also in rCI-
rog rc ~sion . It i~ a lso asp . . cli ng Moon lagna and its lord. T h:
strength o f Jup il..:r-threcfold r~'rresentali\'{' of whal made the
Que.:n, the rkhesl \\dman in Ihe world. On.: Iwcd 1101 lh ": r("fo rc.
de~pai r of AL]wlriu s lugna.
q;t qlqjH!l1 : iI'tu;t ii<iill:lI re (M1 l4~1f I
;ft"lfi'ttl4l tj~~'GI'"ffi",hfil 1100 11
In ..:a s.: na tural malcfk pland s ;'tfl.' strongly situa t..:d in the 2n d
house (in thei r own sign etc.) the man gets rich eve,l if il he in
assoc iation wit h or under the aspl.'ct of pl a nct s ill debili tillioll. in
in imil'ai ~ ign o r eclipsed. (70)
<:1't1~l4 i tjl~~\1I;'t1 1 i ~i E'\'i 4& dl ~ I
~NajwIR'ti('1jl~(4l)') l"1: 1 1 1.3~, I I
Ju st a s all": gets inco me through brothe rs. rd a tives. sons. wi fe
etc .."hen Ih,,;- Iords of these hou ses arc stro ng ilnd a re inllllcneing
the faet or~ 0]" wealth. in the same mann..:r o ne losc~ we all h allh ..:
ha nd s o f hrOlh ers cte. if the lo nb o f the 3rJ 1.'11':. hOllSt.' ;, r,,;- weak &
m alefie s are .. tTIicling wealt h farlOrs. (7 1)
QI' ''1iNtt gH~ Ql Bql q ftrif. f:ii fO:+lli1 Y;ffl I
4l:;:;ff>qa "IT ~51t::~ \111<:1"'4 f!:f !l{ i"d f~~ : I :\;l~ II
~~ tl'"'Il4lttfl4 I'ttlf,W iITM"'l14$ I
'f~ ~ *ir m (1 "" ~ ,'~m:"l !ll4: Itl3~ 11
".-R~ ;U~I (lf~lfl4 'NIQ 4l"l(lfm I
(I'JI'f.I(i'fiti!:f'Ui (l Jt'::SIii:~ ; t 113'6 I I

If th..: lo rd of the l si house is w..:ak an d is IOI.illt.'d in til..: 12 th

ho use wilh ;1 ffialc tk plano.:t and Ill l' lord of Ilh' 2nd ho use is with
the Su t! or is in its sign o f dehilitation & un der lIIa lefi c aspcrt Ih e
nill i\'C l o~~s his wca llh ill th ... hands o f Ih!,' g.()\L'Tn m (72 1
If lile lo rl! of lhl.' 11th hOllSI.' i ~ in thl.'2n d house. ilnd the lord of
the 11 th hOllse is in the 12th, Ihl' lord 01'111..: 2nd house is in 6th. 8th
or 11 th ho useo!" is in its sign ofd..:hililalioll.llil! nal!\"\! losl.'s wl.'a lth
in conse4..:nc..: o f pun is hme nt t>y gu\"t fllm 0 .. )
Iflhl.' lmd urlh c 2nd hOll s,,: is 10..: .. 11..1 in Ihl' Sth hous..:. in his sign
of de bil ilati o n and in association \\ il h a ma kfic planet <l nd the
Sun. the na liv..: loses v.'cJ lth in ,,:o 11St.'q llem:I.' of pun ishm ent by
gowrn me nl. (74)

'tH~~~ ~.u ~~l'l(ollfq ~ ~ I

Q\''''llfi:ir ;urn t'1'q tq mtt q<i.lqi~"'l11 ~i""t~; III!J'( II

if tbl.lnrd of the 2nd is in thl.' 121h & t lh ' lo rd o flh ..: 12th is in 1111:
2n d & ,HI,' (j~p":C l..:d hy thc lord of Ihe lagn a . .$: if Ih..: lord of 1111..'
, a is wit h a m,dcli..: in th e Slh house. Ih..: nat ive lo~cs wealth in
cons..:qut..'lIcl.' o f pllni sn nh' 1l1 from Ih..: killg (g.overnment). (75)
~m ~ ~ "Of"'i4"1 ~ 41Oj ~RiiiiT I
<:~ I :'fl<I \il I Wld\!l cmq mrt lI ~qli:"'I"'1t:i1ql !l: 11\9!i II

Ifth..:: lord ofth~' 10 th house is located in the 11 th house wilh lhe

lord nl" lhe lagn<l (Inti is ~ illl<lwd in ya mkanlar or danshlrakaral
a m~ha th..:: nali v~' l os.:~ w<::allh by hl'ing puni shed by gOY!. (For
ddi nitio ns o f tnl'sl' I..::rms sc..:: s h loka 49 of l:hapter I ). (7b)
~","'ItQ~ ''If''iJj1f'.<:~ ~m il"'l"'ll.'n ~ql~ t
'ii'i(lf<l:>ili!lift l'l$R';!,d>1 ~11i}/IM~ ! IISIS I I

If Ih.: lords of Ih..:: 2n d a nd Ih.: Illh hOllses arc IOcall'd in cruel

, Ii\ isio ns such as thc i'o"avam sha of :t lTuci pla n(C'1. a rc' weak..
associ a tcd \\'ilh ma k-lin. a lid a n: <l ssm:i'll.:d wi th thc lords of bild
hOll~~'~ ~'.g. 6[h. ~th or 12th. th.: na tiv.: ~ ll!T.:r s l os~ allhe hands of
Ihi ..::ws. fi re or Ih..:: gm..::r:,Ill"::1I1. (77)
:'flit~t'I( 1WI ' ld (lqlQ 2i.{\f1!qt<!~ma fq~t4lij
t:I"'I 1 4 ql ~ tlfi'ld <:I<:I;f!' '.i il $ lq '=lI"mi:"'I"'1t ~ : 11 13 ~t I

In ''::;lsl' [hl' lord ut" th l' Hllh Ih)u~,,:: i .~i n tlll'Xlh wilh makfil.:s. p ar-
[i':l1l,1I'1\ in a .:rud Nav<lmsha ( ll" 11th division, & is in asso.:i,t1io n
thl'r~' wilh [h l ' lords of th..:: ::Ond & the I i Ih hou s.: .~. Ihen Ihl' n<lI;\e
I O"l'.~ \\<..'a ll h through dd"a ml' hy Ihl' p.:op lc. (7 S)

fffi~l~$'f'I"'I'!Iii/R1~~~Iif,f"lHqdt 'flqlq I
~:~ f~ \: "1 ~4( ~fQ'it> I !\.9'<. I I
T"k..:: Ihe lord nf llh' sign o.:..:up io.: d by Ihl'lonJ orlhe 2nd hOllS':
a nt! IIw n l" kl'lhl' lo rd of lhl' ;\a\' am ~h <t occu p ied by it. If[ h is lo rd
i ~ i"'~ ~ll' ;illl' d wilh a maldic pl ;lIw l in '1Il} orl h e houses 6th. !:Il h o r
12th. :llId is lInd..:: r the in tlul'IlCl' oflhe lord oflhl? ASl"elldalll b y
as~() ..: imion or aspect, Ihl' lliltiw !()~CS \\l'ahh Ihrough fi re, Iheft or
gm"::1"l1111Cll lal orJI.'r~. 179}
~iIPH'"'Ii}/lt4 ;rrJr ~ Q!41'fl I
'1p.fI'filldt ~ ~ "l~""1( : 11 t:.() I I
In ~' il~l' till' lord of Ihl' :--JaVi!m SIHl sign (X'cupil.'d hy th e lo rd of
thl' 2nd hOlL"iL' i~ 10': <111:..1 in ally 0 1'111(: h Ollse s6th. Sih or 121h, ,llld is
in a~socialion wilh a lIlaldic o r oe":l.1pies Ihl' Na\;\lIlsha ofa crud
p l:UIl'!. till' n ati\l' bl'l'Oilll'S poo r. (XO)
Wt ~(l f{ (Oj1#; ;:m!if "'Q,mq'fl"'
~ril. I
~ ;;m:rn~fir ~'1ttl;:i1 l44"'1( : I I !:~ I I
~lil(Oj 'f"+l1~~111"~1 ~ Wt~ f.1ttf~ !IT I
:l1"l!t.,I! ti"'l"l,a: fl'M: :f;>:if>::lcl~:it<:fQ m"1": t4 1 1 1 1 l':;~ II
~~ 'iffih/IGfd 4 f{ I
'fl1C!1 GO S: I~~ ~ 144 ""'1'i: II O:;~ I I
ll f~ F3~1 ~ !!>ffiI ~ <f{1: ~iol il I
i1i,.(tl""!1l l'l61'd, ofl'iltil'=ty;dfQ":1I 11C.'d I I
If th e 2 nd h o u se h a~ III ak li c i n JlU~I H;C: on it [h ro ugh associat ion.
;lIld it:-. b rd is with l11a ll.:ll(' pl .uh.'iS.. :-.itll il ;lrly [he lo rd o f the 11 th
ho use is ", jlh ma lcli cs, the nati w i ~ poor in w.: alth . (HI )
If I h ~' lo rd of (hI.' Na va msh ll OI.:cup icd by the lord o f the 121h
ho u"e. is wi th lord of Ih l! 2 nd hOllse C)r i ~ " ~ pec h:d by it a n d is i:1
u .:hji ilHtio ll sign . .::clipscd & o lherw i:.,,: wl',lk & with makfics in
,kcndra. th e n at ive is p oo r fin 'Jn cially. (8::!)
If the lord o f the N,lva ms h u occ u pied by the lo rd o f ih ..' sig n
(ll'cupkd b~; the lo rd o fl h .: 2nd hous..: is in kalJandJ a msh <.l (sec I I
Wl h tli ... sionl th e n a li v\.! is poo r fi nand;li ly. (83 )
If thl.' lo rd of Ih..: 2 n d ho u se is in a kCtHJra o r it trine bU I is in ils
sign of u eb il ii a tio ll. cd ipseu hy Su n & i ll ma ld ic sh a sh t i Ilm sh a ( 1/
('Olh division ) Ih e n a live has very lillk' weall h. (1.:4 )
~<ti r..fat1 ::j l ljI Rl ii1'I'It~ I 'I?"l i :;mf~ 1
!]I60 fl lj'l'l1 ~ 'i(q6'!'i ~ 111:;'( 11
If th e lo rd o f Ihe Navamsh a occu pied hy i h ~' lord o f tile Il lh
ho u s...: is aspec ted b y J u p ite r a n d VC l\U5 b ut is in m a lefic sha sh ti
at~lsha o n ..: ca rns hUE n o t mu..:h ( 1/60111 d ivision,. (85,

t!111'i Ql'1tf.t:nRt 1f'tfiMT ; *i.(fi'7l'"f!1 : 1

:fi'i:f1<fi1t119,tflI11IjN=fl ~ f4ii ~ i i 1:;& I I
If Ill ..: lord s o rl h...: Ni\va tush <.ls oentpk d hy Ihe lo rd s o r lhe I l lh.
& 2nd h o uses arc crud in n at u re. b ul :11"1.' ! oe a t ~' d in c a rdi nal a nd
IT!ila! ho uses. Ih e mall is slill ric h. (1'\6)
~:i1 f?:l'"f!M ~ '4l c"'l!S'1~ q\ioii1 I
1f...(t4tii:O ~ Qlti~ ~ (I <f1 1 ~ 1 I t:'3 1 I
I f the lord o f Ihe 2n d hU LL Sl' is i n " V ai~hes h i k" a ms ha (see sh lo ka
25 etc. o fc h aptc r I) & also in ils s ign o f ex al tati o nsh,tsh li amsh a
ll1 e mll ive su ffers tula l loss in life. {x7\
13 <:<1.-.11 ~~ f1q\1 ~ 11'flr -il~ iI'1 'fii~ I
~ ;ti (QG!<I~ f i ~rrm i'MT 111:; 1:; 11

If lh e lord o r lhe lagna is in V'lis hcsh ik Hmsh a a nd Ihe lord o f the
2nd is in malclie sh a sh li a msha (J/6llth d ivision). both th e lords o f
lagna & the :!nJ no u :.\..' ,Ire in k~ tHl ..a. Ih~ ma n is born ri ch .
1 ~8)
miT~ ,",,~~1 'fi41i~ qcfr ~ I
m~~lqft:t1 1 i!1 1"l 1 1 ~R1<n ~: I I ~ I I
In C~ "!." Ih..: lord of Ih..:: IOl h house is silu<l tcd wilh Ihe lord of lhe
2nd h OIl~O: or iflh~ 10nJ of th..: Illh hous~ is silualo:d wilh th l' lord of
Ihe N<I\',lmsha sign t1eeupit>d by the lord or Ihl' 10th hOU Sl' one
bceomcs rich suddenly. nN )

"""if ~ ~" $';<1;0 I

If.r~ ~ ,""f.'I iI 11'tal 'lqij II C/"Q II
If lhc 10nI oflh e Ascen dant occ upied the 2 nd ho use and the lo rd
ufl hc t lth house is int hc rOlh. and the lonJ orlhe Navam sh<l Si!!ll
occupied hy the lord ot"tltc 2nJ house is a hendie planet. th e man
gels wl.!allhy by hi ~ fa ntc. (90)
'Ei@Qf.l&fi"l di f?:l1~1' ~ ~I f1\'I '1 eti Q1ir I
tf.t~{4 i~l q ~ :.tb'11i ~ ~ Ilc/"~ II
If th(!" lord of the Nava m sha oo.:u pied hy Ih e lo rll of th..: lagn .. is
aspeclcd hy the hellelic lord or tho: Navam shu occupied hy th c lord
of th e 2nd hOll SC. or hy Mercury & J urito:r. thl.: ma n carn~ a thou-
sand. (9 1)
~~ ,",,1(lf~) <:!lIil:it <tlq~y/, I
QfT\llfGi'.r1 tI~tQ. !!<,ijll <IT f1tlfula IIQ,~ II
Ifl h..: Ion.! orthe iClgn" is in the ") nd housl'. <II1J the lore! oflh..:
11th hou se is in th..: 10th. ;Inti is aspeckd hy Ih e lo rd or lhe 11th
hOll~e or hy J up iter. thl.: man earns a thousand. (91)

'Ei M~ f.l a"l1~ fl11,!vP 0) ~1*?'!I1 ell ~14 I

~ri ~q11R ma ~~a 11 q,~ I I
If Ihl! lord of lhl' N<lvam slw occupi..:J hy Iht' lord o f th.: Asce n-
da nt is sit uated in Ihe "(japu r" divis io n ami is il speclcd hy thl.' lo rd
of the 10th house one ca m s ,I thousand. (93)
~QI O!"i '!*fI1 q j~1i!t'1 '!i'f, iH'A9iQi q 11 liHR io; ~ I
~T m'lil fi5od1 ~ iHi5Qi:Gf.lI4\\:fflt 11'<.'11 11
If Ihe lord o f the Sapla m sha (l!7 th di visio n) occupied by Ih e
lord o f Ihe Nava m sha oCl"upil"lI hy the lo rd o f Ih..: 10th housc is
strong .I ntl aspeeled by Ven us and Jupih:r the m~ n ca rn s Iwo tlulU-
sanu N ishklls (units of I.:u m'ncy). (lJ4)
4i1'4t1te'lj~it;jlfF; ,",,1@il ',"~"f.f.:q""~ I
~ ~ iHi5Q~:qf.Mi'l II '<.\( II
If Ih e planel talked ahout in the prcvious sh loka is lor.:a tcd in

benefic Shashti am sha (1 /6Oth division), if the 2nd & the 11 th
houses arc strong & so also are the lo rds of these two ho uses, the
native earns three thc us<lnd, (95)
~liIfq ~I't I i'j fi!ltH lq 'l~s:q t Wi( I
m ~ ~ ii(Qiqll;l",t\tlt ~ t IQ,& t I

In C<lSC,Ihe lonl of the 2nd h o u .~ e, & Ju piter. Moon anJ Sun ure
in Ihe "Va is heshik"" di vision and the lord orlhe 11 th house is also
strong in the s<lme manner the native becomes ri\: h. (96)
, , .
tol4't1't'''4$i'flM'tle1.'di''iQ''iI'I4: I
(4 <ij:~:itliS[\.;YQ <:1(":A''l+Ah''i\l f.1&:flqifi I I q, IS I I

Jrlhe lord oflhe Navamsha occupied by th e lord o fl he decante

o f the lord of Ihe 2n d hou se is vCI)' stro ng Ihe nal ive gels oS Ihou-
sallJ Nish ka s. (97)
~JIe4~$I~l:tt(l!,!'ctI z-;'1I'!4 : I
~:1lM~ i ~r~'I('\!ljll~ W'II1I"j4iiij 11Q, c: II

If Iht: lo rd o f the Sa pla msha (l n lh divisio n) orl'upi{'d by Ihe

lord of the Ascend an t is local .:d in " Vais heshik" division. the
nat ive gels income of 10 thousand Nis hkas. (9R)

>oil "" iii! m

wt ~'fi<'IJ"~' I
~:mtr ~ ~ ~'!'t4Ifu ~: 11 q,Q, II
If Ven us is loca ted in the 12th ho usc a mI Jupiter in Ihe 2nd. &
hath an: in their own Navamsh<l sign or arc in "Vaishesh ik" divi-
sio n. Ihe lord ort he Ascendant is al so similarly silU .lled, the man
earn s morc th an 10 thou.') a nd Nishkas. (99)
1Jir ~!ti e<{ttl ~ ~~tQi$hil $ I
~ "':flq\iu l "i ~ ('\~t:4 ~ I I ~ ao I I
If Jupiter is conjo ined to Ihe lo rd o f the Ast:c ndant in th e 2nd
hOUSl', in "Vai shesh ik"" division o r is located in the citrdina l or
trin a l house, the na tive earns more tha n 10 tho usa nd Nhhk<ls.
~~$,*"Oif4 i1N\f!i'dl+l(~jq : I
q(W,I!ti6IJOtIT ~1 <'i1at (4i1Qid I I ~a ~ I I
If the loru of Ihe Sa ptam sha (i n lh divi sion) occu pied by Ihe
lo rd of the dl'ca nle O\:cupkd by the lo rd of Ihe 10th house is in
"Ara va! amsh u"" the ma n enjoys a la kh. (101)
w:;t:: J.l ~ lITftf ""pM 'ij"iIRij I
~eitl~ ~~ ~ ql(l i:Hi ~ II ~ o~ II

If,,11 Ihe /(Hlrc'lrJina l hous.:s viz tile. 1~!.4Ih. 71h & 10th contain
n atural b-:nctks and Ihe lord of the 2nd h o use is located in the
" Simhasa u " division. the man earn s two luk h s. (102)

<iJ~,.;q'N",,6 f'm.."\.ijl"'lQ1i.,q-"I ~'i I

~:ilfiUlhttifiild ~~1f2@!q ~ II ~Q ~ I I
If an} o f lunJ s of the 11th. 1st & 2nt! h o u s.:s is in "Vaisheshil';'
,lImh ,] (sec s h lo ka ~5 etc. chapler I) or in M ri Ju <lIllsha. thl' nali\'\!
gCl~ ] lakh s. (IOJ)

~ Pli1q : ~ 1OI1<i1I\lQdI <l'1l'T I

rm ffi" ire:ftr.:iI lOll' 4 qRl iii I I I ~, 0 'd I I
1f t hI.' lords of thc .2 no iI nd th l' 1 Ilh hou ses iI fto' in Ihe 41 h hou~o: &
it fe s lro ng & tho: lorJ of tho: 9th house 100 is st ro n!! thl" native ge t..
mOfe thiln .\ la k hs. (104)
~f~<tljiJfq 4'I4~lQ ~ \1(Htiil$'i I
a~IM",i~l1T~ l1~"" ~ I I ~o '( II
Iflllo: lo rJ o flhc91h hallSc is strong in a kl' lldra ora Irinal h o usc
or is with the lord of thc 11th house and in "Va isheshik" amsha
(SCI.' sh loka 25 Clc :n chapter J). Ihe ll<ttivl' gels I lakh. (105)
~\ '1h.1111.nwil~lI: q(1)c<lIi/\(Oi'lcll : I
~:liM",t~ ~ ~ <fiItI\lcn.'l ~ I I N~ I I
lf i!'C IOfJ o fl hl' Nanuns ha oco:upicJ hy Iho: I"gna & Iho: lo rd of
Ih c 91h house lX':Upy Iho:ir hig hesl d egree o f c.'\ililillioll and Ihl'
lord of thc II I h is in " Vais lh's hik'" 01 m:-h;. Ih c nilt i\'c b t:~o lll t:s \,: f(lre
p al i ( multimill ilmairc). ([06)
jjOIQ'i! fi:lw;'ljiii11'dl1Q4I'rrI : I
~ "i'1;;;:~!(1'JIf ~~IIREP4f.ql: II~0I3 11
I fJ ur it ~' r ;Is pecls Ihe lord of Ihe Nu\' a rn s h a occ(J pied by tilt: lord
ufthc l<lgllll &. th c plilnl'llhus a sp-:':Ied is ill Mridu amsha (hl'nctic
Na\,ll1lsh:l ~' h,:, ), Iho: l1illi\t: kilos mont:y e n in lerest. ( 107)

il:1i1<.>II"'IQ'i'l'dlf?l<i?l<b'll"lQllIl'l : t
~~M* : Ji;ifI)b) '!4JUrG:leJl 14~' ,I( : I t ~Cl t:; I I
If th.: lords uf till' N <l\-ilmsha oc~upi l' J by IIt ~' lord s of I he dCCill1
Ie;; in whil:h til .: lord s orthe~nd and tit.: 11 th h o uscs arc located Ii I.'
in kcndra o r trillal houscs the nativ~ is 11 moncy lender. (101\)

~UiQRfI ~ m ~ir 6q 1l{:i'4cl I

~ {'t11i 11~1 $ ~ fi:I~)tld: II ~O<l, I I

If then.. is <J milldi~ pl<l n ~t in th~ 2 nd house and Ihl' lord or!h~
1<11111<1 is in the 12th house on~ gl'ts imohnJ in d ehl s. Thi .. will he
more so if the planel in Ihl' 12th ho use inlluel\c1.'s Ih~ l o rd ~ uf lhe
10th and Ih e lllh houses. (109)
ht<f,(<{f"'I1E1IiOj~~) =1)\!I(tMrT: I
Qt41f.1 1i ~--=r tli 'itj"t!lRl) l'1itPOi( ; I I ~ N t I

If the lord o flhe 2nd ho use is in its signoflkbililalion and ecli p-

sed hy Ihe Sun & iflherl' ar~ maldk planets inlhe2nu :Jnd the Xth
house. Ih.: ",lIive is b:Jdly caught in deol. (110)
~!iT 4l"1(1~lfIlI 1ti{~iSi!q~ t
i!1lll1itM (N"T '1* ;jfUilJ @ 1 ..... it"'1( : i i~ ~ ~ i i

If thl' lord of the 2 nd ho use is in ils s ig n o f d ebilit;ll ion &

oCl"upies m.llclic Sha shl i ,lInsha ilnd the iord of lhe 11th ho use is
also in malclic Shashl i ams ha. the man is ca ught in d ebt. (Ill)
"li qlll if<:l a iit~Ql1i~ s::~ ~if.qd i
!Ii(tlt<1i QtEifid! ;jfol!lt=J1 *'I 4"'"1( : I i ~ ~ ~ II
Iflhe lord o rlhe Na va m sha sign occupil'd hy the lord nrlhe I llh
house is 1m;"te.! in6lh. t\th or 12th house with a makfit: pL,net & is
in a malefic Slw ~ ht i am .~ h .. (1/6(llh tJivi sion l. th l' n,lIi\\.' is ill vohed
il\ d ebt (11 2 1
i:li4(,~l1q "l"'3'i8 t:I(i$~ (i~~d!ll'ifi:lq~qcl ~ i
Gd'IA iPt q;:r;:t "1!1 ~ ~ d414i j;fq<:fd a""iI: I i ~ ~ ~ i i
If the lord o f the 2nd house is loeat,;:d in Ihe6 th hOllse wit h Rahu
o r is located in that house with th e lord of the sign ot:cupied hy
Rahu. lhe na tive gelS disea se in his tee th orlhl'ir fall in Ihe , ub rul
i n~ perimJ of il ny of Ihe lwo i.e. Ihe lord of th e ~ nd ho use o r
Rahu. (11 3)
qi4 C1I"'tQOflfi:l ~ft1!oq~~414q'E"QI~141'ffi'1I"' : i
tl~~q(UilfQg;a ; f!!I'ftl' ~(t1f<!\." 'I : 4d<1 " dQlJi i I ~ ~'d I I
Iflhe lord o f the 61h hou se is i.Is ~oc iatcd wilh the lord of the 2nd
hOllse or if th e lo rd of Ih e N ava ms ha oet:u pied hy thl" rlan el wh ic h
is Ihe lord of th e Nava msha occu pied hy the lord o rl he 2n d ho use
is a ssociated with Ihe lord of thl! 61h house Ih.:n there is d e ntal
trouble or the ir fa ll in th e sub pe rio d of any o f th e two rhmets.
4i&ftOi'1Qffifi':l ',fficfi'P : ql~ ~d1 4ii;'!Q'4Id1Jt11: : i
~ cffl41<;'1't4fd g-aw:n mrt ~ if\wI1't41(4J414 : II ~ ~'( I ,

If the lord of the 2nd house is with Saturn and other malenc
rlar:els. the nat iv e has hrain troubk. The trouble is in l'anse-
q lienee of the anger of the ;.lUthorities if the malefic wi th Satu rn is
the Sun and it is rrom heat if Mars is with Saturn. (115)
i1{J~q(u1iR1 <0'S'P (PJ~dit'jR:14I'~y'B; i
(i'iR::1\"li'j\lft:1qfi,!d m ~ wn ~: ~ Urr: 11~~qll

If the lord orlhe 2nd house is in the 6th hOllse along with Mer-
cury Rahu or Kelll or the two planets a re in association there with
the lord of the sign oceupkd hy Rahu. the native will have disease
in the upper portion of the organ of speech in the sub period of
Rahu (and the main period of the lord of the second house).
(116 )
(i3lIfuil4l" d;P'M'lftl1 +11"'1lfri lfP1q;j : u<i\qllj I
,YQIe:4 ~Wifd d~ 4l~illl'TI 4lq!!ffi cr.qq I I ~ ~19 1 1
If the lords of the 10th and the 6th houses are in oceupalion of
the ~a\i.\msha of their sign of debilitation. <Ire located in [agna.
with malefic planet and with Venus and the lord of the 2nu house.
the native loses his eyes under t he orders of the king (government).
(1 I 7)
(i\ljIf(11~i~lcfl:ih ~:~ RlQI'<ll/1~1 ~ I
1i0lfri ;::;r~ ~ ~ ~ '114'1U~: I I ~ ~ r;; I I
!fthe lords orlhe Navamsha occupied by the lords of the 10th &
the 6th houses are located in the nth. 8th or 12th house, along ,. . ith
. the lord orthe [agna & if the lord of the 2nd house and Venus are
loea ted in th..: Sth house without! he aspect of benefic planets there
is much trouble in the eyes. (liS)
Cl'k::1<':jqi""'41111'.f 'fll("'i~ fI:l?lIR'flHi Qi(!'1R114ig: II ~ ~G, II
All types or results to father ell:. should b..: declared from the
house of the relation concerned and from the significator of that
relation. ([ 19)
'fluj'E"4 fi',14i(141: +11t "l1i1 ~ f~(ij' ~ I
(llliTElq ~'t1qJi F<lW<l "fT}/lfflq;j q<Hddl('!ftl II ~'1Q II

If the lord of the 2nd house is in the lagna along with Saturn and
Mars. this yoga leads to the ear being cut. Another yoga is con-
stituted for the same result if the lord of the 6th house is in the
lagna along with the lord of the 2nd house and Gu lik is in the Hth
house with Mars. (120)
Allhough the cQnJition of ears is Sl'<.!1l fro m the J rd ho use & its
lord. yCl [h..: 2 nt! house (l nJ il :. lonJ a n.: aJ!'>o n:k\';lllt in as much Ihe
r o~ .. o f i1 limb is al so- seen from th~' h() lI ~o; 121h 10 Ihl' hUli se n: p-
n?\l'l1l ing In..: limb. This po int is ck ar from th e fad that VaikJlya
Of 10"s of a limb in gl..' lll'n.l is consitkrcJ from the 121h house
\~hich is 12th \0 lh~' Ii rs! house slamlingi'or tho: houy as it wholo.:. In
th is c(ln ncclio n all eill iu n L, invih': u 10 sh l(1ka Illlln b ~'r r.:ialing to
121 h houst.! in c h aptc r 8 i.e. 10 Ihe woru "V;t ib lyam" lh Cd
there in.
N~if{<t"Rf Cfl <.!.lit<"l'te:f dOEf1<lI'1"'lI'(j \l ii#l i(:$~; I
~ffi ~ ""1f.1 ~II:t1(iiWl4i <W Wt ( i'~C1"bl '11')'{ I l n~ II

T hu .~ should th e results he d e\,:lan::d hy con si Jering th\.' h ou~ c
lind I he sign i iicato r o f I he rda t io n conel'fned. If Ihe lord Of lhl' 2 nd
htlll.\e is Im:a lcd in kc n dra with V C IlLl S and Moon thc na ti v\! has
:-iIH:r ute n sil., in hi, hULI se. (l 21 )
'8 <ill: 'fA1I"I{ 111!I'{;;4 ~ ffI!I(j fqO 1~ 1j fg ql?i Ij 1
~ro- lW'''''JIt<:4 ~ ~:ltj'q4'ij :lr ~ ~\It aQ 1 I ~'I:'I: I 1
If Mercury a longwith Ju pi ter is in kcndra the nat ive has golde n
utens ils. If the lord of the 2 nd ho use is in kcndra or trine & in
V;li~ h cs h i k cuns h a (Sl'C s hlokil 25 etc. llf char l~r I) the n also the
n ative has go lden uten sil s. ( 122)

lJ!irt <11 Q(1'fl cq 4i:lr ~a Q;fr~ <ri'ir mrJf ~ 1

fql ~ilf,HlI 11 Q(l\1c4(I:Ift 'il "lI 'i0fi:l?'i ~ I 1~'l:Q I 1
Simil.[ fl y i r I he lo rd of Ih e 2 nd ho u _~e i .. in M rid u ams ha (bellelic
:"-Ja\'amsha etc.) or in ihc N ava m sha orthe sign of its cxaltation the
na livl' has gold e n uten sil. ( 123)
~11f.:q 11 ~q~'R1 {rit 'I1fF;~ crr1 ~~ fM o41j 1I ~ 'l:b' 11
If th e lord o f Ihl.' 2 nd hou sl.' is stro ng ;lI1d on:upil's its o wn
Navamsha, th e m an uses go lden ulcnsil s, (124)

''~ 'lfdl4J\ ~:i14'Nt(["diol! -.ii1TI'ifi I

~;;: fftql f4i'~f$1 ~ 1 '6i("i f<:l qR ~ "i"'R>"'
QI II ~ 'I: \/, II

If lhl.' lo rd or lhe 2nd house is in a Mridu a ms ha paJ1icuia rl y in

Paravut de. amshas is strong in kl.: n dra and aspeeted hy a bendic
fr iend, thl.' nal i w u .~cs m any ull'l\sils ,II Ihe timto' of c<.ui n g:. (12 ) )
f1f-<l?lQI'ii !:I~~RI ~~I ~4h!"1( if;~"8 dj@t:>~ I
WJ JO{{,Jif~"i!dl <11!11t:>>11R1(1 ~ fcI~R:lffiw II ~~6.11

If the lord of Ihe 2nd hOLlse is strong in kendra and in

Vaishl'shik am~ha 8:. is associated with strong Venus. Jupiter. ur
Mercury th..: nativ..: has a variety of utensils used al I he ti ml' of l'<l l-
ing. (126)

~V1(OI (1f~dll:lft ~"T~ "lq;f~Hi'i ~ 00 1l1M~ 1!~i'iY I

QT'if ~ ~ err ff;:rr~'1i5,n Wi:ll1'l1 til!ili'i41'l1'l II ~'1~ II
Iflhe main dasa lord and Ihe sub period lord ar..: bOlh in the 6th
house along with the lord orlhe lagna one gets iron utl'nsils. Ifth..:
dasa & sub perimllords itlong with the lord of the 2nd house are
local..:d in the 81h hous..:. the utensils arc of fine iron (st<:cI l'tc).
(127 )
<tiif4 ~ f:I:;m 1jHM41 *""d ~~R:l<ti~''El~A ~ ~1R1~~ I
If'-ctI~q(ffqd11j~IQfM~:iI &;;IRI,4: :{!"'Iy;8IRt ij~1""1~: 11~;;>t:; 11
lflhe lord orlh~' 2nd house is strong. is in Vaisheshik amsha and
aspected by benl'fics the uto:nsi l is ofbron/_e. Similar .... ill he the
case if the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the Navamsh;.t
sign of the lord of thc 2nd housl' is inllul'nced hy hendll's.
4Iq~~o, 'ElItA ~ W*"",(lm i1':rnI11"4~d~I'lqci\ ;;RW I
i1':rfil1it 'ld",,~Tj 'q ~(~~ ~ ~ 'Ell'l~?; <ti"'l4Rt d~l: I I ~ -;:0, II
Iflhere is a maldle plalll'l in the 2nd house and the lord of the
:'\Iavamsha sign of Ihe lord of the 2nd house is in the Navamsha
sign of the 2nd house and the lord of the 2nd house is weak and
unaspected by benefics. the na ti\-e uses britle utensils ilt Ih~' time of
eating. (129)
tJ1t!,;q;q;<1 QT'if If'ffl "l1'4(lfm I
'ljqllgu,. +i~~ 'fl1(Jl$ ""wlf.J\\ I I ~ ~o I I
If Ihe Navamsha in the second house is of the same sign as in the
second house. malefies aspect the 2nd house. and there is Kal
amsha in Ihe second house. the utensi l is made up of two
ml'lals. (130)

"Ipql~ 11RnqJi 'El41G '*llft"l~si$1<tili'l1mir I

~ qlqf.1f1fer1' qr ~ ~: ~n~;:hllt)1I10411'j t I~ i.l ~ I I
If the 10ru of the 2nd house is with malefics& is in Dandayudha,
lJavagni or Kal ams ha (sec ta ble for Shashti am shas) the man is a
f~ rocious ca ter. The same is the resu h if the lord of the 2nd house is
in the Nuva msha of its sign of debilitation and aspected by
malefics. But if bencfil:s arc u~soc i ated with or lIspect the lord of
the 2nd ho use th e fa ult or too muc h ea ting does not a risc. ( 13 1)

'lfi<""" " ,,;m ~'.iI I

'<J"lI!or ~ I!'l 'i" "" """ "~~,,,
When the re is a benefic pla ne t in the 2nd house, the lord o f the
2nd is as sociated with and aspeclcd by a benefic planet the native
enjoys food in comfort (132)
ljRt>tiftfA$1 : 41l1iw{i:/r ij,tn:i@l I
~~ ~q!?,f.1(~fM I I ~ qq II
If the lo rd of the 2nd house is in strength, o r in Va is heshik
ams ha & as pcc ted by J upi ter a nd Venus, th e nalive is rich and
enjoys food in comfort. (13 3)
~ P!l1 cis 1)",110'1 ~ ~mq SI(!,lIf.:<:cd I
C61(::f;fQ ftr~ ~ f11!i1l!llo:fI I I ~ ~~ I I
(fthere is a plan et located in Ihe 2nd house in its exalted sign or
in ils Moollrikon (positive) sign & the lord oflhe 2nd house is in
st re ngth & well aspl.'1:ted. Ihe s igrii fic a tor of ealing ( Moon) is
locol h:d in Vaisheshik amsh a. the nat i\e enjoys food in co mfort.
( 134)
<tM1IRtdiR llkt."Ilil I
qlqU ~ Oi lU ~ o:fI'tlI~IIR;'Id "'1" ~ I I ~ ~"( I I
If the lord o f Ihe 2nd hOll se is aspecled by th e lord of the 1st
ho use. the lI.u ive ta kes food al appropriate times. If it is aspecled
hy malefic pla ne! or is located in deb il itation N,lva msha etc. the
na ti ve is nOi m indfu l in this re spect. (1 35)
3HU41flilalinil '!M:jl RJ ~f$d I
~~iN!fii~I Eflil ~~I I f<l:~clN ~ I I ~ ~5. I i
I f the lord o f th e 2nd house is assodated wit h o r aspectcd by
J up iler anJ Mcn.:ury & is in Va ishl'sh ik o r Mridu e lc. a msha the
nat ive gives foo d in c harity to others. (1 36)
T'*l!tf, ~d ~ ~ +:1'Rl f.:lflfP.1d I
~~INEfl'~I <6~ 3!=t<:I<;jl m ~ I I ~ ql! I I
If Jupiter a nd Venu s arc in the 2nd house. the lord of this house
is a .. pected by a bene/ic a nd is located in Vais hcsh ik am sh a. the
native give.. food in c hari lY. (137)

~,(lf~ ~ ~ 1'1"'Zlfti ~ I
,*.'1'1<,, : ~~&i! {q""'Mf q~ 1(; I I ~ ~e; I I
If the lord of the 2 nd house is stmng& is lo cated in ke ndra (ca r-
din,,1 houses I sl. 4 th. 7th o r IOlh )or in an u pch aya (3rd,6th, 10 lh o r
Il lh) house & is aspec lcd by benefics in srrength. the native gives
\ food in dlarity, (138)
drRt(2fjeQI,d ~ f1:1?14i'4 f" {\~ I
~ a~ft.I<f,I:}r!u WJ ~Rn'>l<tJ ~ Ii ~ ~Q, I I
If a benefic p lanet is localed in the seco nd house in ils sig n of
exaltal io n, and is a specled by a friend ly a nd benefic planel & the
lord of the 2nd h ouse is lo cated in Vais hcs hik amsha, th e native
easily gi ves food in charity. (139)
dl<:!Ql~ (1 ft1~'l1: '''~I'~~H~~~'~I'~ ~ ,
fCll c1 ~ ~fI$&2 ~~nf1!:'1~1 I, ~'dQ, ,
In case the lord of the 2 nd hos ue i ~ a be ne fi c planel & is in its
sign of exalta lion. a spected by bendics & is localed in Mridu etc.
ams ha. the native la kes food in less quantity a nd accord ing 10 his
la ~ I C. ( 140)

QO=!'1}h,<Ii! ?; !:fi(.tj6Cq~ I
oftil6i!1('l$G! dfiU lqil ;rr : Ii ~'d ~ I j
If the lord oflhe2nd ho use is in a malefic Shils hl i a msha (1 /60th
di vis ion) and is a spec ted by a pla nc tloca ted in ils sign of debilita-
lion. Ihe native ealS ul o thers doors and is e ngaged in eating defec-
live food. (1 41)
~ ~I1'NQ >R ~ ~ ~ I
;ftitifl W ~ fi 'ffi Elad =It: Ii ~'d'( II
If thc lo rd o f IhI!" 2 n d huuse is Saturn or if$a lUrn is a ssocia ted
wilh the lo rd of Ihe 2nd ho use & il is in ils sig n o f debil itat io n &
as pel.: led hy -Saturn. the native eats food given by others at s uc h
occasion~ as the ti me of offeri ng o bl ations etc. to the dead atH;c~
tors. ( 142)
'!jqlt 'ifd"1 1~ q I
If the lord o f the 2m1 h o use is lo ca ted wi th S<t turn. M a rs. G ulik &
is o ccupying the d eh il it at ion or in im ic<l l Navamsha o r the
Yamam sh a & is devoid of any benefic as pect. the native takes foro.
h idde n food. (143)
i'f<h~ ~rH'I'f1 :tTl~'iI!l '!1('i lJld I
fu'~ ~ "IT :{!l1d"l('i y;ij , I ~W6 j I

If th o.! lord of the 201.1 ho usl! is associated with benefi cs and is
st ru ng o nl! eats h is food y uic kly. Similar is the case. if the re is a
bcndil.: si ~n in the 2nd house a longwith a benefic pl anet (1 44)
a<:fM "I(I I,,-tt ~ 'lffi ~ (11$:11 ITt I
~ qmi!l.q F~(lO/1ffiT ~ ~~'tl: II ~'ri'~ I I
In case the lord orthe 2nd ho use is in a movah!c sign o r th ere is a
fa st mo ving planet in th a t housc, a n d a fast moving planet aspects
tht' sec0nti housc. the 'lat lve ta kes long to fin ish his meals a nd
find s fa ults wit h food. (1 45)
F""''''1.:cGjIG! '1f4d(I~ ~1l/1!!d; ~fd\{'$Q I
~~. ~ ql~I("1 1 IiOlilti wil i! I fi' '1~ \l CI~ffi ('lI" I I

In case Ihe lord uflhe 2nd ha ll S,' is in the ISL 71h, 8th IJr 2nd in
Ihl! company of Su n & a speclcd by :vl a rs o r if il is with Mil rs ilspec-
tell by Su n 111l.' native ha s wounds o n his f,u;cor s uffe rs th rough fire
in Ih al pa rt of lill' !,Ou} . ( 146)

<!l' ''1 i~~i 'i'"1 <: 1 Bfu ~Lj ~ ~A# "' '"1 ~ij~"if.:tttrarn- err I
1,-: I f( ;:f1 il ~ <l~ ~ ~8t~ NI:;q I~i IIf~t:l~ <j : ~ q ~'t1 <:I';iY I I ~ '11\9 I I

If M M S occu pil's IS L 12 th. ni h or the 71h house and is wit h
M anu i und <I"pcclcd by Sun; a nd Ma rs is ecl ipse d in in im i(,:a l
sign, in it:' S I ~i1 o f d ~b ili t ati on. the man su ffers from trouh le s
of Ih e blood.
M a rs li ke Moo n R~p rese nl s blood. T he hea \ )' aflliction ofMurs
& Moon k ad to po ll ut io n e le. of hlood. Fo r example, if M a rs lo rd
o flh e lagna conta in ing Moon or Moon lo rd o rth e lagna conlll ill-
ing. Mars is aflliclcd by disease factors >U'.:h a s Saturn and Ra h u.

th e mall gets his blood pOll uted. Ifin additio n Mercury represent-
ing skin is also affl icted by Saturn or Rahu. the man fall s prey to
leprosy. Here is the exa mple o f a person who developed leprosy.
Here Moo n is lord oflagna occupied by Mars suffri ng in Rlh in the
sign o f Sat urn & under aspect of Mars. Mars inlagna suffers from
bOlh SalUrn & Ra hu while Mercury is a rnicled by Rah u & S;Uurn.
Venus in Lagna is no relief as it is d is posito r of Saturn.
Q,mQl "'1 afM! ~ '{ftI.p fl$('N ~ r.."''''I0f\!I!JQt 1Id '11" I
rn ~~ tWM"'\~ <:tl1""'~~II~f.lILjd wCl~R1 <:1'411: 1 1 ~'d~11
If Ma rs is loca ted with Ma nd i in Ihe 2nd o r the 8th house & the
lord of the 2nd is also as'sodated with or aspeeted by Man di, the
uall Ye suffers from severe blood lroubles. (148)
QlQful8 (~fJld l4 1(1~llJ , qlqlf.:q~ l(f\~~RI~~ ~ : I
ijo;l'il~'1tqtl~d ra11Iiil'l~ ~ ~ i(!1ct1'4'1~~~ ~ : II ~'dq, II
If Saturn is in the 2nd house with a malefic the mnn gets bitten
by a dog. In case Saturn is with the lord of .t he 2nd house or aspects
it the same result follows. (1 49)

~ ftatif 'ffi!I:iH ~ ~ CIT ecll'i4 Clt:f.:d t

i!fi<:: "1 if '{fl:!Wt"'l ll* fQ?ti fa<tll1\ q;'iI iI ~ 'lIt : II t '(0 t t
If Ra hu \oealed in the 2nd ho use is associated wilh or aspcrted
by Guli k (see under sh loka 135 of ch apter I) the man is bilten by a
serpent. Irth e 2nd hou~ e has Mars in it the native eats grains Or an
infe rio r type. ( 150)


We give below Ih e horoscopl! o r a person who tril!d to com mit
su icide by ta king "s leeping p ills" hirth date is 28-11-1 953. Th e first


, G
"" -

point that is relevant to the context is the fact that Moon-the
significator of "Eating" is herself in this case the lord of the house
of eating i.e. the 2nd house. It is obv ious that the nature of
influence falling on the 2nd hOLLse & on Moon-the lord &
significat~r of eating would denote the natu re of e<lting. The 2nd
house is fully aspectcd by Rahu-a planet that stands for poison. II
is also aspelted by Saturn. another planet representing poison.
Sim Harly. Moon has on it the surrou nding influence of Rah LL and
Saturn on one side of it and of Mars & Rahu on the other. Mars too
being a poisonous planet. both the 2nd house. its lord &
significalor arc under the influence of poisonous planets. Hence
the relevance of poison. It has a case of eating poison as Moon as
the lord and significator of eating is involved & not a case of being
bitten by some poisonous reptile ctc.

~ffi W41&oq{":;; ~ ~ I
~ n=-atif ~ (4i9<1~1 ~ qi'fioql!"j;:j ~: I I ~'(~ 11
In Lase the lord of the Ascendant is a natura l benefic & is placeu
in the 2nd house. one gets good wealth.
If Mercury is located in the 2nd hOLLse in a wcak eo ndition ,!Ild
under aspect of maleti.c planets the native has dcl"ective speech
(stammering etc). ( l SI)
qIQf'4l"1il,....1 ~ ~~c,.~t~,olt.fl 'i(ilillrt 1:I1~q'HI~<:! : (0411 I
~1<l'f""ql'1q ~(<:!41 1tI",<i ~ I:IICf'q(i\;:j i'fi1Ti: I I ~'(~ II
If the lord of 2nd house & that oflhe [st house arc weal located
in a malefic Navamsha the native suffers through some nervous
trouble in the organ of speech. If the lord of the 2nd house. is
withoLLt strength and aspected by malefics the native has defeclivc
speech (stammering etc).
'lIil "" q" f.1~!ill. 'IT "l'Mil ~ ~ I
<:!R""OlI'1Q QIQf.:niRiafQ ~t'HI4l'1: &W:q'll~ : I I ~,(~ II
If the 2nd house is aspected by a malefic p lanet & is particularly
in association with a malefic that occupies a malefic Navamsha.
and Ihe lord of the 2nd house is also aspected by a malefic planet.
the native uses poison in acts of cheating etc. (153)
f4'51 I r:fI'!l'1Q1~1I~~ ~ ~ ~ I
11""1'61($411:11'11 Oi(Q1iOi((i\I:I~II,~ t I ~'('6 1 1
Thus results relating to friends etc. should be told by the lord of
ihe house of friends etc. taking into account the strength &. weak-
ness of the house concerned. its lord and its significator. (154)

G~ql~rl'ffl:N {lH-:qII!l\iltil![l'1f,: I
\1<i"'l!tlQi'!!!t4I.41 ~fJf8I&1l(i.111 I ' Z'I'i.11
T hus for the benefit or all Slid Venk alC".. h. son of Avya ya has
na rr;uc:-d the r('"sults t)rth ~ :::nd honse- resu lts Ihat throw light Oil
hid~kn ,cere iS. (1 55)
3!..! ~ S"'ll~: 11'611
@.~ 'i '8 t5 "I R'l:t, &Thtl"1 'A~i 111;:; i ~li H:""~H "'! I
fi:1'Ui!\'ft;1o!':tl o[ q~fcnirm-~ 'lC!lI<fli II ~ II
From the th ird house should be considered th..: hrothers, valour.
medicine. frknds. throat. ehes!. ed ucation. right ear. eatables. and
plane ts. (I)
;rr~ 'E!i<;('ill'f mm miTrfwIT fihH1i~IAi!i: I
qrq$rft QIQ'8'"lfI41l.U ~ i8111(41'U m~i~'i: I I ~ II

If the lord oflhe 3rd hOllsl:ilnd Mars art:! located in thc?lth house
and ,HC aspected by malefic~. there is los~ of brothers (youngers).
\Vh~>n the two an: located in malefic sign and are with makfics the
brothers are horn and then lo~l. (2)
~atrrt 0:11''';($1($1&41 ~:wlt 'lIQfl"''II'I41 ?IT t
%(I~q,,<~~ (11;111" 'IJIlt"f1l4ilgl'>".:j f~.!lW"lli: II~ II

if the lord of the 3rt! house and its signific<ltor i.e. Mars arC'
located in 'avamsha of their sign of dehilitation & arc in the eom~
pan)' ofm(1kfies. and arc in a malefic Shashti amsha (l/60th divi-
sion), then the hrothers arc horn hut arc short lived. 0)

qlqui't oH1~(qlqg;t; fil~':f "IT qlqRm~ fAl"! I

i1~h!":1i. 4,'ltlliii1n:i,r 'Hgl~(loli lfi"pifct '1"T~ I I'd I I

lfa rnaldie planet occupies the 3rd house or irtlle 3rd house is
aspected hy m akfics & if Ihe lord of Ill<.' 3 rd house is located in bet-
ween maldic planets. there is destruction of brothers. (4)
'lI'li"1( QI'1i1(l8li.l <iT qlQlf;qa 41q'lglf.:q~ <iT I
~ ~"'l&ij(N <fT~ 1;::(1I~I&jI~: I IY, I I
If the 3rd house is located in hetween malefic planets. aspected
by maldics. associated with malefics or with planets in their
debilitation sign & the 3rd hou~e is without the aspect ofbencfio..:
planets there is the destruction of brothers. (5)
\llif?"'l111~qfl'liiIi(Tm ;:um:rMi'r I
4111(IRl'ld ~ ~: ,,:fl;::(11~ 115: II

If the lord of the sign t!cnott:d hy the Navams ha occ up ied hy the
lo rd of the J rd house is located in thl:." 8th house. & is there in its
debil ita tion sign o r is eclipsed. thCfl' is the dest ruct io n o f
brothers. (6)
~lf"14 If<l B I'l I'i4i qiqe"wfl~cl I
ffift:1T 11 "l(lf~ odl<:(IOli fWrri#R11 11\31 1

If the lordofthe 3rd home i." as~ociated with Saturn and Mandi
& a spectnl by maldk pla nets & is 100,:.Hed in its sign o f debi lita -
tion. the rl.': is dl.':SlrUCl io ll of bm the rs. (7 )
q!4I1{ cr{y~ iI
m (iI!Iifi:lit Iif, 1 (~
~ ~ I,moll f~=!ntr~;' i ~ \ i
Ifthc lord ol'l h..: 3rd hous ~ is located in betwecn makl"ic planets
& sim il" r is th e condition of Mars & [he lord orthe 3rt! house. there
is the dest ruction of brotlllr!>. (Sl
q l~ ij '4If:Wi ~ qfr.f~ 'l414f1ffqa I
~<e ~ ~ mfQ 'fii''H iUii mQI=!'"l i i '\ i I
Ir th e J rd hou se is aspected by maldk pia nets. the lord o f the 3 rd
is in the Jrd house in rnale!iL' Shas hti arns!"!a (1/60th division)
there is the de.. truc tion o f h ro[ hns. (9 )
\l1 q:......U"'II fi:I\l fi!l i ~.f,r"ir ~ " I"'i~ i
(I"'"'1I~ ;:fr'lw...'IR11j~ BI <;("lI~ I I N I i
Determi nc the lord of the sig n denoh:d by th e Nav<lrr.sha
Ol:eupied by the Ion.! uf lh e 3rd house. If lhe lord of the said sign is
in dcbi!i lated sign. edipsed or locilteu in ini m ical sign. t he re is loss
of hrothers. (10)
\li<;jBli"llf'qq ~:{it <tAd, ?tI (I'Iltj'qq I
QJit furiI' q lq~ f'il c4 ~ QPHtTlf: t I ~ ~ I I
If the lord orthc .1rd ho use is located in 6th.llt h or 12th h o u s ~. &
Mars 100 is sim ilarly situa ted. they arc in associati on wilh 'l nO
Llnd~' r the aspect of malefic pla ncts. there is loss ofhrothcrs even i f
th e loro of the 3rd housc occup ies ils cxaltit!ion sign. { I I)
~~tU:rt~ 1fl 'f'lt'"Tcfi t
iH IQ 4li\~IR1'I124 41 <::("'I1~ l l~ ~ I I
Determine the N;tvumsha oecupi..:d hy the lord of the 3rd ho use.
Thl.!f1 fin d out th e Nava msha sign in wh ich the lord of the
:"\a va rnsha ascertained lies. If lhe lCl1'l1 of lhi s sign is in dehilitated
.~ign. or ecl ipsed o r in an inimical sign the re is destruclion of
h rOl h ~rs. ( 12)

'if(,Bf.!,.<t:(QI1Offi qi( <tI' 1fI1(ij)fq lft' I
a:;:qlel1llj~ ~ ~ 41.a'1jt'l 1~ j I~~ II

If bOlh thl! 3 ru house and M ars a re in associ.llio n wjllt c "'lremely

ll1alcli,,; p lan ~ l s & so a lso is lhe case with Ihe lorc.l o f lhe 3rc.l hou se,
:hcre is the ueslru!;lion of brothers, (13)
ljF$f::tRfI,nf4]11 d ....,I~'H"w~ h1 : I
"1 !!l tHq}jIl~4 fll<=IlIr.t d'1'1 I I ~'rl l l

\Vhcn th..: ma!cfil.: inllucn..:e is Ilo t s..:vere, the dc~lructi on of

hrotllcr~ takes place alicr a lo ng riml:, (I -l )

\l 11f1'.w.r ~4ffi ~TIl"1 '1 ...a;ifIf~d I

'141<1"'114 ~c:;1ii!q ~ \l1'l('IIl"1$'i(~Q I 1~ '( 1 I
II' hl' l\c fi c p ia neb arc located in the 3rd house whic h is also
a~rectcJ by bcn cfk pla ne ts a nd the lord of lhe 3rJ ho use is aha in
strength , the yoga ind icates the <Kljuis itio n of hroth ers, (1 5)
~ $1($ ~ lI!"ljt' lf"flRra I
~ l!IT ilh:ifh10 \l lfil ~t.=t mrq I i~ e. I t
If the lord of till' 3 rd ho use and M a rs ar..: with benefic planets
and a spected 100 by such planels and thl' 3rd house 100 is fu ll of
stre nglh the yoga indicales the rise of hrothers. (16)
i"i,:f"ui I U)~ "fTfQ .-41 cofi4'514Oj.j'1 I
"iN lft' * 1($ ~fq \l lilc:;l,4'i!1<QIj 11~\91 1

Iflh e lord ofth..: 3rd hou sc and M ars are loca ted in ke ndra or a
Irinal house. in [h ci r sign of c", altation. in th eir friendl y sign & in '
their l)Wn Va rgas (NlIva ms ha elc) Ihe yoga ind icah:s the acquisi-
tion of brothers. (17)
t"t1k11l1l)f.:qa "w {{r"4l'1 i ;j~ ~ I
~ ~ 'f11<cf; <mQ 1W1" 41<:(~1"! 1 1 ~e. 1 1
If [h ~' lurd of the 3rt! house an d Mar, are in association with
hl'ndlCS & are located in the Nil\'inllsha of benefi c planets. th e
yoga in Jit"atcs p rospc rily of brolh ers. (18)

t:1~ffi 'fl'l(l'l i' lqffi ftl6i4A1 $i(41d'i1~\:';:

MklJtg (ls*1"11fi...1it 8tISIJl",.Ii<htILl if5'<l4i'd d"~~~11 : I I ~Q, I I
If th e lord of the 3rd ho use is in the amsha ca lled Gop ur (see
sh lo ka 25 etc. orcha pter 1) & the planet M a rs is in Simhasan
amsh a <~ n d Ihe lo rd o f Ihc 3 rd house is a benclic pla net the yo g ..
in dica tes the acq uisition of b rolhers l'tC. (19)

QI(I"'C1I~ .m oRUm qfflfl<ff :flr!:1"'Itli:::T2F. I
~~ 'Ef~Rl<::lF; ottJr ~1~CijI~C''Q,,!>!'Ii fd I I ~ O II
If th e lord of Ihe :J rd hOllse is lo ..:a ted in a ke nd ra in
Pa rd\';.lIa ms ha in associa tion with a belld l ": p la n.: 1 in Ihe
N"l\ ams ha or ;l henefic a nd irlhl.' lord o f lh..: Jrd house j" a h~' IH~ fi c
p la ll et the nat ive has mallY b rolhl.'rs. (~O l

~ +"'1'-1 m ~ ,!,,' !~:iIUI'1 1

~ ,,%~ '14 I '" 11'1 q (1'1':; (I "l ft1 &:II Fil VrrJ I I ~ ~ I I
The il..: qui sition of hrol hers is indic;lI ed. if Ihe lord of the Jl'd
hou s..: is located in the 3rd hou s..:. in it s sig n o f exaltation. ils Moo l
' Irikon ( po~ iti ve ) ~ i gn. and is in .~ tl"..:nglh . (21)

W: :/ll f<l'4Aql ~ "q11 '11.i:t ~ I

~aFt ?;fI "JIlif~ tih: o ('Q f-clql fil.~1 1 II Oil '? I 1
1f t he lord o f till' 3 rd hou sc is Im:a tcd in Mridu a ms ha 1.'1c. & is in
<l ';s;.}c ialio n of hcncfic pia nets & is a ~Il c ~ ted by lWllctics. the yoga
indicates th l.! bi rth of hrothers, (12)
~vlfjj>;f,i0 ~qr ~ ~d I
'F~IIRI.!,1 "'.f1f1 ~ll'1q~;:jI:ji::j ~ 1 1 ~i;! II
If Ih e lord of thl.! 3rd hOll s;! o c ~' upio: s
the amsha call ed
Va is h..: ~ h i k (sec sh loka 15 1.'1.;. c ha p ter I) & is aspectcd by
he m.:til.:!> & loc.l ll'd in M ri d u etc. a m s ha the y O},!:1 in dicalC's t h ~' p w -
spC'ril y o f h rot hl' r". (2J i
"' 1 1 '11 "f!~ 4i;:;i~, fq A ~ "'f;q.;fflT ~ i
\1"I'<:Il ~ 1?it";;ll ;;'''1 rn 'i'ffi A I I ~ 'rI' I I
If" th e ln rd o f the A~Cl' ildallt ~l
I"rknd of tht lord of Ih .:: -' I'd
hOUSl'. thc Il<lti\'.:: is friendly to bi~ b ro th l'r. If it is enemy there is
enmity. Th is rule of friendship can he applkd 10 fa lht'J" and oth l' r
rdali ves <IS wdl. (~4 )

3l'f q4i ~ "l:I'fu ~I ("'~

"''j!~ I FC(l t

If th e lo rd o f the 3nl hOllse and Mars a re loca ted in the

Na vams h a o f an odd sign a m i arc a spccted by Jupi ter. Sun. o r
Mars loca led in Ihe 3rd houso.:. in thi s condition the native gel S
male coho rn s. (25)

1flU~ 'l.W wllv) ~ ~ itl(2f)e"1(;;:? I

~:Hih;{t"' lI"lf""g l ~( I 'Q'1 1'titi~ ~ iifI"~ I I ~~ I I

I ()(,
If t h ~ 3 f(~
hOll sc. its lord and M a rs an' loca ted in Ihe Nava ms h n
or an e\ .e n sign or in 111\.' eve n ~ ign s. I he ynga giws h i rt h 10 sisters. If
they arc in the Navamsha of Saturn anJ Mercury th e birth is of <1
Eu n uc h. ( 26)
\Il iqW/4'i,l1Cf) ~~ II'(:1ji(l'ftl:i4l !'!o! f.1 f~ I
<i1""'fiI (iflfl !!*,,( i ~[llre"1 14~<j ij'4T II~\J I I
Th ~ n u mhe r of h rolhers s hou ld be d ete nn ind by Ihl: "ig l~ and
the Navilm sha in the 3rd ho use. It ma:. also be determined from
Ihc sign lind th e Nav,!msha (whether m ale or fe male) m;..: upicd by
the lord o f Ih c 3rd IlOuse and Mil TS. (::7)

T he nu mher of b rolhers s hou lll he d ete nn inell from the

Navam s ha vf the planet in the 3rd house or from the sign &
Navams ha occupi ed by [he lord of Ih e 3rd hU lIse, al so fro m Ihe
ho use in wh ich Ihl." sig niiit:a tor i.e. MlIrs is locil ie d. (28)
~: B<f*+l tI<::~ U~J'i,lllll:i ij'4T ~ i
~ n~I4I41'1Ii:::t 4i4Qllli fa<iW:'1'1 I I ~' II
Or the n u mhcr is d e no ted hy the s ign and Navanl sha of Ihe
rlanel associated with th e lo rd of the 3rd hOllse and M ars. Th e
stronger nfthese IOCakd in beller amsh a gives the num ber, or the
num b..: r should he d ch..'rm ined fro m lill' Ras h m is (see nOle belo ..... )
of these two rlanets. T he n um ber losl s hould be d cterm ined by the
number o fm al dk intluentcs & th e loca tion in bad <l!\\ shas sUo.: h
as Kal. (29 )
~ :::II{ di"$~ .I<!I':ii ~ I
f!lf<tlJ mt3
tfli(:tli&mRT f>Bfli<:l(~ fq f.1\~n I I~ O It

When there an.: di lfere n! ty pes o f yogas the res ult ~ h()lIld he
dcdan.:d from tho.: .~Iro n ger o f two i.c. Mar~ & Ihe lord n ( the 3rd
house. (30)
Rashmi is the rroportio nal strength of a p lu n":l dU l' to its d is-
tance from the po in t where it is in highest deh ili ta tion. Suppose Wl'
desire to ascertain the numher of R,ts h mis po ~:ses"cd by th o.: Su n
when its lo ngitude is 11-14-1 0. Takin g out &- 10 fro m it. the rc mil i o
der 5-4-10 is the di st,lllce of Su n froll'. iIs h igh csl degree o f dc hil il a-
tion. M ultiplying 5-4-10 by 7 we gd 35-29-10 whi..:h divided hy 6
g ives us 5-29-51 i.I.'. :lhoUl6 Ra sh m i .~ ( for fUl1h..: r d e ta ils set ..;hlo b
1 ofcha pler IV or' Maun Sagari Pad d h iti.

~ ~ iiI<.i1I<:11 <ffi:"f-)<ffiul <m (1~Rlsos?: I
'i\!I~<ffie': p.j'Jgt'i!"h~ ~~f?iI<fil~ ~; u mr: I I ~~ II
If the lord of the 3rd is exalted. strong. in Kendra ortrine. aspec-
\cd by bcndics or in own Mool Trikon. own or friendly sign and in
"Vaisheshik" Amsha. thc native is patknl. hravc and Icarnl'd.
(3! ) 14qn::\fj"l(I~Ii1I~ ~ 1J6f~ ~+ili:.~ft; I

~ t'1<:<:tlI(<fi@"1('a IRl1'l610il ~ r;J; ~: II~'( II

On,;: is brave if the lord of the 3rd housl'ocwpies (he Navamsha
of a henefic planet & is with a bendie planet. Similarly the
signifieator orthe 3rd house if in the sign of benefic planet gives
bravery. (32)
~<l\f.::qdl M\fj"'(lruli1i4{'j'iffi(i~m <R:;it I
~~li1ii1 BlI16iR""i'j ~ fq<ll\il': 'fi<!1iBI-ttoT: II~~ II
Determinl' the Navamsha occupied by the lord of the 3rd house.
Then determine the Navamsha occupied by this Navamsha sign.
The lord of the lauer Navamsha irsituated in the good vargas such
as ils own sign makes the native brave" expert in battlc&
quarrels. (33)
~?'i'4Ift1q8'J e:1i cC; "lIQi~ qiq{'j'iH I
-.R:i't 'i.II~lj~ 1'lfI!<i wit ~ 1 1 ~'d II
If the loru of the 3rd house is located in its sign of exaltation. in
the Sth house. with malefic piands. in movabk sign & in the
Navamsha of<l movable sign. the man is ,x'urageous only before
the actual hatlle. (34)
q14!l!>l'Tlf '>Pf.r P-I1f.4 ql'~{'j,,!d I
ij4if"lQ iYftm ~~ %r ~ I I ~';( I I
If there is the sign ofa Imlldic planet in the 3rd house & there is
also a malefic planet there. if the lord of the 3 rd is also in the sign of
a maletic planet. the native is courageous only before the actual
battle. (35)

, , "
QI4!iffi'4 qr 1'% ~J1I'S'ilI14q""'1"; 1 1 ~6.1 1

If the lord of the 3rd house is in its si'gn of debilitation. or ill

malefic Shashli Amsha O/60th division). is with malctics atld
asrccted by malefics. the native is ~nefficient in battle. (36)

~ q(ll\1id: t4l c4 Ililflilit ~ 1
'*'1 (eli il c:o:hM lIT ~( q 1St! lil ('I l.!d I I ~ IS I I
If lh..: lo rd of 1111.."3 ro h o u s..: is in ils sig n o f ..:x a ll a lio o b ul inS th
h ou s..:. & th..: ~i g !l i fi ": <.l!or t Ma rs) is wea k & w.:c u p ics a m iddl e
S haslH i Al1l sha (I / 60 1h d iv isio n). th e: nat.iv," is dcf..:aled in
b'lll ie. (37 )
Hi lle r tho ugh vall Lj ui sh l'd a t th e ..:nd o f Wo rl d W ar II h ad COI1-
4 u ..:r.:J al mos t th e: w hole: of E urop e. Lei us see 3rd h o use: in hi s
horoscope give n be lo w. M oo n is farth est a way fro m the Su n;


hene..: it is a strong b en..:fic. J upite r a lso away from Su n & in

d ig n ity in 3 rd house is also <I stro ng hene tic. Ketu with two stro ng
hcnd k s must l OW thei r lines. In view o f the high ly bencli eia l
p lan ~' l s in th ..: 3 rd h o use h I! had victo ry a ft er victory. But Satu rn-
the' pla n..:t o f sepa r.llion located in Ihc h o u se of rill ing po wers exer-
ted ilsdf in ad va nee stage t ap prop riate to Sat u rn ) & b rought a bout
h is se paratio n fro m ru lin g powl!rs. In any case 3 rd h ouse is
U1HJo u h tedly ..:x lra stro ng with he n c fi es.
itl !!I('I '111it ~ ~ \fl il~ ql(l ~d iTI9!,"Wl tfh 1
lfC"ri "IV 1(!Q 1fi;clil;'l f.ltilrtlqj ~ : ~
"'~I'ij 11~ ~ 1I
If the: lord of the.; 3rd ho use: is lo cated in Simhasan. Pa ravat
Gopu r. or M rid u Amsha & is in asso c iat io n o f & u nd e r as pect o f
hcndic p lan..:!. th..: na tin: is happy to engage h imself in ba ttk
(38 )
$,fq (! ,, ~ eq(lI cf1oi. <fril~ ti1k(9;d ~ I
~~\ Pl;,*,iit . i.i1 'l.oI$ ~m "lff ~ q (iM ;::q <:l I I ~o, I I

Iflh e lord of th e 3 rd h ou se is located with a be nefic. or. in exa lta-

tio n. o r in Vais hesh ik Ams ha is in stre ngth. is in Mridu Amsha. th e
nil tive is iI will ing: soJdk r a de pt in the a rt o fba ttlc. If. ho wever. it is
in co mpany o f maldics. wea k. e tc. oppositt'" is th e: re su lt. (39)

~ 41Wj ~(~:q OO;:I f::q~ "l1"16>l4!!,'dI: I
f-'I'lr ~ ~ lI!fi)rfI ~' 6Iffq'f.~iffi; 1ii10 t 1
Ifl h ..: lo rd ofth..: 3rd h'ous..: is loca ted with Sun. the m all is hr;l v,,:.
if wit h Moon h e h a s me nta l p:ll iencl.'. ir with Mars hl.' is d a rk
colourcJ. fop l & fu ll o f wrath. if with Mcn,: u ry h..: has S:,tvik
intdkc1. (40)
flql f=q a tfi 'li'1i.l1 'iiifa': ~JI1'R: ~11
Oill 411((-'::!l1 fl,!, f3t ~ f.:q d 81 1*H{ii'I $ 1ql~.\.' j g RqlO I; I I '6' ~ I I

I t it is with Jupi ter hI! is h r.tvc, <I n d eflkil:nt in um krSI ;I!H.ling Ill ..:
Sh:l snas. i f with Vcnus is giv..:!1 10 sex anu ge ls ell ra~cd :IS a r..:sul l
(If h i~ se .u lil l dispo.,>i tioll.l41)

;;W "l~r;:I'3(1''''1'Po/t> 'f.O ll'1I"lRlq"1 ~ I

" f1' ltI",s!,{ff. : ~;;t1~d '1l fu!0 ~~ I 1'O;c I I
If th e lord of th e 3 rd ho use is with Sat \I fIl. h e i~ foo l. if wi th R;llHl.
he is brave on ly ou tward ly. If it is with Kc tu or M a ndi th e resu lls
a fe the. ." Ime a s shown lor Ihe a ssocia tio n of Ra hu. (421
;:;rr::r ~ ~f)I4"1i ~~ "'1~&l<:; l"1i )lq<:~ l"il fd'1 I
rrqt ~ 'll" .,.\.'t{l~rQl iOj 'lCQl!Ol"'li<:t \~ '>J;f flll iJ I I'ltQ I I

If Ju pite r is ill the Ascenda nt. wilh the lord o f Ihe 3 rt! h ouse.
I here comes Ja nger from animals. I f th e tonI of! he 3rd ho u sc i ~; i 11
a wate ry sign ill the iagn<l lh~ ua nger co mes fru m cows, Ther..: is
tro uble. from wa ter also. (43)
i!fl141ftl,) (t+i1ql'1(\if1'1 I"'1IP<:1~ ~ f0!4i"1'<\ i
'3410;144 f41f."'I( i f~HI"t ~ ~ Il l~("I"l?l tl 'd'd I I
If th e lord o r the 3rt! house is w it h R ahu in lag lla & a lso with the
lord of rhe sign occupied by R ahu. the native may he bittcn by a
serpen t. If the lo rd orthe 3 rd ho use is w ith Mc rwry. the re is dis-
c a s ~ in the throat. (44)

~ 18t ~f('l g ~ ~ tlo; 'I( QIII"lI~ : I I

f1 q R41 i ll t;!q ""~lIl:: 1 ~<4\"lOiI<lil ~f.:t~ ",q l ~: I t'd'( I I

If th ere is a p lanet in the3 rd ho use in its sign of de b il it atio n. or it

is in a n inimica l sig n in that ho u se. and edi p scd. & as pL'C lcli h y
malefics, (here i.~ d anger from poison either by its use or hy its con -
su mpt ion. Jfthe a bove yoga s arc not th ere. there is no d ange r from
poiso n. (45)

W, ijQIIe;;) <IT{ m lIT'/liCt Ii'Milf$8 ~1"je:1ffi I
li'ili'\Q~ WI eq+if~-Aqi'j qql-A Rlftl ~-ctl4lq ...... 1<:1 ! 1'6 6. I I

If Muon or Venu s is ill the.3rd 11OUS~ ill sirenglh, & is aspedcd
hy hendics. & assoeialcd ,"vith b~llCfies. is in IIll' varga of its exalla-
lion sign, own sign or fri\,'Il(Uy sign. th\,' native lakcs 1'000 ill v,du-
abk U!\,'llSih & has 1'000 in comfort (411)

qrq 1dl~ '1\.10:1*'1'" q~f<9 l'Ii"a~ ~ 1

1"f141f..... 8 1jaq(I~I1"lIil (j8t<Q(IW <Wr 'f)uh'I'11Oj 1111\9 11

Thc nativ\,' suners from throat trouhles if there is 11 lll,ddic
plal1ct.panicularly Mandi in the Jrd hOUSl'. If Mars is Iher~ in
)'all1<1 Amsha {s..:..: shloka 49 of chapter I) the nalive suffers from
~,:r dis..:as~. (47)

~\!R't qiR<:0 ~ tlli1I<;'jlj 'Et1iRl~qrr f<'l614 1

1cl1111I\o*::'!1i,"\(lf~HI"'1'!ft( l~wffit 'if ~ 1 1'6~ I I
If Saturn lou tL'd in Ih~ 3ru house is wilh Mandi & has no
benefic inlluence over it th~ native has nervous troubl~ in the ear
The trouble is also Ihere in the lollowillg cas~. Find oUllhc sign in
which the lord of the lhird house is located. See then if the sign and
Ihe Navamsha sign in which the loro ortha! sign is located are in
kendra. t4,s)
QlQlf>.l8 qlqf~tlf:ffif Cff i!I~fd 'floj1<;J1q(j'I"1'" 1
, ~
~ifl qj1J~ Urt 'fl"'1<ift:t ;::1"*1 : I 1'6 .... 11

If!he Ihin.! house h<.lS malefic planet in it and is also aspeeteo hy

;llllaidie planelthe man suffers from disease of the ear. If the lord
of Ihe .hd house is in malefic Shashti Amsha ( 1/60[h oivision)
even then Ihere is trouhle in the ear. (49)
~ ~ ~ 'Et1P1t1"1(<11fM I
\'RtW ~'8''l:ffi ~ ~ I 1'.(0 II
If there is a benelic planet in the Jrd house & it is aspected by a
benefic & the lord of the 3rt! hous~ is situated with be ne lies. the
ears have ornam..:nt.~ in them. (50)
~ ~ <w.: "i~Rt;cfl 'I. ~Swt ~ q~Rl I
1111ili'?, ~ ~ Ii'1I::MI1I..f1<:!14<i ft> l1iit 11 'i.~
[fV~!luS is in Ihl' 3ru house. pearls constitute the ear ornament.
ifJllpit c r is ther.' the ornament is of the besl iype. IfSul1 is Ihere Ihe

orna me n t is o f valuahk gem. if it is M an d i if is o f fast blue
colour. (5 1)

tij Of[ ~ ?; mar

1I~14 fi1q"i1 Rb",fEHtVJ ~~ I
itlfi:lilOii l ~~ 9~ ~ <:'1 \'"'!\ tllOii<i;Ql: I I '( ~ I I
Jr Moon is the ca liS'; forl hl' o rn iJmcnl th e r~' is pknty of the m. Jr
it is Me n.: ury the o rnament has green c merld, M,HS gives
o rnaments of many colou r~. I fth ere is m'al efh: i nlluenec o n the 3rd
house by associ a tion o r aspec t Ihl! yoga for ornam cn ls goes
away, (52)
~m ~ ~ dlBl+1(fjtj<l~ !ljqo] <tlOJ,I1I"l I
\fIlIIR<tll1i ~ 4!q(l it ~<I/'<I d<"'ij)Qj<:6 I<tjl ~: II,( q II
m IOdl441q : I

If there is in the 3 nl ho use 11 s ign o f 11 he nl:fic planet the ma n

hea rs ~erm o ns on religi on Cle. Ifit is o f maid Ie planet in a malefic
sig n the hea rin g is of a n u ndesirable type. sa~d to be de stroyer of
c ars, (53)
a1EJ;"1~~ ~"Ii!lOiilO;Jj@fOl'1fi,,""""I~H I
q15'1 :t\i:lOlI@WI'IiFWllI'1W!iI::tj>41 'Jl<'it ~ I I \( a I I
Th e foll owi ng shou ld hc consid ered from the 4t h ho use:
Bandhu i.e. rela tives. residence. mot her. water. sel f p rospects.
ea tabll's. h\.!a n. sho ulde rs. sca t. sleep, comforts, undergrou nd.
wel l.. (54)
e,'~11~'~'~{ (!1'1 ld \iU fl l1 l ~ ~ ~ iT6Q11 ~ : I
3/<k iU: fll l ~4$f?:<!<ii l il <:'f4tQ t4n:t;, ~ ~~<i1",.I<ii-q 11 '(,( II

II" the lord of the lagn<l is in lagna wilh t h e lord orthe 41h ho use.
the yoga shows the al.:4 uis it io n 0 1" a ho use. If the lord o f the 4 th
house is in association of or und er the asp ect o f beil~'lic s or is
strong in it s sign of exaltat ion or in a friendl y sign the acquisition
is without e ffort. (55)
i1 1S1~Q ;j:]';;' id i\ l!n~'i1 ~dlfi;jd r4R( Q tl qql~: I
~~Il'lifll~ q(4i c\4TiT Trtm
1'iR:(i'!iI~"Ii ~: I 1'( 5. I I
If the lord of the 4th house is stro ng in ke ndra, aspcctcd by
benefic plancts o ne a cqu ires a ho use, Si m ilar is the c ase wh e n it is
in Va i: ~es h i k Am sha or in the N a va m sha o f its exa ll ;lIio n
sign. (56)
~1"'I1 fi:lq f4 i ~11il!i~<.iffi(!~14: 1

iR'JiI ~q dl ~ iJ6(!1I 4~<ql':l 11'( \9 11

Fi nd OUI lhe lo rd oflhl' Navam sha on:upied hy Ihe lo rd o rlh.:
4th hous('. Tht!n see in ....,hieh sign il is loealed. The lord of Ihis
:'\Iavil ms h,1 sign if in kelllh"a indicales Ihe <Kqu i~i li o n o f a
house. (57 )
\:ud:j~ ;R'lliW rp1"w Bil cQiil';IIi, 1
'Ii5( lf~.rn m- ftit4 4 ~~ ~ f"I'llifi'1 11,:(0;. 11

Iflh \? lord of lh e 91h house is in kendra the: lord of 4th hou se is in

a fri endly sign. & Ihere is a planet in I.":xallalion in th e 41h housl.":.
Ihe llil live gelS a beaut iful hou se. (5H)
ip.frit <roO::UEl<t, ~ (Oqi!H!ll fo:::; a I
~ ''hii'!?l 15t4'>1i<tii( '1 I I~ " I t
Ir the th ird ho usl' has a Iw ndie planet in it, the lord o f lhe 4th
hou se is strong. & thl.": lord oflheJnJ house is fun of strength. th e
nillive gel.~ mu lt i-storey hu ildi ng. (5 9)
ft:I l! le'1i~ <rrfq qt!h ~~ 1
JF!'~nf.!'jd ~ (1~'lg ~~qiils<:l'l 116.011
Ifl hl.": lord ofthl.!4th house is loca ted in " Simh a san"' Amsh a. or
in "" Gopur" Ams ha o r Mridu Amsh.t the native poss.:sses a house
huill ...... ith lime elc. (60)
Qt(tCt(1i$i<f; ''''Filii' '!rct"1~Wd ,
lil '1<liI~ ~ ~ 61'4141f.:t:llQ I 16: ~ 1(
If the lord of Ihe 4th home is in " Paraval"" Amsha, Jupit cr is
i\~p et.: l l.": d hy Moo n. or JUp i11.": 1" is located in "Gopur" I.":le. Amsha I h~
nall\.: has a hous\! i1 S if o f anglcs. (61)
fEl~i~w,Il<tlI(i1ji1gd jl@I4I R~ 1
",i1'i~Q1 eflid ~ <fl"ll:4l"i'f'1I ' Is;;. ~ II
If Ihe lo rd of Ihl.! 41h house together with Ih!! lord of Ihe 10 lh
hOlls!! and SalUrn .trl.": in kendm. th e nill iv\! hilS U ho u ~e of many
:-.tOfi.'yS & huilt of good mal.:rial. (62)
T he 10th hou ~e dcnolt.:s Z\!n ilh. Hent.:\! its link in thl.": yoga
gives heig ht at muny ~toreys.
~ "rfTri <IT<t ... """",niIQlff<,""a d~11611 ~14i
il~~lfI 'lffi1qi~ ;n~lfo&:ld ('4 i ~M '-1 ! '1 I ~ ; I I6,Q 11

If lhe lord o r the 4th ho use is loca ted in the 8th ho use & is aspec-
led hy mal.:fics. the hou se is destroyed. So al so whi.'lllhe lord or lhe

Navamsha occup i!!d hy th!! Ion..! of th~' 4th hOlls!! is ill th!! Ktll
h ou~o!. {flJ l

~H\l>qd ~ d'4U 6~\''I fJ:1it I

<:O:(4Wtiit ("l ~q <!T ~ q~""'1( : t 1G.'d t t

lI' ther!! is a bene tk planct in the 4th housc aspcctci...l by a he nclic
p la n cl & the sign ificator i.e. Mercu ry is strong. thc nativl! go:ts rl!s-
pel!! from h is rdatj \'eS. (64)
lii"W"llt"'ll la ~ ~ lI!Lta:l~cl I
,!<l$~iii4t!!fF, ";"!~t61 \OI~=1(: t t6.'J. t t .

Ii" Jupitcr oecupi cs tho: 4th house, & the lord of the 4thhouseis
with a b enefic pl anct & is aspcet\.'"d by J upi ter thc man h a~ high ly
p laced rdat ives. (65 1
~<nfll <:0:....,.1>1 ~ t
<ffi:' il011lf
a-~t M::r;lflT(-i~ qtq$,~ t i t ~fj a t 16.5. t t

If th\.'" lord of th e 4th hous\.'" i~

in kcndra or trim:. & in
" Vai s he~hik" Amsha & not unuer th \.'" influence of an~ rnalclk
either h y as~oeiation or hy aspect. th e na tive he lps hi s rclaliws.
iiR!"'It'jQq>t{1 Btl...;::41 ~0tilJj At : t
~ 1jt !IT ~ ~liti f':::6"f.:qa 115. ~ I I
If Jupiter, Vcnu s a nd Mercury located in the 4th hOLLse in
" M ridu" etc. Am sha and thes..: hend"ic p lanets aspen their own
~ign~ the native is \' ~' ry hdpflll to hi s relat ives. (67)

"'+Ri'f,9O<1 qW~ ~1 QtQ(iqd I

,q:::.:(~ :mq 4l"l.(.fd'18N '1J 1t 6.t:1 t

Ifth..: lord of th e 4th ho u se is with malelk pla net s & loca ted in
maklic Shashti Am sha (1/60th division) or in its sign or dehilita-
tio n o r inimical sign . the man is forsakcn by his relatives. (6K)

In p roble ms ...... here tho.! 4 u cstion of sepa rat ion. for saking. lea v-
ing e!l.:. is inml ved, the malelie planets mos t intimately con ce rned
an: the separative planet s Sun, Saturn and Raht!. We may exclude
others from this work. Hence in the ahove shloka the term
"m a lefic planet s" ~hould be taken 10 mcan S un. Saturn & R<lhu
:md o f CO lL P.;C Ih l' ir d i s p o s il o r~.

dj~q i Q~qi!Jdl ~ ;nit m fg I
<;1 , 4i1($ <;1~':U'A ~ 1tf~d '1ffir l ie. ... i I
If m()r~ lhan1 ma ldic plan~ts ar~ lo~a l~d in th~ 4 th ho use. th e
lllrd of lh ..' 4th hou se is also under Ihc maldie in n ucncc uf more
th an ? Il l:l ldl l".~ & so is the I.: a ~e with Ihe signifkator of relatives i.e.
M.:n:ury, Ill .: nati ve is not liked hy his relatives (6Y)
'IN",!(~t=i,""I<:jI~f,Il I l/Hla,,,: I
4'iij(l~ i ' l t1i t1 dj~ i Gll<6if'l'l3 1100 I I

\V ork ou t the Nilvamsha sign of both Iht' lord of the 4th hOll se
a:;.1 of M ~ fo,;Ury . Then sec in which NHva m sha th"' lord of th"'lwo
;\;tva rmh a ~i A!n~ j, loeak>d. If this s iA!1l is in suc h case Ih ..' Jebi lila-
liull sig n n1' 111,' Iw() planets Ihe 11<11i\ c wou ld he cau s.: offcar 10 hi s
rdat ih's. ( 70)

~ .... PI "'"" 'I!"

'i i'l(I(j~ :rrfq ~~ld;';MR8 1 1 \3~ II
i1f"" I

If the IOfJ HI' Ih.: 4th house is local..'d in k..'nrlra. is aspeclI.' d hy

he ndl c~. i, 't)ea led in Ams ha s suc h as G o p u r & M ridu. the na li vc
gets hdp fro m his rda tives. (7 1)
~ ;;rrq f::niio~ 1:1'"""11>1 I
JjI::1Hisiu!1lfQT ~ iII"'i"lI'lQ':til(ifll3 1 1 13~ I I

If Ihe lord of t Iw 41 h house is located in the 2 nd. 11th. 51h or 91 h

house and is ;I.~ pec l ed hy ht.!le fi .. pl<l l1eis & is lo c<lted in Ihe
Sa\"iumha or hendi.:: planets. the l1allve hdps his rdati ves.
~ G4f.:;:t;;:q qi qlfiia 1Jt ~ I
4'il!ll~ljc~,!!ffi ~14~.q"'1<:j~cl I ll3q I I
Il"t:1<.: lo rd o f th e 4th house is aft1kted hy mak!!e planets arL~ is
in as'iociation wilh p la nels who ;Ut.' in Iheir d ehil il a tion s ig n o r are
t.'d ipsed an d is wi lho ut the a ssocial ion or aspet.'l of henL'lit.' p la ne t~
the: nativc al\\'ays hales hi s relat ives. ( 3)
",f(O:4fh cfJ.iiltoC QT ~ tit 24 fGlf1:i'llQ I
T oOl! $fie~q la ~"'f{~<i'i 14<4'"""1(: 1113'1f I I
Ifan y planet is loca ted in his siA!n ot" exa llalion or d niendly sign
111 the 4 th hous... unde r thc a ~ p""("1 of Ju piln the nal i\'c ge ls rl'spc(:t
from h i~ rela tives. (74)
~ "tf( ~ ~* "!I('JfiWT I
"I""h Oj L4,1(i:~i ~ 'It qq1 t l\3'J.t l

1I S
If th~r~ is a movahle sign in the 4th house. ils lord is the
significalor i.e. Mars (built up property) the nalive has houses in
many places. (75 )
WIT rrt ~('lt5 "l11!l'f,I(<tJ<:II(f\:! I
Qr..:>'1;rr l{!l44'" '1'U \f<!l:n- ~4i1i ,~ 11136: II
If there is a fix(:d sign in the 4th house& the lord of1he41h house
and Mars are also situated in fixed signs. there is SlabililY of the
house. (76)
'3145!J<tj'I~tiI~'1\<:{i4: 4i4f;'i'!di: I
<:Ilq~~giR:1 i [ll: E4i~""Stii!i 'f "~i"""'Gi : 11\9\31 I
The numher o!' malefic planets that influence each orthe lords
of the 2nd. 12th & 4th houses denote the d(:strllctioll orlha! num-
hl.:f of houses. There is no Jes!ruction of houses iflhese are aspec-
(cd by benefic planets. (77)
31i!\5!l1l'~~ ~<ffiuiiRfi,!ai: I
t1IOl':::<161:rj qcf liJM;t <:Bl" ~~ 11\9l:; II
If the lords or the 2nd. 121h & the 4th hOllses are located in ken-
dra or trina l ho u se then all the houses Me good & safe. OS)
ljt\!T 'fI*'Rli~ m fI@"!llld 1
0iICi1~. t:1(I"i~ Oil"" $=:t i4Pl~~ 11\90, I I
If the lord of the 4th houS!.: is located in the 10th house & that of
the 10th is in thc 41h house and if Mars is strong. th e nalive has
much lunded property. (9)
i*'!1I~il 'fI4(1~m- OiI""'"1''1I~q ~ I
dUI~-ll ll<:I ~ ilI" iEt Fclf.1~~ II t::o II
If the lord of the 10th house is strom?:, & so is the lord of the 4th
house & they are mutual friends. the native has much property.

There is never mutual friendship between the lords of the 4 th &
thc 10th houses. Probably this is \0 some extent possible due 10 the
position in trines to each other.

m~~I~ ~@l d1h~ ~f"i$ I

d("i:fil(:f; ~ lilY 0iI%a1~1~1d: Ilq I I
If the 4th house conl<lins benefic planets. the lord o f the 4th is
with benefics and the signiticator of property i.e. Murs is also
influenced by hendics. the nali\C has much valuable property.
(8 ( I
li . .iI~q q""'4~ rIr9;U\lilfil:t"l'jd I
lJIf:tllfil:' ld ~ "" Il~"lf;qd : 1 1 t::~ I I
If Ihe lo rd orthe4th house is located in thc 5th houst' in Gopur
ell.:. Ams ha or M ridu Amsha thc man possesses m lll~h prorerty.
\l 11OifII(Cf,~!!di \1110"11111'1 ~ I
:rt l'Iif1:rqo( ~ \1Rl!ir.t f"lf",ft::m, I I ~~ I I
Iflhert' a re in the 4th house or with the lord of the 4 th the lord of
the 3rt! house & the sigmficalor of Ihe 3rd house i.e. M ars. Ihe
nalive gels properly from ~is t-Irother. ( X3)
!~H~i ~Y;ffi'1i!4I:rl'1i.q ~ftltid Puf",(lf$a '$ i
-JlJlif.:::1t1 "I1"l$ ~11 -m 'iTQ,t":t !lI?I,II5(A I i ~~ I i
If Ihe- lord of th ~' N <IV amsha sign occupied hy the lord of th e 4th
hOllse is located in kenJra & is aspected hy ils friend & is with
Ma rs o r u lllh: r Ihe aSrl'CI o fMa rS. lhe nal i\'\." ~lt s prope rly fro m h is
h rOlh\." r. (Hoi)
~ ~?l' ia iiI(:dti;,q ~ &!R!tli3 ~ ~?l1 Iq I
~ @~ &!!~JlI'lq ~ ant (::qtl~1 011'('11 wfI'I I I ~'i, I I

I r the lo rd of t he lag lHl is sl ron~ in Ih C' 41h h Ollse & the lord orl he
41h house is stro ng in thl' lag na. & is u lllk' r th C' in n ue ncc of
helldics hy asso~; i,H i()n or aspect th e nat in: fcl =- house throug h h i ~
OWll crfo rts. (85)

'tl(fbl<tll(<fl ~ ~rit ~ ifli'1w'l I

~Jltil R1 oql ~ ifI(! I?l liH"lIFi:: ~ II ~6: I ,
If Ve nu s is in the 4 th house. & the lord orlh ~' 4 Ih hOU'iC' is in Ih e
7th houst'. & if the re is friend ship OI.'I\we[1 the lo rds of lhC' 4 th an d
Ihe 71h houses. th e naliw gC'ts property fro m o r throu gh h is
wife . (!ol6)
~ aFJJrit OJ<'1k!'l1 ttt6fE.cta '11 ~ I
~ 1i3:r~ ( lii?l ' ld ih,i1i~ \l :rT=ir : R$I~ I ,*, 'tI( I~~ 11031 1
If the lordof thc6th house is in the 41h hou se a nd is strong & Ihe
lord o f thl' 4th is in the 6th h ouse & if the toru llr 4th is stronger
tha n th e lord of th e 6 th. the naliH~ gds la nd elc. from the
enlmy. (8 7)
ql ( I~1I~ ~ ~ (i1l'.q ~iffi ~q"'li rm
~ I
all (l ~ 14 iil l(!l1 $!l<:qffi 1ft'llf4i111 ~i'lj '1<:1 Mfa I I t; ~ I I

If the lo rd of the 4th h ou se is slrong in its 0 \\'11 sign. in

" I'a ruvil lil mshu" o r is in upc haya house (3rd . 6 th. l{} th or 11th).

II 7
n~<lrits sign of exa ha tio ll. & under the aspec t o f benefic pl :m ets.
Ihe nat iw has muc h la nded properry. (88)

If.r:tlI..'1 tQlil\l Qf,:qa '/U ~ ~~i i4 q 0$1( 41 <u I

~aiM<tlI W ~$fte,!!-rl; O(lSqll.i~q fli5Q i ~lql: I l e" l I
If the 4th hou se. its lo rd & its signilkalor i.e. Mar.;; ,m.; JO(.:;I1~d in
"Vaishcshik"" Am sha & an: under the aspects of henelic planets
and are in a ssoda tio n with the lo rd s of the 2nd and Ih e 11th
ho uses. the native has a \'~.. ry cost ly ho use. (!oI9 )
$"ffl of\:qi i(, ~ qlQid( m I
Qjtl!J~~I7I' I(:j f{ii ! e'"A I R <iI~ <tl~ntfa ~: 11"0 II
If the lord orlhe 4th house is located in its sign of de bi litatio n. is
edipscd. is located in b<.'\wee n lllalcfks o r is aspected hy mal e lies.
is in the sign or a n in imi cal and malen, pJilllct the yoga itH.1ka tes
loss of pro perly. (90)
Qlql<:Hfl4 lI'i1r WAS) qlqlf>.ca ql Q f.:t 6 ~ <u I
' qlq IH5~?I' li:I ~ 1!ff E4lq(illl<t 'lfil~1IQl"'l1!i: II"~ II
If Mars (:he sign itkalOr of property) is associated with a ma ldic
plllllct or is aspectctl by such a planet o r is located in the sign of a
malclic & is in a mal d k Navamsha. th e yoga indicates loss o f la n-
lied properly. (91)
g:&( i f{"G!'4~ ~ <tnt 'fjqrq ~ oft:qq m I
;:'!'ilfFr! ~II~ ~l7liR<iI:ti ~ ilttf(1 d'151 l : I i"~ I I
If th e lord of the 4th house: is located in malefic Shashti Amsha
(1/ 60lh division). or is in its sign ofdebililation, orin th e sign o fa
m:tlcfic plal1l..'t. is in 6th. 8th or i 2th hou s~. is in an inimica l sign. or
in a very mal di~ Nava ms ha. Ihe yoga indicates lo."s o f prope rty.
~ffi ~ "t4<if'll ;fj;:IIRq !iI'"A~"'QI i]f~ I
f4i ei1f~ ~ffi ~ q i qlh ~ f?4IMllfu" '{it: I I "'~ I i

If Ihe lord of the 4 th house is with a 'ma lefic planet in the 2nd
housc. in its sign of dc hi litat ion or ini mica l sign. the yoga indicates
loss o f the la nded p roperty. If howcver, Ihe lo rd of Ihe 41h house is
loeal~lI in ils sign o f eXaha lion but is wilh malefic planets the pro-
perty ha s to he sold. (93 )
'31I#1PMi(JI')j~1i~il1i~(liNll/q( ~"' ji a 'fjqlq i
llj!i~i <t'lf'Jl'11'l1 R: 111~ q,ifl/ q~ Ii fQ ~ ~ Ii" 'l:I' I i
If Ihe lord o f (he 10t h house is loc a ted in the 4th hou st., with a

malt-Ik planl.'l & is 10l.'ated in maldil.' ams ha such a s mrityu or
yam or is wilh the lord of the 10th hou se. thc house is los t as a resu lt
01" the orders o f the govern men I. (94)
3iIi11llf141!:'{ftI 1'411JiiI fill (ni.";;".'""'''''I"(''"0'lrifillr.o'~I~ t
~~ ~ \ 4q?ii5>4I~ 11111ff:ua 1ffl14Ji1f#t>4ii"1 1IG.'( 1I
When Ihe lord oflhe 10 th ho use. lhe Sun and Mars arc locllted
ill a malefi c navam sha or in a sign nca r Ihe sig n oflhe ir de b ilita-
tion or in mrilYu yam etc am sha. thc l<.tnd is losl as a resu lt of the
ordl'rs of the government. (95)
{I~i'5lljl 6t'lijf.!j1i~iqfa 1iRt ~~ ~ ~ I
'tI ~l,Il tiy;'d'I"I til ~111'4lJ1fflt~lq OIl ffl <Jjr fI q1Ct 1 1G, 5. I 1
If Ih..: Sun is in li S s ign o f lkbiliialio ll wilh Ihe lord of the 4 th
house and il is ..lisa wilh the lord of the Navam sha of th e lord oflhe
sig.ns de noli ng the Nava m sha o f the lord o rthl.' 2 nd hou se and is in
assoda tion wi lh a m"klie p!and the prope rty is lost underonkrs
of governmetH. (96)
Jlt4"1 ~ ~ til ~1lr {1iJ ~ :ffl1401'<I( l'.If I
oWUlle( e;;;:*:j~ 'A41t4 wtt q~~4~1,! ~: I IG, \3 11

If Ihe lord of the 4th hou se is aspeCled by J upiter and Jupiter o r
another hene fic plan et is locltled in bdween two h":llefic plan ets.
Iht: 4 th hou se is occupinl hy a bt'ndi e. the nali\'e leads a comforl-
able l if~ a~ the chief umong Il"l ..:n. (97)
i't1 ilal;;\i WI(lf~111 4'tffi fI'I1zi1 ~ "1~4 ~ I
-ilq1 rt ~ ~ m ~~ m \itil111$0I( : '41<;J t IG, !:;l t
If a strong Jupitt:r is with the lord of the 4 th house & a h":llc fic
planct O f is ill Iht' kendm. or if the lord o f Ih..: 4th hou s..: is il s p~ t ..:d
by Jupitcr & is in Mridu Am sh<l. the nalive leads a comfortah lc
lif..:. (\)&)
wl1JU ~111t]e( ~ 41A1fd~d<;qq1 fI~r:lj I
~ 1I1I!1I'oq ~ till'1'1lill \'Ii!tffi~jj<i'l ~: II "G, I I
Ir Jupiler or a bl.'llefie plane t occupi..:s the 41h
house. o r if th e 4th
house is in betwct:1l bl.'Ildk rlan..:ts & when Jupitcr is strong..: r
than thc lord o rthe e native leads a comfortahle life and is
chief among men. (99)
jn9!I?J~ l!I"IfCi ~ {I.\l~cl I
~"1i 4<J~ 111i!t~ aitq1 tit ',fit ~"t4ij' I I ~oo 1t

If Jupiter as the lord of Ihe 4th house is located i~ Ihe .1 nd, 11th
or the 4th house in Amsha like "(iopur" the native !cads it comfort-
able life. (100)
~cijd(lr>nt ~ iilw~)4 T-M I
fl41'"1 ~ ~ ~:m flll<::4~!!ij: II~Q~ I I

If maldks occupy lhe 4th house. Jupiler is weak. & the lord of
the 4th house is w.:ak and with malclk planet. the nalive leads all
uncomfortable life even \vhen h.: is rl(.:h. (10\1
~~:ffl BlI;:;fj,.HSI"1( I
~ W. ql'l'i1f"n. ~(i~I08~ II~()-: I I
If the lord of the 4th house is ""ilh a maktk plan.:! & the 4th
house is o(.:cupied by a plan':l ill its dehilitation sign . then the
native Ihough po~s.:ssing son. weallh and rdatives is yet uncom-
fortable. (l02)
fAl('fftl ~ ~ ({j>4~~11 f~t) .. I
3U(J!t4IllCl( '41 111#1 ~ m ~:m ~ f'lF4q I l ~o;;l l l
If the lord of the 4th house is associated with Sun and Mars. is
located in a malefic Navamsha without the aspect of a b.-:nclic
planet & is located in signs away from the exaltation sign. the
native ledds a sorrowful life. (103)
41"1111411) ~ ~..R qiq~W ~ I
~(i~i$ ij'lO <Hlmlil" 1f~ "fi'lfcl "\T""Iie:f<'j I I ~ O'd i i
If Sun & Mars are pldced in the 4th house under the aspect of
malefic planet, in thc Navamsha of their sign of debilitation orof
their enemy. and the lord of the 4th house is in a malclic
Navamsha. the nalivc is devoid ofv.ealth and house as a result of
his own carelessness. (104)
yjqlPti8 fHqf.Hlf~ <IT QIQi'1( Off ~ <:t<fl~1 !
1ti(lfM"'C\j~iw'l~d <IT qr:fr ;;(": flH~l1Sf(:e!!#1 I I ~ 0'" ! I
If the 4th housc is occupieJ hy & aspeeted by malefics or is
located in between malclics or if the lord of the 4th house is in
malctic Shashti Amsha (1/60lh division) and is weI! aspl:ded the
native is sinful. (\05)
~ +;!tI(lf~$ cRt:r-:rr illfd~"!.<:lUd I
1".I'l'l1 fo::q 8 ""IT I:l "'IftWt ;;rrffi ~ > ,"1 ("I '!~ Rl QI qq i I ~ 0$ I I
If the 4th hOllse is associated \vith many malefics & ils lord is in

un inimical sign or eclipsed. with Saturn the man is much
sinful. (106)
~~\';"'''l''f!,''~''''~~''~i''fg~,r.rtl1i ~ ~ lfl~(i1If;Oq(1I1I'l I
~IFk\i:) ~IW1~fie41i:) ~ ~S<t ~ \jllR't",lOl'IP14""'''''''lij II ~0\911
If in the 4th house there are signs of strong Venus, Moon, Mt.'r-
cury or Jupiter & the stgn is aspected by or associated with bencfics
the native has many enjoyments in life. (107)
~~G! ~ ~Rj"lUl'18fq qr I
'11\!(lil ~ qrfq 'l" ljlwffi ;:ffi ~ I I ~ O't". 1I
If Venus is in the 4th house aspected by Mercury or il is in bel-
ween hencfic planets. or is in Gopur t.'lC. Amsha. the nalive enjoys
much in life. (108)
~:qIMd ~~ 'i!tlf"'q 'ElQf'1G :rrJHi1(I~I(f;i'l I
(1<;llji:j{ t11"~~ di~J4r 4<1coH.1l tqflci"inW II~OQ, II

If the lord of the 4:h'house is in its sign of debilitation, or eclip-
st.'o, or is in inimical sign indicating water. & is weak, the native
falls in water ncar the well. (109)
Q1I~~tl( lt10JQl 'i!tI'f"4 ;fI~<iilffi <M '1.lT wWi I
Ji(ijl.lgoll~ ict ~ m tr.f ;jj(ij(lf~iJOll1: 1 1 ~~oll

If the lord of the lagna is located in the 4th house, in weakness.

in its sign of debilitation. or eclipsed or is with malefics & if the
lord of the 4th house is assoc.jated with a watery planet & is weak
the man gets drowned. (110)
'ElRR"'llI1Ifi.::jq ""rr.''1''"'''iQ'''1 'ElFM ~ I
Cf)"Ilftl41 (f~<>2: '1if1t4f1clfG9, I I ~ ~ ~ II
Q(1"'; 1'4'1~1~ ~i~If'1lI1(Itm": I
'ElRff"lifRw,:i$G! ~ <u ~ ~ II ~ n: I I
If the lord of the 4th is located in Ihe 4th house along with the
lord oflhc lagna and is aspcctcd by the lord of the 10th house. the
man falls in well, river, tank etc. (Ill)
If the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the 4th house is
associated with or aspected by the lord of the 4th house. the native
falls in well, river etc. (112)
rut ~'111l 'ill (i8'1 i!'4 i!'4 1<: fell{] "II F"""'I d ~ I
~ ~ Cf)1'li'1'1 +lRHl'lI'1Ift1i~'1 "1T I I ~ ~ ~ I I

If Ihe fou nh hO'J~e eontains SU Il and Mars & is in associat ion
wi lh oraspl'CleJ by thl." lord o rlhe 10lh house or by the lord of lhe
4th house th e na ti ve j" injurl."d hy stone. (1 13)

~w (1't1'i<:1k11 'l'l fgd <t]'lI~if~ I

1I!q~fc:fC\tl", q &1(wN: 4H'~dt ;n:- : II ~ ~'6 1

If thl." lorJ of the 4th hOll"e is associated with Saturn a nd Ra h u

and a spl,'..:tcd My Mars& is wit h u ut a ny be nd i c aspl!ct. the native i.~
injured by ston e. (1 14 )


<f;;.;fi.:.:frr tif'ii&)( 1f1l -en 4lqi~ d QI4f.:t{rfurlr ~

,i;Jl<ii CIT N"n'II5"1FT Brs"lt Ji '1 o:i11 m (l'lilfiil II ~ ~ '( I I

IfMooJl or Venus is in kendra & is associ,lIed with or lIspectcd

hy m a lefic pla ners. is in mal efic Nuvamsha. & lo\,:aled in thl." (,
sigm foll owing its sign \,If exalta tio n. the nati ve cohabits wilh h i~
moth ..' r. ( l iS)
qMf!;rif ~ ~~ F:.~iiti( til ~ i ;;;(lm I
.:t!(~~<lf{'wWk "I181:r<:: E"41P:6 qi 1' iI4l1 1~ ~!i l l
I f Moon is associa teu with and aspi,,!r.:ted hy malefio:s. Sun is in
ke nd ra. a ma le fi c pl ane t j.-; in Ih l." 41h house under aspect o f a
nd e fic. Ihe native cohab it s w ilh his molh\.'r. ( 116)
mTn$l09 "ff 'i!:iil141':1"1Ii1" 4141f...... a :&lQi:;:m f<:H~'I1 I
~'l(I ~t'lj01H,;, '<ltl" ",tdl ;ffi 'itq'l'lQI"1' n41 I I ~ N It

If Ihl' lord o f Ihe: 4th house is wilh maldics & aspcctcd hv

maldics & has no he:n c!ic a'pect on it & jf the lord of tho..: lagna is
"eakc:r th an th e lo rd of th..: 7th hou se. the native cohahit:. wi th a
wO nHt ll that is like a mOlh er 10 hi m. (117)
e6i''itl ~'1q l'J i 1(;::ij ~ffl ":t~ "i!ti...,q- I
~ 41qe4 1 1il'~ ' .;.i.lP.IlCC>h,!ltl Qf;q", '1T I I ~ ~ r;; I t
if th .., lo rd of the 71h ho usl!' is in the: 4th hou se with m'lkl"ks &
as p o..:ctcd hy maielics or is in mak:fio.: SIUlshti Alll~ha (l /601h J i,'i-
, io n ) th .. nali ,\.' coha b its wilh a woman 10 be treated lik,' it mothe r.
Some <Ire of the opinion th at h e co lHlh it s ",jlh hi .~ sister. (I I H)
, ~ QI4~f1f<:R 7ff 41 41f""1d 'JR'./I4I'4
ql qU ~ \:f'f.r
' 4ff. : I
wJ 1. 2"~(ti:::.q,,,!~:mpt
~ II ~ ~ ...., I I

Ir Saturn is in the 41h house with malefks and a speclcd by
ma lelics. the nal ive commi ts the s in as slated in s hloka II K Ii is
a lso the CJSC. ir then.: are malefics in the 4th house 1000ated in
makfic Sha shti Am shas. (1 19)
~1,!oj <:1Q ljdq Wlfftia (:IQf'1f1fern '!(1" I
d~ I~I~'iffi1il~ d'4if4<1 Gldf< "lq14I~: I I ~ ~ o I I

Ir M oon is in associa tion with the lord of the 6th hfllls e and
Mars is in Ihe 4 th house. a nu irlhe lord of the Navamsha o(.'cup icJ
by Moun is also with mal efic s a nd a spe\.lcd by ma Jdk s. then.: i:.
derect in the chastity of the mother. (120)
~rn ( 1~{r1 iiiqlQ \l!~fi/,,~ollfq f':: 11$i.or I
qkll "'lIWt,1 \'!ItIUWI11'((eqz" ow nf'c-"lq;i; ~ II~~ ~ I I
(f lhe lo rd of the 4th hou se is with Ra hu, S.lIurn. Sun & mardil:
p lanet and if the lord of lhe Navam sha occupied hy the lord o rlh e
4th house is si mil arly arnieted by ma lefic.lhe yoga leads the same
resu h regarding the e ha ~ l ily or rnathl'r a lready stilled in sh lo ka
120. (121)
~ffl "("'l'lii ij "IIi!\t 'J~ '1f1~R1IP.{.f:i\<i::i~1i2 I
a~i fl:lifMJ ~$f,:e,!&i qfd;HI ffPf ll:!tC'Qfq:;l1 I I ~ .~~ I I
Iflhe lo rd of the 4 th h ouse is in lagna in strl!ngth & Clspec h:d hy
Jupiter. Moon. Sun. Mercury o r Vcnus. & is lol;atcd in
"Vais hc "hik" Am:.ha with good aspecL the native ha s a eha:.!c
mother. (122 )
"' iJ l hi~ ~~ e(f~ifl4I ."f:t:;t) .w. 4'1 ".n4ff.1 I
q~1 <ft m ~"htll ~m "'ttd f1!f~"fi&. II ~~~ I I
621f=<ld ~bllll l f=1:mfiT lQ:fl i'CI'!d-, g~fPf I
\f( I ~it1 I fq <rn~ ~ ~ ~rn W"lN I I~ ~'I:I'I I
If the Moon is with R<lhu or Kelll amllhe lord of lhe Nava msh a

lK"cupieJ by il is aftlil'lcd by maldil:s the mo lher is s ~'xually &

il fcgiti mate ly all;tch\.d 10 som\.' one d sc. I I' lIl1lil,.tcu hy S.. IU fl l th\.'
p er.~on in \-o ]n :J helo ngs to the Shudra cb ss. if hy Ml!fl:ul)' he
hclo ngs to the Vai.\!Jya (trader) dass. if by Sun he hdongs 10
K~ hatri ya {Warrior) class, if hy Vl' nu s and Jupite r he bdongs I,)
Br;J h m in l,la:..... Ifh)' Mars then illso shl! is il kg.ili matdy a ll;lCheJ
(to iI warrior). (l13- 1:!4 J

W~>:I(OI ~k~ I'!fj( l fUHI~ 141111ff'lf<f ~'1'f,I4?lf:':ii 'f,(lfi1

-q(I~If<.m (lfill1 <W- r:t 11 '11 ~ ~16'lfl::<f.r Ht' N rrolf ~l:l f1

Irthe lord of the 4th house along with the lord orthe 6th house is
located in the 9th hOllse the birth of the native is a hastard OIlC.
Same is Ihe case if the lord of the 4th house along with the lord of
the 6th is located in Iht: 9th house. (125)
~:,IO:1I'~Vi\0Ji!I$t' qf\3i f~il ~ 1 ;;:qFinii Q!'i I
~~ $" 00:fr QJi'tf!.;f9": ~1?lCJ1i'9 ~ I I ~~a.11

One is an ilkgil im<llc child if!hc lord oflh..: Ascl.'ndant. Ihe lord
of 4th house and that of th e 6th arc Im:atcd wgctha. When the
lords ol"lh..: 4th & the 91h houses arc associated with the lord of the
Na\<llllSha occupied by thl.! lord of thl' 6th house. then also the
11<11iv..: is th .... son of the paramour of his mothl'f & 1101 his
fathcr. (126 )
The 6th ho use being ono.: of enmity appropriatdy stands for
"others", & ,tlil.'lls. Hence the link orthe lord ot'the 6th house with
fadors denoting the parents (4th & o.,)th house ) gives alien hirth.

qI4ii1( 4li'Ig 9~Wt i'li'til(<f; m ~~fi<:I!#r. I

~\!"i(iIi').,*;' ~~ ':ll!i:I'8i<:;irll" 4(\l1ii1 ~ i i ~;;:\5I i I
If the 4th house is localt::d in between maldi\.: planets & the lord
oflhe41h house and Moon are nol under the intluen('e ofbencfks
& Ihc lord oflhe9th house is \.\'"eaker than the lord orthe lagna. the
persOl: has alien birth. (127)
., ~ i1<j'l(",o'i fOj"l' 1 f.:Nrrqffi err '1<-,011 ., WZ"; i
f;o;"li<f)(O iIN $" ~ (4414"'1..a d"loll m il ~;;: >::; 1 I

If Ihe A\cend,mt i.';nul aspected hy Jupiter. no r is Moon aspec-

led by Jupilcror if Moo n is associatcd wilh Sun & maldic plaliets.
Ih l.' birth is a lic n , (I2,s)
From Ih is shloka it appears Jupiler is a faCior that makes
rci<ll iOIlS rcal as opposcd 10 aliens or adopted. "' h ile Ihis is truc. il
has been obse ,,'cd in adua I experience I hal inca ses J upi ter is very
he;[\ ily afilicted & the n intluellees the staled faclO rs it eeases:o he
a fac to r l'ilhcr of realship or of being benefic.
QTij ~ 4 i'1:' I~ (4414 ;;rr;:rffl gHa,;, (4'll lj I
rRtWtl1l ~ 1":;141" :11111 'f{: """'I ''"'H 'ilk\ U:-i II ~ ''!." I I
Iflheo.,)lh housc is m:l'u pied h ~' a malefic planet. & so is thc41h &
the lord drlhe lagna is weak. \\ilh (l rn;tlcfic and situated in the 4th
h ou~c ill an ini mical Navam sha. thc m an is born of o lh-: rs.
(129 )
~ fl!Ji!0 ijjl(:;f; IfPifl$i I
6<;::Q'Qq 'iMI;;iI <fi "1 1W'i'!tli.u fi!~ It Z~() I I
If Ih -:T\.' is a he n ..:ric pl a n..:t in the 4th housc. the s~ gn ifi ca lOr orlhc
41h is Moon i.e. a lso with a hcnc fi c & Ih e lord of the 4 th ho use is
~trong, Ihe molher is longlived. (\30)

~ ii1fw>6 ~ <n ~ '!U ~1d! f!lla- ~ I

'ilif'tll l'lilj}I5 ~':HU ""W'f "~ Ell qb<:II'iHcl I I ~~~ I I
It' Moon and Vcn u~
a rc ~ (rong & arc as pec(eJ hy benclk .~ & arc
located in lin: N,lvam sha of a b e nc fi c plan el. in the kend ra & there
i ~ hc ndic p lan..:t in th..: 4 th hou se. thl.' mother of the natiVl.' li\'l.'s
lo ng. (I ~ I )
\jt tt~I {i1;:t;'1<til/HI""1ffil~l q <f;::;;:@ dHtaq I
d~""8l~ l i ~l{jjF:c acgffi "I'~'" ofluiq<,e:lf((f.::;;, I I ~ i;!~ II

Sec th e lord of the Nil'iam sha occ up ied by thc lord of the 4th
hou sc, Thcn sec the lord of (he N avamsha occu pied by th c planc[
thus worked out. If the latter is strong in kendra from lag n il & from
Moon. tll-: mother of the na live li vl.!s IOlllI (132)
qlQi;:l( Ql 4$ ~m qrilfarir 111'18 ~~: I
:pr~ tlqi:fCl {i <'j'R1 ~ I'M:t 1i .... tlf"'i'l ~I Q"l I I ~ ~~ j i

I r Moon i., in h .... twet' n makfil; p lanl.!ts. wil h maldics a nd l ocill ~'d
in t h ~' 4 th house . as pcclcd h y ma le l1cs, th l' mothe r is sho rtlivcd.
T his res ull a lso !{)lIows irhy thl! ~im ila r affl iclion orth\! lo rd ()fth~'
4th ho us\! and V\!nus. (133)
f;r./II&l(I;;<1IQq8 ~ "fT \>P;iR1~!!i 1 "'l;fj ftl11~ I
~ flRT 41"l:fq11:J1il f.-. qrt'rt'lffiI' ~i'i~(ijl 11':(1: I I ~~~ II
I r V l.!nu~
loca ted in 7th from M oon is ass<x:ialeu with mak!ks.
the moth er is short lived. I f Sa turn )oc at..:d i ll 4th hOllSe is iI ~pl'ct\!d
by m a ldks.. tilt' mother di es soo n. ( 134 )

;r1f~ " f;:q( :t,t "" 'lt'9l'j<th~t flhl 46 t i"" l~t : j

q1411~ 1"1"" ~ ~ QI41f3 4~ 41qfti11 \11iifu II ~ ~'( I t

If Sa tlLrn located in the 4th ho usl.! is under the aspe..:! of he ndk

plan ets m Ol h l!r livc~ long. Ifh o w cv~r. Sa turn in the 4th hou se is in
the ~ ign o r a male fic p la net and is a lso associated v,'it h a maktk
th e mother is sh ortlivcu. (U5)

Sal u rn in the 4 th house mea ns (he re a rc two fa ctors \If Iii",: o f the
mo the r i.e. Ihe 41h h o use and the s ignific:llo r of IOllgcvilY in one
place. Henel.' 'HJversdy a nl ideJ Ihey wou ld ~kJlO I '" s horl Ji r~' &
well influenced Jong life 10 molher.
'"li "lOf<li"'liR:lqqf4I~~\fir 1l~~I~ I
Cf~<I~(O ii "4ilqifii "j FCl f.1f% ~ I I ~ ~ S.I I
Find o ut tnl! lo rd o fln e Nava m sha ocr.:upied hy th ..: lord Off h l'
4th h o u ~c. Th en sc .... Ih .: lo rd o f the Navamslw on:upicd hy that
lord. T he longevity of thl.! 1Il01ncr sho ukl he dcc idcd fro m Iho: ,IU lll-
ber of rays (See note umk r shloka 30) P()s,c~~cd h\' llw ' alt,'r
lord. (1 36)
;wa.1' ",(I:flAt ~3i <if * !I ~ir14 q'j
41"'1<1\!1R1 ~~ ~I;::iI'~ I.a <F.t ~ : 11i".3.13 11
Hnd ou t th\.' strongcs! fro m Ih ..., 41 h h () u ~c. Ih ...' lorll of the 4th
hou.,..: <t nd the signi fil:a lOf of m o lh ...'T. T he number or Ihe
Navam sha cou nted from Aries would detenn in ..: Ill ..: long..:\i IY of
t h..: 1ll0lh..:r. (137)

W. ~ re-Tf IiRt f-AlJ'i f1fd'!i1i i l !

"Wjui ~ $ ,.tiN f~f.:tF<:~ 1I~~r;; 1 I
1ft he ~ I ro ll gl' sl p lil lll'l is in ret rogression the IlU Ill hl' r or)'l'a r-; ..'11':.
shou ld h... dou h kJ. Ifil is In1l1ax imurn r... trogr..:~si()n. it s hou ld hI.'
tripleu. if it is aspe..:teJ hy hl' ndics it sh ou ld he taken fou r tim ... s.
Thu ~ s hou ld thl' long..:\'ity he measureu. (1 3X )

~ q!qlil'i't. 4Iq$"::' ~ I
""qj<:l( ~ ~ O' :,,!Qd f.:jf'lRWiJ I I ~ ~<.. I I

Iflh 0: 41h house is oco:upi..:d by a maldil.:& lI S lord is asp ...... led by
<l m'l ldi..: planet or is lno:aled in hl'twel'll mllkfi ... s the n ativ..: will
have dcco.' itful mind. ( 1] 9)
~ ""'lll ( I~('j$t. ~1f:i~ t
if'ft di.tI4I~"'liI.l p<;<fllqeli f"'f'1r:~ t t ~~O I I
If Sa ILl Tn. Mars a nd Rahu ;lTt lo ... ated in Ih ... 4 [h h ou se wi th o lll
th.: a~so..:ia t ion & asp.:l.;\ ofhe ndks & so illso is th ....... ase wilh the
lord of the 4th hous .... Ih e native ha s a d.:.:eiplfu l mind. (140)
mi:I' ~ffi ~ ~qll qiq~lf~ t
@Iil ~.fil .::ii64 l':fli\R '4 qiqt:i$ I i ~i'I ~ i I
If the lo rd of the lOth house is a maldk pla nl.!t located in th e 4th
ha lls!.", a:,.soc ia ted wilh or aspecfcd hy m.dcfics fh e ma n is deceit-
fu l. If the lord of the 4t h ho use is located in the 4th house wilh a
Illa ld il.:, the n ,liso OIlC' is deceitful. (14 1)
'l41,!"li ?,ti'lii:i ~oi ~ f'gd ~ ~ i
<f)q tl ~ijii"ii 'ii q f~ '4liqi!'4 a ~ ...2fa : i i ~'I{~ i I

If IhC' 4ih ho use is occupied by Ihe Su n & Moon, th e mall is

dccd tful al u nl' mOfll clU and t lll' n wilholt it the nex t. ( 142 )
I ~ 4;4 9>it. flil c ... f~-Jl I1 6i f;q d I
~m ~ ~ f.i &fl14vi rq r"l~ W\j i I ~'d ~ i i
Ift hl.! 41 h h ou ~ e is cxc upied by a be nefic pJanet or by a pla nl.:t in
exa lta tion, o rone in a frk nd ly ~ig n & Ihe sign in Ihl' 41h belo ngs 10
a hendk. Ihl' llIa ll has a mind wi tho ut del'l'it or hyponisy,
( 1431
~:: ~<:ll : \I1f(fl ~W "~llr4a I
liI'i< I'ti ~ ~ ffq '~Ii~~ a'<ll I t ~ 'd'/1 I i
II' the lord o f th e 4 th ho use i ~ strong. & JOl.:al l'd in "(i opur" CfI..:.
Am sha o r M ridu etc. Am sh a. the man is of dea n m ind & in
pC:.Ke, (1 44)
(i1i .. iI .... t:
'G \t11d ~ ltPl 9>&.f~d f q 'tr t
QI( I'!I<':l1 f<:; >iI' I'i4 f'1'4114<:"4 f~f.,. ~ ~ I t ~'d '.( II

If thl.: lord of the " ~cc ndant is loc aled in the 4th house. "... itll
hcndics a nd aspcclcd by bcncfi e~, & loca ied in " Pa ravat" t:tl.:,
Am s hiJ tho.: ma n i ~ wit hou t lkct: ipt. : 14:; )

w"lJjI',!it ?.1"l1'h3iA"l ~
q;u ~ ff~tflJ
d<:q 'Hi f({ '1I ~ qlqlf;qd iJl"lf ~ fa t1 q I I ~ 'I1Sc I t

If J upi ter a nd Vl.' ilU S arc located in Ihe ASI.:C'lHlanl th.:: nat iH: hilS
a pu re mind, If the lord o f the 4th hOLl'';c is in the 4th a long wilh a
mal ctic the mind o f the Ililtivc i~ 1101 p ure (i l is dCCl.:itful). (14(l )
-om ~ Ql'111ffl {'Iild "lf6 P.\~J; R!\f<:1 ;::!"1 11ifu I
3f"(I'id ,:k1iQi! ",era 41'lIN$ ;9 ~( I~I ~, I I ~"l.9 l t
If Ra hu is loc:J led in th ~' 4th ho usc u lllk' r the aspn'l o f ma klics
& the 41 h housc is ol:l'upi.::d hy llIan y ma ld k plailc!s, thl: IIl Uil
appcMs innoce nt fro m a ppea rance hUI is inside full o f ut:l.:eil.
( (47)
~ W'1 ~:m 'U ~ Q('I?1(1'l I
~ ~<.ii:tl' ~11 ti1E f"' F1~W<J 1i~" >::; 1 1

I r _he lord o r the 1st & the 41h hou ses arc mutua I rrie nds & are
asmd,llcd with and aspct.:tcd by henefics. the native is specially
love d hy the m ot her. (148)
"'' ''1:oJQ{OI ~~t<! 'ff'1 "1I ~ "11tJt::4 t
~~ I fr:q ij rt 41ijoRS f1;(f.:1~~ I I ~'o'G, II

If lh c lurd o ftlll:4th hou:;e locatcJ in kcnd ra is wdl aspectcd by

thl' 10rJ o r the lagna & is in ilssocialion wilh ami under Ihe aspect
of ben elics thl! nativl! is loved by his mother. (149)
iIIlJ;ij I!'! !I""11~ 4Iql!t1l4lfi1<11 m I
4l'IFl!lo1 4141'"' cl "'0l".::!i fo:!lf"'l~il'1 I I ~ 'l.O II
Iflh e lordsof the4th and the II th houses arc enemi es or the lord
of till: lagna & il rc in ilssodation with and a spceted hy maldics
the re i:-. e ncmily betwec n the native and h is molh e r. (1 50)
~~IHI:JTUf~ 4Iijf".lI'1INtf ~ I
iffl" \.'1'"1 141"'''1 di:0:,~ I'?IF-1~~ II ~'(~ II
Iflh e lord of th e 4th hO ll sc is located in the 8th h ouse from (he
lord of (he lagna."o r i 11 th l: HIh from I ll~!Ila. Ih en! is enelJ) ity betwccn
Ihe n:lli v.: li nd h i:-. mOiller. ( 151)

i!1 IPi1fii *i1~8 i!1u:;1 ll!"H'l!!d I

~ ~ 6UI ~ qiil'ilf<!Cfl il't ~ I I ~'( ~ I I
if the lord of the 4th h ou se is strong a nd the 4 th house i~
o ccupied by a bcnetic p land & thl'Y Me a spccI(.'d by bcndics th e
nat ivl' POSSl'SS":S co n vcY;1 ncc. ( 152 )

1i"l'J\<H"?Ilq(Ullf{<Ho:i '4'hIil:~'I'1$( If:ll dl 'i!1'T 1

~ "'I '1l1llil::w;i1 f.:(\.' t, 1 w1"~"l(Ullfq l{cI;li'H!t";f; I I~'J. ~' I
F Will Vl'nu s shuuld hI.' l:on sidc r..:d ~ol d. clo thes. orna m e n ts &
collvcya ncl.' (Ve nus heing signilk ator of these articles). The
... ' fl.'nglh of Ih.: 41h hous.: or its weakness is also rel evant to the
aC4 u isilio n o r o lhc rwisl' o f these <lrticles. I f the lord of the 4 [h
hnus.: i ,~ in Ihe I\ scc nda11l with the lord of the Asce ndant and
M ooll. [hI.' yoga indica1l.~s the aC4u isition of horse. ( 153 )

~, 1fUi "lfR qlEl"~ ~f;I~d 111 "IV i!8 1IR I
~"i;<;;~ ~ m q<;R\ fla~'<II!<' I:a Hlj I I ~\('o' I I
If Vl'll ll S is iilt h c I:lg na a lo ngwi lh the lord of th e 4th ho use the
n;ltin": g.:ts cOli veYllilce dri ven!Jy m e n . If Ju pite r is in lagna wilh

the lord of the 4th house the man gl.:ts illl sorts of conveya lKes.
( 1541
~111{'i1111"lql~4ft, wfr err ~ <mf.t:iT I
1iRt ~ 1151111!;{I"'Ij .j1""ll f( 'i..~ IF~f<hll1e2 : I I ~'i.'~ II
If the lord of the 4th house is in !agna along\','ith Moon. Jupi1l'r
ilnd Venus. the native gets 3 typl.:s o f conveyance. (Horse. men.
elephants) provided the planets involvd arc not loca ted in their
debilitation sign. or inimica l sign & are not eclipsed. (155)
1iJ1iI'~1<"1' 4\!1"'l~11~ 1 : ~ '1'Hf" I
Cf)i:h!1(Ollfq fC!<;'1 14 !'fliW:t"l \llfi:;:Ili'~lg(f;!;;;1 I I ~(& II
If the lords of the 9th, 1st&4lh houses are all located in the 10th
hOllSI.: and the lord oflhe 10th house is in the lagna. Ihe nalive gets
ruling powers prov i 'Jed none or I hesl.: pIa nets is weak i Ii sign of its
debilitation or cdipsed. (156)

l=!1T~ 1161(1M1T-I.t 11l/!;tl'J1ltl ,,!*Hlrul<ft. I

1''11' "'II Nii" ifirul "'l \!t)('O~ qr ~ 1$ tj4~ ~II "" (Q 114<411 lj I ~ 'i. \9 I I

If the lord of the 4th house is in thl.: 9th ho usl.:. thl.: 4th huuse is
ol.:cupied by J upiter and Venus& the lord of the Ylh is in kt:ndra or
trine. the native owns valuable territory. ornaments. wealth & con-
wyances. ( 157)
)O[illllN4"l ~!%8 <lft ::m;1W '~HF<:B" ~ <h'l'fllt> I
"fq"1\l?lWI~fM "'I'R q'f, f-;l'fMI lfiIIqI11111~11IiBf<:; I I ~(>:; II

Iftlle lord of the 4th house a long \vith the lord of the 9th house is
located in the lagnil underthe aspect ofJupikr& is strong or ifit is
in it trine in its own sign or its sign of exaltation. the native gels
v..;ei.t!th, conveyallce etc. from the king (government). (ISS)

1iJ1iI'~'"I(OllfQ ~ ~W ll?f WB q~<1fi'l qr ~ t

<\~fQi'fliir <rR 'If ~(d~i! 'e114141"'Itf""i.hl11 i51 : f<11i"j II ~'('<, I I

If the lord of the 4th house. is situated anyw here \',ith the lord 01
the 9th house and aspects its own sign and is strong. located in
Vaisheshik Ams ha. the native will possess conveyanee along with
all other <!meneties of life . (ISY)

~:~ f~ <1ft ql:,",W lWitVq(dliN wl1fl'(fa"'"IT I

sqjfg'{l ;J;:j<;,lQI!%..f1 q'f QII14I~41IfQ ~41fil1d qr I I ~ ~o I I
If the lo rd of the 4th house is aspected by the lord of the l)th
house. but is in a bad house (6th. 8th Of 12 th) or j, eclipsed. the
native hilS a 10\0.' type of conveyancl.: or d conveyance that he docs
not 'posses~ for long. (16U)

4fAIRm W1'1t1 "1(tJl qjlq~rrm ~ '1U ("411 j
~Hl i4 1o;1 flqqjd ,;lIeil "I~fClh/il ~rrR 1:11'1'1 j I ~~ ~ 1t
If Ih.:lord of Ihl' 4th huu:.... b Io.:a t.:d with a b..: nl'!'i.: & wil h the:
lord of th.: 91 h hOUSl'. th ... man g..'t~ Illudl a rlll)" also m tll.:h land.
o rnalll ':lll~ & eon w)"itIKes. ( 161)

qP4'i/~(k~<;,1i qlI A f~<.'\''1'ii~ ~~ ~ 111'11(1~ I

~ I i'1l11ii 'IT ,. .::ni6ll111'1lf'lq<:1 : ",f",,\;: : II ~s.~ II
If th e lord uft h..: lagn<l is ill th ... 4th or th..: 111h hOllse or th ... lo rJ
oflh..: lagna is loealed in I llh tn th ... lo rd o['the '-.lth hOllS", & th..: 10rJ
of the 4 th h () u ~ ... i ~ ill Ih ... 91h. th ... IHlli\ ... h ......ollles rd nW l1~ an d
ros~.:~~ ... ~ inlllttll<.:rabk eon ..... pn ... \' ...;. : 1 6~)

~ffi :fl<:rA <P.M " "'ifPl";?f !II d!i<:II6'iIi!"q : I

~ffi ,, 'I"1' I~ m <ti4r~8 ~ .. ~q I6 'iIi!"iI: 1 1~ 5.~1 1
Ift h.: lorJ \)f lh..: 41h hOllS... is lo... al.:d in k..: ndra or in Ih..:lac na.
t h l' III it n r os.~ ..:~ .',,:s Jll <I n y con V,,:y:llll.:": S. [r I h \' lord 0 f I h ... I tll h h Ull~':
is i n Ihl']<lg n<l o r is inl h..: 10th h ou~ .... thel1lan hi lS many 1..'0n\'I.:)'<lII-
I..'<':S. (163 )

~rn +'11k118 ilil}1+"4 ~WAI~q<fj l~ I

iRffl 8TWTir ", \!Iia'i'l ~ ~ ~ f1;1ftHtl' I I~ S.~ I I

I f I It..: lo rd of th ... -' t h hous.: is in t h.: 4t h wil h it ncndll: p la n ... !. [il.:

n<l li\-... hl',om~'..; [h ... OWIIl'r of \\ . . "r\'n~. ho r.-; . . ~. & tf\'ilsu ry. If Ih.:
lord o f th ... 41h IHlUsl' is loca[ . . d in th.: II [h hous ... & is slro ng or is
wi lh Milrs in th . . 41h or 11th hous .... Ih.: silmc fl:Mllr fo llows.
(1M I
'l11(1m 'lIR qr ~:[r (I 'J<i14~1E)q 1 "i(OiIRI1I'11'1 I
~ ~ v l'~ f:1"1~i ~rl; t:l"llfo:q~ ~'1tf"1(;;;i: II ~S. (.( II

~ A \f1;q C\ P-li9 qJI 9' ~ ftI!l1 (4 "'I!Oi I ft::1'.!~1 is (fa I

41d!~d 'eltf.j@ g; ~ (4~'dql : ~i'tLi1a'if(~I: 1 1 l
~ !ft. ~ ~1(1~t'jdi 1t81(41!Oi IM'jj:IMf.:i:1 I
~ ~: QIQf'j' IIf@qt:6(!11 L!ft:I!flilfaii<le:Li IO(ll!f ; I I ~a\9 1 1

Ifl h.: lord o f th ... 41h hotl sl' is inlh(> ~ign of Ma rs IhL' nal jv. . g..'"
ruling pOwer. w ... alth. com forts. ornalll . . ll1~ & l:oVl'ya lK . . s. If thl:n,:
i ~ a stro ng b ... nd'ic pL.ll1d in th ... A ~ ... cn da llt and thnl' is a hl' ndk
plan .... t ill th ... Ylh house & the lord of th e 2nd house is in its s ign of
... xaltation in k... nd ra the yoga inJk;tI . . s Ih ... acquisitioll of
rukrs h ip. Also i i' th n ... is it hl'ndk pla n ... t in th . . <.Jlh hO lls", a nd
there is a h ... ndic plan . . t in k.... ndra a lo ll gwil h Ih ... lo rd or rh l' ~lld

h o u ~e ( 165-166) o r if thl.!re is a ph.l n l't in ex a ltat ion in the 2 nd
h Ollse. Simi lurly if there are ben etic planets in ke lH.lras and
m ak fi !.: p la n ets in th e 3rd. 6th & ll ih hou ses the n a lso th e rul ing
powers a rc gaim'd. (1 6 7)

rmr e4lW fS tel: fq ?lio;j~ ~~ltlll: t
31tel'lf'4 lJlili "QT m ~ql,,~!;q6"l I I ~ 6. ~ I I
If tht! lo rd or the 4 th ho use is in th e 12th h o use tht! n ative has
;! Ilother h OllSt! (o lher tha n tha t of hi s fat hn) in a foreign coun t!)'.
O r if the 10 rJ of the 4th is in glh he h imself m a kes a h ou se in a
fo reign lan(nI68)
m W 11Ol11:lf\ll ~ ~ I
~ t4ic Q6ef\ll <::1t!\1Ifi1Qfd'G~ Q 1 1 ~6.Q, I I
If the lord orthe 2nd hOUSl' is in th e la g c lo rd o f lhe 10 th is
in the 2nd. a p lane t in exa lta tion occupies the 2nd house. th~'
nalive pns~l's se s cun .... ey a nce. (169)
1.~11q l t! '1 14 l i ~~Iil"< ... ;:;qir:4 ~W'fI PAd l : 1
I:!!'1 1iil ~ii1 W~ !fI" qllHlftlQralftQ I I ~130 II
If lh erc is mu tu al exch a nge hdwet! lIth c lords o f th e 2nd and the
9 th ho usc & Iht! lo rd o ffh l: 1M h o use i-; strong. Ih e native owns r.:o n-
\\:vano..:c. (170)
, iI !I< I'Q~ qTft 1:l 1 !\~ir 5h:!llf.:qa I
~414:t!l'll dl~i..e qlM41jd : 11~13~ 11
Ifth l: lo rd of the 41h hou sl.' is strong a nd loo..:,l1cd in "G o pu r" c l ~.
Aill sh a & aspl.'ctc d by the lord of Ihe I I tho iOl h .lIld Ih e 91h h o ust!.
t h ~ n a livc gels co n veya nce. ( 17 11

Q(4\ cqf~ ~ 111'4f1 ~~ I

\1&:4 ~ 1I~l:lliH$i~ I I N~ II

1f t he lo rd or th e 91h ilOU S!! is in kendra in its sign of !.':-.;uJ la(ion &

1\\'0 o lhe r p la nets <lrl: also in exaltatio n. the n <ltive poss c s ~ es con-
\ q ance, (I 1" )
~11~Q'1 ~ 15Zl41il" f'ti't cQ(IMlt I
~ ('/$<>2 i::ji51i~qra~~i"j 11~l3q I I
If the lord o f th e 121h house is in its sign o f e xa lta tio n a nd is
lot!a lt'd with th e lo rd orthe 2nd hOU Sl' & is aspected by the lord o f
till' 9th ho use th e man bet.:Omes the owner or co n veyanc es.
( 173 )


14IHHlif"" ~ ~ ,,!qI8 ""~fJi~ I I ~\3'd II
If thl.': lord orth ~ 10th hou se is located in th e 4th house with th e
lord of Ihe 11th house or with th e lord of the 9th. the natiw
p ossesses many lands & convcya nces. (1 74)
d cqltl'!1'l=t Cfll=\ id <iI' "I i~ "I ~ i
~ m ro! ~ii'l"'lR=tQRI~ I i ~\3\( I J
If the lord or th e 10th house is lo cated in th e IOl h ho use a n d is
as pee led by th e lord ofthl.': 1st o r the 9th house the native owns con-
veyance. ( 175 )
1 ~81 E1"1 hillctl'ld ifil=i<'ll5.n lftIQ I
~~t:j(OI ~ "'~i!l1 8 "'1~QI14I~ I I N~ I I
If the lords of Ih o: 10th a nd th~ 4th houses a re located in
"Si m hasan" A ms ha {sec sh loka 25 eiC. c haph: r I) and arc aspecled
by th e lord of th ~ 151 hou se. the na ;ive owns mw.:h land & many
convcyall\;es. (176)
....."'.14.ij'~~I..."!! 14111'l$I=\14qlfqQI : I
fft<Iitll qlfl1<d'lI"llfih:l<if; ~G~ ~ I I ~ISIS I I

t4'i E11 ~ 1.'1 Ii oI.i iii;;;: ~ 0) tI 'l f.:q d I

m '4;'I'flS;(l, &riI' ~ Ri4I"1"lt"(' _11 ~\3!:; I t

If Ih o: 4th. 2nd and the 3rd houses ,tre occup ied fl.':sp eclivcly by
the lords o f the 9 th. 10 lh & the I l lh ho u ses o r a he nelk p la n et is
lo ca ted in th e 8th wit h th e lord of the 2nd & 10th houses o r the lord
or lhe 4th hOllse is ex alted the lord of thl.': 10th house is loca led in
ke ndra or a trino: & a plan et in I.':xaitalion occ upies the 41h hou~e.
the: 12th house: h a s no planets in it. thl.': na tive o w ns 3 co n veya nces.
(177-! 7!:! )
4(4\ c<tllll ~ ~ <ti'ifQt '18'fl'J!l I
~ <':l l $~ -qp) q l'Q~j<4 l fd\l$ : I I t\9Q, I I
I[Ve nus is in its high exalt .ltion sign & the lord oflile IOlh hou se
is locateJ in the 4th . the nalive is owner ofeonvcyanl.':l' titled with
instrum e nt s of music. ( 179) ,
1I16i!1lfi;?ll'i'iql<a : ~ 111' 14Q ~ I
<floC'l C4:fflOIi) i!Ilftr ~ qI8"l,f.:o::Ia ; II ~ c:O II

If the lord o f th e 9t h h ou~e is IOI.': ;.u ed in the 4 th hou se and th e

lo rd orlhe 10th houseol.':cup ks kenJril Of Irin l.' house in his sign of
l'xa lta tio n. Ihe nUl i"e owns a eOll\'cyano.: wjlh inst ru ments of
voca l & o th er mu sic. ( 180)

. -
~1f4'i1 ~ <tl4'i1~ ~ ~IRd I
(ijlq:i1 ~~ 'IlT'd" qulqif'ild4i3: I I ~t;~ I I
If the lord of thc 10th house. in association with Saturn is
located in a kendra along with a benefic planet & the lord of the
lagna is locatcd in the 4th hOllse. the native owns a !.:onvcyance
with musical instruments likc panuv. (lRI)
~1'llRkij,q'l ('<:i'1cil 41RHli51 : j'fIqi3l: I
~ m Q:1''iq"1 1I1'ild ~: tI"llc::tll1q II ~ t;';,( I I

If hen..:fics occupy their signs of exaltation in the 10th. 9th and

[he 1st hOllS": & the lord of the lagna aspects those houses. the
nativc owns conveyance hut at the end suffers also. (182)
4lq~?'EIl<t(~14I' 1I{!11'i&jil~: I
lltIq'i '81%i31 II ~ t;Q I I
lflhe lords of the 10th. 6th. 3rd. 4th. 9th. 1st. & 12th houses arc
v.'ith the lord of the 5th house. the wan is highly rkh and enjoys the
COl1\'cyances of his country. li83)
1[0: ~ 'lril $$""";";";
,"lj;;,,,""",'~ffid I
l4ll"irQt 4(1111 eQi~ ~lII1IRI!II1f14T'Ji I I ~ t;b' i I

If Ihe 4th house is occupi..:d hy a henefic p!ano.:t and th..: lord of

the 4th hous..: is located in k..:ndra or trin..: in his sign of exaltation
& the lord of the 9th house is in its hil!!lesi dell:rel'ofexaltation.lhe
~ ~

nathe gets comforts and convcyam:es. (lX4J

"llq~ wrofm- \!!tit ft"'I&:l\lltAl:!d I
~ ~ oR$<>e "!;lll1lfihIlAAI'f,i I I ~ t;'J.1 I
If the lord of the 10th house is located in the 4th house. & the
lord ofthc4th housc is in the 11th. & the Ascendant is aspeetcd hy
it hendic. the native gains mUll)' eonn:yanees. (185)

'i~114f1~i&IR:<tl15Q1iR(~4('1: I
{1''l1<ilil '8 ':f';'i\8 ~ ~ t I ~ t;& I 1
Irthe lord of the 10th house is III the 4th & there is Rajyoga.the
native will have Instrum..:nts of musk such as Mridang. Bheri.
Sirnakha etc. (l1-l6)
01@01'!1I;:;g;iJi"~R<fl'ildfltf1 qo11l4f14 q;B S! U:R: I
i4't4{i~ Qi(if ~ Y;\l6ljif,e~ f.1iT!l'll' ~ I I ~ t;\31 I
The author Shri Vvankat:.:sh Sharma savs . that he has narrated
the results of the 3rd and 4th hou';es in this chapter after laking
into ;lU':OUll! the strength and weakness ol"planets and the aspects
of bcncfics. Here end 3rt! & 4th charters.
Consideration of 5th & 6th HOll,ses
'ad ... Cj 11e'WI1fa 'i'fS;ro Ii '1 fQ 'h11O{1 ~"" fi'Hl'll Cli1 I
~it<il<:::(sI~lll 1tt~<1l~i Ftti ... PI~il;:qf(1I1i1 II ~ I I
The wise should consider the fol lowing from the 5th housr: -
son, intelligence. rnini~ter s. mantra. eating. fathe r. ,heart. be lly.
power of discri mination.
It should he noted that the problem s of heart and bell y have
been alloted by the author to one and the same house i.e. the 5t h.
Th us the 4th house relates 10 In ngs & the 5th mostly to heiirl & bel-
ly. The lordship of the Sun-the planet representing the heart over
the 51h honse-wOU ld also suggest that hear1' .~ I:ondition sho uld be
co nsidered fro m the Slh sign & the Sih ho use.
'"'lM: c:n(!1?l Iti1~~&f'l i 1! ~ifi':f.:I"<:!! c:n1q:qfflcR1~ : I
~ ~ \1~'1Wi<:l"l3ji"4l fqW'fla'm'l4 '''''1i''4~a-: II~ II
The problems relat ing to th e so n s hou ld be considered from the
lo ru ~ of the 7th. 5th & 9th houses & (the signiticator of th e son)
Jupiter. Intelligence from the 5th hou se (its lord) & M ercury. a nd
thl! affairs relating to fathe r fro m the 5th and 9th house and Ihe
Sun, (1)
(n regard 10 the house for the father. it would be obsen'ed thaI
th e 1.)1h house has been taken as relati ng to him and 11011iJ e 10th as
some would take. The 5th h o use is relevant to r.:onsidcrali o n of
affa irs rel a ti ng to the falher only o n Ihe princ iple of " Bh<l\,;.11
Bha vilm" i. c. 51h being 9th 10 91 h (the house of fa ther).

~ .rm WI "",~, 'lfr ~ 'R'f ""'i!: I

~ ~ ~Jl1~f?;::41i>t Ti \'l<:::lfilq ~ ~ II~ I I

If the Sun is in the 4th ho use. th t' nati Vet;CIS we alth fro m fcuhe r.
If Moon is then in th e Si h mal her dies soon (Moon bei ng vcry
wea k). If a bcnefk planet or.:cupies Ihe 5th housl.' & is unde r a spl.'r.:t
of hcnefic plantt & the lord of 5th a bene fir.:. is under aspC!:1 of
bcnefir.:s. lh~' l1a[in: definitel y gels a son. (3)

~'''''' o<t~ ;T 'l"I '" ~ ,
~ ~d q'J'fq :i'iHllfl<:lOf ~i11"<;: 1I'd \ I
lJnJ o ubl ~'uly
one gains a so n if Ihe 51h housi.', lord of the 5th
hOll S!': a nd Jup jl~ r a rc with be nefi cs an d untler Ih l' aspect of
hl.'n d'c,;s. (-I )
w1111 ~ TW "(fIti~ I
qR'i,;fi;I l ~ 'fAIOHMo:f ~: 11'( II
Iflb e lord oflagna is in the 51h hou se and the lord of the 51h is
stronl! & so is Ju pill'r the !lati n: would certainly gel a son. (5)
'l'>lf?i11'111t!it ~ qft"rl~ (iil~ I
o;r\i Ojilt:l41 l' ~ :JI71IlIfc:a;::f ~~: I l ei II
If Jupi lcr is th e lo rd o [ , h ... 51h hOli se an u i .~ fu ll of strc nglh & is
a~ recled hy the lord of thl.' I"gll a the native surely gels a son.
(0 )

WlJl 50 I ~ ~ '{ll sur..:.;, 'li fHi 1 1!13 I I

If both the lord of th.: 5th house and Jupiter an: Iocateu in
Vai shcshik Am sha. ,lI1d arc asp~i.lcd hy it helle/ie. the native sur-
dy gelS a '011. (7)
~'>I'f?lIl"'Iild f~1!lt 'tJ1"ll!iif;qa r
~ ~4;;';'J..(.,OIl Tlll l1t<l4 tM<I: I 1c:::1 I
If t'll' lon.l of lh(' 2nd house m:.:up ies Ih e 5t h house & i .. fully in
.. trengt h ~ UlJ is (l specl\:d hy J upi h:r. Ihe nat ive sure ly gel.. a so n.

l" '"1Vif>4l~ ~~..qi"'lj ~ dtfarm 1

~ q('I?H~ '1'i1 'P111fl<t4 l:t~: 1 I", I I
If tlll' lo rd s nf the I Sl and lh(' 31h 11()lls(' ~lre
localL'J in the sam e
hOll ...... or '!I'l' aspel'l ing ea o.: h othl'r or a rc in l',!l'h ol her's sign. the
nat iw .~Ilrd) !!o.: ls a .\on. l<})
l." i "f'.!'j l itJ~ ~ fWBI~~ 14f.::qJl 1
<t~IiI:!ii iII(!ud q IrA:oiiitd;4 Blffl': 1I ~ 0.) I 1

\'-,lIc lord~ of ,hl' l SI a n d till' 5t h hou'ic~ a rc' locato:d together in

\.;~IHl r<l ill 'l ~~oc i ;t1i ()n v.ith a hcndi .: plallct & till' lord of tho.: 2nd
lhlU~ L' i ~ >olt\)ng. the nati\l' ,urel )" ~ ... IS <l SOIL (10)


$1'E"""lI'1llttqE'1i~I(lW~ Wlilfl I
~ ~ '1'fTfil 9l'ilQIft;1;f 'Eiltlll: I I ~ ~ I I
If the lord of the Navamsha occupied hy the lord of Ihc 5th
house is situated with a a..:nciic planet & is aspecld by a bcndic
planet, the native surely gets a son. ( Ill
,-ij'~~ ~ ~~ <tl<i<l l
i'illiJm ftli'i1' '1f'!l ~Q i ft:et;:f til/Ill: I I Z~ I I
Iflhe lord uflhe lagn a ocwpies the 7th house. and the lord urlhe
9th house is also located in the 7th house & the lord of the 2nd
hOLlS": is in the lagna. the native surdy get~ a son. (12)

~~I\:n'i i!A 'fh '1qf~l1'l <111 MiT I

14il;q~t1it1~~ <iijl lfi:<1 "'li~~ II ~ ~ I I

If tlw lord of the N<l\amsha occupied by the lord of the 7th

house is aspect cd hy the lords of the 9th. 2nd & the 151 hOllses. the
native viOuld have a son. ( 13)
qlq""cil ~ ;q~1'l~ <Nr~f1l ~ lfiq8 I
$ 1(4; 414t:'i'lffi g;;l11~ ~{-~ I I Z'd II

lrlbe 5th house is hemmed in by maldi..: planets & so is the case

with th.: lord of the 5th hou~.: and]upitcr is " 'ilh maldies Ih.: Y0.t!il
dellolcs deslruction of sons. ( 14)
lOll' t~ $C!I?!l/1 fi,!'i"fl1 i:j \"HI Iqi: I
Q'1"qfm: qlq1f\1 : ~~ q~t1"'1 I i ~ ~ I I
[f Ihc lords of the Navamshas on:upicd hy Ih.: lords ollhc 91h.
Slh & 71h houses ar.: loc ated in it madGe Navamsha & arL' situated
with rnakfics. thc yoga denoles the lkslruclioll of the sons, (IS)
~ir 1J?i'iT~~ .{j;:;jIiGfl4f.:18 I
ql~~G2S~ :n 5:Bt '!'RT~ "I~t1"'1 I I ~5.1 I

If Ihe lord of th e 51h house is located in a malefic Navums ha
!jig n. o r in its s ig n o f debilitatio n. o r is eclirsed o r is aspct;ted by .
malefic planets o r is located in a bad house (6th, 8th or 9th). the
yoga indicah.:s the destruction of sons. (16)

&l~~I~!!CIM:iF>4~I-1j \!jEt I'l R d I
~ q?I~~( r.l" ~ !fj'(jlj R! fa" I I ~13 I t
If the lo rd o r the 5th ho use is (lssociah:d with or aspectcd by the
lo rd of the decante occupied by the lord of the Navam sha
occupied hy the lord ofthc 12t h h o u~c the re is scvcre trouhle lot he
son. (17)
~rlf1i!.ll"1t~q ~~ 1\<'1<i!ii:Jtlii1 I
1Ii(\I~ai"I:J ~ $Rf~ Qa'6<::t 1 1~C:i I
If the lord of the 5th house is loca ted in 6th. 8t h or Plh house. in
a m a ldic Shashti Amsha li /60lh divis ion) & is aspectcd by d
m,lldic plancl the yoga indicates the des tru(;t io n of sons: ( 1!S)
~~n~fll'liiffi 'ljf'll j;)~ 1( l"}t I
"il'i!(!(t~ ~ 'PftlU:;f l;t~ : I I ~Q, I I
lrlhe lord oflhe 51h house. is localcd in M ridu ele. Am sha or in
Gopur elc. Amsha the nalive surdy gets 1I son. (19 )
1'I lfqqfifl~qJi ~W;) ~!ICj ( f1i!.l!\lIqd'l p" I
~.,ff'q<:lf~nfl4~ 'f;f;;;! ~1f0.I'lIrt'1<O I'l ble: I I~o II
If the lord of th e Navamsha occupied by til e lord o f th e 5th
h ()u~e is in lag na. [h e lord of the N;tvu!l1sha occupied by th e lord o f
the lagna is inS th & thl' lord orlh e Navaffis ha oct;up ied by J upite r
is in kendra. tht! sages dt!cia rl' il as ,! yoga for ,lCqu is it ion of a
SOil . (20)
q\(IIl<:ll iliiR<&l wr\Jt ~m dlSllllilqi'H I
ii1'~~q~ :tTM'1,: ~ ljffi '1'l lf.:<-1 l'll !:rt'1<O 1'l @ltl: Il ~ ~ I j

If tht; lord o f Ihe 5 th house is located in Arnsha such as

,. Pa ra vat" & so a lso is the lord or lhe 9 th & the lord of the l a~!Il:1 is
under the aspect of a bendit: pl a net. the greH\ s,lgcs decl a re il as a
yoga fo r acquisition of a son. (21)
~l/l alll I REtfi5d "Qft Etflqd"GIf"ll ffN(' II'l'11 1f'<U q~fd I
q:;uf,:::q~ illira ~ij d<:l'j jq<ft.j "Ii'Rti f"'('1Iett! li'1EtI1!f q~~ 1 1 I I ~~ I I
A learned man should dedare resuhs in Ihe prese nt context.
a ft cr d ue consid erat io n of the yoga~ for I he destruction of"fa m ily"
& arter t:areful cons ideration of Ihe yoga~ for Ihl! exist,lIKe o r
oth e rwise of the :-.o n:-.. (22 )

. I.J 7
~~ f~:aiGEfl( : ll'Jl l a~:;:jlilfi'll'f:o: i"<llqeJlIi : ,..qui I
tl'mtilM9., ~lf'eI~ <4 \!!.:li\iq( d;;:W!'1 ~ I I~ ~ I I

A YOg'l fo r Ihe di s.:-ontin ualll.:e o f [he fa mily Iree will he ( 011-
"li luled) f M ooll is 1000'all'd in lhe IOlh, Ve nus in 7th ;Jnd lIl ;lk(il si n
Ih<..' 4th house and the lord of the la~!lla is I<Kill ed wilh
\1erCUl) '. (23)
Moon loe;ttcd in the61h ho u se fro m li ll y houst,' shortell.' Ihe 10 11-
gev ity of the relalion rcpr("scll lcd hy Ihc how.c from wh il'h i I i~ 61 h.
(viol' sh lo ka 19 c ha pter .10 Saravali). l-kncl' inthc case LllHkrCllll -
s(derat ion it heing (,Ih from the house of pnlgl'ny (5 1h) would des-
Iroy pro~e ll }'. T he m a k'li.:s (many) located in ! h..' ..J lh IU IlISI.' \H l ll id
have the dfect a rnot onl y affl icling Ihe MlXl1l located iU lh.:- 10th
bu t weakeni ng the longevity of progeny still furt her. T lh' m.ildi.:-
~qua rc aspect o f many ma ldics on Ven lL s in Ihe I lh h l'H1 M; \-I'\HJ!d
a lso wea h' n the prO!l pe":ls o f p roge ny.
QlqU81 R&f.~\1It<: l1'f'l1i "'.(~IBlr~ -:4 Gif)~lS~: I
f.:r~ w'1'id iilJliI dffit<;1i! 'lF4+il ri ~ I l ,!'d I I
If mald i..: p Ja nl"l s a re IOI;i.llnl in the 121h. 5th or Ihl' Xl h ho use.
the yoga ind icates thl.' <!i sconti nua ..:c of th e fa m ily 1Tl'e & Ih ..: ma n
hccomcs bereft ofweal :h. If the Moon is in the lagna wil h Jup il cr&
Mi' TS aT Saturn is loca ted in th e 71h hOlLse Ihc results fol low.
The localion of mal efi cs in th e 12th hou se wou ld den y proge ny
as Ihese would arniet th e house of longevity (H lh) of th l' progeny.
n\ C :m me resul ts wo ul d "fo llow by the affiil"lio n o f Ihe h llUSCof pro-
geny (5 th). The locatio n of maleli..:s in Ihe 81h haus..: wou l tJ dc;,troy
the house of '"fa mily".
QlqU 1'l 1 ~ ldl~'iI 1rt oMBI flIt0Gif)(IS:;r ~: I
111' '1 lfllq"illti!QofQl'.lffi: QIQ!l ~~~~'11~ : I I ~ '( I I
If aIJ malclic planet s an:: loca led in Ihe 4 th house. the yoga
indicates the discontinuace of th e family Iree. Simil arly. if the
ma lefic p la nets occupy the 1sl 12th, 5th. Mlh houses. th en a lso th c
resu lt is the sa me. (2 5)
Why th e location of al l maleJie planets in the 41h house destroys
proge ny is Ihe 4ucsl io n. Th e a n swe r lies in Illl' p rinc ip k th a t th e

heavy afflh:tion of th e 12th hOllSt~ !cads to th e destruction of the
house fro m whom il is 121h. In Ihi s connect io n plea se rer..: r to
~hlo ka 1. c ha pter R under 12th hou ~c.

~ ..... f4W"1ft&Fi ~QIf4 ~f4"''''",'''''nC ~ I

<:1<if4a 41qWi qtq ~ ~ 'ddW I I ~a I I
If ma lefics arc situa ted in the Slh, I st, or th o..: 12th house dnd
Moon is in the 51h. tho..: yoga kads 10 IIle e xti nction of the fa mily
trcc. Sam e is the ..csul! if M ~' rc.: ary is in the 7t h house with Vc nus,
th o..: 4th ho usc i~ occu picd by malefic::. and Jup iter is in the 51h.
tV rmtl!<t>Ii;(iit<l %QI ~i!fltlf4 r4;:Q~(bl ;j(Rf: I
q"Jil ~(1i~ wPr ltTR \.ij.", ~q( t:J'I:1q(r ~I!iJ, 11'11.'3 I I

.. ~fMq ~ ~ ~~If4P-1;:Qif)O'A ;j(Rf : I

afi:iT flWllot; d'flIt11\1i ~If.:q<l ~ ~ II ~~ I I
If ma ny ma!cfi cs OCCUr) the Sih :iuUS(: fro m Moon. the yoga
indica les the exlinc lion of Iht.! family Iree. It is seen if the re is a
ma lcfio..: in the lagna. Moon is in th e 4th house& Ihe lord of lhe5 1h
house is in Ihe 5t h house. (27) and the lord o f Ihe 5th house is
devo id of stre ngth. T he same resu lt follows, if weak Moon is in the
1st h O USl' a nd Ju piter is in thc s ign o f Satu rn with Saturn. (2S)
~q;,OI~ : (Mt'I~~'ij ~: 111'11 $IE4 ~f4' 1TilI: I
'ij;:;;: Ifi"i -l t:J 'ij q (Iftil,!!-dl ~ ~ ~ ~ ,nq (ttl I I~ .... I I

If all th e pl a nets are in the 5th o r Ihe 9th hous.:. Ih ~ re is ea rly

denial ofa so n. So a l.;o If Mo..: rcury is located in the 5th h ()U~e and
tht.! 1st & 41h hOlls!.' s afC occupied hy maldk s. (29)
~: Q'I!Il4>M~4 $~4d 1?IWf A I m
aldl ~ f4'1 ~fa:q,"ffi'I'~ l?i ri tj:qq;1 ~ ~ 1l~iJ I I
~IR@q ~ I:I<:fd q,jo;..,ldt ih'l"l$f&i::til'lIi;! I
~ R ~ ~ tV' ~ ~ $I'l1f.:rfti"l(OI I I;;!~ I I

It maldics oceLlpy the 5th house. the yoga d enks a son. IfMar ~
is in lagna, Saturn in 81h. Su n in 5 th. (30) hut jf m ost o f these
planets are aspectcd hy henefic planels the native gelS son long
after ma rriage. If Salurn is in lagna, Jupiter in 8th & Ma rs in 12th.
then al so the na live gets a son long after marri;lge. (31)

1filf"ji Ojrl~ ~ f()I'I~it?'3 '1~ i:l I

i()Il'Hl Si011 ~ ~ ~ql41fd'l11 ~ Ilq~ II

Ir the lo rd o f the 5th hOll se is a be ne fic plane t and is located with
., hc nefil: o r is loca ted in the s ig n of be nefi c rlanels the nativ.:
bt.'cc lll es a man of inte llige nce & wise. (32 )
4011cd I" ~~~iO! '1iil'1 ~filld ,
WiQl'imt "1Uj~ 8i1i1~ tI'lIfi!::(h'J IIQ~' I
If th.:rc is the higcsI degree of ex altation of the lord o f Ihe 5 th
house aspect ing th e Slh & the 51h house is in betwee n benefic
pJ:lIll' tS. Ihe na tive possesses kee n intelligence. (33 )
i:tli(tfi ~ 1iI(:f'10 ~ i(!4rf1~d t
~f'f1lIIO!iQ '!U mRt Jlli~ iQ'lIR~'Ii::l IIQ'd II
If the- signiricator of inte lligence i.c. Me rcu ry is full o f stre ngth.
t he lord o f the 5th house is a speclcd by a benefi c & the 5th house is
occupied by a benefi c pla net the native possesses keen intellect
(34 )
~fili"'Ilfilq{4lftl(I~~ l(l\1~fa1d I
a:ilf4il1'~I<fi qrftr 8iQ~ tI"1iR:ild: t IQ'( II
If the lord o f the N avams ha occupied by the lord of the 5th
hOll se is as pected by a be ne fic pla net & is situated in " Vais hes hik"
Am sha the man possesses keen inte llige nce. (35)
&;'(1bfi:iqfl(Fi/q~I"'II~ <f(;;:::~<fiIol~ I
,.tjQq(uj ~ $ &2 ij'ji;I~ ~q,R~1l II~Ei II

If the lo rd o f the Nava ms ha occu pied by the lord o f the 5th

ho use is loca led in a ke ndra or trine and is a spected by the lord o f
lhe 51h ho use, the na tive possesse s keen inte lligence. (36)
l(!l'iSl 1510 11 1{Uj.,..q ~(I$I f(!l'1IPGa I
~ cfJoo:Pl!hlVt !fl ~"'lilf1t~t1(G : t IQI3 t t
If the 5th ho use is loc ated in between bene fi c plane ts & the 51h
ho use is occu p ied by benefic planets. Jupih!r is in ke ndra o r trine
the native is learned & wise. (37)
~t:4"41'11~q ~ .,!i!!i!"'(lil~""lrad ~ t
~IH~'O III4E4~ ~ ~ ItIPt~:lt1 I i i;!"C.1 I
If a be nefic pla ne t is the lo rd of the 5th ho use. the 5th ho use is
o.:cup ied by J u piter. & th e 5th ho use is in betwe en bene fi c pla net..
th e nat ive ha's muc h intelligence. (38)
~ "JI ~ ~ <fR:: l(!"""""''' EI...'IIP." I
d c "U I5~ql !!:ffi Sl l5ijllRQ~it l3 I IQQ" II

If the lord of the 5th house is located in kendra with a benefic
planet and is with a planet in exaltation. the native is highly effi
dent in picking up the meaning of the word-s lIlIned by others.
~i!i1~'441$h '111'1~1(,*,.I:q( I
W'lIH~OI (4$oe ~I(UIIR:%~II~O II
I ny.vil m <"fliil '\41 (0 II R: q<; WJ I I'5 ~ I I
If Ihe lord of the 5th house and Mercury arc located in Mridu
etc. Amsha & is aspecled by benefic planets the native has an effi-
cient & retentive memory. (40)
So also is the case if it is in ""Gopur" etc. Amshd. (41)

qtfj' ld~1 ~ <tl1(~l'feId41'lq I

ctia8<iiol+i'i'cll ~1(<tlU6<1ifu1a 11 8~ I I
If the lord of the signifieator of intellect i.e. Mercury is loca ted in
a kendra or a trine & is aspected by Mercury the native is quick \0
understand the least hint thrown by others. (42)
'111!1<tl1 (<tl+i1fh =A~I t:illl q ffi .~ I
'I''fC4 ~tilU) <fT lIP4~oe"flld$jiJi<'j II'!J;;J I I
if the lord of the decante occupied by the lord of the 5th house
and Mercury arc benefic planets and are located in kendra or trine
a nd arc under the aspect of benefic planets, the native understands
the least hint thrown to him (43)
~ qlqli'is,cll C1<ft~ ql41i'i$l I
ifi(~,<ilm <"fliil ~m "i"'lf1,,"<;1 11'0''0' II

If a malefic planet occupies the 5th house & the lord of the 5th
house too is with a malcfit: planet & is located in a malefic Shashti
amsha (1/6Oth division) the man has very little of intelligence.

Ifhas been seen in experience that the aspect of Mars on the 5th
house is conducive to intelligence. apparently due to the fact that
Mars is a planet possessing keen intellect. Hence it is considered
Ihat by the term ""malefic planeC only planets such as Saturn &
Rahu should he taken.
41'1'Ii~IR~g#l 4i4+}"wil~cl I
fj\(~,<ij~I+iS,:d; ~_ 11iI-~ 11'5'( I I

( 41
If (he lord of (he 5th hOllse is occupyi ng its sign of debililal io n.
or is ecl ipsed by Ihe Su n. o r is loca led in an in imical s ign o r is
a s pe~ led by a m,llcfk pla ne t & is loca led in a malefk S has hli
Am sha ( 1/ 60th di vis ion). lhe native ha s very lill ie of intclligence.
rr.rq qia=l ~(th ~W ~ I
m Q IQ~1'$ ~'JIt:sil el't' f~VrQ tt'd6.11
If Sa turn is located in the Slh ho use. the lo rd of the lagn:1 is
aspecled by SalUrn & Ihe lord of the Slh ho use is in associal io n
with malefic (other than Ma rs. See s hlo ka 44). the Iliui vl.' has very
lin le of intdligelH:e. (46)
4<::l'tltl,~ <{trl li"li4 ~ql)"d I
~ qiq t4 $~ itn:qfa : RllJ~ ~ I 1'd1S1 I

[f there is no be ne fi c planet in Ihe 51h hou se. a lso th is hOUSt' con-
lains Saturn. M andi & Rahu. & Ih e lo rd of the 5t h house is <l SP I.'C-
ted by malefic. the !lOltiVl.' ofte n losl.'s memo ry. (47)

Eac h of lhl.' p lancls-S<lturn. ma ndi and Ra hu - arc known for
nOI on ly thei r sca ntin ess bUI a lso for the ir powe r o f removal.
Hcncc me mory a Irail o f Slh housl.' is bOlh m ade scanty & re moVl'd
under Ihe yoga sl.lIed.
ita f!lt1fdcrU '=41<,",,,($ lQIGfl1d I
~,Jr qlq~'lffi lIi(tlG!inl<fif\:l ~ I I'd !:; I I

Memory s hou ld be s ubjecl 10 forgelful ness if Me rc ury is

assoc iilted wilh bene fi c plil ile t but the lord o flh e Si h ho use is with
Illll lefi.:s (Sa turn. Ra hu ctc) & is assoc ialed with Ihe Shas h(i am sha
o f suc h malefics. (48)
Wit ~ ~ ,!,,~f.l~lald I
~ir 1~ 1f il ~ e~tl l ~ ~ II~Q, II
If a be ne fi c plane t is located in Ihe 5th house. and is as pccled by
Ju piler a nd Venus & Ihe lord of the 5th ho use is also s im ila rl y
aspecled Ihe na tive imrarls h is lea rni ng & intellect to others.
d'i6ItflIH""'od : f'lIl'diflilt flq<I!1iI I I~C II
If in thc yoga sta tcd in the previous shlo ka Ihe lord of the Slh
house is s ituated in Gopu r etc. Ams ha. the na tive is a ll the more
cfficient in the exerci se of hi s power o f inte ll igence. (50)

n(I~.~"r-~,~~ "'1 Ct~ Idi '!II <:til Jl ,. ~ i fl>;!A I ,'( ~ , I

[ f ! h~
lord of til \! .~ i gn occ u p ied b y J up i!..:r. i." a s pcc i<.'d by I h<.' lord
o f Ihe l a~ n a & the lord of Ihe second hOlls,,: is ~t rong. Ihe ma n
o<.'(."o mes ,I mi n ister & a phi lanth rop is t (5 1)
;!t~q( O I ~ ~ ' il ~tl il WflIFo:qd i
~[li , f'1~<ir If:ft <fl1( <fI ~:;ffio; il I I \(~ I I

If th e s ign ificato r (J u pit er) is w ith (he lord o r lhe 5th h o use & is
JUI.',Heu i n Gopu rcl(,:. An~ s h a i n kc nd ra trim: the n ali ve is a m in is-
Icr a nd one tha i c<I n fo n:h:1I fh i ngs. (52)
1fTt E1'Rl(l4 1@i ~ tll 104i l[I1f~ I
f-;a" ~ 11.i qq4iil 4iil ~ ~i4il Wt I I\(~ I I
[fla pi !<.' r is IOl'<tlcu in its ow n N avamsh ;, a nd Mrid u Ams h a & is
a s p~c led by Ve Il us a nd Mcn.: ury loca ll'd in a bc ndlc N avam sha
tho: na li\l! is capab le of knowing th.: pasl p r<.'scn t & fulu r\!. (53)
'Ii,!(i" ~ ~ ~:::frr I
$t ~ w:8 ~ tp'1itll1 II
q'P Ji'1 "'1 f1l ldi qlf ;w.r t:lWlJ: 1 1 ~'d I I

Iflh ..: Ion.! o rlh..: Sl h hou se is loca w t.l in A m ~ h as like (j o pur'. i n

IIlI." N avilm~ h a of a h~n dic p l a ll~L is a5 p ~cl cd h y a b ..:ndk pla n cl
i ... ilsd f a 111 :111,.' p la nel & is ;l s.~ ()d al l'(1 w ilh a m al..: pl;t n..:1 i n Ihc male
:'\' ;I\ dln sha. Ihl' yoga in u ieatt:s the linl h irth as of a good ."'011.
(54 l
f'fi {I~ fim ~ ~ t'itultc fH lq<b I
<:I full JJ~ Ri'l.l lo:q;;i-W q;;+m'e~ 11';(1( I I

If the lord o f the 5th ho use is loeah: d in a f..:ma l..: s ign, w it h a

kma le p la net. in <I fema le.: ho use. Ihe yO~!:I in di r.:a lcs th e fi rs l b i rth
as o r a da ug hh: r. In 1'<I~ e the lo rd of the 5th hou se is located ill the
N a vams h a d e of a i,; ull uc h p l<llld thl' c h ilLI is it e u nuch. (5 5)
'f)I\4IfWd{l:.iJqt I~" i:t 1iI "i~ 6!lZlI I
;:jj "1 lf(tI.Iti'IEiHI ~ ftI "f?1 1 "dal"'''1~ ij II I(!;; I I

T h e nu m ber o f goo d poi n ls fa ll i ng in the s ign occupi ed by .

Jupiter or those i n . hI,.' Sih ho use \1,.' 11 the nu m be r of son s u IlI.le r .he-
A s htak varga sys tem b u t in the rceko n in g the po int s co n trib ut ed
by planet s lo rds of the inimica l or lkb ilital io n s ign s of th e
s ign ific:llo r or by a pl il lle-I Ih :1I is ed ipscd s houl d b ...' ignore-d .
t 50)
9I+f4R~i f<f>(OIl~14 iClI~!eti"~i'j I
ditll~i ~j 1ilc(jN iI ~iIN,qic;~'cl>ql 11\(\911
The number of sons s hould be d etermined from the num b~ r o f
rays pt)ssessct! by Ihe lord of the Sih house or by Ihe number o flh e
Na\'ams has in Ihe 51h house or from Ihe rays possessed by
Jupitc(. (57 )
(,'1' "'lOP*iiHlat '1 fi'l'lh C;~CI ~'ldl I
~ ~iI~e:I IiTtt fl"l~ +llldl ~ I I \(0::; I I
If Ih ..' lords o flhl' 5th and thl' l<lgna arc mulual friends . there is
frielHlship belween the native :.tnt! his son. If Ihey are ~utu<ll
1'1l elllies. "'l1mity hl'tween the two should he declared. If the two
pl;lIle:ts a re: Ile:ut ra l Iht're is ne utrali ty betwee n Ihe (wo. (58)
1.'1' 4'iA*iClU 6tt I
q(tA('I!'lj*ii ~ ""1(4,, : I 1\('\ II
If the lords of the: first and the 5th ho uses mutua ll y aspeci each
oiher Of they arc located in the N'Jva msha of eac h other. Ih e yoga
illdkales that the so n will se rve th\.! flliher i.e. the native. (59)
w;f Q~qra 1!fT ~~ 1.'I''''llP-qa ~ I
w4:JQ( ~ 1!fT ~ c"<:f"''''~: I lao I I
Iflhe lort! Of lhe 51 h house as peCIS Ihe lagna o r is located in the
lagna & if lhe lord ort he lagna is located in the 5th house.l he so n
carries out the o rders of the: f'Hiler of the nalive. (60)
TA"";14n( s::~ I.' I:h1t"'li~ ~~ I
('I$'c2 1i;j!(IT'4i f.:I?4 l\t<:lftl~q2fl : 1 I e. ~ II
Ir Ihe lord of the 51h house is loeat..::d in 6th, 8th or 12t h house
and is aspe.:led hy the 10rt1 orille lagna & also by Mars & Rahu. the
so n is ,l) ways opposet! to the fath..::r i.l'. to the native. (61)
':{<lWfii i04i e~'ll efMSI!J ~ I
~3qt qq1 <tffq ~ ~1",fl:IdI ~ 11 e.~ 1I
If Sun is in Ihe 5th hou se a long wilh Jupiter a nt! VenusorirSun
i .~ in Ihe signs of Jupiter or Venus in th e 5th house. the son
t10mi nal es O\'l'r the native. (6.2)

~" 1<i1,'" <!<lit. l!'i "" I

~jeQ6<:'fAin '3I'Rfr 10ftlllflfdi 'Ili;Q I Iq I I
Iflile lo rt1ofthc Jrt1 house occupies the Jrd hou se itsciC the lo rd
or tlt e 51h is in the 4th house with a be nefic planet in exaltati on. the
son fe:..::o s the father very well. (6~)

The 3rd hUlI:>c in the ho roscopo.: ora ny hody is the I I th ho use of
hi s son i. e. (h o: a rms orhis so n. If the lo rd of the 3rt! house is in the
3r<..l , it will in tlucncc th e 9t h hou se-t h.: hOll!>c o f (he fath er in a
d.:l ma n ner & in case it is a ot,.' llcfi c pla net it wou ld ael lO
the a d v<l nt;:lgc of lhl! fat he r. Si mi la rly, if lhe lo rd or lh;! 5th ho use is
il1th c 4 th wilh , strong benefit s it wi ll influ ..:m:e the 10th house i.e.
th e 2nd hou se a rlhc mouth o fthl.' father. which mea ns (hI: so n will
feed the falh o: r.
=''' I'1""it(1 f.Tt:U tHij~ ~ I
~: (OIYillffi ~.fl ~~~8 I l a'd I I
If the lord o f the 51h ho use is 101:a ll.'d in the 91h how:. ... and is
located wit h hc ndic planets & aspcclcd also hy suc h planl!1s. the
native is always engaged in feed ing ot hers. (64)
Charity ar raot! articl es is indica ted by the f;.le ' Ihal the 5th ho use
is 9th from 91 h & acts a s 9 th o n 1he princip le of" Bha vat b huva m ".
An ot her ro..'aSO!l is Ihe filc t that th..: 5th ho use being second to the
house of m a s .~..:s (4 th ) stil nds fo r the mout h of the p uhlic wh ic h is
be nc fiu cd b y goo<.l innucnce.
~ qjq~qfti ~~ qiqEi'id i
QiQUm ~ ~~ (i 'iLj iR~ \ IS.'( I I

If a ma lefi e pla n":1 occupics the 51 h hous..:& the lo rd oflhe 5th is
loca ted with malefics or in between malefics. d isease in bell y
shoul d he ded'ired. (65)
a{t'i/ifl!llvl(I:m:R 1f~(t(t<:q ~ eWi I
U60T ~ ~cr ~I Q~Lj ifi!:~ Il aa I I

If the lo rd o f the Navilmsha occupied by the lo rd of the 5th

hou se is loca te d in a ma lefic S ha shti Amsha ( i/ ooth di vis io n) & is
a spccted by a malefic planet. the na tive suffers from pain in the
beUy. (66)
\'I;Qil!l ;rr~IClf4 ;rr~~ I
41i'1 ift't! ~ ~ ~ O I I Lj I ~ii Q 'l a\9 11

If the lord of the 5th hop se is loca ted in the 8t h house & is with
th o: lord of the Sth, or is in its sig n o f debil it at ion. or in inimical
s ig n. o r is ecl ipsed the disease in the he ly is indicated. (67)

bl h H OUS E
~111<:;fh'i (~fi f-:j<;j~~~ I
'l\jtlf<:qg Q'ii:jpFJ ilg(Ii/!i~dI1 '1e:aM1: I I ~ II

Th~ following shou ld be considered fro m Ihe 6th house by

examining the inlluence of signs & plan els. enem ies. thieves.
injuries. obstacles. sorro w. nava l "l'gion o f Ihe body (i n testines.
kid neys elc) ve neria! diseases. (I)
T he aUl hor has not ) ;l id milc h o n th c quc"tio n o f e nem ies 10
\vh ich the house Ilumber (, is very intim mdy connected. In this
connection it m<ly bc st.tled lhat exclu sive in!1ucn cc of bcnefic
p lam'ls on t h ~' 61h house anti ils lord inJkales the absence o f
e ne l1l lCS.
Th ~' afni clion by maldics of th e 6th hou se and its lo rd lead s 10
th e ,rcalion of e nem ies. whiie the 4ues tion who will win wh elha
the n a tive or h i~ enem ies ha s to bo: d eeido:d from It'lc fae l as to who
is mon: stro ng. If the lagna & ils lord are stron ger tha n Ihe 6t h
h ous~' a nd its lord the native win:; & if otill.; rwise is the case, thc
e nl'l1l ics wi n. T he aspect o f pl a ncl s wh el h('r be m'fics o r ma le fi cs
has to bc g iven more weight than the assoda tion of phmels. The
horosco pe of Sl1ri J1.. N d1fu is an ill ustration in th is context.
H is horoscopl! i~ as unde r. The fact that J upiter in dign ity i~ in

Ihc house of cno:m ies with Ket u asp.:cted by Mars me,'m s h e has
m ig hty ene m ie .~ . T hei r nat u re is d e noted by {he nature of the
in Oue nc(' fall ing on {he 61 h house. The 61 h house is aspec tcd by
Ma rs. lord of the lOth house (gov!.;rnment) & of the sign occu pkd
by th e Sun {aga in gow rn m en l). l len!.;e h is Ii fclong struggle agai nst
the British Empirc. RlI ll h ~' \.'nemy was u lii malcly defeated du e to
the fact Ihal Ih!! lagna & i t ~ lo rd Moon a r!.; ~ trong..:r th an the 61h

house and ils lord lup itt.:r. M oon has much strength by virtue no t
only orbe ing in ils own sign in ke ndra. hut also due to being away
from the Sun wh ilt.: Jupite r though in liS o wn sign is a sma ller
pla nel in nalu r<l l stre ngt h than M oon. The n Moon haslhc ma lefic
side inOUl.'nce a ll Sa lurn a nd Ra h u whe reas Jupilc r has a spt.:ct (a s
Ji stim:::! from association, of M ill'S & Ra hu . He nce Nehru won
against th e Brit ish Empire.
Q1;5ffllfi,<,!d M<:!1'1 """~ ~ -,ul"il": mrt I
"",qf"Nij ~~1~i3(1'? "rll1'fl"i ifp4$fi:eq:2t. II~ II

If the ltml of Ihe 61h house is in l,,~na in Ihe mmpany of a
ma ldic plan.:t o r i f it is in Ihe 81h house wil h a mak fit.:. the yoga
i T!dil.'ale~ boils or wou nds in Ihl.' hody. I f thl.' lo rd of the 6. h ho u ~e is
loca led in Ihl.' 10th ho use wilh a ma k(k pl a nl.'l u m k r l hcas peci o f
a malefil.'. il a lso gives tht.: same tro uble. ( 2)

flr~ til ] "11<1' miT~(1' ... i(<f'i~ft:elii'll iJ I
!Hlifi1.:'I "lirl M:M'""'1 ~ a-Ili ~i (1 ,.!ii'':H41('1 1*11 : I I~ II
The WO Ll nd etc to fa ther et(.; sha ul d be predicted hy lh.: i11!l UC1Ke
of the lord of lhe 61 h house on tht.: lord & signifieillor offath ..]" cle.
with due co nsidt.:ration to the inle r:sir)" of the in tlul' nee of the
makfics invol v.:d. (3)

~1{lif,1~1t1 $t 'ilt'll " ~ I

Q1Ufr qrri ~ ~ !I~ ~.;t 4 1 fi:~ 11'tJ I I
Th e 61h ho use a fl1 ictl'd gives trouble in the lim b n:prcsenleJ hy
the planet aftlkleu in the 6th house. To 100;a te the trollhlc th e lim bs
Tl'presen tcd hy the planels is stated by th e aut hor as under:-
Sun is head. Moon is fact.:. Mars is neck. M ercury t.:ars. Jup iter is
nostri ls. V\!nus is private pa rts. $.1tUfll is hanus. Sun is aga in si deS.
Moon is eyes. M ars feet. Mercury tn tes tines. l up ilt.:T belly. (4)
~f1Ilili<tig,"1I : t'li'lk<i(11 : ~i6Q'lt '2ri: "?ff I
5N H \jl j ?N 1lqn:J Q"\!4R1 ~ ~ tt<:Rt 11'( 11
If the lord o f th e Aso: nd anl. Ma rs and Mer~ u ry arc lo(.;uted
together in Ihe 4 th or the 12t h house iJl ilu enci ng the 6 th hou se th e
yoga indk:alCs di stilS.: ncar the rectu m. (5)
~~iI<ti(1 ,~{-~r.'H ' "1"11"<11 : Btr~: ';;~'lm~~"nlf(1""~t"
-1 I
~l[1t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~$(11R1 -) \l tl'<:'I>; I;\'IY I iall
II"\1 oon, M ereu ry& the lord of the hlgna arc tog':lherwilb Ra h u
or Ketu in lilly s irn. Ill .: yoga indie<ues kprosy. It would ht.: in pa r-
li~'ularlimh repn..'sented hy the sign. if these planets are aspected
hya benefic planet. (6)
Moon reprcscnts biood in the body. Mercury stands for skin. the
lord of the lagna stands for the hody as a whole. Hence blood &
skin all over the hody would be polluted and diseased when these
three planets are under the influence of Rahu.
m ~ ~ ~111ff:qdosq?l q: <:lllS6ql~ '81iij I
fi:l?lIR::tli1i QWl14q41>1rll!i1'RT: :tl1(<:tqiCj1f~: i 1191 t
If the planets Moon and Mercury are in the lagna under the
in(1U1.:nce ofRahu.the disease of leprosy would be tHere. but not
\vhen the lord of the lagna is also in the lagna. Thus by the afflic-
tion by Rahu of Moon & Mercury along with the lord of the 9th
house and Sun. should leprosy be declared to the father .. so also to
other relations through their house lords & significators. (7)
$<f q: ~ 't~(Oiq;d1 ~ 14d;;;J{O:<:;+14P:!d1 I
ffi ~ q4+1Ap.:qa1lH?lffi~!lr f.:Iq<1 ~: i i 1;; II
If the planets afllicted hy Rahu include Mars along with Moon
and MerCl!ry the leprosy is the result of defective bile in the body.
If Saturn is included like Mars. it is the result of cold. if Sun is
included it is caused by blood pollution. (8)
':.rll ~~iqr:'6Ift1q8t ~ ~ 'il1:+14P:!dI 'inr I
::lI<~1 Ti? flt1f<:l~ ~~ q'f ~ I 1'<, I I
If the lord of the lagna & that of the 6th house are both located
with the Sun. the yoga indicates fever in the body. if the tv.o are
with Moon the trouble will be caused by water. If the two are with
Mars the trouble is from bank or from wounds boils ctc. (9)
~ mn '!,'R ~ ~ """of,,,m ... I
~r l'l141~q~ <I~fu ~ ;fi'ilIP!~i1(l'IA I !i: r I ~o i I

If the two p lanets i.e. the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 6th
house are associated with Mercury there will be mental trouble to
the native. if the two are associated with Jupiter. there would be
<lhscnse of disease. if the two are associated with Venus trouble
comes from wi fe. if \\'ith Saturn it indicates chronic type of nervous
troubles. (10)
Iflhe lord of the 1st and the 6th houses are located with Rahu or
Ketu troubk comes by snake bite. thieves. fire & from f,ervous dis-
orders. (10)

:Ej([!icii'i!4f~ 4;lQQjSI "'I'i(lfi;:ll'fJi!lld'Hl ldl J1R: I
~~"'(f{<io:@"'1 ~: 4;I('ffiw'~ f!'411"'l"J fu~ II ~ ~ I I
Iflhe lord ofthe61h house is located in the Ascendanl with Mer-
c ury a nd Ra hu and these planets are without any benefic aspect.
Ihe na tive h im self lakes measures fo r the remova l of his p rivate
organ. If Mars also joins the rem ova l is due to d i s~asc in thai
organ. (I I)
Thc lord of the 6th denotes trouble. Rahu is a planet of separa-
tion or removal and Mercury with Rahu makes Ra hu all thc more
effective instrument of removal. Thc role of lagna is Ihal of
deliberate self. The -Removal" influ ence fall s on the 7th-the
private organ.
f0 "fI1~ 411'4'1~li ~tl., : ~ftI'f11 ~ rtl ' I{ I'lh'1 ;
1iT4W: Wfil{cll ~: i#IQ1"ll4t:;;:ql( lI fo:a I I ~ ~ I I
If the lord ofth..: 7th house and Vcnu s arc ooth located in the 6th
house, the yoga indicates that the wife of the native is Slerilc.
( 12)
The lord of the 7th and Venus combined denote fully the wife.
fo r one is the lord of the house ofwif..: amllhe Olhe::r the sign ificato r
thereof. Their location in the 6th housc, tilt: house of deficiency
a nd want. denotes the difficiency & want of power of procreat ion.
The yoga in OUF opinion will be morc cfft:ct ive if the lord of the
lagna is also afnicted by thl! lord of the 6th house or by Rahu and
Saturn-planets of dearth & want for Ih" lord of the [agn<l would
n:pn!sent thc private organ of wife::.
~~I l'" .,1 Tl:NdI m ~foj'fllt7] ~ ~ f'qlij I
4;I(lSciiQ;4R 4i"l:eiliu1 *~ eO;"i f.:rrr! d1;I-11'i i I ~ ~ I i
If t he lords of Ihe 6th hou st: and th ,LI of Ihe Ascendant are
loca ted wit h Sa lurn in a kendra o r a trine. the yoga indicates th at
the nat ive would be imprisoned.
If the lo rd of the 6th ho use & that orthc lligna Saturn and Ra h u
an." in II kendra or trine it also denotes the same thing. (13)

T he lagn:l and its lord denote the body as a whol~ of the nat ive.
Thc lord o f the 6t h. Saturn and Rahu urcp lanets of"Rcstrkt ion'.
H ence wh e n these plan~ts are tog,;-t her the yoga constituted

d~not~s r~striction on t:l~ mO\l:m~!H of the body. Thesc n:stric-
tions would hL' ,til the more severe if these plands un: located in
kl'nJra trine. for such a location of the planets causes their
inllu\!l1co: to he kit hy tho: Ascendant (hody again).
ft1~n fil '1 \"<fii( 't lOl "I 'il-it: fed ikfil'il Cfi ,. IAI f! (O"oq I
<'r~murt qf(QI't'filq1 r:H'I,";~iFaIA,,; "1T ".l1.f"'1 II ~'611

Others opine that imprisonill..:n 10 fatho:r etc shou ld he predic-

100u hy taking into cOl1sido:ralion the lord by of the house con-
Cl'nl("u and its significator in association with Saturn. R;lhu and
th..: lord of th(" 6th house located in kendra or Irin(" to the house
COIlcl'rl1L'd. This n.'sult would fructify in the Il~aill and ih..: suh rul-
ing period~ that :ause the yoga ori!l1pris()nm~nt hy anlicting the
lord of the l<lgna of tho: relative concerned. (14)

qit :fRl "11 ~ yhii 'td;;qilst f.,..:f.t ~ "ff I

~ 'tot -A f;:r':l'iI\~1'1 ~ 1!3I'i ~ ~ "11 Rit1 I I ~ \( I I
IfS<lturn and Jupit":l ,He in the 3rt1 or Satliri1 is in 9th & Jupitn
in 3rd. Sun in I~th or Hlh hOllse Of if Moon & Mars (1r(" located in
th..: 71h or Hth hous~ v;ith Rahu the nali .... e has his hanJs
sc\ereJ. (15)
'tpru-ElTmfu (I~q",,":'8lRlI : Qil:;;g<;'i<:1IS?f":iiT(f:
\f.f;iIJ ~ t>2 R'"I+c11 h:r'iT~ "ffit ~ ~ 'it ~ I'i IIII 'iff. I I ~ S I I
If Rahu. Saturn alld Mercury are located in the 10th house the
11l~ln gels his feet severed. Also ifSUll & Venus influence Jupiter&
Saturn is located with Mars & Rahu. (16)
, ~ f"l~]<;;::j af~.wAI C1,,:h1 I
~ fiw~ +1<';1 m:Tit 'tQjf.:CI8 \4l'j'.\1""":~ -:q II ~131 I
If Saturn is in lagna. Rahu is in 7th. Venus in the 10th & these
planets occupy llnJdl,: Shashti amshas (1/60m division) the
nati\"(" gds his head severed. (17)

wm !lT~ l1il(if~t P-I~'"'ig'R'1 : \4i;1;:q~1 I


lft!t. ji~ <Wt ~ ;;rd ~SP.Rr l'&li f,,@'t( q; I I ~"!:; I I

If Moon in dark halfon;upies the 7th hOUSl'. Mars is in lagna or
in the Na\"am~ha orthe sign in thelagna. and Moon of the dark
half is with Sun. the lllan loses bOlh arms & feet. (18)
It is diff"i!.;uit to Sl'~' how fed or arms as such are involved in Ihe
yoga. hut this Il1Uo.:h is clear that both the Ascc:ndant and the Moon
which ~Iand for th..: body should he w("ak. A weak Moon in 7th
h0ust! will nOI o n ly sufkr h imsd f bUI wo uld <I ff1 k:l tht: lag na loa by
ils 71h :ISPl'CI. S im ila rly, M a rs i n tlut: nc ing lagna wo ul d ht! h igh ly
inju rious tn bod y a s <I w ho k (lS )
Qi1t~ ;:;; ~\!Ii'ijJ1~q;;' $"{~ ~(Ql ~: I
tif.Ii! 41 Rj ~wr f~~I <i (l qj:j;qft,:uf 'f'O I ':l~ I t '{ '\ I I
~1f'AOI ~~I%<'1 4 ':P.f.:J 111~W -e:~ 'f141 " *.1"'1: I I ~ O I I

IfRahu. Moo n art!er.:ii pst!d by lhe r a y ~ of th e Sun.tht: nati \"\.: gets

his helly cuI npt! n. If S:IlUt"1l is h)(.;lll.'u in th e lagna ""ith Oll! any
bc n... fi c <J sPI.'CI i.t!. Moon in dark h:.d f is in ;tssor.:ialion with Ra hu
it nd Su n. Ih ... na tiw gt!ts h is hel ly sn ~'r r.: d by a w... apon P:Jrt ir.:u la rly
if M o u ll is in deg n:t: to dt:gree co njunct io n wit h (hr.: Sun. (2U )
~l'iTit ~\!Iti" 'f,iOl"'1 l,,~ t;! 4tG hl(kllf<1 [<11.<'1 4 kll<i I
~tI <i :iRt 4tq+a}l Q.lilP; m ~4 w.r:tSFCIf i :: I I ~ '( I i
If Moun is weak in "Pak ~ ha " strr.: nglh i.r.:. il is locah.:d with in 72
dl!grt:es from Ihr.: Su n and is as pec lr.:d hy Rallu wh o also as pects
S.t1u rn s i tuat~'d wit h Ih... Moo n. thl.' yoga i ndiea lr.:s :.t!\ere lH:c Of lhl'
head or lhe lHui vt!. IfJa ~n a co nl :l i ll ~ Sa lurn & t>.krOI I)' i ~ in la gna
in its own sign o r if Satu rn is with M<! feurV ill th e Jrd Of the 4th
ho use. the m an i ~ sma ll. (21 )
Th ..: vo )' n <tme o f Merc ury i~ 5l f(,!JjQ: i.e. \"Cry lo ng in ~izr.: .
Si milarly. Sat II rn is also 10 ng in silt! (St!l' sh 101.:. <1-' 6lJ & 64 o l\: haptl' r
I ). The in!1 ut!!ll'c of Mc n.:ll ry and Sa turn OIl lagn a as im pli t!d by
Ihe s hloka s hou ld in ou r opinion ;nd il.'" ah.' lo ng. ~iZl.". The
!r.:r m 6(f'4 may proh:roly Im:'1ll Il l.' rt! low i n S I " tu~ which Sa lu rn
surcly is.
tll'6l!'l"A4 ~ ( \l1''1 I~'' -m~ I
ri::;." j;;;j ltg !!ffi i'\"o:<I 110\( 01 W-fij I I ~ ~ I I

If Moon l o~'"al t!J

in ol h. Hth or 1211\ h ouse. is a ~ pc r.: tcd by the lord
(If l h c lagn a. <.t nd is a ~sor.: illted with Sa lurn. M a nu i and R a hu. (he
II a live meets a m isc r:.ahk dcath. (22 )


T h..:: mmk o f death is sce n hv, Ih c 1l11lUr..:: oft hc ;nllucncc rall irH!.
il\ (cr alia on th \! lagn<ls & Ih..::i r lord s. In the ca s~' undercoll sidera-
lion bOlh I he lag na il nd thc c hand ra I:lgna is i n volved & IIlt.'sc a rc
innu enced in wo rst houses by worst pla ncK H I'IlCC worst type
o f dea th.
4l"1 Il I Mffp:!,:I~ ~ 11"T'1 1R8 f~ I
"..l Q'o::. '4 :/le !{d. ~ 1&\(01 ~ I I ;:~ I I

I :'i I
If Sa turn is 10eatl'J in h is sign ol'debilitatioll o r in in imi ca l sig n
or is cd ips..::d by the Su n & is assoda ted with ami aspcctcd by
lI1il lcfic p la nets i.e. sit uated in a malefk Sha sh ti a m sh .. (J/60t h
d ivision). the ma n mee ts ,] mis ... ra hlc d..:mh. (23)
Sillce Ih..:: d eath and lo n gevi ty an: d..:: not cJ hy the lagna. 8t h
ho use a nd Sa turn, Satu rn too like the lagna and the 8th hou .~ c
<knotes tt1e mode o f J1.'il t h th ro ugh the natu rc o f in !lue n~c fa lling
o n it. Th is s h loka thu!) studies th..: in ll ucnce o n Sat urn-the
~ i g ni fk a lor of lon8ev it y,

ni~'.j (fH ij'?4 ~ qj~l fl qjf.;:t:'i~<f; !

, l:RIJ"t ~~;jI4{(oi ~ 11 ~'d I I
Jfthe deeante occupied by the lord or the 81h house in Pa sh or
Sarpa (5":C s hloka 12 of '. hapte r 171, thc nat ive di es by di !)casc or
bci ng ha nged. ('4)
Ii<:Aitl "tflqBi tV~ t
i1'~ih~ciii!~ >.fI tt~I""'l(ol ~ II ~ '( II
Iflhc lord orlh e decante in the Sth house is loca ted wilh Su turn,
Man di, Ra hu, anti so a lso be Salu rn. the native tlics by being
ha nged. (25)
tf''''5leeilVr .qm ~ f<Hf,4f1If/A fo: .. d I
lio:;14itl 11t:'i lldl 'i(i~1 ~m ~: II;;" II
If the lort.! orillc 6t h house <tnt.! Mars arc loca ted with the lord of
Ihc 3rd h Ollse & a rc in assuc iation \\it h Satu rn. Ra hu and M and i.
th..: na live dit:s duc 10 hank. (26 )
~r:rori 11.IIi0fOfll,d , ~ I
~ >.it"farFi ~ -d) A?J:J ;::(r:~ II~ I!! II
If ill\! lord of the d.;cantc or.:cup icd by Sa tu rn is localed with ur is
a s pec t ~J by Mars or is localcd in thl.: si!,!n or Navallhha o f M ilrs.
the nativc dics in banlc. (27 )
~ <Jo:;l ;::Jl~ q(flH f'iflfri I
q'!.f1I{I)6IW..n ~,!, 1 4fa ~ 1 1~r;;1 1
If Sun <l il t! M ... rs aspccl l'a..: h olhl'r& Me IO..:;]lcd in c<J ch others
Na van1 s ha, the nalivl' di c~ ,tS a resu lt of li ght with anollier
individual in a du d. ( 2~ )
If thl;n: <lfe many malefi c planets in the Rth house, occupying
the N,tvams ha sig n of Mars & a re located in ma lefic Sh a sh ti
Am ) h" ( 1/ 60th d ivi..;io n ) the ma n me<!ts ;, sudul."ll dea th. (29)
;:ji:q~!r{i h5t::"n: eiRl I : ~ q{IFJ(ffi; I
qrqi~: qlq'FIl: '41:1~ 'E4 ~ ~ I I'JO I I
I r a II ! be benefic p lanets arc lo catCli ill thdr sign o f dcbil ita lion,
o r ini m ica l sign o r arc edipsed and a re d<!fe;lI<:d in war (by Mars
e tc. h aving m orc no rth e rn decl in a tio n ) <HC located in the
Nava ms has of ma le fi c pia ne ls & arc in asso ciation with malefks,
Ihc ma n meets sudden d eath. (30)
~ : +41""'l(Oj <;1f(1 ~ 1~f"~(mlj(~.f"i::O~ll~i~~:
, I
{l-i~~: ~ ifiU~II ~('lqell : II ~ ~ I I

If the planels Salurn, Ra h u and Sun arl; located in male fic

S h a shli il ms ha ( 1/60th d ivi<; io n) & Sat u rn is ecl ipsed by Su n & Ih e
til rcc p ia nels a specll h e lo rd of thc HI h house. the naliw med~ sud-
d e n tkath. (3 1)
(l'I f\'~H ' 18 ~ <;1 ~l4 l q QI'Hi ,!8 I
'lIQslX<:q8 ~ Ttre til ~ ::IU~1/rQ I I'JO( II
If Sun occupies the 6th ho u se alotlg with a malefic plane t & is
abo ..... pL'cted by a malefic, the n at ive will have wou nd o r boil in
the n a vill regio n due to excessivc he,ll. (32)
~ f'"l ~II'1lq 'i( S~ ~ I
1 l d l ~di \lq~idl {ffi N'dlfild: !i I I ~~ I I
If M oo n is loca ted in 1he 6 lh h o use wit h rna leric & is a lso aspec-
led by maJdi c a n d in a malefic Navamsha, the native sufTers from
w1ndy trouhles. Ifit he Mars in suc h co nJit io ns Ihe n a tive su ffers
throug h heat & d efecti ve blood . (33)
~,;,t;qqldl~dKfl c:4 dllll'tcl ~~: t
~ f.:re"fi:::ji!lj1 : ~ 1f~' l rMt.'t! 1 1 ~'o II
If M en.:u ry is sim il arly situated in the 6th h ouse, the n a live sur-
Il:r, particularl y from ph legm and windy Iroubk s. IfJupil e r is in
(', h he su ffe rs si m ila rl y. T he re is swollen n:gion in the hody. If it be
Ve nus th l' native surrers fro m loose motions. (34)
i'f<lT\fl ~ '111 j:J( emf ~m: I
{ lg$ijl'44lqBi Oijl".:u ~~i lf'iltl ~ I I q ~ I I
IfSalu rn he sim ila rly situ a ted u n d er ma ldic in fl uence in II1e61 h
lJ(l us ~. Ihe nat ive suffers from co lil trouble. l f Rahu or Ketu arc so
~ittl"teJ in Ihl.: 6th house. the native sh ould be declared a s sun'cr-
ing th rough SOIllL' iJ ead sp iri t. (35)

.,g ~ ~Ji':ld 1IIif-N!:SQIR(I'I'II'f) I
mt ~ ~f?1!0 ~~I~'Hq( l il l-lJ<fi 11 ~ f; II
If M oon is locatell in the 6 th ho use with M:u s th e n al ;h ' suffe r;.;
fro m mental a be rration & jaundice etc. If Moo n in tho.: 6t h is wilh
\1ars an d Sun the nat i,,:e suffe rs from co li c pa ins etc. (36)

r.ri; tp 'f~ "l'JI~;;;:f.:I()fern I
~./I *''Hl1' '9;if, ;:,40' i q~k't fi!' I I ~19 1 I

If Mars is in 6th with M erc ury aspecled by Venu s & M oo n &

M a rs is in the Na vams ha of a m<llefic pl anet. th(: native suffers
fro m con sum ptio n. (37 )
~I;::ql(ef~ d qq <f?W !iRfI~ I
~, .... lOI'"f"'"i(
'< 1"1 \ 1"1
. : ' I ~ C. II

If the 6th hou se is occupied by S aturn and M<lfS & is a spcclcd by

Su n & Ra!tu & the lo rd of the lagnil is WC<I k. the na ti\'e su frers fro m
so me long: lasting d isease. O S)
Tri; ~ wjFwl I
F ~ 7ft ~ ~ qi'H&iI'Hf.Fllk q,,~ I I ~'l, I I

If Saturn is loca ted in Ih e 6t h house with Gu lik & aspee ted by _

Su n. Hahu & M a rs & is neithe r in a:<.sociat io n wil h no r as pcl.:tcd o y-
a ny h..: ndic p hm e[ Ihe na tive suffe rs fro m co ug h. a sth m a. con-
, umption d c. ( 9)
;-mafwrf ~ ~~fW: [
:JI"(ol~I?~rq ~1 rt ,t~'fl""3lk'" ~ [ ['1'0 II
If Moo n is loca ted in a watery s ig n in the 6 th hou se & Ihe lord o f
the 6 th ho use is a lso IOCillcd ill .. watery sign a spccled by Ml:n.:u ry.
the nalivl.' suffe rs from urinal lTo uhles. (40)
~ oR: ~ ~ ~ mit Fqw~ I
QI":ij ~I~'Ei1111ffi rfH~ (1'll1l fM'I 1'1 I nq [I

If M oon is in the 6t h a nd Sat u rn in th e 8th ho use. il ma le fi c in

the 12th and the lo rd of the Jagna is in th e Navam sha of a !lIilldic
planet the na tive suffers fr om discases of fL o se ctc. (4 1)
-!I ~ tJ~ S r(1[~ ~ <i1 ' 1f'4 <u '"-l(I~ I
m iJ,l!qr<h: f$:l " ::i<H 1 1 'rl~ II
If the lord o f Ihe Mh hou se is wea k in lagna o r Mars is in the
lagna. the man suffers from trouble in the head or in the fa ee & suf-
fers from colic pa in s etc. (42)

~ 'nfopq<'1J~:ir mil fg (NT qqq I
If,~i ~ "'CQ~ !lili!'iifl! f4f'"l~~(! II 'I$~ .11
If the l ord of the N<lv<l msh a occu pied hy the lord of the 6th
ho use is afnit:ted. the trouble shou ld he indic ated from fhl." Sun etc.
whic h may hI! the lo rd of the Navams ha invo lved th ro ugh Ihe cle
men I o f heat elc. in Ihe limb represented hy it (43)
~1tf""'HIfi.m ~ 4i'l!H!f'1{ifiWf I
~ <IT 4IQiili" ,q ~1 -rf1:si f4f1~~ I !i1'd I I
If Ihe lore! of tht: 6t h house is located in a Kendra under th..:
a~pect of m a lcJics o r if there are ma ny mal efi c planet s in the 6th
house. the lIl ilO ha s tro uhle from enemies. (44)
'~i11VT ~m \f?rir ~t'1lilfj,ffi I
AO:<;l'l il '1~~a ~lili?k;1 fClf4R:ffiJ I I'd'.( I I
If the lord o f the 6 th house is located in Ihe6 th house & the lo rd
or the 6th ho use is in the I sl ho use & a ssociated with Satufn.
M,mdi & Rahu, th e yoga trouble from enetn ics. (45)
41'lU tuT ~ iil ~ I~11SR111l~ I
4lqid(lla ~ ~I"lQi $1 fejfol~:Iffl I t'6 & t I
Ifa weak lord orthe 6th house is aspech:d hy a m::llcfi c planet or
irit is loc ated in between malefic planets, tht: yoga ind ica tes trou-.
hie form enemies. (46)
:JI",I1INQ ~:~ oiiif:IRti$1 I
<il 11VT !Hti'lft; ~1f'11:A q~ ~"{Q: I 1'd\9 11
Irlhe lord of the 6th ho use is localt:d in 6th. 81h o r 12th ho use, in
ils s ign of d ebilitation. in .. II inimic al s ign. or in an ecli psed co nt: i
lion and the lord of the lagna is strong. the e nemy is cJcs lroyed.
~"ii51)1 ~ ~'1II'1lfqt ~ I
l(p'llf,;qa ~ ;R ~ q~",=~ : I I'd !::; I I

If the lord of the 6th house is as pectcd by a bene fic , o r is

associated with a benefic and is loca ted in the sign or a benefic
planel th is constitutes a yoga for rriencJsh ip with the enemy.
If the 6th house an d its lord arc enti rely un der benefic in fluem;e.
Ihe yoga indicate s the abse nce of ,:nemies. In case Ihe re i" some

malefic influences but by far the most benefic ones the yoga
indicates enemity & the friendship.
~~ li ~"iI(i\il1 sr ~1"iRli1I~i) ~ I
~l f.::j;1 "I[~ WWIT R';ll1ifil~ I I'd". I I
When the lord of (he blh house is weaker than the lord ofth<:' lSI
house & is with henefics and aspecled by henefics the yoga
indicates friendship wi th the enemies. (49)
~'Zl1l1 ' ''I(iJ ~llr.r f.:\"ttft;8 I
ffi :IT P.!<:.> tl'il"1li.f+?:i'l ;:'1lfd,:f!gi fi'lf~f?~ I 1'(0 II

If the lord of the I sl house is located in the 8th house & is uspec-
led by the lord of the 6th house orwhen both of them are located in
the I st house. the yoga indicates trouble to maternal brothers and
sisters. (50)
~~ P-l~11'i~ ~~<I(lf;q ffi 1
~ i ;:;C i (q)jUi+i::,i1 ;:'1irc,(~Gi f<'.lf"'~~ I I\(~ I 1

If Jupiter and Venus are located in the first house IOgether with
the lord of the 6th hou se & are aspected by Saturn. Mars & Rahu
the yoga indicates trouble to people of the native's community.
(51 )
'.~''ilMi'l' " w ~Sq "ff ~ 1
ifl;:;;: f-::4iflIOli, ~ '<ilfdfl:! : m
Jji.l'iY I I\(O( 1 I
If ' :ie lord orthe first house is with henefics & there is in the 6th
hOllse Moon orather benefic planet & if a benefic occupies kendra
or the trine. the native lives in cordia lity with his community.
;:'1kPil ~"f: ~ W~ ~i.l'!f;;'8 I
~ l f;:q8 ~~t;(! ~~IIR'8l1f.:q8 I I';(::.! I I
Iftbe lord of the 6th house is Jupiter who is with benefics and
aspec red by henefics & loca ted in \1ridu amsha etc. the native has
many members of his community (sons & daughters of his
mother). (53)
;:'1lfilani f1 ,jll~141<;qt>6~ 414'f"l$'l 1
~W!l;:j,,!i;;I<i1 :w'l:;::I;4llltjfJa 11'-;('6 11

If the lord of the 6th house is with malencs. in a malefic
Navamsha, in its sign o f debilitution or in an eclipsed state &
without the aspect or associaiion ofbenefics. the yoga denotes the
destrudion of the community (brothers & sisters o f mother).

ql(l \:ld l~qi ' ioM" ~ l'''W ~~ i "til1 'U d'84I~ .. %qal }~ i 1'('(1 t
If the lord of lhe la~ n .. is strong by loca tio n in " Pa ravaf' a ms ha
ete & is aspected hy ben efics and the lord or lhe 6th is weaker tha n
tho: lord of the bgn<l. the native excels his uncles etc (55)
\l1'4llr qe:o(f~ qr.3:lR f~{if~ I
qW$ 14 ;;:~1Qli 'f' ~(ifi1Q1:S"'l'l I 1'(5. i I
If the lord of the 9th house is loca ted in the 6th house & is aspec-
led by (he lo rd of th ... 6t h ho use .& the lo rd o f the 6 th ho use is
loca ted with Sa tu rn and Mars. the yoga indica tes lo s.<; due 10 theft
or fire. (56)
CI'"<fr~ 'T1,!<i!;lll<il f~"H3~ ?frf~ I
&ri;ir ,,+A'l0'
dh.. ~l jJl11IjQ cWf'~ 1/'(13 I I
If the lord of the 6th house is loc aTed in . . Gopu r. . ete amsha
a spcc ted by the Sun. & if the lo rd o f th e I st house is full of strengt h.
the nat ive helps h is com m u nity m e mhers (a lso brothe rs & s iste rs
of mother). (57)

"" ""'" 1!'1i" ""~ ~".!!i1 I

ql 4ll~ l1'"~ :q:1~'4ifiltii ~ 11'(>;; II

If a be nefic pla ne t is loca ted in the 6 th house & is a spected by
bcndics & the lo rd of the 6th hou se is loca ted with be nelic plii neL
even tho ugh lying in between malefics the native likes good dis hes.
3q~~iftltil ~ ~ ~ fII;;oil~~ I
~ aJ)t(i f;'lQIc1 ~l/nf<! 'E4l4f.:q d I l '-(Q, I i

If there a rc J upiter a nd Me rcury in the 6t h house in Mridu etc

ams ha or there is the s i~ n of J upilCr or Ve nu s in tha t ho use. the
native likes good dishes. (59)
~~cr4 qe:oqi~:it ~ <u ~ "'! iqJ) I
4"1(ifl:fIltii ~ 'il,!( ilm'il"S~ 11 &0 I I
If Jupiter o r Ve nus is the lord of Ihe 6t h house & are located in
M rid u e lc amsha. th e nalive likes sweet etc d is hes. (60)

wi "" .<!<iI '" '!l"1" 'IJ"I'~ I

~ Q 1iS~ ~il,lFf:il ~ ~ i 1 5.~ I I

If Venus is in the 6t h with Mercury aspectcd by benefics &

loca ted in benefic Nav amsh a in strength. the n ative always likes
sweet di shes. (61)
ql qlJ~ ('is"'::: ::M


...~ I
'rR 'I:{&. wsn ~ fI' om 4~ ij I I ~~ I I
If Ml:rl..:ury is in th~ 6t h ho use (l s p~l..:leJ hy ;: n'lall"fic p la net. Ih l.:
na li\e d oe.~ not like swccll hinll.s.

Ir Vc n us is in a n inimic a l s:g n in
Ihc fot h ho use with Men:ury. the na tive [i k l'~ sou r Ji sh.: ~. (6 ) )
Y:!r.t :ai
~ "p:r3:
9A-; <:1"l r"1~ I
-dti! ,<-
fuf::",ife:iR -,r See ~ tr om TI"~i>1 1I &~ II
If Ven us in Ihe 6tl1 house is aspccted b y M,lr~ or Ma rs and Ve n us
arc Joeall.:d to gether in the 61h & aspel.:teJ by th..: SUllo Ih e na tiw
likes sou r th ings m uch. (63)
qr.t<.[F "';\14 ('i::< r,,:, (I';$1 f1 <I f1i-r I
, ~"

l ~ q~mi:l: ~ j~~ 1 1 ~ 'rll t

Iflile lortl of lhe 6 th house is aspC\.:\cd by M ;II'5 & a lso by Ra h u.
Ke lu or the shadav.,), planets arc in th e sign of M a rs Ihe oali\\,' is
qu a rreJ som ~ &. h~ l.'o me s a th ie f. (64 )

':pleHlfq';: 41:4 '1d'; 4 Ii hil(41: I

11 M$lll '1" "h+.'sd "1i4'/xj 'lJl1 1'1 ~ 11 &'.( I I
The pri nd plc s ho uld be ap plied 10 sons ~h: on Ihe b,fs is or lhei r
r\:speciin' hou ses a nd si gn ificalo rs. Th is sd C: llcc should he
d h 'ulgc d to a thci st & not to a n athei st. (65)
'll'.2(11; : ,h'l14 : ~: dilOs14I'-1'-1f'<t"' : I
M'1 -Jl~t4I01!'!d:1 ~-<fl2:IR ~t14 l'1! t l ~ ~ I I

C H A PTE R - 6

'l!:lfcN"; I~I~ qICjICl Fcl~<;~~ I

311l 1t:l 11t:l 0it:l<:1 Rl' ,:q l ""i'ili~ 'f 1tCEl'l",! I I ~ II

Th~ fo ll ()wing shou ld b~ con side red i'rom the 7th housL':-
M arT iil ~~. \\ ik. husband. pu lses. c urd. gu r. mil k. com i n ~ ..lilt!
go ing. Ufg~ for .",:x. urina l pt:I CL' and IO~1 ,,"c;dth. (I )
W. <rl'!I?! <:1Fditillj<fi ; 'E'41<;:~S;::q 4jq lf4 (i;il Tl ~ I
ftlt:IH'I'd:' f1'l0i1""l~) *<:114 : wrffi ~ : 11";(: I I

I rVcnu~ i ~ Io.:at.: d in the 71h IH)US':.lhc 11itli,.: witll
~.:x. if !1 b.: Yl erc ury there then 11.: has a frair~ wi th anotht'rwom a n.
If il b.: .I U pi!.:!" he lives on ly with hi s wife. ir Salurn h.: has affai rs
wilh a bau wo m;tIl. If the lord ofth.: 71 h hOllse is a hL'ndk plan et
h.: has a good wife. O l
'f* "I:01T'd : 'JjQ1v11 \ffifr ~~1'41 "I~~I{i:t. ; I
<i1' 1ffl!ldi ftld :ti<'1 'i1 ~i ,I 'tjI : tlWt" "I:l"fu qlq'l'd.i : I I ~ II

~; q{tJi'l {"d" : ;pnrft :aq ~Hl~""1 i;"Ml q~ cq I

W""IIf(m Cl i q"T~ ~ flI l3\jjld : q(f'".fIS; I: ~ I I'd t I
If Ma rs is loca ted in thc 7th hOllst:. till.! nal in~ even though h<l'"
inl; many wi ves ha~ <.tlTairs with o th.:rwo lllen and therchy dl'strnys
h is famil y (bri,lgs bad na m.: to il). If it i ~ Sun thc native ha s a
fami ly but is attached 10 many wo m.:n. I f the lords of the 2nd. 7t h.
& 6th hou ~e occupy lhe A~ccn d a nl .dong with V.:nus & a rt:
associated with ma ldics the na live IHls had ways & i ~ a llat."ll.:J IU
o thl't" wome ll. If Ih esc are aspected by bl' n e fi c~ it is nOI so. If Ihe
lonb o r lit !! b Ib <l ttd Ihe 151 h Oll ~e::> a rl.! locatl'd wit h m .. ldic~. tht:n
,tho till' nalive has bad W,tys a nd is all:lC hn l 10 other wome n.
(3. 4 )
~w ~1~'i"""""II ~ ~ ~ ~ I{(iil !
-mtr '8Q14 ~ <;;1(""11 4 1lTd: q{fjj~!! n'f: ~ 11"- II
I r thc lonh of t he lsI. 6t ha nd 2 no ~ll".. 1.! wi 1h ma k fic s or i f Sat u rn is
in lhe 71 h h()ll~C with the lord of IhI.! 71h & maldie~ lhe nal i\c is
'E!{11%ffi ~ <:;1{'iI<21 ~ ~ oqM"'1I{<':i111 : I
<!Altl~8Wfli'l1?1'iI4'( "'11'ifB>:l<':1I \ilR'l<:;I6:tRr I 16; I I
If the lord of the 7th house is located with Rahu or Kdu & is
aspected by malefies. the yoga is one of adult!],. If the lords of the
10th. 2nd and 7th houses an; located in the IOth~ the yoga is again
one of adultry. (6)

tz<ffi I'Ii5W91 "''4i1f{l:m "3fRf: q(0I I I"'1;::j RlIRl I

~ffi GIN~11 cilii1li!1'l ~ <fI" NR'iIlc1l'i I 11311
IiIIct1S'iQN'l :qft d\<!Wl?1 1Jj1(I~d : (::q1'i'7iiqd<::~<>2 I
~ qrq<[ct ~~kj l{JiOI'i ~ ~ Jil($'!: 11"1:;1 1
Even ifone of the three planets i.e. lords orthe tenth. 2nd. 7th is
located in the 4th house the native resorts to adultry. Iflhe lords of
the 51h and the 7th houses arc strong & are associated with or
aspected by the lord of the 6th, Ihe native has no progeny. If the two
planets & the lord of the 6th occupy the 7th house aspected by it
hl.':Ilefie he gets son from another woman. If the lord of thl.': 7th
house is located in the 2nd house. under thl.': aspect of Mars the
native gets son from another woman. (8)

~iSj4'i 1 41 'E!'f)C!bl'il~ ~;B1I1I~ tl""",C!~ ~ I

~ WI" GI(iiI%N41il Ncpi4ill ~ q<:Rl 11'<, II

Iflhe lords orthe 5th and the 9th houses along with the lo rd of
the 7th house are loca ted in 6th. 8th or 12th house and are neither
in association with nor under aspect of a henefic. the man docs not
get a son even if he has many wives. (9)
m WIf:t:qft Qlqif'; GI(ft.q~ N"4'flC!l?(lll41 I
~ ~ ~ <::1('11<21 <mI": qn:;:;/'l" {C\": ~ I IN I I
If a weak (away from the Sun hy not more th an 7.:?: degrees)
Moon is located in the 7t h house with a malefic planet. the native
is ad ultrous. So also is the case if the lord of t he 7th house is located
in the lagna with a malefic. (10)
Wl"Qt <:l(tf 1ffit ~Qt Qlq+A$l t
~ '"ii'l1P-l!fl'i~iI~'lifol ~ I I ~ ~ I I
lfthe lord of the 5t h house is located in the 7th, and the lord of
the 7th house is with a ma1cfk and Venus is weak. the \-vife of the
native dies as a result of (loss elC of) pregnancy. (1 I)
~ ~"lIT ~ qJ ~ '1l<lff>'laSw:"If.! <:1{!,;If.:! :
d~"I~'iIt1'"'4(ol<l<'lra ~ QIWI1i'iiII"'1I~ I I ~ ~ I I

If l h~ i t h ho wi~ is occupied hy V... nu .~ in its sig n ofdeh il it .lI io ll o r
i f Moon is in its sig n o f d ehilit;.uion in the 7th hOll!-...., th t! wiie dies
h) drowni ng. If th e lord oflh e 71h house is lo(.;;! l... d in th~ deca nl ... "
go ing by Ih e name of" P a a~h" & " Hhuj;tng" (Rop d & serpent)
the wife d ies hy hangi ng. ( 12)

~P.O<flIO I14I"'1 ~~qll'l' j lf' l lfPa~ <: I (q ~ ~ I

-p.f&f ~{ii! l filq cil $~ij'il'1Ii: <m N<t1 <!l '.'1~~ fl1lij I I ~ 1;! I I
(11"41 SitMi5'114<t.:1I 'ti<!EHI61i Q"l{f.;j ~: I
"~I"HI\!j ~d(lf'Jl"'I"<l~ $fI6~(N qlii1lQd<") I I ~ 'd I I
If the 10n.1 o f the 71 h house is wilh Rahu and M a ndi a nd is in
deca nl e going hy the !lillne of Bhuj a nga i.e. serpcll1. the wi fe t..! ie~
hy I<tk ing po i..o n. Ifl h e lord ofthe:! nd house i:-.located in th l' 2 n d
ho u s\.': ihdf &. th l' lord of the 71h is a lso in its own sign in Ihe 71h.
Ihi.! m an h as o nly oll e wik. OJI
\\'he n til ... Jo nl'i o l"l h ... 2 n t..! a nd Ihe 7th art: oc..::u pying t h~~ i rown
sigm illlhe2nd a nd 7th housi.!s respect ively. the Iwo h o u ses woul d
hecome ~ t r(Jng. Sin cl.: bO lh orlhese hOlI SI.:S sla nd for th" lo ngcvity
o f w ife. the firs t wife would b e lo ng living wit ho ul n t:ce~ si la l i n g a
\econd ma rri.tgl.
The nll mher o fp \;tn t:t~ locall.:d with ,h e lord~ o f the 2nd and th e
7th hou ~t:~ giw the nu mh~ r of wi ves. T he nu mber i~ al so deler-
mi ned fro m !h e Jou mhl'r of pIa nc b in a ssocilll io n wi th thc lord of
Ihl' ... ign o ccu p ied hy 1hl' 10ft..! of Ihe 7th ho u se. (1 4)

<!l(!1~~ ~ii ,*,li!I'lfli f<l@\,!~: i

~ -=tt f~~ I 'i<;4i;11 1i1Sfq CfI I i ~ lJ.1 I
If lhe 100 d ofth ...' 7 th h o u se is very nice by virtue of bei ng in rel-
rllgr es~ i on. I.:xa ltalion e tc. the ma n g!!ts many wives, so also is the
cas,,; ""'hen II strong Ve nus is in the Ascendant. (IS )
'ltll!;: 4 ttadi ~~ :n!lHlWlil
iffl1=l1 qlq(4\0l ~:tr d<lI f~~ II ~ 5. 11
Two m arriages sh ou ld he predicted if the lord of the lagna is
lnca ted in the Hlh ho ust:. the 7th house is o ccupied by a mal efic &
the lor<.l o f Ihc 2n<.l is w ilh a m a lefic. (16)
It is I.:a sy to SCI.: th ai the malefic afOiction to the 7 th & 2nd ho uses
& Ihl.:i r lords lead s In the death or tile fir.~t wi fc & hence to the 2 nd
m a rriage. Th e a utho r states that th.: location o f the lo rd o f Jagna in

I (, I
the 8th house also kads to the same result. This is apparantly
based on the principle of ~ Bhavat bhavam" under which the fi rst
house being 7th to 7th wou ld be treated as 7th and as such its des-
truclion o f the fi rst wife & conseq uently to tht: 2nd m3rriagc.
(1 6)
Qi""lI(IlifU. <:tlii1?1vn 1ro ~ I
SIi(qtC~ ~ ~ <:tl<!'l'ilJOj(ol "I!fihf i i ~13 I i
Early death of wife should he predicted if the lord of the 7th
house is with Saturn, Mars and Ra hu & is located in a maletk
Shashti amsha. (17)
~q'i"' ~: "", SftIr "" I
qrit ~ ~tlI8114"'11~~q I I ~ t:; I I
If Ihe lord oi Ihe 71h house is located in inimical sign or in its
sign of debilita tio n with a benefic planet & there is a malclic
planet in the 7th house. two marriages of the native should be pre-
dicted. (1 8)
Cf)j($ qlqfj'.i\'h ;fj:q(1l14QI<fiSftt ~ I
qlql1~OI ~ ~tlltlilil'll~:il"l I I~" I I
If Ihe signi ficalor of wife i.e. Venus is situated with a malefi c
planet & is located in il s sign of debilitation o r in its debilitatio n
Navamsha & is aspected by a malefic planet the native marries
twice. (19)
(f/ti'I'il4iI(<tlll ... ><ft ~ ':!<1QJ ... qJ "I'l : I
~ 'IRltil <hRI~i af'lIa:1~ ~t'q4"l I t~O I i
The planet that is strongest from among the significator of the
7th ho use. Moon, Mercu ry. J upiter and Venus should be taken as
the. base for detetmination of Ihe longevity of the panner in life,
wife or husband as Ih\.': cas\.': may be. (20)
4lti1=i ltJ ~ qr Qjq$.4j'j\jIOq" I
~ iii! i.t1 tI ~ ~ ifl<i1 'jj k, (1'1t' 1'i ~ "l j j~ ~1
If th(.'rc are malefic planets in th e 7th and 2nd houses and their
lords are weak., the native loses his fiist wife & has to marry
anolhe r lady. (21)

\jca~ :qttC~ ~ ~ 'i+;fi.:i~ I

'3I$!l4 ~ m ifl<i1'jj l ij(q l '1'i~q I I~~ I ,

lfm al efics occupy the 7th and 8th houses and Mars is located in
the 12th house & if the 71h ho use is nolaspectcd by its own lord. the
nat ive loses h is fir st wife a nd ha s to ma rry a second time. (22)

f4# QIQ"lfF<'4 ~ Efiiil~ ~ pq!~q I
~ QIQ~r>2 <ti@71:q14ilq~q 11~i;l11

If both the 2nd & th(' 7th arc occupicd hy many malefic planets
& the lord oCthe 7th hOllse is aspccleu by a mulelic the nativc has
10 marry thrice. one afler anothcr. "s a rcsult of death of wives.
mrit ~ ~ ~ qlqtji:n+ilil I
~~ ;:fI""+!.';I<?t <tiiil7l41'l1''''l1q 11"'('6 II
If there are malefic planets in the Ascendant, the 2nd house or in
the 7th and the lord of the 7th house is weak by heing eclipsed or
being in its sign of debilitation. lht man has to marry thrice.
;fI"""fGIR14I~ <i1'111t ~S'<1 qr 1
i:f'0"<(qt>til ~ "I!ITfq Efi(!I?lkIO"l11 14 ~ q 1 1'( '( I 1

Iflhe lord of the I sl of the 71h housc is in its sign of debilitation.

or is eclipsed hy Ihe rays of the Sun. and is situated in malefic
Shashti amsha. thc native has to marry a second lime. (25)

1(lljopq1qi:n~1 ;:fI""q':;IR"'liiJl~ qlqifl( QlqSt>2 Efiiil7l1i"\(ql'l4~q II~& II

If the lo rd oC the Navamsha occupied by the lord of the 7th

house is located in turn in a Navamsha belonging to its enemy or
to its sign of debilitation or is with thc Sun and is situated in bet-
wcen male!ics & aspcclcd by makfics the native has to marry a
second time. (26)
~ 'tS>Ail11i11 2!l1(2!lopqiiJiO:'1 m I
qrQia< I('I~ flNililsfti 2!li'!l?l6i 11'(\911
Similarly if the lord of the 2nd house or the lord of the
Navamsha occupied by the significator (Venus) is in hetween
malefics and so also are the 7th house and its lord the yoga should
be considered us destructive of thc first wifc. (27)
mrit~q(I;;;;tl41Iij :ftil"lq~ '11i'!IIf.:qij 1
I(~ilta!!f,it ~ "*01f;1~dI ~ 1 1 ~t:;11
If a strong Mercury is located in the 10th house from the lord of
the 1st house and Moon is located (in strength) in thc3rd from the
lord of the 7th house. the native lives with many wives. (28)
Mercury in strength is not only a female planet in strength. but
also a factor ofpluralilY in strength. Locatcd in 10th from thc lord

oft hc laglHl Mercury wou ld mak..: [he: [ra ils of [he I.. gna 10rJ p lu ra l
as j[ wOLLIt! throw its 3/41h <lSp..:(,:t on it. Si nce: Ihc.lagna is 71h 10 7[h.
it re:pre se lHS 7th i.e, wi ft.! & henec \'.'ife wo ul d he made pl ural by th e
sa id yoga, Simi larly Moon is also a female pla nel 1ike: Mereury in
JOl h (u!l(,: haYiI) Moon woul d <lIsa hl' in <l n or ch:!ya h{ lII s~' frolll the
lord o1'\he 7t h &: IH)uJd denote gain of wives. r or the relevance: of
LL[h.:haya houses 10 the prohkm of m an)" w iv e~ sec abo shlob 30 &:
'5<1'"Q"Mf.ITr 1 Jlq~ '16011 ~ f.rtrfurclt I
\l1''l1i ~ ~ ~ itIf"i1f1~di ~ II~G, II
I f lh ~' l ord
o f ln e 12th and I h~' 2nJ houses a rc loe ..IIe:t! in Ih ~' 3rd
hO LLs!.: a nd an.: a~p et\cJ by J up iter or hy Ihe lord of the \)Ih house.
Ih e nali v~' has man y wi\'e~ . (29)
The 121h h()U ~e sl<\nJs for i~'!tit'l according 10 the d ict um
.. ~\ll ~ f"lqIF,{ ", T he 2nd aha denotes m arri;tg~' aetOl"liing to

Ma harshi P; \ jde: sltloka <) c hil p Il!r 21 hp hs. Hel\(.''': when
Ih..: l o rd ~ of thesc h ou .~cs afl' I O~'a lCd in the .lrd housc-a ll upchaya
(ga in) house. Ih e yoga w(luld Jenole much gain or wivc ~ p'a r-
licula riy whe n asp':l:led hy th.: bc.~t of he ll dk~ i.e. J upiter & the
priest ror ma rriage & hy :.Ino[he r best of pla ne:ls v i lt h ~' lord o f til e
91 h house. It would abo he no t. . d that the 3rd hous . . is 2nd \0 2nd
and 4th \0 12th i..:. \'cry wel l plaeed fro m bOl h. For this re<'t.~o n 100
Ihe pros]lo.:l..' l ~ of [ h ~' 1~ t h and Ihc 2nd (ma rri ag~l would p ro~ rlT.
'-fi-;:~:'f.:~ifilo'l m t41 ~4fl:l'A~CjlFI I
M lftjQ 1 lU ~ itI,Hlfli@o:i"1 q ~ Q I I QO II
If llH' lord of th~' 7t h hOllse b located in a kl' ndra ora tri no.:. in its
sign of exahatio n or in its own va rga (dcca nte etc) & in a ~ig n of it s
fr4:n d &: is a ssO\.~ia tcd wi th the lord of the IOlh house. lhc native
li ves wilh many wivcs (at a time). (30)
~ ~ 4(Ell(f.l(I~ I
" l!lIi!~ ~ f1if;)uI~ "4Hlfl f!!d1 q1ffl 1t ~ ~ I I
Ir the l o rd~o r t h c 7th ;mt.lthe 11 th hou:)es',i re loeated toget her or
lhl'Y asped each Olher & a r '~ located in a Iri ne in slro.:nglh. the yoga
indicates that the na live has many wives at a limc. (3\)
Ql'lffll o;l I ~ If14 ~ ~ rRr I
~~ ~ ~ ~ :ilI1lQi'A'1fiJi I t Q~ I I
I r Ihe lord o f Ihe \) 1h is localcd in Ih o.: 71 It housl' & the lord o f the
7th is in the 41h, the lord of th e 7th & Iho.: 11t h afe in kend ra. the
native h as many wives. (3 2)
GRW::i'3}:'fl'1<lI~i1Ii!j,!tt,I~"t ~ (1~Qj![ffi I
ql(jq\.,I~IIP.'ld ~(!lIitil ;;m:r: ~lijHl'8f5';i "'1\: 811'1 11~i;i II
Finu out the lord orthe Na va msha occupied by the lord orthe
7th house. Theil see the lord of the Navamsha oCL:upieu by that
lord. If the latter Navamsha lord is in streagth and is located in
amsha such <IS the "Pan-'at"' lhe man has a hunun.:d wives. (33)
'tJ~Ril1111j~tI(lWi1II1jf11ffiqtil!~m "h!lId I
~(1[$ 1119jV1I'1'[dl '1!ffi: ~1i1fJlU:'J0'11 "'f.: 11~'o' I I

If the lord of the Shashti amsha (1/60th d ivision) occupied hy

the lord Ol'the sign occupied by the 2nd house. is strong& in Mridu
amsha or Gopur amsha. the native has 2 hundred wives. (34)

ij?flI('*'i!?tI~lq<f:+l(IWHII'lft~ "1 ~ I
~~ 'n,{(l'lI'lif, JiI\1f04 '.'llilll fu~ Of'fiJ11 I I ~Y.II

Find out the lord orthe :\avarmha occupicd by the significator

oflhe 7th hOllse. Then see the lo rd of the sign in which il is placed.
The lord of the sign occupied by the latcst lord if located in a ken-
o dra. in Mridu amsha or in Gopur amsha would give 300 wives to
the native. (35)
m~ '11y::1~lfiil ~ <:;IHIf.1lfJ I
i111j1~~ ~~~:i1 <:;!/I{'ii!ll<tlt'1;pil~ 1 1 ~6.1 1

If the lurd urthc 7th house is situated in "(iopur'" amsha & the
lord of the 10th house is in the 7th & the lord of the 2nd is also
strong & in 2nd hOll~e the native has 10 wives. (36)
tzcf '.'Ii~Glql1i Efi(!!?llr~q)111p.::fl;J I
<::I{~ qlqif, m -qr ljjlH:ild II ~13 1 i
~m qrq <tl'FAhll:;;g
"1it ~ I
:ti.{'l"<it ~ it!( "111 ~'FJj'idl ~ I I i;i >:; I I
In th is mann..:r the wive s of suns ete should be considcred.
If the lord. orthe 7th hou.,e is ~ituated Wilh a malc!ic planet. or
the 7th house is occupied by a malefic or when the lord of the
Nav(lmsha occupied by the lo,d of the 7th house is a malefic
pianet. the !l3tive gets a had wife, Similarly'. one gets a bad wif..: if
the 7th hOllse& its lord are located in malefic Shashti amsha. (37 &
flir ;fj:;H"i'iffi GI('i I~ "if $1($ i
i!HI<J;d1 G~'NIlii: ~$If<f1qf:;la I I~" I I
If both the lord oflhe 7th house. and its significatorare located
in Ih t!ir sign of debilitalion & in Na vamsha ( \ 1' their de h ilit itlio n
sig n u nd u rc d evoi d o f bcndk in ll ue m:e the n<lti vc !!eh a bad
wife. (39)
m flpni'!ffi ~&il(<1lf4lcl t
Wi\l~iri 414 ''1 'm:<t ~ I?1IP'ql'>i~1 11'60 II
If I he lo rd of Ihe 71h house is wil It a be n e lil' p lnet & a lso iI .~ pel'
led by il bendk or if it is situilled in b etwee n b encfil's Iht,.' YO!!"
ind iciltes a c h aste wil~ to lile [ l:It i , '~ . (40)

m~ ~"'iI 'I(~ '" ~ I

m il4<.!I 4:'i':{d1 ~ ( ".<iI'ii ('l4f>.td : I I'II'~ II
If Iht,.' lo rd of thl' 71h h O Il ~e is loe,lIed in the N a \" lIlls h .. o f a
h en e fie p lanet & so also is th e sig nifit:uIHr o f th e 7th h o u .~c & th e
lo rd o f lh t.! IOlh hOlLSt.! is strong. Ihe native hilS a cha slI,: will:.
(O<i\ c4 M 14<:ti'\", 'n~{]'i:m~ 'flt I
qG! {j~ 'E;4Ii lf14 ~ \4"i1?1tl qf.:q d : I t'd ~ I I

IfV e llus is in ils sign of exa lt atio n in a friendl y sign. in the varg;.
b elo nging to it s o wn sign. in am sha such a s G opu r"". in h c nclic
Sh as hti ams ha. & in Mridu ams ha. the nati vc's wife is ch'l.~ te_
(4 2)

'1<1011 ('lffid ~ <i i('1I~ iiilQ1If...... ;, I

1fI1(4i "1fT i"MT mit ~ <;Id4(l lij UIl 11'6~ I I

If the lord of th e 71 h ho use is s trong located with J uriter or

aSp Cl:h..-d by it. if th c s iglllfil::l tOf o f wik & Ihe 7th h ou~e a rc
simila rly stro ng. & inllucnced by Jupiter. the wi fe of the 1l ;l 1iw is
c haste. (43)
i;fl<.!t~W '--~ qrtq 'fft ~)RI~(lf!!lcl I
'JI6!;{d1 <ti<.!11 <:tT ~4:A'1i!11 qfdlldl tl'd'dtl
IfS ull (Sa tv ik planct) is lo rd of the 71h huue o r ifV .: nu s lo rd uf
the 7th is aspct:tcd by hencfit:s an d Ihc 7th j ~ ol'eupit'd by Jupiter.
th e wik of Ihe nativc is religio us and loyal III the husband. (44)

/fIiFf~ ~ ~lQ 6 !:,{lFarn I

:wrtil~( I :m ~ QR!::id4UoqIJIl 11'0''( t I

Iflhc lord ort he 7th house i~

located in kc nJra and is a~pel:lcd
by a benefic p lanet. & is located in a henefii: Navarn sh a & ;J
benefi c sign. Ih e wife of th~' n<.Jtivc is chaste & lo ya l to the
hushand. (45)

/fIi!!1:l1Vt ~ ~ 414(1:l4lfli\1 I
Ql4lf.:qa qlq$<e ~ qlqq(lqljj I I 'd&: I I
If Sun is the lord of the 7th house, but is with a malefic in u
!llulefic sign in the Navams ha of a malefic plan!.!1 al'd is <lspect!.!d
by maldics. th!.! wife is si nful. (46)
'Gr..ft 4ltil7ilf>;tqffi 1II~la.q ll!"Ilf)cja ~h141(i~-ri1 I
~liggQnfq ~ W;)Qlfl:!:lI qR\qRt,qj""tfiT I I ~I I

If Sun as -the lord of th e 71h house is strong. with ben!.!fics and

located in Ihe Navamsha sign of a henefic & is uspected by a
hl'nell!.: planet & is the friend of the lord of the lagoa the wife is
Jt:vo ted to th!.! hu sband. (47)
Onl' of the cond itions [(or the loyali')" of Ihe wife la id down is
that the lord of the 7th hou se should be a frk n d o f the lord of the
lagna. This is generally n ot so as the two plaJ1!.!ls involved in the
l'''S!.! of c\'('ry ASl'endant are mutually inim icJ1. What is probably
meant is Ihal the lo rd of th !.! 7th ho u se s hou ld he a te mporary
fri('n(\ of the lord of th..: lagna (sec sh loka 97 o f chapte r I).

~(ii!CI( ~ tlj<tie;q.4t 41Qlf.Ga qlqf4tif~a l!q I

~4:qrW;fJ QlqQi'ild(flI 'ti'11'1i!1ltl Cbft'1IQ(ltll I I'de l l
If the lo rd of the 71h house is located iil the Navams ha of a
maldic plant:t & is located in bt:twecn mal~fi c plan.:{s, the wife is
arJamt"ll1. faulty, & ctdultrou s. (48)
.,jj'4j:tl~ t?1R1'Ii~If.:qd ~ flI~l c:;)s JIS11flTl'Ui I
."g Cfl\'''bli~qa1 'if ~ ~ ~ *i!ilft::ll'JIffil I 1'dQ, I I
If Moon or Venus is Ihe lo rd of the 71h ho use, & is loca ted in :J
ht:\ldil.: Nava m sha. or with a ht:nefi c planet or j n its sign of exalta-
tion, in its friends sign, or in Mridu amsha, th e wife is virtuous & of
good I.:h<l rar.:le r, (49)
<CI(IR4Q tH~1i1 ~ Qi,(If<iEloe<lVIE.414f.Gij ~ I
f.l....,lft'la ~'1Jl~ $!'C1;::;qth'tll qR\Cfl<iliIT qf 111(01 I

If lh..: lord of th e 71h house i.e. Mars with no strength, & located
in malefk Shashti amsha ell:. oceupyi ng its sign o f debilitation, or
an in im ica l sign or, is eclipsed by the Su n, the wifeofthe native is of
O;'hj character. S he has aff;.. irs with others & is c urt towa rds h e r
husband. (50)
~f4r,"~1c~,~."'i'j ~ <fj(11~ i(!l4lf.e1a (i'1kl~fI!T ~ I
QI(I!(dl:lil~ iiZ'l"tl ~ qt1TIQj.i$fif 11'i. ~ t I

1f the: lord of the 7t h Iw u~ ... is [oc,ned in th ... va rga of it s fr ien d or
in il s exa lted \':Irg't. is a .~soci.lI ...d wilh a be ndic, is a spccled hy a
bcndic. & is strong h ~' be:ing in ams has like " !la rava( ' the wife
cv(.'n if fien:c pos ..... Ss ... s Ihc good q ual itie:; of h(.'r hu~band & is loya l
tohim.{ 511
~I( I I\M 4t"'t!cl flYl Y :fr"' I R~~ ~ 1T~I~ 1
414H1{ 4141:111" 4]qa alldl 4fu&il 1iiiHlltllllfi II ~~ j" ,

If the lord of th e 7th hOlls", is Mercury (who easily I<lkcs upon

itself the in llue1cc of uthe:rs) ilssm:i atcd with a malefi c p lant:t is
ec lips ... d i.e:. lociucd in thc Stll hOllse. is in betwcc n mal etics. & is
u lhlcr the aspect of m;tldic pl:lncts. the w ife o f the nat ive w ill act
towards the d estruetion of her h u sh' lm ! and willlkstroy the whok
fami ly tlhrough o pposit ion to I"<uni ly traditionsi. (52)

+;!~'lij4IF~d6\A~ il"d1 qql'EtIR~*U; ~!!1 I

~ Ifhd'llIfi4QJj "l1!11;:;t) f4.i'l ~ qqi'j .m- :~ II~illl
Ifl h ... lo rd oflhe: 71h hou~ ... is Me reul). il isstron g.locOlh."d in ils
frkn d ly or exa ltat io n varga. or in amsha such as " (lopur. the wife
is one wh o ha s purifi .. d her hody through vows & fastin g. She will
also h<.\v ... gVJd SO il & will h,.\c lXlm i"Orl S of life. (531
'flT: ~ <::1(qd1 'f:I41Q 4'I'uf.:qa =tIijli'i=i'Jt I
iF!<lf'ltltoeilQI'f:I4Ra ~ ~~ QttIl411 1 <fifMI fl iI'm II '(~ I I
IfVl'I111S is Ilw lo rd ofth ... 7th hou s .... & is 1000:a led wilh a male fic ..
or i~ ~i[h a phlne! in ils sign of deh il itation. o r occ up i'~s ilS own
.~ign of dch il it.uio ll. or is l'd ip~e u by th e Sun. & is ill a makfie
S h a~hli a lllshil. ,he wik wou lJ be like a p roslilule. h a rd & a
Ihief. (541
W. #H'+~ iii'<llitil ~lf.:q8 ~hq.Hh(l~ I
fJ:r:,iie&CI'1 ~ ~ <iliQlRHifil ':!7iCldl 'l"iI~"l r I ['i.'(11
If Ve nu s is sl ro lig. ilS Ih..: lo rd Ofl hc7 1h hou se. is situated wit h a
be n..:lic. is in Ihe Nilva ms lHI o f a hene fi c. is in [he varga of a frie nd
orin .\Sow n exa lW tioli varga. i ~ in its own sign. is in Mridu amsha.
Ih ~' wik is garrulo u s. hut bll!sso:!u wilh sons & virtuous. (55)

\lI([RI~"(:1 *Q\~"'OIi t41""l ~ <fi<:!hIl fN~ "tI'.m I

ofr<ri!lTt ;fr EliI~Sftim: ~ ql4fqq e 4d~ 11 '(6. I [
If S<lturn own s the 7t h h ouse & is sit uated with il ma l ... i~ in nc.
the Nilvamsha o f its sign or~l ... bilita tion. in ils debililation sign. in
;111 ill lllla l ~igll. II ndn aspeet of ma lefic planets & in tho.' Navamsha
ol'IIl;lldic p l<l nl' ls the w ife of the native will appear too old in age.
will he of b;,d c IHl ra..::t ~r. and a h int on th~' good n ame of th..::
rami ly. ( 56)
4?l44l1tl ~ -lI~q4ffil Bf1 ~ 'l(;$fi<:1:d. I
~iffiI' qr:i<1'11 t;'fM@ ~ ::ti<:<liIMi'lifi !idliiOiil 11"(1311
If Satu rn ()\\ I1S Ih 0.: 7t h h ou~o.:, is strong. und er aspeci o f no.:ndl,,::s.
p.trli..::u la rly lI n d o.: r a~ p..::..::1 o f hcn~'fics. pa rticu la rl y lIndL'r a:.pCl't o f
Jupi lCr. Ih..:: wile will he engaged in Ihe utr"l'lfis h savi..::c oJ ol h ers.
~ h e will he do.:volo.:t! to hrahmins & gods. follower or Vo.:danta.
rdigiolls. dut ifu l. & or good mora l chamclo.:r. (57)

1l( 1s*J1 ~S"'H;h1il qritf~ 414{1'11 ~_ . I

'J!{hil:fl 14~t4tIQ;; 1 f4h~\! il<f,tq{fI<:Ip.:qd<f,t~ ~ I I '{ t; I I

If Rahu or Kelll is in Ihe 7th hOllso.:. under Ih e il~PL'c t of malL'fics.

in Ol<lkllc N avamsh a. Ihe wife will hc adul lmlls. ~infu l. of bad
charactcr. (kfa mcu hy peop le. curt & CVCI1 adm in is!ning poiso n to
h l' r hu sband. (58)
<:lhCl( .,.i4ffi;d Pi"., .. "11"1(4 "41(! Q 4 1(Q~d41: I
(!1'''II\i,,'~lil''' 4,h~ E1414(1:ffl ~ ~ 11',(<1, I I
Iflh..:: lord ortllc 71h house and of lh..:: first hflilSL' arc located in
the lagna doso.: to CiKh n lh ..::r in deg reec a l po~ itio n . the native go.:ls
ma rried L'a rty in boyhood. Th e Sllme w ill he th e result if n a lum l
he nc fi c p lanets a rC located close 10 hOI h th..:: A~ce n danl ;Iod III ~ 7111
h()u~e. (51))

'I'h is is ani m (lo rt<ln lsh lok:J of m uch u sc a n d de mand in auua l
lik Thl' lagna IHI.' 1\','0 roles 10 (lla y: o ne is th ai of"sd l" & th e Ol hL'r
,,~of lh e 7th house on the prin <.: ipk of"Dh",,:!! Hhavam ". Th e lord
of t1w housc or marriage (.;ull llecled wit II sdf i.e. thl' lngna
obviously signi lies e,lsy aClju isil ion of marriage. The phlCio! lllC ll1 of
benefic pla nc ls n ear the two houses of marriage wou ld a bo hons!
thes..:: h ouses & tho.: rlby bring ;tho ut ma rriage al l'arly d ;Ul'.

~ 'lliili( ~ ?'1(l'1 la ~!'4lpqd Q]M"Il'\'!i#' I

~ l/h>:H~ 6!! 'iffi &l11:'l.l ~tjl~lIf';:<f,41(I"lj: 116.0 II
If till' bgna. Ille 2nd h ouse. & the 7th housc arc OC"::Upil'd by
benefic pli1lle ts & a ro.: in hL'ndk vargas, and Ihe l ord~ o f Ihese
hou ses are u n J <.'r he nd"ic as p cd. marriage of thl." naliV(' lako.:s p lace
in carly hoyh ood. (W)
41(IlciIVIIP.:'ld <f, 1:' 1-;,"II ~ ~~k!1~4ffi ~ (!na il I
'Jt.:16Qmit ~ ~ f<'iqlf; ~ tt.:Rt t 16. ~ II
trthe lord of the 'lth house is located in the amsha "ParavaC &
the lord o f the 2nd house is strong & Mridu amsha is occupied by
the lord of the lagna. the sages say. marriage takes place in early
boyhood (61)
"'''''0lt fl:jIlII5I1(dI ~ ~iI >ilQ'I!I41p.:qa ~ I
~~q ~II$~I'1IIlY;d; (!'j.4I1q( 'qf :t!'1'if?e.q'lil II&~ II
If Venus is in the 7th house or is located in any of the houses 3rd.
6th. 10th o r II th or if it is in the 2nd ho use & I he lord of the lagna is
in associa tion with o r under the as pect of bene lies.. the luck of the
native s hines after his marriage. (62)
Iji;i:fll(o$ ,,*I(q~ 't~i!('1lq ~(!11 11~Ncil 'i!j' s:~ t
4'i'l!lIR'i~llIi'la ENlq 141'4 ~q]151dl~"111lIq~ I I&~ I I
If the sigr.ificalor of th e 71h house is Venus. lord of the 7th nou se.
lo rd o f the 2nd house. lord o f the I sl ho use arc located in 6th. 8th or
121 h housl'. in their Navamsha of debilitatio n. or in inimical
Navam!.ha or are ecl ipsed by the Sun a re in association with
ma lefics, the fin a ncia l prospects of life s uffe r soon after ma rriage.
(63 )
'I>(IR"I6!!tillltll4f. 4cl j'q ih411(tf; ('1t$\!ltJ'tI(;f I
f(l'1If.:qa ~"'$~qla '1piI\Nt '11.:q~ftI ~: I I&~ II

If the sign ificator of the 7th house i.e. Venu s alongwith the other
Ih ree pla nets menlioned in the previo us shloka are located in
ma letk amshas ~ ut a re located with benefi cs. are under benefic
aspec l the native meeting financial loss soon after marriage again
gels good financial prospecls. (64)
~ ~'l~!{d ~~ .1
. ('1 .3ti1(tf; QIQQllf.:qa ~ I
~ .... uWt m ~ liR ~ f\!tQIi5h4,1Q4Rt tRI : II~'( I t
If the lord of the 7th ho use is with a malefi c planet in a trine &
the significatoT of the 7th hou se (Venu s) is also with a ma lefic o ris
in th e 2nd house or the 10th house the prospects of the native ri se
muc h after his marriage. (65)

"" """ of< '" W .,'.. .. ~ ..". ,

Aidllltf; 'qf ~ ~QII5\(4 , q4fa tfiJ~ t I~~ II

If the: lord of the 7th ho use is located in the 10th hocse with a
malefi c I,Janel or il is in 2nd house or th e 9th with malefics & is in
the Navamsha of m alefics & aspcclcd by malefics and the 7th
house is occupied by malefics. the prospects shine much aftc: r
rn arriag<! o f the nati ve. (66)

, flIjfll!'1lq'4~ qt:t lijlifd FtIdf4f!11 Ut:t<l<:\ldj;!11 11&1.9 I I
The same line of thinking should be adopted in the Question
rdating to the early or late acqui sition of sons i.e. malefic
influence on the relevanl fac tors has a delaying effect. (67)

W""qUiHiI'&l lfiii'l'l"'I'~SfNI'iI\"@I ~ I
olI"'l~i<fi ~'<I{l'lfkl~ qr Pt<jl<ICJIla11fT <t.i;!bl(!'1l4: i i&~11
If the lord of the 7th h o use is weake r than the lo ,-d of the lagna &
is located in the Navamsha of its inimical sign o r is eclipsed is in
the Navamsha of its sign of deb il itation or is with a planet in
debilitation, the wife comes from a low family. (68)
cl?jq(fo:tt'l.. ~ (fjQ1'l1"'i~ ~ iIJ"1$fi>e'{di i
~?I~$I~ q(' cqql~ d6J!f1!ICJjldl it i1icl::4@Q : I I &~ II
If the loru of the 7th house is stronger than the lord of the 1st
h.ouse & is located in the Navam sha of a benefic planet. is under
the aspect of a benefic planet or is located in "Vaisheshik'" amsha
or in the hig hest degn..'C of its exaltatio n. the wife comes from a very
.high family. (69)
The nativity with Aquarius Ascenda nt sometimes offers a good
example of a m an marrying a girl milch above his status, par-
ticularly whe n Sun is undar benefic innuence, for the reason thaI
Sun, the lord o rlhe 7th house (wife), is very mueh higher in status
to Saturn. lord of the lagna. (native) who is clas~e d as most inferior
in scalc.
Here is an example of a man belonging to upper middle class
who married a princess belonging to one of the erstwhile states of
India. Thedata has been withheld for obvious reasons. It would be

10 .
I '"4


jK",",,, , - 'Ie "\ .

L f"\\!Jc .
'>0.1:: \<-0..1: .
I M<>..M..
t"\ () c'",
see n th ai Ihc rOY<l1 Su n is nol onl y the lord of the 7th ho use re p-
resenti ng wife hUI is a lso fully as p ccted by a vely SlrO\lg royal
bcndir.: M oon. wh o il woul d be noted is th e disposiror of two
hcn efic.s viz Venus a nd M ercury. Th e re is th us henefic innucm:e
on the a lready royal S un o f a s many a s 3 bencfi cs. Agai n ma rk th e
fact th a I lupi tcr oo.:o.:upy ing the h o use of wire is not only a ben efic
him sclfhut is a planet o f v:.t lue he ing lord o f two hOllS":S o[\:ll ul.:
viz o f 2nd & (h c Il lh. Suc h a n CJu.:dl "!lll Jupite r is th e d is posilOr of
the mos t s trong and royal M oo n. I knce th c influence of Jupite r o n
the 7th h o use a ndof Mooll o n the lo rd ofl hl' 7th house gavea pri n -
cess in marriage. The s ignifkato r o f maniage viI; Venu s is a lso
lo cated in b etw\'.'~n the my,.1 i nn u~ n ce of Moon on o ne side or it
and o f its di sp os itor Ju pitc r on thc other No wonder then for
macriagl' o f a [oly m an wil h a prim:css.

~ ifl 1'h.~ <f,,," )I1i"-l l ffiql~ ~ """''IIi) I

1Twrm ~1;:qq(l plTir <f,(i1'.Hlid : t'!I4"1'it tr.r: I 100 I I
I f I he lord o f Ih..: lagna is weak e r Ihan the lo rd of the 71h hom.e &
is with ma ldk s o r in th e Navam sha o f its sign of de bili tatio n. o r
locatcd in the Sih house o r is going (Q the NJ Yll msha sign ofils sign
of d eb ilita tion . the nal ive h imself is o ran infe rio r sta tus than thai
o f h i!. wife. ( 0)
~~I<;",@lt>il g; ~<;!I ''''1I~ Ni{[814l tl Q("11lii14IW I
a;~~<ilojl ~ qJ tl4Icit ~ : i:ti!1iIAA4i1q ;;:rra" : 11 19 ~ I I
If th e lo rd o f the lagn a is stro nge r th a n the lo rd orth e 7th h o use.
& is lo,ated inlh e Navarnsh<J ora sign that (.;onstitu(cs o ne leadi ng
to the cx.t ltali o n s ig n. or is in the hig hest d egree of exahal ion. is in
a kcndr;t . or Irille. o r is wilh bene lies the n a tive him selfis supe rio r
in sta tus to th a i o f his wife. (71)
<tii!1'i("iI"lltlftl "QT ~NI''iI( IV1 : l~""Ifi:lqd4{c1 I
~ ~ ('4Q'iillR1'li : ff:r4 ~ qfd4fit.fiI'flI'f 1 1 1S ~ I 1

The comparison should be carried out as hetwcen the lord of the
lagn a on o n e side and the lord of th e 7th ho use or Iha l orlhe 2nd
fro m Ihe 71h house. If lhe two s ides are equ<l lly bala nced the stat us
o f the wife a nd the h usba n d is equa l. 11 de notes a wik of good
.:hara': lcr and devoted 10 th e husba n d . (72)

1..;,.~~q(fQlfQ lI<i1?1'1I i!l ri" <;j<:;I~f(:;:q5 ~: I

fil?ll~1 ~ ~ 1Ji<ffl$"'Iql!l'f f;a fCl <:!l' '1lfEjQaRle;i;fp,,{ I IIJ;;l 1 I
If the lorll of the 7t h hou se is enemy to the lord oflhe lagna. Ihe
,-c1 arion o f wife will be in imica lly d is posed lowarlls the na ti ve. If
they are frie nds the o lhe r m e mbe rs of the fa m il v of w ife will be
fri e nd ly towa rds the natiV!!. (73)
~~q(fQlf4 f~w~ ri <;j~ 4If'O<:"'q (lHikl dI S;it 11\9'0 II
l rlhe lord oflhe lagna is inimical to [he lord o f the 7th. the mem-
hers of tile fa m ily of the native too will be inimkal. If friend. the
r(~stll l will be the reverse. (74)

<t~1?1I~NMQI u~ CfiI(Cfifl! 1( 1
('I':?ifl"1"i f!1A "I am ~ fd:f.I~ilq I 1\9'( I I
In order to decid e about the colour ofwifc. the strongest o flhe
sign in Ihc7th house. its lo rd and Ven us wi llgivc the result th rough
rhe colo u r of the in OuI;nce fal lin g on Ihem. (75 )

fdo:rll t" q('iq:l1 .(\'tll"14'%1dlf$ ,.

qlQ~d qlq1lftl 't*ql ~ 11195. ! I Wn
t f the above noted factors are aspectcd by Jupiter or V~n us th e
wife will bebeautifuland of good qualiti .::~. If,tspel;te d by malcfi(.;s
& a ssociat ed wit/, malcfk~ she would have ~'\. (] qualities and wil!
be ug ly in looks. (76)
~(1'1 l tjfeqdq ~ uM <h<!11f04 f4S4i!i1"\1: I
df<71 eG41'4 ~ ~ 'fi<i1":W~ ~~viEM4 (1 <!l1l&j t 1\9\9 t I
The sign occupied by the 10n.1 of the 7th house is said hy g rea l
men to be Ihe lag na orthe wife. or 11K exal ta tion or the deb ilit a tion
sign of the lord of the 7th ho use is the lagllft o f wife or th irdly the
d ecante of the lord of Ihe 71 h ho use gives th e lagna of Ih e w ife.
<tiii'bIOfiIBi(14"1 ~ f'l1t1<!'llilt11ffiq~!(t:m 1
<fil..iI?:(Ii'qr fiI'fiI'l( fOf1 ~ffil;::;q(lvft "l:!ft '1lfW "'1?1: I lISt:; I I

Or th e lagn a of the wife will be the sign qccup ied by th e lords o f

the 3 fac tors for the partn er viz the sign in Ihe 7t h house. th e sign
occ upied h y the lord of the 7th home his ex al ta tion or d ei:lilitalio n

sign or it will be the sign 5th or 9th to the 3 signs arrived at by the
three factors mentioned above. In case the sign thus arrived at is
not suitable from the point of view of getting sons (as detcrmined
from the 5th house etc) it may be other rashi as mentioned
below (78)

nilia ~;:::q IR1 'll "'G i I fill : f?FIu II 11 ~ \i\jj ""'l f.:I q I (ftIllil I
l(!l1d(lltIn:ra'l a, 'i<jj""'~fI<;4 "~4"11i:1f11 I 1\9Q, II
In case the lagna thus arrived at for the wife is Taurus, Leo or
Virgo, it gives very few sons. If however there is benefic influence
on these 3 signs, there will be sons with good qualities. (79)
The idea behind the method stated in shloka 77 for finding out
the lagna of the wife is to find out the predominating influence on
the factors that represent wife. Since under the fundamental prin~
ciple of astrology all problems have to be wckleJ by a considera~
tion of the house concerned. its lord and the significator involved,
we think we should dctermine the dominant planet & its sign that
influence the 3 fundamental factors. We suggest our own horos-
cope as an illustration. We will tackle the problem of the sign of
our younger & elder brother.

S L,

Sign in the 3rd house is Virgo. This 3rd house, its lord and Mars
the significator of younger brothers have to be taken as the basic
influenced factors. Virgo or the sign of Saturn may be the brothers
sign, the lord of3rd Mercury is influenced by Jupiter, Sun, Mars &
Venus. It may give a sign belonging to anyone of these. The
significa tor Ma rs is influenced by Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and
Venus. It may give the sign of any of these. Since Mercury is
involved in all the three cases & is thus dominant. the younger
brother should be born with Virgo as his Ascendant, which is
actually the case. Similarly in the case of elder brother the sign in

the 11th ho use. Moon & Sa tu rn aspecting it. Leo in which th e
significa lo r of elde r brothers viz Jupiter is s itu a ted o r Ve nus who is
influencing Jupite r through the 9th aspect of Ketu aspccted by
Ve nus m ay give th eir sign. Si nce Ve nus has the p redominent
influe nce o n the re leva nt fac tors. Ta u ru s-~h c sig n of Venus in the
II th ho use-wins. He nce T a uru s is the lagna o f the elde r b rothe r
which is actually the case.

qE4I~'iI ~ ~ ~ 1t14'i4:'lQI''JIlJ : I
(\lj~<:!1I'EIiI ~E2l14'HI'II ~ffia: t t e;o t,

If Su n occupies th e 7th ho use. the m a n cohabits with a stirile
woman. if Moon is there h e co habit s with a maid serva nt. If it is
Mars coha bitation is with a woman in monthly cou rse o r a stirile
wo m an. (80)
~ ~QIi'~~""1 ~ CliiJIClei) lU I
~ if@'i'JliMi fltl $.,ftfuih:N4I ~ II~ ~ t I

(fthe 7th is occ upied by Mercury Ih e coha bitatio n is wi th a pros-

titute. a low wom a n or one belo nging to the trader comm unity, If it
is Jupite r it is with a Bra hmin wo ma n. if it is Ve nus the co ha bita-
tio n is with a pregnant wo m a n. (8 1)

"!tAt ~ 'lfi):{dI lU flti.qIt(lfil\lh~l!It : I

~ 'II" 1,fiM\t;I., : ,mlllt , &JIlIl ~ 11 t;~ II
If th e 7th house is occupied by Saturn, Ra hu o r Ke tu the
cohab itation is with a lowcaste woman or o ne in m onth ly course.
In the c lise o f occupa tion by Ra hu it is with a p regnant woman &
in the case of Saturn it is with a black woman with hunch
back. (82)
~ 'PR:oqa~ael$CI ....iI{ji'
: 'd)@'ldl Q I
~ : +J)tI~qf~ Clll!lol 'I8f.,ulq : t lC.~ I t
By the locatio n o r Sun etc in the 4th ho use. the same result s
regarding cohabita tio n with the Iype of wome n staled would
fo llo w. The nature o f conveyance and the type of residence should
be decided on the bas is ufth e locatio n o f Sun etc in the 4th hou ~ e
(see next s hloka). (83)
"CI7t 'It 'f ~ f412sro ~ CI1I<i1 q'i t
~ i5R:'I"If'CIl.,FtiRI (J!I,",P1~qul'i 11t;'d II

If S un is in 4th. the reside nce is in a jungle, If Moon. it is in

places o t ha bitation. If Mars. it is a cottago.!'; if Mercury. it is a
pkas ure resort, if Jupiter. it is tl'mple. l f Ve nus. it is a watery pl ul:e;
if SulUrn. it is a placc in fes ted wit h lions; if it is Rahu 0:- Ketu. it is a
place in fl'stcd with elep hants. (84)
""';"'I<~'" ... I
ql~1dJ ;qtr<fi"" "'<Iq;",..
"~i"''l ""I.,..... r",,,i!:i\ij " """
If a ll thc fou r kendras (i.e. th e 1sl 4t h. 7th and the 10th houscs)
an ~1 the ir lord s arc affl icted by m a le pla net!;. the nalive ha s sexu al .
eOnla.::! wit h q uadnlpeds. (8 5)

<R """ q "'fI <nq~",,";"'I<~'" """ '

~ 4141Ha ~ EI'llti ~~ ~ 11c:& I:
If kc nd nl S lmd tri nes (I. 4. 7. 10.5 & 9) a re occupied by m a le fi c
pl anl!ls. or if Sa tu rn is with Mandi ami a male fic pl il lle l.thc nat ive
..:oh.\b it~ li ke an a li i mal. (86 )

... l{illj6 .wi "~,"'~. ... I

m) <tim?! mit l!U wi dl$Qi4'(j1"1'1 11>;;\.9 11
T he Ilillivl' engages him self in th e sexual aet like an animal. if
Sun. Sa turn and Mars occupy the 4th house. The same result
'i]lOold bl' there if Rahu is in the 71h house and Mars in 4th.

Jfut "'l'lfi~r;2 ~"l&!'il'la S ~ lU I

"1'P" tliila lUfTt 'l.tV"1"1'1Ii 'l4<;1 11c:t;11
If the lord of the s ign occu pied by Sat urn is a spccted by Ve nus.
o r is in the s ig n of Mars or is with Ve nu s. the na tiw kisses th e .
private part of the woman. (i'!8 ) ...
~ '31'ikl"114"1 lOi l l"f'lil"11 1 "1~Q' I IC:Q., II
Simi la rly th e said act of kissi ng should be predicted from the
lord of th e 2nd house (i.e. by Saturn lo rd of second int1uencing
Venus). (~ 9 )
m "lo:<:;fi$e2 ~.,liI:;(lld S oq 'lJ I
'l1"" ~dM ~ qi l i""1'1llq~q I IQ,Q II
Ifhe lo rd o rthe 10th house is a spected by Saturn or is locatcl.l in
the sign o f Ma rs o r is in a ssoc ia tio n with Ve n us. the native e ngages
him self in that act of kissi ng. (90)
t!1'4:i1 4l'<l(lm ~ dl$Qi:;pa4"1'1 I
ct<f '31~l"<ii"1!iq"1 tjiI1.... "1"lli"l~q II".~ II
If th e lord of the lagna is located in ba d sign!> sueh as it~ sign o f
de bilita tion the act of the said kind will be perform ed by the

native. The sume result will follow by the debilitation etc of the
lord of the 2nd house. (91)
~ ifNl'RI4l (I~EjI<tl tiliiH'RI4l I
Gfif3oilufi('11 m;fr ~: 'i?1'!tlf14'R14'i Il o.."=( II

If Mars is in the 7th house. the wife has small breasts, if Saturn
or Rahu is {here she has long breasts. if Sun is there the breasts are
hard and po inting upwards. If the res! of the planets occupy the
7th house. she has. very good an d big sized breast~. (92)
4Iq~<t'1 '8filla fi'lC!1~UI~i'\1 ~ I
m 414Eje ~ ~ "!fr iil~\lI'RI.f\ I l o..~ I I
If the lord of the 7th house is wi th one maleflc planet., the wife
has abnormal type of breasts. irrespective of the fa.:t whether the'
said lord is a malefic or a benelie. (93)
:1!,4;~1 '8l%a \'( iNISfil cN lfi'I"l 1
'84f<:141 '4~o;q<41 QiQ41itSOOi41111 ~ 11'<.'l11 1

The wife has normal sized breasts if the lord of the 7th house is
with two benefics. If with maleflcs the opposite is the result (she
has very small breasts). (94)
.31faB'{\!1W41 q<4I" ~ ~i(1ilj<t I
\1I\i,,)8 'Jf('!f~ 'l.."JIIfi:! R~ \ 1'<.'( II
If the lord of the 7th house is located with benefics. in a walery
house & in a watery sign. aspected by Jupiter. the wife has abnor-
mall~: big sized breasts. (95)

~ ~ ~'i~ ~ ""'lR(""'4IR"''',!''.'''~~" I
~I(ifiiq QI41'1ti) 1'1liaE!4 !4f4~~ 11'<.5.1 i
If Sun or Mars is the lord of the 7th house and is situated with
Saturn. Mandi or Rahu in the Navamsha of a malefic planet it is
(In indication of the private part of the wife being long in sile.
(l<tldl T'1i@f1' ~ :U1'1I~I'8~Jl 'lRf I
~ 1'11i 1'16!I;1EllI : Ql4f!,dl ~ ~~if)'i i I '<.~ Ii
If the lord of the 7th house is J u piler or Venus & is located in the
Navamsha sign of a benefic, the wife has a normal sized private
part. if in theNavamsha of a malefic it is 101,/1; sized. (97)
~i f.:l i'\ ;;;:: f4i:11 "'lrit II ~ Gfi fl::4 ""'" ~:t tj ( i
~(~ 'I1lt '8"'lIRIIt iB41A1 fIl~~i'j I I'<.CII

If S<lturn. Moon or Mercury is the lord of the 7th house. the
private part of wife is short sized (98)
Cf)(!1?1W 'JI(!1!5~ ctll(~ I!Ila<llfq~ I
;jf(!1~ ~ ~ 'i.oJ\'i'I;O;:~ 11'' II

~ G1<:!1~<:;1(~ \'!Iffl~'i1<t~ I
\'ilffl!5f\q~<:;1 ~ fiI1El4I~dT ~ II ~O() II
If the lord of the 7th house occupies a watery sign & the
significator i.e. Venus too is in a watery sign, the 7th house con-
tains a watery sign aspected by Moon, strong in Paksha strength
(i.e. at or near its maximum distance from the Sun). or if Moon
occupies a watery sign in the 7th house & is aspected by Venus
.located in a watery sign or by Mercury located in a watery sign. the
....ife of the native will have plenty of raja i.e. liquid maHer in her
private part. (99-100)
q?t ~mt <:;I(~ "I(!1(I~I:j~I$Sfq ~ I
\JIii1f\qT'1~$<e ('lad f!ll~a l ~ II ~()~ II
If full Moon is in the 7th house in the sign or Navamsha of a
watery planet and is aspected by a Jupiter located in a watery sign,
there is wetness in the private part all the time. (101)
qo:!! e4!~ ~ 'll(fj(I~I'ldfq ~ I
~ 1lfAy;a qrfq ~'E!11~q <:11$~I'1 II ~a'1: I I
If Venus is occupying its highest degree of exaltation in the
Navamsha of its exaltation sign & is in a watery sign & located
with Sun, the wetness is profuse at the time of cohabitation.
(lill) R

~It l(!"<fl(I~I~ ~ ~ :t!6Cfl~~$ I

lI!6CflU~ijl ~ f!l1i'~ 'l@i"lIi4:11q I I~O~ 11
If the lord of the 7th house is located in a dry sign (5. 6. 7, 8, II &.
12) & there is a dry sign in the 7th house aspec!ed by a dry planet
(see shloka 130 of chapter 17) the private part of the wife is nol wet
(i.c. il is dry). (103)
qiqal?l q{q"le4 <:;1(:IIf?:i <:1<11~~ I
qiq$'41'i6qld f:H(~ '1ElI'lIi4~ II ~o'l{ II
If the lord of the 7th house is in the sign ofa malefic planet & in
between malefics, or with malefics & under aspect of malcfics. thc
privue: part of the wife is dry. (104)
('It<:1i:l:il ~ ~ 1<1011'M~'1d I
'3)ffil:il11fi'f ~ ~q<:;UjI~"'II''''I~q I I ~O~ II
If Mcn.:ury (I S the lord of th e 7th ho use is aspected by a strong
Jupiter & al <;o by Ihe lord of Ihc 2m] ho use. the native ea ls pulses.
c urd. & ghee. (105)
etai?lil 'It' ~ ~~14il 'l~d I
II~ o all

If th e lord or the 7th house is as pc, led by Jupitcr& is located in a

benefic Nllvamsha, aspcc\cd by Mercu ry located in a bene fi c
Navam sha, the native enjoys pulses. curd. ghcc etc. (106)
,,~~ '!W '" 'l'1 ... F,~1<rit I
q i~ (!!di' ~ en 'E{4<tE4I\iQ l"ltl Q4'ij I I N\9 11
Ir Venus is located inlhe 7t h hous.: & b. u:.pecled by a very st ro ng
tvtoon, is not associated with or as pcclcd by malefics. the ma n
enjoys p ulses. curd, ghcc etc. (107)

~ '" 'lJll~ '" ""'"*~ I

~+'1l I'1' i d qrtq ::tl~1 fill$ f'c~tiq >l'IlJi I I ~ 0 t; II
If Sun or Mars is lord of the 7th hou sc & is aspected by a benefic
planet or is placed in the 2nd house. the man sometimes enjoys
curd and pul s~s etc. (108)
qrq filCdI't*'Mt4 <:f<WI q' 4~~ I
Ql.( ..t<q~ "ltfftI el;tlq;ql f(8\ .,ql ~ I I ~QQ, I I

Ir a malefic plan el occupies Ihe 71h house & Ihe lo rd of the 71h
house is wit h malefics or in a malefic ~hashti amsha, the native
seldom enjoys ghee & pulses etc. ( 109)
~ ~ lU ~ \lj(!1(ll,I4l,1lE1~ I
' \w~HI ~OI 'lU~ I l n0 11

(f Moo n or Jupiter is the lord of the 7th house and is located in a

wa tery sign or Nav<!.msha. or is aspec led by a watery planet the
native enjoys m ilk a nd its p roducts. ( 110)
\tCdq~l ff1qdl :ilVi 1(!Q$\'G:t'I'tf4a t
t(!I"'IUl!!i~l41 ~ 'l'SI$1(1R411Qlfl I t ~ ~ ~ II

If the lo rd of the 7th house occupies the Navamsha and is under

th e aspect of a benefic planet, or is located in a benefic Navamsha"
the native enjoys gur, milk products etc. (Il l)
111M : "'CdR ll'J'qT: W qr t-ViIftr
\ti(q&::it*lIElwnl 1:'lI'fltt f1!I f.:I~ i1q II ~ ~ ~ I I

If there are many malefic planets in Ihe 71h house, or if there are
malefi c pla nets in the 6t h a nd the 8th houses iocaled in malefic
Shashti a msha, the native will suITe r from urinary troubl es.
fI 12)

m ('I Lki "'I'M +i"'l f.1 F.l "1 flI4 \1'l: "1 i($fl I
W<>1i2l i ~ l1l1I ll'i;;:tli 5'~ :tie~ U1'lfli I I ~ Z~ I I


'l(Uii""'ll"lf't:td'l(ul 'j@ifl414 "i{ 'l(UI !'J; 'if I
<3I~'4d 'ffa~fll qitiitt'lN ~<jqdll$1 : II ~ II

From the 8th ho use the follow ing should be examined :-

Lo ngevity. death, rectum. modI: o f deat h. enjoymen t of food, se r
vice. being bitte n and defeat.

V'il'W qlq~( I 1iilch...;ql*"tilfa ~::fa 'ltt I
<11ifq (!1 i~Qtt(4'i'I<JIld : ~Z;qti<4R1 ~ ~: 11::t I i

II' the lord of the 8th house i... located in the 121h with m alefi cs
the na live gels shan life. If the lord o f Ihe 8th is in the 6t h u nder
innue m:e of malclics then also he is short li\'ed. (2)
~lS~ff~ ~ hl1l~ ~1<IM'1c:h 41'!1'\'I: (
~ ttl~~ f!I~q41'l: FilI:iI ~ ffl:;{1. c'\l16~ d " II~ I I
If the lo rd of the 8 th hOll !;\! is located in its own s ign in the ~ t h.
Ihe great thinkers d eclare il as a yoga lor long life: so a lso is Ihe
n:sult.. if the lord of the 8th is l o~' al ed in the 71h in its own sign. in
th e sign of a friend or in it s sign o f ex altation. (3)
pj~~(Uiil\l ~1!1"H I ~ '~ f~ l!IT &jlj(l ~I:0, I
q"6il:'llq !Ii ~ \i1''1!!d1 '!h::fqn,,4Rl '4fIfl1d!Jil<;j II~ II
If th e lord o f th e 8th hou se and thai orlhe I st arc to gethe r in the
6th or 12 th house u nder aspe(t ()fhenefic planets o r if the lo rds of
the 6th and the 12th houses a rc in the! st hous( but undc r the
aspect o f bene fic s the na tive has long life. (4 )

q:,i:t~~(QnfQ n-f.l;;q41!!'fl~ Rell e4 ~ d"'1 I

~ ~ ~ ~w., ~ "l1~~ ElI'i<.<m5(f.:i'\ I II( I I
Very good longcvity is givell by th e lord orthe 10 th hOllse too if it
is located in a friendly sign or in iTS sing ofcxait<llion. The loca tion
oflhe lo rds orllle 101h. 1st & 81h houses in kc nd T<l co nfe rs long lire.

!ITffi t1i~'l:q~ft?Jftjt(j ~1411~ ~ 11~ ~~ I

~~~ cilo Ii f?: lafll~i fj Iii food' I ql'9fi'.=!(" fiI <Ii: I 16. i i

ff any th ree of the planets mentioned in shlok 5 anti together
with Saturn arc located in kendras, in their own signs o r in their
Moollrikona (positive) sign s, the native enjoys long li fe. (6)
;iHill~d ~~I~iI ~ ~ (I'1f!:qa I
dl1'41 ~t1fQtij !ffl?t iflt1'1IY1 ~f.ll\ili1 IllS II
If the lord of lagna is in kendra with Jupiter and Venus, or is
aspected 'by them there.. the nalive is lo ng lived (7)
.".. ~~1d; w,i '" I
n{i'O"lT ~ {jtf1~ 'i"til'ilS> II!:; II

If the kendras contain benefic planets and the lord of the lagna
is with a benefic & under as pect of Jupi ter, the native enjoys full
longevity. (8)
~tn:tll'ldi : QTtIT: ~: IMf.lIilollil: i
",,. ""~ 'l'1",~",~.,I" II
(fnatural malefics occupy the 3rd.6lh and the 11th ho uses of the
horoscope and natural benefics occupy kendrds & the trines and
the lord of the 1st house is strong. the native enjoys full
longevity. (9)
q~(lLd(i"'i0jl1 1~i ~ '!:IfM1 ~ i
ftlq6 [~" ~ 't'l'fl$fttPifflilq It ~o II
If natural benefic planets are located in the 6th, 7th and 8th
houses & are associated with benefies, & Ihere are natural malefics
in the 3rd 6th & lIth hou ses, the native enjoys full longevity.
( 10)
t~l~q ftlW"1W !l6t!IIl!!d~d I
f.!1' ~~ ~"I:'1I~ ~ o!l"h;I~PI~illl I i ~ ~ I i
If the lord of the 8th house is in the J SI under aspect of Jupiter
and Venus or is associated with them & the lord of the 1st house is
in a kendra, the man has lo ng life. (II)
a "41~alt?ifq: Q~<A' 4 (NvlEI$i I
tVqiq~I!i!4q I I li~~ii
If there are in the horoscope three plan ets in exaltati on. the lord
of 8th is in the first & there a re nl) maJefies in the 8th house the
native enjoys lo ng li fe. (12)
(~ffqal+:lftt : ~: f4jtqft!iE<t'llS~: i
e,. "'" ~ ~,.;"'~~"'~~, "~.,,

If there arc thrce planets in the 8th house & each of them is
either in its sign of exaltation. or sign of its friend or in its own
house and if the lo rd of the lagna is strong. the native enjoys long
life. ( 13)
ql(l1dl<:: 'qJf,~: qrqr : ~ ~'1 i BNl i
liI;;;;~<NOi1 P!\!1l1i : 't'~qi #l~~~ij I I ~'d i I
If all the p lanets benefics and maldics arc located in kendra s or
trines & arc in amshas such as " Paravat" the native enjoys long
life. (14)
t!iiSCifi!iI oo::rit qrq i!1' i'l~ ~ ~ I
dltA'tq<:'N<:4l qy ~ ~ l!ifa i I ~ Y.. i i
If malclics occupy Ihc6th. 81h & the 12th houses. and the lord of
the lagna is weak & there is no benefic innuence on any or the fac-
tors slaled above. the man is s hort lived & is wit hout progeny. ( 15 &.
'I!!j a
dISC 1I i I qrq I
1II\!1810'l ~i!1' ~iI ~qq qi~f!lf.1!~~ I I ~13 i i
If makfi<.:s are located in kendras. without having on them Ihe
aspei:! of hencfics & the lord of the lagn~ is weak. the man is very
short, lived. (17)
!SlIlIlei1 qiqe161 ('i1~~q~dI I
Itl,(qt>e:illf(lifi qrfq ~tNqlg;f&f.1~~ I I ~!;; I I

I f nat ural ma lefi cs occupy the 12th anJ the 2 nd ho usc. a nd a re

not aspcclcd by any benefics & arc in the malclic Shashti a ms has.
the Il at ive has VCI)' short life. ( I S)

dli~'i1faEjI ~: fCI\!Qtli1~tI(i~i/'i : I
t::lru~i4l.4qi''"l1 14Ujtl i q;fliIf.i~iIQ I I ~ . I i

t1''d('lj1 : ~ ~: tt'''~I!!(?I ~ ft i
6i\! qi~'1'1lljE4 lwt'1IftlciJ ~ I I~ O II

E!ti,/:I 'fWti,!!: fQlf.:q} cfItii9!JR:ltil I

iIIcliflil fclcl' ~lil ~ <fi;;;;f.1i<filolil II~ ~ I I

'4"61fi!"l&ll! qrq q&qQI!!Mi$d'1 I

~ <t;:;;t~e6l01ei1 IlRr !II(!iE! tl f.::qa i I~~ i I

~ qiClj&!~ qrq QUjAI*"GiOd'! I

~ f.'llu1 R qy iM"li@'II ~j);ja liN i i

Longevity is of three types: upto 32 years. it is called "shor!".
from 32 to 69. it is middle and beyond 69 it is called "long"
If the lord of the I<lgna is enemy of the Sun the longevity is
short. (20)
Ifit is ncutra l the longevity is middle; if it is friend. the longevity
is long. one lives till middle age if the lord of the lagna is weak.
Jupiter is in kendra or trine & there are natural malefics in the 6th.
Sth & 12th hous(:s,
If a b(:nefi..: occupies a kcndra or tfine & Saturn is strong in ken-
dra or a trine. malefics are situated in 6th or 8th house. the yoga
givcs middle longevity. (23)
3l"qt~'f'i1ti4HI ~;qt<llqj) "lRtw::: I
q1o:-"ir II <"lI R<::~II 1JT~ <::ill fhtqa: I I ~ 'l{ I I
~~~iiIT if)tl(!1 Y!,Ili!!4f'1'EI'S1~ I
.; i' [I "{RRt f.i ~ ~ <"lI <'lI1 <1 ~ ef ~q~"',"~""1: I I ~ 'i. I I
People born in ,( yoga that gives only shari life; the main ruling
period of the "\lipat" tara i.e. the planet lord of the 3rd asto..'fism
fromthatocL-jpied hy Moon at birth which cnd3 life. In the ca5e of
people with middle longevity. death occurs in the main period of
"Pratyari" tara i.e. lord of the asterism from that occupyed by
:\loon. (24)
For people born in A yoga wnferring long life the main p(:riod
of "Vadha" tara i.e. lord of the asterism from (hat occupied by
Moon a tleast o..'nds life. Th us death should be predicted after deter-
mining the tyre of longevity sbort. middle or long. (25)

;:q1,!f&i'f1'~ m tr.t ~(iq,!SlJ]~ I

~ ~ i4'81' 11<::R1 <:I""Iil : ~I'SlOl m <1"""1(01 fifl,~~~itil~I<'j" II~a II

If hoth the lords of the) st and the 8th houses are weak & are
bv. Mars & the lord of the 6th house, the nati"e dies ir
bailIe hdd or hy weapons. (26)

The mode of death has to be seen from the influences on the In
& 8th houses and their lords. We would study for example the
following birth chart of Sheikh Mujiburrehman who was shot
dead by his en:!rnies along with many other membefs cf his

It would be noted that the 6th house is one of injury. Its lord is
\-lars who is a lso a planet of injury. Add to it the fae! that Mars is
lord of the sign occupied by Ketu & then you have an idea of how
injurious Ma rs can p rove. It can give death by injury ifit influen-
ces the faclO:-S stated at the beginning of this note. Here if you
know that "ccording 10 Maharshi Parashar Rahu aspects i.e.
influences the hOllsc located 9th from it you will see tha t the 8th
house of the birth charl showino manner of death is influcnci.!d by
it. Since Rahu is a shadowy planet & conveys the influence of the
planet associated with il it throws on th..: 8th house the killing &
injury innuence of Mars thereby showing death hy injury. The
intluence of Mars is felt on t.'ach side of the ! M house & the house
containg Mercury. the lord of the Hth hOllse. Thus the in n uence of
Mars& Ketu is falling on all faclOrs denoting mode of death. Since
Mars is lord of the 10th & 3rd houses from the 4th. il hrought about
death by the deliberate action of some member o f the public
denoted by the 4th house.

Th\.' mode of death is indi..:ated hy [he nature of inf1uenee falli ng
on the 1st & 8th hous," or th\.'ir lords. In the case under considera*
lior. the inlluencing planets arc Mars & the lord of tile 6th house.
eaeh of which is an inj ury planet. Hence death th rough inj ury by
weapons represented by Mars.
t\i1'i'1i>Q1 ~ qr Rq'("'q, (i3if~JJ :fI'ftffl ~ I
~q)iclGlj'4 "!!flfit qro6- l/i~Oi . !lljiR! i [,/:1.9 1[
If {he lords of the 8th and the I st house are localed in the 6th
house along with R"ilU. Kelu & Saturn. then in lhe main ruling
period of the lord of the Sth & the sub-period of th..: lord of 1S( or
vice versa death of the nalive takes place through thiL .res or
weapons. (27)

(~l'(~ (I((8Of1(1lI$(~ d(+jl~ l'tt:4 (I(~R1 dJGiI: I
~ N;fIurts'l6Ef~~ <t. ~(lJl~;fIurtq 11~t:11
If th e lord of the 1st and 8th houscs are located with the lord of
the 4th house. death of the native is caused by a conveyance. If-the
two arc wi lh Ju piter death is through loss o f appetite. Death also
ta kes place thro ugh loss .of appetite if the lord orthe 1st house &
Jupiter arc located in the 6th house. (28)
(!'Ii ~lI<:i? C1ii!l1111l11d1 C!I"~flq?Ullfil Nblfij I
~S*tl!l( ql!l1~'f1qlq11i1llk1d "elf ~ <'<lJ1o~ 11~q, II
If th e lord of I st. 4th houses andJupiter are together. death takes
place through loss o fappctitc. Irthe lords of the ISl4 th & th e 2nd
houses are togl.!lh er then (lIsa death takes place through loss of
appetit e. (29)
(..i)\41,I':q(U1 <tl(llI41'FdtllIl411'fIQ ~ qc;P:i t
fQ:::41 ~ "ll ql~ q..n. Jij:&::\1 I ' fQ?l1 Pr:;I!fIIOfI "f"{O'f ~ I I.QQ I I
I f the lord o f the 8th house in stead of the lord of the I st house
constitu tes the yoga dea lh o f fat her etc takes p lace in the main or
sub-ruling periods of the lord of 8th from the house involved.
~t'4I I~ 'ii'jJ;d'1 ~ S;flQl'1'n ~ f~"lJtffl'" I
(1E4\lURlI {'lftJJ 'f iMI'f;iiltHl'dt:4 ~"Ifotf<t II~ ~ II
If the lordsof:h e I s! and the 2nd ho uses arc located with Saturn,
death ta kes place by consumption o f poison. If the two i.e. the
lords of the 1st and 2nd house are with Rahu or Ketu & located in
6th. Sth or 11th house the man dies by being hanged. (3 1)

qt6l1l!l? "Uftc. 6(liI ~ 't'IIs:41R1a<:"1K<f.<I t

~~1<jffi 11;:c41f{111t:4 i3Jldf4 :q"1~ijl $lW(I(41fdJ{ Ila~ II
If the' lord of the 6th house is located with Rahu. Ketu and
Saturn. the native d ies at th e hands ofsome wild animal. If the lord
of 6th is with Ju piter the death is through an elephant. Ifit is wit h
Mean it is caused by so me horse. (32)
\{<lif-q a dfilll ~ 'i'"ffi~lh!i ij"tctilq {'lii~q I
."If>1' ""I1!dll! fO'lr ~ ,"'III!'i< " "
If the lo rd of the 6th ho use & S.a turo are located with the Sun. the
death o rlhe nat ive takes place th rough the horns of an animal. If
the lord of the 6th & Saturn are with Mars the fea r of death is from
a dog. T he location of Sal urn in the 6th h om~c in signs o ther than

its exaltation sign, or its own sign and without the comrany of a
henefic also leads to fear of death through a dog, (33)
w1:tI14ll~~I~vll1"'l1'4lracfflOlln: i;f;;;;;ollllff"f ~ I
~ <Rf IC"1f{ql<tl<tI<tl fq:;rr fI~ql?:'1~ ~ ~; II Q'd II
If th,.; lords of the 4th hous'~ and thc 9th housc. tOl!l,therwith
, the
lord of tIle 1st house arc al! located in kl'IH.2ras or trinal huuses,
t~lt:: n Juring the sub or main periOl[ of the lord of thl' 4th house.
death of luther takes place soon i"ollov.'cd by that of thl'
m()ther. (34)
W !lI~lii;f; CfiflJl1l<j1lfh tti't ?=Iqf44l(qa : fI'4~ I
mr w.rit ~"'l"l(?1 ~m- f\:IQII'q4lsl ~JfT 'q" Qm IIQ\( II
If Moon is located in the 8th house along with Rahu and Saturn
& is weak in Pabha strength i.e. it is located within 72 degrees
from the Sun. the native suOers from epilepsy. Moon in such a .
condi tion also gives trouble from the sou ls uf the dead and from
water. (35)
111'4lfil'l""'lHlA"'l ~ <:Wt ~ f.1'41\t:l8fq I
"[oFt o;:qQf4410'l'!l14Ri : (o41~:tII'q"l!m?'N" qr JIfcr: '4ti;'J: IIQ.& II

If a \\eak Moon (as dclil1ed in shloka 35) is locate d in the 8th

house with Mars. Ralll! & Saturn. even then th e results stated in
shloka 35 fo[low. Iftllese are located in ally olher bad house i.e. 6th
or I ?th. then the man dies ofepikp~y or oftrouh1e from the souls
of the dead. (36)
~ flU?! ~ qr fji;f;ffl ill~i:flif4ts"'l'4I%(4 I
"{i'f):tq(OIi~ ~ ~ 'i(IR:'lECit\ll,!df~+:lflH"I ! 11;;\911

If Moon is in 4th with Rahu or Ketu the native suffers from

intermitant fever 0("4 days interval. If Moo n & Rahu ,He with the
lurd oftheHth house located in malefic Sha~hll aJll~ha 1111.' restlll is
tilL' Si!Il1C. (37)
4'tilf+v:!a E11+:l(1111<t CIT 'l&5IEC4W ~ 41Q$ce j

uqrt 11<6\4141(01 ~ I<:<f1s111 ffifi?!1I\1!M21 I I Q.?;; II

If Sun is in 6th orHth house in its sign ofdebilitatiull ,Iud aspee-
ted by maldies the man d ies as a result of pun ishm ent by govern-
mL'nl :llld so does hi s father. He a lso sui"l'crs financial los~ as a
result ol' lhe said punishment. (3g)

\!1l11~q i:flRIUI ~l:P:{~ ~ 41<p11{<:$i1t; : ' I

'4~'1 ~ "lift ~~AI{I1I ~ ft I"'4I'1'1~ 'El41Q IIQG, I I
Iflhc9! h o r l Oin hou se from Ihe l SI is occu p ilJ hy Ma r~, anJ
a'spet: teJ hy makfi t:s, the yoga ind ica tes lIeH ! h of the hro!hl..'Tof ! h I..'
mothl..' ~'.
lhu t: h 3 M ars i ~ Wil h SalUrn il ill uical cs dea lh of 11K SO il.
Irlhe sa id M,lrs is wilh Moon & maldie. Ihe ucaih o f Ihe mol he !'
I3kc~ p lace. (39)

fq ~R1<:d'fj( 1 1 4 <il?I1' t'i!(lq : qjq$ViT {l qa I

q1QC~11fQ ~ fqw1f.:t~lliI~ iI'R1t: II~ O II
If Su n is witl; Mars in Ihe91h or 10th housC'. il nu i~ iI ~pccll..'d hy iI
m a lefic, [h<:' [" is early de a th ofral her. Ifhoth Ihe lagna :mJ M oon
a rc a fO iUl' d by 1wo m alelics the na livc mCCls h is death in ea rl y
c hi ld hood . (40 )
~ ~W<t qlt ~(Pit; ~ qr 14(01 ~ {Ili : I
f<I'' '!14dlil'l ~ ~'1 '1'l-< ~: El~ ;t) 'JI.., ll l,-!~'1rQ '" I l'lH II
If at Ihe limo: o fhi rlh thc Moon is ed irsctl or is wil h " Pa rin:s h"
& is a~pec'nl hy m,. ld ic-;. il givl.'s su dd cn de <l,h . If th e asle ri~!lls
C hil ra, Utt rap hal gu lli. or P u rva s h a dha .m: 1000:atl..'d in t he A ~cC Jl '
J a nl degn:e vI' ill the d egn..'c ol.:cupkd hy Moon a nd th l..' ~'l oun i.\
eC\ ip .~l..'d or u n der PariVl's h, it i~ dangero u ~ to the lik of llllllhc r. {he
son & (he 1l1lltl: rn al lInck.. , (4 1)
Pa l'i \'csh i ~ Olio.' nf'the n i lll' "lJpgra h a~" viz (I) KaL (2) P a riv.;.. h.
(or Puridh i). (JJ Dhoolll. H) Ardhy.ltll. (or A ruh p ra h ar), (5) Yarn
gl"'.uHak. (or Ya m kimta k). r(') i n d r;l dhan ll. (7) (iuJ i\'; or M 'lI1d i. (H )
Y,lll pal a k. (or VY'llipal). (')\ , ( UpkCIU).

q,,~ ~' ,,1i1 i'mI'<! et<ij ~ ~

'IJI"[ij ~ qf
.f" "'"":
~ q;::;:; 41~ Qlon~ !tffi1 fitq(@l414 : ) J 'd~ ) J

Th ey ,I!'e killed hy l il'k in);!. Th ere i ~ n o dl'fcct ift hl' re is t he COlI-

j u nc tio n or il~rccl of IK'n cfi..; s. (42)

~ '!fo1~d 'fiQ11 ;mr : {f 'F1 ("I~fd V\i I

~ Q(I({W 'El414 ~ W,a11 ~: I I'd Q II
If M ar~ 10catl'd in (he 71h or Hth hou se is a spec teJ hy ma k:fics
the na li ve d il'S in e<.l rl y age. I'- Mars is in the 3 rd along wit h Stllne
male fi c & a lso a~ pec l cu by <I malclk. th e yoga in dicates the ea rl y
de ath of younger h ro the (s. (-13)
5 1m tift qI1'l~ qlq,f.:qij 414$rtll ~ I
'lrft Ri't4'i'i<:;I!l(f.:;;1 q;::;:;(qx16: {lMi1 @flI 11'd'lr II
If M oon ;s loca ted in th l..' 71h ho use along with a m .de li:.: a n d is
a lso il s pectcd hy a m<d efic the yoga indinlles early death of

rnoth~r. If Sun is similarly situalCd, it indic<lt~~ d~ath 01 father. If
Mars. SalUrn and Vt.:nus arc in the 7th, it indica tl's death of
son. (44)
ildllj'lIS6W~dtl'1(4 : qlqU~("'f'llll~!t'EI ~: I
~ l'fT 1i~I<:i1"~ "I'f1(IJR"""InQlqtle: I 1'6\( I I
If malefics are in 3rd & 6th houses & henefits arc in th e 12th & if
Moon is in 4th oroSth house with ma!cfi cs, the native dics in infan-
lY (45)
(!l1 ~<il'El4i 61lIlj'II""'1 QTqT : ftr.ifI1R1 ~n41$tiI!'Q41~ I
5lRt ~ "l";:;;"@" f<!lii1' ~ QIQ,f.:qa itlff4i1ifC$'fI: 11'06. I I
If Muon and Sun arc in the 1st hOlls;" and malclic planets in the
111h house, dllllthese arc without the aspect u f benefic planet ,I
the native dies in infancy. IfSUIl is in the 7th & Moon in the isl
hOUSl~ wilh a malefic. the yoga indi..:aks early death of the son,
Pc: ~:l1 '1 ~ &P:p~ i1<l;I41 "l ~ l=l~ 41 Rl <l;:m \~tI;:f) I
~ +4'i(""I:ld{OI fttit 'ffiUTt \4t\i:'1JiRl$:m'lf"lc;'V! 1 1'6\311

II" Sun and Moon afe in the 12th house without the aspcct of
hCl1efics th~ native becomes blind. Irone of them is inthe 6th and
the othe r in 11 th wilhout hel1l'fie aspect the man is blind hy one
eye. (47)
~ c;;qlj.n m ii1''1~ ~1gf111}/1"l1: 1
~llq(: twffi ~ ~ QiQIPtlci qlq~:m ~ 11 '6>::; I I
If Sun and Moon are in the 12th and the lord orlh<.' Pth in the
lsI hOllse, the y06d imilcates destruction of body. Similar is th.:-
result if Jupiter is located in 12th or Sih with malcli cs dIlll under
the aspect of maldics. (48)
Q1''1llilq ~ ~!tll=lllil~qt~ "1Im fMlrfI I
'311 e'E4 iii ;:;:n q ~ (: d "II ;fl' fCI oq 111 qf.I '4 01 q <:: f.:<:1 \ I'rl 0, I I
If the lord of the 1st house is strong but the lords of the 4th ant!
the 91h houses are wedk and occupy the 8th house, there will be
death of father and the mOlhcr at the timc of the binh of the
native. (49)
~~ 1dllli~Qcil ('j'1~ 'Rt<=4 Q(fA):! fCli1li;('! i!TQf: I
at d~iitl 6ill(Cf)tI oq (: ;:o;:;~ ~ ~ ~: 'i'51 +J>ti '1" t:tiI!lOf 1I \(0 I I
I f the lord of 1hc 3 rd house along with Moon is located i n 61h, 81 h
or 12th house, the native drinks th e milk of women other than his
own i.e. his mother dies soon after his birth, If the lord of the 91h

house a n d ils s ignificl1 tor i.e. Sun arc locah.::d in 6th, 8th or 12t h
ho use. the father d oes not sec a son. (50)
~~cffl'" ~ mfl!j~,ft q~f141 : ipw;t ~ I
fi:lqI!I~ II :q1 tVf q~~ mrif\!lt{~*W'I : ~df1Q [: II'( ~ I I
If the two planet s i.e. the lord of the 9th h o u se and SU ll ar~
located in ;1 trine. the yoga in d icates good comfort fro m the SOil.
Th e locat ion o f the lord o f9d\~ SulI . & Saturn in th e 6th hou se
indicates Ih e dea th of rathe r during the nig hL (51)
IIPIdq~(Ullfl:l 'f11~~q ~ t\"IIt1 ~ '}fa: \'4;\;\ I
WJ~a: ~'!i(~14ifiqi ",,1'Q!tRt: +41<t4~ ~ al\41 I t'(~ I t
:U"'<:1~~llf.<:la<I~I<tw~ ""IMfa: E'4IG4~ "i:f dFPi1 I
~W I Rql' lI c;tI'4 ft' Q?r !RfllleJt CIT Rqr:;:f.;;{ ~: I I'(Q II
If I he p l'!Ilets-thc lord of t he 9th h ousl.': I hI.': Su n & Satu rn in Mh
housl.':-.Jn: locah'd there with Ihe lord uflhe 6th hou~c thell too
Jeath i ~ in nig ht time. Ifthe yog<J docs no t include Moon till' dc.!lh
i'5 during day time. The aya na- no rth o r sout h in whicll m Ol h ~~ r
dies-s hould be d ctermin cd from th o: planets in the 4th hou s\,.
If lherea r\' no pla nl.'ts in Ih..: 4 lh ho use d ealh lakes p la,,:e in the
time indica ted by Ille sign occupil.':d by Ihl.': lord of thc41h hous~. If
Ihere arc morc Ih ;.tn2 p lan ets illlhc4th ho usl.':lhc ;.tya na at ,!c alli of
Ololhcr sholt! be dc tl.': nn inn l by Ih l ' !'lrongl.':"l o f Ihem a ll. (53)
orit ;IT on ~ $(ft:ild1'l\J1"1i1~ qi'6/Oj : I
1ftiq(l4:qt:"4 ~ ~4iqdfdJ'Jt"l$: ~ : ..."",<::1 I I\(b' j I
Ift h l.': lord of l hc 9th hou ~e is 101.'011('(( in a movabll.': sign or in Hth
house th e I'a lherdi es away from hom c. Ifi l is in Ihell or oual sign s
the father dks Il l.': <\f hOIllI.':. (54)
~ "1Ft ~ !fI flI~ ~ e:~f1fNa(l "I Q?r ,
feaMI~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d<ft1~ !fI m R:1<tiI&l1f I j '('( II
Iflhl.': Su n& M oon are in kl.'n t!ra s. in m o \'ah k ... ig ns. lh c son will
nOI h.m: o pportu n ilY to I igh t thl.': py rc of th l.': pare nts. If thl'}' are in
kendm & in co mm on sign. th ere will be dday in I hI.': lighti n,;; orthc
pyres. (55)
~ ~ iQ~qlq"ll~ $~I<ti~~flI'I!i~"I I <iI : I
~ tt'1r m d':N1"1;:::q1 ~ ~q~ ~'tti6(rd II'J.a I I
Iflhe lo rd ort he 91h house is strong alld M oon. lo rd oflag na and
Ihe lord of (he 4th ho use a rc witho ut slrc ngl h. Ihe yoga in dica te!'
severe troub le to the mother. (56)


Bl ~ Ql4i11iilt!4 'l@'l(l.r ftlr..ft~ii3 I
~UU I ~~te Of ~ 'ffiI" ~ 11~\311
If Ihere a re In tl ;l Y ma ld"ic p lane ts in 1he I>th house. di sca se on or
nca r t~ c rccl u m s hou ld be declared. nOI howeve r. when there is
benefic influ e nce o n Ihe 81h house. (57 )

,... ~"f<l'
""l@<4 qm;l&/iQ
.., ~~~
~ ii EI@ I I',{ I:; I I

The native !cads a comforl<1blc life. iflhc 8th house is occupied

hy uraspc<.:l ed hy henenes. If there is influence ofmalefics on the
Sih. one ea ts coarse food: otherwi se. rdined Iype. (5?;)
'V'J'\l Q!qijlffi qjqitl dl:;'"dt I
qlQ$iq ~ ~ \U6': Qt(4ctlf.:qa: : I'(CI" II

if Ih e lord of [he Slh house is iucalrrJ with ma lefics. is aspcclc<1
by malcfil.:s. is located in between malcfic~ or if the sign Jf a
malelic is in th e Rlh house. the nalive often meds defeat in his
undertakings. (59)
1ij'lUi'i(011 fI .. ~ W qf(q~ :r ft I
~ tV ~ ~ "I{(lflilil I 160 I I
If thc ro: is innucn\:c ofbenelic pl ~lnc ls on Ihe Rlh house there is
no defeat fo r the n<lIive. If the s ign in the 8th house is a movable
one-. & th e lord of the 8th is a lso in a mova hlc sil,!n Ihe native lIie ~
a way fro m h is home. (60)
iRI ~ ~i~i~ i!t(I:rtI~ ~ ~ I
fteft tV ~ fq fE.qHi~ tI~ i i 6. ~ I i
~ '" fl<(("4~ WIt """ ~ I
r-V Fa:~iHi~ I1'!if '1(QI'1f~~;:j 116.;c i i
In case Sa turn is lo\:atcd in mova ble sig n & in a movable
Nava l1ls h <l the dea lh lakes away from ho me. lflh ere is a fixcll sign
in Ihe- Slh ho use.lhe lo rd oflhc!h ho us(" is also ina fi xed sign.or a
fixed Navam:-. ha. Sa turn too is in a Nava msha belongi ng to (J fi xed
sig n. the na tivc die.-; in his own home. If the 81h & its lorll a rc in
common sign.-;. Ihe death is 0.11 the wlIy. (62)

!(!\l1"'I:f"i~~(1 tun:j Rlqiil')l it'! itlq. !OJ i ~""!

d%fl1Ii'1' fClld 4:161"(Jti",<i"'141'iJOjI\! RIli(j i i ~ if

'JI(ifqffllfqqqf'l{I~""!fi1' : I
~ \4lflnilAlli:il ~ T;t'a"'4"lIfij"l1 : 110( II
Fro m the 9th house ofthe horscope the foll owing s hould be con-
s idered. Guru. prospec ts in life. father. grandsons. compassion.
ta pas, inco me, hi ps, mind. family me mbers. cha rity yoga. l'oss.
uncles. If th e 9th house is assoc iated with benetic planets. the '
rela!ions etc mentio ne(! ge t benefitted. Othe rwise Ihese s uffe r.

~ ~ <:1ft q4U~ 1fit: W I!U 'l6<;I(lllift I

\iG'ifi;!Q I:1tS:iiF;J(OI ~ ~qlQ 'J6<::I(iliift II~ t I
If M oon is loca ted in the 9th house wi th a ma lefic p la net and if
Ve nu s is th ere in am icted condition. the native coha bits with th e
wife of his G uru. The sa me result fo llows if the lord of the 9th
house is wi lh Ve nu s or Moo n and is a fnicted by a male fic
p la net. (3)
'1#i~qE"1IQlqffi ~ ~ ~ ~1<;1('ii41 I
tlqffqq ofI;q"d ~ ~ ~ ~MI ('II~ I tH It
If th e lord o f th e Nava msh a occupied by the lord of the 9th
house is with Moon or Ve nu s & is amicted hy ma le fic. Ihe niltive
cohabi B with Ihe wife of his Guru or if the lord of the 9th house is
in ils sign o f de bil ita tion. its Nava ms ha occupied by it belongs to
Ve nu s & is located with Venus, the sa me res ult fo llows. (4)
~ r..~~ ('!R ~ m w. ~ 46<:1(11141 I
wllfM oft;q"d ~ Pr ~ ~11('1I41 11'(11
If Moon :s weak in Paks ha strength i.e. wi thin 72 degrees from
the Sun & is loc ated in the Nava msha of Venus. Ihe man cohabits
with th e wife o fbi s G uru. O r if th e lord o f th e 9th house is in its sign
of dcbili'alioll & Venus occupies the Na vams ha sign of the lord o f
the 9th the sa me result follows. (5)

.~"l ~ ~. ~ ~.fl\""
"i(lRt!4oc:<I~If?-Elf,ti\ f4I\f31ldf(J.
"'" it:'!f:!l'dl
.. """ : I
If the lord of the 9th house is focated with a benefic planet
through its Navams ha. o r if ils lord is locat ed in the Vais heshik
a msh a & docs not occupy a malefic Shashti amsh a (1 / 60th divi-
sion) th e native is strongly entre nch ed in religion & morality.
~ ., 'IWP 'IT ... e.flt.,.~ ~ I
'1'1I~q ~ qqisqiffl om ~ 11\311
If Jupiter or Venl.O~ occupies its own o r a fri endly Nava msha &

the lo rd of the 9th ho use & a bene fic planet in st rength. the native
becomes the head of a religious institution. (7)
!!()lClfi1E{f~l~ Eiq,'1I~ 14'ifita I
ijl1G11fJiJ '1t::4fi1 E{4'1146 ::m
~ I It:: I ,

If the lord of the 9th house occupies the Navamsha sign of

Jupiter. Venus or M ercury and is aspected by benefics & is located
in between benefics. the native becomes religious. (8)

~Rijf4a ~ aft:zli 4Iqt~lfI~ I

'1(qtli!<irii "!IfQ' ~"1G'44ft\li!l: II" II
If a benefi c planet occu pies the 9th hou se. but is located the re in
the N avamsha belonging to a malefic planet & is occupying a
mal efic Shashti amsha (1/60 th div ision). the native resorts to
religion through hypocrisy. (9)
'1lq4'il(qs'1I"'1lq~ !Q!teqr.<ii'i I
~ ~"~!" ~ .~~!!' : 11 \0 11
If the Navamsha sign in t he 9th, house, its lord and its
significator belong to a benefic planet. is with a benefic planet and
aspected by a benefic. the man is sincerely devoted to religion .&
m o rality. (10)
lffl QIQ 4141114 l'im<fl-' 41Q~~ t
'i(qtli!<ivri" ~ QjQ'fWI 1IdS1f ~ II~ ~ II
If the 9th. house is occupied by a malefic planet. & if Ihe lord o (
the 9th house is located with a malefic. is in between malefics or is
loca ted in malefic Shashti amsha, the native becom es sin ful.
(I I)
(114'a" ... lI(t1W I
~ 'i.11'4~ ~4R1Sfi.(I~'$qilij II ~ i! II
If Rahu and Saturn occupy the 9th ho use. & the Navam sha of a
malefic planet & if the two are aspected by Gulik & the lo rd o f the
9th ho use is located in a malefic Navam sha. the native engages in
very cruel deeds. ( 12)
ftlq""'I~1l4~ ~ <fll(" iI1'i~~ I
. ~ "I!fI' .l'1e id, ftlqflh:1 ~f.I~~q. II ~ q II

If the lord of the 9th ho use is a natural benefic planet, the 9th
ho use is occupied by a benefic & the significator (Sun) & located
with a benefic, the native's father lives long & is beneficia l to the
native. (13)

qi(lqdif~"'Il'i~ ~ qr <ti(i'f)fillqi i
fi41eq[l:j':lI~i<ll 'IUfq fQq:41t4 ~PI~~ 11~'d II

One is benefitted from his fathe r for long. if the lord of the 9th
house. occup ies amsha like "Parav<lt" a long with the signiiica!Or
(Sun) &Ihe two are loci.t1ed in the Nava msha helonging to their
exaltation signs or ~igns of thei r frienus. ( 14)
411'4'11(#.1 d"1iOl TJ~ I
a~liI<ll1 ~ fY"l(i~&I ~~R~ I I ~~ II
One's fathe r lives long & one is hencfined from him. if the lord
of the 9th house is assoc iakJ \'iilh or aspecteJ by Jtlpi t<.'r & Venus
or even by onc of them. ( 15)
.n~(liI~I~'1:ffi <tl(<ll ~ I
ql~(<fIfM '.fIi [{jq:(i)&I f21~R~ I I ~!i I I
if the significalOr (Sun) is located in a msh as like ""Gopur" is
aspected by the lord of the 9th house. & i, ne it her associ,t!cJ wilh
nor aspecled by ma!cfics. the nativ(! enjoys comforts from a long
living father. (16) .

Giq~&2 'ElGlq ~ <tl(<ll 4lq;:Mct I

Glqld('id qrt'q ~:~ f2IPlR~'1 1I~\91 1
If both. Iht' lord of the 9th hOllse & its significator (Sun) are
located with maldics & arc a~pcctcd by maldics or are located in
between malefic planets. tht' yoga indicates trouble to f'llher.
(17 ) ,
'i(41ill~I<tW ~ 1'M'1I~ 'l '"<tlrr(<f;O; I
qq~lo::t'J>B,!:ffi flrf. ~PI~l/l'1 11~t:;11
The fatheroflhc native ...... il1 suffer much. if the 9th house. its lord
& its significator (Sun ) are located in their rcspcclivc signs of
dehilitation & are of Navamsha innuenced hy Salurn. Mandi &
Rahu. (18)
Btlir ,.,a1~q( 'IUfq ;:fR~I'lf.:qa I
*j\(l!Itii:O\j~ qrfq ~:~ !4P1Rl/l'1 I I ~<l, I I
If a natural benefic p lanet located in the 91h house and Ihc lord
of the 91h housc arc located with enemies or are occupying their
signs of debilitations or if these are located in maklic Shashli
amshds (lI60th di vis ion) Ihe yoga indicatcs Ihrouble 10 fathcr.
( I9 )
[{j"l+"4I~~q(Il/l~I(l!!if,1q"'lI'IG: I
*j\(4hllft41'1+"4[{j1'pl ~P1R:il'1 11-=(0 II

T rouble to fat h..:r shou ld abo be p redic ted. if the lord o f th e
N twilmsha occu p ied by the lo rd of the N;lv am ,~h a belonging to tht!
lord o f the 9 th hou se i ... 10l; a led in Ihe Navamsha of ils s ig n of
~ k bi l i t at i o n o r to a maldie pla net. 0:0)

til' ~:tIiPlH,,~ilr Elq:l\ol1(i1i'lcl I

<tll(cfl m :u~~se
~; fq1'l:tll'i'i : I I~ ~ I i
If the lord of the 9th ho use is mm:h stronger th a!lt hc lord of the
Asce ncl un t a nd Ihe s ign ifi c:J to r i.e. Ihe Su n is a spec led by ben cHes.
Ihe na li\ ..: Ij\ es under the control o i' h is fa ther. (21)
fi:I'lJj;::qI",!q 'Jiidtacfl:il (!ji 1;IItI .If I
m fi:l1O<tililllDl <tilfWt eAiq~ <'t i I:(~ I I
If lh~ A scendant s ign of Ihe native is Ihe ~a m..: as Ihe one 8rh
from the A scendant of the fil the:r a nd if the: lo rd of the 81h sign of
th..: fa the r is in Ihe Asce nda nl o f th .: native. lhe nalive anenJ s to il ll
the ceremon ies connected wi lh Ih l ' Jeat h o f the fathe r. (22 )
fl:I1O ~ 4" 'Ii 'JIm: fi:I i,l W4 'f II j)::, d ; I
fl:I(j", ...... d~q~ -:mf; N(jl1IMd: I i N I I
One bo rn in the Asc..:ndant belo nging to a sign locat..:d in the
10th ho us..:ofhis fath er ha s qualities li ke h is futh e r. If born wilh an
As..::e ndan t sign identical 10 that of the AscendalU s ign of the fat he r
o n ~' depends on the fi lllmces of his fat her. (23)

~ '''' .. , ""' : lim: ~ : I

fl:I~AI~f4"a tmr: ~m 11itQ 11 ~'o' II
One born in a lagna huving th l! sign falling in the 6th house: of
his f:Hhd :; birth chart is in im ical to his fa ther, One horn if Ih..:
sig ns fallin g in the 91h. 11t h & 2nd house of his fa lhe r's birth c ha ri
is o bedient to his fa th er. (24)

fi:I?ll5i!q:tI"'!{1'51R1d~ ~ JlI'4cl !
~ ~"ti 'l~41~l'1A~a : I I~\( i I
A native born in any or the thr..:e: asterism s fall ing in 8th s ign in
his fat her's b irth chart. is in imically dis posed to his father & so
a lso is his SO il so inim icall y dis posed. (25)
fq~""i'flr~~l~ f?id~ ~ \lIIQd I
~ $,.)fa ~:~ S(~:t1'Id\ ~ 11:(6. i t
If a nat ive is born in a ny of thl! 3 astai sms falJirJg in th e l ~l h
hous..: o f h i~ fa ther's birth c hart. ca uses troubl e to his rathl!r & lives'
UWily fr om his hom e for ( o ns idera ble period of hi s life. (26)

ill'qf~q ~&11~-' !B'f.ItM El4"~ ~ I
iii!1qf1 ~ c4" qrfq ~ ~ ~iSO"'f.,ql : II~lS II
If the lords of the 91h & the 3rd houses are located in the 3rd or
Ih.: 91 h halls':. a nd i!r~ in st rength by being in thei r exaltation signs.
the na[ive~ (falht:r & the native) are good moral peopk (27)
~6ol*~ !1ft illli'l"I~ \.1'R)f$a tal'4gd ~ I
ql(lqdl~II~' I ~ ~~ ..rer \4.,141 iililli<li"': 11~e: II
If the lord ofth.:9th house is located in a kendra or trinal hou se
in strength uOlkr [ht: aspect of or in association with a benefic
plane t & is o ccupying a benefic Navamsha & is in a " ParavaC
division. tilt: native is highly rich and lucky. (28)
EHlltiq *1lilila at~ ""1'<I\llq~ d'[iilt!i"I~qq I
itlqf~Ci" l f?I ~ ~ ~ i18Iqliq~ Oft: ...
.,,"<::1 1I~q, II
Hlhe lord oflhe 2nd house occupies the lllh, the lord of the It th
is in thc 91h. & Ihe said lord o f the 2nd is associated with or a spec-
led by the lord of the IOlh house. the native is highly fortunate if
life. (29)
qd1Q(lQ)d;QQ., ~ q jiQl!tlq YI'4'~t m I
(l'i1f.4d tflil.,8'1ijd~ \lljii!lt1::lI$qtl<l~~ ~: II~OIl
If the lord of the 9th ho use is loc ated with the lord of the 3n
house. & is unde r the a spect of a benefic. is with a benefic or is ir
the Navamsha ora benefic planet the career of the native is boos
ted by the brothe r of Ihe native. (30)
9:~,q~ ~ -qft 'lI'q( l ~ qj,qi~qifl'lI ~ ~ I
htfll(iI 'IU qft 1iql~ i:II1'a' : '$11$ql'<I~~ ~ Ilq~ II
If the lord of th e 5th house is located in the 9th house & is
associated there with or is u nder the aspect o f the lord of the 9th
house, a ndJupiter is in the 5th hou se the native gets wealth from &
his career boosted by hi s son. (31)
illltlf?!IHll':tCi ~ qli~~ "jfa~ilft t
ill~4lI(4lElVt, #\IRlql'<I~ra ~ : IIQ'i! II
If the lord orlhe 6th house is in the 9th house. and the lord of the
9th is in the 6th house. with Mercury. the native is helped much ill
his caree r by his community particularly his uncles. (32)
$Wll4lI(4Ii~1!4 th"""IO!IlIl~'dtll t
qlnll~q@i ~1'4''' ~t<I~qraRltll II~~ II
Similarly if the signifi'cator of wire i.e. Venus & th e lo rd of the 7th

house having exchange with the lord of the 9th house give luck
from wife. Sim ilarly. exch ange between the lord of the 9th house &
the lo rd of the 61h from the n alive's lagf,a o r lis d ispositor gi\'es
luck th rough the enemy. ( 3)
~ q,iCn:f.hl '~'ll1'1!""j~I:q~~~~~ft\!d 'Q' : j

"I"6jlS(:;"'Iii'll"'j~'" ~ "'j~?t t'kQI(il"j II q'd II

If the lora o f the 6th ho use is in "Sambandha" (by mutual
exchange. mutual aspect location in one place etc). with the lord
of the 9th house. one gets luck th rough hi s enemies. The sil mc
result follows if the lo rd o f the 9th house is located in the 9th with
any of th e lords of the 6th, 8t h or th e 12th hOllse. (34)
. 141'lIlft1Q ~'iI~I+iI Ql'a4):qf.ififi\re' I
~ 4l't!(li/41t:t1 141 148),," "'l~""'f( ; IIQI( II
One is devoid o f luck and wea lth. if the lo rd of the 9th house is
located in the 8th house & aspecled by an in imical p lanet o r by a
pl anet in deb ilita tio n. It s ho uld also be localed in a malefic
Navamsh a & in its sign of debililation. (35)
... ,qlqt1'f1cl!~ ~ ~ ij~ijEj~ I
1i'I.~~ "'MIfl~ ~ ""jiqlfl.,~ qdj..,( : 11~e.11
One is devoid of p ros pects in life. if the 9th house is occup ied by
ma ny malefic planets & the lord of the 91 h is weak & afflicted. and
the lo rd o f the 1st ho use too is without st rength.136)
'l<1f@t1~d ~ ~ d""'fl:qcii~ '!U I
Q'jl ~'nqqdl 'lftt 14t' qlllf\<1 : 'l"'q~13. I I ~\91 I
If the 9th house and its lo rd is associated with or aspec ted by
lupiter & Venus a nd the lords of th e Ascenda nt and the 2nd hou se
1fC loca ted in Ihe 3rd ho use (one o f the bad houses). The nalive
~ets fort une aga in after havi ng o nce losl it (37)

SfiOnjij4QI* "'IIZl"'~ ~~fiJiJ I

141.:qI!1'~WII'iI$e:t ... ,.:q"'I~ '4l(jRl 'Q' : IIQe:11
<!'I'~:il qI14(1~1~ 141,~ir 1''iJ1lft1a I
~ 14114~1~'1d i 9;M1'4 li'I ih& tt11
t!ilq"",.qi/l~$h.Uttjq~ : '.i'iJf~11 II~ " II
If the lord of the 9th ho use is aspected by Jupiter and Venus. the
tlh house is aspected by the lord of the lagna. but if the lord of the
Ith is located in a malefic Shashti amsha. the yoga is indicative o f
~reat set back in fortune. But if the lord of the lagna is in 9th & the
ord of 9th in lagna. or the lord of 9th is in 11th. the native a{1aiil~

good Iud; again if th\! !"\! is l1luIlia l link (o r Sumband ha) bO:fw o: en
Ihl.' lords of th..: I I Ih a nd thl! 9th ho use, (.18-39)
o;i!;\ ~ ""iIi! 0<,,\11' 1
'T'~~ ~ IjjQt:qI1'Elt4tf\:l4t9 I l'dO I !
If . hl.' lord o( lhl.' 10t h ho usl.' is in the 9th lind th e lord o f th e 9th is
... trong by ili'Sodlllion with o r ulHk'r thl! as pect of bcndics, the
na [i\ e is engagl.'d ill Japa ( rcpitition of ma ntras) meditatio!l &
Sam ,luh i, (40 )
~~lqtt.(lilt~I{I1lt1r1t iIiI<i1fiqd I
attir ''It''lfi5lQ ~j""~"ilN 1419 1 1'd~ 11
If th e lord Of lhc Na\ iHlli'hu sign de note<.l by the N u\'a msh a o f
[11 .; lord ofl he 10th house is Stro ng & th l.' rl! is mutua l Sa l\\ ban d hu
or link bO:!WCO: lltlle lord orthe 10th & the 9th house. th e nati . . e is
~ ngagl.'d in Llp a. rr:. l.'ditation or Samadhi. (41)

achffi~l}/l'f)f1ii ~ <fjifW 1411114'l1 ~ 1

41Mt1lfllCf; ~ ~ 'i'll~"if.l6(lt11 "'d~ 1 ,
If tho: lord of the 10th hOUSe or that of the 9th is IO"':.Jled in
" Dev loka',' div isio n, or in a msha called "P urav,Il" under aspect of
beneficl'. the m an is established wdl in th e real izatio n of the Sup
reme, (42)
1l: 1'if1iqHiMQ \4i cilt ~ul'!f.:ttlfM I
t1<:f'<'l IA ~fii(h (I'ifffi ~ 1 1'd~ I I
If the lord of the 9th is local..:d in its sign of exalt ali o n under th;:-
.. s P~(t of b~' n c fi es a nti the 9th house is under the aspect o f
be n('fi cs. th(' nat ivc prilct :4.: CS cha rilY. (43)
41(i'!lC1IR14I'IPl m 'l6<t~a I
~"~:lJ 'i'Jfi'ie02 "1i5It:I'i'f)(\ ~ 11'd'd' I I
If the lo rd o f the 9th i~ IOC;lIed in th e d ivisio n " Pa ravaC etc
II nder the aspec t o f J upite r & the lord of the la!! lIa is aspo:clt'd by
Venu s. the nat ive perform s great aels of charity. (44)
e:Hli'-Olq'i fiV'it ~ t1"'1ill<tF4 '!U I
eft&l~;;;::f~c5tol~ 14i5liCHifiU ~ I I'd\( II
If th(' Ascen<.la nt or its lo rd is aspecteJ by the lord of the 9:h
ho use. & the lo rd or thc 9th is located in a kendra or trin al house.
th ~ native performs great acts of charity. (45)

f(!i!il~'il~i", t:H'iioQ ii11~:t1<t~d I

CfiiMrnfQ ~ qt$IG1'i~(I ~ t t'd&. I t

If the lord o f th e 9th is locilleJ illlhe di, ision e:dkJ "Sill1ha san"
& is as pcct~' d by t he lord of till,' lag ll a. ,l S also by the lordof th l' 10Ih
hou se. the IHlI i\e perfo rm s great aClS of (,: h a ri t ~. (46)
"111l1l(t it q ~ gIcd '* H <i'I it aifJ ~ I
(I \'lIIfI~1!l lU lUcd <1<:1(141 ~ ~ 1 1~\3 1 1
'dttli q eGld ,*I'11i! ~ ~ I
I4I ll4i., .,u ~ ~~ ~ .~I!ll ll'fl 'il II~~ I I
If in addition to Bhagya yogas for good luck or Rajyoga s for
afi1uencc ltnd power there i~ Dan )"og:1 or ~ Ogil fo r ..:ha riIY. th ... )0l!iI
for chil ri lY works in .Ktual pral."l k..:. In l', t ~e~ where th ... re is no
Bh agy.t yog:1 or Rajyogil how ca n th e Chem !)" YOgil work. It is o nly
people wh o iHl' lucky ilnd afn uc nt Cil tl hdp ch arilY. H 7-U!)
;mr : 9;flf6d1 :mi " ~ 4 4!tl tl $ 4 c\ . I
o:w li14t:1ISQ ~: fCllI:"lq;:::nUfltHHiq 1 1 ~q, II
If there i~ ch arity voga but nO I o ne of aftl uence & power. the
native beco mes a priest, if hoi'll in a hrahl11i n fami ly or hc may
superv ise c harilY. if of some olher \';I~le. (4')

.~ ~ ,.,;;t "",",ill, I
&I~~ ~~ 4!iit:H'fl(1 ~ I 1\(0 I I
If the lord o r lhe 9th house i .~ in Ihe4 th hOl!s,'& the lord ofthl'
10t h is in kl' lHlr;t & tht" lord of the 121 h hOl!:)<.' is ,lS pl'cted hy Ju pitl'l".
th(' o<lI i\<.' ,,<.' .. fo rms gn'at acts u r .: hMity. (SO)
"l1 ~ii1rt1'r ~ +!i1 d"E'4 f1'i A;:j;:::~ I
~ <fl;;:14iq~ '4151<:;11"'(\ ~ I I \(~ j j

If M<.'rcury, located in its sig n of exalt.Hio!1, is aspecled hy the

lo rd o f th.' 9th house & th e lord of the II th hOllse is located in a
h:ndra. till' native p.:: rform s grt"at acts of c harity. (5 1)

iiI'~:iI ii1i q(i ~ieit iUMls;a I

WOfl;:ufQ ~ ifI'1118olfi:l"'46 I I '(~ I I
If the lord of th..: Asc<.'nda nt is in the I l lh house, the lo rd of th.:
10th is strong. il nd aspcclcd by the lo rd. o f Ihe Asc..:nda nt. Ihe '
native gels ..:hari cy fron l o th ... rs. (52)
Wtir ql'4(1~1e4 .~,,';~"ml,~"~q~<I~1*
. I
(!1 '4 Vi1i~ ~ 1!;i1~1f\:;a4 e lM: I i~~ I i

If the lord of the 5th house is located in the 'Jt h ho use, & is
associated with Ihe lord of the JOth o r Ihe 91h house & is aspected

by the lord of the 1st house. the native gels articles in c harily.
qll~~ q'1I~" ~ <il::s:fl<t:' jUlil I
q(til24I~I~ ~ GI'1~lfqj;:f +:h/lq : I I\('!:f II
If th e lord o f Ihe 91h house is loca ted in .. kelldra o r a Irina l
house and is as pccted hy the lord of the 10th hou se, ori s located in
its highest degree o f exultation. the native gets a rticles in
charily. (54)
'l<1fi1l ~QI~1i'fl1ell:tllfi::lQtI~ ll'l;t I
16Wf>~a ~ 16q~$iI sRiJ II\(\( II

If the lord o f the Navamsha occupi ed by th e lord o f the 9t h

hou se is a spected by Jupite r a nd/or Ve nus. the na tive is dcvOled to
his Guru. (55) .

!l<1fi{1~ tI~ 'J6{1I/Ej ~ t

~ 'i$I4I",tiI '1"14ft"Wtil ~ II\(& 1\

If a natural benefic occupies th e 9 th house. & the 9th ho use has

Sambandha o r link (by mutual a spect etc) with Jupiter, Ihe lord of
the 9th IS III Mridu amsha. the nativc is d evoted to his Guru.
~ ; tll(jq ; 'liTffiW"'!!~lljftl",: '<I* : I
1111'4\11({l~!d~ &j$q;~~"'Otl*,,1I 11\(\911

illl4idl 't~ 'li#11 <tIffJ ~ II ~1'Fld'io!l1 I,
I1I't ..,qfJiq ~I"l""'Ii4 ~ f.':I~~$ I('l11 I I ~ i I
Action s. ruling powers. ramo:. rai n. li\'ing away. act s of pu hl ic
m ility. honour. profession. kll l!~~ & s..:rvant s should be considen:d
from the lOt h h o use. (I)
..,q1ft1~ t1"1I11ii1 tfqlq i!tlJt\fi!I~<ti<i"4'll1lf1l1 d<.'l#1f : I
1Ji'1l:"ql'~~IVl,IIq)$Ii ~cnf.4d: 4~Cfl(l Jiqf.:d i i~ II
~u~'f(:cQ ... p.qdiW <1I41r.u.dl 4~RI ~ 1i4141 : _,
5=~: ~i/ilenit'iNI-tJq~ : ~ : iflq~1r.i1ilil~: IIQ II

If the lo rd orl he 10t h h ouse is WCilk a n d und!! r the inlluem:eof
makfics. the yoga indicates frustration s in act io ll s. When Ihe lord
of the 10th house. Ju piter and M ercl\fY a rc stro ng The nalrw is
engaged in the service of others. (21
These th ree p lands. when sirong iUHJ aspcclI!'d by nat ural
benefics. make th e n;uivc particul arly engage hillls!.'l f in aCI S of
hdping public caus(:s. It: how(:ver. Ih ese aT(: in 6th. !Hh. o r 121h
house. bal.lly aspel:l(:d. Ihl!"rc is " ns('m.:c: o f suc h acl.~ (3)
""1~l ll><I alt'dj da~I""iqlfdStfi(I~(f1:Itll~ ;:Ufill{ I
um If 1fR ~ ~ ~~:l1 141'~(1!7i81'1@lfd d4l1: II'IJ I I
If lhl! Inrd o f the 10th hou s(:. or tho: lord of lho: Na va msh a
o r cupied by il o r th l! lord o r titl.': sig n oCl'u picd hy it is loca ted in the
iol th housi'. thl!" na tive gels d (:void of ac ts o f public utility ifRahu or
Sun is in' the 10th ho usl!. On e has sao.:r(:d balhs in the Ganges.

~ 'I' ~ ~ 'Q1 tI~ a:4 t:fIiI f:!q d !{f \l fll dl 'I( ~: I

"'(j'j~lJ q;rM'iII<t>::tit ttl'1R:t1a ' il'I"I ti1I ~'{d : i II( I t
If in th l! Pist: (:s in thl.': 10th h o us\.':, th en: is Mars with bcnefics.

on(: ge ls li hl!"ra lion o r moksha. If J u piter anl.l a st rong Moon a re
occupy ing a watery s ign in the 10 th ho use on(: bat hes in thc sacred
waters of the G anges. (5)

JtR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cQ~a <:ll'iflldili'{tl ; I
~ tR Wi@! 'IJj~ 4l0{;1 cQtl dl 'i~ 1d1 4'{Oj : 11& I I
If Jup i tl!roccupi~s I h ~ I Oth h o u s~. and Venu s occu pies its sign o f
!.'xa ltatio n in a ny ke ndra. o n~ r.cls pu ri fie d b y a s;u,: red bath in the
G a nges. {61
~ ~ !U "l4ft !U ;Rti! ~ c4iP-tla diSld ~ijll 'lt4flitil t
~ ~ 'lI(I1(I~I'i#' 4;I~1'41~.\~ ai$fliqoZll"liq.,..,i ij I IISII
IfM l.'n:u rv is ill the 1 ~lh house. an d the lord ofthl.' 12 th house is
in his sign o f exa ltation. I h~' native ha s m l.'ri to rio us results ena bl-
ing h im to haH Ihe sa id sacred bath s. (7)
i[4~q~ ot;:; ~ ~ ~4~d dlSldffillld : I
~ (13l"'~ <1f4 ~ ~ 1lI<til('fI46q'nil~:I<f11 11t;11
If Ihe lo rd v f Ihe 9t h housl.' is in ke ndra. in a wa le ry s ign u nder
aspect of h l.'ne li ~s Ih e nati ve ha s sacred bath s in Ihe Ga nges. If lh e
pla n~' ls J upiter (l n d Mercu ry alo ng with Mars art'" in 10th . the
nati ve rl.'l1 ovates e1 (.: publi c places & to ps ot" tcm pks. (8)

'Il"lft::iqa d1 1'i 6"lI"lin ifl(lftt ;jlOm:(Oll~ t:f'{ i ICI. I I

tQIRa<:i*,'ifti <tIihq~ 'n'l<I'iI'I ~fh i

~~ ~ !"I$ft<::'{dl "iI'4!t",~oilfQ f.H1fM 4T II ~o, I

If the lord of the 10lh is in1 hl.' 10th in G o p uretc a m sha the man
I.'ngages h imself in acts of rl.'llm<l tio n o f o ld (sa crco ) place ... wd ls &
tan ks. H e does so if th e lurd o f th l! 10th is si tuated in M rid u a ms ha
unde r bl.' ncfic as pect & undl.' r th e a spect of the lord o f the 9th
house. ( IOJ
:q"ii l i;i'l~ 1!b4iJd ~ qj1l1~d I
~jI:4fi9a Wq"'l11$'l'. 4*1E"l 1fffif 'I" q~Mlrfl'1 II ~ ~ I I
If Mereu ry is in the IOlh & the lo rd o f Ihe 10 th is in a bendt c sign
in the 9th ho use. witho ut the influence o f ma lefics. but under the
as pec i of benefics. the man engages h im sdf in ac ts of pu blic ullli-
<y. ( ll)

<M!~qf:l;;q~ mtolq:i fCft qr m{ El4<I~ t

: flil~f60f1t~tI~f4 ~ ~ q~iI<::I;fI'1II~~ II

If Merc ury is the lo rd of the 10th h ou ~c. &

is localed in its sign o f
exaltation or is in th e 9th ho use. witho ut th e influence of Rahu.
Ketu and o lher m a lctics. the man engages himselfin ac lS of public
service. ( 12 )

1f)4i~Q t<ftEi\ild eqlC! .f'l:qI\'i111~ildfQ <'Ifl::!1 I
PtG{) "lqtiltl i4t1\4 ~ ~ II~~II

If the lord o f the 10th house is in its sign of exaltation, but is with
mulefics, & occupies the Navam sha of its sign of debil itation, in
the 81h house. Ihe ma n meels with obSlacies in his aCls o f publ ic
utility. So also is the res ult if the lord of the 10th is loc.:a ted in a
malefic Shushti am sh a (l/60th division). (1 3)
~iljllqa {j1"l4,id dft:ll flft J 41r.<.a 41~a., ~ I
~ ~ +CIOW 4$1\4 ~ 'fJ q~dO::I~'{ 11~'d I!
If Mercury is in its sign ofcxa ltution & the lord of th e 10th is in'
i t ~ sign of exaltatio n, an d aspeclcd by Mercury & b y any oth er
benefi c o r is wilh Mercury & occupying ils own sign. the man
engages h imself in yagyas i.e. religious acts-o f publ ic Ulility.
dll;1IE'4I'1Iit4Q ~ ~,\"iIi:'ldf\l ~ I
W"l1]qjild ~ ~Rqmlfq..n ~ II ~'( t 1
If the lord of the IOlh house is It benefic planet or is un der th e
aspect of benefi c pla net or is in the Navams ha sign o f a benefic.
the nalive gets ru ling powers. (15)
dtI01If1ill'1il~ 1ff ~$~VT ~ ~ 1
<t"'ll~a diflQ'lfq !ti01UII q5?lf(, ~ : II~&"

If the Su n occupi es the 10th ho use.& is situalcd Wil h Mars.& the
lo rd of th e 10th house is in a kendra. th e man pa sses cruel
orders. (1 6)
dli~lftlQ "l;:;::@ (04j1'11~1 ~ i
~ 1ii"'=(I~ ~ '1i(I'1I:n1 q5(lfa 'Q': II ~\,91 i
If the lor/.l oflh\! 10th house is loealed with Salurn & Ihe lo rd of
Ih e Sih ho use. in a malefi c Nava msha Of in a k~n d ra .l h e man gives
cruel orde rs. (1 7)
~.lIfQq ~"'lid lij"l$""o,afq qr I
ll(iIj'h'~9tffi tftLlfI"lml : I i ~!:; I i
If{he lo rd o f the 10th house is located if'. a k~ ndra & i ~ as"ociated
with and aspected by benefic plan ets & is in the 5th Sh as hli 'lmsha
(a benefic o ne). he gi ves ge ntle o rders. ( 18)

\I,"I~~ "'" to' mil .. ~~ .. I
""'~ '14ql~t t:.(iiWIl, ('Jft!l li : I I t c\ I I
If Ra hu and Mandi occupy the 10th house. o r Ra hu o r Kelu is in
8t h & the lo rd of the 9th house is occupying its sign of debilita tion.
the native passes cruel orders. (1 9)
V1ijllii 1i~g;t\1 I
qi(lCidi ltql'l~ ~ il~ O II
~ Uqt1W\. ~ i
WlQSjUh4 ~ .,. (M~ ~6ftdl ~ i I~t I I

If Moo n occupies Cancer & is aspecled by Jupiter and Venus &

is located in " ParavaC' etc amsha the n alive gets fam e in life.
Irthe lord of lhe sign occupied by Moo n is with a her,efie. o r is
lying in beI:Ween benefics o r is in the Navams ha sign of bene tics.
the native has good fa me. (21 )

IfiIR'I'"tjjili~q ~ ~ GQfll?l('CIqll'~ ,
41R1<4E(jn ~ 6vll~+:ift~ ~ I i ~~ II
If a benefic is lord of the 10th house. & is located in its sign oi
exaltation. in its fri end's sign or in its own va rga (division) o r is
located in a benefic Sh"s hti a msha. the n ative gets good fame in
life. (?2)
~ C q<ffi~ ~iliVI i/IlWU"I$ I

~ filM'" ."'Ill.~iI ~ "" "

If the lord of the 10th house is located in the divisio n ca ll ed
"Devlo k" & being a natura l benefi c is locat.:d in the Nava ms haoo f
the Su n ( Leo) is fu ll of s trengt h. the man gets good fame in
li fe. (23)
.4l4QillOjl ~ '1I'f"j~ .. m$iI I
Iti.("'<e<ll/I~~ E1~ffiEl~dI ~ I t ~~ II
If the lo rd of the 10t h house is devoid of strength. and is in
association wi th o r u nder the aspect etc o fm alefi cs & is occupying
a malefic Shas ht i a ms ha, the nalive gets bad name in life. (24)

aNoillll!j\i\ "Rr: ...... " ~ ~olt I

4141ifllfl 414JEi2 414"'Qf aftl ~ II ~\( II
If Saturn and Su n occupy t he 10th house, and aT': IOcilh!d in the

Navamsha sign o f malefics. aspecled by malefics and are in bet-
ween malefic,s, the native get ~ defame in life. (25)
iij'B181Ull ~ "11"<1 illI~flI ~ I
...., .. ""Ii l!If!I ~ "'" ",.:0'..0:
If the 10th house and the lord of the 10th house are in associa-
tion with or under the aspect of benefic planets & if the lord of the
10th is in ils own sign or in its sign of exaltation. the native is firm
in hi ~ good vows & gets hOllour in life. (26)
'~ldilfCI ~ E'l1""1101 "'iN In 'l'" I
~ I(!OGtfllll,q iijqqij'ld!Q IV 11~\911
If Jupiter or a benefic planet occupies the 10th house & the lord
of the 10th house is in association with or under the aspect of
benefics or is situated in between benefics the native is of quick
undl!rstanding and honoured in life. (27)
~ ZfA qjq,el ~ "'wtM I
Qlq(f1l4Vi~ IVftr QHtfl4'I "1~"I( : II~~ t I
A man is devoid of honour, if a maletlc planet occupies the 10th
house, which is aspected by a malefic & the lord of the 10th house
is in its sign of debilitation o r in the malefic sign or Navamsha.
"Il"llfCiq ",(1M" 'Eloql(EI~m oqq I
R?qd~ ~4ijNi~ 'I'llll"l IUs) 11~q, II
If the lord of the 10th house is located in the Navamsha of a
movable sign & also occupies a movable sign the native goes for
hunting. If the Navamsha is ofa fixed sign or a common sign there
is no movement for hunting. (29)

~ ""ilI~ '""*
~.~~ I
~Rl6ul~ IVftr tm\' cnEllpqf.\~~q II ~o II
If the lord oflhe 6th occupies the 10th house and the lord of the
10th is with Saturn in kendra o r a Irina I hou se the native has male
br maid serva nts. (30)
1f)q\~q+i""llfQdI 'IPlfI.~flid I
. i5jool~QE4 ~ i1\GIEltfklPlft:lq II~~ II
If the lord of the Navamsha sign occupied by the lord o f the 10th
houst': is S~ t u rn in Sambandha (i.e. in link by associarion. aspect

e tc) wilh Ihc lord o ftheblh house Ihe yoga indicates that lhc nat ive
hi!' m a ny )crva nt s. (3 1)

~4,,' , '" 'jfffi1r" '{fa I

-ail" QIQ(1I'114'1il! \jjlfi'jalj ii'''lI'ii~~H;J tl~~ 11

If a h.; n.; fi e planel occu pi es the IOlh house and in H oral), a stro-
logy the quo.:stion rcl ates 10 "ca ling", the answer sho uld be gi ven
Ih<lt he o r s he wil l have h is he r desi re fulfi lled. In c a ses whe re Ihe
10th IIOUS\.' is occupied hy Ola lefics, the yoga ind icates the weak-
ness of knees. (33)


Q ~i/'I!IIlf\t: tI~~RI<fl~ ftI~li) 1il;;;:'I~ij .~: I

. ; f{t:'I~ ; AQ ,i/Mlt4t Ri ;mr; *i~dl ~ : i I ~ I I

'f ~M~HW~ ftH1(Q@'a~'''iftlQ : QiI'Ifd 141'l'i'3l"l I

W.,iiiicl ~ ~ "1I1'J1'l'i : EI""IIt'l4t.n ~ m ~: Ii~ II
" ' . ~ ,
lIH !!fifIJI ~'l41f'i'i"'0(1 "" ''<1<:1 dI1f11"l1'1"l1\: I
LI"<i:irct 'ifl=!\talvict 1:W q ~f$d 'ltO\t!{d ~ I iq I I
E!o::tIlej"ftl Qd1 '1"1(18'1 Qi<ilii<t tU ,!fi!:lifH '1* I
11'ir li1't1f4 l(!"f!lt\~ i I ~ I I
11"4 plan et) are togethe r in any f,lace oth~'r than a kendra a nd if
lh e lord of the sign occup ied hy these fou r planets is located in a
ke ndra or a Iri nal house. Sa nya s yoga is l'onst ituh:l!. Sa nyas yuga
is al)o o.:on~ti l uted if4 planets arc toget he r in a ken dra. ( I )
If SatU l"il alone as pects [he lord o f the lagna & the lor(j of the
I" gna as p.:'cts Sa turn & Ihe lo rd of the lag na is wea k Sa n ya~ yoga is
cOllsti tute-d. ,(2)
It"Su n occu pies the dcnuliC of Saturn a nd is aspc:cted by Sa l urn.
th is yoga i ~ constit uted. S im ila rly Sanyas yoga is formed if M oon
is loc ated in Ihe Nava m sha of Satu rn or if .s he is located in the
NavamsllH of Miirs & is as peclc(j by Saturn, l3)
If the lord of th e house in which Ihe Sanyas yoga is formed is
with RJhu in a m'lk:fic Navam slul or is wit h GuJik. the Sa nYils
~'oga is ca nl'dleJ. if the p l<.lilets a fOi Cl cd are oth e r tha n hcndi cs,

T h~'ra tion ale be hind the Sa nY;ls yoga constit uted by Ihe loea-
jo n logcther of 4 pla nch in a kendra is nOI 4uih.' clear. I-ro m a

p eru~al o f the texts it is though t tha t al:corJing to th e texh the loca-
tio n of pla nets in a kc nd ra or tri nal hou se innue nces the .'\sl.:..;n-
J im!, Based on this pri nciple the localion of 4 plan cts in a ll )'
ke ndra would havc th e influc nce of th..; fo u r planets on the I"glla.
SilH.:e the associa tion o f 4 plan ets is gen eral ly o f a "Scpa ra ti vc"
c h ilrw.,:le r in view of t hc inclu sion of o nc o r InoTc ,o f the sepe ra t i ve
r l:Hlc h, Sun, Sat ur n, Rahu, M ;.mdi. etc the in fl uence o f tho,: 4
p la ne ts gal hcn:d IOgel he r in a kcn dra will he one of sepa ra tio n o n
the 1:lgna wh ic h will have the effect o f se para ting .one from the
trai ts or the 1st house, viz wealth and th e: place o f birth. there is
so me j ustificati on in the yoga in 4u..::s tion,
t:! ) We. howel'er. thi nk that it woul d he hellc r if we have iI defi ni-
tio n of the term "Sa nyas" & con'iider the 4UCSliuIl from the
ihtrologieal fac(O rs involved. Sa nyas in o u r o pinion i ... forme d
whe n th e mimi is in Vairagya and the native leavcs hi s f~lm i J y,
ho me a nd wealt h & enjoymen ts of the bed. Th is wil! be th e re i f
Moo n. the 4th house a nd it s lord. rc pr~~..:: nt i ng the mind a rc und..::r
Ih.:: in nue lll'e o r I h~ s ignificalor of Sa nyasSalu fIl & Rahu who
a lways aclS as Sa turn . Thi s wili sullieI.' to give the re4 u i, ite
Vai ragya. Th en the influen cc of the " Scpa rat ive" pl;mets. Su n,
Saturn and Ra hu or their disposilUrs s hould he o n the 2n d ha llS"::
and its lord (family) on Ih..:: 4th hou se an d its lord ( Resid en ce) & o n
Ihc 121h hous\' a nd its lord lpk il surcs of the bed).
(3) In at.:tual Iife we ca n vcrify 1he c orrc e tn c.,~ u f the ahovc '1111"::-
men!. We wi ll present some illustrative horoscope,. Th c birth
ChMI o f Shri C hailanya is ~'.lVe n below. See the int e n ~i l Y of

Va iragya gi ve n hy the 10th aspec t o f Sa tu rn' o n MOOIl-thl'

sign ifica to r o f mi nd. Sec the full 8th aspect of Mars-t he Ji~
r o sito r o f Sat u rn on Moon. Sec th e iocaJ ion of Sa turn in the 4t h
hOllse from Moon. See the aspect of Saturn on the lord of the 4t h
house fro m M o o n. Sec th e a spec t o f Saturn on the 4th house
from lagna,
As n.:gards separation see the inlluence ofSa \urn on Ihe house
of fa mily (2nd) no t fo rgcli ll}; thai Sa turn is the d isposilor o f
a not her IWO s~p<l ra li w planets, S~ n & Ra hu. The severe se parat ive
in fluen ce on n:s idence (4th Iwuse ) is clear through aspect of
Satu rn. The 12 th house and its lord h uve Ihe surrounding
influence of Rahu & Satu rn ctc.
(4) In the case of Swa mi S hi va na ml.lrk Saturn wil h Rahu in
4th from Moo n aspecting Moo n. the signHicator of m ind & the
lord oflhat 4th house. Satu rn also aspects lo rd of 41h from lagl1a.

So far for Vai ragya. As regards separat io n t he residence ;s in Iluen-
I.:cd by Saturn & Ra hu th rough Moon. Ihcirdis positor. the lord of
4 th is Venus by Sa turn. the lo rdsof lhe 121h & 2nd by the surrou nd-
ing influence orSatu rn a nd Ra hu on one side & orSaturn & Ketu
all the olhe r.
(5) in the caSe of Swam i Shu dJhan and Bharti Saturn is d is-
posito r of Ra h u & as such his influence o n Moon ma rc tha n
ordinary faclor fo r giving Vairagya. T he d isposilor of Moo n is
influenced by Ihc aspect of both Rahu a n d Satu rn. The 4t h from
Moon is inl1u c1lI.:ed by Sa urn & its lord by Rahu. The 4th from
lagna is hemmed in by influence of Ra hu. Saturn and Sun.


Eno ugh 10 gi\'~ Vairagya of th.: h i!:! h ~'SI o rJ.: r. Sat u rn. Sun & K~1lI
on 4111 fro m Moon givo.: .~ ep arat i on fro m rcs id.: ncc, 4 th fro m lal:!na
is in h.:lw ~ cn th e ~e p,!ra!i w inll11<.!llcc ofR,dll! & S.lIurn . li s lord is
'l{uar.:d hy Ra hu whidl is a .. pcunl hy Salllrll.
w~ nc~d 111 )1 giw I'll rI h ... r \.' ;(;Jlll p l~:'>. Th\.' pri lKipl\.' hilS h ~c n .,~ cn
i n actu al p rilc lk..: to milrk satis fac torily.


dII~"ItlQ\tlf?:a Qt<MfQ ""4CfiOI~dl 'f I

'3IfElI~fQ ifl"''1iiiJ\ISIl4t;3I''I4''"1I'''lI~I''I I' ~ I I
From til.: 11t h house s houl d hecons id..:red. i n,,:o lllo.: . feet. left car.
h a ir. ht't:o m ing he nl in !>.ho u ld o.:rs. & cI .. k r I.:oborns. (I)

(!11~~i:I~ <Rrrtr ~~Ol ~ ti4f.:q~ i

~ ~ QIQfl'lcl, 1il;:;Q1lqt(~(j I I,! i I

Ifi ll e lord orlhe 11t h ho use is in a ke n.!ra o r a tri nal hou!>.\! or if

Ihe [[ th is occu pied hy a ma ld i;.: phl!lL!L Ih..: Il illi\''': gCb nlut:h
income. (2)

\l"ll~q Ij1Jq1i6 (j'jjq:ll ~ .1

~ <t"'ifift ~ ~1(j'jj4~(~ij I ' ~ I I
Tht're ",,ill h..: much gain of wcCllth . iflhe lord ofli1e 2nd hou se i.,
in th ~ 11th & the lord of the 11th is ill 2 nd or hoth of them arc
tog": lher i n a kcnd ra . (3)

lIlQ "'lUl'l d ;;rnir ~Iit lU EI'qf if<:td I

QI(Ii:ldIR"l l lt"4 ~HQ1i"11of1(~Q 11'l1 I I
O ne gets mu .... h income if the 111h hOll se is IOC<l let.l in hetwee ll
IwO be ne fic pl a n":ls, or if th e 10 rt.l of t h ~ I ll h ho u se is simila rlv
silUat..:d or if it is located in it divi sion " Parav ,tt"' etc. (4)
(!ill?! W3j'ffi(l~ ~!I\H~i5J"1 ,')fiJa" I
JliUgrutl QUlf1/l ti"1I!Uqt(411 11'( I I
If the lord of the sign o .... ~ upied oy
th e lord ur the 11th hOllse is
aspcctcd by a benefic planet or is in between two b endi..: pl a nets.
th..: m an g ~ts much in come. (5)
(fIIQ111!1+:1I'1I!ffH"jQllfilQdl ~ I
~'1lfi:1Q1 fI$s2 ~1Q1i"~(~\j 115: I I
Irthe lord of the Navam s h a sign o Cl."upied oy th .... lord of th .... l l th
hOll se is a be n efic p la net & i." aspected by Ihe lord of the 2 n d ho u se.
the man has muc h inco me. (6)

ffil"lffi:!QEUil!iffi'>4l1llili IQta ~ I
Cbqllq~O I ~ 'tj "tI1'II11'1<i'1{;Qij 1 1\9 1 1

If the d~can t l! o f the lord nf thc 11th house is a na tu ra l bcn e fic

pla net and is a spcctcd by Ihc lord Ofl h~ 10th house the native gets
muc h incollK (7 )

QIQ\l!!fOli "EfiN i H iilf:! f~A~~ I

~Q'q(lffif<'l'4j1tl'1!11ft3 f~ f1~~ 11t:;1 1
T h..: inllu..:n cc o f malefic plil~lCIS all Ihc lord of thc II th ho use
gi\<cs loss o f i n(.;ollle. Th ~' hKome comcs from the di rc (.;lio n
~kn o(cd hy the lord of th e Il lh house( ford irect ions "~'.,,, ... h loka 75
of dHlpte r IJ (lH

im'-TU~ 'B' fill i q lillffi !li~ "i~ ,,1Ii; fq I

.H!II 'Mq~ ~&;hw~ f~~F<:~ I I... I I
The di n.'cl io n ... holll J be lak~'n from the si~ n in Ihc I l lh ho u se o r
from Ihe s lro n ~l's l pl:lIll'! inO uc ncing , h\.' Il lh h ou se. (9)
Brit ~ ~rt ~ "11i:1f1' RI~~~Ii;j I
lffiiT~ qmi"'~ 'R "111~ r:.F1 ~~ II ~o I I
(fther.: is a ma lefic pla nct in the! I th hall s\.'. or if , h l'no: i ... the sign
u f a ma lefic piltn d in th l' I I th hOllS":. the yoga in dicates loss of
inconH-:. II-t h..: lord orl h..: I J til hOllsc is i nllUl.'lll.:l.'d by m aklks. !o~s
0 1' income s ho ul d he declar~'d. ( IO)

'fjU"r~ M ~ 4~f~!ill1 f;!Qd I

:f.1liffQir G!j(i14fd $Il nl1(ijl f,*"~d I I ~ ~ I I
If th.: lord o l' lll.: 11th hou se is it bendie plan..: t& is a spcc tcJ hy a
b~' il die & I h ~' lord of the 11th house i~ strong:. th l ' native has
o rnam ents of the C;l r. (I I)
Q!4!H:f'71t ~) d=1 Uilr'f l1f~'4 fd I
m-ri1~lI ffil<;{m ,*,014164 f"f4~ijli;j I I ~ ;;: I !

II' there is th ..: infl uence o f ma ldic pl a .} l'IS 011 til" 111 h hOlls ,,:.
thc r..: will he tro uble 10 th..: \.'a r. Th e tro uhlc to Ih ~'l.'ar s ho u ld h,'
..:ons ide red from th ..: 3n l a n d Ih..: II th house. ( I ~)


T he na ti ve o f th e followi ng horoscop..: h ad Iwic..: to he o perat..:d
u po n due 10 \.'ar tru uhle. SalUrn i n th is ho rocop\.' is not m..: rdy a


significator of disease. it is also lord cr lh.: house of disease & what

is sli ll more. it is lonl of the sign occupied by Rahu- another
planet of disease. Hence th~ aspect of Saturn on the two houses
denoting car viz the 3rd& the 11th brought ahout operation oCth e
car twice.
~ ~(:l.q qIIlltl1ti4 Pclf.:t ~:ilil I
a<fi:n 4t4".Q ,*,oj()/ j f<'lf4~i\,.., I t ~~ I I
Ifth l' lord of the 11 th hou se is under the in!1ul.'ncc of bcn elic~.
good hClIilil to the ears should be p rcdktcd. If. however. then:: i ~
malefic in 11 uene\! (See e:>O:(I m pic above) t roll hie to Ihe car should be
prediCied. (13)
I{lI"i,J4ti6 I:li <i1 i q., I
~il:6j1111 ~ 1 1 ~'d1 1

The l o n gc~ ilY of t he dder coborn s should <l1 so i"lc tktermi ned on
the basis of the influence of benel!c and makt!c pl anets all lhe
11 th house, Ifbenefic s in il ucncc the 11th house. the eluer hroth er
or sisters li ve long. (14)
qlqlf.:cta qlq~ce dC lf:t il Qe~ fi t
<!Ii 14 (I ~ ~ '" ~ "oil it I"'1 (i1j "" '!'!l (aij t I ~ '( II
M a lefics in the 11 th or a spel'ting the 11 th deny cider cobo m s.
income comes from the dircl'lio n denoted by the sig n in thl' 11 [h
hou se. (1 5)

<?'II q(lftlqill4<!( ~ d 4;:q R1 "iH( : I I ~ a I I

Th e incom e a lso comes from Ihe d irec tion denoted by the lo rrJ
of the 11th hOllse & from the sign in the 11til hOllse. (16)
61l <1 4 "'"'IIotl4 il ftt l!l q d;:j ~ ~ ~<tR!'4 "1 I
ql ill f$ "'(UtTI{!i ~Iq "'l~ ftCf.I~VlEilj :t1 : 11~ t I

2 11
EJ\.(1\!IlSCs. fal l into h d !. loss ofa limh. k ft eye. feel & Iht! skep-
ing (1lac .... "houkl b ..: consil.le red fro m the 12th ho use. (I)
s:m Ql'l\l'll$\ ~fII' q l qil",~ I
Qr41'1@ul (f~ee 414'i'w,"'I5lI<q : II~ II
I f there is a III a k fic sign in I he 12th hou se. o r I he h o use contains
.. mal.:li,: p la n ..... o r the lord o f the 12th is asp...ctcd by a maldic
p lilllet Ihe lI illive spends on ill egitimate items. (2)

14;:;:;'lI"'tl'ffi!!fh ~ m d'lf'I81fliQ I
~~i ~tlq]iffi qlq'l(j1IiH~ : II~ II
One also sp ..::nd s on illegit imat... ca u s...s if the 12th house is
Ix.cupicd by S aturn . Mandi o r Rahu o r ils lord is innuenced by
l hc~c plan ets & the lord of the 12th is located in a malefic
Na\'ilmsh;1. (3 )
'5illl l filqEl'lI~.,qqlilqJi ~ I
~ l(IqqUlBJ t(4'i(!i~"'54q : I I'd I I

If till' lord of the Na .... am s ha occupied by the lord of Ihe 12th

house is a bcn..:: ri ..: pla nc\. is located in a henellc Na\'ilm sh <l sign. is
su rrounded by he ndics. olle spends on legi limate items. (4)

~'I ... .nq ~ ~,"~dI I

ql(lqdlR:GI If".ft 'tl4Iiill""'&l<l : 11'( r I
[f Jupih:r ilnl! Venus occ upy the [ 2th ho use. or if M crc ury &
Moon an.' lh ~'r~'
;Ispected by hencfics & a re located inthc di vision

Pa r;n,,( the nal i\e spends on legit imatc itcm s of ex pe n d ilun.".

&I<lIRil f?t<filor~ ~ qlqPltlfM I

q(tl &!'4~ ~ qlq'i.(i11ti'164l1 : I l a j I
Iflh.: lord ofl he 121 h house is in kend ra or a (ri na l house. hut is
l oc a t~' d in an in imical SIHIshli ams ha. 1he nal ivc s pc!nd s o n
il kgilil1latl.: ill'lns.. (0)
qrfr.:J <t1~"'I~" ~~ sfG;tlicl
~!'d"~ "'I f\\4J11E4 ql q'{'!Hii: '115l1 <I : I I ~ 1 I
Ifl ite lord \)r th l' 10th ho u~e i~ a n a lu ral makfic& is loca led in a
Na\il llls h a or il n inimica l pl anet or inlhal or its sign bfdcb il ita -
lio n & is iISpcc !.:d by Ihe Ion..! o flhc 121h h o use. the na live spends
(Ill ilkgitinl<ll e items. (7)
'i&< "'<I'e ;.; ~ .....t I
.:q1 c4 Ill':n"::jq'l~ 'tl4'lQ11l:.,&jq : I I t:: I I

2 12
If Ihc lo rd of Ihe IOlh ho use is
a na lu ra t be ne lic pla ne t & is
Im:ated in its sign o f exallalion. or in the sign o fi lS friend o r in it s
o wn varg<l & in n ucllces the lord of I h..:: 121h hou se by assodution o r
a spect Ihe n a live spe nds o n leg iti ma te mo ral ite ms o f cxpotIIlJ itu n...
~w ~0tR <u V i f1i '"lilf~ I
'<i1<tiifhI41!if; !l1"a"{{wr.:Of'S44 : II Q, I i

If the lo rd of the 121 h h ous~' is wea k. is in a o'., oLialion wilh o r

u nde r Ihe :.spc!.:t o f Ihe lo rd of Ihe bth ho u s.:. or is with G ulil.: etc.
Ih.: nal ive has to s pend to meet h i .~ cncm\'.
~~ <:i<'1ilt'i "'<;.'1!\4'i ~ ~ I
rt ~ ~ ~ f"ll ~di~'i'ii!li1 1'f Ii ~o I I
Iflhe lord ofthc 12th house is located in a malefic N:lva msha
a n d is associated w ith or .. spec-led ~y a wea k lord o fth e 71 h housl.'.
the nat iv.: loses w.:ahh on accoun t of hi s \Vi!I:. (10)
~ 644",,[i:lfl:4~t<2 l}ffi~ ~ ~ I
{1 "l1fq~'1 ...~il"1li1i1'i&ih: '1 l{14 : t I ~ ~ I !

Iflh.: lord of lhe 121h hOll se is loc'l 1ed in 'l rnaktk Nav:um ha. is
in a ssociat io n wit h or <l!'> pe"Clcd hy M ars d evoid of sln:ngth Ill'"
na tiV(' loses wealth due to his brothers. ( I I)
~14:tC4 {OrrN iiI <;.'I&4'1 ~ I
~ t4i1~ ~ 'lI'{~ltr.: '164 10/: I I ~ ~ I I
Simil<lrly. iftllc lord orthe 12th ho use is in a m ; l ldi~' Nava m ~ hi'
& is in ils\ociation w ilh or aspectcJ hy a w~'ak i<lrd of th e :' th hou s1.'.
Ihe nativ ~ loses his wealth dlle 10 his ~ () I1. (12)
fQ1'4t4::tC4{OtlRJ <ti!(<f;orrN ~ $ I
IS!I~?I $fGe:Ii!ijoQ Nq 'J<':1iii:'154~: I I~ ~ II
If Ihe lord o f the 12 th hou se is in ll ue nc(.'d by a ssodaliun or
a ~ pel:t b y the lo rJ o f lhc 9 1h house o r hy the S lln . l h ~ nati \'c has to
sp~ !ld mo nc:)' on his fath er. (13)

~ JttilqtfiiR ~ ~ t441fi:lq i
'i\if;:qa ~ 4 1Q:'{"ti~Of &q 4 : I I ~'!'l' I I

S im ilarly. iflh e lord of lhe 12th h o u se is in a haJ house. wit h <l

maldic p la net in associ a tion with o r under the a spect of the lord of
the 41h h ou se. th e native has to spend much o n hi s mother.

2 13
OJ(fjijl4 ~ fttitil ~HF\'4lii<f;fI:I :u I
41 'ill:n :fJ oq (I Qft 'If[ ~ ~ 06<fil111P::~ ' I ~ 'J. I I
If the lord of t h ~ 12th house is weak. silUa ted in ;} male fi c
:'iavamsha. or in the Navam sha sign cfil s debilitati on or in ils sign
of debilitation. the na tive loses one of h is limbs. (1 5)
iltiqlQEl4i41il ~ d'iC"lltt'1l11cfl [
"l"'il"'li""ll'ffil'l(\' ~1'!~Cfi<fil"'I~~1':I II~~ I t
Simil a rly. if IIl.: ....: ani many malefic planets in Lhe 12t h house &
the lord of the 12th hou se is wi th SalUrn, M undi and Ra hu Ihe
nat ive gels one of his lim bs imp'l ired ( 16 )

54i1 t 4[4(lm ~ tfi(fI~ I

4M IPT ~ ~ f.:!ql"dt;;qRl II ~13 1 1


If (he lord of the 121 h hou se is in the Na va msh a o f a malefic
planc l. in a rna ldic sign. with a- ma ldie rlan ~ t & is aspeclt'd by a
ma lefic pla net the na ti...-e goes to hell after death. (1 7)

1'"di qa;:t \4" lt41~!td !5!fit I

~ ~ ~"1 I~ '1"!IT ~ II~~II
If the 121h hOllse is occupied by R .. hu & Mandi & is us p,,-,cteo by
the lord of th e St h or the 6th house. the man goes to he ll afler death .
(I' )
is!l''ir~I'90ttltlGC(j~ !:fie(41'1i~fI#1~ I
'i( u ~Ur ij~~ ~ qa;:t ~ I I ~~I I
~l ttf1lfl ~t'I~I'R1!id , =A~1"1141f1: I
'J6'ft "';;;: I~' ~ ~4~~ #1fi{4>i1 I I~O II
afcl<il f"'l1O,-,ihfi q ~ ' 1(if)~~ ~ I
;Jqt !!Ia\!h~b'!!I d,g>ll:ti : ~ '36l1d 1 I ~ ~ 1 I
Tfthe lo rd l)flhe 121h hou se occu pies a mal efic Shashti amsha &
is .. spected by ma le fic plil n ... ts. the man goes to hell afl er dea lh.
The lord of the deca ole oCl'upicli by the Sun or th e Moon whid.
ever oflhe two is stronger lIet ... rmines the nature ofthc next world.
If it is Jupi ter the native goes to h ..... vell ( Dcvlo k), if it is Moon o r
Venus to Pitrilo k or the abode of the manes, if it be Su n or Mars it
is some animal birtn. if il he Mercury o r Saturn it is hel l. (20 &
21 4
3 e4f1!1 ~t:;s~flifl: f4HI'iI <i1'<lNqICOfl r~ \
EI"l~ EI"lurf{ijR ~[\i\ "l~Q4: r l~~ r I

If Ih~' said lo rd of the d~c ant e is in it~ sign o f exa lt ation. tho.:
ahode a lk r do:al h is 01";., hig.h o rde r: if il i ~ in il s ~i ~ Jl of lkhil it Ol tio n,
il is a lo w type a bode: ifil is of a mid dlin~ lyp..:, the n..: xt abod e too
is of that I yp~'. e2)
~ E41e Q &rtf ~ (1~&4tli.t( efI~ j
~q (j i1ifirRGl l i W t:4 l jU i ftjllP.4I2lRl r I~~ r I

I fth~re i" J natu f(l l b..:n<:ll,,; p\all ~ 1 in th e 121h hou ~e in il" sign o f
\~x alt ,lI ion & is a s pe~~ll.'d hy a he ne lie pla n..:! & is \OC'l!I.' U in Ihi:
amsha such il~ " D cvlok" the naliw will <1 11.,in to hca \'c n. (.D )
~ ~ ~ <6q( I ~$ 5CI <l(lfVi4IclIQ ~ I
~14~~Q r t:'i1r<: t:<I'1Qiil<:tq~ti4 fd 1 1~b" I
If J upiter i., lord or the IOrh ho us~ & is IDea ted in th e 12th h o u~e
under the a spect o f a he lll:fic p la lh!1 1hl.' native all:lin s to
heavell. (24)
~ ~qt:i ';f\\ WvU:trEl"lf.Gij I
fWitl'<l(tJoNr <;! """'4"4 ~ ~ r1,( '(1 r
If lhe lord of the 121h hOll se is lo cated wilh a h cnefie p lanel & in
the N;1 v:lIu sh a of a hendk pla net & is infl uencl'd hy a henc li..:
p lane I. thl" yoga inu ical(:s rhe po~se ssi on of gt10d he'l lthy r.:yes.

3Ftti:'ll :il1:~=i i it qlil:41(N ~ I

ddlq'4 I R~ ~ ~ ~ta";J 1 1 ~6.1 1
If wntra ry is the case, loss e!'tc of t he eye should he p red ir.:ll.'d. T he
yoga is a lso bad for ket. ru rlher di scu ssion in rr.:gard 10 eyes h as
illn:udy bec n ca rried o ul in Ihe sh lokas re l;u inl:! 10 tlh: 2nd
bo u se. (26)
~1It"fui ",16<1 PI~ iI ;;~ : I
qii5;flffi\~~ E1't nf<t m Rl f~<;!~<"l 1 1~\9 11
If Jupilr.: r, Ve!' II US a nd Me rcury a rc loca ll!'d inl hc 12th ho u se!', the
native gets conveyance. Aquirem cn t of conveyance etc s hould he
de term ined fro m this hou se a s well. (27) .

l(!'4u l5;loli Elr:<iio:! &fit ~tq'1i'l4i I

~ ~ yt;;t jjCj~'iiQq'1iR\ld am 11 '(t:: I !

21 5
If th ..:r..: is th..: in l1 u..: n c..: o fh..:n dic p lant:ts o n the 12t h hOLise &
Oil tho.: lord or th..: 12th hou se. the (H:q u isitio n of palanq uin & b..:d &
Ih l' pll"asur..: ('Ie nl" sk ep should he pred ic led. (28)
&l~W 8i1 e4(lfillPl" QP4q'l{'j"ff)t[cl I
~~r ~ q <hfl~ , tl;:j ~ I t ';(9. I I
If 'lh' lu rd or th ..: \::!th ho us e is loc ated in it s s ign ofexa h itliOIl. in
a h..: ndic va rga. & U Il lk r th..: a spo.: c l o f a ho.:n..:fi..: pl a nct sleeping on
a fill ": Iyp..: o f c h :l rpoy s hou ld h..: p rt'dicled. (29)
~ r<El :;j::p-"FlI4=1 l5<l4~ Q(.rt cq.'! I
"lI'Q'1I:r ~ ~ 'l jiJ'In::;{fi:pVtl t;l 'l I I ~ C II

If th..: lo rd o f th ..: 12t h hOllS": is locat..:d in its high,,:s l d..:gn'c o f

l' ~ allat i ()ll & is a sp ..:ct..:d hy th..: lord urlh e 9th h o u ~c. th e Ill il terial
Il l' th..: ht:'u is ehcdd..:u with jewels & pred o u s s lon e .... P O)

qlq~~ m ~ ~1'HI4j; I
~ 1l'.!..(~$G2 QIIHII1i\!ti ";f fl II~ ~ I I
Oil": h,, " no sleep o r m ca lls o f slccp if the 12th h ou se i: infl uen
ccd hy maJ c lics & the lonl oCthe 12th house is loca ted in a tnaldi..:
N:l\-alll." ha li n da a spt:'d o f Illa ldics. (3 1)
&l4(l1": ql'Hli\Rl .,.ql I.GIti?l~(I~I'1 : I
'af4"1lmftt t;I((JqIO"l ~I Q "lIR~ tffi( II~ ~ II
[ven if the Ion.! o f th e 12 th h ou ~ e is a natural m alefi c. but i ~
hx ated in its .~i g n o f exaltation, in its frh: nds sign . or in its own
sig ll & Ih c lo rd of th e s ign o~c up i ed by th e 12th lo rd is in it s own
Sig. Il. the nat ive g.o.:ts goo d skep & skcping furniture. (3 2)

~ .,. '" .,r.r~ "f".' ,11M,

qi.i&ii'l':l'ffiq:dl ~14"11~ W1 ~ ft It~~ I I
If th e lo rJ of til l' lagna is in its sign o f debilitatio n in th e 121h
hUll s':: & is a spl'l.' lcd hy th e lord o f the lilh house & is associated
wilh Sa lU f!l. Ma n di or Rallu. one has no comfort o f sleep o rofthc
skc pi ng furni tu re. (33 )
q:qq 'i'J.:ill fi "'1*1 aiM -e-qr I
~ 1:i~ ~ ~ ,",,~l e:t.fJqrrf\1"fIf/.:;1til l1Q'I1 11
If Venus is IOl;akd in th :.! 5th h ou s:.! wil h M oon o r if the 51h is
a specled by Moon and Venus. Ihe native wo rsh ips a fe male
diety. (34)
2 1b
rt-:Pt ~lJ6~ !:~'QI~J1I~mr I
Q';fit 111'j!ia:jt;) "l41J12fl(111::ii1: II~\( I I
If the ."jlh house is occupied by a male planet the nalive
worships a male diety. Irthe 51h house is influenced by Sun. Ihe
nali\"(' is a worshipper of the Sun or Shankar. (35)
~ a\!{l~q ~ "li~ ~ \liirq I
Wiil "I"fI ~"I"fIfil ~jRjfia:j'W~ljm2\ 11~a.11

If Moon is influencing. hy location and aspect. the 5th house.

the native worships Yakshini". If Mercury influenccs Ihis house.
th,~ native worships "Skanda" or "Bhairava'". (36)

dql(41 ~1i(<::1 ~ fi!l1i!!~i ("jifC"l$1 TT'

"'111j06i ~ ~i!fi'l"ia:jq 'i ~P!~mr II ~\9 1 1
If Mercury is in Sih. the native worships "Sharada" o r "Vishnu"
& a Satvic dcvuta if it is Jupiter. If it is Venus. he worships
"Chamunda" devi. (37)

wrIT !i"1i~I* Il'rffil ~JOj~1I1P.hi<41 ~ I

(11~'ftd"ffiT q(Q)s1~qal II~~I I
If Saturn influences the 51h house the native worships some
spirit of the dead & takes his abode in a ghat. l( Rahu or
Ketu arc there the devta worshipped is one thaI harms others.
(J t<i)
d*'ild~ ~ ". ,'tll.l~ " I
~ 'l '"1l;oj m qW.f i"<\;::(j "II ~ I I Q0., I I

If the pland<; mcntioned above arc located in the Navamsha of

their sign of exaltation, orofa friend, the diety is worshiped for the
henefit of sci!: If it is otherwise, it is done 10 harm o thers. (39)
41lilf~2\!! ~ lJit!(/Il~,,81 'f I
~ 4l104E11 <11"'"'\ ~ Ilin1l ~ 11'1$0 II

Uthe planet involved is aspected hy benefic planaJ.s or is located

in 'Mridu" Navamsha the diety is gentle. otherwise cruel. (40)

iihll!j~U641"11 d~q11::ii<1 ~ I
ffll1i!i1q(4" m ftf.t d\44-~l1ff.;;f/l1 1 1 '6~ II

I f two or more than two planets .are imol\;"l:d, one worships 2 or

more dieties. Th.:: didy will be favourable 10 the native if the lord of
Ihe Sth is a friend of the lord of th.:: lagna. (41)

I f it is e ne my. the d iety will act in o ppo s it ion : if ne ut ral. the resu It
will (ilso be neUi ra l. (42)

<.'.1' "11~ IW:; ~I(I~ q;iff ~ ~

~ ~1(l4it1 (! I"l l::<:j lq fi{qiSC4IS~ 11 '11& I I

I have stated th e resu lis o f the 12th hOllses after havi ng gilt hered
the CS'icncc from other works. Thus e nds the 8th ch apter. (43)


q~F1nit6e4t:tl' : fq l;:iJiI~aFlil ~
d cQIfi4~: Q;o.'tIfi:I(?I ~ ~I'fqif.:qdl ~ "f~,"~lrr"~ I t n I
F f4f11o) 'fJ4<to) ~ t4jc4ft?Qd \i:n'lQFdQ"~: I
aC'4feqM'l'i'jRl'3l",ql~: 'i(if~q"'!~~ifQtF1>W'r: II~ II

If in any birth chart then! are p lanets occupying their s ign of

exaltation. the native becomes a king of kings. ruler over many
territories. If there arc on ly five planets in exahation and there is
Jupiter in strengt h in the Ascendant, the native becomes a king. (I)
If'he AsccndaO( is Aquarius and Venus is in exaltation & th ere are
in all four pl anets in exaltatio n. but are not occupying any
debilita tio n Navamsha or crucl 1/60th part of the sign even then
the nalive becomes a king. (2)

~ ~ ffiI' rffl ~IIJ; 'tosfit'li6CQ'It\,q: t4H! I

CflfB:i1 rz% ~ e4'31~ ~ ~: E4~71~1qfdW4J\ld: lie: II
'l(!'jl)ilurf~d(lrui9la,flhll$"cd llft "BtI~: I
$f\:41 qt ~ e<1$l'?l ~~;:ff:qM!i~4Qiit!'4"1ld: II~ II
~?I$""!: II1<El"fQQd fil'il41'lIcQ
"'''fliRt 1Q'I':ff1"91ca.n I mll'
I1'tq~'dtI~&llftid iNa~ qEj$lRd{lQd }/1~...,aF'l$ 11';( II

If Moon occupies its sign of exaltation in the Ascendant and

there arc in all 6 planets in exallation.lhc native becomC's a king. If
all planets arc occupyi ng their sign of exaltation anywhere in th e
horoscope. then a lso the nalive becomes a king. In case all the
planets arc located in their own signs the natiy!,": thou gh not a ki ng
is equal in status to a king. (3)
If] planets occupy their Mool Trikona signs or if3 planets a rc in
friendly signs in retrogression and the rest are loca ted in ex allation
without occu pying Iheir debililation Navamsha Ihe "'Hive hi! "
status equal to that "'f a king. (4)
Even a single planet located in exa ltation aSI>ccted L,y its friend .
makes the native a king having much wealth-and suece" sful due
to cooperation of hi s friends. On the olha hand. if ma ny planets
arc occupying inimical or dehilitation signs the nalive becomes

Ikvoid of wcalth . and c( ml forl": I()olish. dilo\' ,,!>..:tI. with no freed o m
an d wit h a I. . mpl." ram..:nl thll l thr~a t .... ns Ihe life ofot h..: rs. (5 )
Frllil1 " pl."l"U'ill (If s hlo ka 4 abow it would b..: seellth;]t <I planct
occupyi ng a fri\!lhlly !'Iig n a nd in retrogr..:ssion is allllo~t equal to
a n exal te d pla ne t if not h.... ll . . r. Retrogr .... ss ion is thu s always a ., ig n
o f ..trenglh.

:(pl ",.i'ial:t ~;:q >.O~W.lA 'if tI<:U 6 1

"'1i4r=ll'{ lI" i;;;l:,\ 'f11(~lfjLltl @ i 'if II~ 1t

IAdit '1'1","''1,15.(-,*1: f11;::;:.qf l1 qea d ~: ~~ : !fif.aso:<:MT ~

~: iq;;;,.q,.S~f<:Q~ 1
i~ ViI 1:tdS"l" "Iff Jl 6qd """"W",.","'j ~r;q i!l <fif,,<Al"'il"1 4iQI<f;t;qfi1 Q~~f~
~\14:: r '1 a I I\9t 1
~ '8'1 ( 1N.R~ ~r;q fil41' 1 $ r:i)iRlf(:~:pl''1 l!'ltl r", '!'j filIfu QI(,!U04i I
~ Q"1W(jlf-:ll1q t ~R ;:fIQi$l f?4' ld(j 'j14(j I ~ :q .."Idl : 11c; t t

It is \C I)'n il:e 10 be horn in an Asce ndant Ih al ha s th e sam e

:"IJa \ al1l~ h " s ign as th .... s ig:l in the lagp a (vurgottam). Hirt h chm1
h.n ing a nat utal bene fi c plane t in the 2 nd house from th e S un
(\....:s h i is 2nJ) is also very ni ce for the n ativc. To hu ve pl a n ets in
ken dras is a lso a sig n of high luck. To have - Kara k.l' pla nets in the
horoscope is ~ls o vc ry nice. When two ur more planets arc located
in the ir exalta tion signs in the cardinal houses a nd are in kc ndras,
,IIso from each e ther, they a rc sH id to constitute karaka yoga.
it is ea sy to unde rsta nd that a p lanet in it s OWIl sign &
Navu ms ha locat..:d in lagn:! would make th e lagna extra strong
therehy !cadi n g If' sta Ws, h o nou r, wealth an d lo n gevity, A p lanet
in th .... ~eco n d ho use {O anoth er planct in nuem;es the la u er.
0 11\ iou;ly.l he n:fo re. a n a lUra l benefi c in the s\.'co n d home 10 Su n
wi ll h\lusl Ih . . Sun and thereby increase status Jcnoled by the Su n
iI.' a p la net & as o ne or lhe lugt\as. A stud y of astrolob'Y gives us the
il1lpre,;s ion that rlancl.~ in k e ndra ~ len d weigh 1 to the Ascend ant
a ntl Ihe rehy m is\.' I he status of Ihe n ative. As rega rd s the" Karaka"
YOt!<I. 1he ill !1 u .... m:e of cxa lIeu planets m ulually hoos ts still further
tlw ir ",rength ami therehy leads (0 afflue nce & powe r.

w't .,.. ~ <Inoir ~.,,; ~'!" ..<I

iE1! ciH4i$ff\4 d ~ itlq;Q"4\ ... ~ .::.'1( : I t~ j 1

The lHl tive beCOllH?S eq ual to a king. if Moon occupies the lagna;
Jupiter. the 4th house; Venus. thc 10th & if Saturn is in its sign of
exaltation or its own sign. (9)
~I ~ <'ill <:;~ ItI'iQl M' '1 felf1ft il i"!I'4 I
Q!'i1Mi!RI ~f1)1041 ,4'ffi'41 ~~""1(: II ~() II
The native bccomes equal to a king, if benefic planct~ are
located in 10th. 11th. 12th. lsI. 2nd & 3rd houses of the
horoscope. (10)
",;:;;;81$1011 11: 411'41 qrqr: ~$i'iiI14~<:;(I: I
\ill '1 i filir "I Q1t1 R! 1q'ffi'4) 1i ~ """I (: I I ~ ~ I I

The man becomes eqU<ll to a king if in his horoscope. benefic

planets are located iII kendras and trinal houses <llld the malel1cs
occupy the 3rd. 6th and the 11 th and the lord of the lagna is
strong. (ll)

Z~lj8 ~. qrfq ;;r;;:i3t'1" "1EWR!: I

f.!IH'l1 ~lIfA4 ~ '4!(ljR! ,4IW<:;1 II ~~ II

If Jupiter is associated with or aspeeted by Mercury, even the

kings obey the native. (12)
41""ff.QJl 'JI4'lf.'l "lIT ~: 'E41'd'ilrQl"'Ill>.il'4 <1~eq'1i""l: I
fA" ~w 11'tlR "';:;;;<1<'\1 (1\lj1""~;:lfll<'il""\M8\ I I ~ ~ t I
When a planet is located in the sign of its debilitation burthe
lord of the said sign of debilitation orofthe sign of its exaltation is
located in kendra from the lagna, the native rUles over all
kings. (13)
By the ke.ndra position of the lord of the said debilitation sign.
the planet in debilitation will get strengthened. for the planet in

kelldra will act as a dispositor. The rationale for cancd!<ll ion (If
debilitation through the strength of the lord of the exaltation ~igll
i~ nOI clear. May be the l;xaltiltion sign too acts as the planet by
being aspeo.:ted hy the Neecha planet.
If the planet thai is lord of the said sign of debilitation is in ken-
dra from both the lagna and the Moon sign. it is ohv ious. il will he
all the more strong & as such would give still better results.
(2) The results stated forthe ahove sh loka are so high lhat w": <If":
oft:leopinion that the house to be bencti ned hy the locat ion o f the
debilitated planet should he one of the houses connected with ru l
ing powers. Henee the term .. ,:t"'Jif<i "should 'in our opinio n he
interprded as in \he lagna. In that even t the strength orthe lo rd of
the lagna would make the lagna very strong & would kaL! to the
acquisition of ruling powers,

~ ~rrit ~<"'1' 4 <;<:Iml Fxilol l'.fR ;;f1"W:2 I

~T ~ iilftilcr11!;f, <lIld! ;ffi l');'1f"l'tq <lii'i1'l' : I I ~'6 1 1

The luek of the native will he equa l to that of a king. if Moon is in

a kendra other than the lagna. or is in a trinal house & io,; iispeeted
hy Jupiter & is strong and aspcetcd by Venus. (14J
From a stud.v of the variou~ shlokas of III is chapter. il would be
clear that the strength and excellence of. the lagna or its lord is a
great factor in the acquisition of ruling powers. Since Moon acts a s
lagna in astrology, the acquisition of n,lling powers as a resul! of
the strength of Moon 100 is quite appropriate, The horoscope of
our prime minister. Shrimati IJldinl Gandh i is an example \0 Ihe
point. In her horoscope given below. the lord of lagna i.e. Moon


aspects the lagna & is in turn aspeeted by a strong retrograde

benefic Jupiter. Similarly the lord of chandra lagna i.e. Saturn.

aspl!t.:ts ItS own sign Capril.'Urn. whil!h is aho a"'Ill"t.:I<..' U hy tht.:
slnmg Jupilt!r.

4'14!{::iI<:1i "141f"1 t d;;;ol: fCiI e4!m (IJI~1t1l114jllll: I

3 e4~ i)<:fQ ~ JfSJ ~ fu <r 141'1l'1 I I ~ '( I I

P1 an~t s whic h occupy the sign o f the ir dt! h ilitation but tht!
N<!vam5ha o f their sign o f t!xaltatio n giw fortune as Ih at of <l king.
On Ih ..." contra ry, pla ne ts which occu py the sign of their exultation
b ut a rt! IOC:llcd in thl! NlIva m sh a of their sign of debilil<llion. do
nO! give h ig h 'rcsults. (15)

~ '1d IO:\l1 'lI'R '{4Qo;<fl I e4~: ~ ;q: f41(} I

~~ tfW'4'14tilj!!ffi' ilI'/)jff':1m ~ :it~"'WA Ql'll"! I I ~!;; I I

1r 5 ( mng pi a nc!.~ in thei r sign of exaltation a re located in Ih..: I s(6

h {)usc ~ of th e horoswpe they bomt lur.:k in th e fir st halfpcriod of
li fc. S im ilar pland s if IO(.";Jll!d in t he ho uses 7 (0 12 give lucky
re~ u 11s in the 2n d h a lf of li k If such p1;m.::ts .I n: locil ted in bolh
lJalves. on e ge ts lur.:k hat h in Ih.:: first and th..: 2nd ha lf period o flifc.
( J6)

tEn ~"'I;Rj \! ~ : \lOijU j do &?!4 ~ '"I<:f.:d ~ : I

oq41~i$ RI'4fli<f; 'Of 6 0S ~1J al: ~i1l"WH ~: I I ~\3 1 1

MOd tam "6~R 41l4lfd~ !:I t:ire!i \! '1dhHjug I

ti0 d ~ lIffq.... M~tt QTqJ 4i4lwi ll ~ eqlfo=::tl1l'1 t l ~c: t l

1=6 14~*1?1 m-Jll4d'i1 (lilIl \'Q::::\I~ 1'i'= 16(R1 I

~ 14~'ilkil"H6'4: 605 1 f>-l~: ~illil'flld41: 1 1 ~q, i I

T he ,tota l longcv ity ye<lrs of the natiw ~h ould he di vided into3

":4ua1 parts. The 4 houses from 12th to 3rd stand for th.:: 1st part of
lifc. the nex t4 huuscs i.e. 4th to 7th sta nd for th e 2nd po rtion orl ifc
& the houses IHh 10 Il lh stand fo r the last portio n of l i fe.

If the four ho uses 12th to 3rd arc occupied hy natura l hCl1cfics.

Ih ~'Y give good res ult s in the earl y lit"..:. In th..: case of bt:ncfics
occu pying Iht! 2nd & 3rd part good resIuts now in Ih ost! pa ris.

In the age division in which there are man y malefics.l oeatcd in

(h e i r N ava ms ha o f dehilitation or are with ecli psed plant! ts. m ueh
SOITOW is experie nced in Ih ilt pon io n of the age. pa rtic ul a rly therc
is d isfa vour fro m thl! gove rnme nt. (1 7 & 19)

~ rtr ~ ~ JiiqHi ~'1 tfrftffi i
~1'0l~ tUfq ~$..e i q%tr<i'l q?p'"'!( : rr ~Q I I

If JU I)i ll!r occupies Jag na & M ereu ry is in kl!ml ra aspl!clcd hy the

lord o f the 1st and the 9th houses. the m an is eq ual in statu s to Iha t
of Ll king. (20)

ft~iI ;il1alia ~'fj);) ~ EliiPGa i

<i1'"1i~ q '1 ~1~ 1Q'i<t41 q il""1(: i l ~~ 11

If Jupiter is located in th e 7t h house o r in a tri nal house and is

a spcclcd hy the lord o f Ihe lagna. Ih e n a Tive i .~ equal in Sliti us 10
III at o f a king. (21)

~ ~ f-A~, ~ fei)ci\'!ti1J)riiO i?t i

(!'i'Q 'NQ"l ~1<>2 iQJ4HttQP4a : 11 i!i! II

Jr Satu rn is in a kendra o r a trinal ho use. in h is s ign of exa ltation

in h is posi tivI! sign ( II ) & is a spected by the lord of the IOlh house.
Ihe n a tive gets fav our from the king (i.e. th e governm ent). (21 )

qjil:i1 ~ ~ C4~?iI~i~lja i
Qi <l" dM41 ~ (j\lI(lJi lOIil""'f( : 1I i!~ II

Ifl hl! 10lh ho use lo rd is in the 8 th. bu t in its Nava ms ha o fex a lw

tlon o r that o f ils frkn d o r in the Pa rant a m sha. t he man is kin g Of
kings. (23)


T he 8th po sit io n of the lo rd of lhe 10 th is bad. hut dUl': 10 the
e xcel le nt stn.:ngth derived hy Ih l! lOlh lo rd fro m e xalted Nava msh a
eiC. Ihe p lanel on Ih e whol\! worb to th ~' gre at advantage of the
native. (23)

oil'< ~. f!lcl' '''' , .. '" '"" ~ I

d<l i~tlhli~i% O'lo Jj lOl<t"'"1( : 11 i!'d i I

If J up ilc roccupies its s ign o f d e bililatio n in the lagna. & th l! lo rd

of t he 9th house is ill th e 8th. hU I il is in N ava msh a of exalral ion etc
(see previoll s sh loka) th e man hecomcs king o f kings. (24)

TI "'!it ri """ ,m '" m~ I
~ '&fit fd:(ijl;):il ( 1'31(1'31) 14 ~ "'1( : I I~'( I I

If J Ul1ill' r is in the 121h house, Sal urn or Sun in l i lh. the lord 0 1
the 3 rd house is JUri1cr. Ihe lord of the lagna is a lso in the 12th
ho use, tht.' nati ve is ki ng of kings. (25)

q:qq 1I,nlqffi ~ ~ 1t!\ZIdI I

A?iR t!I'''l <1{lVl q ( i'i'14+:4 ~ 11~S.ll

It Moon is with Jupiter in the 5th ho use o r [agna: and there is a

fix..-d sign in tho.! lagna with its lord posited in the ru ling hOll:'C.
Ihe n al so the native will he a king (16)

'{44?ofI m : ~ ~ RI<>&fd JI ..... f.:I I

q l ,q l ~Q 11M ~ (I.F~ ~ 11:(:\9 11

If a naliw has a ll the planets in houses I to 6, a nd the lord of the

"9th house is in the 2nd with Moon. th e native becomes a king.

:q"tiflfOOil{1~ljliI11i!1 <t;;;:\Q$lOjfi I
1l1l;;:J;;;:' ld ~ ( 1\Il( l il q6;"l(: II ~C:; ! I

If the lo rd o f (he Nava ms ha occupied by the lo rd of the sign

occup ied by M oon is loca ted in ke nd ra. II th house or a Irina l
house o r it is in kc nd ra to Me reu!')'. the ma n oecomes king of kings.
( 28)
f.:!Willt( : ~14""1 ftf# qr ~\li iHq "!U I
q,rir (Ifl'iffi (ll1( i'lfl14~""I( : i I=( Q, I I
If Moon along with Mars is loca ted in the 2nd o rthe 3rt! hou se &
Rahu is in the 5th. the native is king of ki ngs. (29)

\OI 1'4Iftlqflql!!ffi"'lq I WII~q~ ~ I

!{"Aftll"l' ld ~ 14~t6t qq.:;n : IIe:O I I

If the lo rd o f the N ava msha occup ied by the lord o f the 9th
h o use is loca ted in the 4th or 5th house the native becomes a h igh
;: \ass king. (30)
~ fliti~14I~~ 116lfRitiiSfd ~dh14le: I
w"liR'{~q~$S~ (1 d\(IJi q~...,( : 11 e:~ I I
If the lord of the 10th house is with a malefic planet & there are
all the planets in each of the 6 houses from 151 io 6th, Ihe native
becom.:s king o f kings. (31)

WOJ .1ft d~VlftJ 'I\'14llfIIpoqa I

"'I1'4~ :qI~I<M ~"ffiS=<l~*iI' i : II~~ II
(I\ijql'IIR~\ljld (I"tU ql"qI$:::q<1I ;r ft' I
'df114iri~1JU I i I I~~I I
~ qo::c:'4rii ~ ,q'lW 11~"'(: I~'" II

If lagna has a movable sign in it. the lo rd of the lagn a too b in a

movable sign & Navam sha. The lord of the 9th is also in movable
s ign, the native rules in another la nd. This provision is subject \0
the condition thai there already exists a yoga for being a king. If
Moon occupies the amsha called "ullam", Jupiter is not in the
Nava ms ha of its s ign of deb ilitatio n & the Sun is in benefic
Shashti amsha, the native is cq ual in status to a king. (3234)
"'1lir !'IT tI ri
~ "GIn .f1'tj~':!dI: I
ijqt'j&::q~I~'l\h1 : t:4I t4hl1 ~ \OJ(jq~: 1 1 ~'-l.11

Even there be 2, 3 of4 planets in the s ign o flheirdebilil ation, but

are located in a benefic Sha shti amsha or are in the Navamsha of
their exaltation signs, the man becomes a king. (35)
41:qfeqdl*il1lqt<;I R: <f;>c!1<ti)Jjij: \
.. ~, , ~ II ",,"'" '!'it >ffi! I ," I I

Ir lo rd of Ihe Navams ha of the de bilitation sign of a planet in

debilitation, is in kendra or a trinal ho use a nd the lagna has a
movablc sign in it & the lord of the lagna is in the Navamsha ofa
movable sign. the nali ve becomes a king. (36)
l4f.t tm 11it 1# "'II' 411 Y.l1 i{\ fa! I I
li1'~il ::fI tH~e01 ~ 1qtllil ~ 11~1311
If Rahu is in the 10lh hou sc & Saturn in the II th is aspeeted by
the lord of the 9th hou se, then lord oflagna may be loea't ed with a
p lan ! 1in its deb ilitation s ign. the native is equal in status to that of
a king. (37)
:amm lilqJt l'UiQ" ii4I cq,!~!1<iOII!: I
O\ll<llillt<;I P1~::I~t4i <ili't"Nitl : 11~t;1 \
Plan ets in a king Rajyogas give best results if these arc in good
houses s uch as kendra s & in good signs such as the sign ofthcir
exa ltation or thei r pos itive s ign & in the SCI me type of N(lva ms has.
~ ~~<:a ~ '" mm ' ' (11)511111 qlqf.1of'~d ~ I
;fI""I~I::fl ;fj:q'ElJOlf.:qa ~ ~ ~~Q~t;fQ i11~*i! : ~Iq I I ~ II

If Jupiter is with Rahu or Ketu & is aspected by a malefic p,lanet

it creates "Chandal" yoga Lt', a yoga denoting bad character of the
native. Similarly, if Jupiter is located with a planet in its sign of
debilitation and is locat~d in the Navamsha of its sign of debilita-
tion, the same result follows even if the man is a Brahmin. (I)

'tlNllfeJOt...a: ('IfM';;:~ ~ l!ff Qt~i'i:w>2 I

~ ~!a~'eIW"lAp, mt :q M\q!j'il'4 ~: I I ~ II

Even when Jupiter is located with Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, but is

aspected by Venus and Moon, the native even ifhe be a Shudra. is
treated as a Brahmin, crfeden! in good knowledge. (2)
iN ~~ (~,!'$t;2: fi:t~IQIi\'i l{f+:1@1 ~ t
f.l: 9)l~Q1I"'E"l P9'J11<:tlH4 ~ R4f1lii'l\ll$f?:e:zlI 1Ilq I I~ II
If Moon occupies Aries & is aspected by Saturn, the native has
to beg for his food. If such a Moon is aspected by Mars the man is
poor. If Saturn inf1u~nces by association or aspect the lagna & the
Moon, the native is very greedy. (3)
~PHH5Iuiiqq11<ti~'1 tI'1I~1'1~q<:!'"A ~4f.:qdl;;1 I
<:!\Q,I\i1?'tiqJ! '4(1J1 ~ R ~~ '!U P-I(!1I~ I I'd II
~Ut!IOIlIiqqfi<titl~ ;:;1I8'1! ~!IIII/I'1~!!lltT\\i1: 11'( II

The bad yogas referred to in shloka -' take place only if there is
no influence of benefic planets by association or aspect. If the lord
of the lagna be Mars located in a kendra and Saturn is in the lagna
without the aspect of a benefic, the native becomes a servant living
on charity. (5)
QIQIiE4'ld o;R +iiOj,?j Ii""lfl1d I
I/q!!94~!!'1<!"'1l*ftll'FJid ''1t: 11& II
If Moon is located in the 7th house with Saturn & is in between
malefics i.e. one malefic is in 6th and the other in 8th house the
native suffers from diseases like asthama, consumption, spleen
trouble, col ic, etc. (6) ,
~ ('tIi~ ;mit ('t:a:o ~<ti(!'ll4'1 ~R1i11 $1!1i;! I
qn:.q<al?l'1i!1!1/11ffi I/IQII$q~ dvTilSlUI (041C3: I 1\,91 I
If Saturn is located in Vcshi Le. 2nd to the Sun. Moon is in 10th,

Mars in 7th one gets his body impaired and if the Sun is in the
N<.Ivumsha of Cancer & Moon in the Navam sha afLeo. the native
},! els his hody emaciated. (7)
Sa turn in 2nd 10 Sun wi\! afflict the Sun i.e. the body & bring
ahout trouble 10 hody. Moon in 10th would have zero dirt!ction aJ
sln:nglh & wou ld surf~'r a body again. Mars in the 7th aspects the
la g"a standing for hody & therefore. injure it. Sun & Moo n in
mutua l Nava ms ha wou ld mea n thaI Moon as a lagna would suffe r
ilt the hands of th e Sun. All of these yogas are harmful to

~ (RI(l f~ 'iP:lWit ~ ~ ~itt4of E4lij I

p>llftf!l'l"1IN' ml llft-C:I ~1(O!lii : flqui lit:: II

~ I{ f.:d

:mt '14 ~ "'l tt<t ;;w Ittil qI0;: IIHil fllJ!! E4 I
~ ~ ~+@I "'(i1~ ~ (1"l" ::rO It ;:mr: t lq, II
Th e Sun & Moon in Leo or Ca ncer reduce the body muc h. If
SUllo Moon. Mars and S.t(urn occupy respectively the 8th, 6th, 2nd
& 12th home. the native loses eyes through the hum our of the
strongest of the afflicting planet. If J upiter is in lagna. Mars in 7th.
the n,l\ ive gets menial derangement (9)
I n the st ipu latcd pos itio n Sun. & Moon a s plancts denoting the
rig ht and left eyes & the sccond and twelfth house representing the
SillllC would suffer very much bringing a bo ut the eye trouble.

3""",1'i'1'I~ RI\i1'~ ~ <ti'f11 ~ ~<il"" I

~ ~ fteq;l ld ~ir ~ i)~l w.: ~ ~ II ~() II
I( Saturn is in lag na & Mars in the 7th o r in a trine the yoga gives
me nia l dera ngement. a lso when Saturn is in the lagna and Sun in
the 12 th. Moon or Mars in a trine. SU<.: h a ma n may be defective in
spc\'!ch & naughty in n<lture. (10)
3"14112 : OE11l1:Si'4 ~ (-jIl3""ll1~1 ft ~5i!Hi11\a!!ffi: I
~ i)m ~"''''li'''l:q~1 ~ 'Jft <il-C:'E1"p.qd m I I ~ ~ II
(f Su n ilnd Moon are in lagna ora Iri nal house. or if Sa tu rn a nd
Ju pi lt:r arc in kc nd ra.t hc na live suffers fro m me nia l dera nge me nt
if the hirth has take n place on a Satu rday or Tuesday. (1 1)

3"141e:1fij: : "'E1" 14~'ie: i4Y ~I;:::ql(tll(l "4ft JI"I4"611ii (

~["flq<1l tRl~Qli/M1 ~ ~m 'lil'lfl!!d: ' ' ' ' ' 1: Ii ~~ II

lfMoon ilnd Mercury arc located in kendras anJare not located
in any benefic Navamsha. the native gets mental derangement.
Moon suffers as representative of emotions & Mercury as that of
intellect. Shock to emotions & intellect results in mental
""flll>'l,OT'til "1",,=Pll/ll~(i~ ~ 1'l~t:""",cHiq~F.I' I
1'l1'i1l!"-1( Tl:r;q:"ld m ~Wl8 \l11:'laV~ qrq: i I ~Q II

~~fB:l"'+l ~ ~'4lq~"""''''QI'li'II41 ! I ~'61 1

If the lord of the 9th occupies the 12th house. and the lord orlhe
12th is in the 2nd house and there arc milny malefic planets in the
3nl house. the yoga thus created is Kcmadrum i.e. one of poverty.
The native takes bad food. is engaged in bad deeds and is
adultrous. (13 & 14)
~ \?lw 11fttqdt ~ 4%iG::"1P.14R q14J2: I I ~v..11
If lb.: lord of the lagna occu pies its sign of deb iii tation & also the
debilitation Navamsha and iftherc arc ma lefic planets in the 6th
and the 8th houses& MDndi is in iDgna. the native loses his family
& is shortlived if there is no b,,::netlc a spect on the lord of the
bgna. (15)

~ fclQI'" llQ'Hillli'ti: E"l1t:CiGi!!\li: ~~fr.:e:tM: I

~~\Ol~;ff"q'84<::'1 ~: ~#i""",~f4~ q:q :jjRf: I I ~ 5. I I
Ifall the planets arc located in the Navamshas of their debilita-
tion signs or in inimical Navamshas hut in houses other"than the
101h. the native turrJ~ out to be a begger. li6)

,?I(s<!( Rr;q:;.~ ~ "I1"R '~(1~8 m4yj1l!Il!li<t I

JjI8IM~FR'I: q(~l!I"-1I41 fi:l~I~I4'I !- rea?.s4lQ (~rQ" II ~\9 1 I
If the lord of the ,lagna is located in thc 12th house. the 10th
hOllse is occupied by malefics, Mars is ",'ith 1\100n, the native get-
ting underserved bad namc. lives a'Nay from his home, lives on
charity & suffers physically. (17)

F:l"'3ltCOA 111'fiil m \lIi81 c44B"l1($fl ;:r(": E"ll(j I

414!HlI : q$&Fl4(~;;fIit ~1f.::qa<t"1~ "I!1T II ~ >:;; ! I
If Saturn and Mars afC located togc!hcr in the 6th or8th house,
the native suffer~ from epilepsy. The same is the result if malefic
planets are located in the 6th. 8th and 12th houses and Jupiter is in
kcndra i.e. paridhianvil. (See shloka 44 chap ier 1) (18)

<1~(l:I: tAQt51'llfl"t ri r.tllqs<l "'lift \$"tSld~ I
1fri\' '11t1:A +ti'i4tl'ltlofY \lI1~UN!::+fI($1 : Wit{!: II ~" I I
tr all malefic planets are located in the 8th house, Moon and
Venus are together in kendra. the yoga so formed goes under the
name of "Gad" (disease). The native in this yoga sutTers from
epil:psy. (19)
+tJiPGdl: ~kNi:nI!fii@f!I: \$"t\f1l;jdl' ""ft14Jj ~ij'j.", I
iI&lt!'I4I'1: ~ i'iil't10:0I;f1 ~ f.!llij:qI(\i1fl4tt.,: I I'i!o I I
If Mercury. Moon and Venus are in kendras and Rahu in the
first house. the yoga formed is called "Chanda!" yoga. The native
of !his yoga becomes devoid of cha racter and morality. (20)
;m': 4ft'it1l1E14f.::n1: fill",~4 ~ lfft ,f?etl'll: I
lA" ~d1 'I.1T ~ i1!4't1(lirlI 4141{'dtjl ~ 1f!Ft II'i!t II
If malefic plane.s are loca ted in the 10th or the 2nd ho use and
are neither associated with nor aspected by benefic planets and if
Jupiter is of low type i.e. in bad Navamsha. bad Shashti amsha,
bad sign etc the man becomes devoid of good character. (21)
i'i1'~lIi!!i~ "M'ld M It! ",=4I'lt~~ ~ 't/m&i: I
flI'16i!q"A1'4ctlt!t?li'i14(QI ;;gM ~ ~ 'I.1T II ~~ II
If the lord of the 9th house is locate:.! in the 12th house with a
malefic planet and if the lord of the lagoa is eclipsed by the Sun,
the native lose ~ his family. trlhe lords of the 1st and the 9th houses
are neither in association with nor aspeclcd by benefic planets the
man loses sons, wealth a nd wife. (22)
lijI14j~: afi"'lt'la: QllIli!ti1 m.~~q~oiifq f:1{l~d~~<:f I
~~ QT lff.t ~~~INIIi: 'tt!tI::4+tctlO ~'ltl(: I i";(~ 11
tr bOlh malefies and benefics occupy kendras. the Moon is
aspe<:ted by Ihe lord of the lagna & is located in Ihe Navamsha of
Saturn, the man loses his family & becomeS withom a wife.
'lI5IN!t\lPsc:p'\<::;I<!lit ~ tr.U ~ 'I.1T \lIa)Sm I
~ r-ft' WOj'ld Will", ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: 11 'i!'d II
If Saturn is in a kendra& Moo n in lagoa & Jupiter is in the 12th
house, the native. sepa rated from his home, devoid of sons and
wife. is without virtues. is foolish and lives on charity. (24)
"''''1'R'\ia~ <if'{ W"'J01IE! hiffqa: {I'kltlilatqi I
41'1R:48 (j~<ti( i<:::I41' '3I1iti<l ::KItt'QR\@4qof41 I t";('( II

[f,the lord of the lagoa is located in the 5th o r 2nd ho use from
Moon & only malefic planets are in the 8th house, the Moon is in
the 10th ho use the native lives by despicable means. (25)
i(jI'11ftlql""i~!f'I'l;q~: iJi'Rtt i3If.l'{fi:!\iose; : I
4)'tIlft'ltv) ~ iiq'i~ M~I<f; qlt:1(o1i~i9l?l II'?:'!;, I I
If the m alefi c plane ts occupy the 6th. 8th and 12th house from
the lord of the lagna, the m a n has 10. leave hi s place of birth. If
Jupiter is in the Navamsha of th e sign of ils debilitation. or in the
ini mical Navams ha, & Saturr. is io the Navams ha of Ju piter, the
result follows. (26)
'li18H'~ ~lJt ~d"'I{Sl1 : t!i&i"'~ J'lqfcl '11""ld\1: I
d c4fi?crit eclt:1(Ou4il ~ 4)'tIt!ti$d ;qk ( I :jj~: 11~\911
!l1<4i~ -11'E1i;'tjftl4l<4 f4iit<l IQ~d ~ ~ f.I~'ild\4: r I~~i i
If the SUIl is located in its s ign of eltaltation but is loca ted in the
Navamsh a sign of its debilitation, the native suffers from sorrow,
is devoi d of son & wife& devoid ofluck and liveson somehow with
diffeu lty even if a prince. (27)
This yoga will be all the m ore certain if Sun gets the deb ilit ation
in question by his location in the lagna under aspect of
malefics. (28)
'i@"Ir ~ miT ~: Cf<ti~","\f1: I
aI!! +a { IIJI ~ I I1'1 i Qitif 4I:q i;'tj "i IC;j'1i Il I I~ q, I i
If the Sun is located in the I (l lh degree of Libra, the native loses
the nice res ults of thousand s of good yagas in his horoscope.
Sun in the 10th degree ofUbra is in hi s extreme debilitation.
\fit: ~ 4I:q~ (j\1l41 1Ifc11Im: I
d\!C;Jiq ldttlAif)!~ tfi \1IldlXl 1Oj/1'1 : I !~ O 11
Ve nus loca ted in its s ign o f debili ta lion destroys Raj yoga. If at
the time of birth there is the fall of a meteor or there is a
" Aprkasha" pla net even then the Raj yoga is lost. (For Apraka shak
planet see s hloka 49 of c hapter I) (30)
;fr.t ~ "i0<"'I4IQtcfi l'U 1S1:j4W4d ~niT CIiffi I
f.lm~~ iOliW"1 omf ~: Qu:i'Ul':0f~ Plftl+'l II~ ~ I t
IfVenu:s is in its sign o r de bilita tion (6) o r it is si tuated in the
Navarnsha sign of Saturn. if Moon & Sun are located in the 7th
house und er a:spect of Saturn. the native a lways serves olhe rs.
(J I )
-. 1
aim W',m$1f.P Ci>(!\?1 ~ ~ i'~IC:~IIf.:qd : E'llRI I
W4 ri <t4'ld T!i!~ ~Thd qj' ~ 4Iq...n'di1 I I~ ~ I I
If Ihe Moon is Kshccn". is located w ilhin 72 degrees from the
Sun. Ve nus is in the 7th. und Salurn in lagna the native lives in tat-
tered clothes and irSalurn in Ihe lagn a. M oon in tenth aspel.;ted by
Vcml~ til..: man gets imprison.ed. (32)

.,., ".. 'IT of< 'IT ~ I

f<'M "'" !'lillo,
q-~a1i1'f1 ~ ~{I ;fr 4't" l fl:tliliiWldlf?l~ II~~ I I
If Moon is in Ihe 121h ho use. o r the Su n is there. Sa!Urn is in a
tr inal hou se. the Sun is ill 7th or81h hou ~c. lh..: native has defective
& ~l1lall eyes & is d isc<lsct\; !non: so ifSull & Moon arc located in
th e N;tva1l1shas bdon ging to their d eb il ita tion signs or inimicCl i
., iglh CU I
Wll'1'il QIQ'3 ' " f.1 ~, ql c J~'<!f(tQil it' l a"Sq{f t41<;1 I
~f\ ltJnq1 \,'n ifJt'iOi ~ .... ~ IOlI'Hit'b ~ ~ : 1 1~ '!i' II
I r tWt) pla ne ts occu PY the 5th & the 4th house & if M oon
!Il alcl!\.:
i ~ IlJl'atel! inlhcnlh. Kth or 12 1h house.lhe yoga hrings about blind-
nc,s IlI"ovid\.:d Mootl is lIut un uer the '.\.~pC C I of hene!ic planets. Ifit
1\ un der Sli<.:h an a .' pcel bli tld tl e., .~ does not tak\.: place. (34)

'11"4 ~~ ~:r "'fl'?! ~-atiI R.!q)QII"qRt I

1ili""4i"141"H"lQi;"1lOltl le'1i;::qdtWf<l ft:If.!IlV:qdlQ: I I~':( I I
Mooil in lOth. M..:r,,ury in 7 th. Saturn in 2nd gives impairment
Ilr" limh &: I'i!", with ()t1C ~ own peopl e'. Ii" the planets arc in the
~ a\ al\l, h,, ~ <}I' d dlilil;tliOIl ~ igll~ or or inimil"a l signs. Ihe res ult is
mon l"crlaill. (.l SI
R-./Ili>( . iii 'fI'4"::tI ttl' l ~ ' li:tl 'f,ifil'1'lffjl l!{ft. I
4?,1('1&' <'{;::itaWJ ~ :prir ~ f1t1Oj 11<.!6.! I
~ " .
II' .vl( }()J1 ()L'Ulp il"~ IIH.' lI1 iddk pOrliOil nfl ll..: sign S;!git ta riu s i.e.
il ~ 5t h Na\;tt1t~lw. ,111<.1 i ~ a.'p l"llcd by S,)IUnl & Mar ~ o r is
;I' : (I~'ialcd II jth Ihem. ()j" if \10()n dny where in the bi rth c hart is
IUL,(t.:d ill Ihe :\;(\ ,lI n,11<1 oi" Capri<': ofll. C;l lh:.:r or Tau rus & i.~
"'I''':'':I''d h~ Saw rn ,lnd M , l r~_ Ihl' lJa li\'\! su ffers from kprosy.
('\ { lJ

'1!" n(~U1 lf('1'1j~~ <P. tl::ji...~ ~ '!\!"I?l'~ ,

~ ~ ~.;t~ i q4l Q''l:I;::q d 8l I re:iFJ1i$6(1 '~ t l ~l.9t I

I I' Moon i~ with M a tl di and is i,)CatcO in Ca ncer. Aquariu s or

S<.: orp io N;tva ill sha 1IIl' n a li l": s ullen; fmm hd ly [mub ks ~l1e h as
colic. If Moon is in the 4th house in similar conditions and is with
a malefic the native has trouble in teeth and throat (37)
~ (oN1Q q;~l1lq!!:d; ~ ~ (O'o;Pld Mlfi:I I
d"'1I"14I'fl 'ffiI' '8,t}'4<:11 'if \111<:1""1 ~ if,(.dgf\P'l: 811(1 11;;j>;;1 t
If Moon is in the 12th house with Rahu alll! ;moth,' malefic
planet& a benefi(~ planet in thc8lh. the native sufkrs from lunacy
& is full of anger and fond of querrcls. (31\)

~ ~ ifl'fi2hi!(~ Qiqif.:qa <:1m 'li11tfti I

d""""6(j1~ ~rfll~"l+i:MI QiQif.::<1Jl .nRl~'ll1 ftf';j~gr.i41'1 i I~", II
$i'\ii!!Q\l"ii'fl "Ii<:1'i('!ii ~ ~ ffi '8i:<j"l(if~ I
~ A- <i1""1f.t iR ~ ;;\'lit ~1~liot m{ Off f;r.;~ 11'60 I I

If Moon occupies Taurus or Cancer and is located with malefie~;

and its enemies or if Moon and Man are with the Sun & rn,:lcfic
planets & are devoid of benefic aspecl the native has constant
trouble and pain in the area of his heart. If Moo:l & Mars are
located in the 7th house, the same result follows. If Saturn located
in a kendraaspectsJupiter. Moon & Sun located in lagna. the man
has no luck & he is the possessor of ~1()kt1 prorerly. 09-41)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ff:qd *i11(1'iif<:il1: I
Q(i""1ljll ;.\lsI<:1~t54i'fl E'41"1M ~ 'fl(f1i'\P..lI1'1 Off 11'6~ I I

If the lord of the 9th house is in 12th unaspected by hcndlCs &

malefic planets are in kendras, the native is devoid of spiritu<ll
knowledge and meditation, he lives on the ch<lrity orothers. & slll~
lers physic<llly. (42)
~ ~ <:1<ful1$"'l ~ -r <'fl~Mltt,4qrfRJ 1ifH I
~: wit <u ~ ~ ~"cf Q; (I'3M! ~f~!f11 11'6311

If Juriter is in kendra devoid of any associalioll or asrcct of

benefic planets, neither the father oftbe nati\c performed thL' pre
scribed samskaras relating 10 the birth of the native. nor will the
native perfonn the last rites of his fatheL (43)
eFt QWlf<fi fa1R1~'f1'2h (~~d1 ?IT ~ ~W"1i(1t<-! 1
('/ql!5l1i(t1{lRl~ CI'*I: ~ffl'1\1 $iUIR@<'fl( q, 11'6~ I 1

If Moon is located ill kendra along with Mars ur if Moon IS

within 72 degrees from the Sun & i.<; locatcd in the 4th house &.
there is a planet in the 8th house. t!it' ;.oga indicates ka!' of acci
denl through conveyance. (44)

~ ~ tn''1~~ ~ <imlwl11 'EIl61IOlI!lI(Ill'i: I
'(ir: ~'~Iiifi '1QIOlfl?:lij ?: '5i1.!1 'l~B:1'!"4 f.::l<;f/"'I 'qT""''''1 11'11',(11

QTitf~ ~'Mt tZlI'Hi"'Oj) ~ "lRlB:1'!"4 ftroJ;~ '11"'"11 1

~'5iI~,!ffi Rqfl~l~ ~ ~ l!U 11410lEZl ell"'"lq I I'd!;, II

If the Sun is in the 4th house, aspected by malefics, the yoga

indicates excessive heat in the body which goes away after some
time, If Moon is located 9th 10 th.: Sun the death of the father of the
native takes place due to water. (45)
If Moon & Sun are located in Pisces and are aspected by
malefics. the death orthe father takes place through water. If Mars
and Rahu arc with Saturn in the 4th house, there is fear of death
through water for the native himself, (46)
~ 1fIT ~qjlij fl4j1'1 2"l1!hSdl :qfit 41q~<>2 I
~if)ujdlilRl q;trJ't;:;:'Wf; 1lR ~ ~lOlil ~: 11'd\91 I
If Venus is located in its sign of debilitation in the 9th house
alongwith a malefic & under the aspect of a malefic it prov'e:s
injurious to teeth. If Venus is located with Rahu, the native loses
his ear & if Mars is in the 10th house, it denotes the destruction of
children. (47)
~ ~ qlflHllIifi "CIT ifl"<::fl?:lij 414i1 ~1ltf'""1: I
~ (441q ~$ft::<::~ ~ 1fIT lO"l'I\illfM"d1 I I'd>:::: I 1
If Jupiter or the Sun is located in kendra in its sign of debilita-
tion & in company ofa malefic, the yoga indicates the destruction
of children. If Venus is in kendra with malefics & under malefic
aspect orif Venus afflicted is in the 8th house, the native kills
animals like cows. (48)
~~II2f,+tl>4l t;~IIOlff:<lffi CIT 41qRlJl 414fllOlllll'ill!U I
4l"'l1~I,71 4I"4$~1I f<!It1~ '5ild=ti ~ ~ qfujtdl I 1'dQ, II
If Moon and Mercury occupy the 10th house & ar'"! associated
with or under the aspect of malefic planets. are occupying the
Navamsha of their debilitation sign & are devoid of benefic aspect,
the native is always after killing birds. (49)
~ <JU 4l"'lfllOlf.::qij "CIT '1t!1ld"l~ gqt;f.:d d'AA!: I
~ "5Q'"i; 'qf ~. Jlld'!"4 -qp:j 111o:1 ~'1R:a II~O II
If Jupiter is in 8th house with a planetin its debilitation sign, the
yoga indicates death by strangling. If Moon is in the 12th house or
;n the 7th house in c0mpany of Venus, the yoga indicates loss of
left eye. (50)
~ f.lCt,PI fh+lIN'lIQ ::Jjl<'lfl! itt ~~ 4J "I4 f%'j I
<:1fl:a:15Q~ 'I!U ~ 'IU m qtrt'l<ll (fgM'I+I::JjI~: II \(~ II

If M oon is in a trin e with Sun the native's house is infested with

poisonolls insects. Ir in Ihi s place there is Sa turn and Ketu then
there is falling of many liz ards. (51)
Ct,'ii4I~qlfa<:<la~ <:1'ijji~~q mr %~ ~ ~ I
w.r ~ EIlI1W1 ~ tQt ~ ~ F-k:IQd'4 ft:?I"lIW''4 tl\( ~ II
~ m .,{loII 1IjQ1j5Htl a'?r !:I~2Ph4 II\(Q II
If Rahu is there i.e. in the trin al house. being biuen by dogs is
feared. if Mars is there fear comes from tortoi se. If Mercury is there
Ihe fear of being binen by nics. if il is Venos Ihere is fea r of loss o f
sleep or there is trouble fro m women. if it is Saiurn .here is fea r of
fa ll from h eight All this should be declared after due considera-
tio n o f slrength and wea kness of planets. (52-53)
~'Ullf\;l'1I : tl'I'I~ ~ flIl;:4~ IvM; ~ +lqi'11j 1
(IlIt4 t!f1 t1'IQ'4 P ~ ~"4I"11t1'lq<4 '" i!lltillj I I\('d I I
,~ ~ ~41'1"1<4 "Ie:~ tl1I'111~llQ<4 q\i!I'1iiI1 I
q<l ~ lJIi8011i14l1f 'IU ~ ~ il"l1f,Qd>iIfll';fl 'IU 11'('( I t
+I'1fi;qon IiiIIRlf!lttf.:lctll l!I'I" 'Ikli \t~ft., ftlf.1Q1J\liI : I
tm ~ I I I . flIk'i,5Jjj ~ ~ Ql fli HI ~ II \( & I I

If Sun is in the 7th ho use one cohabit s wilh a Slirile woman. if

Sun is there in the sign of Moon. the cohabitation is wit :l a woman
of equal qualification. If it is Mars the sexu al act is with a woman
in menses o r with a stirile woman. If ,Mercury is there in the 7th
house it indicates prosti tution or wilh a wo ma n of low slatus or
o ne belonging to the trader class. If J upiter is in the 7th the act is
with a Brahmin woman. If it is Venus the act is with a pregnant
woman. (54-55)
If it is Saturn. Ketu etc the act is with a pregnant woman o r a
wo man of low caste. If it is Rahu in the 7th house the sexual act is
with a pregnant woman. If it i:; Moon the act is with a dark & ht:nt
up woman. (These results folio .... if the planets a re in thei r debi li ta-
tio n s ign s o r in inim ica,l sign.) (56)
WSIft:iqM$ltI411'1~ i!lliiiIlfd<l1 &:t1Q:q~ftl71qI QO I
~tjI Ftt fq&if"l'<t\: \!tnA~"'41 ~: Ej'1141E4 ~mjjroerr.. 11 ,(\9 I 1
Such lYpe o f sexual acts s hould al so be deda red by planets in
the 4th house. By Sun el<: in Ih e 41h house the Iype of ti..: house
used for the act should be determined. (5 7)
~ TIt \!["'i'l~ ~6i(+:"'"Iiol '! ~qil!:i4ci1;q~: i
6t1~i~~!.jI:ldlq'i'i+:"'"liol '! CU f.1f;jddl4lfi4: 11\(t:;! i

If it is Sun in the 4th the a<;t is in a jungle; i.f Moon. it is in tht:

house; if Mars. it is in an uninhabited house; if it is Mercury. it is a
pleasure resort if it is Jupiter. it is in a temple; if it is Venus. it is
ncar watery place; if it is Saturn. in a fort or in a place reclaimed as
watery pla>.:e. (58)

'"" "'""" <If< '141* "'": "'f'I ~ Rl I

~f;rot ~ ~ ftil('q~qi~q~$qr~ ;;mr: II\(" i I
If all the four kendras are occupied by malefic planets, the
.nativ~ has the sexual act with animals. If only three of the kendras
afC occupied by malefics. tile native performs the sexual act like an
<lnimal. (59)
~"''''''''il "1Y4d *~ <'l"l('d"!1 I:IGQiU~;;fldl I
$if6;:::qd~;:i)q~"Ii ~ ftil.:Qtlld(,'d"lc61"l(f1j 1h i 1.&0 1i

If Mars occupies the 71h house the woman has very small sized
breasts. If Saturn, Rahu or Ketu is in thl'! 7th she has long breasts. If
Sun is there the oreasts are hard. If anyone orthe rest are there in
the 7th house the woman. has very nice & soft limbs. (60)
~ w.mTr qf(JluiihS: dlBi"<llR!1~ ~ ;;~ I
~"(il" ~ f41'6i:?j)j(I~<td1 Gig,,! ~ f,:tllil"! ql'6lll{ II&~ II
If Moon in the ~th house is within 72 degrees from the SlI.n. the
house is old. If she is strong the house is new and pucca. HSaturn.
Rahu and Ke tll arc in the 6th. 8th or 12th the house remains in
heated condition. (61)

~11;q~ 1!:11",qd~ fmr q;f di!l4 1a"-~"IaI4"l 11i.~ II

If the lords of the 2nd and 1\ th houses are friends of the lord of
the lagna. the wealth of thc native is used for Gods or
Brahamins. (62)

~ Fqdl'4'J~ dhtl (1<:JI41 I IlRPlojll: I

"IiijI:jlIlR<.fl ~ 6lIip2i1"'l t11"ldl IIi.q II
Thus in the Chintamani has been narrated Rajyoga etc & the
loss of limbs ell' hy the iearn(:d Vyanketeshan. (63)

oif;f.!i'=l.1'1 Jl~IE:if\i <mt <:6N<:f.<3 f! I

eta"" ~ ~ ;:r QliflI g; &l4'tfqfi::l: i I ~ II
Some authors praise the Yagas in astrology; others the Dasa
Syste'm. They say Dasa System of ruling periods is important for
without it even the' learned arc unable to tell any thing about the
span of life. (1)
BlfqjPi"l11ql <i'mr: (4(fqi14i4J~hl1i1: I
e:~1l1C'i4"lQ<f t41f1~C4 lii4q ~ II ~ I I
arl('j'kld'RI~e:d g; ~oJi1RRI 'Ell'id'i I
d'd14i:.!: lIidIS""i1n:n; :tlftf.:;;, ~: II~ I I
There are 3 kinds of yagas of longevity: less than 32 years 15
called short one-from 32 10 70 it is medium & above 70 it is
declared as long. The longevity over 100 years is termed as "uttam"
or the highest. (2 & 3)
dlli:,e:QlI'iiiii ~1'1l1'jl!!~~;:r QltflId i
\lIq!?l"l~f<t(~wilil'iCi1(19I g; ctll(l.;q 1I'd I i
It is not possible to assess the longev;ty ofpeopJe till they are of
12 years of age. Upto 12 the life of the young ones should be looked
after hy Japa, oblations, & medical prescriptions, (4)
fq,,"<?i~~dl: cfif,'H<:fifil'll"I(ijU~(fq I
am Rti!4Nlc4 f;)R!ElI "llffl'1B'1q: II~ II
Some children die before 12 as a result of the fault of their
parents. Some die of cruel planets governing the early age, others
die of yo gas causing early death. Thus there are 3 types of deaths of
young children. (5)
<Jj04jd: U.. &I~q OIliili1i !!Rq~'1"l I
ifll!jil~q ~ ~ dfl'::l'IIII'r?'qd: 116.11
The sound health of children should be seen from the strong
planets in their birth charts. The rest should be declared on the
hasis of yogas. (6)

diiN1$fHQ qHI: iI?l't qgt ~ ii\llq'i I
~ Q1I ",1i'4( ijfZi cflEf'fl$<1coOij'i I 1'3 II
If Ihe lord of the lagna is enemy of Ihe Sun. one gets short life. If
it is neutral. the span of life is also medium. If il is friendly. Ihe
span is long. (7)
6Ri'Q1$1'I\IIIM4 ~QCI~ i{fai44& I
GiidfZi '1E4i1 ~ llii'li\.' ~ rfC11!l~q II C II
For people horn in yogas giving only short life (see shlokas 2 & 3
anli) death takes place in the dasa of the planet governing the
Vipat star (3rd from the tenth star). For those born with medium
life it takes place in the " Pratyari" dasa. (8)

~Eil~IGildl .. 1 l!lE4q ~ 1fa ~ I

Gilet4 '1E4Q 1itit SI~,*, ~fqi51 ~ II~ II
People having long span of life die in the dusa of the planet
governing the "Vadha" star (7th from that of birth). (9)
tt(ft:ttm ~ ifiefquutNltllft : I
elq,("'lIdi1 "INI ""~~'" AiiI/fId 11 ~O 11
The range of longevity s hould be determined by the use of the
rule relating to the 3 types of s igns i.e. movable. fixed and common.
The shloka refers to the sutras of Jaimini. According to Jemini
the signs occupied by the lords of the lagna & thatofthe 81h house
s hould be seen. Ifboth the planel'\ are located in a movable sign (I.
4~ 7. or 10) the native will have "long" lire. Also when one of them is
in a fixed sign and the other in a common one.
{(both the planets arc located in a fixed s ign (2. S. 8. or II) the
native gets "s hort" life: also whl,;n one of them is located in a mov-
able sign & the other in a common one.
If both of them occupy a commo n sign (3. 6. 9. or 12) the native
gets "medium" life span. So al so if o nc I)f the planets occupies a
movab le _sign and the other a fixed o ne.

dl~I'i.(ii<l"'lb4 ~ '1.uljs:~fi'lq '@{d'i I

&fi4'11<;<t<I'fUt ~ 1f 11~11t:q ~ II ~ t II

Tl1e short life is divided info three parts i.e. short. medium &
highest SirrlilarlY we have short medium & highest in the
medium range. (II)

~Ed!!ql<i"f'l':;tI ~ 'l"~~f4l 11itQ I
~ '1eaRlEl : JiI'ffiQ'i:jI~1 ~ ~P1olll: II ~ ~ I I
In the long range also we have shorL medium & high. Thus there
are in all 9 types of ranges. (12)
4<>'i:jRlI(ICQII'1f1t <lli2"ltJ'til~QII I
QI~Q"'''1'i1: E4I1HII(Ii?i1l'f (OIQj41 I I ~~ II
The 5th dasa (i.e. ruling period), if it be of Mars, brings about
death. The 6th dasa, if it be of Jupiter, bri ngs about death. The 4th,
if of Saturn; ancl the 7th, if of Rahu, similarly bring about
death. (13)
Rl4o:ql<MQII Cfit<!1 Iktl{lQIIliQil ;;M'l I
"IEj.qIMQII I:flt<!1 4Tt(I' E41<lijilPirm II ~'d II

One suffers physically in the three dasas called Vipat, Pratyari

and Vadha. Particularly, when the governing planet involved is
aspected by malefics. (14)
41"'I(jRl~l!.l:E4 fi!lq&i"iIft~'EI'1l: I
VIl ~~ 41a4'ffi1 ~: I I ~ '.( I I
A planet situated in its sign of debilitation or in an inimical sign
orwhen it is eclipsed by the Sun & having Vipat Pratyari or Vadha
gives death in its period, particularly, when it is associated with
malefics. (15)
(1~lflfi;:!!rit (1jlal~ iil'I<i1I +li1ii cHI: I
414o;;t<!1 ~ ~ f.r.fiiQI4'ifa: f?ii1i II ~a I I

Those who are born at a time when there is in the Ascendant the
end of a rising sign and the start of another. are likely to lose life
early, particularly, when the conjunction points in the Ascendant
arc associated with or aspected by malefic plaents. (16)
.,gld1'lP'ltll 11\<f: fq'iJ4I'i~(!1I'dC1: I
'I:lft J)~<:(2I.yqI01 'FlI"Il~(OII'lf.:qC1: II ~1911

If a person born in Gandantas lives some how as a result of the

merits of his parents, he is protector of his community & is
possessor of elephants & horses and is rich. (17)
1cl14'~ QI1f"\lIII:fl() 'qf Iti.(~.~ 'IT'
&llflI"'l(4Ifi::1 ~ d\Q1I : I NRI~til\t <:R{ I I ~ t:; I I

If Sun and Moon occupy the 3rd house of the horoscope and are
located there in a malefic sign & are aspected by malefic planets

give disease to a male horn with this yoga, If it be a female she can
survive at the most for a year (i.e. she dies). (IS)
1;;1i"t"4( ql'H(1ji!j~lj~ 'f!41<:,q l"Jf JOj(oj "lliIJilIi'] II ~Q, II

If Sun and Mars are located in the 7th house from the Moon or if
Mars is in the lagna & Moon in 7th, the child hardly lives for 10
days. (11:1)
d~~~G':fllijl'1iT ftfJt ~ f'l1i!i1(,On ~: I
a\'JOI'<i~ I1'lW1~ miT Mfa:llf4d'1 II~Q II

Ifin the "UdyaC decantc in the 7th house the planet involved is
a malefic one & a ksheen Moon (i.e. one within 72 degrees from the
Sun) is in the lagna, the child dies soon after hirth. (20)
f4q1'11R:qfa;:\i~ f"1"l~ tti<h'Ei'l21 I
'fltGOI '>l1lfe1d fi!l'ElIfJ'l@!4J1OlI1'lGllFd II~~ II
If the lord of the lagna is occupying its sign of debilitation. is
situated in the 8th house with the Sun. the child survives with
much difficuily & iflivcs it lives in a miserable condition physical-
ly. (21)
How the weakness of the lagna and its lord leads to short life is
illustrated by the horoscope oflate Shri Surya Prakash, son ofShri
B.Y. Raman of the Astrological Magazine, Bangalore. Here the

lagna is occupied by a Neecha (debilitated) planet& the lord of the

lagna. Venus. is also in its sign of debilitation associated with Mer-
cury the dispositor of malefic Ketu. Moon too standing as one of
the lagnas is weak in "Paksha" strength, heing within 72dL"grees
from the Sun & its dispositor. Jupiter afflicted by the 10th aspect of
Saturn. The weakness of the iagna&. apart from other defects. led
primarily to death at the age of 28.

'31i4'1~Q1q lfeIij1: B'if 1m Iiit1P-1QFJ\iji: I
l'fl'll'ffi ~ fbils ~ ij@w;(: ',"Pi<:;i~ij"l II~~ II
If al! planets are located in Apokrim houses (3rd, 6th, 9th &
12th) devoid of strength, the child lives for 2 or 6 months only.
~d16<:::lj : ~ Ql/iil!lWlir1QQ1f.1E1!iji: i
fri:' m ~ m: fitlli<4d ;;tq: II ~Q I I
If at the t,ime of birth of a person there is rise of Ketu (see'
Upgrahas in shloka 49 & chapter I) in the east & it falls in the west
& there are sounds of fire & winds & there is Raudra (bad)
Muhoorta, the person doe~; not live. (23)
Raudra Muhoorta is thc last half portion of the 90 minutes pre-
ceding Sun risc, the earlier half being 'Brahm Muhoorta.
!rnut Qf{d'1'hIM 'JITij": 4iqif:"1d ~<:!1' 'iW I
~'r-irn O(Q1t1"'~tj~ 'lt1l';j1oi f-,j.iiS t'ff I l'i'd I I
If one is horn at the time of an cclipse of the Sun or the Moon or
at the time of "Parivesh" (see upgrahas in shloka 49 chapter II
associated with malcfics & when there is a malefic in Ihe lagna &
(he lord of the lagna 100 is weak the native llves for 3 fortnights or 3
monlhs only_ (24)
3MrMq~::;f4iqRl<A'1qft;~ijl'!"Z1'fl'lijl ~ I
jH'1iq~i1tt(ol ~ 1'l~f.'flR1Q'H~1 I I~'( I I
If the lord of the Navamsha in the Iagna, the lord of the sign
occupied hy !vIoon and the lord uflhe lagna are all eclipsed by th('

SUIl. the native gcts his life terminated within some days. (25)

SMiI'l&!ljqjIM ~ "IJF!l ~l1iRrlif1''''It: I

~ <IT ~ m 41~(~&!$ II~& I I
A person, born at a time when there are 4 types of sandhis or
conjllnctions & the conjunction pOint,s' are associated with or
aspected hy maleiics, without the association or aspect ofbenefics.
dies soon after birth. (26)
What is one man's food is another man's poison. The ruks
applicabl p to spirituality are antithesis of those applicable to
material world. In the spiritual realm Samadhi or "Void" is the
most desirable and coveted trait for the mind to be in, whereas in
the material world "Voids" denote poverty and is a tfilit JTlostly to,

be shunned. I n the world periods denoting turns of roads, seasons,
puberty to youth. slavery to freedom are fraught with danger. Thus
when the lagna and the Moon are located at turning or j unctional
points such as the end of one sign and the beginning of another,
end of one Nakshatra and beginning of another. end of day and
beginning of night. end of one ti th i and begin ni ng of another lith i.
lhal period is dangerous to the life of the nat ive.
uir ~ qlq@if~ "!U f!IDl' '9T~ ~ fil1R1<$t2 I
qytf: ~ ql ffi\(i1' 4 8i<BliJl m-dt: ~ ~ lose il';;:il " "ITCif: I j ~ \5 j I

If Rahu is located in a kendra. in associat ion with or under the

aspect of malefics & is not aspected by benefic\. the nati ve meets
his death soon after birth. Ifa ma lefic planet is in kendra & Saturn
is in lagna or a trinal house & Ihe benefic planets are located in the
6th. 8th or the 1'th house then also the child meets the same
fate. (27)
~: &Wr M (fII"'I'ilf4 ql~~r;2 "'Il~141*t! 1l41f1 I
'3eQ~ iFwM" f!5~1 (l'ilijlRlt:2jRlIlIOI'1I~: t l ~1;;11
A person born when Jagna is occupied by a ksheen Moon (a
Moon located within 72 degrees from the Sun) aspccted hy
malefics loses his life soon after birth. Simi lar is the fate of a per-
son born when Moon occupies the "lagna with a sign other than
Taurus. Cancer'or Aries & associated with Rahu. (2S)

If the 2nd and the 12th houses from the lagna arc occupied by
maJefics or iflhere are malefic planets in the 6th and the ~Hh house
the child dies immediately. Or there are malefic planets in the Sih
house from the lagna and Moon is ksheen (see shloka 20) the child
lives only for S years). (29)
~ ~~ I <"4lq!{ffi(1)Jl : m <ma" Il'jiiqd '=!H"!(OI 1
~ (!1'' 1<1 O'j\q\9l ql/4f1'11~l/~l'se:iI .:K\qq-l IIQO II
If there are malefics in kendras from the Moon & there are no
benefics in the kendras, the child dies within a year of birth. If the
lord of the sign occupied by Moon is located in lagna with malefics
& is aspected by Saturn, the child lives only for 8 years, provided
Jupiter docs not influence the lagna. (30)
~ Wf fll~iT '=!I&:A !U ~ rni~d<Bl 'F",:!/lfcl I
~ N :Ald(~4~~ tj('4 ~ ft&t qlq'l\"tS~ ~ I
E't)Jl~&I! ~&:'4i~ 't 'l\'l~<"4I~: E't1Jl~f:;dli<:1ij(!1lQ1f I IQ~ II

A pen-on born du ring Iheconj uncl io n in lagna oflwo signs dic~
in the 6th. J 2th a nhe 8th ycar ifhe has Moo n in hi s 6 th. 11th o r 12 th
house. in a ks h cen con di. ion n.e. wit h in 72 degrees rro m the SUn )
& a ssoc ia ted with maldks dil!s soon "ncr h irth . If Ihe Moo ll is
aspec lcd hy ben di cs the eh ild Ilvc~ for S year.~. (fho t h ma lefics a n d
be ne fi c aspec t the Moon Ihe c h ild lives ro r 4 years, (31)
iifIif ~~110; ~ ~ ~ !lffi ~ittt1ifq II~~ II
ql~~tk 'ff9!'IN,ft:qa~ ;h<u:4 " 1te:4 ~ 1fRiI": I t ~~ I I
If J upiter is in the sign Lib ra or G em ini in the lag n a co njoi ned
with Ven us a n d Merc u ry hu t a spccted by ma le fi cs or ir Ihe
male/ics arc in the 8th hou se. the n a tive live s only for H year .....
(3)) .

~ efI!i7 lilNlfrt f~H ~cf;;;;i~

qrQ: q l ql"l 'i f%fJl'9'16~ " ~ t
~ ~ l'i'!'4R1 4'4'iF%!:6M" ql~l1j~1 m "lift ~ "
~ern : ~ If~::;qr,;q : I t i;l'O I I
If a kshccn M oon (withi n 72 deg rees from the Su n) is in Ihe
lagna & the Hth house & ken d ras arc oC('u pied by malefics & if
M oon is in be tween ma lefics & located in the 8 th. 4th or7th house:
in such a iagna, ir male fics arc in rhe 7th & 8th ho uses. th e ehild
d ic.:s along with its mot he r. i f Moo n is not as pected hy st rong
benefics. (34)
(i@l <Rl ~ilt \{I'iI~'"A I
fI.'1 11 9.i<1jt 'ilir:c::iI
ij "'j l1~ m: qlfHI~ ~ !POIIFd II~'( II
If Moon is in lagna wit h Ra h u & i~ a ssociated a lso with ma le lic
pia nels & if M a rs is in the 81h ho u se, the eh ild di<!s soon a lon g wit h
its moth e rs. If Sun is in a si m ilar pos itio n as the Moon is v,'ith
Ra h u & a flli eted , Ihe c h ild dies soon by weapon or by fa ll from
hdghl (35)
dlfdllR "~","~Q~"i (fi!I::l ~w1 ~s~ ~ f.:i..m :f<i1Fa 1Ji<t[ij I
t:rf f'PffiSftr ftl1 j ll 'W!~($tii! (i!!!Ol@ ~ F"lt"l4 l'iqd1 g ~ I lqlS, I I
IrSaturn is eclipsed hy the Su n in the lagna & M a rs is in the 8 th
'l O U s~ the c hild d ies in the 3 rd yea r o f its lire. I f Moon is eel i psed in
ag na with Ra hu & aspectcd by malefics. th e c hild dies in the 8th
Ica r or h is life. (36)

~:::::::I;:m'!~'~1:;$i'I1I$'jj$e:eqRt : i
81:satafq l11l jq$~t't;ft (!~~I"*,{ glq<tF.: IH{d"l " ~\9 t I
If Jupiter is loca ted in the 8th hou se in th e sign o f M ars & is

U~ p(!c tc d
by Sun. Moo n & Sat u rn & is d evo id of the aspect of
Ve nus. the child d ies wi thin 3 ye<lrs of its life. (37)
~ ~lf4~I1'I*- li,q"'"1f!l0~ " ~ " :q~~ m I
~ fdU I '"klISl <"~1 ~ CI~;4 .J1'::jl&i U'ftld'1 11~t:; II

If a retrograde Sa tu rn is loc:lIed in the sign of Mars in the 8th.

6th hou se or in a kcndra & is aspected by a Stro ng Ma rs. the child
lives only for 2 ye a r ~. (3M)
mt <'l (M tift 1!IT fiI(!1I4 :II ""4f"Hil ' ~ ~ ~ 1!IT I
~ i$"';:'lq' ld!,! um 'lI1;:,.,4 'Itqrj'JqRt<:: I I ~ "" I I
If Saturn is in the 7th house or in lag na & M oon is in lagna or in
Sco rpio & be nefic pl a nets arc in kend ras. the chil d meets wit h
im med ia te d ea th accordi ng to Ya va naeha ly a . (39 )
41i'lW h"l,'7'4 9; '>ft'I1~:;P l ijS~ ~ ,
f:iR:l'il4fll ~1\j"'1> 111t11""'l f9> 1I 11"'3i'a II'l!O II
If J up itc r is in its si gn o fd ..:b ilita tio n o r i .~ in the sign of MilTS &
the birth h'b ta ke n place a t thc tim..: o f ] Sand his i.e conjunction
ofrwo h o uses. ofrwo L u nar dates & of two sign s in lagn a. the child
d ie s with in a month . (40 )
$'ilfll ~ fd ~I(I f!llfl~ 1{"''il{fT ddl~",rbtqr f(l l(j I
dlldf'Q, ~ ~ ~: !';eR lI~f.::f(l; ::rt'''<<fl'dl''! 11b'~ I I

If out oflh e 3 ty pes orSa ndhis referred to abo ve. th ere is o ne. two
o r thrce of them 111 Ihe time of h irth. the c hild born meets
im m..:d ia h! d..:a th. hut Na nd ik is o f the opin ion tha i if the day of
birth is Fri day. death docs not ta ke place ea rly. (41)
tij"6~1 'Jl1<'1~ i'l r<i>ii1'~ ~ qr rosl"';::' ~ 'leqJilI'<J <nfi'r I
..trrir ~ Ul~ ..i WR Jtq ratd~:iH QQdl 'JIl d : tl 'd ~ t I

(flhe bi rt h i .~ in thc61 h LUIlQl"d uy. Sun o r Mars is in Lugna. one

o f the th ree sa ndhis is Iheroe or m a raka yoga is passing. the J ay is
Tu esday. Ihe c hiid m ~ets immL."d iall' d eath . Th is i... mo diikJ i f
Jupiler a spccts it. (42)
~. '. ' ~ ' ~
\OIl <:tiii''1iii 'li~ IlI(tt4ll41 W '1i$;:;;:I ~"' h!"6: I
'ilal <lim f!llui4~f'" ~ ~: fIlI'ilCl'li!j ~ 11'd~ II
If Ihe hin h is o n Tuesday ilnd Mars is loc ... tcd in the Lagna..
M oon is ks heen. L o rd o f lag na b no t locate d ei ther in lag na o r
kendras M a rs is the immediate maraka of this child. So is Ih..: case
with Satu rn. (43)
"""""'R."i<l""'.II".~t"'"'''Il"""~q",,,,' ,,(UIl,", IifId(f.ll1 : I
~'lW1~IW['l""i:'!ltp<14R 1IR"Ifq4 fqffllftd l ~ <IT , I'l!'l! I I
If moon is located in any of the houses 5th, 7th. 9th. ! 2th. J sl or
the 8th along with malefic planets the yoga indicates immediate
death of the child, provided Moon is not associated with or aspL!C-
td by strong Venus, Mercury or Jupiter. (44)

i?t(IRlIt>ClO!i l&!f1f't;! ~l4'n l5ttTi ;;r ':jJffi: rniij: m

'l'E0fd fi11R1<f;";nfg41 ~ ;:r -;)tt~ I
iii' "li('llJose: "'I14 I:f'il6JI ~ ~dl ~;:jli I ~t:li "'II1tlJII : f<rot .1 i0 fa
"1ia<t \!(q8I=l?l1 ~ ~~ I I'd'\( I I
If kcndras have no benefic planet in them & Moo n is devo id of
aspect hyJupiter or (ii) if Moo n, Sun, Mars and Saturn arc located
n:spectivcly in the 1st, 12th.,sth & 9th houseswilhout the aspcct of
Jupiteror (i ii) ira kshcen (weak) Moon occupies 1st 7th Of the 8th
house. thL! c h ild dies soon alief birth. (45)
~ ~ l'l1{4l( <rr ~fidt.::S mil: R ~.R 9" f?l<tMI 1
w.: ~: Wld'!l<l'ilt,!Af".Il "1T!R 1'i:I0~.:ii'I"'I~fa 'jffif: 11 '15,1 1
If lagna. Moon or the Sun is strong. hut kendra arc occupied hy
malefic planei.s. or if Venus. Sun & Moon arc located together in
the 8th house or a trine, the ch ild meets early deilth. (46)
irif ~lfA41;1 ~14~ (Nllf""'1~IIif,(: I
q;<tif~:nfu1:iI'If1 fm" 1<4+<1 ~ 11'1131 1
Moon locateu in Ihe 20th lkgree of Aries. in the 21 st degree of
Leo & in the 25th degree of Taurus gives edT]Y death. (47)

'1fi!"1<b "i'f "P.u "l;;:;:'!Ai1 rnIM14Pi:tl: I

,,;iilIPl9IH'f!(~rli "1 '1,.\1<11 ~: 11'15>::;11
~iJlf14<ti( w':": <11""1141 JP~: I
~.4'i<"'iI;;::"Tr l1T'ir 4f.r ':W4I"WI<;'f, 11'11"'. I I
i:lft~ l fi'l1,!,q q "l"';:'jli:p-{ "Ifi'lll"=: I
~ ~'""1" 'PI <m~ "i'f I I '(0 I I
Similarly. Moon located in the 23ru degree or Scorpio, in the
22nel degree of Cancer, in Ihe 41h deg ree of Libra. il'! the 20th
uegree ot Capricorn, ih the] sl degree of Virgo. in the] Hth degree of
Sagittari us. in the. IO.(h degree of Pisces. in lhe 22nd degree of
Gen,ini. & in the 15th degree ofAl..]uarius at the time ofhirth gives
early de<Jth . (48 to 50)
r.f"iro,mliif,~<rtl~~I1~"'''" "If'.l14I'I511qffllrnT: I
it it
dlq~l'lch'{{hjdi 1'lf'.l4fi1 "ol ml<1: I 1'( ~ II
The native dies in the number of years inuicated hy the death
causing degree of Moon as detailed above. (51)

Q1I1 "1 ""1 qli'l41i'<;! ~fi~* 11 i ~ : 'IJ:l': i
<ti(lra "R! <lIiftf!l fqfQ ~: 1l11il.ld: i i '{<t ii
A"planet which is enemy ofhoth the lord of the lagna & that of
the sign occupied by Moon. if locatet! in lagna, even if it be a
natural bendie. causes death th rough ih dement i I rl'prl'sen Is ( ~ ee
~hloka 78 of chaptl'r I) (52)
V'i '4{i+t!~4\!1'Iii'1(1 "'",Ift"'<\!" ~ fj~R: 4ifll('l 1
~ff'f llff4'i~d'il "1111 41fjl::~4q <n:f Il<URt I I'{~ II
If Mars. Sun & Saturn occupy the 8th house. the native dies
v.ithill.a monlh of its birth. IfKnu abo rises the l'hild dies within
two months. (53)
"[4i<'f141111 ~: IIR&:'I \-m: ~ 'JI1<11( ~w: I
2IRI'A<lillili'<;! fta:;:::q~lfti: B'W 1.l1t llil1 "(I+'1~q"'l 11'{'d 1i
Certain yogas havefbcen given for Rajyoga by Yavanacharya.
These yogas are appliqb lc on lv to people born in a roY<l1 f<lmily.
Being severe in eh aracter & i mpract icab le for ordinary people. the
child horn in such rogas uies soon after birth. (54)

111,,!;:jQ<M<rf'?" qrq$tidl \:HI\!d~ ~ itt 1

.H<\! 'R!"~ om; ~ >"'T fll'l'ifi1 ~ II"" II

If the Sun located in the 10th house is aspeeted by malefics & is

pl aced there in the sign of Mars ()r M()(m. & is not under thl' aspl'ct
of benefics lea ds to early death in childhood. (55)

mr.t it ~",*,I OII f''l(Ii~l i mftI6'lqi~H;j~i: )

4(011'"1 ~ ~: ifj,(!!dl~"lIN 04$tiCi : 11'{5. i i
(~ii(;""~>1:!6f1:l: 1i""!MM''''1fl:l+'1~<ti4: )
~lf41Ol1>1:tI~ii#'4(oi m:x Q3."lft1tiq: 11'(131 i

If there is any of the "Pakshi"'. ' Sarp<l'". '"Pashdhar"'decantes in

th.:: lagna & th.::sl' are in a~sol'ial i on with or aspl'l'ted by tnaklio.:s at
the time of hirth. thl' chi ld <.lie') within 7 years. (56)
I!' Sun. Moon. Mars & Jupite r <lfe togl'ther in an y in the h() u ~e
horoscop.:: the child dies within 5 years of its birt h. So also is the
case if the fo ur planets Mars. JupiKc Saturn & Moon or Sun.
Saturn. Mars & Moon <ifl' in any place together. (5 7 )
([4011 ~\"fi": \!lf~: 4lp1~til m~illfa "'I 1
q<f>IG:tiB:liN~qlffiN f~;{ '~ 1 9Y ) I'(>::; i 1
If Me rcury is with Sun a nd is nol aspected hy henefies. the
natiw dies within II years from his birth. (.'i8)

In the text the word used is f'"'t '."hich seems to be a mis-
print It should be. ~
"'" (f!o"f.1>11~ : " '" ~01\ 1Olm: I
7ir "I' ~I!IU'(10ii e4:lfj:j(..a~11~iq~ I i ~Q, I I
Sun. SalUrn & Mars. all located in the lagna or Moon located in
the sign of Venus in a ksheen condition (i.e. within 72 degrees from
the Sun) & without the aspect of Jupiter destroys the child born.
within 7 years. (59)
.,. <i(f'!"~BI,"F<o"''''''''i: ~RI:S'J '1'::O:Mc.,i'lf4lJI'!1 'i1f: I
1!It1"1'f4l01lf(! '11'(tI~ ~'1?l 'i~i211 115.0 II
Mars in kendra eclipsed by Sun & associated with or aspected
by Saturn surely kills the newly born within 4 years of its birth.
(fl. 11!tiqaQ~1'i;' '1(Olq~fI4ifl:l ,wid! ~ I
~: eCflJl~tiI 'l IOlI(qRi 115.~ II

If Moon is located in the 8th house from the lord or the lagna &
is weak in paksha strength is located within 72 degrees from the
Sun. & is aspe..:ted by all malencs & by none of the benefics. kills
the native within 3 years of its birth. (61)
qp:it ~(!1"11fE4G~: Qi~IICflI~,qfBq(1:
;f>:llIiCflfl41 ~ '!!IT d4l~n ;mr: mlij ~ 1I!1i..a: 115.';( II
If the lord of the lagna is a p.alUral malefic planet & is situated
12th from the Moon & is ttspected by a malefic or jfthe dispositor
of the malefic lord of lagna is located in the Navamsha sign of
Moon (Cancer). the child dies by age of9 years. (62)
~ qrit . : 41t:Z1orjel: qrq'I: ~ ~ 'll"""lrll$!l't I
um zif.t qlq~'lI ~ ~ 'F:i ~ Q'2lI&:;t=lfA: IlaQ II
If all the natural benefic planets occupy the houses from 4th to
the 10th & the malefics occupy the rest/of the houses. Rahu in
lagna is with or aspected by malefics. the child dies within 5 years
or its birth. (63)
~: e4:l'l11t4~ ~t~i1tlr.t(\f$1t 'l' Iijl'1ste: j

~ efS~(~Jlld fi!l11~lqR: 'f'll!' I ;6.'6 I I

Rahu located in the ith house & aspected by Sun & Moon &
without the aspect of any benefic planet kills the child born within
12 years of its birth. (64)

ElelR!lfllg QiIi'Ji1II!4S;4i aR+lP<1w4 ~ qlq~r:e 1
~ '/.llt ~cae::n 1I<1IRl ~~ ~;::r~: 115.\(11
If Rahu is in the sign Aquarius, Scorpio or Leo in the lagna & is
aspected by ma lefics & is neither wifh nor asp,ected by Jup il er it
sends the native born to death in the 17th year of its life. (65)
~: qlqiilstZt (I!ilSosa RI:n'la: I
""" "'"-!t '11ft! AA: '"~ q~: ~ ,,""
A ksheen Moon (i.e. one located within 72 degrees from the Sun)
aspected by malefics particularly by Rahu sends the horn l:hild to
death within days of its birth. (66)
'" o:i!~1 W "11 ftI qdl ~w "1 1<:<11S61 G!"ll<:il'l ~ I
~ <n:f ;1e:~Ifi1A ~: goqiRl IRl"1 ~;::r ~ 115.\911
If the lord of the sign occupied by Moon, and the lord of the
lagna are located with the Sun in 6th, 8th or 12th house from the
Jagna without the association or aspect of any benefic planet the
native child dies within 12 years of its birth. (67)
?I(I~qRl~oi qlqf:JIdi "l(olilq ~e:E1IR1 I
<TfIr ~ ""'" ~ '!Tit .. .m: ,,& c "
If the lord of the lagna is in the 7th house defeated in wa r by a
malefic. the native dies in thrice the number of months or years
denoted by the sign in the 7th house. (68)
cl(O~~I1II: ~~"!l!oi ~ ;::r .~\>'''4''''1I: I
~ ~ ~ "1qq~ ;::r fiI~14: 115.Q, II
If Sun, Moon and Mars are situated in the 5th house & are not
influenced by any benefic planet. the native dies in its 9th year of
life. (69)
\!114i/q~ ,~C!1'''1f1Q ~: ~~(~Q4~: i
~ mf'tf ~I(ol 4Tfa q ;::r iiI~I<1: 1100 II
If the lord of the Jagna occupies the lagna but all the malefic
planets occupy the houses from 11th to 3rd, the native dies in the
4th month of its birth. (70)

~Crl"ll~q : WI': t4'loJlOI ~"l~':I: I

C!1"' 11 e:tii:"l(1 ~I fI41 iii I<HIIlO< qRlu e:: t I\9 ~ I I

If Sun is the lord of the sign occupied by Moon, and is located

with its Son i.e. with Saturn, in the 8th house from the lagna. the
yoga gives death to the native in its 12th year oC life. (71)

t:lfi6i&C:Q ~~ !
a!!cn\15clQ ~<i1.~:n l1s:n Pi"loi ~ ! 1\9~! I
If natural malefics occupy the 6th and the- 81h house ofthe birth
chart, devoid of the aspect of the natural benefic planets and if the
lord of the lagna is located in any of the apoklim houses (1rd, 6th,
9th or 12th), the child horn dies in his 16th year of life. (72)
q('I?:R~?/'ElI'f!ff"I~ lfTQ1'~II!(""iI!~qdl or ~ I
ft"4'llfti:l i!lIIIItiQ"'I ~ cq&c:I<::~IIO< f.N<t Rll!R1 11\9~ II

If the lord of the lagna is in 8th house & the lord of the 8th is in
lagna & there are no benefic planets in the 6th or the 12th house,
nor is there Jupiter in these (6th or 1.2th) houses, the native dies in
its 18th year of life. (73)

~ ~ f.:l~lIcti~OI 41"4d~!ftijlqfld~ I
t4tlOl'>eA "4T lift '4T 1I1:tlicfl ifl~ft&{!f!i~IRlqqi4l?/if 1 1\9"a II
If natural malefics are located in kendras & the Moon is devoid
of benefic aspect and is located in 6th or 8th house, the native lives
only for 20 years. (74)
"M"'I 'Elllk,: ~ 1!1'"'I+'!I: <fiIe:(I~lil: I
61&c:I'jI~qdl ~ 'J~:n JRUt ~ 11\3':( II
If Sun & Jupiter are located in Cancer in lagna & the lord oflhe
8th house is in kendra, the native child born dies in his 22nd year
of life. (75).
(I!!"II 'ElFe!e ~ \il1Jl:i~ ,:uteqfq lfT I
~~'iii 1!1'",~gIBi1 ,,'~:n '1(01 ~ 11\9& II
If Moon is with Rahu in the 7th or8th house &lupiteris in lagna
tIle native dies in its 22nd year of life. (76)
41qdllldH4 i1m(l"Ilii Of 'El1"4~ I
f?tq(jjr&lPl "ild'8! cI:q~:n ~ 11\9\911m
If the lord of the lagna is located in between malefics & is not
influenced by an)i benefic. the native born with the same lagna as
that of his father, dies in his 25th year of life. (77)

q<il<::~ :ti~'IJ:tft B'l~(lcnf<nQi4l4~:

, I
q$~:n 'ElC<;1f<!l:n lfT ."~(ijrtl 1iqfi) 'Il,i!I'l 11\9t:; II

If Saturn is situattt.i in an inimical sign in the lagna & the benefic

planets are all in apoklim (3rd 6th. 9th & 12th) houses, the native
dies in 26th or 27th year of its life. (78)

~ q,,<ij814~ \(411'1II1CO"lElCJ(l: I
Q!?i1"lf)llI'li ~ Q 4q9lt ~ 11\,9q, II
If Moon is in intimate relation with Saturn(by the ir exchange of
places. mutual aspect etc) and the Sun is in Ihe 81h house, thl!
native born dies in 29th year of life. (79)
GiQT 1X04tIiii!t:t1'!f4. : tlILlII: ofi~tllf!ftlqdl : I
dI!Bi, ~ fte;N'i'\ cql\?lf~:l1 "lRlq4q IICO II
If natural ma jcfic plan els occupy the I st. 8th o r the 7th hou se &
the nalural benefics arc not located in any of the kendras. the
native dies in the 28th y~ar of his or her life. (80)
"I""I(<\f'l<j)4til f.:tfll1"1I'Q ~ 'Jl't I
ftL(l~f/i~qq "IV f-A'flliltffq !fT o/tl: Ilc~ It

If Moon is located in between the lords of the 1st and the 8.h
houses. and Jupiter is in the 12th house. the child born dies in its
27th or 30th year of life. (8i)
~ ;fjqEl$t! qtif I t
(Aileii' Jj""lq ~ dltiI!Ifl'I0 IlI"lRl""."~tl!1111c;~ I t
If the lord of the 8th ho use is aspected by Jupiter, the lord of the
8th is a natural malefic aspectcd by a malefic & the lord of the
lagna is located in thi..' 8th house. the native dies in its 28th year of
lire:. (82)
Olql~ql1 ~ ~ U "(!1q'('l~ I
hvrll~i~q41 ;jj~II)NliiI \lIldi!tl: 11t;~ II

If the lord of th e 8th h ouse is in a kendra. or is strong in lagna,

the native lives for 30 years only. (83)
''It<:tC:q(l~ "'1'fi?l44q~a t
QJtr !(1!1If\?!<t mrit <t"'.:I"i~ ~ d"rr 11~'!111
If Saturn is loea led in Ihe sign' h the 8th house or is in the
Navamsha of the ~ign in {he 8th house and str:mg malefies occupy
th e lagna, {here arc no benefics in the kendras. the man or woman
born lives for 30 or 32 years. (84)
&"'4"1 ""'l'f!II~ !fi.U (!1l "1 ~ ~ I
m0 i1d(!t.a 'if q(qJ'lt:\'l~q ft I I t:;~ I I

If two maJdics have cxc hang"cJ places & on.:: oflhem is in lagna.
& is aspcc ted by maiefic s & Moon is in i 2th house. the nati ve lives
for 30 or 32 ..ears.. (85)

'."....,1r.c4l1fr 11ft ot'1.g;'dl1 ~ $I ~: <tiliil"1 @iI{":: I
~ ,,,,,oj ~ ~ ~4.,r.M'4: IlcG II

Iftht' lord of the lagna and the 8th house arc together in a kendra
& tht.'IT i~ some planet in the 8th house, the native dies in the 22nrl
YCdr of Iii\:, provkkJ further that the kendras do not contain any
hcndlc plano.::t & contain only malefic ones. (86)

,.;m om I',ii.,r,t """"" ~""dS,,"fil I

qlQif'P:qcl <'i1'''I'ld feI&~ e:1~W;~ 'Aq;j IPOlIRl IIP.S II

II a kshccn Moon is with the SUIl, itsclfthe lo.-d ofRth is in ken-

dra. the ~th house contains a malefic & there is a weak planet in
l<lgn il . the native dies in 32nd year of !ilc. (87)
(jjI "I("'*ilq'lj14'ji'l ~ <:'1'1';;;tlfi$;<:'1: I
~(lIffi: QIW<l4t1: flIlffil<:1f~~iffi 11t:;t; I I
Ii" the lord of the 8th house & the lord of the lagna are together
wilh a malefic planet without the aspect of a benefic, the native
dies in its 27th year. (88)
<'i1'''1lfii1<ffiA 'Elfddl!iI ~ (rW/I!1{ ot'i:'icl 'EI'EI~~: I
~ ~ '/:IT Q(lOji!!('i! ~l/I;:qt "I11'k1 .. ~f'\I3)"I: 11t;G, II
If Moon is located in the 12th home from the lagna along with
Mercury & the lord of the 8th house is in kcndra with benefic or
under the aspect ofbenel1cs & Moon is weak, the native lives only
liH 30 years. (89)

(""'A1!i:!{ 14PlI'El"1IC"1g;:ffi (j'j'''1I~ ("'*il$l f2l(1'~: I

301<:'1l/'iI01f!Iliil"dl!1t14I?I JlI!1~~ iil14"1~ft:!'l\f; IIG,O I 1
If the lord of the 8th house is located in the 9th, 2nd or the first
hOLlse and the lord of the lag:la is in the 8th house with malclics &
under the a spect of malefics thenative lives only for 24 years even
if aspcclCd also by bcncl1cs. (90)
,~r.clOjIRlqffi ~ ~W Of<:<lqfja I
~l/latlIOll'El1 JH~liHldlq ~ 1j G,~ ! 1
If the lord of the 8th house is in lagna, the lord of the lagna is
wilhoul slrcngth the native docs not live beyond 30 years & only
for 30 'lears. (91 )

311~f~w14'la ~ i\1.Pjli1 'q ~ ft" I

~ i141fM ~q~!~~ 'q 11<i.';\l11
Ifbolh \-10on and the lord of the Jagna are located in apoklim

houses (3 rd 6th . (lih o r 12th) & are withou.t stre ngt h & .. ... peeted hy
maldics, the native lives only for 30 years. (92)
!l<1l/!'I>1 '" cfl--:f4I W"'~ qlq'E'lqa I
atl~f<r,,~ UlilliJj,~ : t4?~iil~'='i f! I io,~ I I
If Jupite r a nd Venus are .situated in kendra. the lo rd of the lagna
is with a mal efic planet in 3rd, 6th. 9t h or 12th house, & the hirth is
al Sun sct timf'. the man lives only for 36 years. (93)
Q1 ''''I~d !iiitlHl11cti ~ qlqh1~ 1/''a' ld f4tJ~ I
q ?f.l~ I'H q(JjI~H4 ~ ~ 'ffia th:;qqdij 1IQ,,'d i I
If a weak Sun is loca ted in lagna. in hetween maleties. in an
inimical sign, and is not a spected by benc!ics. the native Jives only
for 36 years. (94)
'!~t";;;fl ~ !{!\il+<i!l ~"i:lt;bl\l41 ~ \jqT'''A I
~Idi tr<n q,"'a<=~~ : \41~?f1l/1<t::ol f-IE44 lI'Rll.rlf<fad 11 0,'1. 1I
lfMa rs and Moon a rc in lagna, and the natural benefic phlllclS
a re nOI s ituated in k e ndra.~ or in Ihe 81h house. a nd if Ma ndi i ~ in
lagna. the native lives only for 36 years. (95)
mntllf'Ai"41('lac<i1lffi'}@'t ~ ~ I
qt f"leti;ql o:<:I'Eilt ~ &lq:el/ltfo1i I iQ,6. I i
As a result of the experie nce in the scie nCe" or
ast rology. I huvc
gathered the essence of the Sh a~ tra for th!,' ple"surc or the
learned. (96)

Ca ncellatio n of yagas for short life.

\!I ' '11B':1J1 ~<:!j*, 11I:il t41ct1!.'J f.:;:j$ ..... ,1il i14(!1IR1 ~ q t
Q<tl!1'f i14 ,Qt "i"HIIOII'l: 6'lt:'<:iQicJ :t, ::j%~q I I ~ II

Jl.ijliter in the lagna is part icul arly qualified to destroy the evil
res ult of wea k pla ne ts. just as even o ne bowing before Lord Shiva
dc~lroys a ll sin. (I)

dI;;:4cm~ ~ 1!1' '1'1i~ 6lkliRta ijl$~i$lt:::lOii~ I

aI;;:ffiqa QI 4$:t11 ~tVI ~ 141141"11 JJctfd ~Ehtl!!: t l~ I I

If the lord of the lagna is very strong & is associated with and
rl.jpected hy benefic planets by its location in kendra & is wi thou t
any ma le fi c as pecl the nalive is fortunate & lives a 'Iong life.
;mf ~ !J46h
~'1IIQ"V> ~"4al!llf)lijlfl<ja: I
(1iI4<:1~<:!j 1 6(q Ilq I I

If M oon is lord o f the 81h house and is located in the decante of a

benefic planet. it prot~ts the long life of the native day &
night. (3)
'R': {'jtfllii">lf'l t1~"4~?i !~ lln~ <:!iT I
6e(ift<ef.\!hll fqllililqI1"llfuid: I I'd II
If M oo n is farthest away from the Sun, located in the sign or
Navam sha of a benefic planet removes all dangers for short life
particularly when it is also aspected by Venus. (4)
JlCjqlll<:!ji(1~I'4I'1Ii1ctl: fll,dl or1!ft t
qI4$.4tlltl1'''tt'1~1fi:oeE4 lj'i'fl(j' II\( II
If o ut o f Jupite r. Venu s and Merc ury even one is strong and
located in a kendra, witho ut the a ssociation or aspec t of any
m alefic planet. al o nce d estroys all dangers 10 short life. (5)
ii~'jfi:l ftll< I~I"I) ;f\'q'Wfi~<::1 <J1n I
~lCflIol M4c4~IR~ qTI:f f!R4'1'1 t IGo 11
Moon even if located in an inimical sign but occupyi ng the
sle<.:ante of Jupite r. Venus or Mercury, removes dangeN to short li fe
just a s Lord Vishnu destroys sin. (6)

~Sftl' tnit ~ (If-t .. ;:q 'R)fQ" q O",, <"i(l~ I $" : 1
~: tjR s f,w/q!il ~lt (nJ ql~(~ ra R~a'i 11\9 11
Ifbi rth has taken place in th e nighl tim e in the b right fortnighf
o f the Moon, a nd Moo n is aspected by bene fi cs then evcn if she is
loc atcd in 6th or 8th hou se removes all da ngers to s ho rt life.
Sim ila r is Ihe case if bi nh is in dark fort n igh t but du ring d ay lime
& th e Moon is as peeled by malencs. (7)
Rltili6( ilil 'Ha 'q(i~ '{fta~fi'ij;)l lcl : I
'$ldeG f.t.:lJtI''if(60111{! ~ ~ 15f\I'il a1d4: Ile l l
If Moo n occ up ies the Nava msha ofa bcnclic planeL is aspec tcd
by 1.1 benelic. & is farthe st away from the Sun, destroys all dangers
to shorl life like Garuda destroying poison. (8)
II I'filill "i1';1 '1 ' 1~;;;: ~: <t;;;: ff?! .til <arta \lI1 d"li'i I
~QTi6T ilq~Il/li'fil/!ili(1~'41 f<!I PiE{1f.;j ~'MRI <ilQ'i I IG, II
If Ju pi ter is loc ated away from th e Sun & i.~ in th e 10th house it
des troys all dangers 10 short life. IfJ upiter. Moon. Venu s an d Me r-
cury a rc located in the Na vams ha of be nefic p lanets these also des-
troy all da ngers to sh ort life. (9)
~;:qlit;q : <t;;;' id : lQIGltit>Rllid fW~ wftJ 41"""'$&t : I
{4i~IIftIA: ii1 ""1i)", (:a~ OC:fikI<:I=41 ~ RaNftoc: 'i I I N II
If the lord of the lagna is a natura l benefic planct & is located in
kendra aspected by :'ene lics il destroys all dangers to sh ort life. If
the lo rd of the Jagna be a n atural ma lefic planet but is aspeclcd hy
be nelics loca ted in the Navamsha o f thei r own signs it also dcs-
troys all danger 10 short life . (10)
Qt '11'itdt4IRq~ '" U% : ql~flt'l(b: U'lSli4l1t1: I
Ff;:n~lilflll*!! ('t"ifiklftct ~ iflll ql!.!i1cl fll ~ : I I ~ ~ II

If Rahu is loca ted in the 3rd or 6th house fro m Ihe lagna ami is
frec from male fi c innu ence, hut ha s Ihe aspect on il of benefits.
destroys all d a ngers 10 short life like tht; strong wind re moving
awa y by ils stre ngth the huge store of cO(fQn.( II )
ltflt?i<:4 fIQ l: 1ii1<tl1!ii US;;;I fti< ISh;l*!! ~~I<tl f"l l : I
'fl1><..a~W1 : ~ ~ tS<lii(jl ('tqli'<:lft~q I I ~ ~ I I
If all planets a re in sheershodaya signs(i.e. in signs5, 6. 7. 8, II &
3) and occ upy the Nava ms ha o f benefic planets remove all danger
to short life. Similarly if Moon fart hest away fro m the Sun is unde r
the aspect ofbcnefics but is no t unde r Ihe innuem:e of a ny malefic
by assoc iation CIl'. removes all dangers to short life. (1 2)

EI~Q!4: q\t"fJi:o,,;:c;;,j ~ 8(~i~1 E:!11*~iqi1 !
~: ffl!fi\~ : R8~"'l fut~:m tJiIT ~ "I'"'1f.:t ~~h-iiqu I i ~!l. I I
If the Moon is farthe st away from the SUIl and is aspected by a ll
planets, it destroys all dangers to s hon li fe like a king pa rdo ning
all sins through his co mpassion. (13)
~Rldd'ija;th~ .. r!1tt'" ql~i!'ll", "~~'\>ikl
..."~.'4 ~~fte1d1q t
(1t1fqe:1 ~I!i(ffi '1I'lRl . : ~ ~ tJiIT Q6Mi51'l1l1j II ~'d' I I
If natural benefic planets are very strong, & the malefic are
weak. the lagna contains the sign of a benefic planet & is aspected
by benefics. aU dangers to short life arc removed, like the mantra
pooja of planets removing aU sins. ( 14)
- di!tlfll l'H'G;I : E:!t<jq'l0ll '1(l~'i~oil'l I
ec(l!l:.e "lVllR! "ijll fl' tSt,L4'iqq ~<rlll' I I ~'i. 1 i

If Agasrya (one of the Seven fam ous stars)' rises with SapIa
Rishi s having Marichi as the first of [hem. all dangers to life are
destroyed like Sun destroying all darkness. (15)
dl\il"{I'l<tlF4?Ii11 ~ (1!3k'1 U": El14iR1o:f1i5IR1: I
~l1Iq,qRl: RE:!""": 'tldIQ(IEI ~ 'It,q'! I I ~a II
If Rahu is located in lagna in Aries. Taurus or Cancer, it des-
troys all dangers to short life like a happy king forgiving a
criminal. (16)
~ : ~I'lllfl!f: e.ft:iilfq !f!1'l~dI rna
t't"1V{ I
'lImfllti @4fdt'll( \Jj ldlq;tflCl ti J ,ei'lq'4~al{ t I ~\9 11
Moon located in a benefic Varga (decante. Navamsha etc). even
if she be ksheen but aspected by benefics removes all dangers to
short life like {he concoction of bark of Jaleephal for removing
loose motions. (17)
tF<:'II<elO1~"'3e<ll: QlfQH: ~1C41 "8"tfcr <tltii!CfiWi I
$'fd'3lOlif4 Ofletlt\1 ii'ifi!1t'1l 1f!t tf'qI' 'fI'1J I I ~ t:;! I

Natural benefic planets located 6th, 7th & 8th fro m Moon
remove all tro uble (ofshon li fe) like the amorous movements of
the you ng woman removing all sorrow from the mind of a young
man. ( 18)
qlq(lnllild ~ diflvH ~ I
4l c nuaijll qll~ 'tlqV1"1 tr-f 1f'QT II ~Q, I!
Ifmoon is located in {he sign of a malefic planet. but is aspected
by the lord o[lhe sign occupied by it& is situated in the Navamsha

etc of benefic planets, life is protected like the wealth of a
miser. (19)
"I\lIft:!f?;o<:l(l~ (!1l'1~ ~ I
\f'J01l ~Rild ~ +:4lci:; ~ E(tlo:;l II';('J II
If the lord of the sign occupied by Moon is located in the lagna &
is aspected by benelics, including Venus, & Moon is in her exalta-
tion sign all danger to short life is removed. (20)

1241 e,ail ft1ljgl!j cnfq ~ '1flf ft1<tl4'4 <if ~ :

~,;]1\1": ~.,m ""'l ~ '" I
~1t'1I"l*dl'fl41 ~: ql~(!fdif1ZCit ~ mr ~,!R1(
~'14fat: >l1@ll['1I~ ~ 11';( ~ II

If Moon is in her sign of exaltation, or is in her own sign, in the

varga (Navamsha etc) of bencfics, or in ils own varga is farthest
away from the Sun, is t' nder aspect of benefics, is without the
aspect of her enemies, nor associated with or aspected by malefics,
she removes all danger to short life like the Sun acting on in'.
(21 )

3M1<llftteq 11it9ll: "t'lffilfQ'''I(llqJTI lll:IT I

1Oi"!'1tl1l '1ghql i! 6lf'fl2~I:t(w:foll II';(~ J I
I. Venteshwar S:l&rma have thus given the Chapter on the yogas
for thl: n::moval of dangers to short life by gathering its rules like
the honey bee. (22)

i:lf!it~q;du>: ~t(jf!li '11'4l1is;4f'1I1
ai et(4.jQlf<tq ~di1 4,I,fOli!"H6 ~ I I ~ II
I will now deal with yagas relat ing 10 med ium hmgcvily i.e. from
33 to 70 years of age. (I)
.. ~ ~ u;,;> """": oil",.,.. :
$'i:lo;acfttr.tQ4 IFnfd >:jat?lq(l;-il:atll'i l "*,~ 11'2 t I

Moon in lagna in the sign o f Mars & seen Le. aspccled hy

ma1cfil.: and by benefic planet s loca ted outside of kendras gives a
longevity of 33 years. (2)
q[qag (P.Ndt ~ $'i:~ '!U 'lift ~ f"'4cblOl I
QiQ6M"W1"'!dE'?l4fl;;t~ ~ t i ~ II
If a ma!dic plancllord of th e 81h house is located in a kenJ ra or
a trin al house along with Moon and is aspccted by ma lc!1 ~' ~
situa lcd in th e 10th house. the native gets a bngevity of 3:\
yea rs. (3)
~ ri (I~!tI,",, 1 ~ mq EREif WEl6'ltla : I
ii1( w "'lli d ~ l'''lft:ila ~~ I I'd I I
'~ Ii'1!?4 If"~ 'i~q~'1tji1: IIlli T1 ~IIH!I<:j? : ll'fiI'%lj I
t1~ftdl hl4d1 \'q(fl'q \lit Wr{ '1r ~ '!fI1ij (j:J 11'(1 1
If Satu rn & Moon are in lag na & Mars is in Aquarius the na live
gelS a longevity of33 years. I r lagna is in between mal efics & the
lonl oflag na is in Gem ini & Jup iter i.e. in the 4th house, the native
dit:s in 37 th year. (4 & 5)
R%~qq~~ I I
.,.,. ~ o;4~1 'l*P ""' ;of ~: m : 11&1 1
If Mars lord ofSth house is in lagna o r if M ars occupies a fixed
sign in the 8th or 12th house, the nalive gets a longevity of 42
years. (6)
If Jupite r is in kemJ ra. Satu rn in 10 th hou sc & !lIgna is a movable
sign the na live gelS a lo ngevity o f 44 years. (6)
... tfi;;;;f?f1 ijl"rifir Qi qfil1d i
Buli'4 i"lil: ~~ f! 1 11311

If Jupiler and Venu s ar\! located in kendra. the IQrd or lhe iaglla
is with a m a le fi c pl anet in apoklim i.e. in houses 3n.l. 6th. 9th or
12th & the birth is at the time of Su nset or Sunrise the man ge ts a
longevity of36 yea rs. (7 )
e4i4Q f'lw4 (F<!I4<=4 ' Jf\~Rlil /fi41U1 ~ I
~ '4'1t~ i ~t!eA1;:,\1 ~ IM~~f.f~ IIl1tRi I If;; I t
(fSaturn is in lagna in it s sig n o f cxahatio n. Jupiter is in the 7t h
& Sa turn is in the 10th. the native would be ric h. knows Shastrit s ~
lives [or 44 yea rs. (8)
~ro- twTd ~ <t\w:;oc~t$ ~ 6Ikl62 I
:q p:IIRwl:"ffit 'liiqR! ;jfffi: ~ '11i';qi/.ll Qltf>lQ(l'1 IIQ. I I

If th e lo rd o f lhe lagna is 10catc:1.I in theSlh house with a maldic

planet& there is no bene fic plane t in the kenl.lras.the native gets a
longevity of 44 years. (9)
'lI""'1li\:1Q ~ (Nq qlqlfOlSjd ('i!qd\ ~ I
iiHitlf.e;a "!It Wi$~q~!,a cl"lfol1qq~f31\14 IIlIlfd I I ~ o I I
If Ihe lord of Ihe lagn a is located in th e 8th house along with a
mal efic. the lo rd of lhe Sth house is strong in the 6th with a ma lefic
planet & with o ut any benefic aspect on itthe man gelS a longevity
of 4S yea rs. (10)
~ om a:r1 W ~ ""fa" ""': I
qlqU ilJO l1 "f o;:m ~!fI"" "'lillfit;rq~f.!r\1"l IIljrfa t I ~ ~ II
If Moon is fanhesl away Crom Ihe Sun & is locatcd in Aries in the
13gna , and is aspccted by be n efi c.~ , the nalive is a king. IC the Moon
is devoid o f the aspect oCmalefi cs. the na li ve d ies a t Ihe age 0 1
48. (1 11
~iI .. il <'1'''''1(1: tt6Il1("<4=4'" :q"'l:1 &jljqoc::q ~ I
~<:ldRl~I"'wfil:!\l!d1 >JI1(lE1 ~ ~"<!!"if I I ~ ~ II
IfSaturnis in lagna with any OIhcr planct & Moon is localcd in
the 12th or Sih house. Ihe nat i\le is well ve rsed in Veda nla. is 01
good c haracte r & d ics a l the age o C52. ( 12)
'<CIit'il <'1''1'lcl&::''i~ ~ ttW;) 'if"'l",IOlq~ I
IfJup ileris in Sagilla rius in Ihe la!:!na a nd Mars a nd Rah u a rci r
the 8th. the man d ies at the age o f 52 yea rs.
V"im ~14ild illilUil; qlQtf;:qa l '1fd~&::i:i[IO'1 I I~ ~ I .

If the lord of the 8th house is located in Ihe 7th house & the
Moon is located with H malefic in 61h or 8th the native dies at the
age of5!/.. (13)
""'" ~ [\\".'1 ~ """ 'If< ~ .. <"U ,
~-ctT ~ ,!",qqiR 'Jm"1~ "l1lC\!1 f.N;f l '1I401ln-,,, I \~'d II
If Jupiter and the lord oflhe 8th house are in lagna or if Jupiter is
in Aquarius in kendra with a malefic planet th<.'" native knows the
meaning ofShastras, is lucky& dies at the age of 60. (14)

""" "'" "'" "',,. w'tffi,..",;r m~, ,

~;ji $1 ""it III q 1I ~ ~ ~ ~:nl(i1'1 ~(i1 ql'f'j;j "ffIl i i ~ 'i \ \
If the lord of the lagna is in kendra with a makfic planet & the
ford of the lagna is in the 12th house or i n the 8th, the native dies by
fire. The man is of bad character & a hlot on the fair name of his
family. (15)

ffit f.we ~ i/Mi<l; ~ """ '1'f.t f,l," ,

$<fI-:i!l~~l'4fGqi:::~@9) 'i(~qilJlq~ 1'jqqt;C\!1 II ~5; II

IfSalurn is in lagna. Moon in the 4th house, Mars in the 7th &
Sun is in the 10th with anyofthe three planets, Mercury. Jupiter&
Venus. the native becomes a king and lives for 60 years. (16)
w'ilfi:l~ ~,"IIf(tt~ i[l:;q~~: ~~1I"l14 I
~ 'it \fftlqR'! "I'iIG'l Efiflla "lllCllt \!C1i:1"'1:~ I I ~\9 1 1
If Venus is in lagna aspeetcd by Mercury. Jupiter and Moon &
Jupiter is in 5th hosue the native becomes a rich king& dies at the
age of 60. (17)
ffI d ~<"1'" ~ 1(4)(1 t"l ",1 '<I qt<: q 'P"'ll: QO'11 eQ &'<I (t: I
qJlq@4!$'IC1I~.<IM "lg)ql'd: f4JR'El"i '<I" tllIC\li 1 1 ~t:;11
If Venus is in lagna & Mercury and Saturn are in kendra highl)
exalted planets arc in Jrd and \1 th houses the n"utive becomes a
king and dies at the age of 60. (18)

61 (I 'J1 ""ll ~ 'il ",1 f-l"'l "I 'fl' Icil "lC111 ~ '<I" cg <1M "11 al
'iIJ1B41 "l"l4Ri ~ ,tHBfi'I'i'iIRd '<I" I
qi'iCili "l$Ii14:!llIj f.rI:4'i"lfi:tf!'ld o:i<:chltf; ~~~r,~",,,,,,'l ,
~ h~ l'ff f4IRt1~'1fl::t~ ''<I{'JI\lId QI~~"'I:: I I ~<I, II
If the lord of the hour of birth and the lord of the lagna be
located in the 8th house, & the lord of the 8th is in kendra, the
native becomes a king, rich and falP-0us and dies in 66 years. Nan-
dak says it is in 60th year. (19)

The lord Oflhe hora oflhe birth referred to in shloka 18 shou".
he determined on the basis of the day of birth. The tirst hora or
hour from Sunset would belong to {he lord of the day ofblr1h. the
lord of the 2nd hour fro m Sunrise would be the 6th 10 the lord of
the 1st the lord of the 3rd hour would be the lord of the 61h from
that orlhe 2nd & so on. For example. if we want to know the lord of
the 11 th hour after Sunrise of a person born on wednesday, then
the lords of the various houses \ovould be as under:

Hour No Lord
lSI Mercury
2nd Moon
],d Saturn
4th Jupiter
51h Mars
()Ih Sun
7th Venus
8th Mercury
9th Moon
10th Saturn
11 th Jupiter

1eJ?l11"l(if%I'1: (1~dl ~: (Mt\1.1W1'E1fedl ~ 14(;;l!:

'3iff:i:l1 'li'rit ::111421 ~ ""1iSll: &1lo~qfM"41",,~tij&::'II1 II~o I I

If Sun & Moon are in the 101h hou se. Saturn is in lagna. Jupiter
in the 4th. the nat ive becomes a king and lives for 68 years.

~ fi.!(lj' ~ "f'l~4<[ffi ~ ~ 1:1<:;ii'ii) ft5111ii'n I

<Alai <ITit ili"4eli~1'l!p1iifl iI" ;:;ftitq "'fI'<<rf ~ ~""i5i,"'''1 ;jfffi: I I~ ~ II
If Jupiter along with Mercury and Sun are in the Ascendant
Saturn is in Pisces. Moon in the 12th house. the native becomcs
ri(.;h and comfortable & lives for 66 years. (21)
~ ~<i1'~ fq'ji: !lqla ~ ~ Bt<:'1"l" iI" ~ I
dlff+iOJ 31191 "li'jt41 '51iPl~11:il il~<:tIfi:<!: qil~
: ~~1C!I~""": I I~~ II
If Moon is in Cance~.~;, Jagnu. Saturn is in its sign of debilitation
in the 7th house with Sun also in the 7th the man is highly wise &
lives for 65 years. (22)
~ iR 06;;;:il <IT ~iliJl mar ofi'it \.lIWl{ ~ tnfiUl 1
<ITiT 'mf: qf%ffi "-l4~hdl w-:ft m: iEJl<:'18 4ffl (1 0II If I I~ Q I I

If Saturn occupying Aries is in kendra or a trine, benefics in ken-
dra or Sun & Mercury are in kendra, the native is a learned man.
religious. wise. & lives for 70 years. (23)
U"Iq'l :tl;:;;:;1 ID-cir f:N;t lR11fGl8 I
i'iI'11fE:iQ1 $&!\I-i\('qIQ:J\'iqfa (ji::.<jf<'l/3 11O;:b' II
If a sirong benefic planet is located in a kendra. & the 81h is
without any bcnefic planet in it & is aspeeted by the lord of the
lagna. the man though sinful lives for 70 years. (24)
q'q"'lopi.j ~(Ii:~ fl i:I~('f1il ~ I
~ffl1o:t ~ l"t'jUIf'! (jCijFllI ~ ',;1'$<;1 II~\( II
If Mars is in the 5th house. Sa turn is in A ries. Su n is in the 7th
house. the native lives for 70 years. (25)
~ 01 ~"1T 1"J"lTI P!II~ <:II <11111 2j i=1 MI ~ it Ifh:til <j q 11 R: G=i 1PI 'ltiWi fNFll
4111H W~i''lIo:t I
~Ip:jl qp::r-n'1~"rn'~Hr.a "11('11 a <trfu i1ffipwi{21 !i~1fi! ~'l\rJ1tl-~
~'S( i f~cf, "httftll 11~5.11

Thus I have stated many yogas. Yogas arc in nu merable. but I

have sek.:ted those given by Ya vanach a rya & the sages. Those
who pon de r over these get great fame. All this shou ld be con-
sidered in relation to birth charts, homry cha rts & for other
marriage functions etc. (26)
{1"llq;(jI;1lfo:! l[l1T: tll"t'RI1 : ~: qpl':'HI"'<:I(f"4I:
w"l l ~ <:I~ql4( ""I1'llOJ5t,l: ~~I+?:IFt!q{li'1"'1"i1<;1 11~13 1 1
A man gets long life if all the pl anets occupy the 1st six hcuses of
the horoscope & contrary is the case when a11 p lanets occupy the
other half (17)
w 11f<: ~ f{l"'ltlil{'11 : ~ ~'/lI~'1 I +?"""'lq( 'J: qrqr: I
wilfi"<:! '!'1':1 'J'" i q 1'3 ~: ~ 41 ':I 31rfl Flli ~ ~ '"11 RI I ! '( to; I I

If in the 6 houses beginning from the !agna there are strong

hem'lic planets and the strong ma ldlcs in the other ha!fthe man
becomes ric h & moral & lives for 80 years. (28)

wi! .,.,., "1l1~d 'iii'! ". ~ "'" I

"l1i'1"1 ~q'iP!~: ffiT~3ICf: !ii!1~ i I'(Q, II

If Mercury is in lagna, Moon in a trinal house(5th or9th) Saturn

in the 9t h. the native suffers tilI.,40 years of age & gets happy after
that age. (29)

:3IFH I~jll dl : ~ 'i:*'l;;;: 4"1f;::q dl: I
3iI~\!j11 qt~<ihiI111bMd~: II~OII
If all the planets are in odd signs along with the strong: Moon.
the native gets long life. Odd sign in lagna too i~ conduci've 10 great
fortune. (30)
("I1"I(lf~I'ldl: ~ crj'ij;("II"IRdl: I
Eilll1if1 JI111'l"Iw1lO1lllj~~ m II~~ II

Ifall the planets arc in even signs along with a strong Moon (i.e.
whcn Moon is farfhesl away from the Sun) & the birth is of a
female in an even sign in lagna Ihe woman gds much forlune.
(3 I )
1OjIHp.i'jil~ $1~i1~<;f...j l1<:111<;l1: I
q\"G""l'fl 9""1~qi~m:;fi:1f!H11l1 : 11~~ II
Yavanacharya & othel clre of the view that yogas Ihal ensure
arnuence and power confer long life. Varahmihir & others have
hmvcver. treated luck & longevity yoga, scparately. (32)
<f.if d?l" <:1<i'1<7ill("f1f,;&: l=i11 f1+ldlj I
if.:::'I~<;1 if.1d ...Ni): ("I~~ ;::r ~f1<;1 11~i':! II
Whereever both arc pn::valanL that only is agreeahle to me. For
poor men have been seen with long life. (33)

~ ~ i6;;;:'E'iJ {'t1Ri~0s2: tR rn: I

t;*ill"llt<ln11 'fflIR'!lffil<:'ll1 f)jtj1 ~ I I i':!H I I
If Jllpiter is with Moon ir. a kenJra aspected hy benefic planets
& ifotherplanetsare located in houses over 10 in numher.the man
lives for 80 years. (34\

~4'ldi: (Ol)Rii: qrqfV"'IIt<! qfjjdl: I

WiT Te!W1ii'<'1O'3W: tUPRlfll l "4i1 ;rir,r II~'~ II
Ifbenefic plant:ts arc in kendras & there is no maldil" pl<lnl'l in
(he Hth house, Moon is located in (',th from lagna, Ih.: Illan liv!.:., lor
Hti years. (35)
ql(lI'iWllWltf4T~~: qt:;;:SIQ.R I"J<'I": !
cf;;! T1 rAfti 6' ' ';'1':1 1 'il '~I~'i"j Wfl:
/Ol I I ~ 5. I I
If natural benefic planets are located in the 3rd. 61h or 11th
house. Moon is in Mh or Hlh, Jupiter is in kcndra. Ihe native lives
long as lord of 300U village.;;. (36 )
The location ofMoOIl ill6~h or1-llh is not conducivc 10 long lifc.

H en<.:c this sta lem e nt is nOI understood.

If in any o f the hou ses 5. IJ. 6. 1. 4. 7 & I0 th~re arc 3. 4 or 5 pla nels.
the man even married has control of sex. H l' also li ves l o o~.

~ ~~!!I(h:t;( R:Ga lf<!lq f;j C1l: I

QI'QT :., Wllf.:l ('1 <::41"1 Jii1:::tI:fitf ;:n:: : 1 1 ~ C. l t
If Jupiter is in hodra to the lord o f the lagna. a nd th e malefic
pl ane ts are n o t located in kendras or trines. th e native lives a
. powe rful and happy life for a hundred years. (38)

irit ~~<I( l ij4i~ RlIta : ('ItdFo::1 : tro I lqQ, I I

A single Jup iter located in kendra from th e lo rd of :h e Jagna
gives 70 years o f life. (39 j

,.... T'I ~"". f<iiir 'i'!fjffi 'If< OJ yfd" I

'3I'ffi: f~ QIt4 'JOllltlC6ftl Qrtl ~ ,fjiji:f&n:J ~ I l'dO I I
If Jupiter is in ke ndra a n d Sun is in the la!om a . wi th M a rs o r Ma rs
& Su n are in the 8th ho use. Ihe na ti ve beeo m ~s ric h. virtuo m. &
lives for a hundred years. (40)

RI!ilii"\l O;:Ol'~ 6i1h,,~: iji'it~~.,I'lflTCr tr ~ I

RlItPfI( w "'l'ld ~ l1I"'lff'Qd ~ lI'R m ~ I I~~, t t
!01 ~ itl IM 6i1~~'q~: ii<;;ft::oq ~ "'li~ iJ ~ I
f4t r"w ~ 6:q h"" [1:1 if;;;jifiro I ~ *i!!l Rl 'iii!!I ~ q I I'd 0( I I
If there is the last N a vams hil of Pi)ccs in lagna and the re afe -l
r Jancts in ken dra. tile n a tive lives for a hundred years. If M oo n i~
loca ted in the lagnain its own Navam sha or is in Pisces,or Ca nc~r
with o ut any pla net be ing with it & if the n: a re fo ur pla nets in ken-
d ras the native- liws fo r 108 years. o r if the lag na is Leo & there a re 4
p lanets \o;.: aled in tri nes the mllive lives for 10K yea rs.' (4 1-4 2)

F-:ii fi:la~ : +4lt,,'I~IlI\!:\I", ~ ~ ~ m I

~ 'P 4iftta'1 ~q'{.,..q ~ im : QPti!!<'" t I~ ~ t I

If in th e C<l nccr lagn a the re is Jupite r an d th ree plan ers arc in

e X<i har ion M a rs is in C apricorn. <!-ndJupiter in Ca ncer & th e res t of
th e p la n et .. arc in kc nd ras. the nat ive has o ver 100 yc a rs o f lif..:.
1fft ~ WJU f~\!j11 ~ ~ ctL!~i qlq\t!1 I
~Icit '1(IFi'A'3 'EI~RI <!i'41'l1'Jlft f:fm 'lfQT'EIT 'Elitiillj I l'lf'lf I I

If Venus is in the 4th house, Jupiter in lagna, Saturn is with

Moon, the 10th housc has no malefic planet in it, the natlveo f this
yoga gets long life, education and fame. (44)

;:;;r.r tI'lm~ ~~ 411'lil@ I

("iI"rit W~j l i.fl'El~8 ~ ~ q{ <flI": I l'lf\( I I
Iflagna is more than 15 degrees of Capricorn & Mars is located
in the first half of the lagna & Moon & Jupiter are in kendra
together. the native gels over 100 years life. (45)

~tpl'l'f'l~'ld mir ~ q(la<fl I

i1lq'iQlijil ~ ~ cqQ("1I'l i l I l'Oq I I

~ ~ \fTT: Tx 'EI"1'; N4( '!f<i: I

ct;:;ql '{i!ij i1 ~ ~ f!lI '1 I'll' I8 I I '6\9 I I
f'ij c ... ~: IIldqqj<;Gi. <flI":
aq~IQmlfl""'''''qt=~''""'''''I: ~ f!lI'1iC'll"1J1I<fl I l'at:; I I
mrit ~ 1Jit ~ 1fft "Iff Nq( ~: 11'O~ II

If Mars is located in the first half of Gemini & the Ascendan t

point is in the 2nd half of or Jupiter is in the first half of Sagittarius
and the Ascendant is the second hal f ofSagittarus. If Saturn is in
kendra& Venus is with Moon one gets longevity or over 100 years.
If the Ascendant point is in the 2nd halfofVirgo& Mercury is in
the 1st half& 3 planets are in exal tation the span oflifc is over 100
years. Ifma!cfic plands are in 3rd, 6th & II th houses. Mercury is in
the last Navamsha oflagna, Saturn in lagna & Jupitcror Venus is
in kendra the ma n Jives for over 100 years. (46-49)

1tp14,{tf'iij'ld ~(IC'l1'" wit qilt ~ F:I~lqlt'l I

~ 'Elfgd?l -:mf: 1II('11<;G( ","/'::jRl ,!"q14I'f' 'f 11\(C't I I

If Mars is located in the 1s t ha lf of the Gem ini lagn a & the 2nd
half is occupied. particularly occupied by Jupiter. if kendras are
occupied by Venus <-lad Mercury. the native liVeS for ove r I{X)
years. a lucky life. (50)
3lf.:l fi::l '1 4(14i lIT'6 P:i(fll ~~I f~1 a"lit 'l"f?f q'q q. j ft1 tA I
101 q RI fg Q(111 ~'l ' ' ' ii'' ' "' '! 1I \( ~ I 1
: 1I141 0i 'lff<:" 'EI FE ('II : \I ::rl<:!II:
If the lagna is Pisces with the Navamsha of Pisces in it. Moon is
in Taurus with 5 good vargas such as dec ante. Navamsha ctc& the

rest of the planets are all in their signs of exaltation, the man lives
for 120 years. (51)

w.m~lflrgd 'thl)iVP! ~lfila'14 ~ '" <'{\tilld !

"'Iqf(YlBEFilq~" !/l~(ft!af.:l13I~i*lt:iIRHI f41t1 11'(,;( 11

If the Canccr Ascendant is occupied by Jupiter and Moon, the

kcndras have Venus and Mercury:Sun. Mars & Saturn are in 3rd.
6th & II th houses the native gets more than 120 years of life.
w Pi ~ ~ w'l~ 0lIiJ ~ qlfl(q ~CiI' 4 1
~: qt <;I!';lq( !Ol41fa (flr4'11~~:,IlqN~ ~ 1 I'(Q 11

If lagna is Aquarius. Jupiter is in Pisces, Venus is in the 12th

house, & Sun in lagna the man using herbs giving long life, lives
ten times the maximum life of 12Uyears. (53)
~ 'Pft q '{!hl)(j) 6l'l{td '41W 1
fi':rn f"-lw<!
qlq!1~: "iF?I~:tIIll~R e6f'51q~ fI~ra '3ffif: 1I'(~ II
If Jupiter is in Leo lagna, Venus is in Cancer, Moon in the 2nd
house & the malefic planets are in the 3rd, 6th & 11th hOllses, the
native lives for a thousand years. (54)

~ ~ ~<:!1'<! il<'::IRa l:iHirqJj &lllf12l 1

~tHla!H'Y>'lglqq,,",: 6~t(qil4li1 'Jlffi: 11'('( II
If Sun & Mars arc located in the 4th hoStle, Saturn is in lagna,
Rahu is in the 12th hJuse, & the remaining planets are in the 8th
house. the native lives for 2 thousand years. (55)
rt ~w4 "if ~ W3(i11lR <fit lftl\!d EM'!?! 1
fttifi :trm qf('i"j~if : 1 I'(S, 1!
Iflagna is Aries & Sun is in the 4th house. Saturn in Pisces. Mars
i~ in the 7th house, Moon in the 12th house, in full strength, the
man lives for 2 thousand years by using longevity giving _herbs.
~ :,IUiilct ~ ~f!jr?;l4f.:qd ~aHJI(lW~: I
~ ~ 1I41Rl m 1:r~(1!j e4p.;q~qi 111(1.911
If Moon occupies Taurus lagna. & is in association with Mer
cury. Venus & jupiter, and the rest of the planets are in the 2nd
house. the native ge1~- the longevity and status of Indra (i.e. lives
thousands of years). (57)
<lIi! fO~' ~ "'' ' m<jO "'" oF ~ 'Pf'i " oR I
(fll i11Ioaiif'!i:l4;ii41 ""ICI'9 H;;:q;~ }l4lfd 1 I\(~I 1

If Jupiter is !.ituated ill his own s ign in the lagna or in the 10th
house, Venu s is in Gemini. in kendnl. the m a n li ve~ thou sands of
years using longevity giving herbs. (58)

~ijf~e4Il'l",~d'j~ Ritiulit: "tl:'''~1I~: I

'-fRf: ffl~~ )jtMI?!' ;;fJq~'h i;l ~ ftfe~'~1 II',(Q, II

If all the planets :1~C located in the same sign in a kcndra or a

trinal house. the native dieS soon after hirth. Ifhe lives through the
power o f the Ma nlra. he lives lillthe e nd o f a yoga o rIakh s o f years.
f?i<fliOI qlqr"1~ <ffl 'I'Rlfi:I''1F318 i
~ 4IQ{f@;' ~ldRq"Oilf.:f1=i: 116. 0 II
Jf there a re no male lic pia nets in Ihe tri nal ho uses (51 h & 9th) &
there afC no hcnefic plancL'; in kendras. Ihe 8th h ou~e IOU is d evoid
of malefic planets, th e native lives thousan ds of years like a
Devata. (60)
~ if :t.(\lIWt 'IiI ~ ;:fj'"f;qij qd"'4::~lIlI ~W : I
(@H1ilRg Li".ilfili:'!1 ~1f1~ ~~;.;:q<:; ~lliFct 1 1e.~ ! I

If lagna is Taurus. containi ng Venu s. Jupiter is in kendra. and

Ihe rest oft hc plamts arc in Ihe houses. 3rd. 6th. 10th & II tho the
native lives tho usands of years like Indra. (61)

!IRI ~ qo;t ~ " W 1 't' I l""'t ~mo;

;mJ : ~ ilEM!: UlIlfd ~ 4'i1fEl:\lj I J 5. 'I: I I

If lagna is Ca Ol.: cr, Saturn in Libra, Jupil ~r in Capricorn. Moon

in Taurus. tht! native li ves thou sands of years like Brahma.
thro ugh M antras. (62)
Ei,ndQ QtI'1'I~ ~ ~ ~ 'ifliq.'l 'f.<i'I" I
f~ 61 ~HI~ 1 "ITi
~:X<lr;:'8lq"'l"{fqdi,!( rd I J ~~ I!
I flagna is eel il(.:er having thc Navum sha too of Cancer. J upilcr is
in kendra. M ... rs is in Caprico rn & Venus is in Sim hasan amsha.
the naliv. . livcs for tho usands of yc:trs by M;Jnlr;t etc. (631
$;::ql~ QI''l ~ ~QI) it!{ lI1'li .iITYtI111$1'. J
~r;r.t <'IT F:'1'1I'~o;{-lI jjldfK'!!itltAl1<' ~ 1ft : I IS.~ I I
If lagna is Ihe I;l SI Navamsha of Vi rgo. Mercury is in 71h, J u pilcr
o<.:c upics "(.io pur"" divi ~ i o n . & Saturn OI.:cupies "" Mridu" ;lm sha,
th e native gets innumcrahle years or
life. (64) \
~", di :r.fWr ~ <f."<:~ Ej{ijll@ I
f(li!ltH ifll% ~ ~ 3j ( d(;"'66Q~ : 11 !;i '''- I I

1f Ve nus occupies "Devlok" divisio n. Mars is in kendra. Jup ite r
i ~ in "S imhasan" divis ion. in ker.dra. the n ati ve 4J:ets in numerable
years o f life. (65)
3MiI ;r't >R! ~ "",,,,,,,.nO; I
fq'k.n<fJ 'lit ~ 811t.p3I1il({l&Qifi: 11&5.11
If M e r~ ury
is in kcn d ra in "uttam"' am sh a. Venus is in "Par;vaf'
a rm/HI. Jup iter in " Swarg lok" amsha in kendra the n ati Vl.: g.ets
innum o.:rablc n u mher of y\! 3rli as life. (66)

'11 !,!(~ ~ R ~ ql(if!hiii!<f; 1

81c6i';' eeftwO! q 'l'lid li1. ti\ c:&! 116.\91 1
If V C Ill! ~ is in ko.:ndra in "Gopur" divisio n. Jupiter occ upks
"Pll r\'at" '-Husha. in a Irina l h o use. & the iagna is Cancer. th e na liw
gcb lo ngevity lill the I.' nd of a yuga. (67)
'fl'iIW ~ .. Ill"'..... '{fn I
~ : ~ ~W!R ~ 115,c;1 1
If in C ancer lagna the Navamsha is of Sagittarius & Jupiter is
localed th <! r~. & there nrc 3 o r4 planet s in the ir sign of exaltat ion.
th e n ..H ive gets the lo ngevity o f a Brah mll. (68 )

~J1~ifll<t:il ~ .i\WI'~.H/'Cfl1f;qd I
~ 't'nail ~ tlAU I : Q('i:f ~ 11 5;0, I I

If Venus is bUlted in " (lopur" etc d i\ is ion in the 3 rd o r 11th

hOll se. the lagna is Tauru s having Taurus Navamsha in iL the
naliv(,: gl'ts the longevity o f a Brahm a. (69)
~ ~ ~ wit
iflrllI4IM "Ii4;f; t
-.nit ~ lit ., ;:;om 41f.:r qt ~ I tl30 I I .

If VI.'II US is in Ja gna. Ju piter in the 7th ho <;ul!. Mo o n in Virgo, &

the A ~ l.: e n d ant is Sagittarius with the Nav'lI11s ha o f Aric .~ in iL the
na tive ;I t wins the longcv ity of a Brahma. (70)
G"1Q 1Eniiff: ' ij~t1i;j~I'f,If;:qi! 1
!JU ~ P' ~ 141fq:t " Ial ijjelq~ (i~ 1 1\9 ~ t t
If Mc n.:ury is in Ihe 5th h o use in Ihc d ivisio n oO G opu r' ctc.
J upite r is in Aq uarius Ascendant. th e !lI ~n ge ls thc longcvi ty of II
Bf<l h ma. (7 1)
~ 'r'r ('114'idlt ~ ~ r<ft 'li faq~ <tl<i1-) I
~ I'Htti"fld'>l ;:mf 'l'ild"fll61 e'i~Rt ~: i 1 13~ 1i
If Ju piter is in kend ra. S alu rn is in the 11th hOUSI!. Su n in the 2nd

house. Mandi in I~e 7t h ho use. Mars in 9th ho use, the nat ive lives
till the end of the yuga hy Mantras. (72)
RI'ijIJl.h il~'!r'" l4~qliX1 '"' ~ Oi ~ 1I(1;l I
f.'I!i1I'$( .n$'I1I'lq\\ 'mf : fll5Mqq~ilRt t I ~~ I I
If Pa rticularly Jupite r and M e rcury arc in kendra. lagna i .~
Taurus. with M ars in il Moon is in "Gopur" division. the m an
li ves for 2 thou sand years. (73)
tW ma ~ 'l~ If$ ""':filt~ ~ !XU q"f ilfwir f~~l'"'l I
~ ~ ''':red WlI~ ~ldf;1 'lfl~<:C'ldl .. t:j&l~ ' 1 \3~ t,
If the birth is during d ay time in the bright fortnight of Moon .
Jupiter is in kend ra o r o f Cancer in lagna Mars is in the 7th ho use.
& Saturn in lh .: 4th house. th e native lives for 10 tho usand
years. (74)
;ilqli'lI(.tUIIQ...q,,4 i;o;::t:jlOl?!
8tiro'l <IT ~ ~ Jird{'.",*!~(!jf.i'H: 1113',( I I
If J up iter. Saturn & Ve nu'i are mutually in kendras or mutu ally
in trines. Ihe native lives for 10 thc usand y ear~. (75)
~!tffi "'l~<>i;o>. rm: qc;:f-:l*II F;!Jj~: I
tm' ~ Wfj :mI j l?! ::q6'FUf"" fI": I 113& I
If all the kendra s have be ne fi c planets in them. natural maidic
pl a nets are located in 3 rd. blh & Illh hosuc'i. the lag na be L('"o. the
man lives 60 th ousa nd of years. (76)
"':t'llf~~: ~ ,*': Ifafi.p:hll I
~ ~: q<,ileiH?~@1q:~41 11;'''1( : t 11313 1 I
If all the planets Jupiter. Moon etc are located in '~ igll s from
Cancer 10 Capricorn a nd the planets occu py degree 0 1 hif' hest
exaltatio n i.e. J upi!!: r in Ca neer. Mt:rcu ry in Virgo. Saturn in Li h ra.
Mars in Capricorn the native is Muni & lives very lo ng li fe .
~"'"'l1~14'II'jq4;' ,i, "iiil 6'1(1: ~: I
~~ftli'fli!llqj!ldl ~lij!R:O I'j('ftf.:o:1lOl l: I 1\31:; II
If Saturn. Sun, Moon and Mars a rc a ll in strength in
" Vaishes hik" division. th e native has the longevity of a Devill a.
3!1i'flM Jiqftli ;;iT ljr ~ ,!::~II~i:f,I: I
(&hil :fl<!(i :{4""it t:lltii Jlitf$"'1 ::il41f"'1 I tl.9'<, l l

If lagna is Cap ricorn & contain s Mars. Mercury. Venus. Satu rn

& Sun. if Jupiter is in 3rd house, & the birth is during the day time,
the n(ltive lives till the end of the kalpa (for another 200 era res of
years). (79)
qqif"lW~ ~ 1ffi <n f.WII<!l( ~~ I
fi'!!5I+11i0 ~ ~ "H1~ "'ldet4Iii?,'3!l~ ~: 11>:;0 II

If lagna is the last Navamsha of Aries & contains Jupikr or

Venus. the Moon isin the 51h Navamsha of Taurus or Sagittarius.
& if Mars is in "Simasana"" amsha. the ['ative gels innumerahle
number of years as longevity by Mantras. (80)

I<.t C'i\ "'"","' 'l* .. ~"'" ~ " ~ I

1JU ~ ~ m fgw~ R If"IllIi '1Pi+lIP1ilRl 1 1t;~ II
If Saturn occup ies Libra. if Sun is in a fixed sign \\'itl1 Mercury. in Taurus. Venus in Gemini. Jupiter in Cancer lagna. Ihe
lwtive is equal to a Muni (81) & lives very long.
~",\!i'lEf,i~ ~ mit ql(Ia:f1i~ I
~!'ll+l~ ~ ~ '1iRit '1Pil41 ~ I I>:;~ I i
If Moon is in ""Devlok"" division. Mars in "Paravat"' division.
Sun in lagna, the native lives very long like Muni. (82)
ilq(.~dl "Qfr ~ ;jtit ('<ih4f14fk18 I
f~qSlq'18 QJtr ;;mit 'lPiog::j1 ~ I I >:;;:} I I

If lagna be Aries. Sun in 10th house. Jupiter in Cancer. the

malcfics Mars & Saturn occupy 3rd. 6th or I I th house. the native
gets very long life of a Muni. (83)

Pidl'fJn l{lIT m fi&1l;V'f lOj;:fjfq0m::r I

lI5;ffi ~: trtf df1~q JOl"W!"11 11t:;'d I I
\Vhatever my predecessores have staled I have also stah:d in this
chapter of Chintamani in regard 10 the ye;.lfS of longevity. (84)



<::~/II$)Q "'1 ~ <Rfa lfftilq(l ;;(Idr(pii' ~ I

~ ~~ m ~ itt 1iqf ~fdnn if~ii"IY I'~ I I
T he good an d had results of the dasa of p lanets have heen
narrelled by grellt M Ullis. I have taken the esse nce of wh a t they
have said & will s tale in deta il the dasas. ( I)
..,, : ""''1 ~: 01I<it ~ .."'.:m. : I
~'M'~'" ~: ~ '1qill 6",(1 ~ II~ I I

A planet is of 9 types viz "Oecpta", "Swastha", " Muditah ",

"5 lHlnw h", " Hecn ", " D ti kh uta h", " Vikal"', " Khal" & " Kopr ', (2)

'3 c4 (Ol!I : g iI iI <ftc;;:r : f?!i f\Q : f"!ij"

'lI flI '::II " I
~ fl:!;fQ ~iah;Cl~) 1t';f diOQd II~ II
A plan et located in its sign of exaltation is ca lled "Dccptah", in
its own sign it is c;lll ed 'Swasthu". in a friendl y sign "Muditah", in
,\ benefi c s ign "Sha nwh- in ils sign of debilita tio n " Hee na", (3)
~ ~ :g ~ p.jCfitii : Q1Q{j!'fl : t
~ :Q((R.!c?1 ~: m ('4r<:::<b~$1 : I I'd I I
It is call ed "Dukh itah" within the sign of :In enemy. it is ,a iled
" Vik" I" when 100:ated with m a lcli c planet. o ne de feated in wa r i "
l.:a ll cll"Khal" & one with Sun is ca lled " Kopi", (4)

'i<l!f\l'!jIfi Qi'i!t ~ Il:fill!tlll!l ~~t:j i.1: I

i.1?r 111'l1'l<1>r.:r qfNitfl I!f~ra ft 11'( II
T hese 9 types of planets give di fferent results In their ruling
ne riods acco rdi ng 10 the Ill~a nin g o f thei r names, (5)
t!I"tt \I oil C~Hili ~ (I ft:I4 c;:q 'lffi i1M <1 ~ '1:::j Iifo't ~ I
~ !P'\i1I~ Wiiil'a'1ftt feI&i~(I"'4I'1'l~fa t\t1IY 11& I j'
During the ruling period of " I.)ee pta h" plan eL one gets rul ing
powers, zea l. bravery, wealth, c.:o nveyanec. wife. son. co m fo rls.
fr iends. honour. educa tion and honour from the ruler. (6)

CIfl/OIf4 detll <tl/Ii~qltfl fl!IlM 1411fi"""l wllte:'Iill6!/Oj

mr-lJw : l!f 1l:1(lei,!1041<;4'l lJltl 4i1 fa 11\9 i I

During the ru ling period ofa "Swasth ll h" planet. the naliv\! getS
good health. wea lt h a nd comforts from th e ruler. knowledge. fame.
love. g reatness.. wife. wealth. la nds.. sons. & mora lity. (7 )
~1f.qd~lfq I:YllftlQIJi Cff?llr='{.'EiW1I~~4'" I
9!1'l r~ -lIJI ",0II ~'1I1GI"1I ~41"1r\ll (~ llfta "l Y I I 1;; 1I
During the ruli ng period of a "Mudit" planet o ne gets clot hes.
etc. lan ds. scents. son. wea lth, patience. hearing of the Sacn~ d
T eXIS. & songs. & a lso gets c harity. co nveyance, clot hes &
o rnaments. (8 )
<.!IIPi41<i WiI~~4"RI ~ldfil W*ffi411j I
mT- fl!I ril!il f.:q d '44~1I f?I .. 1$"14 ~~II ~ 4'{\I'll di 'i!f I IG, I I
During the ruling period of a "ShaJ'l a h" planet the native gets
co mforts. patience. la nds. sons, wife, conveyance. knowlt dge. rec-
reatio n. Sacred T exts, much wealth. & favou r from the rule r o flh e
cou nt ry. (9)
E"'f 1 1tij~ iiilq~?Ifqdl 1{ I1fil 6<::flI 2I'*lftl4Iifi I
;(1 tH'q41 iJl\ttl H!l11f'l1 f'I:ffil ~ ?I'If41f1 ft d: ''''''' 'tI I I ~ C I I
During the ruling period ofa "Heena" planet, the native li ve~ by
despicable & low m eans. forsaken by people. & s uffers from dis-
e ase. ( 10)
~tiIlp:qtft4l fq <: llftl4Ict 11"111'44 i-~aRt f4f'1IJ t
fl!I~:tI.n iI'1Il1~f!l81"1';'(Ip':~qq'llfq*R1: II ~ ~ I I
During the ruling period of a "Dukhit'" planet he suffers fre-
qu en tly from vari ous types of sorrows, he ha s to travel abroad. has
cla sh with his friend s and relatives. & gets fear from thieves. ki og's.
wife etc. ( I I)
qqjtFQ ~cfll e:lIf.!Nlct hR':q"'I<lIRt "';:'Wtj~r(1j I
fq~IRqj1'1 1 ~ ~Ql!ijIMl~q"f'iIIl(iil1(Ql611j I I ~~ I ,

During the ruling period ofa "Vikal" pl a net, the man gel s some
of hi s limbs impai red, is worried menta lly. & meets with death of
his elders like fath er etc. & gets trouble from wife. son, co nveya nce.
clothes. thieves. (12)
iI3111~q[<t CWI8 f~t(i'l &iiffll @I<::flI fQ~q),,'f t
~ JI:otl"1f f.fflt fEl \JI ~" f:i<::IIJ II ~ ~ II

During {he ruling pe riod of" Kala:' planet. one gets Joss of fa lher,
gets e nmi ty from people, loss of wealth. & lan ds & gets bad n ame
.fro m h is relatives. ( 13)

qjlqi~<181ifq <;;liiifi!t4Ict qrtf +i!l'lllllR'l ~~41I?: I
ftI~14l/1': eftf:l'i'lfl:l'illil mit ~ ~ i'!(clS::;r ~ II ~\1 i I

During the ruling period of a '"Kopi" planet. one engages in sin

in matlJ' ways. there is loss of education. honour. wife. wealth.
lands. He gets the wealth of a king through unfair means even ;fhe
be a Yogi. (14)

1Oj1;:fl~liiilli 4(;:fI eQ I I't'4 Ofl)ftwnafy I

Ell1i'i4 l{ftlqi:! : ~.,)ji';lri'.&!l"f II~ II

During the main ruling period of Sun occupying its highest

degree of exaltation one gets lands. wealth. wife. son. fame.
courage. honour from the king. movements. recreation meetings.
d cQIf.:qa81lj'q (M.liiilli 'illjR:"'II;:;qll!1qfhnt ~ I
~ql(l'if'i'3l~~?t14 ~lillil~lil '<I(Ri SI<bI41~ II~ II
During the ruling period of ~un in exaltation one gets cows.
increase of cows. grains. wealth. travelling. clash with friends and
relativc3. He travels from onc place to another remaining in
ang<;r. (2)
ll'i1ug~~41'14'" fa18tlill~fd ~ (RictRrl41"1I'j I
if~lliVl (!:I'9Iffi;qI"1I'l...u;:;q~{ ~ 1'lf'4 : II~ II
In this period the native resorts to much prostitution, he gets ser-
vice under the ruler. enjoys amorous acts. honour. gets conveyance
fitted with instrumcnts like Mridanga. Bheri. etc. He is in dash
with others. (3)
dllil~ij~ I!IliIiI<"1144181 ~ 1'lI!;ti!l 1l6i:!fd4l6l'l"f I
404"flI{ 'J/I<;;I( ~'il11j\)j4Id'l ~ RfjlllofH 11\111
During the ruling period of the '"Arahi"' Sun (i.e. Sun travelling
next to its sign of exaltation) the man gets importance. comforts.
does good to others. gets son. wife. lands, cows. horses. elephants
agriculture etc. (4)

<;;liii i!I (1 81111:1111Cb'fl T~fihllll1; d'18<e"Uflll{ I

~(lfi1~'51 <Ilcl~ ~ ..~EI "I{lil<fi!cl ~ ~~lilJ{ III( II

During the ruling period of an "Avrohi" Sun i.e. Sun situated in

tbe signs next to its sign of exaltation there is destruction of
agriculture, wealth, house & the desired objects. There is trouble

from thieves, & fire , opposition & clas h, wrath of the ruler and
travel to OIher countries. (5)
::ft::qffitdE4ifQ (~"'4IifI 'U01I~""IWi ftt R::tQIiiI<i!41<:{ I
\411'f'1t:i1 \l,d1lH<lt : I t& II

During the ruling pc-riod of the Su n occupyi ng its sign of

debilitation. there is destruction of honour & wealth due to wrath
o f th e ruler, the destruction of o nes relative's a nd friends. & one
gets bad name through sons, fri ends. wife. father etc. (6)
&\."4(1 of!'Elll"kld q4<:U4 f<!IqR'i"llq::fiR::t 'ISWJ;1tr ~ I
~a1tiqI4 ~ ~ Rl!!?II?I 'l.fl:l1fl~ftt"'IWI'f I Mi I
During Ihe Su n occupying its highest degree (10th) of debilita-
tio n. one get!> jOio danger. sepa ra tion from home and hearth.
Iravel ab road. death of elde rs. & the destructio n of wife. son. cows.
land s, agricu hure. (7)
~~Cfi)J I f4(~fttQ\<fI ~iI4O::iI(I<e;GiIl"l ~mq I
(i"'I"'~ ih6l",ftl-:;r~ {4(l!01I"i 4H i ftllti~RI (i'i4'f I lei I
During the ruling period of Sun occupying its Mool Trikon i.e.
positive sign (see shloka 51. chaplcr 1) the native gets lands.
wealth. wife. son. friends. comforts. support of government. callie
wealth. gain fro m friend s.. app ropria te status & ru ling powers.
+i4 ~ 51'I{4I~ (a~ltIlql fiqll'l\'ftM ,~fl:Id ot\R::t~ t
fl:Itit4Q1: i O\ll'l\lll {q'l~<illq ~~RI fl:!l i, II~ II

Durillg the ruling period of Su n located in its own sign. the

native gels comforts from his friends and relatives. from agriCUl-
ture. He gets wealth. fame, education. honour. favour asked for
from th e government & gain of land. (9)
ItlIIlf!tqiiiJ S"~Vttif4 ~: lHtIi!i'4itlfil5l1ll : t
,n~51 fQ5IIPJiQlf\( Cfi"I5t I'a"Q'l14Iitt ~: fil'k!i II ~o II
During the ruling period of the Sun placed in its sign of bitter
e nemy (i.e. natuml & local), Ihe native loses wealth. wife. Son. cat-
tle. friends, fa thcr CIc. ph ys i c~ ! trouble & all round enmity with pea--
p1,_ ( 10)

('Itki(i~ilftqd "t4GliI ~"dr Qfhise'4;tii'4i(: I

1qiP"'''''~ ~ RlQI~ rq:;;oftt(l~ "O!f.tilo:lilRl II~ ~ I I
Sun located in an inimical sign makes the native sorrowful.
troubled from son. wife. also financiall y, he ge ts into danger from

Ihe ruler, fi re, th ieves. querrels.. opposition from falh er du ring its
ruling pe riod. (II)
\4fl;?I(I~iffiqa '4~11I l?'l'1f1lfi:l?lICl't'JI(li3I 'f4li'{ I
.(4i1 Mifl 1?'l\li1+i4 WI tll1l ~TtI .. nlA<!'IIqy i I ~ ~ II
S un located in :, rriendly sign. gives in ils ruling pe riod se rvants.
fa vour from the government the father and th e son. abode in one~
house, a ssociation of o ne's myn people, honour, orna ments.
clothes. coppe r etc. (12)
&'4a iJ:r'AIfflI(IE'I q l oi\~l/II~ql<6 i!i\jRl4l64~RI ,
f1J9;'A"II""lil!l '1;:11~<!'IIB(<l1 ~"H1lq('l<'lijllf.i II ~ ~ II

D uri ng the ru ling r efi od oflhe Sun when it is loca ted in the sign
o f ils bosom fri e nd Ihe native gets muc h comfo rt wife. son. wea hh.
grains, ha ppiness of m ind. conveyance. clothes. & o rn a ments.
(I J)

+:t'1Itl'If4Ifi:1 (U~nGI ElqOJj~ : +:41t'Jl\T4'{fliGI"4a;1 I

'h<"r..lIl"l!II( ~1!I('ft&lt ~ ~ (UI"'~a : \'41'3 II ~'If I I
During the ruling period of the Sun, occupying the sign of a
neutral planeL one dea ls with pt..'Ople of equal Status. h e gets gain
from agricu lture. la ods, grai ns. ca ttle. conveyance. c101 hes. com ..
fo rts of the body. But de fect in wi fe & sons & trouble in battle
also. (14)
~4'!,..Ti'IP"'"""a4,""IR"4 (~~~1I11! ofj"liiI'Ut41 ~ ~: I
.fiiI 'l?l ElI""'ljef q~<i I ~"I;fl~ij)jt EI~RI ~ I I~'( II
During the ruling period of the Sun located with a p lane" in its
sign of debil itation the man earn s by unbeco ming means. He has
bad nail s & is of bad c haracter. H e gels trouble froln wife. son.
gra ins. we a lth. callie. & 'he engages him self in actions tha t shaull]
be avoided. (15)
d cGIFrGa8'llfi::l (&4lI141 '14ifi1(!1I~ ~ """'"II I
~ii.lifMitllift$i;;j;( "Iii' IIt<tit(t41~9!IOI l/ilflIy I I ~& II
During the ruling-pe riod of the Sun located in its sign ofc){<llta-
tion. the native acieves the object of his desire through hi s profes-
sio n. he ha s sacred bath s in holy places. sings p rai se of the Lord &
engages himselfin the service of the public th ro ugh the renovation
o f the lemple~ etc. (16)
4141f.:Gij\'4 ,!!*,1~l/iI4! ~ 1:R': rt!\liw:qfCI ~:q'iillli I
'!f'1~'JI;f 'l1ReMflIql~ 'l1:fl1cl"l1 \4Ei;f fl/hA'3 I i ~\911
During the ruling period of Ihe S un located wilh a m a lefic

plancl the m ind of.t he nat ive is a lways worried for having to pa rt
wi th his mo ney. He ta kes b ad food & wear~ bad clothes. he gets his
wealth reduced much as a result o f h is im moral be haviou r.
( 17 )
R"ll ftl"'lI G4:'4 lW'l1f::tie'E"l ~ ~ "{fi:lliIl1 R:qf?iY I
$t02f4~I Et t4\l1 ~ : ~ql ~ <tl(!'llI"IQI' >Jjlcl fi!I'lIeo'hlfoe.y I I ~ C.II

Du ring the ruli ng pdiod o f Sun lo cated with a natuf(! ! benefic

p la ne t the n a tive gets happ iness. la nd. wea lth. clothes. ha ppy
assoc l<llions with friends & hi s o wn people. (18)
~ilRI ~: f(!'1't fuld ~~~[lIl;1i": f':f1 Wiq l f1qcll ~Y I
lfIIR!UdlQ d~~~t:h~ fQ:;iT: ~ "l4fdlOfl"lil ~ II ~" I I
Duri ng the rul ing period of Sun when it is aspected by a benefic
plancltho: na tive gets educat io n. fa me. wife, son. good speech, a
lus trous body. influence over o thers. enjoyment o f <lmoro us &
playful ads. hdp from fa ther & honour from th e govern m cnt
Qdf'lIftI ~ 1! "4irf't~~II ~ q l ~ ~ q; $W I

fQ:;iT Il "'lllll WI<I(Cflte ~ (I [1 "'1 'iq l <?l'fld <Jl ~ItQ y I I ~O II
D uring the ru ling period of the S un when it is a spected by
m a lefi c planets. th e nalive gets much sorrows, destruction of
fa ther. troub le to so n & wife & suffe ring & loss o f pos itio n at the
ha nds of thieves, ru ler & fi re. (20)

cflO:O:IRtffi4IN ~qt<tl(t4 C:~ II~q l':t 'jq~ ii $lr;:t I

+?"I1'1"1fCr iI~41'ii:lfo ~ : <Jl~ilI'cl4f{\I~ "'if I I ~ ~ It

D u ring the ruling period of the Sun. whe n. it is located in ken-

dra. o ne gets se ve re pu nish ment at the hands of the king ( i.e. the
govern m e nt). loss of position. ,~cp aration from frien ds. loss in
agric ultu re. & roaming. (2 1)
81~oll,!!'dI(~~ ijil 4 1 ~ih4 (i"'~"1I"'1il ~ I
41tAl f48lPi PiEl::l ~ !f)"II~~Cfi(!'<l!!~ ~ ~ II~~

Du ring the ru li ng period of the Sun located in a trin al house. the

na tive ge ls confusion of m ind. defam e fro m gove rnmenl loss of
comfo rt.~. & fa the r, f. ~ ~ tra ti on in actio ns. (22)

a :el 141i!fl("4 " m ~EOjtRl "I{R1 ~ lIdiq",f.:!dl q l! ar~4 "'if i

"'Ii"'1l ~ oflGQ1 Rrtd (Rlcfif&e1!1 ~ cH?li@4"1Pi~1 rqqq' I "'Ii~IY 1I ~ l;! II
T he ruling perio d of Sun whe n it is located in the Navamsha o f
its sign o f ClI.uitation ( Ari~s). g ive:; to th e native means of

livel ihood. constant personal influence, much wealth. many
pleasure giving recreations. wife, robes. in come by day and night.
& the destruction of the paternal side. (23)
~"ht[$1iE4 (~~~ilql qi<ti4"1.l5l f.1~(~[q].,y I
~ \J[~iC~!fct:ta~ q;fl~<tilt Ilq(Q@;<llIY t I~ 'd It
During the ruli ng period of Sun loca ted in . its sign of debilita
tion. the native gets loss of wife, wealth. lands. He has to travel
abroad. He i .~ forsaken by his friends and rela tives. He has bad
conduct. mental misbeh aviou r. fever. & urin al trouble. (24)
~ E{4t:lIql ~g fQ:~(lll'fl (iJqi"lfI : I
~ Q~1i!;JPi~'illrd mt q8t4~'il II~,( II
During the. 151 one th ird pari of the rul ing period of Sun. the
native gelS sorrow. He has co nsumption in his body due to contact
with his fa ther. In the mi ddle portion of the ruling period the
native has loss of wealth & caule, hut at the end he gels education
& high status. (25)
t:lIf?1QIi$ "I.,@ii~Qfa Ql'\'3f?i1lilofl\f(1 t-fl'lIlt1'Iy I
$!4i1f2i~'ld Qf/;(i Urt 'lilfitfl3 ~ !U 1I~@iy II~& I I
During the ru ling period of Sun located in the 6th house, the
n"tive gets colic pai ns. trouble in passing urine or even diabetics.
(014f1!1'1lofldq !U 4~nql ~6E4 1fiI'"! ~ 4Ifi.,"flRly I
'<Il~;j; ~?If?1$l(ifll'l iiI:I(IRI(,tlt 'l"4Q4"i~ ~ I 1~\911
During the ruling period of Sun in (he 8th house. th ere is tro ubl e
(0 the hotly or trouble from lire. intermitant fever, trouble to eyes.
cough or asth ma. loose motions. & fall from position or office.
(27 )
"11o:m:Y41 11('4 .iQ~ tilT 4cll l'qi5l~ ~ 6l~4lf1'1J1 '{fA"I~[q"l !U
fti.Jlf!lOfllll ifl~t1 I
f1!I I 1[~I.,QR1flt f>~"""1"'d mn 'I"lf QI"4"bfi4t1l414 ~;fjt: ln~Cfil!1i lhi!lIRii
'l Ql g Of Y II ~ 1;; "
During the ruling period of Sun in the 12th house. the nat ive gets
sorrow. losses. weak health. loss of wi fe. relatives. so ns. lands.
There ar~' ljuerrls. travel from place to place. fear of poison from
the ruler. d isease in feet. un necessary arguments, opposition in
assembly for recreation & trouhle due to horses & ca ttle. (28)

qii(qRlf~QR1qi ~ 'I"Rt ~1~('4 1:U m S:'1~4)' 1 ~ tl4lt!'l6 qlltqO j

stihl., ':I' I

t41'iI~ Q'i'iIl4 ,4"14 W4l"1f.. t ~ '1II~ra a:;r f(1'ttClIti4 "
~kQII!'IY II~" I I
Duri ng the ruling period of tbe Sun occupying the 2nd house.
there is both the aquis ilion of & troubl e to son. sorrow. separalion
from frien ds & relatives. sorrow,& clashes. spoilt speec h. anger.
loss of wife. & wea lth. fear fro m th e governm ent. loss of Jands.
)ons. conveyances. robes. & o lher a rticles. In case Sun has be nefic
influence o n it these adverse results do not take place. (29)
ql::flIil;IflI'l'3jfflZi ~ ~ '1!<:WJB I
,4'11"1 '1"1\Q~ 1Il1<'1~(fiNt1"11 II ~o I I

During the ruling period of Sun loc ated in the 3rd ho use, the
native gets much patience. & h<lppin ess. also honour from the
governme nl but trouble & rift wit h the brolhe r. (30)
~ll?4df4iRl (4%!llfl "11'1i4'l."letictlQi?ii!' t
1fl?iIR"'IIQI \<I4,,*~ ~ lfl'1tqfa :(j(~tijlfi"'l>i)fdy II~~ i I
Du ri ng the ru ling period orSun located in Ihe 41h hou se. Ihe re is
los s of land. enjoyments, wea lth. ts. wife. fall from the posi-
tion held. fall from a vehicle. & danger from thieves. poison. &
lire. (31)
GIOP<:idf4lfi1 (l:I%lIlf! Cfi<i1?i(l'! ~ ~ ~ 'If I
\fi>4l"l;j 'tfffidql&iijjl~ ~(IRr.Uii'RI~61"1'1"iY IIQ~ II
During the ru ling period of th e Sun loca ted in the 7th house.
there is disease to wife. o r even her death. consumption of bad
food. unwholesome dishes. & food devoid of good things like milk
rice. cu rd. ghee etc. (32)

<tI~f(l!jdf4lft1 (iiI%1I41 (l'iQl>1@t:I t1~RI ~ I

3ti'1'I~Fe If'@mT ~ ~ ~ql~ 141Ol1"l<4 ~ 11;;j;;j II

During the ruling period of Sun loca ted in Ihe 10th house. one
gets ruling powers, wealth. gains, patience. success in under-
takings. along with fame. success in liligation. & honour from the
king (gove rnment). (33)
5IllIie<ldf4lfq ~lIIif!l4\* "'l1;flQ"'llita iQI"lCfi~QiIqq I
dti)'lfefl WlGI(<<t6ll 41'1IR'l"'lilldi!l~\LI'1 IIQ'd t t
During the rul ing period of Sun located in Ihe 11th hou se. one
gains weal th. engagement in ch aritable deeds. success in under-
taki ngs. com fort of son and wi fe: also conveyan ce etc. orna ments.
clothes. & good heailh. (34)

f:!~!Uj!i:I 'tll:l!" "!~I:&lt!l'cti ifl"'l\;t~ <l81 4 c<fiqRIIC"{ !
1'Mf11li"1ic#Jifl41ln~4ef 'if df1<:f1~ 'i'W! ~ ~~ii4ili I (~'J. i i

The results of a ruling period should be declared by taking into

account all objects etc that arc rdavant to the planet in the chapter
of dc1initions & in that dealing with profession. as also hy the
thing relating to the house involved, the aspect falling on it or the
yoga made with it. (35)

~ f11li'1"1\!1ifGI<fi '{lff.l~;;j In'i.~<l!1IO(t ~ (!"'\!fii1"l q(4~ : ~'.!*ld

<tIRl"'lio;! I
i1C'lli<$ .~i"""'1I".n(if>~ (ff1=I'd" 'E!fflq<ti( "'liiietlRl 1{<lolfi:tIlC~'tfM dl<ti~q41
~ i i~&li

When the Sun is strong by possessing the strength arising out of

the place (sec shloka 99 to lOa of chapter I) it gi'ves in its ruling
period agricultural weal:~. eo\\'s, land, conveyance, clothes. com-
forls, honour from the government, wealth from others, lustre of
the body. In the ruling period of the Sun one gets articles for sleep
(good bed etc) and clothes. One also engages himse\f' in the great
service of others. & dips in the sacred waters accompanied by
fame. ornaments, & the aquisition of good friends & relatives.
~ <RI P=ii'1O(l!l'1 iWf d<:<li(f)ifliQl "e""c'""i~.''''fI i
(O\qi1~ ~qrq(tldPt ~iiF.!~lit ~VlI i iQ1.91 i

During the ruling period when the Sun is devoid of "Sthan"'

strength (see shloka J6) the native has loss of strength, and wealth.
He falls from the position held. there is opposition from friends
and relatives. menia l worry & sorrow by moving from place to
place. (37)
R,<t~'!i#l f~qM~ q f~'kl(l;tlla j;:flj'q 4l64~1 I
<ffift~: UiGjljirl'4~;:fji\'d'l!i ~ 1tiB:I I iQ/;; I I

During the ruling period when the Sun is cndowed with direc-
tional strength. the native gets v,'Calth and comforts from all direc-
ti(in~. He gets from all direction fame, wealth and lands. One does
not gct such intcnsivc results if the Sun has good strength but not
of the directional type. (38)
i1etli'<I~i1i'd'1d 0!R>i06 tm
~qi<$ iflff.l1{\'Af4d i
d'tll'ifB~ 'fl"'l1'1"1 'if gM ~ <t1i0101cl1 1iVlIi I IQ'<. If
During the ruling period of the Sun endowed with Kaal"
strength, one gets gain from agriculture. Iands. wealth, He gets suc-

cess in his undertakings & honour from the king. This is not so
when Sun has no "kaal"' strength. (39)

f.1O>ld: .4~fB ,;it ~ ~ ".IlI~ ,

4111'4'l.tfl&lhl ~ll m~ II'dOII

During the ruling period of Sun endowed with "n;,j.tural'

strength the native gets things in ordinary course. without much
effort. One gets honour, wealth, ornaments, clothes, & good health.
If Sun is devoid of this strength. the native get~ trouble from the
government fire and thieves. (40)
~ f! .qOSC:;I~<tie\)4S;'Fi ~.qfteijl'qlll'{qRl li1"iil4J!. I
1Q'E4 ;:;R 'W'GI( ~ IJlIS!IlR l llo:l 'I" "'if tFf W 11'6 ~ I I

rf the Sun has good measure of'Cheshta" motional strength the

native gets in j(s ruling period comforts & wealth for which he
exerts. He then gets honour from the government. comforts from
sons & wife, from agriculture, from conveyances. not if the Sun has
no such strength. (41)
~ &111'11 &I&sPe1tf1 <:<=I~ijf1lcql eEtltil 'if '8l6ll"'l I
<:N''llilld ,:li:qfNi<:flEtlI<rl m
~ eEtlM ftI"'Il~iY 11'6";( I I
During th,: ruling period of the Sun endowed with the strength
arising out of the Sun being aspected by benefics. the native gets all
types of comforts without effo rt. There arc the opposite results if
there is no such aspect. (42)

IRtiiSClj~I(~~@41 'E""l11~ "!U 1Q ...)(1:ilfBl{ I

ilQi~cfi "ffiI ftltJ(,:::i/ 'if iT.11If~"'I I ~1 ~ qr dif\lI"'1 I 1'6~ II

During the ruling period of Sun when it :s located in a malefic

shash ti amsha. the native loses his job & gets danger from govern-
ment& tlti(:vcs. He has much anger& disease in the head. There is
ioss of father ,~tc or his own destruction. (43)
'IhtiiSC4~1(~~@1I1 ~l/iQI~i14(~OijMl:4 I
"'11'4,4 (IJjWfill<::l! 'if ~<ti<::l~i1f71I'I""li=l~lIf7IJ! i 1'0''6 I I
During the ruling period of Sun located in a Mridu" shashti
amsha he gets good position. good ornaments. honour, titles.
favour from government. and studies Veda & Vedanta Shastra
etc. (44)
qi (I C:H1i~ ~I !.!;<1 'E4 I' ~~i1f?;j QI<fl ~ 'if
4t:41!j~~i1~q""l1o:1 'f ~IR(t~?i<fl<il?i\!II1'4"l I i'rl~ I I
During the ruling period of Sun located in "Paravat"' etc amsha.

the native gets great fame, gets wealth from friends and relatives.
honour from government & gain of Son etc, good friends &
wife. (45)
f4l eqi~"'o:t.I lJI<iP4i~i<tl q}/i!lINltil 6i!1($ft'e ilj;::;q"! I
;:rcit qi{ff f"4H1OI4 ~ 41QU81onfifs 4't",1lfi:i:1 11'a& II
In the case of ruling periods of male tics the result of their being
in exaltation is gained first. last of all one gets the results arising
out of the aspect on the planet having its ruling period. In the mid-
dle the planet gives the results due to its "Sthan" strength. (46)
'i~'I'l?l}/i'!f1~ jOjl;fl~~II~4T<t fg ~ fetijliil 1
14Ifl'1qiRliA"l~<f) ~l!i ql}/II~'1<24~IW1f4 ~ I 1'a\91 I
During the ruling period of the Sun, when it is locat.:d in the ser-
pent decanw(see sh loka 12 of chapter 17) the native has a fearful
period & much sorrow. has many troubles like those from the ki!1g,
from thieves or from fire or by fall. The above results are also
applicable when the Sun is located in "Pash" decante. (47)
~ cq'f'4lfq I~~:m ;fji!ll:il ~'''4IIj1?1i1'181r.t: I
(Oq'{!\!Fltiil~()iI: ~'ilI~'1! m ljP!qltfil"! II'de II

Even ifth ... Sun is located in its sign of exaltation but occupying
the Navamsha of its debilitation sign (Libra), the native has loss of
wife and wealth, opposition from the relatives of his own & from
ciders likc his father during the ruling pcriod of Sun. (48)
'3 eql~I<f)$fl ~ ~ 'lgCWSI"l I
<f)()Rl (1Ij4l''Ilt 'f ~ .f~q~ 'fI~n"l 11'aQ, II

During the ruling period of Sun located in the Navamsha of its

exaltation sign but in its sign of debilitation, the native has much
happiness and exercise of ruling powers. But at the end of his
period giws some trouble too. (49)


'31f!:l;CQll~lfq f.1~II<f)(~ <=@f2I4IEfl 't~latt ..... I

"l@,q"lIc;fIR! <fitl'1'i1Q11Q tiHlllR'! g;'iI"l;fl~Q1I4J"l II ~ II

During the ruling period of Moon located in its highest degree

of exaltation, the native gets flower. clothes, status, wife, wealth.
sons. happiness of mind. (I)

'3 eQf4d'Ellil1l f.1~II<f)(BJ N ~}/lIql Wi<Mfi!I'dfl I

i'lloseHQIQI'1!'l('i,"I01lfr<:i fMwII4 (41J1~~(jEi"l II~ i I

During the ruling period of Muon located in its sign o f exaha-
tion, the native gets son. wife. sweets, drinks. clothes, orna ments.
travel ab road. clash wilh own people. (2)
d{1(rf!oh "1"';PlJJU R'q"ll f'fI$n'1dliiH "i1ffi ~6Q"I I
<"fliWd (1;;4 'ijtilfllll'" "acel"'''' l{'!<i1Qol ... II~ II
During the ru ling pe riod of Moon when il is going towa rds its
sign of exallation one gets wife, son, wealth, clothe" fame, com-
foTlS, ruling powers, good di shes, wvrshi p of God, se rvice of
Bra h min s. (3)
~~II<"fl(flllL4i:1?18<"fl1<'!'l ~ 9,?r ftl?lI .. (416lI!!I~"1 I
"l-nlltitilt 4l(lfi1~ : wt am II~ I I
Durin g the rUling period of Moon when it is ncar ils sign of
debil ila tio n. the nalive su ffers loss of wife, son, friend , clothes.
comforts. mind. ge lS spoilt opposition with one's own people. fear
from th ieves, fire & rulers & fall into tan k elc. (4)
ofl'illWlfIllf'l ~!IQi(+:4 !1I't<ft ~ f!l1$w481f:i"l I
~$Of\",1' <:qR:ea (lIll Qi:l1 q:f'l~i"f)jt EI~RI f.m'q 11'( II
During th e rul ing period of Moon when it is located in the
Navamsha of its sign of debilitation. the -native suffers loss o f
various Types of wealth, eating of unwholesome food, service
under a bad ruler. spoilt mind, & sleep. (5 )
'l<i1 f-Ici\o Ilfitt a""i;:;a~ 141; oj '!,fll'4\1104<=1<l1
llicoflfa ~.. (qI1Q11q 'ld 1i11""'l1 (RI~ft!1&t\;1"l 116.11
During the ruling period of Moon when it is located in its
Mooltrikon (positive) sign, the native gets wealth from the ruler.
land, son. wealth, wives, ornaments. clot hes. ho nour. gains. com-
forts from mother. & a morous enjoyme nts & pleasures. (6)
eq"'II'lfillrq f-iillcti04 1ql;1I1j~ ~ e'i&:l"l I
A' .... ~qllq;;f fi18tltllffi"fl'i;;f fiJ\1iIc(~4411 j ;\91 1
During the ruling period of M oon when it is situated in its own
sign i.e. Cancer, the native gets wealth from the ruler, comforts.
intense prostitution, honour, comforts from wife, relatives &
sons. (7)
P-t~n4S(+:4It4~ \II~11t 'Ia(04 n<ti1ili5'Ief=tItl"l I
~ce""'dl <:qlffill'tl\llol If ~"iI14C1I(If'1iJji1lq~RI liCit
During the ruling period of Moon located in a sign belo-ging to
its bitter enemy. the native has mental wo rry. loss of wealth. wear-

ing of bad cloth es. tak ing o f unbecom ing food. & suffe rs from
la nd. wea lth. wik . son Clc. (8)
4 i ., lq (it!l1f (OiiR6t~ ~ etflll l o1 qRi!iI(1fNl'{ I
~ If cl ( 'I tr&Fa 61.,~;:j) ~ Ut qRf!I tilTftr ~ 11'<,1 1
Du ring the ru li ng pe riod of Moon whe n it is occupyi ng an
in im ical sign. the na tive u n d~rgoes loss of conveyan ce. clott> es.
o rnaments, travcl a broad, devo id of frie nd s. sorrowfu l. & worri ed.
fl:l?l~'IB'!I !\I PI~[i'ti(B'! qlJi4(!jjq ~FaqlQ1~ 'lfI "l I
ati'i' liflfrJ Jt'1t1 "'1Q1llOl ~ ?!IGj(J 'lflij lqlil q \w+il 'l II ~ o I I
Dari ng the ru ling period o f Moon occ upyi ng a sign of a friend.
the native gets gain of wealth. friendshi p with th e ruler. H e gets his
effo rts successful. ga in of watery a rticles. bea utiful d othes.
o rna mc nts & e njoyment o f speech, ( 10)
'4ili'*iH'41121 ralll:;wilr 'ldB'! ~ NRI(1~i9IP~ ~ i
f.!itl ll ~ 91 <:: 1 ~d ([ "1 '{Jil r:r.riq?.1 ( I <;iiJi1fI&i@"'1 '1 I I ~ ~ I i
D uring the ru li ng pe riod of Moon whe n it is localcd in the sign
of its bosom friend. the native gets much com forL honou r fro m th c
ruler. educa tion & r('c rea tio n. IGnd, wealth, wife, son & ga in o f sex-
ual pleasure. ( I I)
}/1I~qIJi +iltI(lftll'lB'! 4i1!11F;~ : ttli",.,'i,fllti1l "l,{ I
f* F1I aclqq{l'I41i11 ftI~ltI <i l;:J ~ i'if""l : I I ~~ I I
Du ring thc ruling period o f Moon O<:CIl pying the sign of a planet
who is ncutral to it. th c na tive gains go ld, land, so me com fort dis-
cast! & troublt: to re latives, travel a bro i'd. ( 12)

4''tI\)::<Qafll ~1l1 41 ~ i'i61ffi tI (~~ji4$ t!ltI.,ql+il ~ emil I

2flI (i'lS f.1' I~ql<:::fl~iH tAT :q~(lfi"'lqf(lj"'ltl W1<:::I(~"'Jj i i~ ~ II
Du ri ng the ruling period of Moon occupyi ng its s ign of debilita-
tio n, the na tivc gets tro uble & da ngers, m ental wo rry. fi nancial
losses, exile, impriso nment. be ing ch ai ned/ wa nt o f food, dangcr
from th ieves, fire a nd th e rule r & loss of so n & wife. (13)

:ilu'l"$loii Wfll!1lfi'.ltl.,) (11JI1~"1 'P'ttll!1i\l4'iJj i

a "'ll Rnt *"", >:!i ~ i!loEI 'f"11;qU~IRt 9l01W{etll I I~~ I I

Dun ng the ru ling period of Moon in its" Ksh ecn" state Le. when
it is in the vici nity o rlhe Sun (is within the range 01'72 degrees from
the S un). the na live is be reft o f fine <l rts., ru li ng powe rs, wealth,

lamls.son, wife, friends. He gels mental derangement. dash with
his own people. indebtedness due to immoral acts. (14)
'{0~qt~ qft"t'iilRi fq'tIl~;:fj~fiiHi'l..ldl'i\ilIY I
f{l9I",p'lNI~ &joflltlQ1i('l feI~"Id: ~1,*,4 mc!1l"'""l'f I I ~ '( It
During the main ruling period of a full Moon. the native gets
perfed ion. favour from government accompanied \ovith education
& recreation. He gets wife. son, servants. wealth. & happiness of
mind. (15)
ofJ1ifi:! 'E"?I e4f:"QRlll e4{UI '!'dit:'4 '11:f4 <:;\!11lt1qlofJ I
Il1" :Il+ll~ 'l<;1Ifi:1(11=1 41S1"l"lNIP-l ~11<:; hiY<y I I ~a II
During the ruling period of Moon \vhen it is si tu ated with an
exalted pl a net. the native remains in a happy mood, he enjoys sex-
ually. and gets pleasure in the company of wife. son. servant.

QIQIf.:qdt:'4lfQ f.1~II<t(f?<I ql1tSfl"l'tiMa.R"Ni('ij ~: I

1-~ wr4I~iiI'@l~ ftt~~llIlrf <:qf{!l"'liRi.f14 I ) ~13 ) I

During the ruling period of Moon situated with a malefic

plancl the native suffers from fire, wrath of thieves, ruler: loss of
son. wife, pleasure. relatives. travds abroad & does immoral
acts. (17)
When a planet is dispositorofmalefic planets it acts as a malefic
planet in its ruling orsubperiod. The point would be clear from the
fo llowing horoscope of the translator. Even though both Venus


and Moon are watery planets, the face of the translator caught fire
from an inflammable material on 12-1-1925 when he was having
the main ruling period of Venus and the sub ruling period of Moon.

The rt.~ason must IJe lookeu for in the fact that Moon is the uis-
positor of 3 firy planets viz Sun, Mars & Mercury & by aspeeting
Taurus (face) it threw the fire on the face & on Venus the main
periou 10r<1 who is always innuenced by th e sub period lord.

<RoE'll ~4Ai":EI'1dE'll ~ <Vli<d iQlQ4l4tt1iQ'l I

'ii'lll(Dq\l!u"ltfJllf4 8IGl!ftqot> Q(Q({(1M'l II ~ t; I I
During the ruling period of MOOn when it is !rituated with a
benelie planet. one engages himself in good actions & gets cattle,
lands. gold. clothes, & ornaments, uips in holy waters and comfort
fwm ototer woman. (\8)
~i"ra.(1E'll i fl:l f.:iflllit\E'll a:~lif\'.lqi<t
f\'.IQlt!f ~ I
c8qi~!fi 'tf?adJ{j\Jj~ ~ lii~f64l'\ ~ "" d<f'tq'i I I ~ Q, I I
During tho: ruling periou of Moon aspectcd by a malefic planeL
the native is uns uccessful in good Krlrma, he has more of anger,
eati ng of bad food, separation from wife or the native's o wn.
death. (19)

Wlfftldf4ifQ PiQII<fl(E4 "~41il ~tiqi"""{fll'l I

'1i4f:f""[~ Q8<b4iil14 Qtlii\lliq II~~ II

During the ruling period of Moon located in the 4th house. the
nati ve loses his mOlher. He gets comforts, conveyance, land,
agriculture, wealth, house hold affairs. fame, & fame through writ-
ing. (22)

tCl(IPGi:1f<1ifi:! f.iIlIi<fl(04 ~ if)1iI'AlfQ1IfClIIH~ I
W~v.l ~iq""liII( ~ UQlltt:;I]lfCvi doqi~'l I i~~ 11
During the ruling period of MOOn s ituated in the 7th house. the

native gets wife. good son. comforts, good sleep. clothes. mehtal
trouble, weakness'of body, urinal troubles. (23)

ifiqft:q(jCijl ~ 4VhMq .. a 444:'4 ~ ~ +af1.tu1ot I

4$1I!\Cfi.afta't<%ifi ~ 't,9I?l41"'l11l(i!('f{iN'l'i 11~ 't! II

During the ruling period of Moon situ ated in the 10th house, the
native acquires fa me, good educatio n. yagya karmas i.e. unselfish
acts of public utility. He gets comfo rt.s, land, son, conveyance,
clothes, & respect from fri ends and relalives. (24)
4'H!flllldfCIll1l <::<::I~ iPt Iif!'clt ~: I
ql<::IQl?!IIQtE:1 ~ q(I'3I4 'Idh\lfll"l II ~I,( II
During the ruling period of Moon situated in the Nava msha of
ils sign of debilitation. the na ~ ive gets severe disease. troubl e &
pain in feet. eyes. defeat in battles. loss of zeal (25)

dc41VI11'E4ll11m Gi(IRi ~ 1i!3'clt ~ : I

'11"'l1~EjEH 1i1l q 'lQRi\l;::ql"'ldl ~ 'it II ~& I I
During the ruling period of Moon occupying the Navamsha
belonging to i l~ sign of ex:altati on. the native gets comforts, rise in
estimation o f others. gain o f wealth in many ways, honour from
the rul er. & good food and bodily growt h. (26)

<R:GVH4fiflcft '1(Qrtaj041I"'l If I
~ f'1If4d"'lI!ii '18E4ijti'i61liit 1 1~\9 11

In the ea rlier part of the rulir:ag period of Moon the n ative gets
honour from the ruler. fame & comfo rts, and in the middle p<lrIion
10$s of wife & !:on. He gets comfo rts o f ho me, wealth & clo thes in
the last portion. (27)
t4liOfCI iI(ifCI tCQlll'1Q""'1 i$oRl ~u Cfliil8 fll.I<fiI,'i ,
'ifl<lfi''1'iQIQ1'l4 >li~ "'I Jl:lI lfil:'fl~ qijijpl\l'i1( : II ~ c II

During the ruling period of Moon occupying the 6th house. the
native gels trouble. querrels. separation from desircd objects. fear
from thieves. fire & the ruler '& trouble from water & h a ~ urinal
trouh le & loss of wealth. (28)
t1il~d(041111 m I'1Q"a <6f!1 ifipt4' '3IiH4IRI ~. I
fi.!.I~!i'l41't e<M1f4'il\1 iJii1h4 I1lqi3j~!! CflIi!I{ 'I~q, II
Duri ng the ru li ng period of Moan situa ted in the 8th house. the
native gets emaciated, body trouble & ,fe ar from waler (drown ing
etc) fore ign trave l. & trouble to mo ther etc. (29)

Rt4l'I~;rwrl!1 11111 ~QT;f ~ I
( 1:i1 ,'N"l'''w4 fl'-Il1fq;m1t >ii5(0j( t-~ I I~O II
Duri ng I h.: ru li ng pcrioJ or Moon occupying t h.: 12th hOlLS':, IIll'
1l ,lIivl' lose ~ hi s jon, being p rov.:d unl ru..: by gov..: rn ml,' nt, la ...s o r
w.:alth. Iu d , ro~i l ion & g..:l ~ mc.:h sorrow. (30)
tili'A ~Bff'!l't1qjiMit~ fi'lfll<:"'l'" ~~i1~j1ii'4"'1 I
W''IIjfl \r4'iti11fi:!Qill"'l ' I ~ ~ ' I
Du ri ng Ih<: ruling p<:riod o f moon loc .. t.:d in the 2 nd IlOll S':. o ne
g~'ts wealth. son s. wift":, comforts, t":njoyml,'nt of good dish ... s, good
Iud.. gain o f income & lI ip in Ih.: ho ly waters. (3 1)

qdI 4(t ~if1llf'1~II~(fll ~ >iEi~t94>i.,<t!ft!li:1"'1 I

>ioil; \01 1q"'"1IR~64 <pat" IQHIi[('!qouRa"{ I I ~ xI i
During Ihe ru li ng pe riod o f Mnon occup yin g thl' 3rd ho u st'.t h e
!lutivc gets much comfo rt & much wealth, tirmllcss o f mi nJ &
com fo rt ffOm hroth ers l'lc, agricult u re. good drinks and dishes.
clothes & ornam;.:nls. (32 )

mNif'4dt"llf<i f.lflll<t!(t4 ~ ch!1I41 ~fQGli!1{i11I1"'1 I

'F="""Ql1i"l(cf.'Rrj l:!iltil f'iI';!'lH!1Itoi ~ "'l:?ifi!Hi"1I("1'{ ll~;;j II

During the ruling period o f M oon occupyin g the 11 th hou"'l', llll'

ntlliv..: geh income ofdi O"crc nt kinds. good food & drinb. dottH':S.
rl,'crealion & play, wik, Sa il. & h appiness of m ind. ( .B )

r.r.t~CI(ifA'8d~~<:Il; 1I1t4lf'a ~f1 ,

14141~ 4 tft Rl1411l'"1 il'l ?4'i'il~41'

I <pM Ell ""'I "111lil{ I I ~ 'd' I I
During the ruling period of Moo n ecli p sed hy the Su n, Ih ;.:
n at ive ge ts Irout;.lc. oppositio n from hi s ow n people. loss of wife.
fear fro m Ihe ruler, fire& thieves, sepuration f!"Om mother& losso f
agriculture & grains. (34)
~ eqlOf"lQilfi4<i1 G"'I'i!fJ ~ ~ fqe;aljq aCl'illi!tUjdQor ,4E1"1''''''I'c:ftFa Wtr
Et "l"{ I
etr(Vli"l('i.~ol <P~f4;:J rhf!llfi4 ~ file;eI....,I~HtllI;:j QlM$
~,;,;;q11h.."41"'('f l li,!'( I'
Duri ng the ru ling period of Moon whe n it has much " S th un'
strength the native gets wealth, co mfo rts. fame. educalion. service

of D evatas & Brahmin s, wealth from the rule r, & lands & wealth.
He also gets wife. jewels, clOI h es, ornaments. a gric uh ural wealth.
sale of cows, service, sweets" & tonics, fruits & also c urd. ghcc.
scents and clothes. (35)

Pll/liqj( P!l1'1'!((B'1 ~ '(l!I1'11i1f'1IQf {:qq<=~ ;;r 1
eq"4~lit ~ ~ ~<i)'1 'tit~'1I~1 't:1,!~R1 m Ilee5.ll

During the ruling period of Moon devoid of "Slhan" strength.

the native gets loss of property, fall from the position held. loss of
friends and relatives. or their separation, & loss of agriculture,
f.I~1 11fl( f(. iii Q1('1qa 1B4~' kl<l<=I'1 <;jqii"jf~?I 'f I
~Clf' 14 '!4 R1fl:t?l al ;;r 'Edlill4'i'lll '11JIq1f,it~till'f I I ~\9 I I
During the ruling period of Moon endowed with "Directional
strength, the native gets various kinds of things f!"om different
directions, acquisition of education, friendship with the ruler, res-
pect from his own relatives and comforts of animals such as horses
& elephants. (37)
~ CMT qjl(ijillt.!1lp.:.q~fB:i1 '1(.1414 ijlfq'fl'liflt"l I
~Cl I ~qi ~ '1t91'f;:tl~ a::q",IIij(I<rl'litl'!l1 1!i4 ;;r I I ~ C I I

During the ruling period of Moon endowed with "Kaal"

strength, the native gets horses, conveyance, agriculture, cows &
buffaloes. resounding education, & gets conveyance fitted &
embelished with the skin, paws, teeth. of animals, & clothes,
fi!l1iI'\ ~q\p.:q<':1 if<'.:<=14 f.:IliI'i<':1Qoq(\'Q qj(jfd .m'll"l I
dl4MdI qi6'1~QII!1I'" ,ql\'!l"{'llI .. ~;e:ji64 "if i ie:o, I i

During the ruling period. of Moon endowed with natural"

strength, the native gets comforts & he gets without any effort con-
veyance, territory. favour from_ the ruler & many conveyances,
~ <ro ~,&j\'!li!\)4,!!ffi: 'liqiqjel&!OI '1(QtI('l"4 i
liI'lEklI1I'<!j e'l~RI ~ q(jqCfllt "if 14;:flfi:tI!1l"l1{ I r~o I I

During the ruling period of Moon endowed with "Directional"

strength, the native gets all types of comforts & luck as a resu lt of
favour from the ruler. He also engages himself in service of others
& gets his cherished desire fulfilled. (40)
~(iR"Ice4QT 't:1i4f.:q<:l'E4 ~ QiQII<6'l"4 "Nt-~ i
't4191?1'1ll1f ~raqi(ij<bIt1 fQ'4l~qi~ <6Ci1a ;;RR i l'd~ II

During the ruling period of Moon occupying a malefic Sh;l~hti

amsha, the native gets much troub1e.loss of wife, son and faces the
wrath of the ruler, He has literary querrels and clashes with people
in generaL (41)

.VI<tt5\::tI~I\1i(j)qijtA 'it;;;fLI ~ -f.1?1lit1 q "l I
'!t'lIlifclli=l ~I1I:tI ~ ~ ~ "if ~ ~ flI~ri~",ql"q IIHx II
During the ruling period of Moon located in "Mridu" amsha.
the native gets many sons. also gains servants, wealth. victory. hap-
piness. fame, & education. (42)
QI(lq{'lI(jQI\1'lf;ql:lfLi Ef:fIl ~ ~ "~fif'l I
fi1~I~;fI" rn "i!( 'Eft. ~<U"", 'tlNll!'llfl:Ii1!fi'f IIH~ II
During the ruling period of Moon located in "Paravat" amsha.
the native gets much fame, educational recreation, comforts.
worship of diety, & bath in the holy waters. (43)
"i.(atlCflIUI~'i'" Q'II<t ~QI~ ?1Pr':Ii'i I
<td QIQelOfl~a:: .hIil18UIr..C;hH'i IIH'd' J I
During the ruling period o f Moon occupying. a malefic decante.
the native gets disease, sinful deeds, oppression by the native of
cow and Brahmins. (44)
aR i1ltNicl IiffiI fi!41'1111::4 mr: q{I{ I
JI~~qq41Q'l QI/'IIIl.;418G1ldifiQ'l ~ 11'd'<,( II
Moon in its ruling period gives results relating to the house,
which it occupies, the results relating to the sign occupied by it &
last of all the results arising out of the particular Navamsha
occupied by it & also the results arising out of the influence o f
other planets on Moon. (45)

dliiie4'i;(G"GI<l<llI \.~ 19'i'IIQt!'IIQ ~ :tlf " I
3!iRl!f'llq~Rl "~1Ii+114 ~!lG(fll''3lMlflCi@~11 II ~ II

During the ruling period of Mars located in its highest degree o f

exa lt ation, the native gets lands, wealth, victo ry in battle, muc h
hono u r fro m th e gove rnment al ~o comforts o f brothers, wife, son,
& e njo ym ent o f .. peech. (I)

d e<1' leQ "l!( l;:tII ~1ilt t "'{'<1 JOI lcfti'a (j\)llqi/lql ~fdqlc4~dl1 I
'i\14E4<tlHJOa rl"J;tl'lI' ,Q " ljl"1l~0 !50 1~ it qf!l4V1Ql'1i'1 II~ I I
Du ring the ruling period of Ma rs loc ated in its sign o f exa li,,
lio n. the n<J tjve gets ruling powers o r wea lth from governm ent,
in flow of la nd s. wik san, rclati v c ~ a n ci fri t'" nds, honou r, spedal
co n veya nce, & foreign travd. (2)
:s!lnftoh 'lfll@{'<I WZt ~ itPil'(hl "(;;;:~"l I
Jf\"~I;f<:11 ~4q;flM (f(I I 11I' 41dt Ifl ll::JI 411'HtEl"l l t ~ II
O ur i ng [he ru l ing perio d o f M a rs lot:l..I tcd in the sig n p revio us 10
that o f ils c xa ll:" io n. the na live gets com forl!;.. favo u r from govern
me n t. gel1 i:lf into p romine nce. he ge ls p.u i.:nce. che ris hed object
rio;t'" in p ros pects & f cts calli e such a s LOWS. el ep ha nt s &
h o r ~ c s. ( .1)
.HI'i!,':14''lII14qnS ~ f'lIl'1i'4.,11I1 !f)1m~q$l!i 1
fEl1'i/I'!jle ifq'll~f~h,'El 'b.1(1fl'.,~44"F(\' Cf)ii!q 11'611
Du rin g l ITe rul ing pe riod of M ars occ upying a sign p rev i (lu~ to
its sig r, of tk bilit'lIi o n. the re is Iv ~s o f p ro peny. wcul th . rift. a nge r
a nti so rro w. :J bod e in a fo reig n la nd. opposilion 10 o ne's o wn peo
ple. & fear & tro uble fro m th ie ves. ri re & Ihe rule r. (4 )
~ .. h;:EIdfll lfQ I0@flI <:riJ "MI (4:::J1"'I lfC:(I!1I I
~,"'lI 4 Iji'I"'I!IIf)j.,Wf (4~~" I ~ iQI:!I$f:t.(t( : I II.( I I

D uri ng the ru ling period of M a rs located in ils sign of lli:bi lita

tion (Can ce r) th e native prote r.:t~ hi s people hy had mean s. ta kes
ha d foo d. th ..: rc is loss to him o f catllc. suc h as l."'Ows. & horses. loss
of rc l a t i vc.~ & lo sses through Ihe rule r. th ieves a nd fire. (5)

'lm~Cf;)II~a 11'l'lI~ !l4T<:I"""1qr.,I .. ('{.... nfUj'1 I
9O\j11 li Hf:lJl4l1 q4i<!ll \i1'lllft~tA '~t!'IlqiUa Iia II

During the ruling period of Mars occ upying its Mool!rikon

(positive) sign, the nati ve gets sweets, good drinks & dishes.
clothes, ornaments, hearing of Sacred Texts from Puranas etc,
comfort 10 & from brothers etc & agricultural gains. (6)
\it!!1t'll'IE4lfQ El(I'4d4 It\!II~ql<fi (iNdQl{flf'1 I
E"41.,.li:Iqf!1 WSI~18;f " 0{1'ii1l \llilf,lti \!8Ifia't IllS II

During the ruling period of Mars located in its own sign. the
ninive gets property, wea lt h, position, comforts & conveyance. He
al so gets fame or titles. comfort to & from brothers & general hap-
piness. (7 )
i4(IW'I4 l ll1l11kl'40~ 'Id@( ~ !f)ti'l81f"ti."fi1 I
"'I?",filcf +4"1~1l0Et '1I21Qctltl(Zf"lfl:l'JIt),1 I ICI I
During the ruling period of Mars occupyi ng Ihe sign of its bit-
terest enemy, the native gelS clashes. sorrow, wrath of govern ment;
opposition from hi s own people, losses of p rope rty. wealth, wife,
son. friends & gets disease too. (8)
'14<=Oj4llZ1ft(' ~" ' Bl c::}/tI~ql<t ti"l( " ifl6iIJ I
,"41If1'1~j(i'j~~ : Aql~ Q'ltlfdIfl0 IR'lillf",u'I'1 I IQ, I I
Duri ng the ruling period of Mars occ upying a n inimical sig n.
the native gets troubl e in the battle field . sorrow. trouble from fire.
ruler & poison. He suffers through urinary troubles & di sease of
the rectum. (9)
j'q'llai'3l4lftl t\ilR ~ fll?lNl'ilqli"d ~Q H~~ : I
-q)( I f1'1qIQ I ~ flNi'IftJ 't,cU'lt'1If1f lflR?t~ijq$ 6lf II ~o I I
Duri ng the ruling period of Ma rs occ upyi ng the sign o r ilS
rri end, the native gets rriend ship even with h is enemies. But has
trouble from thieves. fire. dis~asc of the eyes. loss of land s &
agriculture. also meets ri ft wrath & so rrow. (10)
W~ ~ (qfafl::r'lld~1 ' laR ,{QM'fIdI4'{fti'1 I
qHIQ,4~IRfqqI8<!htll~fd ~~Idni'l~qlnu'l II ~ ~ 11

Du ring the ruling period o f Mars occupying the sign of its

bosom friend. the native gets lands from the government. gets
clothes & initiation into acts of religous charity & marriage. He
al so gets his prospects boosted from abroad. (11 )

It(lWlE4Ifi1 Qlim'lE4 'le14411d .,qlt'iUqlOllq I
t:4If-4'1<;t1t~i?lO::Uijll :fl'a'QQItA'tRi 14t~'i~41'{ II ~ 'i! II

During the ruling period of Mars placed in a neutral sign, the

native is una ble to cany out repairs to his house through want o f
wealth. He gels enm ity from wif~ , 'Son, servants, & brothers.
4l"llOlsQllfile ",f.:qdfll ti!(I+;;f1t4If'aqo:ilPliitl('{ I
Ift4N<:Jft:I 4(~;q""roj' E41$I'iliil 1GqEiP1~t: II ~ ~ I I
During the ruling period of Mars situated with a planet in
debilitation. the native gels his mind spoil!, he has to take to ser-
vice. & take food offered by olhers. He meets loss through wife.
son, ruler, fire & thieves. (13)
f<1l1~ J{j"''1q(O''A41~ ~ ~ 1q'{31~ ';f I
<3 c4tf.:qa.,lfiI QIif.:qdt4 o:7i"lt4 ~ 'ijd<::[(Q\61 ! I ~ 'd II
During the rulin g period o f Mal'S located with an exalted planet,
the native gets a liuk comfort of drinking and eating. clothes. He
makes his both ends meet with difficulty, & also gets help from the
ruler with diffic ulty & there is loss of son. & wife & sorrow.
q l ql~dt4lfq 1l~@I ~ qlqlf.! 4l1l'ii!JI <f)U~ ~<;tI'1 t
M~" tlS1<::(IOII 1l'lI'i/ff41 l!lqIG2flI(Qi ';f I I ~'( II
During the ruling period of Mars assodated with a malefic
planet the n at ive always engages h imself in sin ful deeds. He
ha rms Ihe interests of Gods, Brahmi ns, brothers. th rough his
immoral earnings. (15)
~lf.<::I {1fC1 lfq ~"'fCI ~ ~~~ ~8'IHllf'I(l'i~ I
>J!l~ql~ ~ \'fit ';f mr\i!I'::IIi.: q(~*lI~I('t1i I I ~a I I

During the ruling period o f Ma rs located wjlh a bcnclic planet

one gets sma ll physical comfort the body hecomes emadated
through disease. Th'ere is da sh with rulers & succ ess in hattie.
There is un necessa ry discuss io ns of in tellectua I topics & trave l to a
foreign land. (16)
~ijtI(I \{;fl<:'i~ ,{UrQ'1I*11111 I
d~1Ih(~I!"" ~Qii"id ~n4;j ~ II ~\!! II

During the ruling peri od of Mars under aspect of malefics Ihe

nat ive has loss o f la nds and wea lth : hut ifMurs is in gochar posi-
tio n (technica ll y a condi tio n o f strength in ma ny direct io ns ) the
period is vcry n ice. (1 7)
It seems the word, ~ has been used in Ihis shloka instead of
.. ~"fo r the results for ~ effect have already been stated in
the previou s shloka. We have therefore given the results arising
ou l of malefic aspect o n Ma rs.
(2) The word ,T!'i!j( (Gochar) used in the shloka has not been
llsed in any Sense of Iran sit A Gocharplanet is one which is strong
& well aspected & without any bad innucnce. "Agochar" is one
whic h is weak, hadly influenced. without any good influence
"i1(lI q\4IHI!ft\tl(1~ ~ ttf/illli ~@i2f)6C! I
lFf :qRC4ffii$(!'1'111tb41 ~ltlld(fiCI : ~RNit!'1~4Iq 11 ~ c I I

D uri ng the ruling pe riod of Ma rs aspeclcd by malefic planet, Inc.

native gets much sorrow & trou bk . He is for sa ken by people. 'h is
wife & fri ends, & he has to live in a nother territory as a result of
wrat h of the ruler. (18)
4i~jla41*liI I ~mfu' I
IfRi151 ~ l:f ~(\~ ~ ~~lld{ ~ II ~G, I I
During the ruling period of Mars occupying a kendra. the native
.<;u ITers from Ihieves. poiso n: he gets inlo clas hes with ot hers a nd
gets loss o f peace of m ind & ha s to travel to anothe r cou ntry.
( 19)

~ (lfillfiQ'(I "''1<:14 t'Qi'1 ~ iiiI~Olll"ll " I

:JI(j ~'1cf1 i;1 ~ : ijCIiI"lIslflfa qt rftR
1t41R1 I I ~O I I
During the ruling period of Ma rs occupying the 4th house. the
n ,~~; "" ~ ~~s to leave his res idence, gets opposition from h is frie nds
a nd relatives. He gets tro ubie frviii :h ~ rlJlei. &. :rn uh lc frarn
thieves and fire and has to perfor m very difficult tas ks, (20)
i!ritil?l9jfifi'4 'l3ifll~14 ~i!i~ tir.r~I{-iI ijl"lSi"! I
aI.ilil(t'Q4 ~ ~ a<:o:cjql "{QIQ1"1o::q~~ 11'1: ~ II

Durin g th e rul ing period of Ma rs located in the 7th house. th e

native gets loss of wife. trouble in rectum & the urinary trac t. This
i~ when Mars is an "Agochar" plan e!. Whe n il is a "Goc h3j" planet
(sec 5hl o b 17) the result is of Ih(" o pposite nature i.c. good.
(21 )
i!ri4[f1qa ("41~ 'Jit04 ~ "Ii'4\R~q)(ftI~RI !-"6 I
a l" I ~'1 cqQ*,R1~fd ~iI+aa8iltl1"11181f.1 "! I I~~ I I

During the period of Mars loca ted in the 10th hOllse. the nal ive

meets \.vith destruction of good karmas. He gds sorrow. frustration
in efforts. he gets defame & loss of education. son. wife. wealth &
honour. (22)
dlch'I4!""i:;111i41 <'(t:lIRI l/ir$ R=5i41 P\i'JI:t " I
(! ;;;q I~ \,2N iill ~ l/ II at "I.1"1""RI" I I ~ Q I I

During the ruling period of Mars eclipsed by the Sun, the native
meets with sorrow, opposition from \vife. loss of ruling powers.
trouble from enemies and moves from land \0 land. (23)
f4'1"t11~""<:::l/1I41 "'\Ilea ~ 'if~ljlq'4lfQ !
fq1]@<:\j~ Ql1'ld 1QedR!;1Ijl6Ifu!il,1 '<f 11~b' II

During the ru!ing period of Mars iocaled in til(' 2nd house. the
native pays attcntion to family affairs & gets wcalthy. gives atlell-
tion to governmental affairs & sufkrs from lroubk 10 face alld
eyes. (24)
~ 11Jl!111'I d ~ij fi1~6l'li(j'j~ 'f;:j<,; <:flS (1 fa 51 ~ fi'I;:'t +4<"11 "-1",1 VIi; -l :
Wi' 'lGI("{J'll<"1I"l I
\!';i '8'l11' Iaf4 ~ 4(0 I ,!!f~ ~ 4S1Ii1H,1 ~41-A' I(1+?1
lifli'H ~ ~~:"t
Ai5I(1'I~ II~',( 11
During the ruling period of Mars located in thL' 3rt! house. the
native gets happiness. The native gets rid of enemie~. The lwtive
has patience. wealth, sons, v.'ifc. hrothers. rcspCl"l from thL' mkr. If
Mars occupil"s the 5th house. it indiC:lles death of the son. confu-
sion of intellect. foolishne~s & ifit is in in imical sign the natiw gC1s
troubk from propcrty & hrothl"rs and ~evcre dise;lse.
'ct\ f4fi':!~ 'flat '1 I
q '11 AfI!I"l (I "i<:fl <,;\q :
1'>1 ill r <"Z\ 411 iii Gill o:=:tiC!i6 it /.I "/.IT i I ~ 5. t 1
During the ruling period of Mars located in the )Ih hOUSl'. it
gives faml". & thl" power of discrimination. also trouhle in t he eyes,
loss of wealth & rifts. (26)
14(0 IQ<:::~ 1'l'rA: 'flU RI 1-lii ~ qr$ 1
f':fi'I?.'flA"'1~illj' fI!Il1f-q~Il/1 ~Wll;j it" 11~\911

During the ruling period orM,Hs lvcated in the Xth hOllse. tjlL'n.~
is much sorrow & fear. the nalive sulll"rs from hoils. ~lll~dl pox ell.:.
there is distaste for food. loss of property & foreign Ira\d (n)
Although foreign travel has been ~lsso<.:ia l cd hy the ,luthors with
many other houses i'ncluding the kIll. we arc of the Opilliull thatl he
8th house, related as it is to wakr (seas) & troublesome afairs. is
morc intimately connected with foreign travel. which takes place
during the main & sub period of malefics influencing it.
1q14f"1"'l{lttfI~~llqj'fi: q~"1faq I
!&O Ii 'f 'ij"iff ~ i::14l f<'I&j ~ I I '1: t; I I

During the ruling period of Mars located in the 9th house, one
gets a fal! in his career. There is trouble to ~mrus & elders and there
is frustration 10 lapas i.e. austereties & much fear. (28)
.",pt'""", :
(iflll'41i,Q'El044I"11{ I
B1R '51<'1 \l CI1'tt til '!4 'fi i( >'l ;of1"1 ej ct\ ret I{ I I '1: <>, I I
During the ruling period of Mars located in the 11th house the
native gets ruling powers. wealth & honour from the government
victory in battle, prowess, help through speech, strength of mind. &
fame. (29)
&lljlii1.m,~!:llji ~ 'E!'1fCr 1QI<;QJRly I
f"111iJ;d<:](':!]\11 \JlifJljl4"""l~~lqI'R! "f II ~o II
During the ruling period of Mars located in the 11 th house. the
native meets with financial losses. fear from the ruler. loss of pro-
perly. son, wife & brothers & abode in another land. (30)
de" i~ I~ '!!Ul '!'1 (I "1 <Mil '" r!l f1:I <w ~ f1 J1'4 ~ ~ I
9"'l01;<;I+I1I I"'1 1Q8'l W-lHdj l:llfu" ~4<'t1RtIf II~~ II

During the ruling period of Mars occupying the Navamsha of

its sign of exaltation. the native gels lhe fulfilment
, of his desires.
victory over othe rs. happiness. cohabitation with a maid servant,
high position under government & gains fame & good actions.
(31 )
4l"'li\lI~*i~ 4lq~d ifj4~<h\!:41f I
I15if.1,,[Q<;O:g: ~~o:\1<;(q(I~OIISm: II ~'1. I I

During the ruling period of Mars located in the Navamsha of its

sign of debilitation. there is detriorution in the qualities of one's
karmas. loss of \vcalth; punishment from the government. The
lllan becomes characterless & engaged in selfish earnings. (32)

1{j*~i1:qII4I<tJ :1141 felfeIlI~"'1161f.!1 "'l" I

(fA" itlPlR~"+IRlI411 I I~~ II

Du ri ng the carl ier pari of t be ru Ii ng period of Mars, one gets loss

of wealth in various ways & loss of honour. In the middle period'
there is fear from the ruler. fire & thieves. (33)

~ \11 Iq~41 I I \!IdGI (i fi'.,'ffi"4 '{'1o [{If I
~qa)~ ~ 1'j~ ,p n 'i!l(l!\% ra:~"Hf : Cfi'l/lHt t '~'d II

In the last portion of the ruling period o f Mars there is separa-

tion fro m hrothers a nd tro u ble from so n. wife. fire. colic p3in s,
urina l tro ubles. This will be particularly so if Mars is n OI in
G och a r (excellence) (see s hloka 17 ). (34)

41 ""IE'4 fAf."I!ll" iii c:i11f.:q d81 G~1i It!ql cfiiQ<tl(,'1~ qi6l1{ I

f'l/Hl ~clI >1 f,!t1<tlli:hMlJIClii Ift!f~ I I ~'( I 1

During the rul ing p eriod of Mars endowed with "Sth a n"
strength. Ihe native is ha ppy wilh wealth . wi fe. He gets property.
happiness, fame & bravery, succt!ss in undertakings through his
moral action s. (3 5)
~1.,~4fdl"1~ ~ (OqQG~'f I
~: /{/el>;;'tf<I1 'f 4iol'd "l,!!iIilEi"1'f I I~G.II
Mars devoid of "Slhan" strength gives fall from position. in its
rul ing period & gives livclish ood throu gh transactions o f interest
o n money. (36)
~I !fI41ffiE'4 ~"'E'4 <[it i QICWiiklfi4(U I!;nil q'f I
,n"1fto41"(4HQiP,,' R' ld(I'ifild4VI: RdIQ"l 1 1 ~1.911

M ars endo wed with "Directional" strength, gi ves in his ruling

period m u c h wealth fro m the rule r" prowess in h anle, gai n of cows"
land s. gold, clothes, conveyance. wide splea d fa mi! & innuence.
<thi'1<t141 (.1~ "l":.~ilql i!fli RI Qi f~( R111i1~6Q aa ~ I
~j !!i\;;:*flR4,Ti'I'llI.i11 "'I ~ I I ~ t:; I I

During th e ruling period o f M ars endowed wit h ''' Kaal'' ' strength.
the native gels the Object o f his desire. is very happy. gains silky
clo thes" jewels, pca rls" beautifu l clot hes, & gain o f agriculture. cat-
t!.: h o rsl.~s etc. (38)
f.ft'fll,*,q'jf)qij ~*ti2) <JlQlc6d1tIOI ~ t'i qdHI'f 1
tH'IRI""" 41 'l III ill?!_\{ '{fli'l.ClIIJI (ht't~ lj'pj I I~ Q. I I
D u ri ng the ruli ng period of Mars endowed with " NaturaJ"
s tr,~n gth. th e ative gets his prospects boosted b y the favour of the
go vern me n t He gets son s. friends, relat ives, cows. property" fa vour
fro m the ruler. clothes. & good h ea lth. (39)
f.'o1""!iJ: tJill.,"I"1I!t1.,lit fq't'llitl4l .~;iif",~".~q~I\jj~'" 'If I
~\iIt'4 <[it ~ ~q...,: t:'ti?JG(IOII""lfq ~!cfl5 1 11'd0 I 1

During th e ruling period of Mars possessing nalUral strength.
the native gels loss of wealth. & eyes. H e su ffers from excess of
hea t bad food. He ha s bad nails. loses hb fath er. T he re is also
trouble to brothers.. (40)
qQ'llf.;:q(j~ t:fi'1~ <:;~I1if)liI '11$~'llj'1 I
::q~(lf1"1eq41Gr ~ q'i4lff 4<::'a:{fCI"I 11'd~ II

During the ruling period of Mars in retrogression. there is much

fear & trouble from thieves. fire. & serpents. One may go to live in
jungle and there is al so fa ll from the position hd d oy the
native. (41)
~.~4!lifl('4 1I31t4 ~ 'flqICfltl~101 '1tiqijlj"'I'I I
{lqt:{l lijlljtl:f'l'3lfllW4, .n"{f'lt'!Glij(ltlSm&4'l I !'d~ II
During the ruling period of Mars endowed with "directional"
st rength. the re is m uch favo ur from govern me nt T he nal ive gels
sons. fri ends, relatives, cows, land. clothes. ornaments & ,!.!ood
health. (42)
'i,(QbC4!tlff$fi ~q<::I~IMl6""1J I
if)1(1'11!111$~1 ~ {1tlRi ~'1qa1q'"l I l~ij I I
During the rul ing period of Mars whe n it is sit ua ted in a malefi c
Shasti am!iha. the native geLS much trouble. impri sonment & l os~
of all wClIlth & inOuen cc. (43)
~I4 QtiC4~lff$I' t:fi'l<::I~ 'li5"f I
\f'lIq<::I(El4~i1'Tqll!H WlIlI'1'1 I l'/j''/j' I I

During the ruli ng period of Mars located in a bcndic Shashfi

amsha. the native gets much happiness. He gets land~. w\!allh.
wife, conveyance & good dishes to cat. (44)
tI1oqi'lI 11u:1i:!ttl~Jilq ~ ~ 1
~tjli'l ~1314~ 'f {1~i!il!!q<tiI(if)'i J 1'6'( I I

D uri ng the ru li ng period of Ma rs located in " Parava t" amsha.

there IS happines!i, m<lrriage, initiation. yagya. & service of all,
!f{~i4,I Uifl!!'d',1t'lle:I 4' fI-?i5lliQl I
f)j'I:g ~ '<f QI$III"i'1i1d1 ~ 11'6& I I

Durin g the ruling period of Mars located in a malefic decante,

the nalive has me ntal anxiety. fea r from being strangled poisoned
o r irnprhoned. (46)
'd cqf"'h fq E4(I4{i4f'llflI1.fl9l'1A<'1: I
dN.<% \illi'jO'1(u! 1 Qq Of.!! ~~I~'l<l'f IIO'IS I I

During the ruling pe-riod of Mars when it is in its sign of exalta-

tio n but in the Nava msha of its sign o f debilitation. the native gets
deat h o f his brothers & trouble from the ruler. lire & poison.
(4 7)
'{flIq,,)Sftr 4'i'<lfl"l : ~ e4qi'I\'I'l~d: I
(I'NlifI J!ftlr;;1(19:l\i;:;f~1'1If<lIqC:::y1f' 1 1'd'~ II
When Ma rs is in its sign of debilitation but occupies the
Navamsha of its sign of exaltatio n. Ma rs in its ruling period gives
expansion in all directions. sons. lands. wife, wealth. & friend~
~eqQlIt(q\ll~q<N1!I ~'1'I f.:q a: &lIta~f<I W!II'{ I
~ ~ M ilI'1''1'lqc,h4 ~9;lI'{Rj>4 'llftffi1'4 '" II ~ I I

During the ruling period o f M ercury located in the highest'

degree of exalt ation (viz the 15 degree of Virgo) the native gets
wealth. comforts and fame. wisdom, leaders hip over others. happi-
ness from wife. so n, lands, & wealth. (1)
13 eqft::iqaf'llfil QI'$JIII.fl4{..f\a:\'l1 '1i!t<4 'tI6d44164'l I
(15{4 ~ Eij'1'Eijl oq~'}jlnqlf.4.,d"" 't~iI'1I G 'I II ~ I I
During the r uli ng period of Mercu ry located in its s ig.n o f exalta-
tio n. the native gets h igh position. wea lth a nd comfc rt s, strength o f
body. grains. sons, cows, horses. elephants and Ihe mus ic of the
instrum en t " Mridanga". t2)
8l1(lll!on 41l'4r;;1111 !14"'"I1 '4'1i1~4 .71,\tlql ~1il~Ij I
"Ji"I'itll~(4I'1Q11q q!fil liNl 'lUlQQt'1QI.flI(Ij II~ I I
During the ruling period of Mercury occupying its sign prior to
th at o f exaltation, the native gets celebration of yagya, cows. oxe n.
ho rses. nice food. o rna ments.. c;o thes. honour. gai n from trade.
lands & there a rc acts of service of othe rs. (3)

M ercury is also caUeJ "Vishnu " in Astrology. Vishn u's portfolio
is one ofhcJping hu manity. Hence M Crx.:UIY strong & well aspecte{!"
linked to lagna engages ~n e in un sdfish acts (d" M;;; .:atm;l

~Uili<tl'filE<"'*I(ll1;o~ <u ~ l'ith""t<:d( ~ ~'d I
~~l1tl;:j q(<=I('l11 1qlfl'''1'~?qlll171 <tl&!'l I I'd' II

During the ruling period of Mercury when it is in the sign prior

to that of debilitation, the native suffers much. One is devoid of
discretion, has affairs with other women, and undergoes trouble
through the ruler, fire and thieves, (4)
41 "I~ 'if"""'i: Ic"h!lI <tll \!i ~I ~ '1 tr.t BFil ~ f~"9I'dl1{ I
q~ii9IRr iif'114(l'Eldl ~ fM~llIi;:j q'1ql('l~:'d 11'.( II

During the ruling period of Mercury located in its sign of

dchilitation. the native is without power of discrimination, is
sepa:-ated from one's relatives, falls from the position held, gcts
opposition from relatives. goes abroad & gets trouble by going to
jungle and living there. (5)
,!ii1R1~OI\f.:q'd~RI<=14 ~ 1184161lQl( 'f <tlRf"'l :
fc'.Itll~ii1\'l f.l11111R\:Iik~ 'l<'Ol'Ell=fslJlqol\~o6,itI: 11& II
During the ruling period of Mercury located in its Mool trikon
(positive) sign. the native gets ruling powers. much comlort, fame,
enjoyment of literature, study of spiritual Shastras & getting pure
by hearing religious discourses from Puranas. (6)

('q~7I"flllfll ~~IIQl~;:ft : w:m 411lilll "l"'l'ElI""'l'lqq I

qlfiJl'i"'l'il'i,ftl'W'II!j'W'fl:",qHI\iI('i,/ijoIIM: IllS I I
During the ruling period of Mercury locatcd in its own sign, the
nati".: gets wealth, grains etc, prosperity in trade, cows, lands, son,
\vife, nice food & drinks & ornaments. (7)
l/1~11<tl~o:f!Ezqlhl~I'Ii'll i1:)jqq ~RI$lq~ldii I
~i#'lIri!ltt;:j 't(!1if1'1~ql t("i'I\lj;:j 1('W"4'1 1 ~lq I I ~ I I

During the ruling period ofMcrcury located in its inimical ~ign,

the native is in fear oPlhe enemy & that of the ruler. he is devoid, of
education, does service acts unbecomi ng h is fami ly, eats had food,
& there is loss of son, weulth and wife, un
l/1~!1<tl111<f;:' l/Ii;(!flr 'Idi'll qr<f; f~q~ "if ~~ I
~.1lf1t {'q\lj~~(l~ lI~IR~&i :tl11<tlG"lIliJ'l{ I'''' I I
During the ruling pcriod of Mercury located in the sign of its bit-
ler enemy. there is danger& trouble allround frustration in under-
takings, opposition from relativcs, ohstacle in acts of charity, &
destruction of good actions. (9)

fti.iil\l?l<t:m li!1li!11'fl'E{;:fl"Ef'1i4Rt: ~6!l1f I
'11 +'Ie: 4l'f141IM fI!l '11+'11 ~C\ I i'tl qj rf.r I I ~ 0 I I
During the ruling period of Mercury located in a friendly sign,
the native gets income & comforts, honour or htles, fame through
writings. (10)
d!Rlfti?l(I~IIIfi4 m Qq;::;:fl+'l!,;,4cll <ufcI' i
~ ~ ~. "H'lJ;cl<::I(Ili!"'loll{tlO41I'1If II ~ ~ II
lJuring the ruling period of Mercury located in th e sign of its
bosom friend, the native rises in estimation r)f others, gets
friendship of the ruler, comfurts of wealth, sons. wife, & respect
from rdatives. (11)
f1+'i~lt+i'4i~ li!1li!11'fl'E{;:fl&@ Wi 'ElH!!cll"l(iill I
'fl\1R1 (1\RI"'iRI+'I?I ~ P-I~l'1if1"'; fq6'fl1~;Jllq I I ~'! II
During the ruling period of Mercury located In a neutral sign,
the native gets comforts, grains, clothes. Also there is loss of politi-
cal power, obstacles. one is devoid of wisdom & gets small pox
etc. (12)
4l"'l'lil"'ll41tfl ""~kI<::14Rt'flte:clllf I
q<::\l1=I iifY;'1I'11 'flQ'1Ili!f 14o:f1<,>:lI1f I I ~ Q II
During the ruling period of Mercury located with a planet who
is in ils sign of debilitation, the nati\e undergoes much trouble. He
loses posi tion. has loss of rdativcs, & that of karma. He gets dis-
<':<lse of the mind. (13)
ae4i.1"'l(41t1i4l1'4<::14 +'I6~"1 I
I'fllql'clt p " 4lfi1!iili 11l'il~Et"U: II ~'a II
Du ring thc ruling period of Mercury locatcd with an exalted
planet. thc native gets much comfort, rise in prospects. & in educa-
tion, & trade. & affairs relating to cattle and agricultu re, (14)
~: qlql~a+i'4IR1 ;uir qlq'i~Rl "f I
!it?lII!l<::I(!!?lIfi:t 'il~*lfi~'1Ili!H"I ! I ~~ I!
During the ruling period of Mercury located with a ma lefic
planet. thl.': native is involved in sin & thcrc is loss of land, wcalth.
wife. son, agriculture, cattle etc. (IS)
1'4<::" :41J<ll@~IRI qft4l<6 +'I!,;~"1 I
(1\RI4'1I! ~ <fiIftf i*!!~1qlflifSl"l II ~& II
During the ruling period of Mercury located wirh a benefic
planet the native enjoys much pleaslJre. he gets power and amuen-
ce. comforts, fame. wife, son & favour '-am the rukr. (16)

!1Ri~df4l~ ~~IIif,'ti.,,11~l/iif!lql<fl Iil"ldY ~ <filMq I
Fq\Ul~<iiit:'ti~qq UJilfJi( ifllRilldlq lllli(li fAilal{ I I Z'-91 I

Duri!1g the ruling period of Mercury aspected hy a hendic

planet the !latin:: gelS great fame. He gels honour from the govern-
nwnl a~ il result of his cducational qualifications & inlluence
dccol11panicd with good nilllll'. (17)
~i1f4if?l W:ID<t t"{o:fl"ll"4&1ti 1
~~I~I;j f<:jq<::""iFa ~ !l1>tjI'fll1 iflCi'161')f 10''1 I I ~ 1::; i I
[)u ri ng I he
ru I i Ilg pe riod of Mercury who is aspected by malefic
plands. the native geb his grains destroyed. has separation from
his relatives. tran::b ahroad. falls from the position held by him.
Ill' h~IS 10 serve for a living. is cngaged in querrels & has
disease. (IX)
~lq'I'1:4 fg ~ ~i4<::1fll 'i,QI(f1rq'3l"'l1"l1"42f,(f1'3lq'3l11 I
~~IIR:2f,41q&1H~W: !I(f1~ 'ltlrPjQI'WI41fOj("lI'.'lOiif.! II ~G, i I
Durill)! the ruling period of Mercury located in kendra. the
Il;]tive (kvdopcs friendship wilh the ruler. gets wealth and grains,
wit..\ s()n~ <111\[ docs acts of public service. gets honour from Ihc
govcTlHllent. f;ulle. good wholesome lood and drinks. com/orts of
;;lcep. clnthes. & ornaments. (19)
wrt 1li'1f4 ~ ~ lIlf~ *::"1(4 '[QfiilQHifll'filqlii:rtCrlitOl 1'ljl4q I
it fI til f.:: qf(>:l\ f~ dll HoW f dI ijlfMifl&1'4 l'U ""1 RI II RI ~ q I I ~ 0 I I
Du ri ng the ruling period of Mcreury 10l";!ti,;d in the AscendanL
th~' nat i\e gels honour from the ruler. income rrom agriculture,
luck. COllveYilllce fitted with musical instruments like Bheri.
t::O I
fm1'I4IRl<=~114f m-I!lf~ &1tdl<film ~ I
1O[Q ~1'ljl4 fA &1111 (!\lI """'14 IIl'.llrt<31 4f""Ri" I I '( Z I I

During th e ruling period of Mercu!)' located in the 2,1d house.

there is the aqui.,itioll of educ'-llion & much fame. honour from
gO\ernmcnl & prominence under government (21)

~c1i1j{lf~ ~;;::'t'fO*~II~ql<6 \116<31 tlilRi I

iW Ii 1 &11 'J\1 q 1 ~,!;Ci'q(~ 'ItoHI Rf41iJ 14&111;j ~ I I '( '( I I
Dur!llg th..: ruling period of Mercury loc'-ltcd in the 3rd house.
olle g:..:ls a confused mind. I-Ie engages himselrin music. get~ trou-
ble in inte~tines. trouhle from food & gets honour from thc
rule r. O::!)

~Htl i4ifi{~ ~fttld{.Zl m Qq""ll '11! j ! ;::q11~ I
~64 i R i5If:. ~ EI'li:!:fl'41'iJl'I If qot""a l!U I I ~Q! I I
Du ri ng the ruling period o f M ercury loca ted in the 4 th h o use.
th e re is loss of house. grai ns a n d comforts. T h ere is frustration of
e!Torts-even d ea th. T h e re is fall from the position hel d. (23)
q:q14f?'WI~f""i(1flt l!U QjI,(~dtl atl 6i: d f ~ I
tll''{RttfQ (IElq'lf '''%l(!1iE!{1il1R\ 4ilqt('1 '11~ 'd I I
D uring the ru ling pe rio d of Mercu ry loc a ted in the 5th house.
the na live gl'ts c rue l mentality & h ard sllip. H(' al so e ngages in a
low post unde r government. gets money with difficulty. (24 )
tlt6161'!1141Cl1feild 41CQt(llI e::f.~tFJII! ~~'lqRl I
~:q~4l1 ~Rlij)ql(lir 1q l fl11l~tI(Or /fiitle::f l{ II':('{ II
Du ring th e ru ling period of M ercu ry located if!. the 6th. 81h o .
12t h house.. the native cJeveio pes d efeci in s kin, vomiti ng & ja u n-
(lice. A lso death by fire , ruler or thieves. He gets reduced in
body. (25)

~ 61'1~4l<"fl1 /fI(ii?lil"lf4l ttO I ,,{4RH'<:1z61 qI{ I

~1 4lfB:ii$ 'iii0144 IIElII! Rtl4lfe<ld{'Zllfl:l ~~lltI~I~~~'t,.4'1 : lI~ a II
D u ri ng the ruli ng pe riod of Mercury located in the 12th house,
th e na tive faces sudde n d anger 10 his li fe. gets impairme nt o f some
li m b. c l;] sh with wife & rela tives. He co mes unde r the wra th (If the
ruler. (26)
<l1(ff\qdBllfQ ~lttllCfl+i:il~@RlqF:t '4d<CI(\tl'<:1"'! I
~'ElI~~ ~ ~ q E1 I",( " 11141':~ ~ fufi:l~dI oq 11~19 1 1
D u ring the rll li r:g pe riod 01" M ercury located in the 71h house.
Ih e !~(i\ j\'e gets son. wife. wea lth, educ<ltio n. recrea tion. nice
dOlhes. title o r honou r, & fri e nd sh ip wi th the rule r. (27)

141'11ft:eldflllfQ Ql itll<b~"'14il(ih"1t 'i1(+,tdl ilfiJ1P'111 I

J!1':I'ifi:!qi$ ~ q t51 q'4lo:l 'l@R4l"lifiJl Q'l ill;:ql <4 : 11-;;:1;; II
During the ru li ng period o f Mercury located in th e 9[h house.
Ihe nat ives p rospects in li fe arc boosted. He gets. wi fe. son, wealth.
di p in sac red waters. & underta kes religio us acts suc h a s japa,
homa. c h arity. & yagyas. (28)

4ltl!f:4 dflll fQ ttlttll/f1'i;:fi~ ~I I ~ql <t 1qt'l~ 1ill ilIRt

mm fl!I1114I Fctid'ltj Q1.l 11"lil4 GI(W114&1I GI{ II-;;:q, I I

During the ru ling period of Mercury located in the 10th hou se.

o ne becomes equal in status to a king. he gets comforts. writes his name verse and prose & gains .... ife. son and wealth.
A'l'l!;:j <!qlOial'i!<IO li eIWI34(iij1=! .......MitI41{ I
",\1!iNlOil'( e~Ri ~ "I:t!If<l<fl~1 E4 ... ~ffi:li'mi II~Q II
During th e ruling period of Mercury located in the 10th house,
the native worsh ips the Diety & the Brahmins.. gets ruling powers,
name in the public, adopts a co urse of writing poetry, he is par-
tic ularly engaged in religious acts such as the yagyas, initiation &
doing good to his re lat ives. (30)
'3l1fc'lW~Ift:tldti~i4GI~ N"ifl~1 fW~R1
, ~ 1
men- '1IQFalOil ...."Ilal ~ qllill(fQ\1!iilIHlI ~ J IQ~ I I
During the rul ing period of Mercury loca ted in the II th house.
the native gels weal th from many sources, gets money of ch arily or
as a result of honour by the kingor through agricu lture. trade or by
ill1cHectual persu its. (3 1)
'3 ""i~1 fI 'FfiQHilfiflq:~I~ ~lIfq:lt ~ \'0'{Q11 llfi:<:tif 1
q;flfi!lQllfillOiii"lIR:!(lq'lffi If! ~ "i:j' Jit!1lj'qQiflif II~~ II

During the ru li ng period o f Mercury located .in the Navamsha

of his sig n of exaltation, the native gets son & ornament s, happi-
ness of mind. amorous pleasures, zeal. patience & bathing in sac-
red waters. (32)
o1Io11o.ivi~"'I"';>1a",d : ~ ;\I'i:j!IC'lII'l;JI""if 1
Wxl 0;<1 II fh! I( "i:j' iii Q11"11 "i:j' Cfi 0\11 aq I I ~ ~ I I
During the ruling period of Mercu ry located in the Navamsha
o f its sign o f debi1i1Ution. th e native engages in earning by unfair
mea ns, gelS in service, suffers from compul sion forced by
others. (33)
rnl'4e:ltll "lISlIJi ~ 'e:W4 1 "'4f1l1~ ~: 1
&\'if fq~"l~Uj ~ ~ "'I~:tle"""ll1if II ~'d I I
One ~e ts wealth. grains. etc in the earlier part o f the ruling
period of Mercury. In the la st [')Ortion, he gets opposition from his
relatives. & honour from thl.: ruler in the mi dd le portion of it.
ari\l' I{f)AliCtilIQ! ~ fi!lfcI1lQot ~~ I
fq1 (!1'31 "l\1!iOl'f ~<:tI4jq\"f$Cfiul(Ji! "i:j' II~ ~ II

During thc rul ing period of Mercury located with the Sun. o ne
faces trou bles of varia li S types. ment al wo rry. opposition fro m his

own people. People s peak ill of him & he gelS disease in eyes. &
cars. (35)
lI!Il'1ift4~ lftt.iJ aNI", : <fi\~U$Qe:: I
w;lalf 14::f1<::E1I~ :q~~QlI!(!"1I1O:::: II~~ I I

During Ihe rul ing pe riod of Mercury when il is e ndowed w;l h

"St han" strl!ngth , the native gets fame & ruling powers, mental
firmness, zeal, & reiigious acts like yagya initiation etc, (36)
d!a~.,~ \''4Ho:;l(9)?ll1i!$'NI{ I
fi!laM\E! t- ~ '" 1'1"'QR'Iq~41: 'I~'" II
When M ercury is devoid of "Sth a n" stre ngth, there is grea:
da nger to property, son, wife. One has to travel abroad. worry &
ma ny actions lead ing 10 fail ure o r defeal. (37,

~'~4.f" m,;; ~"d1'f.l~: wlt : I

{II *:1(1 '" fll~ 1:4 111i1141<!"4f4 tilqi11{ I I ~ C; I 1
During Ihe ruling period of Me rc ury e ndowed wilh "d in."(;
tional" st re ngth", the na tive gets wealth from all directions, H e has
muc h wisdom, gets friend ship of the ruler & enjoyment of scent &
nowers. (38)
c:tli(i1<il4,('I1Rii!ilIl<I! ~6m8ll11wrt R'lSlt-i : i
e:1('l?l1 QI'1ii1i1CIRI Ilrlld\9tfR'{dd'jl: flIiil II~Q, II
During the ruling period of Mercury endowed with " Kaal"
sire ngt h. the native gelS good health. e xcellent com forts. deslruc-
lion of enem ies. H e getS wi fe. son. & ho nour fro m Ihe ruler & gels
himself pu rified by bath etc in the waters of the Ganges. (39)
~tl l l ~41f.<1d~RlGI 4 f.Mia*t,"fQ tt!qlf{<ti~ I
PtiijlP4"I~ E4Jj~fliIOt1 141~41'1 ~ IV "~~"""''1 I1~O II
During the ruling pe riod of Me rcury endowed with natu ral
strength. the native performs with natura l case the works of good
nature. H e also has intelle-ctua l wranglings, opposi tion to hi s own
re la tives. sepa rat ion fro m mot he r or p hysic a l lrouble to sel [
,,111 iI tii! If.:<:4 d ~ q 1"'1<:11 (WI I~ 'l Iqs I
<:MT !!<IOIGI 'U~(1'iO:::A l1''1I'''~q II~~ I I
If Mercury is in retrogressio n. it gives in its ru ling pe riod. luc k.
wi fe, son. wealth, hears Sacred T exts from Pura nas. engages in
cha rity, & bat h in the sea. (4 1)
~ ... (!)'1 ~ M (14'ld'1 ~'4ajq I
~(Jfd (\M;f~ " (I'f4''l1'4{1Qfrqal'i II ~~ I I
During the ruling period o f Merc u ry e ndowed with dir..:..:tiona l
~t rc [) e n<l1ive tr~ats all be ings with genlkncs;., is c ngageu in
amoro us enj oyments & gets luck and ru ling powcr.~. (42)
i':1lI1Ql1j; q @<;J1iHJ 1
Du ri ng Ihe ruling pe rio d of Merc u ry located in mak fi..: S h a~hti
amsh a. the lI a tive is in great d anger from thi eves. fire & the ruler.
provided M crcu ry is devoid of any bcn efi ..: in t1uen..:e by <l S~Odil
lio n or aspc.:t. (43)
~!\'II R:$ Wdt (I 'ilI@l:I 'it ft!tI 'I I
~ i::Itf'i,\ltq ffit~l:lJl4tlqi':'1 I 1'l:I''l:I' I I
D uri ng the ru ling pc-riod of M ereu ry 1tX:<l!cJ in ,. M ri uu a msh il,
the na tive get s ru ling powers. gn:ilt h<lppi l1 cs~. gcn t lc ll c ~\ low;trus
a ll bei ngs. & wealt h. sum & ugricu ltu wl im:ollll:. (44)
~ ~Qi~ if)i~l~ ~:Il<jI~(I::rqi'P'4 C1I 'l I
WN'III('lI(fl/ 'I" FtuPi'lll6l(iSf4ijl'i 11'l:I'Y. I I
Wh e n Men:u ry is lue a ted ill Vai ~ he ~ hi k arnsha. the native
par!icu la rl y g.'{s in its ruling period ho nou r from the govern menl.
scen1.~. clothes. /lowe rs. ed uc;nio n o f h igh ord er. (45)

'i(~tifiIQit:l+i::t~'='t!I4<;'1 iji':T I
~~(l fi"'1'1qrd1'i~ t'41"'1'lI*ll 'l 1!l~'i4'i I t'l:l'& I I
During! he ru lin g period of Mer..:u ry loca tcd ina maJ.- lie d e(;iJ n-
teo th e native is in da nge rof lhieves, ti rl! & auiO Il hy ruk r. He Jo,es
"p ropcrlY & po<;ilion & m('ets great fcu r. (46)

dc4(1~I'id: ~ ;fj'4"1I'I'I~"1 ~ I
rrRt WI 'If <tIfff 'If ~iIl 4f.;i d\flU llij 11'11\9 "
Du ri ng lh l! ni l i ng pe riod of M ercury located i II its sign of exalta-
tion, hu t in thl! Naviumha of ils s ign of deb ili tation. Ihe nal~ve ilt
once l o ~cs ruli ng powe rs & ra m ~. (47)
'@{1;:1i:'lilfQ 41 'ij e<l : t4\ c4141 11, 'l f,::q a: I
3ll(!ll'i 4liil'll<?t %~ Uij'60rd 11'l:I' C. t 1
Mercu ry located in its s ign of d.ebilitation but in th e Nin'am sha
o fi l.~ sign of exa ltati o n. gives bad results in th e early ra rt or its rul-
ing period bU I gives good results a l the end . (48)

~;lwqt q(4 cq'lf(4 ~ 'l1!i~hz;~Rt otllt1l{ I

i1=i'1 ~\!ilt1 i r~tt1 ~t141ql fMIti E2'1!l~11tl qt<l'l I I~ I1

During the ruling period of Jupiter located in its highest degrc\'!

of exaltation. the native gets rulin g powers, much happiness &
fam e, comforts. elephants & h o rsc ~ ho nour from the ruler & rul-
ing over ones own people. ( \)
'Jl~( 'lfLlrfQ 1..)~1tI1;q1 1'lI'4ffit ,{qfij"'lFH'1C1 I
i'Qihtlqlot qllfi:tq('lj ~j : Qftf4s<:if...,.a'l"f"I: II ~ II
During the ruling period of Jup iter located in Ca ncer. the nati ve
gelS up in prosp!.'Cls. & is honoured by the government. H e goes
a broad . & gets rul ing powers but is afOiclcd with sorrow. (2)
Sorrow wo uld result if Jupiter is affii<;lcd. Jupiter is conside red
in Astrology as the best of benefics. wh ich no doubt it is. But in
actua l e xperie nce it has somcliml:. though not always failed to ael
as the be ne lie planet. We would like to give a n example. Herl: is Ihe
birth c ha ri of a boy from the fa mily o f the tra ns lator of Ihi s wo rk.
The nalive died in his 7th or 8 th year of life. inspitc of its full 51h

aspect on lagna. J upiter is 110 t o nl y in exaltation hut is al so in

rltro~ression & therefore. should be considered as strong. Then
Moon is full. TheI'l: must be so me reason fo r ~hort life. We do not
suhsc ribe to the vicw that a plane t in !.!xalt<ltion hut in rl'lrogn:s-
sio n i1cts as a dehi litation pla net. Hl.!r!.! J".piter is no douht wea k bu t

not fOf being in ret rogre ~s ion while in exa ltation. The reason lies
. in the fact thal1upiler is fu lly aspected by a n extra malefic Sa turn.
Saturn aspt'cti ng J Upih! f was nol su fficie nt to turn Jupiter from a
hcndk 10 a malefic but \Vhl'" yo u cOIl <;ider the fa ct th at Sa turn is
th t! dispositor of as many "lS J ma ktk s viz Sun. M ars & Mercury
you can at once see .the maldk intl uen ce of 4 pla nets o n Jupiter.
Jupiter is also full y uspecteJ. by the 5th aspect of Rahu who in
doi ng so throws on Jupiter the extrcIlll'ly malefic influence of
Sa turn. You ca n thus sec Ju piter is undt! r no t tess then 8 malefic
in nucnccs. In Ihe d rcumsta no.:: s Ju p iter is out & o ut a malefic
pl an t!t harming th e life prospecis by aspecting thc lag na! Strange
hut true for the reasons stated above Moon the dispositor of the
malefic Jupi ter is acting as a ma lefic planet & harm ing Mercury.
th e lord of the house of longevi ty. (Hth)
-3i1(j~ n ilCl1<1415,i( 'm" U4"'"11 ~,",,(,jtd'<l"'t"'~ill
..:qq I
11I1hMI f1I@O "C{\JQ t4414d : UIl('j tl~l : '11<11"""''1 II ~ II
During the ru ling period of Jup iler locuted in the sign p revious
to ils sign o fexa ltat iotl. the native riscs in the eyes or lhe public &
the nat ive gets wcalth . lands. He is engaged in musical performlll1-
ces. gets wife and honou r from the ruler. H e ulsa gets p rowess and
fam~ thro ugh his own power. tJ)

i i i I llf61i11 ~'1I Wi ~ I
2'li'!QI(f1<!IiijQ;fl qll l~ Cflifa'fl1 : I l~ t I
Du ri ng the same ruling period. the mltiv!! gets owners hip o r
rulership over a big territory. He gets wealth from Brahmins or
ru ~crs. In th is period the native gives evide nce of his wi sdom. gets
fame & s hows good and hum ble manner of conduct. (4)
~4: C{"'4 {4 e:~iI<H)tl !.flOra ~ Qifi4q 11 ~1'I t
E1<p.1!iJ : If)ifa~:n q ,3111fl "I (:tq(~ (1,~q ~ 11'( I I

During th e rulin g p-.:riod of Jupit er occuping the sign previou s

to his sign of dch ilit atiol1. the native at once loses comfort s & then
sudde nly gets fam e & a glow of perso na li ty & ru ling powers.
dlRl4h14111'lloJll 'il~\lII'd \M''''JI5$Jt : I
dl04HiOii4at ",f?H lif 4Iftr ~ : I Iii I I
During Ihe ru ling period o f Jupiter lo-.:utell in the highcsi deg ree
urils .~ i g n of debil ita tion. the native g-.:ts h is prope rly lost. hc is in
mutu al en mity with his people. he loses in agriculture & has to
serve ot hers. (6)
'{iii f?t <6JO I~ti1 QE'Q 'tI~1tI1 111 (I 1l<l14'{llnaMI (~:l1tnl~!l 'i I
tl111ftlOSU II4fi:1 f!!4i1ti1itdff:lrl 4#1 1 ~41qi!ll1~d4t<::tf1 6 'i 11\9 11

During the ruling period of Jupiter occupying its Mool trikon
(positive) sign, the native gets particu larly fuling powers. wealth.
lands. son, wife, comforts, conveyance. money earned through self
effort. H.: paforms acts of religion such as <l. ~ & is respec ted
and honoured by the people. (7)
ii~ijll;ql ~ '1<':1fi4 T(I'"""'.!>IJ;""rr.I;::q""'Il,,"1>I'"Iltt ~ I
~~I"'1<il i'!j1~"'1;flPlQ1l(l 2!l 1 &11~g,u;qI' I 1i~i'Wlif>lq ) 11:; \ 1
During the ru ling period of J upiter located in ih own sign. the
nat ive gds wea lth. lan ds. grain, comforts. ciOlhes. sweets. horses &
meutal hap piness. He engage s himsc1fin poetry. Sacred Texts of
Ved as and Sbastras. (8)
!l~l~~lIljl "'1R)~i"a<l~ '1<':181 ~ 'EI~f8 ~ I
mr i'fi'J.kl1!l Of) Q'bl "" Iilf I I~ I I
Duringthe ruling period of J upi ter located in the sign of its bil-
ler en emy. the native gets troubles and sorrows. loss oflands, &
wi f\:. mu(: h lrou hle from ru le r, fire & thieves. (9)

~p1~~iI;qI"'1fhi~l'l.-:4 ~'"AIR;84tl ~1;q'1liSjot 'If I

i1t~I'EI"'I4I1!f1f8 f.R<:t '"i?i(:rpifl1Ifl4'E1Ift"'(I~"1 II ~o II
During the ru ling period of Jilpiter located in an inimical sign
the ll<tli , e gl'h Ii.:.nJ, wealt h, beds. c1 ol hes. honou r from the rulcr&
,It Ihc ~amc time trouble to
wife. son. servants & brothers. (10)
~ 'l'1I11~1"'1R1~'"A(1~ ' I a~ ~~q81 ~(liljtl I
1:~q.q\~(q~14 m1' R;'I<:1iJ;tiIM1&.fFf lOjll~y I I ~ ~ I I
Dilling th,' ruling period of Jup iter located in the sign of its
h O SOIll rri (,l~,-L the native gets honour fro m the ruler. He gets con-
\('\ a IKt' ii<t cd with instruments of musi c such as Bheri & M rid a ng
& luck from all directi ons. ( I J )
M"lIat'I81 I ~ 'lO~~1I41 '1~~I~.;y 'El1jl~ RI e61rnB I
~t1lfl!1q\~ 'l1;q"'1""1~f9Q ~ q~lqOf)I(Y I q ~ I I
Dur;l1 g the ruling period of Jupitcr occupying the sign of its
lliend. the native gels friends hip with thl." ruler & fame. education.
plea sure. victo ry, good food. scents. nice clothes & he does good to
othcrs. ( P)
"""<I~'nlt4""lfqllr 10~\!1I41 ell'1H,il ~qfct'=f1I4 I,;qy I
1fli$CjI!l,hl{fi:I"'1;:fl~(!1!i fl1?1!iiI(l<il IflRi1,I'I OIiMY II ~ Q I I
During the ruling period of Jupiter located in a neutral sign, the
native gets ordinary benefits from the ruIn & gai n from agricu l-
lUre. cows. lands, & happiness of mind. (13)

of!::q Q '" <.. ~ q,:04 "" ;fl61J1 tl I
q(!i&jlqqf~ 'f ~ 'f ~Ofi:.ldltl II ~'rl' II
During the ruling period of Jupiter located with a planet in
debilitation, the native gets mental disease, service under others
and censure & opposition from sons. (14)
d eq~"'<fllItfl !!<,I4 "IS~'i I
'3l~ifl'h9f!<tl'1f f.Hltul1Q'{'illdIY II ~I( II
During the ruling period of Jupiter located with a planet in
exaltation. the native gets much happiness. He undertakes the
religious work oflne construction of the tops of temples & gets new
respect. (15)
,mI~" iJ<l~QI1'4f <MrRl qrq ~<Cllfd(f1lItl I
~ '5Ift: \fIw,\!f Rlill!il'!;"f4.q<Cf(I<:'lI'llYlf9llQRl II ~ & I I
During the ruling period of Jupiter located with a malefic
planet. the man commits sin;n his mind. & does not allow it to
appear outside. So he gets lands. wealtb. wife. son. & comforts.
lij"llf.:::id'8'llfCl iJ<l~QII41 ",,(1114104 Wf",{ 'f I
I~"" ffi:t 1 Q"lI'1'1I;1 4"IRfH"If'Y ~iIl!iii114tl 11~\311
During the ruling period of Jupiter located with a benefic
planet. the native. gets conveyance from the ruler. n ice clothes.
wealth from charity or as a result of honour by the ruler. He also
gds benefit from yagyas. & other acts done in good direction.
.d'8'llfCl '1(l~QlI111 mt<!f Wi ~~~Rl ~ I
'!Sq~ClQr. t'3lfq<CIC(1f1~6Cl <Jiq~lio4 '1IQi~RI "'1M' II ~>::;I I
During the ruling period of Jupiter aspected by malefic pl anets,
the native gets a liu!c happiness. has some patience. some fame. a
little comfort and loses some wealth at the end. (18)
~d'8'lIRi 'iI~QII111 ~Qlld( f4d~RI ,!qlq I
~ql:;j;j 'I'l.'d<dQo l 'f 8l"ljfqilj$ 'JIw{\l'lldl "I' I I ~Q, II
During the ruling period ofJupiter aspected by a benefic planet.
the native gets money from the ruler in another country. He
worships the Diety & feeds Bra hm ins. He dips in holy waters & his
Guru gets honour and respec t. ( 19)

;t;;;::'id "I1q<:=l~ ~ l<Cljlj I'EI""'lI'1l'{ I

~~"4l461'1"'Gq){ ~i"l'1(&lf "If'4I;:H'l1 t!1fcf I I~O I I

During th e ruling periol.! o f Ju piter locatcd in a kcndra. the
mllivc gets ruling powers. lands. wi fe. ho nou r fro m government..
gels happiness of many types. He engages him sdf in the prOlec-
(i on o f people & becomes prominent. (20)
~ 11<:I'f/Ol it lOOT ~ qs,1Pct Jjq'E'Q 41Gq"l"lI:!II",( 1fIollfl<1"'1
4HI~?Il'1U l'i,I ItJill(~f/:q :hli4qlfJtq<:~q!!d q;?Ifu I I =(: t I I

During the dasa o f Jupiter in lagna. the nalive gets co mfo rts.
n icc c\othe~. o rn aments. rides o n convey a nces & gets mus ical
inslfu mcnts like M ridang & Pa na & uses strong elephan ts. horses.
& is in co mpany of great warrio rs. (1 1)
~ il{;ffiqd J)q<tl~ 'lI'f5l'~ 'lQfijfi:J5I''II<:iif I
'i,41 \!141'~ ~ '{4Rpo{ ;:fj~'ci'41 dffiSll11it) fa I I=(:=(: I I

During:the ruling period of Jupiter loc ated in the 4th ho use. the
na livc has all types of conveya nces. friends hip with rulers & if
there is yoga for ruJcrshi p in hi s horoscope. he ~ ets ruling power. If
not. he bel:omcs equal in stalUs to a ruler. (22)
ifi{!i5l'(IRIIt'4<:1 ijlq<tlll wl1f~?lI"h4l Pllifa I
f<!I~!MI4 tI"i4t ~ 'if t:0414 qOElfill !!'IlOlcflCf li N II
During the ruling period o f Jupi te r in the 7th ho use. the nali ve
gelS wifc. wealth. son. happiness. goC!; ah road. is victo riou s in bat-
(I e. Th e man is virtuous and engages him sclfon meditat ion of the
Sup re me. (2:')
~4(tlqaf41fq <J<l~qli (j""4 i f({j'lI~$lOlfdGI41'l I
"1!M'I4Ii'j (!fit c(i~~?I<:iR!'I':4f1Ni4~(I"~ tt =(:'d I I
D uring the ruli ng period ofJup itcr loca ted in th e IO lh ho use. the
native gets ruling powers. if there is yoga for kingsh ip: otherwise. gets
wea lth. sons. wife. virtuous deeds & co ntact with good rulers.
Q""i4f1'i'lu<il~ cf?ilql~ q@;iitti'lO 1
~I~ (liJl1",1 " ac:tlMqollf.::~'l 11 =(:1,( I I
D uring thc ruling period of Jup iter located in the 5th ho use. the
n ati ve engages him self in wors hip through mant ras. gets much
ha pp int.:ss. sons. honour from rulers, & engages hi mself in t~
hea ring etc of Vedanta. (25)
~<$iul(:l(JEI4:4 '1D~f/1I41 ("l\$lElI""llei f!lq'tl~ra:'lO I
~"'.NHIII(q~i!Iillll"1l~ t"I'1 qi!l~\!IE1~(AL!. i 1=(:& I I
D uring the ruling period of Jup iter loca ted in its Moolt rikon
(posi ti ve) s ign. the nati ve gels wife. SOil. gra in s. wealth. dis-

n im ination al po\.\u. n ice food. & d rin kc;.. d o thes. ~il k. ~onvcy a n
ce. & help fro m the Gu ru. ("6J

ae&l :ti (f1ffi'JU~:tnlll "'1l'<lI'\( ( IJififOlHlIfa I

II tllt'1 '1ff1i 1'1f1tlkllill>l ~ \'164 ;a 'l.~ Rl !h; I{ I I 'i: '3 I I

During the rulin g peri od of Jupiter locuted in the Nava m sh a of

i t ~ sign of exa ltati on. the na tive gets a boost in his p ros pects. hon-
o ur fro m the rule r. cora l. pea rls. ruby & the jewels. friends hi p with
a ll & com fo rts. (27 )
4l"":tIElY;ffiW'tflNlifi 'i4i~"I1 'F""~i!lr.f41i;fl1 I
eqi1~ ~(1 ~ i11 '<f 1qIP1..a~ : (2I'!lii?l<;"I.M't i I ~ 0:. i i
During the ruling perio d of Jupiter. located in the N<lva ms ha o f
i"ls sign of debil ita tion. the native gets threat from the ru le r. rol ie
pains. d yspe psia. CIC. fa ll from the pos itio n held oppositi o n fro m
friends. fcarof ruler. fire & thieve s & fcar from his own commu n i~
ty. (28J
31<b' I :ilfllt~iiql ;aM'll (ji!j(41~Ji ~ m: I
d'i"41'I(Pl i:lcdi ~:TIIIiI~ ~'1E1\li(: i i~<l, II
During the rulin g period of Jupiter ~ itullted with the Sun. the
nat ive gets fe vcr Imddcn ly. emadation o n bod y. disease in the h~"d.
bad charac te r. & los ~ of wcalth. (29)
M 1M~II"'I<iI i 4"{"l1 I'1IH"J;6i{ I
:trit W1q'Shi1iGIR ~ ~ ~f4~mr I I ~O I I

During the earlier pa n ufth e ruling pe ri od of Jupiter. th e na tive

gets ho nour from iHe rule r & muc h ha p pin ess. d uring th e middle
pe riod he gets wife\ son etc & in thc last po rti o ll trouh le. (30)
~1ffl!l d f(llftr 'il f~q'ifi ~ '1 I t4f(\ 'lQ~1411;j 'if i
~(j I ~ cll<::lfc6a U-"I'nti6r e~q!f. lt ~\il4 ~ 'if I I ~ ~ t I
D urin g the n di ng: period of J u piter loca ted in the 2 nd house. tr,c
nat ive gain~ \\c<llth. ho n u ur from thc rule r. takes parI in offi cial
con fe rence relating to edu cational co nt roversies. He do e~ good 10
eve!)' o ne. gc-ts victory & happiness. (3 1)
1Q'J'dlllt"il4 \l 11f1:ll{.f4<i11l'1 4('jtIfi!I\lj~l:tl a:fl'n"lftli4'tt"! I
arvHa:tl1'{'41"~I'1I(!'4I'=1( i'P1l 4('J'd'ff41rt fi!I#Hl'Iilfcl Qftal'i I l ~ ~ I ,
During the rul ing period ofJup ilcr in 3rd house. the native gets
m uch honour from gove rnment. lands fro m hrothers. or la n ds &
wea hh given by at h!.! !' lad ies. also good food. clothes. o rmllTIC nt s.
scen ts. fl o wers. I Ic !s benefi tted by good do ne to him by othe rs. he
gelS wisdom a nd b rave ry. (32)

181i(f\'l!!<l;;(14 \lliI'lll ;;r ~ ~ I
1Qc::d q::j ~ ' 1"'Il'iltflli"4(lfC:!fi'1 .' ~~ I I
Also he is be nefitted fro m brolhe rs. h e ~e ls wealth from Ihe
ru le r. com fo rts. scent. fl owe rs. cloth es elc. (33 )
41()'I('\1 S>?I<nii'i?lQ\lG l.'l i11Rlqf'~fl( ~Jii4 i'l I
3lR11rt-~ql'i<lI~ qlofi ~~i(IRqzt {1U'l"l 1 1 ~'611
D u ring the ru ling perio d o fJu pi ler IIxa led in Iho.: 611\ h ou .~ e. the
Ilal ive gels good h ealth. sons. wife. Fa in ... in Ihe l SI pari o f Ih e
periol..!. In Ih e I<l si pclrl h e gets troub le to wife. we<lhh. fear fro m
Ihieves No.: & disea se. (34)
~ WOIQ 'H:'q: if,~1R1 i+!i ~0i/';!Ji161f.:t'1: I
~11~ \lie ~ 1 )ftij- f'A1(IJ'Ig;?I (1"'"41.P111~'I, II

J ur itc r located in the Ihh hou se g i \e.~ comfo rt. hut loss of on e's
rcia !ive!'. fall fro m th e po sit ion hd d. b u! in a fa r ofT la nd gives wif.:.
so n & h o no u r. (35)
1!1II'j iIJlq<: ~ 1I111 Ej!;lltJi (1a41!1I4~qllIRl I

~ .3I'i '" !l""i '!'ffil iN '" """ ""iT'! II., II

n uri ng t he ru Ij ng peri od of J u p it ~r lo c <ll~' d in I he 11Ih hou se. Ibe
.. al ive gcts ru lin g powers. muc h wea lth. wik. so ns. oppos iliu ll
fro m Iht.' ruk-r & haIred from rl'ia ljves. (36)
"5q"l:j f!"(1 ;f1~ ~ ri !l16"11R: (1!iqql re I
I!ll'ld ~l/T tfri "'1T"l:'l41Ilt:fi'f ~: 11~19! I
Du ri n tho.: ruling pe rio d ofJ u pi ler lm:at ed in lh ..: I2! h ho use. t h..:
nali ve gets conveyance ~ I(,; & go.: ~ to foro!ign hmds overcom e with
w(ln)'. (37 1
trii P'iH >W"'I~lr...q~~d~"'"'f 'JU : $-;ul!f ?,J(ji;JiJiI1 tilfloAlfd ' [>Jjhi"! 1!If"A qi'1<f;
foOl?ill!lt '1qO['1: J
~i efI4ij)q~ ~q"""14",0;.rtt ~ !;I[B= 8"'1T ~ ~ ~ 1'f 1!I'i~4i1 1i:\1
lI'rftH1: I I i;l ~ II
Duri ng the ruling pe riod o f Ju pitc r endowed wilh "Sthan "
<;I fe ngth t he na tive gets la n d s.. wea llh , w i f~. sons. e icp h anl.
clothes. gold . n ice clo thes. o rna me nts. During Ih e ru ling period of
J upite r en dowed with d irectio na l stro.:: ngth. th o.: na tive gds fame in
Ihe wo rld & when endo wed with "Kaai"' ~ I reng th. the n ative gets
IWllour fro m the rulers wife. (3H)
Pi+:1j 4l1lj~('\ 3ilq<:tl~ P1+:1il.:j~qIRl ~ 'Ik'l'i I
~ ~<ma (Rlcilfm ~1 t1 4'i ~ l l~ ( 41 dr"lI' i ,,;ufMtl 'i II ~Q, II

Du ring thc ruling period o f Jupiter e ndowed with "Natural "
, tr..:ngth . Ih ..: native gets comfort & muc h prominence. happin cs~
from ..: du~ation. amorous enjoyme nts. comforts and dip in the sac
n.'d wa ters o f the Ganllcs. (39)

!!f!fj ' ld{4lfi::1 'jO%ftuql q!14dl qyftr tadl,qO::I01 I

~ \J'lt ~ ftI?ldl ;;r '4'iEi'3lldl 1I(ltlfiqI.'1lQ'i t I'dQ I I

l)u l'ing lh e ruling period of J u p iter in re trogression. thc mllivc

p:Cb Il1w.; h w..:a llh. SOilS. wi!'..:. vi ..:tory in h a l1Je. friendship with Ih e
I'lik r. ~~": Jll s ilnd h,IPPY usc o f s r ee ~h . (40)
~ qcl ,{4 'iI~YI4i lfiylifii!ieo r 'l81qJl.,I'{ I
~ Q~ ftl f.w.t ~ ftlhl? llii"4R1 f,*~~q: lIb' ~ II
I) u ring the ru linll p..: rio u o f J u pil e r. c n dow~ d wilh " O i reclional"
~ Ire n p: th . lh e na live ~l' ls all luc k hy the r,tvourorthc go ve rnme n t &
j.!tle ... to olhe r co u ntrie .... ro r so m,,: tim".. (41)
'if qfl(!lIftl' ~qffijl?to::'[ilFa/fitli!dI'1 I
(!Jii~qlql'ji'l,~ ~ -;mif ~Vi q: I ib'=( I I

D u ri lip: Ihe I'U Ii ng period of J up ite r o cw pying a malefic Sha shli

am s ha. Ih c native gels into mu d l tro uble, faccs wrath o f thc
j.!ovcrn nwnl & ui s hollour (42 )

~ qfl(!l/V1 ~ WJ<:filSftf 4ttiQdl'l I

ell!<l ii(.,(Hii<l q$l~qlf8$ ~ 11'd~ I I
D u ri ng the n Jling pe riod uf J u pilo! r occupying bene fic Shas hli
i.lln:-.hll. the nat ive gels much co m Ion. I.:o n veyance, respect fro m
fdal ives, & auspic ious fu nctio ns like yagyas and ma rriage. (43)
ql(lq<:1I~i ~t'l4 ']\1<ti4 l'ji!l~l!!Iq I
IF .....q~ m ;;r tli Rl IM "iGOiq i i'd'd I I
Dli ri ng the ru ling: pcriod o f Ju pi ter in " Paravilt" a!l1 sha, the
llill iv..: g~ls m lII.: h ha pp i ncss, n in: foo u. ~ il ky clot hes. sale ofo lu, &
o rnalll c ni s. (44 )
QM' <l'4l1U1 i'hfA ~ ;;r 1I0I'i'1 I
<tl/(IIIK ~ ;;r f:1j l~ iiil( ~!l 8 '1 I I'd \( I I

f)lI ri ll ~ t h~' fu ling pe r iod o i'Jup ito!r. loc,lted in " Pa ash' decan lc,
Ihe n;'li vo! ge ls confined, ~lIffcrs impri so n ment & h<l s d a sh with
hi ~ ..... ii'c. (45 )

3 eiif'41l'Q ~'f U~11i fl14f;:qa : I

~mrit ~ .:tllitkl d"'O !l~ q '1~4R1 11'd6. II

During the ruling period of Jupiter located in its sign of exalta-
tion. but the Navamsha of its sign of debilitation. he suffers great
SlCt back soon after getting great affluence. (46)
4lilW! ~q,!;Rilfq ~c4hll'fl e::jf.:qa: I
"'IIHI ~fq f:!Qlc(I "'If1,q'liRl a<tI'1(: I 1'a\3 1 I
Duri ng the ruling period of J upitcr localed in its sign of debilita-
tion but in the Navamsha of the sign of i t~ exaltation. the native
gets much aflluence even after meeting set back in prospects.


3k!F41I'1"U/II'l1 Jfuf",@e 11I'l1~ 4l 1hflli<;j I
GIQ41'i%1I<tPl I{j~PI itl'lPi ~ '=T1" ~: II ~ II

During the ruling period of Yen us located in the highest degree

of its exallation. the native enjoys ride of elephants. enjoys wealt h
& thl.' beloved woman. gets nowers. clothes. food. good bed. wife.
son. & wealth. (I)
f?Oflcqff-'''H1EGlfq lfM:.tUlll"l ~ fi'lPlr.tI~ ~ I
fi:r-;,IT mst 'EI~RI ~" ~1(l(1~ ~ ::jlP1~ 'if I I~ II
During the ruling period of Yen us located in its sign of exalta-
tion. the native. gets contacts with women resulting in loss of
\\ea!th. acts contra))' to morality. has loss of parents. suffers
"orrow. headache. but honour from the ruler. (2)
3Ii(lf'Iloh Wfl<t:tll IIQ""11 ill""liiiHIQj'f'Fd 'flifd'{JiI'1 I
\l 'iff! Rrfi: fq ill ~ F~"(lj 141?1i R ;::nW !R <tK Wll{ I I~ I I
During thl.' ruiing period of Venus located in the sign previous to
its sign oj" l'xaltation. tho.: native gets grains. clothes. emhalish
mentS.lus!re of body. respecl. success in undertakings. opposition
fWlIl his own people. loss of Illothl' r ClL" & adultry. (3)

If'it 'W'lEGlfq 3i<nJ6 ~ II~UiS a-~'lI'II1;:j 1:1P1IMY I

l?it ~ ~ 3ITftt lV'It ~&il( ~(\lj"G<t"IR1qRl 11'a II

During the ruling period OfVellUS [oulled j n t he sign previous to

that of its sign of dehilitation. the native has much coutact with
l,rostitutcs. trouhle to \'.ife. son. rda{i\( .~ . his m ind gets immoral.
hc has pain in stomach & trouble from sexual affairs. (4)

~ M ;::rc.:r: 4i'f ~!! 'El4<tllt!D:T: I

31fi941~ll'E4 wit ltl'iflEGIC'I"II>4;:;I( Vlfdy 11',( II

During the ruling period of Venus loeakd in lhe highe:>l degl'l'e
of its ~ign of dehiliwtioll. the native, has mud, passion. di~t.:d~~: &
is engaged in actions that turn out to be unsuccessful. He also get:>
ll'Ouhle for selL wife & son and suffers financially. (5)
lfiT ~ "fIMS!iI4i A!,;i~4C'li 'E4i<;J i
;;f,<f !~\f.~'i ~S!Iiffi 1Sl1>tlfd '8'4RJj ~ 115.1 1

Huring the ruling Ixriod of Venus located in ils Mool lrikon

(po~iti\ie j sign. the native gets gn:at rul i ng powers. He is effic iL
' l1l ill
sale and purchases. gets \vealth and honour & knows legali ty of
things. (6)
~~". <:mf oM <"it 'l" f'R'R ~ I
f.-n;:ilR'1lil tq qfi4ifil( '4\5~ 'if I 1\31 I
During thL' ruling pl'rioJ ur Venus located in ils own sign. the'
native gets wik, son. fl-iends. wealth. bravery. constant lL'al. hilt
fed. & also Joe s good to others & gets prOmillL'nc..:. (7)
~ 3!fu ~T 11i'lfl'l $Wf Cflbl 6lf~q I
11"111'1" +i '81 ( Rllifluj ~ -T"'AI ~ iITf tw'ii Qtil q Ii I I t:; I I
Ouri ng th..: ruli ng period of Ven us located in t h..: sign of i ts bilte r
enemy: the nali\c suffers loss of son. wife & ""ealth. He s;11Tcrs <II
the hands of olhers. suffers bodily. has disease in belly. e)'cs. su I'
fers from dysentry. (S)
~ ~<f:m<-rt ' :1'11(4<"4104 ~ mf.1: Rli.j I
lfITi'r m ~ 11t1fi1i!i1("1l>4 414ifi41\i1 II", I I

During tlw ruling pcriud of Veil us located in inimical sign. the

native losses progeny. & wit'L'. he experieneL's wrath ofthc rukr 8:
ellg~lges himsel f in si nt'nl dceds for much e n joyment (9)

ll:r.:I' e.n- ~" ~(jqifJl{l ifii!ilfil~~~"'1 I

l41(111pM: ~~:;;'f ~ffi'.['if II~OI I
During th\: wlig peri(,d of Venus loea!ed in the ~ign orils friend.
the native does good 10 ot hers. gives evidence of his knowing Mh.
cngages j 11 ha vi ng ore ha I'd nf"Su pari"' ,1 harJ i ngreLiient of bl'ld I &
llsed in its \\hol<.' form for worship purposes & spends lllOilL'Y 011
worship of did)' & on the welfare of humanity. (10)
'ilRlfi1?1 W. <Wr ~ ("1"'41'1 +'tl&i "f I
~ mfJr 'EI'itct il<;jqRl ~ ~(f?l ~:;;'f I I~ ~ I I

During the rUiing perioLi of Venus lm:ated in the sign of its

bosom friend. the nalive gets honour from the king. comforts. l'at~
tic. horses. elephants and lives a dean life, (II)

e'le\"' ifC!lfll ~'nf44tJ; m 'It'Gifar TtA~)j l : I
f41r.t~4 'I,4fa ~ ~: l:j<f ~nql~d "'ltI""",.,,q I I~ ~ I I
During the ruling period of Venus located in the sign ofa neuI
ra l planet. the n at ive su ffers from discases like loss of semen. colic
pai n s. disea ~ e in eyes, & rectum. BUI gets some fear from th e mlee
.fire and thi ~ves. ( 12)
4l\!l~ iI( 1fIt ctm q5~ql.lI'i t
dNell<: 'Ff ~ ~ qiqqjqfJ:! : \ t~~11
During the ruling period of Venus loca ted with a planet in its
s ign of ~ebilitation.lh e native gels much tro uble. & he gets defame
as it resu lt of his s in ful deeds. (13)
~cQf{:4q8"'1 (OIfsdfll ~.h~qi<fj U'Jlf Jtl5,="I!\('t'l(IR:!qfdCG'ICi t

@41i!/j(ir:4~i \f(jOll1l"'1<i111>1 ~ $f~'iqoiqi(Mil e4'i ~: 1 1~'d I I

During the rul ing period or Venus located with a plan..-! In
cxal1a lion. the native gets ru ling powers. prom inence. d isti nct io n
in battle. & gai n o f gold. d othcs. jcwds. ornam en ts. r.:onvc-}'ancr.:s.
wilh musical inslrumcnts like Bheri. Pan wa r etc. (14)
QlqiP<id*i4lf'q 'i'Mw.Ji ~i"~ ~"i\lll~f6(J~1'f I
3lt \!II(liol <tiQlliN q(4 'fSEZlQ'1'l1lt"N11;IVlh'i'1 I I ~ I,( I I

D u ring: th e ruli ng period of Venus located wi lh a ma iclh.: pl ancl

th e nat ive gets fall from thl! position held. opposition to relatives.
eharac- terlessn cs~. likes engaging himself in clas h with o thers. &
su ffers loss . . s in wea lth. agri culture. lands. so ns. & wifl'. (l SI
lij1'Iif; .. df'ljfCt "l'[i~Vllql ~q l'<itq~Ii""tOJlEl"""(i1Iqq I
.,.-t~ 'l'3Iq lr:.{ff.j AtCii1'1'ffiI'l~j4i"'1i1lq'1 I I ~~ I I
During the ruling period of Venus located with a be ncik pla ncl
Ihe native g .... ts good luck. fri e nds, SOilS. grain s. ho no ur fro m the
rule r. ma ny horso!s a nd dcph<lnl s. cora l. pea rls. ru b ies. & can
\cya nces. t 16 )
~':IfJ4iN ''I'ii~~iI:q1 4I"'i~l5If.!1 e'1~ R1 !-~ I
rHlll P.nJtt eqq<:""jf;;y 'f ~;::MI~ fZli!JICf,4t11'3 I I ~IS I I
During th . . su b peric...d o f Ve nu s asp;;'(:lcd bY:I m alefic planeL lhc
nat ive suffe rs less' of ho no ur. w("alth. g()~ S throug h !ro ubles.
op pos ition fr om woman. f<:1l1 from the posit ion hel d. liv ing 'l broad
& hc refl of the duti('s of hi s o ffice or POsililln etc. (17 )
~$dfllIM "l,iiIl"Qi<fl \111 .. ( lflfaq,::il4 'f I
Jj"I~44 rolfl(<ti1fttf <'!I~r;;;m:qJ"il~6ZIq fd i I ~ !:o Il

During the ruling period of Venus aspceted by natural bencl k~
the nati ve gets.. wea lth. clothes. honou r from the king. prominence
over people. lustre in the body. & comforts fro m wife. fri e nds. &
sons. (18)
~ 'Idf'll ~ m '1'1'1"'<'1+4 ql'1flj(l~"11'J1 ~ .~i5<tilfd"l I
( I JGII!f'l,fti'fif4"1Ii5'1"1f'MIW f ~~41'1q"11\t~ii1Ifq~41 '1 II ~ Q, II

During the ruling period ofVenus. loeateti in a kendra i.e. a ca r-

dinol house. the native gets conveyance. clo thcs. jewcl.~. orna-
ments & lustre of body. He also gets ruling powers. we:.tlth. lunt.h:.
agriculture. conveyance. cJoth~ s. wcapons. visit to forts. jungles &
bath in !>acred walers. ( 19 )
Qi''1<iW''l!tflJJlll aAlcJi OJi"1I'1"f ~ t
"1l'Ji'il"'l"''fi~iiIIlOI q(14qlit lll?iffilPi"l I I~ O t I

During the ruling period of Venu s located in the AscendanL the

nalivl.' gets honour fro m the govern ment. jewel ". ca llI e weallh.
agricult ure. great 1.eal & ill talk about him by others. (20)

~~ nf~l~a iij;tl<tl~ <I'J'2t LjI!i~i1ij~F-1 llf'1"l I

~ ~1l1~ti4i@ 'lll'1i l{ft IH,141f.:4a <tIR1:Jmii'j t I~ ~ i I

During the rul ing period of Venus loca led in thc 4th ho use. the
na live gels ru lin g powers. mllc b h appiness. & ho nour. agricull ural
acti .... ity. inc rea se Ot wealth. ca tlle. & also fame with prowess.
(21 )
$(i1?i(l~Ift:iqd lij}fI<fli; iM"'iI'1'lfIi ~ ~ ~ilifl"l I
Uq6'lqqln:~IO<i111 UQI'1ft1f1I(1NliI,:!<I\kI"l I I~~ II

During the ruling period of Venus located in the 7th house. the
native loses wife or goes abroad. gets diseas ~s like loss of seme n.
colic pa ins. lo_)s of wea ltb. ~o ns. relatives & ru li ng powers. (22)
Cb4w W"fQ <tlill!1t4Ii f4ClIEHUIIXd "1tw{:JI1
1411<?lflt ql~i1il6<f)lra ~ila(AI'<iINI: Adltl'l t t~~ 1 1
During the ruling period of Venu s located in the 10th house. the
nati ve gets educalio n. wealth. ho ne Ll r from th e ruler. beltermen t of
p rospecls. inc rc a'"" in personal charm. & prowess & fame from all
di rections. ( 23)
~f'l~f'l~.~:I~OI~'I"a: ~ 4l(]Fti ~t{>J'(ja !"l 1
'4~i;fiLjIfa"M llOI "if 'f,fq.,i',: ~ ll'QT: l ~'d I I

During Ihe ruling period ofV~nu s located in the 9th hou se. the
native gets honour from the ruler. he engages himself in rel igio us

yagyas & actions. There is also happine~s & faml' to Guru &
parents. (24)

Q"'I1'E"'1',,{ifl,dll 'l'5lI<:fI~ ~P1~~lQ I I

<t'rftf "" (Nl'{"Il "" El4tijl'i4~!(~'f I I~'( j I
During the ruling period ofVel1us l()l.;aled in (he 51h hOll~e. the
nativl' gets son. also fame. honour frOllllhe ruler & engagl's him-
self in the welfare of all. (25)
~""l'llI!lto:;*iil<l1 '4'16if:lAI~q'1I<lft1 "'ITfQ I
dI"'1\f4 Qif/<:f(!1l'l"i 4?14~t( 1(*ilfl""lHY I I ~G I (

During the ruling period of Venus locateJ in the ::' nd hOlls,,:. (he
native suffers loss ofwe;llth as also gain of ....:..:alth. He gl:lS grain.
pleasure of speech. does good to others & gets honour from the
government. (26)
~ urn ~ Wflo:;14 Wt 11~1'2f11i!;l4{l'1'EI,tll{ I
f<liiiil(lcl'tk'<:fti511~ fl8lo:;(IOII "'!;l'llllj(f1(I'l'f I (~IS I (
During Ihe ruling perioJ of Venus located in the Jrd house. the
native shows much patience. zeal & invincible power, Hl' gl'lS line
clothes. ornaments & conveyance & much fUrlherence of the pros-
pects of his brothers. e7)
ll'n~41~Sftrr ~ "1M EOlI;:;qIi!fllltltll<:'i'l\l! lo:;(tolJl{ I
m 11i5('M4~1 I QFt;;r *il=j).qlj 'fIRlq~1+11?: 11e; 11
During the ru ling period of Venus locaTed in inimical sign. (he
native gets loss of grains. wealth. sons. & brot hers. gcts discase.
dest ruction of important undertakings. rea r from the enemy. ruler
& thieves. (28)

tV lBl<:lfll l ~ 'iln~4i~ *ilf?"JIifi'1-.i1(!;'<:If~NF!I&j1{ I

~tl8I~ ~81~ra ftffi Cfiq~"""I(~IiL<:1l1f1l": \1<:11411 II~~ II

During the ruling period of Venus loca ted in th l: Hth bOllS":. the
native gds injury from weapons. tire. thiews. obstacks from
friends. a little of comf()rt & sam..: w..:ulth. (29)
fflM [flq M4 iRI ll' n ~41~ WN I'lliflll ~ I 'lI 'fill 'f I
~ ft'1&:i :PfGIrti'}lrl "'" ~ i!4'1II1If:tiCl4tl iJIlCi11{ I I QO I I
During the ruling period OfVl:IlUS locatl'tl iJ1t he 11 th hOll sl:. thl'
native gets scents. !lowers. clolhes. honour from th..: rukr. happi-
ness from SOil. wealth. agriculture. saks. & clwrity, He gds n<lllll'
through his writings. (30)


"'IFllkl ~ ~ 1:11'"41";(IGI(l4'l1"'t1'1 I
~11~ w~I'EI '41<:1[441.1 '4::f1PiC'lI'EI ~ II~~ II

During the ruling period of Venus located in the 12th house.lhe

native gains grains. wealth. honour from guvernmcnL but fall
from the position hekL lives ahroad. is separated from mother &
feels happy. (31)
""cp:5'Id~ 'fir: f?i1tp1lffti1IflR~ I
~ 14\'412'11 '1.-;;;t ~lJilf.<1d1 '4;fl:pfr II~~ II
During the ruling period of Venus localed inlhe sign of Jupiter.
the native get~ loss of wife. son. lands. ,,:oll~tant obst'Klcs in his
actions. & experiences. mental worry & trouble to mother. (32)

31ofl' I~ Jjaj'l~4ii : ~~ I
~ ,m~1Iflf 1;>I1<:1f'1~'1 T.f 4i\l1~ ~ II ~~ I I
During the rulillg period of Venus loca ted with the Sun. the
native has 10 li\(; in dilapidatcd house. he gets ~toppage of gO(Jd
dctiol>s. gelS loss of wife. separation from hrothers & rift with
others. (3.1)
f~'ll' i W, ;;;~i1'li mmt [4[4l4lqil ~t:rq II
a::.iI'I(11Idi;j: ~ f?:IQlQl9; 'H~;;;Ifl4n'!: 11~'d II
During the ruling period of Venus located in the sign Leo. the
native gets various trouhles. mental worry. fruSTration in efforts.
disease. & he gets constant frustration in his unuertakings. (34)

~ ('411'*~i1~ 1(qa : tj ....:!i1"1 ~I ~t111i<:fc'I'.Il::; 'h~<fft$ 11'41::4

dft'4i f>""~"'''''"''.1I,f,f",''*8 ~ill : ~,:jO:I(~t ~ 4i1<:.d~i'!1if~d ~ <ttftf:
'E4114iful<'\1 II~';( II
During the ruling period of Venus endowed wilh "Sthan"
strcngth, the native gets honour from the ruler. omamcnts.
engages himsel f in discussion of educational subjects. gets Ii ties &
name.1fVenus is endowed with "Directional" strength. the native
gels much fame. sons. wealth. wife & clothes. If it is endowed with
"Kaal" strength. the native gets happiness. wealth. fame &
name. (35)
f.:!tj.1ift41ffi4 \f.n~4 4i5fWsl!! I
'r~'hlfftif!lffift \l11O"d6 ~ II~~ II

During the ruling period of Venus having "Natural" strength.

J L8
Ihe nalive gels much happiness. comforts from agriculture. ca nk.
bl1d~. \\ei.dLh. brothers. & mother. (36)

"1 i,'1 \1 +:41 fi:l 1fi'r: @+:4 ;:; 1111 PI 4 I:fl eel RI ( i :J1 c[3'<:Fi I
~ q!iffitllo1 ~fi'I?lqOPAI~(OIIH (1;;q9 11;;'\3 I I

During: the ruling period of Venus in n.:trogn:;; sio IL lhe native

;..'d~ IIlllch honour from the ruler. & conveyance fitted \vith musi-

l<tl ins lrumen ts like Bheri. Mridang: a lso fine clothes. ornaments
.\: mlin!! row~'rs. (37)
;0;.1 qi4qDi+4 'i'nf~41$ <l~IR;Cfll4jjUl
< "
&juRI C!lI'# I
fi1~lftbll("illI'IFlIkI( ;or i4if't1Qi$ <fi~-g ~ I I;;'~ I I

Du ri ng the ru I ing period of Venus ha vi ng "Aspedual" strength

i, e. 0 lie i.lrisi ng from benefic aspects 011 Venus. th e native performs
rc' ligio\!~ acts like yagyas. take pleasure in educational persuits.
pk,t'iul'C~ o r bed. clothcs. honour from the rukr & also mental
\\' \)IT\ 8.:. opposition. (3i1)

Ifb(fl ...... q~Ig,+M"4 1'1'TI<i4 ~ I

.,?l(Ifi<i(FJI>'i1fCw;or ~ ~Q119 11;;''<, II
[Juring the ruling period of Vcnus localed in malelic Shashli
amsh il. the native gets into trouble &. experiences fear from
thieves. and fire. He is in fear of the ruler a lso & has loss of agricul-
tun:. lands & cuttle. (39)
~1'4"1teqQI!i+f;+4 tpn<\ij 41'\~'i I
tql(14('tsI111"lf F"i1'joj ~qctJl9 11'd0 I I

During the rulillg p.:riod of Venus located in a benefic "Shashti

amsha" the n,\tin:: gets much happiness. he undertakes in a
religious spirit the work relating to the constru ct ion of wel ls.
nr..:.-IliIrds. tanks. & worships the diety. (40)
;\~I~2flf~Ig,tt,+4 "l'il<::jij *'W1'i I
116;1 "flft""'ll;1 \l1~l:l+Eiq<::: I I'd ~ ! I
During the ruling period of Venus ,l ocated in "Vaisheshik"
arnsha. the native gets much happiness. conveyanees. honour
from the ruler. brothers, wife & wealth. (4 1)
~ a"4ilol+ilg,ffi 'i'n<;lijS~: I
CflI(I'I1( 41h4,te"l"1Q'1 '<fI(QlS'11Oj 1 1'd~ I I

During the ruling period of Venus located in a malefic decant.:.

the native has kar from enemies. inprisonmcnt much trouble. &
~uffcring from fire and thieves. (42)

d ",$'Sf'r ~.," 'l"" ~ft! ~"", I
i'fltlRi (i;;q1t~j 'if (J!I11 "'llll!liltjlfq <u i I'd'Q II

During the ruling period of Venus locatcd in the sign of its

exaltation. but in the Navamsha of its sign of debilitation. the
native gets much suffering. there is loss of ruling powers & loss of
the position held in life. (43)
d cql111 ~ 4l"'l'(IIVIt'1I'fI;::qd: I
~ ~qif!Jl$!{ "6j1!I"'<lFcl~"'1&j 11'6'6 II
During the ruling period of Venus located in its sign of dehilitd~
lion. hut in the Navums ha sign of exaltation. the native prospers in
agriculture, cattle. lands. trade, grains & wealth. (44)


q~f1cqi'l:~ tl lt1+A14IJf1:s@It!QC'4 'E4lq I

~ R111<;~ ~~ "',,l!lt 'if I t ~ I \

During the ruling period of Saturn located in its highest degree

of exaltation the native becomes the leader of his village.
assemb ly. o r territory. gds happy temperament but loss of father
and rift with rela tives. ( I)
f4t cq<::~lllli ~ ~!li" l4ofJ6~ ~tilf II
qllill-:J'lI'EI,q!lIf;11lf46i~ 1qltl?lEi '" II'!. II
During the ruling period of Sa turn located in its sign of exalta-
tion. the na tive loses lands. has mental worry, troubles, loss of
trade and strength. loss of agriculture & he meets with the oppos i-
tion from the ru ler. (2)
I qle(1I.Ht11~'iJ1I~4i<t 14i'1'1'*'1l'iI.:q>t I
eli iii I"""<ill \OJ 1l f<:I JIftj@q II I'll \\JIlll 01 'li!i'1<::1 (ifli I{">f I I ~ I I
During the ru ling period of Sat urn occupying the sign Virgo. the
native gets income from the ruler, income from trade. from
agriculture, lands. cattle, ho rses & conveyances & also gain of son
& wife. (3)
ftR~ I ~'f<:Clq?l!l<filcil ( 1 'ilI~ <::1('Ii!tl''<'111:ITq I
"I'll'll;;:lll ~R!ttlI4~~ 1ft;q't'CI"'llllIRl -:r:;lfulfl'I"l I I'd II
During the ruling period of Saturn occupying the sign Pisces.
the native gets loss of ruling powers, loss of wife, son & wealth; loss
of prospects. gets wralh of the ruler, has to serve others & gets dis-
ease in the eyes & rectum. (4)

oI 'iI fftq <:Ifill Fq ~~ I 'f'II 'llll ,*,&1'511 <:4"1'3141 ,::(10 II 'I I
::n~ r:r6o;<tJ'%I( 1 ~ "if ofI"l 1141 f11l~td ~ 11 '( I I
Du ring the ruling period of SalU rn ol.;cupy ing its s ig n of
d eh il il ;ll iu n. I h e nil live gels loss o f wi fl'. so ns & h rut hers. get s t rou -
h!..: in th .... agri.:u llUral activitit'"s. has to t:l k..: up a low jo b in volving
low meuns. (5)
'~'l.!lriR",';';'ioml~r.rn.",""" ~ ~iHi( I f%>:$"i~It:l'l~RI "1fiI"# I
"'1l'4ttoi ~ f14H'I(I\tlQC'tol fQaq ul 4d<:l,*, i.!1?i"l '1I~fl:r:U 115.11

During the ruling period of Saturn iOl.;aled in its Mool trikon

sign, til..: na ti ve has to go to olhl.;rcolllltries & 10 live injunglcs. He
a lso gets n;1I1h; or !itles. leadership in dl)'. socidy. & meets hai red
fro m so n. \\-"ife elc & 1'els fi n anci ;~l trouble. (6)
f4lii'5l l l4 Of ~ ~qfhilEi;j"ti tt *oRl I I
(IJlII:;ltl "'"''''lf401'if'lo;.<t11f ~ +:4"1f4E1$rJf!"l'1 '1 'if a164q 't\9 ' I
Du ri n g. Ihe ruling period of Sat u rn ]ol.;;tted in its own sign. tile
native deve lores a n attitud e of ha Ir~d. gels a l.;llvi ty. fa me.
SUPP{!rt from the ruler. ga ins gold. lands. orna ments. r aticnce.
comforts & name al.;l.;orLiing to hi s Sl<!lioll in lik. (7)
~I"~rJll:qI'lRWI'fI81 fI!l l"l:apr iiI"1ft1ill:lt ""l" I
.m. I R~ q:q'l-Ar4&?l >j(ij14<:1( ltl'MiIQil Fa l i e; t l
Du ring the ruli ng period o f Sa turn IO(.:<I1~d in the s ign o ri ts b itte r
cnmly. the na live falls fro m the posit io n hdll by h im. gets o pposi-
tio n fro m h is o w n pc...'Opl e. fea r fro m th ieves. rulers. He is obslru.;-
ted in h is livel ihood & gets th e wra th of wife & sons. (8)
fir.r~ittiIR4R(If.lI . t 81 ~!t:ql'l':~ llltA R! ~'11!tlq I
t~ flI "II ~ f4q <: ",!ftr ""l: ~ Ej"l141 ~ lilli ('fi"'0 Ii I I 0.. I I
During Ihe ruling perio d of Sal u rn loca ted in an ill imica l sign.
the native g~ts money from the tnlJing <.:OlIl muni ry. gets loss of
land & agril.;u hure. fall fro m his position. meets enem ies. &
emac ia tio n of body. (9)
f.:!'OIffl'Ol<t~IIGi qr::+4 ~ ~~q;4'l"'4ij l t
~ 1'1i1ii1 "if 11<:114 'l<tlfa ~ 6 'WE4 'if t I ~O t t

D uring Ihe ru ling period of S<l tu rn located in th e sign of iTS

fr ien d. the nalivc undertakes handwork. recogn ises virtllc, wi sd om
& gelS prowess & prominence but tro uh les also. (10)
dlllli'll'>l &ie:<:14 'lGiRl ~ "I(YIt:44iHIi I
~"I<:;I(Itl:llql<"l Qf())tl~"l fi! ql ~ql llJ l J'Q::t I I ~ ~ I I

32 1
During the ruling p~riOll of Saturn located in the ~igll of its
hosom fri~lld, the mlliv~ gelS, comlurb, honour from th~ ruler.
SOilS, wealth, wife and particularly cattle, agriculture, buffalows etc
& trade. (11)
~.m<1i" ::tH<f.: : tl}'1'"J(Pl~ I
"l{Nlil~ ~'''",! tt 1i5fll ~ &\lj'.jldf<l:A: l iZ;: I I
During the rul in g period of Saturn located in a neutra l sign. the
native g~ts normal inl~l1ec t . wife, sons, friends, serV :lllts hut
troubles & enmity with h is own people. (1 2)
4l1ti11.'!:j'in,~11<::lil ~ I
fmr\tl=i\qqle~"'i 4l1~"ljl:fi\q.,y I! ~ ~ I I
Du ri ng t he I'll ling period or Sa tu rn loca ted with a pLllld si IHaled
in its sign of deh il itation. the nat ive gets much fear. he goes hack
on his words, has to fast & earns hv low means. (13)
e:fI dH11 ('Eil3}fi~,ffit ::tg <:'+;pi! Y rt~ 11: i;jlj ::p~ till If lF'll >;ji 11 <f.:nWi Ii i I
~ 'd !I
During the ruling period of Saturn located with a rland in
cxalta t io 11. the native gets much happi ness. some ru ling powers, &
gain rrom agriculture. hut loss of servants & wealth also. (14)
qlqlf;qd{?llf\:! ~:m<rt QiQif.1 ~rf.r 'fiilRl m I
-1'11 ff-.1lH '!:j. i '"l;::j ft!0"li c <i'l (I R41 ~: (f)iiiE; R'lGi (Y I i ~ '( I i

During the ruling period of Saturn located with (! malefic

plan<:\' the native engages himsc1fin hidden sin. He cohabits with
low class women. he has clash & arguments with th ieyes & low
people. querrels & gets lo ss of wife. (15)
~lf::qdf41f4 ;~lrt~~lIlji \1:I~I"ldl ~11>i~fd m I
q("lq(f)i( ~ ::pwlif4 ~i;::;qi"4qltilt"l(i'jj"'l'i I r ~ & i I

During the ruling period of Saturn [oeated with (! benefic, the

native particularly aettuires wisdom. he does good to others, & gets
fortune from the ruler. has gains from black grains & iron. (16)

QiYf$1dflllR1 ~i~~~i1ljj 'iNI~Gi(ifl"iJi'i'G(iOii'i r

..".~ e::t141Rl q( iQ"' i~ ~ 1i~'jii'""1::tiifll'i 11~1311

During the ruling period of Saturn aspeeled by a ma lefic. the
native gets loss of serva nts. w<:allh. wife, sons, brothers. people tal k
had of him. eats bad food. & uses bad odours & !lowers. (17)
~\jfllifq :i1irt~~114i 81LfAifNil'fa 'fJl"# I
qV1i~~f"I?I >16e:1(f)~ r11"!fl1"' i fOl'i41lqlf11i~lIi I I ~ c:; II

[J u ri 'lg the ru li ng period o f Salu rn a spo:ctl!d hy 11 bene!1c plancL
!hc native ae4llires wife. SOIl\. ~e rva nL s , wealth. Afterward s.
hem cvcr. he get s loss of cows. lands. bu ~incss & agricu lture.
(I S)
J;"'ilf~ij~ I~ ,d4 "';'MIQlflrfis"1l:j I
9;'Af4'Ol 1 4O::I( i ~~'fU 11(t11 ~i,l'fI1 II ~Q, II

D u ri ng the ruli ng period (lf 3 at u rn located ill kI,.- nd ra. the native
ge ls yuc rn:i with o thtr, h ard labou r & !roub k~ & has death or hi s
so n. fri cn ds. \\i fc and 0 :' n:lali\es etc and loss 01" wea lth. ( 19)
d''''I~11 <:1~ ~~'fli0~ ra "if I
~ U!:jl~ "'f (1 ,~ii4 f~ ifl(1\l1>i II~O I I
D u ring till' ru li ng pe riod o f S:Uu rn lo.;:ated in lagn a. the nati ve
gi..-I~ his hody e mada tcd. h a s fall fro m h is position. lives away from
hOl1l e. g~': ... wrath fro m the ruler and disea se in tbe head. (20)

"" ~ " " "" "" "'''''' I
'11~ til ft1 1qtll$1>i I I ~ ~ I ,
Q"i't" (I

[J uring thl' rulin g period o fSatur r: located in the 4th house. tho:
n;lt iy,: h ilS Joss o f mothe r & m embe r.~ \) f mat ernal s ide. burn ing
away of I he hous!':. fal l from posit ion . & lroublt: from th ieves. fire &
Ih..: ru 1o:1". (2 1)
<li((i~ I ' i dE4il\ :tlOj<{\~sfNI :s "'l "l I
't?l't~ '181~rf t?fI~d'tq(OI " l!fI i , ~~ I i
During the ruli ng peri od o f Sat urn located in the 7th house. th e
na tive su ffers fro m e ne m ies. & urina ll roubles. he d eve lopes ha t-
red. or deat h o n a(.:cotlnt of o r du e to wife. (22 )
\u1'1~"iHI:?ji:IQ (f14"1IQI !i~RI "if I
Ibnat Q;N$ f.j' I:S UJitllt"l "l I I ~q i I
Du ring the ruling period of Satu rn located in the 10th ho use. th e
na tive gets fru strac tion in his undertaki ngs. he has to tra ve l
b road. & loses hi!. pos ition a nd gels imprison men t & pu nis hment
from the ru le r. (23)
i"dlqf'll~1 4t::f~ fO:f1"1I~ I '1<1 iRI(1'i I
( I"'*IQ i!HW1QQoo l=Q q";1 6~"1 It ~~ l t
Du ri ng th..- rul ingpcriod of Saturn lo cated inlhe Lnd ho use. th e
Ihllivc gC ls loss of wealth o r d isease in the eyt.:!s. He faces wra th o f
govern me nt. h3.' m e nta l re morse. ha tred for foo d & iro u ble to
m in d. (24)

Qdlqp~~4.!\~ IJlfq,n6l'1{fQif: ,
4;Q\JIil;q 4:ftffiit 'Wlq<;;,j'1lifl'1'1 II ~'( I I

During the ru ling period ofSa tllrn located in Ihe 3rt! hall S':. the
nali\',: g\!l~ inull11e from ugricultu n:. cows. & w\!u lth hutconfusio n
of mind. He geh destruction of zeal; & o f brothers & hrothl.!rly
relatio ns. (25)
q'i!j4f111ifI4~4 !l'ii1i~1 441(N"{ I
(I'JIcilcl '1fll"lI~1 11~ e: I I
Du ring thl.! rul ing periOl.l of Sat urn in the 51 h house. the il illlY':
gels 1m:. ()r~()n. di\casc nfm ind. wrath of lh e ru k- r. dc~trucli OIl of
~ervanls & loss etc of rel a tives. wife & w\!allh . (26)

'1 t;:s~.'HfcHi;fl ""i if~1iifJi&S ft Q16'' 1 "{ I

SQlfQ q1( f'!l ~iI'iqf 'li519'i1 ~ 1!ifl1 "{ I I ~13 I I

Du ring Ihe ru ling pe riod of Sa l urn located in Ihe 61h house. th e

nal iv..: geb 1rouhk- frllJll enemies. also d is":il s,: & Irouh!\! fro m
lhicvc~. p(J i~ (Jn. & also d~ .~ITlI<.:t ion of land & hou se. (.27)

4(OIQiff4t ~ : /fl~1R1 ~ @i"'a:i(I'III'1 I

;:nij \}fll'JI"li11 ,n.,fe"'{i11iut'1IQI ~ I I~o::; i I
D u ring til\,: rul ing pe riod o fSalUrn IOI.:ah.'d in the I\lh house. the
Il at iVl' gCb llc.~lr Ul.:l ioil of Sl)j),. wili:. w. :a lth. & a Iso loss of serv;, nls.
<.:uws. hull.. lows. la nd s. wik. (.28)
'1q4'leIIiifq i~ R!:;;()'1fQI '1(lR1~qif\) i
~ ~i!:Qi4i::t E4't<"!F" i ~~'1iQi'flZIlRi I i~Q, II
Duringl hc ruling p<.:riod of Sal urn located in th0.::91h house. the
nal ivl..' g.:l~ loss of h is f;llh":r o r o f his g u ru . h;t" 10 travd ahmad . &
g.:I." d":slrucl io n of ihe melll he rs of his famil y. (29)
Q"ii \llii:l&]<::<::iiIl41 ~ ~fl!"'lIq 41&4('1"'41'1'1 I
'i!eti(I'ls'ni'Jt.9t:l 4::f1~@'1 ~ \l.,t'iit.l: I I ~o I I
During Ihl." ruling peri od o f Saturn in thl' II th house. the native
gets weal th of many ki lll.h . comforts & honour. happiness fro m
~n il S. wi I;" . sl',va nIS. happ iness of mind too & ga in from agri<.:u l-
IlIre. (.'Il)
'>4lj' li:I &]ii'O::~ ~ ~(lf''1~'I~G'i\ I
~ ~ ,,6 f<Rltllll;f e=t"lJI"IiQiQi!I Ifl ~ I I
D uring ihe ru ling: pl."riod o rSaturn located inlhe 12th house. lh c
nati v\.. trouhk from lh icvcs. lin' & the ruler. He gets into
.I a n!!cr & ~ll rrow o f vmious types. ha s to intyel ... broad. & gets loss
Ilf rdat i\I."." (.~I)
-~ (Z1l11e:-rt qd0ili ~
''ii'ljlqF<lfq(I~..t "'lel{Jlj ~ II~~ II
During the ruling period of Saturn located with the Sun. th..:
native has enmity with his own people. hus wntaCt with woman
othcr than his wife. He meets opposition from hi~ ~ef\oants and
progeny & suffcrs from excess labours. (32)
W~II::j'l;:1I4 41i11i1I(OI Jiwi ~ I
+l~'~ i 11'&1<:=21 til1W1'lI~~"I fq!H'l ~lJl=! II<:!~ I I
During the ruling period of SaTUrn occupying the )\;avamsha of
the sign orits debilitation, the native earns by llnbecoming means.
he has to serve all. he falls out with his son & wik has trouble in
:arning & gets sorrow. (33)
3 ~,.i~14"l<t14 fqhlil+!611;;;'~I' ~1111 I
'(j.)1 f<R:Mlo:1 UllOlR4i"'l'J5M1NQfli <IT I l~'611
During the rUling period of Saturn occupying the Navamsha of
its sigll of exaltation. the native gets comforts of all types. pleasun.:s
and enjoyments. with his prospects boosted up. He travels ahroall
& gets leadership of his villClge. society. territory cle. (34)
"1RI ~~lIqlqf('j'p:t /Ol1111~ ~ I
l1"ir ~ q('{iF~If! q(H'ff, m I I <:!'( I I
During the early part orthe ruling period ofSatufIl. the nativ('
gets much .',orrow. death of mother. in ihe millJlc portion the man
go..:s abroad & in the last part he has to live in another person' ,
hou se & has also (0 dep.:nd for his food on oth..:rs. (35)

p~ 11 ~Ilj$l q"l'l WIT ;:;1 ('JI?It:l1:ti1 ~ \i'~fi1 I

.m:lil'!'iQQyt11'll! ~ "'l1"4lif4'ffi:I'~161 (!i I~ II<:!S; I!

During the ruling period of Saturn endowed wilh "Sthan"

strength. the native gets wife. sons. wealth & fame. He may also get
trouble from thieves. enemies. ruler or fire & gds grains. lands.
agnculture & conveyance. (36)

14;:;f4 fil' .M1i1f4 ~ f<l'Ii1(I<:l i "kl@14cfIRltj I

ifI'!">::I(I<:'4J1 ~1<:(lort~:;R ~ ",~~(j1:l11 IIQI3 1I

Duri:lg the ruling period of Sa turn endowed with" Oi rectiona l"'

'ilrength. the native gets sons. & fame in all directions. He also gels
loss of land. wife kept in secrecy, son. brothers & gets opposition
from his relatives. (37)

~IM~4'!'1 <:,jI:j<:::;::;lIi1~1 i
':1 q..! 1q .n( q<f "'IT ti"I41""'1;fn~q~;j~.,,.,",,,,'"14",!'l I I ~ 0;. I;
D uring Ihe ru lint! period of Sa turn e l\u \)w~ d wi th " Ka a l"
st rength. the na live hil S Ihe uil ngcr fro m dead ly POi",llll. a bo fo.::H
from wife. SOil. ruk r. Ih ievo.:s & gi.t in of gra in s. lan ds. agr icu llurc &
co m eva nCe. ( ';8 )
~::t.i\I(q"'l q;:;:: : !fi0[<:1 ~q; ~., 1 fQ;;<iI"l I
3~J'llil>iTt 'r~ 'f <811;(1 011 'f '~'hw''l II~Q, I I

Durin g the rul ing period of Saturn in rctrot!ression. Ihe n ativc

gets failure in <lctio n~. frustr at ion in und e rtaking~. ~orrow & des-
tructio n o f b rothers . ( 3 9 ) .
}, (Q'>6i1~i'!tt,f4 V1f.:1<ll ~ ~ I
1Q<ilq ~w ,*1( I'Is f.:t~lII"'1 I IKO I I

During th e ruli n g period of Saturn loca ted in .h l' ma le r:c

" Shash tj"' amsh a.lhe native face s muc h ka r. wra th from th e [:.I kr.
fall from pos: lio n & is im p risoned. (40)
41"4tlt<'Q~lfl!!tti~lf1e:i~ '1-:'ijltI'l I
e:1(~ji'I-"MB ~ "'"iflil ll!!,! 11'd~ II
During thr ru lin g period of Salurn loc ated in a bcm fi c Sha ~h ti
ams ha. thl' mttin: gch Illu dl hapr i nc~ s. He g~ ts wife. ~on~. wea ll h.
pussc",sio n s. bUI ei;ls h wi lh rd a li\..:s. (4 1)
~ iifit:t.jlll fi~.: ~: ~ $(.fa 'f I
~~l'mH fA"'l'1l;:j Fqf!l'Ai 14(~n:r I t ~;:: I t
Du ri ng I h~' ru ling p~riod o f Salum lor.: ateu in "Va isheshi k"
;\tnsha. Ih ..: IlJli\..: g..:t s comforls. punkuiarly honour from Ih e
ruler. H~' g<: l .. (jn~' dOl h(' ~. & o rn am ents. (42)

", d:'4lIQI('i< lf~<l lil ~ I

~ ~ 1Q"I1Uf! ;1J1 ~ 1 1 'd~ I I

Duri ng I he ru Ii ng j1l'riod Of Siltu rn o ccu pyi ng;.t milkfil' decaOic.

t h~ 11<111\ e r;t l' ~S much u a nge r. da nge r ofhe ing :la ngcd. it \so dl! n g~ r
fro m mll- r. thil\~'S. &: fi re. (43)
41'iH.if:m IJi ~ : f'!~h4 1I1i $(4"1hd : I
~ 't fj101t Qi?i e:~lld ~ Gal! 11'O'd I I
During th ..: n ll ing pCI"iou of Saturn occupying th..: slgn of it s
d..:hilit,t!I()l1 bLll the Nayam sha o f the sign of it~ I'xaltal ion. Ih l'

nat ive ..:xpc rlences tro u bks in the early pari 01' the p..: riod. gets
happi nL'ss at the e nd of the period. (44 )

de &( Ifi)I ' I~1 1#t ~'&il/I 'f. e "j)q d: i

~ ~" I q ltl ;moB <f)G!{J ~ 11'l1'~ II
D uring the ru ling j1eriod of Sa turn lo,:a tcJ in its sig n of cxalw
tio t! but in th..: N avamsha sign of its dch ililation. the native first
gets ha ppi ness & in the [aoer period gelS troubles. (45)

~ 'fl'l '~1~;' 'I"<lf"'" 1

IQl~1oi- ~ ~ m f4':44IiiiQd II ~ II
Rahu hus Tauru s & Kl'lU has Scorpio us its sign oll'xalwtion.
A4uarius is Mooltrikon (positivc) sign of Rahu. its fricndly
sign. (I)
Q1!It +jGj4(I~1B;l; ~dI1s1~ilol4lf I
41S61&!ftOliil 'U": +:<1<';14 :ti&!idl ~ 11";( II
Ketu has Lco as its Mooltrikon or positivl' sign. Rahu located in
thc 6th. 8th or 11 th house from lagna giVl'S trouhle in its ruling
period. (2)

oj ei\f\4: ilTg~<H:<;! ~i'tjl:fl ~ ~ I

(I'ili ('Mlf<1 fJ:hll~ l":l"lElHllP:iqa"llO{ t l~ II
During the ru ling pL'riod of Raltu loc ated in Tauru~. the nati\e
gels happinL'ss. mling po\\crs. gcts friends & incrl'<lsl' of\\-L',tlth &
gr;lins. (3)
(1~'F?i"'1~ ~ ~(lr.i14~: I
~ ~ ~ fl:I[%Cf.I+;f1: 11 '6 II

During thl' ruling pL'riod ofRahu located in its ~ign ofdehiiita-

tion. the native gL'h f..::a r from lhi..::\l's. firl' & thc ruler. Hl' Ll"::L'S
heing hanged or poisonl'd_ (4)
,..,.,,;;..e .. ~ ~ Ii
\1c;I";lillll l +jQICctj 14'<11(1 "I jS1q I

~ 1- II fA q "I "1m I<; l1<i" 1;J;,"fIi: I ; \( I I

During Ihe ruling pl'riod ofRahu thl'rl' is trouhle fmlll till' rukr.
thil'ves & fir..::. going out of tilL' coulllr\". sufferings & \i\ing 111
jUllgk. (5)
w"l'ifl(i1<:r4 ~f::fM1;:j fq4Ifi1lil'bll~ : I
~~~ ~ ~fflfu 'f 4(1:Jlli ~ 115: I I
Du ri ng the ru! ing period of R.ah u 10ea Il'd in the I'lgna. thL' nat iw
is dcvoid of intl'lkct. He los..::s relatives hy poison. fire. WCdPOns
etc. The native sufkrs s()rmw & defL'a! in hattle. (6)
(16f~1!1I41 "11(1~1'1B1 ~ 'if ~ m f\!IQl ol1q I
~l'(I'lI~ ~~WI'll~~l '1of1fi!1Cfllt ~ !OI<tll41'f IllS ! I
During the ruling period of Rahu located in the 2nd house, the
native particularly loses ruling powers & welj.lth. He takes bad
food & undertakes bad setvice under the government. His mind is
defiled & he gets fits of anger & tells lies. (7)
iJOdl4 (I ~I feq a(Ij!1 i:I ~~I(i <:4"1(1 51 Ocr II '1 i
~ $~o("l1"lifti4(4 IMl!i;qi~ 1(Q!cl'{i4l'f i I ~ I I
During the ruling period of Rahu located in the 3rd house, the
native get5 happiness from son, wealth, wife, & brothers, happi-
ness from agriculture, furtherenceof prospects, gets ruling powers,
travels abroad & has honour from the ruler. (8)
qI!4(1~llf!4a(i'=li:I '11<;!f<'.I'1lfit f4\1.jI.U C1if14"l I
~ '1Tfit ~: u<tilq 14141~4IRh'4~ ~~ i 1'<, II
During the ruling period of Rahu located in the 4th house, the
nativl'" loses his mother or himself & there are losses of lands &
wealth. He gets wrath of the ruler, fall from rectitude of wife &
many sufferings. (9)
:q') (I fi '1'.jl ira "lofl RlCflI( 1(1"i "11 '11'1 fq il. 141 61 I
'q ~(I fMfiq C1(1 !;Gli:I JOl4'1~+ilIH)(i'h!g;>i "l I 1~ 0 I I
During the ruling period of Rahu, located in the 4th house, the
native suffers from thieves, fire & imprisonment. His mind is
defiled. There is disease to his wife & son. He loses happiness from
people. wife & sons. (10)
i!a\lq l>i1~'1616Q1:1!1 Railfi!l~IG CflQ1~ "I" ~~ I
otM '1t;;;:t:4 W"t:4 ;uQt um: @t?tit:4 1II1fi!141<f; II ~ ~ I I
During the ruling period of Rahu located in the 5th house, the
native has defective intelle\' loss of taste from eating. He has
querrei<. in intellectual matters, suffering anQ rif\, wrath from the
~overnment, & loss of son, (II)

~1If?;j4ICfi f4R(I~f'lt:4 ..(j(Ifl';::j,!q~:q14i'k1'111!11'f I

!lili5'ffi"'H~111f1l~(]lf 'tCl.1ilq(]'i <':Q"'Iqj ~ 'if II ~ '( I i
During the ruling period of Rahu located in the 6th house, the
native gets losses & fear from thieves, fire & the ruler, loss of
semen, eolic pains, consumption, bilious diseases, fault in the skin
or, cwn death. (12)
'$meF.'R(1fI~"lfiiB4""d~(i~~~"riti:l Cflffl7l'11111 +illiqRl ~ I
fM!l14i'" $~41'4i51~ +ilt/iS4tl l'f<2<W>dle\'1ll1ll'f liZ i ;! II

During: Ih.: ruling: r l' ri()t\ o r Ralnt IQl'a t.:d in Ib.: Ilh h ()lI~':. till'
nat ih: ~Oll n g.:[ s d,,: ~[rul'ti on or h is \\'ik. g(J o..:~ ;lhroalL sllrkl.~ !\ )~h'"
in agricu llU fl.' c.'[e. I"h:\'~ dang...:r o f Sl'qlc..'1l! hi[o..:. d"':illh. &. l (l.'~ l)f ~u n
& wl';Ilt h. (UI
([6i~m ~ W<Ii1t4 4tli<;;,.i llIfu" wn"<t -rr~ I
m(lfi'itfl : +'!I 't (iilq~~ wi ~ q1 ::j 1':; ~: ~ I I ~I! I I
Duri ng lhL' ruling p..:ri()t\ of [{a llu 101.;,l1o:d in the 1-lth hO ll .' c. tilL'
na ti\,,: Lii...:s. H,' ha s lo~, o f ~uns & wl',dlh. HL' f dCCS dan!!\'!" Ihml
Ih j...:\ ,'~. fi fl' &. Ihe ruler. abo fro m his own l1"':oplo..:. a lso from \\ il d
,Ul im;lb & .'OtTO\\" of Ii\ ing: in ;:1 jUllglo..:. ( 1-1 ,
~~ 1!1tl ff".;i1~ M=iI~"l1 ~ ~ Gog;q: I
fq ~~l lji ;:j ~:f'iT'-li HI;:j ':;'11(4 'ddl"l'lI:jllJ II ~ '~ I I
During Ihl.' ruling: p.:rim] of Rah l! lo.:al .:d in th l.' 9th h()!l ~"':, til "
nal l\''' : g,'ls l u ~ so f h i s t"alhl.'l". go...:s to <lno lh ':r c()Unlr~, & llil ~ lo~~ o f
Guru &. hrolhl.'rs. la "L'~ halh in Jh...: ~l'a &. los<,s son &. \\,"lllh.
( 15 )
4HIl'\':(clt4lfq r.'~ ll r<N I ~ uit: ~ ~ tlog>tl: I
'i(lQI'f.j~'1)I'!IQlif.::M(A" llfi14d1~(f4 ~; 11~6. 1 1
During Ih ..: ru ling ]li.'riod of Rahu local .:d ill Ihl.; 1(11 11 li n \l ~L:. Ih.:
native ;KI ~ in the dif,~l.;liun oj" good ka rmas, hL:af~ Sal"J"L'd ]"o.! "\ !S
from Pura tl(1s ;:Ic &. g,'lS his bod y pu rillc.:d by hath in Ihe "I': f;:d
wa t...:rs of Iht' (; a Jll!c.:~. \ 16)
~~~'l ...:tJ<:!1i1 ct 4'!1 qrq;Wr}! 'l;'''i diliq~f, I
liRt Ili\rt 4ffi ~ i'j ~q ~~\lI ~'li'<MI4":q(j1 ' '''''1<'1' I I ~.~ II
Th . .: fe~l.l lt s
stal...:d ;dl(")\l' ahout Rah u apply on ly when !Ctb ll i~
lo~ al..:din a bc.:ndk sig.n &. nul when ilocc.::u ri...:~ it Ilwldi .: .. i!;n . Till'
fl.;S UIt.~ i II a be nd"it: ... ig.n ,I f ,,; oppos i tt: [0 [ho.' ' ': fo r ht:i n g. i U . 1 n I; d..::tit:
:-ig.n. ( 17)
QiqalWldi ~: OfIqfl!{ : QIQ('i$1: I
3rll1~'RlR\~1 itliil g;;;tG'I(lfi141 S1tt I I ~ co. I I
During: Ihe ru ling po.:riod o fRahu iOGtll'd in the 10th hOll SI.' \\ ilh
a mal dk p land th e 11 ;\liv,,: is condemn ed hy pcop l\.'& h\.~ .~tl rr' I~ in
fl'SPL'C[ o f sons, wife & Ii r...:. (I I)

"Sll q (l ~fJ l dl ( 1 [(R1~I~ , Qq"",.'1 i

"l11f4:t ii1lh'1 ls:! 'f '16al~l~fiq<:: : I I ~~ I I
During: tho.: rul ing pl'r1od of Rah u loca !,,:-d in (he I llh IUIlI ... e. th,,:
native gets honu llr from th e r ukr, gl'ts wealt h. wife. land s, hOllscs
&: nlhL'r pro perly. ( 19 )

5iJIPI'"1(I~1:lillilli m:fll>l;:jl(wj '11(.1 I
fq fiig ""1 <::1 ('{ii 'il ~ q~ 1"4'Eiq ~ i ';ffflllJ I I ~ ('I I I
During Ih..: ruling period ofRa h u located in the 12 th house. tit..:
naliv\! has 10 k;t\\: his country. has menta l troubl..:. is separated
from wife & sons & loses agriculture. nlttl<:. wealt h. grain s. (0)
1wi'W 114 "1 de
~ "
+A (16I~~l i f;i:41$ '!'1 +:.<1114 ~lfa I
[(Nil f?j;jH "1~ql1~IR1~""""$"efi'~~'"'~ wst \14t fa I I ~ Z I I
During th..: ru ling period of Rahu located in Cancer or Aries. the
native gels weal th. enjoyment of literalun:. honour Crom the ru !..:r
& happiness from ""'ife. & servants. (2 1)
41',i'11 ;:jt;:n~"1,!afA (1?I~~IIMql<i\ tidi;i( mn:rq I
a;JlIR:!qfij "K i.!Ii;o:{ 9' ~lIq+l14 flCf'JM ~~ 11"'( ;;: I I
During th\,' ru ling period ofRahu localed in Virgo or Pisces. Ihe
native gets son. w ife. rulc~ over a i<.!rrilo["y. cunveyance driven by
m.:n . but loss of evc ry thing at thc .:nd o f t h ~' period. (22 )
qrq~ t"iY)ffi q;oh~~lil ~5f1'1 ilil"~ ;p!I~qlf4 11W'! 1
~ qc.:i'HdlS ft sf! RI : "\TillS it!e <l'\llli "'4 "p ""ij",! I 1-;: i;11 I
During the rul ing pe riod of Rahu locakd in a makfic sign. til .:
native gds cl1laci ,Il ion of body, loss 0 f mcm hers of h is family, fear
from Ihe ruler. get s chealed also. & he s . . drcr~ from loss of semen,
asthma, consumption & urinal troubles. (2 Y)

~~Feg;dll1"i: it(iRl W:tiiflf\l:;411"l I

llJ1AI11A"lifr:4 ~ iR'1t'{lf'i 11-;:'6 II
During the ruling period of Rahu under the asp~'ct of ,I b.:ndic
planet. thc nativl: s u cceeds in his undertakings. gcls honour from
the ru ler. wea lth & deat h of rel at ives. (24)

qiq$fi;;:~<:li US: i'fi4"'llw <f/ifi"1 "f I

j.,.}II4Tt {siRi ~( I \i'1iqQ1g ..lI',! 11~'j.1 1
During the ruling period of Ra hu under th.: aspeci of male fic
pl.mcL;. the native loses the fruits ofaetions. The"~' is i"rustnllio n in
undertuk ings. trouble to the body & from thieves. ru ler and
fire. (25)
~!lEi'f<11 (1<I'3'4i'i1 11{ i'fi(lfA "f I
t?i~'fA'4'1t"iqRtq',",'.W"l(U K~ q.,y I I~$II

During the ruling period ofRahulocaled with an exa lted planet.

the native has gains of\\'i[c. sons. \\ca ltb. clothes. ornaments, pro-
perty & scenb. (2f,)

;il;'EH'is;dl ( 1~ ;:ft~''4 I'lJ11C1 "'1'1 I
~:jj;:j ~ 'f ~~ iJNit iji'fI 11~\9 1 1

During tht: ruli ng perio d o f Rah u 10 C:iltt:d with a planel in il s

sig n of d eh il il <.J tion. the native :arns from a low type o f means. cats
b,uJ foo d . ha s bad wife & had so ns. (27) .
~ ~t1lllc;flfd <:;~ l lldl Wi 1M: I
llld ~1111~ 'f 'l<l ~\fcl=lI~I"'I'1 1 1~t; II
Rahu in the early par! of ils ruling rcriod gives trouble, happi-
ness ,Iud (<I me inlhc middle part. loss of positio n & loss ofGuru's
'(In s .:It: in thl' l.lst portion of the period. (28)


m1I\ ~ ~~ 1(qd lIlfd46tifltIC:dl j'qlI!ll"';f'l1Ifi-d fll?i<fsd
~i'1I~"'f4~t:l4'1 I
QHI(16U IQldri fqq;Jj~ :
~ i5 lf.::fi:tClj 'Iill{ I I ~ I I

~ 1!;~lIq l !Jlccl1:I(V ~!lT1"I1 I

(131~lcj lOl1R1i'1 ~(lfi1 ~ "'1:t1111 I I~ I I
During the ruling period of Ketu, the native loses his wife. sun.
mi suuder.;wlIuillg wi ,h Ihl' ruk!" & greitl suffering. loss of eduea-
tion. rel a tiws. wealt h a n d frie nds. dange r from disease. lin: &
frie nd.;, f!lll from a eonwyance & d;mger fro m poison. watc r,
weapons. gol ng fro m o n ..: cou nt ry to :lnot h e r. I ik ing fo r pic ki ng up
lj ua rd ... & tro u ble in Ih ... bod y. (I) Th e re is lo s.~ of SOlIS & wire.
wra th of th e ru k r. sorrow in the III inti & loss o f agriculll.:re& trou-
hie from Ihicvl.! s. ilnd lin:. (21
~f\!H':;q i{~llih?l : Cfi?i~ fq4'iiilf*i<1'1i I
(liqi"~~d;;;l(Ia!f 1Twt ~t ~ II~ I I
Du ri ng th e ru ling period of K':1lL l o~ated in kendra. acti ons do
not gi ve r~ , u lb. t hero.! is loss o f rul ing powe r\, '> 011'), wife. & olhc.r
J :mgers. (3) .
'!" "l::f;':l ldf'll lf..:i 4idl~ ~ q i$o;'I!.lq I
-1"wRltll(QEt "if wlkcnlftili'lf.i4'll : I I ~ I I
Duringllw ru ling perio d ufKcr u located in Ihe lagna. thc na1ive
g<.'IS mu.:: h da ng<.' f. suirers from fever. loose mOlions. lo:;s of sclllcn.
hoils & dlllkra .
~1 (1~1'lijf4l\\l <f;d'I{j~ tf'l'!I1il'l I

During' the ruling period of KeIU IO!.:<l ted in the 2lJd hou se. the
na tive has loss o f wealth. !.:u rl speech. men ta l sorrow. inta ke ot
food. & men ia l (rouble. (5)
IldlqO~I'It4 (fI <tdl<iil li8'i I
q ;j'j~'fl(':qlilqlfcl \l l q~qo l ~ 11& 11

During th e ru ling period of Kl'tu locat ed in the 3rd house. thl'

native gels much happiness. but get s tro uble in mind. has hutred
toward s his bro the rs. (6)
'i!lorf(I~III~If\:[ <td!~l( ~&Iqq :
g'14I11(1!11R:'1~ "ilo:<:j~'8ftta': 1113 11
During the ru ling period of Ketu located in the 4 th home. thcn.'
is loss o f co mfo rts. Q ne loses wife. son ete but has happ iness from
gra ins in the ho usl'. (7)
Ii:qlifl!lll <tdl+1; C::f/illfil<..~ W'e4q I
~lf ~:Mo! (l'Jl'itltf "i1l\Mi I I ~ I I
During the ru ling period of Ketu loc ated in thl' Slh house. o ne
losl's son. There is particularly confu sio n ofintcllccl. wrath fro m
the ruler & loss o f wealth. (8)
9Mf{ II<:'t(Olllfll <:tIllfiici1 li8~q4q I
"I1ofi1ft\t(a:fIRtfl'i!l e:Vi Ift:<! Et~fd 'if 11.... 11
During the ru ling period of Ket u lo(.',ued in thl' 6th ho use. the re
is great dange r from lh il'vcs. poison. & lire & one h as to live in ta l-
te rel.l clo thes. (9)
,I~?!(niifll"""+iyom"~~"''''''''''<I''l( ~ I
1(W'li6'11~ 'if "!Wfi'C$ 1i=l1(1191'l i I ~Q i I

Durin g th e ruling pi.!riod ofKetu in the 7th house. there is much

fear, loss o f wife. son & \.v~alth. urinal trouble & mental
sorrow. (10)
:j;dlp'!O'IYO,R"l C:fllIlfiiltl li il~liii 'l I
f\:l~'l~c(le<tiI~!l60(1I f';IM i F::&d : I t ~ ~ i i

Du ri ng th c ru Iing period o f Kt:lu lo,:ated in the Hth house. there

is great so rrow. death of father, co ugh. asthma. dysentry, con -
su mpiion etc. ti I )
'1i!1 Ii fI!I lI :fidl E\.! e:~11 41fl ~ Qjf!l (Ii] I
iMI flm ~1I ~"~4f<1I1R'l I IW I
Du ri ng the ru ling period of KctlL loca ted in the 9th house th ere
is danger to father or {O G u ru & destruction of m~ r it o ri ous
acts, ( 12)
~: A\W~ <:;ltll"it ~ "t
ql';16l~ r:r ;fl 'JU g\j r:r q<t'it~ Q;fl6'J!'"l II ~~ I I

D u ring the rulin!; period of Ketti loca ted in the 10 th house. the
nat L\(: gels happ iness but a lso lo ss ef ho no u r . .:o nfusio n o f m ind.
& m enia l disell:'c. ( 13)
~fl/I:fldl: fI ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~(lfd Of I
\l11q llif~~i'j'l1i "if 4;;;1 1 <; 1 "I I RCi~ '1'"l I I n~ II

During th e rul ing perio J of Ketu l oca ted in the II th h o use. th e

nati ve g~ ts com fort s. also happiness from hrothcr & the brotherly
ro.: lat io ll :' & th en.: is im: rease in acts o f dHiri lY & yagyas. ( 14)
Rt.qIfl/It;dl: BliJt:ffi ~ ifit<d( w.rq I
~ !Fnfl " (I \JIQliSlf~Hp"I "I"l I t ~ 'I.. II
I)u ri ng the ruling pa iod o f Kcl u IO":<.Ih:J i ll fh e 12th ho use. the
n all\<(' ~ ulk rs mu..:h. he l<lSCS h is po.~ition in life. gd ~ a living
ab road. lroubk from the governm ent a nd loss o f eye. ( 15) ~qi coil R1 <:;"ftll"1dr ~ I
wild ~ ~iPlI s\P:loq l tt:l m I I~ &I I
During the cu rlier part of the rul ing period of K~ t u the lUlt ivc
!!ets happinc ... s. much fear in th c middle po rtion & fear o f govern-
ment. Jisca :-~ in thc last po rlion. (16)

~<fr1;l"1~ ~ffi: ~ : ~ $ ()fa "if I

( I nlr4 ~ " ( I"''i'll! "1 i!!l$~li f I ~l9 t t
D uring till.' ru ling period of Kctu loca ted under thl.' aspeCI o f
b~ndk pl an et s. the natiw gets comfo rt s. ruling pow ers. w ealth.
peacc in the home. & gets fi rm honour from th e gove rn ment.
( 17 )

qlQf~H' ld! "IUfq ~. lfi(Jf(i 'l{ I

'ffl( , Rttll(ilgi~ ~ l <iI !il (1'11Q\&"I'I I t~t: 11
D u ri ng the rul ing period o f Kc tu located with or a sper.:led hy
ma lclic pl a ne ts. th e na l ive gel s l rou blcs. feve r. loose motions. l o~s
of semen, I ~o u b l e in the s kin & trouble from the governmenl
;~~.~"""r.,n"~fB~\!a"~dr,;;:j ii!1'f1!l( ~ G :!l i4icil ~ I
fCi1Ql fti# -l ffl !!fh: ~ ~ "'!Ifkl d !lI d,! I I ~: I q;iil~ffi : <t(lR! ~ijiq lftl 4> ~ I
\iG1tIJ 4Itl "lr:riii ~~ ~ ';{ I I~ t I

I t' it pla Ild is strollg by vi rtue of bei Ilg i11 its own Navamsha sign,
il Illit).;e, the natiw intluentiaL very ri..:h, ro~~essor of lasting
w<: ,d [Ii. ga i n<:r of wealth from the gOvernlll<: Ill~nd famous. (I) If a
pl;llld j, aspl'ckd hy ho:ndie planets, it m,lkcs the native famous,
w<: d It hy. nert i IIg [rl earn good wealth, or pure m i nei, of good com-
pinilil1 . ,mel g<:ntk. (2)

3F11 ;::q ~ "'3t t< 4~14:'h1 JJ 14J';14li ,,{C"'n ~ f~(1 ill I

fH41 ~~ 1i!(1;:;I(1I~i ;:il(1fi'1<4V\'IRiA;:i'ifq'f)I(1j II;;:; II

~Hl~ ~ f'lI 11"1Rf $:{J!~flpJ'411 I

~.j1111;{ fqi!~f'H]~ ql;:;I~I'IJ3;~Rl:'hl"B 11'611
\Vh<:ll the ma in Liasa lord and the sub da~a lord arc locat<.'d in
Ih~' 6tl\, :-llh position mutually, the nativl.: gl.:ts trouble from thl.:
i!O\<:rllment opposition from suburdinates alld wife, loss orson or
wik. [I"( Jllblc from thieves. fire. rd'llives. afllietion of mind . (3)
Wh~'n Ihere is thc sub lwriod ofa planetlol.:ated in the 12t h house
from the plalll:l h,nilli! ih main period. the na tive loses hi s posi-
tion i 11 Ii fc. gets uppos ilion from h is rdati\"<'~s. has to go ahWdd, gets
(lppo~i tioll from friends and gets tr0uhk in the fL'L'1. eyes. or
11l".\I"1. (41

?,'JII~q'1IRl q;R4 lf~ ~4'fiqM1IW11t

W:il1tWT f1'l1~f,H'E114I:'h\tJ1* ~rimr ~ 11 '( I I
i!'VIl~qllihjll~ ~ ~o:rjql1i'wit'j14k.'<j1j t
q(jq<f)l( W'J1'ifli 'Elf3li f11TJ1oj~::qI("lOjA.-jjF<'.h.'iI 'ElY 116.11
~JTl"fQqtct:iIi!'((lf~jlll'4 !fit 1qtfi:;:1~f;;:' '8@:l1j I
. "f tM~ t:{j'J11W''.1-j;fi .... 1j 11\9 [ I

During the sub period ofa plane! located with tht: planet having
its main period there is the destruction of wife. son. servant. wea lth
& agricul ture. frustration in efforts. opposition from lkar ones.
and unexpected blame. (5)
Du ri ng Ihe sub period ofa planet located in the 2nd house from
til e p lanet ha ving its ma i n ru ling period. the native ge!s gentleness,
good food. drinks. and clothes as also scents and l1owers. The
native does acts of helpillg others. gets frien ds h ip of h is ovm peo-
ple. gets wife. son. relatives and a happy mind. (6) During the sub
ruling period of a planet located in the 3rd house from the p lanet
having ils main ruling period th e n<1 li\ c i!ds wealth from the
government and gets friendship from other~. He abo gets good
~ccnls. flowers. good cl othes ,ltHJ ornaments. He gets good food &
ha ppiness from fricnds. (7)

~~1(1 ~'Tla'IA ~~ i'(\(I('I'l"'I.q'jl'l'EII:flll'1"l I
fl::t<><::H ~ 'f ~QilfQli!1tj""ll""l1 'ijIJ I I>:; I I

QIQjHftMiWli'(: ~ ~1I11""lI'l<il1'i\l:lllat41Ojtj;fl e Q"Ii!1IR:!!*f' :

4lRj!1mt4~: *i!(lrul'i'i1l1 ~~1(1('fq14q;:j1 eil:il(iJlHtl1: 11'<.1 1
i'(~ii11""lili!afl!l~ ~ ~ I
Wll'lt~ ~ 'f ~ Wt!;fll&j II ~Ol l
During the sub period of the planet located in the 4th house from
the planet having its main ruling period, the native gets wife. son,
wealth, house, morality, conveyance, sweets. good food and
drinks, good clothes & ornaments. If the planet having its sub
period is a malefic the results arc in the opposite direction. Even a
malefic planet situated 4th from the planet having its main ruling
period will give good results if it occupies a position of strength
such as being in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation. On the
other hand even a benefic planet located 4th from the planet hav-
ing its main ruling period. will give bad results ifit is not located in
a position of strength, such as its own sign or its sign of exaltation.
During the sub period of a planet located in the 5th house from
that of the planet having its main period the native acquires son
etc if the planet in the sub period is natural benefic. If otherwise in
the sub period of a natural rnalefic there is loss of son. (8-10)
BI"'d~Qlillj qll~f4 ~"6fl!1f4 i'(~~<I( I <::! I
,::h l ~::ijOI~6Ircr Wid q<lf.!lwli"l I I ~ ~ I I
41 Rl (04 ~~ii Ii!&<la "1 'i I
a'84l ("'l C6'IA
~ 'PI fl::t11 f.::et t:4I e il ,!@R'I'E41! I I ~ ~ I I
lit@ffiGtlIi'8"lfll qIq'E4 i q ~ d! CfI!IT J
i"l1(1"-l"g;?\"IAJ1i '1T~ ~qM:q1{ I I ~ ~ II

ei:<:1I1f\!f~f4I~ ~ ~ <l@~q l <::! I

;fti'Wil~gj1f4 mMi~(~Oi'1 I I ~'6' I I

During the sub period ofa malefic planet located in 6th house to
that occupied by the main dasa lord. the native suffers through
thieves, debts. & bodily houblcs, and gets shaky in the position he
holds. (11)
In case the planet located in the 6th from the planet having its
main ruling period is a benefic in his exaltation sign or positive
sign (Mool Trikon sign) etc the native gets increase in his comforts,
acquires son & friend (12) During the sub period of a malefic
located 7th from the planet having its main ruling period, the

native has loss of wife, wealth, son, & relative & gets tro'uble from
the govl. (13) During the sub period of a benefic placed 7th from '
the main dasa lord and occupying a sign other than an inimical
sign or the sign of its debilit,ation, the native gets comforts, good
jewels, clothes. & ornaments. (14)

<l1<fil/ilGst"letlPl 41kit:414~ffi 4i!&1f I

W141<i'1 W"l"'l' ti'Rfilta 'fR ~f.:I~~ II ~'( I I
m<fi~II<:;st"lf>4fA 414("4i4Ji ~ I
f.rtFt ';t Rft ('I ir4 "if -..i'l ( Ifi' 11 4eft 6111 I I ~ E: I I

<:1411IHq"lfl"lf4 414f414lJl ~ I
~ iil'''II 'fiAfl"l 1'1 "f riTr "l'116 'JjI"I I I ~ \3 I I
~1"H'1: ~ ft1Ujt:4l q~dl ~ I
~emi; :q~iflii1i "if <:1'11<!'i1 ~ Of(": II ~ ~ I I

During the sub period of a benefic located 8th from the main
dasha lurd, the native enjoys comforts. In the firs t half portion of
the sub p~riod the native gets good results but in the second halfhe
gets trouble. (15) During the sub period of a malefic located in 8th
from the main dasa lord, the native gets into trouble, has to eat
unbecoming food & has to suffer at the hands ofthiev,es, lire or the
government. (16) Duringthe sub period ofa malefic planet located
l)th from the planet having its main ruling period the native gets
bad luck, and set back in his profession and gets mental trouble.
(17) During the sub period of a benefic located by the main dasa
lord, a man generally gets marriage, initiation into some religious
order. celebrating of some yagya, and performs acts of charity.
( IS)

'fiAfl"lq I 4~e:"1 pffi m<fill<l(I?:l<:1 I

'fiA'1ll1WIlc:flRl f~G:1"1 1 4<:Y I I ~' I I
('IJ"IkEf,qfl'Ol'E!'jl2H?'l ~ ~ ~f.1R~Q
dsl 111ng;<lifl1i q'lq'Efll"l'iR:'EilHi: 11'10 I I
\..~14fl"lf'lt <:VII'1I"lI('tl14"114Ji "O-"ttq I
~ 'i?lftl~14'!"<QI'1!1I!t-1 "if QII~lq(jly 11'i1 ~ I I
4IcfllllliR!1I"l40'ffit:4 41lO<1lfAi4ffl ~tly I
41 1 4J'd( 141&!~ <:1('fA'If;;tj~1"'1 11'i1'i11 1

04l1f1'01fA pm ~'f1 4i4fA ~ <:lIlift14li'j I

~4'1ll1i 1ql&il~ f1I.'!1111~f +iRt\Ol::j""f" 1 1'i1~ i I

tmfilJq(io;:jll+"~f4 (1~Rl+;:qiqpJi ~ I
em:;;oj 1'i'!'ll"l!' <i '<f iH?-JlI14 (tl fli'iO II"! I I~ 'I:!' I I
During the sub period of a malefic loca\cd 10th from the main
dasa lord. the nalive falls from good deeds. & gels defame and mis-
fortune. (19)
In the sub period ora bendlc localeo 10th from thl.': main period
lord. the native gels comforts. and carns merit through such good
karmas as the building of the public tanks, temples, ell'. (2U) Dur-
ing the Sllb period of a maldie planet located in 11th from the
main dasa lord. the native gets t:Qmforts, beller prospects in life,
favour from the govcrnml.':n! & increase afsons, wife elc. (22) Dur-
ing the sub period of a malefic planellocated in the 12th from the
main dasa lord. the n,lIive meets with sorrm.v. loss of wealth,
punishment from gO\ernmenl. loss of position and loss of
memOlY (20-23)
During the sub period of <l hL'llefic localt!d in thc 12th from the
main da~a lord, Ihe native gets cOllwyanec. cnjoyments. luck.
clothes. and ornaments. (24)

i;kWIIr<rr {OJ 4i ':J<14 <'14 oj r.rm-a:

~~lc<l'1.jfq';lIf<: ftf.:rr ~x "O.o,qri1'~'1 II~'J.II

w Oii<1oHli.."IIIf4ifl:l QIQ("4I'Wfl ~ I
~~:I'i411:;jIIA (11P1'1~ ~ ~ I I ~S.I I
mw:rt ;t~H:::q ;t.(":14 ~ I
f":Il'ilfl\1"l4'1w~<:1(11~ ~ 11~\311

Thus e\ 11 rcsult~ should be declared for Iho.: sub po.:riod lord par-
ticularly \\'h~n it is not located in its exaltation sign. own sign.
friendly sign or in good vargas. (25)
During the sub p~'riod of a malefic planet loo.:aled ",-ilh Ihe ~ul!
po.:riod lord or 2nd or 3rd to it on~ gds sorrow hut ifthc ~uh po.:riod
lord i .~ a hcndic tho.: rcsulh aro.: good for tho.: n<lti\o.:. (26)
Th~re is muc h sorrow. and loss of position. ey'es. rei al i\ o.:s. ~()ns.
wo.:alth. & lrouhk from gO\i:rtIment during Ih~ wh period of a
maldle p lanet in the main po.:riod aha oj" a rnakllo.:. (~7)

~'f1':) ~"<:Tir ~11"'lg1'i'10IY I

~P1'1, 11I'HI4 ?-fI'ft fll"3"i rtt l1ll'l"I II~-O;: II

41Rl":I~ ~
-. ~ ~ '!'i'I: ~
. I
<fiI' 'lAQIIiII~\fI QtF3if4c<:1l CMt ~ I
&fq (jcM<tlI49;ll<ilfll "h 1il'liR~ II ~ a I I

Du ring.lhc !:o ul-o a nd main perio d s o f bcn dic p la n~l s Ihe nal i \ ~
}!C1S posit io n. tonvcya nce: and orna me n ts. Du ri Il g the mai n rul ing
p.:riml o f a milk-fic and Ihe sub ruli ng pl!rit'd of a benefic the
nal i\'\! Iir~1 g.~' I '; good results a nd then bad resu lts. (28) During the
m ain ru ling p.:riod of a benefi c a nd the su b ru li ng period of a
ma klk th ~' nati'<e gets troub le first an d then comforts. (29)
In ca ses wlll.: re Ihere are many cun lritdic to ry factors the result s
for the l11ajnri ty should be declared. Wh ere fa c lors lire equal the
n: .~ ult s carlk r & later should bl.' p redic ted as detailed obo\"c.
(31) )


'!1'''1''f4 ~ : qr;t q)qi ll ~rf6 4t fil'1 l "'1 I

mJll""Qt s;u 'f (l 'ilII4'J5 "11 w-rq I I ~ II
~l l 14' h"l (f1l'l1 "11 ~@ Ni l.il41$ W"'I" I
,fI.,(f'/I ~ ~ e1Wl1 QIMI?"J@ I I~ I I
'hi ~ -;:rrI1" ~trl~ilol@.l : 'W:el ;:;q r1 'tr:~t1: 1
~ "1B,.il f"l:;j' I ~ .n"l(~ \4~ ~1:a! : I l~ I I
":1H::::"iI ;ft",.n ~ FI'~ 'il!l fq ~fJt itl : I
tt t451OZ Qoq4f'!i1 qf ~: iJiT 4Q'il'tI( : I I'd II
Du ri ng Ihe ma in ruli ng pe riod of I he Su n lu.:aled in the Ascen-
dant an d Ihe .;ub pc!riods of Mars. Sal u rn. Ke lu a nd Ra hu the
tlati w gets ~\)rro w & loss of rul ing po wers. wo:a! th and property. {I J
This wo ul d be the result when Ih~ planets Mars clC aro: in
"Agneha l"" pos ilio n i.e. are ill placed fro m Ihe Sun & weak. If
howe ... er. th ey an: in "Gochar" they give good re sults. (2) A planet
in its o wn ."ign. in its sign of exal tat io n, in its fri o.: nds sign. not ecl ip-
so.:d hy th o: Sun. no t sitUaled in {he 6t h. Ht h or 12 th ho use is
Io.:e h n iea lIy ..:all..:d in gochar. (3 ) I I' II is ecl ipsed in d ehililalio n si!! n.
;1Il l! in .;ign o lher Ihan ils Mo ol Tri kon s ig n o r Olhl.'Tlhan a fr i en d ~
:-i!!" &. wh~' n loeat..:d in 6th. 8th o r 121h house is bad and is
I~'o.: h n i la ll y ("a lkd " Yam goc har. (4)

"II "1'f"1'='I~hlftl ~lIll l fln'<4:q!fi41 : I

liwn'dMI('1.: 11 '( 11
~'1f4o;le(~lfI ~ ~ I
1i'Nw,fJlj ~g ~j<'i l! ~ 11 5: II

~ (it: mt '4'1'!?"HA ""!3<ij)6~ I
~'(j IBlit 14idf'rf'9' q6lqI6'1'i"lOi'! I 113 11

'1dl4'E""lf"l ~ rf: l1T'fi qjq~ffi ~ I

lh'<l~ ""6fu~tW ..n:il;;QIQQlffl ~ II !:: I I
During the main ruling period of the Sun located in the Ascen-
dant and in the sub periods of Jupiter. Venus, Moon or Mercury.
thl.': native gets benelitted from agriculture. cows, sons. wit'\! and
lands. (5)
During the ruling per iod of the SUIl located in the 2nd house
and in the sub period of male lies there will be loss ofwcahh, usc of
(Uri speech. mClltJl sorro\v, eyt.' disease. & great trouble. (6) During
the main ruling period of the Sun located in the 2nd house and in
the sub period of bellene planets there will be much comfort.
acquisition of education. favour from government and gain of
clothes. conveyance. (7) During the main ruling period of the Sun
1:)Cilled in Ihe3rd housl.': and in the sub period ofma lefks who are
"(iodlill" Sthan" i.e. well phlced and strong the nalive gels much
comfort; If the plilnets hilving sub period are not "Gothar Sthan"
the r(:sults are bad Le. sorrow etc. (8)
There are a few points to be specially noted about the above opi-
nion of the author. In the first place (vide shloka 7) it must be
remembered that academic education & its extent and quality
h,lVC to be determined froin the 2nd house of the horoscope i.e.
through the nature of inOuence fall ing on the second house & its
lord ilnd its significalOr (Mercury). Such education is not to be
seen from any other house such as the 4th and the 5th as some peo-
ple do. Secondly. it would be seen that a uniform principle runs
through)he method of prediction taught by the author. The princi-
ple is that the planet whether a natural malefic or a natural
henefic. must be taken as inOuencing the planet having ilS main
ruling pcriod irrespective of the house occupied by them.
in that event. the sub period of Mars located any where will
harm the right eye. ifsu n in the 2nd house is having its main ruling
period. In case. where Mars is strong and aspeclingalso the Sun in
the 2nd house, injury to the right eye is a certainty. The reason is
that Mars in such (I case will h(lve double malefic inOuence on thl.':
factors representing the right eye viz the 2nd hOllse and the
planet Sun.
As regards th~ "Gochar sthan"' position of the planets having
thdr suh period. we arc of the opinion that the benefit or harm to

Ih!.' huus!.' occ upicd by the main dasa lord would he mueh whcn
the pl<!nl.'ts having their sub pcriods ' are strong. fo r then their
inllue nec. good or bad. will be marc c(fcclivc.

d'ilf1!41'1togtltt "if ~!!'t'h1 q 6~ I

~ fIta Wllfa;, "if {I"lff '314 141'141& I t"\ t I

fir.rm:q ",~\n?HA l::::ttl41 Qlftl1i ~ t

tl1if11~ Jl41S::~ .hJfi11111f16"1'1 I 1~Q I I
~: ,,!&\t>q<'1flllfl:! ~ 14i!'i'\!'t1'l I
(IG'lII4g:?li'IJ(lf--= qHJlI'J'41'l~lq"l'l I I ~ ~ I I

(j "l"lfl'1(Q : IlI<t ~ IO{lfll1i'l I

~ '<fl('tlltf7"11f15"1'l I I ~;'( ; I
~uloll ~ "if ~: Qtl14'i(04 i I
qf{Ql<t \(dlfta "if (i'l'4416"1l{(jUn:[ 1I ~ ~ 1i

During th e main dasa of Sun in the 3rd house and in Ihe suh
period ofbclldic s. there is much comfo rt. palicnee, wealth, victory
in b;lItk and the acquisition ora SOil. (9 ) During Ihe ma in dasa of
SUIl in the 4th house bad in the sub periodo fmakfic planets Ihere
is loss of rnOlhcr, mental sorrow, and Iroubk from Ihi!.'v!.'s. lire and
the government. (10) During the main period of the Sunlocaled in
Ihe 41h house, and in the sub period ofbeneli c planets the native
gets muc h I.'omrorts. ru ling powers.. wealth, sons. wife. clo thes.
Sl.'t'lIed Ilowers e tc. (1 1) During the main ruling pe riod orthe Su n
!<ll,;ilh:d in th .... 5111 ho use and in Ihl' su b pt'riod of Saturn. Ma rs.
Rahu an d Ketu th en! is trouble to the son o rlhc nat ive. and trollblc
through thieves. fire and government. (12)
During th!.! main ruling peri od of Sun located in the 5th hous e
,lnd in the sub period of benefic planets t:,c nat ive gets sons. rulin g
powers, conv!!yances & ornaments. (\3)

qq;f\q\{1l<14S~ QIQitIOPc!Qlfi'l111Oj I
~1ti\(lfi'1~~ 'tR\(lttil<l:f:l CNI I I ~~ I I
tilRn"li14Qgi~ ~ ""1t4l(t4lfbl~ .. I
Qfi:Q!cti llfI ~ ll::t'llkl&! ~f.:I~~ 1I ~'1 1 1
~a:1"leq(~ : IlI<t !@fi''llIlsJit\!lo::i rffi I
c;1(1!'Ii &f 14;:flR,M 41"1iilj(~1tjai'1 II ~ 5: II
~: IlI<t ~ 11 Bli NI fi'I "II I rffi
iJ'!I(IR1~lt ~ "if ih~'f!~lft IfIg110j I I ~\91 1

During the sub period of mdldies in the dastl of Sun placed in
the 6th house, the na ti\e certai nly suffers from dehts. Iheft. lire. &
government. (14) Su n a main dasa lord in the 6th house having-sub
periods of benefic planets. gives comforts first and then physical
trouble. (IS) During thc main dasa of Sun in the 71 h house and in
the sub periods of Venus. Jupi ter. Moon & Mercury :he native
gains wife. enthusiasm of mi nd. cOlweyance. clothes. & orna-
ments. (16) \\i lh Sun as before and v.ith the sub period s of
malefics the natiw suffers from fl.'\'CL loose motions. bile.
diahdie~. & urimll trouh les, {l7J

~: rmt l[141ft~ flPl ~ t

fit,fi1t'lJ ~ ~t:ZHi'iH' l lj '. IZt:: t l

14(Q i 6<11fig?!'ill ~ q Uj't::<H'q il i!I <IT I I ~ G, I I

~1 11t(1('qtfi'l ct: QT<fi ~ ~ I

fl)RlI1I ~$G!~ <:;1"14;;;1 'llffi11i II~Q II
""q4~",,,,,(,,1:i : QT<fi qlq,!",,~ <I'1U a'<::1 \
'f.(!i'fi ~IOli~ W,fq'AIRo:fJS"11j II~~ II

During the main rul ing pe r;od of Sun located in the 8th house
and the sub,periods of benefic planets. the results are mostly good
with slight trou ble. one gels in tll is period comforts of sleep (beds
elc) clothes and ornaments. (lS) During the same period of Sun
and the sub periods ofmaldk plands, there is much trDub1e. dis-
ease. pains, l11ea n service of others and even death. (19)
lfthe Sun having its main Ll asa is located in the 9th house and
th e sub period is of benefic pia [lets one engages himself in good
moral deeds. charity. religious sacrifices, & great enjoyments.
During the main ruling p,'riod of Sun located in the 9th house
and in the su b pe ri ods of ma lefic planets. the native gets much
\orrow and trouble from elders and friends. (21)

::tlA'P'H F* 14 ~ ~ a'<::1 I
::tlM1 'folt~i'I 'fil FcI 11 (I fi '11QY1s'i Ii I I ~ ~ I I

~: QT<fi ~Rti4o;l ~ I
:tllfa ~ (II ctlFc1~:qI;::j\l:(1I($1j I 1 '1.~ I I

<it: 'lI>; :,1"'"'

~J4<:; 1 (1"1:T~" Q~11oAi'64 $(Ifd "f I I ,!~ II

",.nf!rm: """ ~ "" I
~.4 "I f6::1 ( l J;fjqj;j <:1( q=A i4I\f;14'l ll ~ \( I I

;::Ii:~ : ~
, .~~
414idr "Wl'~ I
'?<l1'1'1f;;, R<lifi l' 1'lil'llf':Q'''k11 II ~~ I I
;;-.nmct : qffi ~t:f.t
, . "'l8i"ij6tj I
l f<:~"~i~Qltf~"t~P=I I I~\J I I

J)lI r in ~ Ih ~ main daSH of Sun located in the 10th house.lnd the

~lIh J1~rim l o f maldic plano.! \s. th e native gt' h frustration in h is
;l >.:l io l1 ' a ll d ~l1 ffcr s at the hamh of Ih k\'t;s. fi fl' ;Jnd governm ent.
1 ~2)

\\ll h Su n ,, \ hdorc and the sub p..:: riod:- of henefic p lanets. one
}!ct:- Ihu..:h ru lin g powers. a n d c\crhls ling ra m I.". (23 ) During th .:
lIIa in d",>,1o r Su n in Ihe 11 th ho use. a nd th l..' , uil periods of ma lefic
p ta n<.'b t hal' is Ij .., ' troubk & th en t.:olllfo rt ~. (:!4 ) With S UIl IOCillcd
,." abmc a nd with su h perio d s o f hC'ndk~ in it. the n at ive gelS
WL"il ll h. hOllo ur fro m govl'rnm clIl an d comfo rt!. from wi fe. so ns.
,md till !!ove rnm e nl. (25)
Durin g ti1 (; Ill;lin ruling po.:riml of Ih l.! SU lI locato.:d in the 12th
h()u ~o.: lind in th e sub ru li ng p ~riod of mull-flo.: pl.mci s. Ihnc is
mu ch trouhk 10 Ih..: l1ul iv(". He fa!1s from hi s pusi lion in life. has 10
li ve away from hi s ho me. ;md g..:ls J is hOIlC"Ju r allh e hand s o f Ih..:
1!(I\'1. (2(1)
\\ it h rcli. .. ~ n l ..: to s hlob '!.7 ahO\..:. it is poi nted ou t thai the 121h
hOll S": h..:in1! th..: 3n.l hous..: from Ihal of th..: government ( 1OI h)
stamb for the a rm s of the go vt i...:. its delibera te sdfthrough which
il fun l.' lium. Hl.'nce where th..: 121 h ho use and Ihe signiflcator of
gUhrn llll.! l1t i.e. thc Sun suffl.!r. lro uhll.! co mes through Ihe adv erse
order., o f the g.ove rnmen t. (27)
During Ih..: ma in ru ling period of the SUI) ioca tcd in th e 121h
hUllS": and in the ,u h periods o f hell elie planets. thne is m uch
co mfort O ne gels cows. lands. d Olhes. grains. jewels. coral s
and Ofl) a m o.:ll b .
:@!~.Hr~Tif q W;F.lii\if"av::1 rm I
~ " t(lll:j 1QI&"If<i 1'.11 611'WfIOi'l I I ~ I I

~ '1i&J\'4 qf( 4i$ ~ I

~: ",,,-'Ira ~6 "if 't-MI\I "lJ1:Plll/AlJ I I~ II

1i:c1l ''If'Q f.:tltii1'1'Nfl QIIt :a;i1 d(i I
<f,ii1?191"1a(\'i1 1Qlo;q,fa' <f,oRt ... Ilq II

dRlIO~ ihii"lt'4'<i'!:'!llI ql!i~Lf I

q, "''1I&nQl::4 ~ q.liffilli <ti?1Rt ~ 1I'd II
During the main ruli ng period of Moon located in the Ascen-
dant and in the sub periods of Venu s, Jupiter, Moon & Me rcury,
the na tive keeps good health, gets favour from government. co n-
veya nce. clothes an d o m a ments. (I)
The same rype o f Moon's da sa and Ihe sub period of malefic
plane ls, brings about trou ble & los,s or. agriculture, cows, &
land s. (2)
During the main ruling period of Moon located in the 2nd
hou se, and in the sub pl!ri ods of malefic planets, riJere is trouble
from or to wife, son, re la tives. & fear from govemment. (3)
During the sub periods o f bene lie pla nets in .he main period of
Moo n located in Ihe 2nd ~o u se, the re is muc h happiness 10 the
native. H e gets good foo d, clothes, drinks and enthusiasm . (4)
Moon by herself is the signifieator of eating when she is in the
2nd house- Ihe ho use of eating and drinking. it is clear .hat good
inOue nce o n a good Moon in th e second house will give high class
di ~ ti cs 10 eat.

il ~~"lf4f.:1~HI<l qft:QI'-6 ~6fWJq I

~muTt y'Rtl'E1 <M'IRi 1Q"1I;::q dl'l II\( 1I
~./iHI<lQflQI':t ~ 1
~: <ti(I~ ~<titt4 ~~4ftl"1i~I"l'f Ii a II
it\f4t?<1f.:!:JIHI<lQflQIIt "1iSliltl'l I
~'l~ 1QidfJrtf~11l1 ~ ~." 11\9 1i
~ '''Il!i wse 'Isi:;i(14'1lf11-;:n:r i 'if di$ll~e:~lld? i 11;;1 1

During Ihe main ruling pe riod of Moo n located in the 3rd

house. and in the sub ruling periods of benefic planets. the nalive
gelS much comfort and favour from governme nt (5)
Moon having its main dasa by locatio n in the 3rd house, and
m alefic planets having their sub period ~ in her, in this peri od the
native gets some limb impaired, He also gets loss of brothers and.
pati ence. (6)

During the main dasa of Moon in th c 4th house. and in the sub
Il<..' riods o f hc nclic phtnets. the n<ltive gels m uc h comfort. f<lvou r
from government and also comforts relating to his residcnce.
I luring Ihe ~lI me Iype ort he main rul ing p.:riod of Moon and Ihe
' lih period of ma lefic plallcts. Ih e nalive .. UniTS m uc h loss of
h"lI~C. wife. & wealth & gets trouble from thi eves. lire an d the
g ( nnllIllC!I1. (/oll
~.Ju"'1I Nf{ql* 146~Y I
..aRl'1,J.t <tI&I'lII?j!fJiI1:li l "'(l~ 1 '1 11q, I I

i9"'~~:t''1I"NIi:l ~ 'l'.l'GI I
~;ffil:t 14;;HklLq 9,"JIta(1Q[?1llfY' I IN II

lifr.lTfillFT m G"6fB:1t1f4 ~n"'(11l I

flIli'Glfl:I'1i ~ ~ff ~q 5ifl<NI'J~: I I ~ ~ I:

~.til1l~ 41UlHI 11 ~ ~: I
"'tlta +I~al ~ ~NR1J I I ~ ~ , I
l) llr in ~
tho.: main rulingpcriod of M oon lou tted in tho.: 5th hou se
;11111 i ll Ihe s uh pe riods o f benefic pl<llll~I S t he nat ive gels much
CO lll f0l1. a nd w ifc. wealth. sons. friend s. clolh es l"lc. (9)

I)uring Ih l" main Jasa or the S,lme Moon and the sub pcriodsof
nlalL- nc planets the native sufli::rs from an ugitaleJ intd leet
~{) rrIl Wflil m ind. i.m d tro uble frolll son. w ife and gove rn ment.
( 101
Dli ri llg th o.: main p eriod of Moon located in th e 6th house and in
th..: suh periods of malefic planets there is loss of agriculture.
i n~k btl."dnl" SS. and trouble from suc h d iscases as urinal trouble.
co ns u mplio n. jau ndice. ( II)
During Ih e main period I)f Moon located in the 6th h ouse. and
i ll 1h~' st! h period of henene il'a nets. the native gets f riend sh ip from
o n..: and a ll ,lIld th ere is no fcar o f a ny trou ble fro m thie"cs.
fin: tte ( 12)
Il is useful to remember that when both, the planet having its
main ruling period and that having the s ub ruling pc rio d are
natu ral benclks posscs!i ing strength a nd hoth innuen..:c by
a~s(leiation or a"peel th e 6th house and or its lord. the period is one
whero,: one IHI S no enemies to conte nd w ith Hnd 1101 man y hurdk.~
10 ": 1'0"""

'f)~l?1f?4f.1~tl'iIIQI~"l1 lUlI~fuw<:1 I
'f)~!?ly;>t<Hqft'i:(j611i1(1f"QIY I I ~ ~ I I

~ ~fd4<'l1 I
m~141;:j g:m~<:I(aj'B;~'iI~1'i1'j I I ~i3 I I
~t;('::1f?4f.t~1I11111It<1tq1"!ffi ~ I
l1(uj "ll(y;>tlo lj 1l fffifll"""i q(l1l111'j 1 I ~ 'J..I I

t<;lfi.i1h1f1~1i1ll11qR:qi~ l16~Y I
~ l1!h'41"tfM*'M1~"lOIY 1 1 ~6. 1 1

Duringthe main period of Moon located in the 8th house and in

the su b periods of bend"ics. one gets wife. son. wealth. conveyance.
clothes & ornamen ts. (13)
During the main dasa of Moon located in the 7t h house and in
Ihe suh period of malcfics. there is foreign trawl and los s of sun.
wealth. wife. & relatives. (14)
During the main ruling period of Moon located in the glh house
& in the sub periods of mald"ic planets there is mu ch fear. loss of
\Vife & sons. eating of had food and defeat (! 5)
During the main ruling period of Moon loedted in lhe 8th house
and in the sub period of benefic planets the ndtive gets much ,:0111-
for:. mllch fame. patiencc. conveyance & ornaments. (16)
":P:Ifi/:<li1<:~ll'iliQi~4li'i':'fl1 ~: fitly I
~.nt ~ f1'1lg 'f (i<J'!l'f';fjI'.JPj({q"l: II ~13 1 I

a"~~1I11"'410:0qIRl1i <;! efM<'li I

I::p:hillf11:\11t-fi (l'illl<4iI6PjI~I'iY: I I ~ t:: I I

Cfl*:"~'il;;;:"lI~ "'ij" "ffiUl~: Cfl(irn m I

f':r:t,I:\f.:!ui ~ "11:\"l1'i4(14 01"l II ~Q, I I

Cfl'iR4i1f"~ i l"'lllQ l t<llq'iRti4<:1 ~ I

CflA"'Ii:tf i'f;(ifY-A E'lq;f,\~ 115~ II~O I I

During the ~ub periods of benefics in the main period of Moon

located in the 9th hOlLse. there is help from fat her. ()b sef\'anl'c of
religious duties. & sacritlces. marriage. getting of ru ling powers. &
wife. & weai!h. (17)
During the sub periods of malefics. however. ther..:: is loss of
rdigious sense. sorrow in min,l & loss of ruling powers. wealth &
property. (IS)
During the sub periods ofben'ef"ic planets in the main period of

Moon located in the 10th house. Ih..:: native remains devot..::u to his
dutl'::; and to rl.'ligious litemture. & charity. (19) Irthe sub period is
ofmakfic planets in Ihe main period of Moon locald in the 10th
house one is frustrated in his actions. gets dcL1111"::. & gr..:at f..::ar.
CO }
1;rrq 'il;:;;: ~~:N l""4i" (I Flr 9" I
t416o:{ (1'ill(i1l4 'f 'fi?lRi AAtf ~\!.,,~rny 1 I~ ~ II
])uring the sub periods of benefic planets in the main p..:riou of
Moon lot:ated in tile II th house the native gets t:onveyance. ruling
P\lW<:fS & happiness of various types. (2 1)

r.1I14'il~ qyqlf"~ "I'i11~1'l~f(i 'f I

"f'rijlI""4I~~glfa 1Q ..:hIP:4Is"'1iOJ II~~ i i
;rn"~ f.'IlI1I11"M f( 41 <fiS "<f;:rr~ I
mr.!'I:"ifh1Alk<f)tl(: 'Elcflll?)l<:'14".1 'if II~~ I I
~ ~ t4'F?l"1w4fqljQuIR I
mr4~ftI:;fluli ~ qliH ~fF! 11,::',j I I

During thL' main ruling period of Moon located in the 11th

house & in the suh periods of malc!"ic piancts. thne is loss of
w.:alth. then: is trouble in agriculture. grains. there is physical
lrouhle & trouble from thieves and the government. (22) During
tilL' suh ruling period of malefic planets in Ih..:: main period of
Moon ltlcat..::d in the 12th house. there is much trouhle. loss of
\h' ;lith. and enmity all round. (23)
I hIring til..: main ruling p..:riod of Moon located in the 12th
iLou:-.e and ill the sub period of oenefic planets. the native gets
dul hes. scents. ornaments. increase of wealth, friends. sons. con-
IC'yam''': and ..:omforts from wifl'. (24)


'~"1mr..fl : qf(ql$ Wfi ~\1Y I
Yf1rI:I""nft J:{60t,<J:{ilu~ II ~ I I
~n;T 1ql&irn ~ lil!'IR I
'l'~lIIT<Ii ~qi64 II;;: I I
~T1iPl\1'E.l(lq;1bU~V"C""li<t'U ~ I
~i,!+1164 "1j)<'"'EIIE P-ffl~rq I I;;; i I
fu:81'lfl!ll(I+f'!l: qf(ql'f, ~Ifq: I
rrtf""rnP:HI~ T.t ( 1'?<tlPl ~: I 1'1 i I

During the main ruling period of Mars located in the 1st house
and in the sub period of malefic planets there is much trouble.
wounds and injuries and there is much trouble through indiges-
tion etc. (I) During the sub peri?ds ofbenefics in the main period
of Mars in the 1st hou se. the native gets favo ur from govt& happi-
ness through brotbers etc & acqu isition oflands and conveyan ce.
During the sub perieds o f benefi('" in the main period of Mars
located in the 2nd house, the native gets help from brothers.,
enthusias m of mind education. conveyance and ornaments. (3)
During the sub periods of malefic planets in the main period of
Mars located in the 2nd house. there is loss of accumalated wealth,
adverse attitude by government fever and fire trouble. (4)
11l1lf?<11(iiofl : ~ ~ i
"1-na*lfil1iil1lfa \liI.1q'I~'1I*iI1'1 1 1'( II
IdhW<II(.qriI: qr<fi ti1 RlGfd4o::::t I
I11jl1iil(ti1611 ~ 'fi~"l1Uiql15'1'l I I ~ I I
1t,,!'flf?<1tl(IE{::i1 : SIi(ljIn~ lOltS14GlOj 1
'I@!fti~"i*if ~ 1q~(lfi'14!~'1'l 11\91 i

j~1"tif?<1j(Ii{~ : qr;t 41'4~R14aa I
4'l1r.1' f4t11<:IfGd qt((tlliS"'I'{'I"I II C I I

During the sub periods of malefic planets in the main ruling

period of Mars placed in the 3rd house, there is distress of mind
and lo ~~ of brothers etc. (5)
During the sub peliod of the benefic planets in the period
of Mars located in tlie 3rd house, the native gets comfort from
food. clothes. agriculture. ornaments., & conveyance. (6)
Duri ng the sub periods of the malefic planets in the main ruling
period of Mars located in the 4th house, there is much trouble,
there is loss ofland and property & trouble from the government.
fire and thieves. (7) During the sub periods of benefic planets in
the main ruling period of Mars located in the 4th house. Qne ga ins
land ciothes, conif, rls. animals conveyance and o rnaments. (8)

q""i(.Jqt::l(I"i.~: Q1'!fi' qlqGFa4GI 1

'fl~.n""1"l1""lli!l W1O::::I(~'1Il/I"111 II'" 1I

CN)~Ei'{l"'Ic4kl'lfhl ihIi1l'11~~q: 1
( 1"I'{'i4 'ldlfqj " q:;;!Iqll41fj:ji!!I~ilq I I ~Q II

t:jt'3fkat!\Jj1<:'tl141j'dl1 ~ ~f.:I~i111 I
"i'l(lr114cfti5f 'f W);::Efl~;qi4iH"l II ~ ~ II

ClIQ I~G'{! 'lI1<:4i kl ~ tt.41 i'j1 fi:l7t Cli If" I

"P;fITfli ~' Q}/'I'lctilti4 f.:If.l~iiij I! ~ ~ II

During the sub p~riods ofma!cfic plands in the main p;!riod of

Mars pi aced in 5 th house there is [ass of agriculture. catt!cs, grai ns.
SOil. wife etc. (9)

\Vith Mars loca ted in the 5th house and having its main perioLi
and during th~ sub p.:riod ofbenefics. the native g.:ts honour from
the !;()\ernment acquisition of son & Mantra. (10)
During the sub periods of malefic.~ in the main period of Mars
[(\L'<lted in the 6th house, the native gets trouble. He gets trouble
from thieves. lire and government boi ls. consumptiOl~ & urinal
trouhles. (II) Duringthesub periods ofben<.!lies in the main ru li ng
period ofM<lrs [oe<l:.:d in the 6th house. the native gets favour from
the !;()\.1. loss of relatives. mental worry but he is happy at the
lnd. (12)

Efli'j1?1'k1tiiJIl<;qi4~ f?ll~CI(I",qj: i
iW'l~1 'i6ct't16i i4qliiw'!tj0111 II ~ Q I I
~~qf\4ti<jjI'll~l 41fG1i "'1(oj 1'~1'i I
~ jOf6cti'16i 'l'\'tPlli4'{"1'iq II ~'61 1
'iqjOfop<jG(iq;fl1iil 414~Rl<l1 1 I
ftIiHi~i ~fli" '4~61r.r "'1;fl6-11l"! I I ~';( I I
~ , '~..
Cll<flrdiltillllffilkl1jl'<:fli 'lIii'il41:;: I
~ql~ ~~l5t 'if ~~(i4qu l "l I I ~6; I I

I )uring the sub period of malefIC planets in the main period of

Mar~ [oeah:d in the 7th house, the native suffers on account of
,>vife. son & the government. In the sub periods of bencfics
11\ )wcvcr. t h~'rc is much happiness relating to the government, can
\l"Y;lncl'. and ornaments. (13)
])uring the sub periods of malefic p lanets and the main ruling
period of Mars located in the 8th house. there is death, & mueh
v.<.! of body. During the sub periods of benefic p lanets.
however. there is much comfort. one gets benefit from agriculture.
,I;,: cauk alld honour from government. (14)
I )lIlillg the sub period of maletic planets in the main period of
Mar~ pl<lced in the 9th house there is destruction of father and the
(;11111. Im~ of morality. and mental trouble. (15) During the sub

periods of b ~ n~l1c plUllcts, however, the native has I:attle, wealth.
marriage, spiritlwl in itialion , and Ih(' servil.:e of the Gods. and
Brahmins. ( 161
cnqlf1qdll(lti.fl~,'8 llll:'4litHI ~ I
~~!l1 41;:j 5>tefi\~ ~ It Q(j~4"l t I ~\9 t I
~ qy;f; qlq~ fd4 e:1 I
cn(W~ ~ (1;;4 rN41(f<lI ~i401'l 1 I ~ t:; I t

~p~'J<lji5'Jj\1l"::I1f"~ trll HI1V1 1I d4 it I

qf~ql<t 4t'ifEfl6'i ~Jlj~ftjH!I'I I 1~Q, 1I
e:1;::Qif>!ffi(I"i;fl:~ Q1401\1 41 t
:tlilPj i- tlilfl>tr4 cnl(I'I!5f.:1~~ I I~o I I
~ 1461( ~ 'f 4HfOl(fa:'i,Q\II'l I
~ (1;:;(Cb14 'ij' Qinfif q:1I()'l'l I I ~ ~ t t

D u ri ng fhe ~ ub
pl'rio d s of ma lcfk p lane ts i ll (he ma in ru ling.
period o f Ma rs lo.:ated in the IOlh h o u .~c, the l1a 1ive goes 10 fon:ign
I<l nd. geb h,t<l tume. ano (ki'ea L (17)
Du ring th l' Sllb period of malelk pLlllclS and the main ruling
pl'riod of Ma rs I(K,lled in Ihe Illh house, one gets good ruling:
powers. ~(,;C IlI ~. Ilowers, orna ment s etc. (18 )
D uring Ihe sub periO\.L" of be ne li c p l;Hlels Venus. Moon & M er
cury a n d th e ma in ru ling p eriot.! o f Ma.~ IOl;tlet..! i lllh(' J Ith h ouse.
there is mu..:h h .. ppin ant.! one e ilrlh merit Ih .-mgh c harity &
m o ral con d m'l. ( 19)
lJu ring Ih e )ub perio t.!s o f makfk rl a n els in Ih e main ruli ng
pe riod of Nl al's iO":lIled in the 12:h hOUSC'.lhC'Te is much sorrow and
fear of impri._ o nlllelll. (20)
During th .... suh reriods ur bendil: p),1I1c tS. hov.'ever. th<.!re is
comfort fro m co nv..:yance. clothe s. o rnUIII <.!llIS. At the end of Ihe
sub pc riod hOwe \ <.! r.lhere is anger from th..: go\,<.!rnment. hil i from
p os ition ,lIld me ll(al worry. (2 . )
In th e t.... xt th .... sh loka for thl' lls of th.: s ub periods of Ih ....
1)\.' 111.'111: phlll(,IS in the ma in period of M ltr:-. IOl'aled in the 10.h
hous\! is missing. Following Ih .... trend of I h.: method of del in ialion
by thl.' author it may h .... stat .... d thai the r.... sul ts of such sub pcriods
should gi\ e honour to the native, goot..! actions o n his part. and s ue
cess in 'H.'li on bUI bad !lam..: and adv .... rse res ults at the end of the
sub re riod.


ti l'"1'E'4{l~cfl;qfll n qiq~fM<::i i
~(\RI ~ +lGjf~ 1Q~(lfI"1cf1 6 0j'l I I ~ I I
d"APl..nfi l'1 : qr;fi ,q'i~ ~ ~ I
'16~iI R1r.:" 1Ojl'1l"f'!lf('l"lOI*"l I I ~ I I
flSOC!iCil'ldf4i~: qf(qr<t ~ I
~: iM,g?J'IIf1"11q~(f!l~lft>ft: I I ~ I I
itql("l~~!b"li'lIR:q(!1f.1<::iR~ I
~ ~ 1tClW 'f f"l11"'llrfl ~ I I~ I I

I )jlr i ng riL l' m ain rul ing peril)r.\ of Ra II LL locall'd in Ihe fi N hO \l~c
an.! in IIIl' :-lIh pl'riolis of maicn, P'illlc..'IS. Ihe re i ~ muc h so rrow.
;, Il d Inl h l..: fm lll fh e- go vl'rnmt'l1 L lin: an d Ih icvc ~_ ( I) Du rin g the.:
"tlh pail ld . . o f hl,. ndic plan..:ts. howcv..::r. Ih..: n,:su II,S a r.; good. T h.:r..:
i ... :.dd ir ioll o f hilUM':. land de & ilclJui si tion of good food, dUl h..:s
,. lId \l nI.l llh':lI l ~ . C:: I D u fillg (he ma i n ruJ i ng pl'ri ol! of Ra il u located
ill (.[ h. :-i I h () r 12 1h htHlSC and in Ihe su b pcriod~ of mald'ic p i <I ll<.!tS.
Ir h"\.' i, qllarrl'i. dis..:ase. i"ire. acr.:idenl. and fear from {he govern-
111";111. t11k'\,'s and poisoll. (3)

In til l' p..:riud lhe nati ve suffers from suo.:h dis..:ases .IS
,:l l)l ,'
,1'1hllla. ~ olhllmp li on. urinall:ompla inls. pa in, too nmo.:h o f~ l eep
( I a / i lh' ~s .: Id (4)

,P llH'4 'i!llfg"lilllfll qRql<fi ~ pta: I

~ ~ 46<4164 1q41'1 IiHi114"l 11'( II
~ ~ (I~qj~: flIll:+"'ll1 '1TilI i:l1ib"l'1
iJifQ ~fi:lqf?liR~'fi'll1'41 iitl'1'1 1 15: I 1

I hHin ).! lh,' ,ub period or benetil; pl ano.:ts in the m,lin period of
R;\l!ll pl;I ,..; .1 in lhl: 6th, .sIll or 12th house. lha..: are good results in
1Ill' hq!i l1l1 i ll g. llH! ,' h ha ppi ness. hOI1 ()u t" from gllH & ga in' of
w ... a Hh. () ) Bul althe end there i s trouble fro m gOV l. fall from pos i
tio n ,\;: Ill l' nia l ,urrow. loss u f a,gri ...'td w rl', ,a u k. l a n d .~. dothe~.
r d.l1 i \\", '0Il. <.\:: \\~ahh . (6)

<fl"'l:'lQfi>qdt4hf: 41411f illffMr.1 I

'jPi-:leifalft 1ilR ~ 'll' ~ 11\91 1

~ ~" r.."II"'I(~~fii'1 I
31&l+4I\'tlQI!5 ~ 41(lfi11Qtfis"'l'l I II::: I 1

",..ell ' klflli~: qRql<t f['lT ffu: 1

Mf'l~ tlli 'fl1fiH'"1'l1ftl 'fl~ftliiil:t ~~~,ft
P~r."',,",f# 11'<. 11
.15 I
I{ql'fii?l g; 1f!R4ot1 (IIlIqilqliii'1 ~1I11 I

~ q(I:JI1l ~ fcFm ~ l'fi5<;Qllq I I ~OII

During the main ruling period of Rahu placed in the 3 cardinal

houses other thail the Ascendant.. and in the sub period of the
malefic planets events like house being burnt, trouble to eyes, dis-
ease, trouble to wife & sons take place. (7)
Loss of position. mental worry, loss of character, sudden
quarrels & trouble from government.. thieves and fire, take
place. (8)
During the main period of Rahu located in a kendra (cardinal
house) & in the sub period of a benefic planet the native has some
times comforts. some times fame. some times moral acts and some
times the opposite of these. (9) The above results will be experien-
ced in the first halfofthe sub period. At the end of the sub period,
there will be loss of wealth caused by anger of government defeat
in battle & quarrel regarding learning. (10)

8Itffiulf>!i qJuft;:;;:fll o:::rwqlct l'fth;i?~I"l I

qrq ~ l'fi5(q,e;e: qlql"ll( +:1l'ffkiM II ~ ~ I I
dl qctl ~ 11m 'l'li "'if ~
TIT ll,f4 '11}'! 1'1 "I I
1" >iIftr ,. W>t ,. ",,,,,i'1 'RFt ~ "~,,,
~ ~ElQiuft;:;;:fll ~ ~ ~ riM! I
W<;I( \"01'1I~ "'if 'lMd Qi(fll'fl~ II ~ Q I I
~f;1~~ m q ~~}'!1 'Il'f;::j ~ I
l'f~qlR:<:i l'f;:f\ffil~ ifI(I'171I<:G'lI ~Il(ijl"l II ~'l:!' II

During the main dasa of Rahu located in the trines (5th or 9th
house) and in (he sub period. of malefics there is much trouble,
accompanied with sinful acts. (II)
Bad name, bad food, loss of agriculture, cattle, land, trouble
from the government. engagement in acts of valour, and fall in
prices of articles. (12) In the sub periods of benefic planets during
the main period of such a Rahu, there is acquishion of son, wife,
wealth, good actions. These results are obtained at the end of the
sub period. (13) In the first half of the sub period there is travel to
foreign lands, a little gain. worship through the mantras,
enthusiasm & blemish to wife and son. (14)

~ iffil1 'Iflll~: qRqlr;f; l'fi'l~"l I

qrQ". ~ 14111fCr Qi<"!14'1$~Il'fI~<:1: II ~'J.II

~ ~ f!lf.1It itt :4tufi., ,qcfti'i'l I
114- ~. ~ !fl! flI'11V1'1'1 II ~~ II
tT-n:rfir II/jt?QI~: qlQl"11 ~ aftItllti 1
"" "'" "" f." .",. !!" ~ 11 ~ ~ 11
fi1J f!lIM ~dl~ ql i $QUjOil'4lfQ
i'MT ~QlUn ... ~ ~ ~ ~ _{Ii
qJ' I
t I ~ t: I I

~ MI'1 ,{QlfQ:/ g:;lf ~IM ~TJlf 1

31fr1T $t <t81~ l~ tntt ~""I(: t 1~q, 1 1

Durint! Ih ~ ~uh p~riod~ o ft1lakfi~ p[;U\o:ts inllw main pl.'ril)d of

Rah u l o~ atl.'d in the Jrd or II th hOllsl.'. onl!' l!l.'ts fanHlT fnl l1l ilh'
gUVl.'rtlllll.' lll. I! 5)
,'I Ih l.' I.'nd o f Ihl.' suh pl.' rioJ Ih~ rc b trouhll.'. fmm t h i ~'h'S, Ii r~' ;>f
gun'mlllen!. Ihl.'rl.' is hnlro:d IOWUTlls fl.'lati\'l.'s, !1ll.'ntal sorru\\'. do:s-
Irlll.; lillll of hrolh~'rs 1.'1I.:. 1l6)
Du ring Ih~' su~ pl.'riolis of nlOl k lks in Ihl.' m ai n d asa of Rah u
1t1\,'all'\1 in Ihl.' ~ I\ll housl.' thl.'fl' is 11l~S of wl'a!!h . !Ill'ntal ~ol'row &:
b,~ s o i"w i t\ .. &. so n. (17)

III Iho:~1.' pl.'l'iods Ihl.'!'1.' is Iro uhk in Ihl.' silll.' and pur~hasl' nr
art Llll.'s. Ih ~r~ b Iro uhk in slk'l.'l.'h. hU I J uring IIll' suh p ~ ri od ~ Iho: r~'
I )II\,' I;!l.'b (good) I~ Iud. ( I N) ..\1.''4 u i s iIiu n o f cIa Ih I.'S . 1.'0 L\ w~ a il 0:,' a!l d

Mn ~ llIIl'!lI". bl! t t rlllL hk in hlLSi Ill'SS. loss of PI.'t'SI.'\ "!'l'IK\.'. II'IlLJ hk to

Ih l.' hOt h. dlld hiddo:n sin . (19)


R\llq<:ifil ~qE4 Il:WI! iflf cl'1$HI1 I
QlqeWl d1n f.. (j un ~ t:r-I' jflq'i I t ~ t I
~ rn ~ w 'If f~t\)l1 'II~~ fi I
3C\'l115 qrf ~::tl(fij"l1~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ! I

!(lllAt d6'uQ11JU: R I I(lf/4 ~ I

(I;yq ~ "':fl?4:'lI! qf?\ q18"'l ,{,WI" I IQ I t
'!A WTIf iJ1t ~ 1Q@ti'" "11"4<:11'1 I
\I<i141!f11t 1fI1!!~liji ~f\lF.ol'l~( 1fI1.'l"1'1 11'd I I
I ) uring Ih.: suh pcrio\is ofmllkfi\,' r la n ~ls inlnl.' JII' lin p~' ri tld I l l'
Jupi tl'r Iherl.' i .. hoJil}' Ira ul:llc. sorrow. <In!,!l.' r o f Ihl.' gO\l.'rll!\I l'l lI.
I {)s .~
of weulth. (I) los ~ o t' agrkullUfl.'. o:uuk. lillld.~, UPPUSil iu ll In
relatives. loss ofcnlhusiasm. impuiflllCnt oflilllh hUllilc rl.' is SUIll~'
good al lhl' cnd. (:! ) During Ih o: sul1 j'I('riods o f bl.'nl.'lio: plalh.'I" in
Ihl' main period of Jurill.'r.Jupilcr \O.:.III.'r.i ill ;1Il)' o f th\,o 1.:.lnl i" i,l

houses. the: nati\'~ gets ruling powers. enthusiastk mind. dothl!s.
cOnW)'UhCe, & ornaments, (3) Also the nath'to enguges in dilirity,
rei igious act of olTering oblations. Japa. HI!' has palil:ncl!'. favou r of
gO\ern ment recognit ion. doi ng good 10 olher'!'i. a.:ls uf spi riuml
me:ri r. nice dot hes. & goll.!. (4)
~~iOi(0'ii4'jf1 : qnt ~, i18\i48"{ I
Qi~i('h90(lifl"l t-I"fiol hdcful'1 III( II
"il' 4~i'1t "I8Iti ~ l1<g:;jjv!4:1qet : I
~(!ij4 1 " l qJL<l I'q m fqc;I3I4 *a'I'1 liS; I I
o::'O?I ffirH1lj(l : ~ Qlql'1l 1f ~fMIiI I
4:i(q?l1411\N ~ 11(U'f ~ IllS II
y,\1if 1ltI'lt~ ~i4~""'Cfi( ~ I
'Ii\(lf!'"eti(t1l!!:1 ~ ~ ~ ~I4 : I I ~ II

During the: sub pl! riod of bendic planl!'ls in Ihe: main re riod of
Jupiter loca ted in thc: 51h or 9th house. Ihe native: gets muc h com-
fort , He engages him self in the erection ofsarai. temple:s & worship
of God. (5) also he gl!ts better luck in career. greal fame. and'wife.
son & wealth, Wealth through foreign travels. fame. education. '"
comfons, (6) Du ring the sub periods of malefic planets. however.
he gets anger of wife. son, government and meets with-the death of
his re:lati\es. (7) also. he gels his power of in teliect sroikd falls
fro m the {'IOs it ion hd d. and gets hurdles in his work. He also ge:ts
trouble fro m thie:vcs. & lire & tro uhl~ to wife. (8)

f1f'!iQ1i'eti(h1ol "!I' 4(ii:(lrq"l0"J{ I

~ 1 " t!4 141'1151~ ~ I4fU lfW;;lAI'lfl'1'1 I Iq, I i
"SOlte"l&lQWflI Tl :~ 'l~d(l I
:n\~fa fI!t,Z'1I '!II(8lol ( j $il I ~1IVH'I I r to II
~ 1 "A 1Q;j !lij~Lj(ol FM~II lQ{01l{>,H"'! I
\{F4"'1~ ~. ~ 14;qA~ ~ II ~ ~ II
He: also fa lls fro mthl! stand<l rds of his family conduct. He casts
an evil eye un the wh.:s of \l th~rs. (9) Duri ng Ih~ sub p~riod s of
maldic plilnets in Ih,,' main ruling period of J upiter in th.: 61h. Slh
or 12th h o us~ th e mllhl! is without thl! good condu ct or his fami ly.
HI! loses ruling powe:rs. and wealth. (10) He also causes d~ath of
rdativcs th ro ugh self. gets prote:ction of foreign government. gl!ts
litigation regarding lund. mental sorrow and 'trou ble through dis-
eases. ( I I)

'it1'isli 'tclE'4tFQ qf{q i ~ i11!10t'46'i I
(VI{lI'1I~qf4 'f ~ "'I l!tI~: I I ~ ~ I I
~ fll(I'44it ~ f..q<; ljJn$q l(j" ( I!il1 " I
\~t'Q4I'31Oj'lI!Q1I t'I 19l(eUir }lIltitim : I I ~ ~ I I
1J\q]qltdflllfq !!U : cri' "' Ml ~: I
e'l41"1t 'jRtltll# ~ ~f'ii,!\181'flU'i>I' I I ~'& I I
"Ifill f~~~fll ['hit 1:\ 11<1141 ( I [il i l{l

~ .r." """ ""' </'"'' ,,~""

mr~ 'il~l~ ~ "'I1!~"'Iq'l I
311 "'I (tJ;:j ~ 1!?!1 'tt;ll ~ 14 q ;;;IW, "1 I I ~ 5. I I
~~M I ~ ~ ~ "I1"1t$ &q fi:\l "l1l' 1
Qi!tqtJ, ~ ~ W1qll! '1-"E[ I I ~1311
I )tlril\ ~ th ~' sub-period ofbt'nefic planl!ts in IhI.' ma in pl!riod o f
J"p iln 1 1I~ ; t tld in lhl.' 81h house. there is mUl.:h comfort. The native
hl.'l'IlIlI l' Ih l' ruler oflhe country o r IlIl' ci ty & gets much fame. ( 12)
Ahu he ~ l't' ~....:od he<llth. & gets elephants. horses. & dothes. n ice
food. hi gh sp irits. milk. curd. gh ee & suga r. ( 13)
[}uring Ih l' suh period of the b enefic planets in the mClin dasa o f
J"p iter p[ .. ~~'d in th e 3rd o r Ihe Il lh house. the native gdS clothes.
nlliwyanrc. &: o rna ment s. (14) T he n;:ll ive also gels ruby. l:ora l.
~o ld. Ill'OI rk d Olhes e lc. rule over Ihe COU llIr)'. mi n isll.'fs h ip, (l5)
Iht! tl Ll rin~ t h~' su h- pe riods o f mall.'fks the nat l\'e becomes e ha rae-
Il.'ril-:-., S. . ;' l ' t:-. wn lfary to the good t r;. di~ io n :i of hi s fa m ily, ( 16) He
.. "u h,l.' !o!i\"\.' in a fon:ign land. Th ese results an: for the first half
Ilf til l' suh-period. In the Juller half. he gets good comfort. COIl -
\l' ya 'h:1.' & food. (J7)
14qff\!l(1'!<l<:lj~ l(!""~' \411' 111'1 I
fi:\tli{'1l Q ;jflf ~ <:: 1 ('{'I1q l ~'l i I ~ t; I i
\4h l '!Qifl~ tj'1l~tt4 '1i!1f&tI'I I
"'13I;:j .aft:c<h ~ tj~<::I( \HIP!::n'l 1 1 ~t:/" I I
e8ltl{'q!!<I : Ql$ ql q~ ,;m tm I
<,,<'!fa ~ &4IIF4 mil f<N't ~ 11'1:0 I I
~ '141fa'1 ~I~ifl..a""'lq ,!\ ~ I
~i 'Ji'1I~fi4 1 4't~a~'''G':ilqal'l I I 'I:~ Ii

1)\1 l'it1~ 1Ill' ,,,h periods of the benefic pla nels in Ihc m a in rul ing
pnilld Ilt' Jup iln loc ated in the 9th house. the native gains wea lth.

education. victory. comforts. wife. sons. & favour from govern-
ment. (18) Also he engages himself in acts of serving all. gets much
wealth & popUlarity. he enjoys nourishing food. and has plenty of
religious acts & wealth & gets comfort from wife, (19) During the
sub-period ofmalcfic planets. howe\w. he gets much sorrow. His
wealth is taken away by government (20) Also there is hatred with
relatives. mental disturballt,:e. SCI'\'il ity of speech. eating of had
food had deeds. and low & mean acts as sel'\ant. (21)


&i;:(l1Ifl1 !,I14i';\Q "';'l Glq ~fuWi';1 I

~ I1'm:j 'f ~"I~(1fi'1Ylg19 I i ~ II
(f'~~11i';\4 ~ +1il~'1 I
iqlfq~'f14<l\fi::<1 ~~IUl101lfiN('<H'1I1'l II,!: I I
q,\,jAl~~141 ..1 9: ljifi.q~ ~i 'I41S1,,! I
q{lqql~ ~ JWIt tH1ilil11'j II~ I \..
During the suh period of makfic planets in the main dasa of
Saturn located in kcndra the nalive falls from his position in life.
He has 10 live in a different place and suffer through government
thieves and fire. (I)
During Ihe suh periods of benefics. however. he gets much hap-
piness. honour from government. wealth. and rule ov('r the coun-
try or a village. (2) Such is the result during the t1rst half of the
henelic suh periods. At the end of the sub periods the native gets
disease. bad name. death of relatives. and loss of wealth. (3)

f;4iIOII?1~i1i';\4 F11:YI'ilf.'.l'i11l11'l I
~~ lO1i:hVi 'f1;:j'iI~lll<lif?1 :rr 1I'd 1i
"lldlf;;;1li5!li}1 'f {'<'I'I1'B;'f1616 "MT I
3'u'II$f 'fo:'i;::j' I?1W01i"'4f?HI~111'j 11'1: I I

ij'4lf~\-.l~14i';1~ ~ 4E<:+!tllj I
(IJI'fili 'fl1(;1\j>.f 't11f I "'4f"":(~"f'!'

{'<'I'I14Gi{'BiOIl41(i"4 'i'10il~$1'j I
'1f1l' R1'ilI~iq~ i'!l141 f>lit1~ i 11911
During the sub periods of the ma lelk planets in the main period
of Saturn located in the 5th or 91h house. the native gets much
sorrow. loss of father. son & loss of the results of his efforts. (4)
Also he has diseases arising out of nerY()ll~ and eye trouhles. He
has conniet with his relatives also. (5)

nllr i n~' Ih(,' s ub periods o f be ne-lies, h o weve r. Ihe native g~ls
hUlIOIl r from I he govern men I. much enjoyment gain from agri cul-
ItIle. inl"n: asl' o f wl'ahh a n d gra in s. (6) A l.~o good h ca hh of his
'lL,li v\"'>. wih-. .~ons. ;l nd gains. ornamelll s etc. (7)

'lt61tiCli~l[f'''*' :tl4oii4 ~ 1
~'d qiS"q,te fl1111i1t ~ I It; I I

~ f<lItuftl.)'iI 1Rw=-fl"QlsQ""'1 I
.31flll'k1iij4l4(Oi'l~1'1+'4 ~1p,l1 1'1 I IQ, I I
Q661:4~4f1"1f4 \(!qql<6 tjii'i!ti q
:su(j'4 ~If.d",ft " ~~IIMTftW'<l8 11i I I ~O, I
Durin!! IIw suh periods of .he ma lefic planels in Ihe ma in pe riod
"I' S.,llInI lu.: ateti in the 6[h. Rth o r p[1l hou se. one gets milch
.~ orrow allli trouble & loss o f posit io n. (8)

O'h' ;,lsll ~e l s diseasl' ncar the private pa rts of the body. sutTers
fWIlI inli1ke of poison. fewr. fi r .... trC! ub lc from go vernm ent, de nt h
III' a lk a r fr icllu. & loss o f pcrsevere nce. (9)
1}I. rin~ 1h ... ,u b periods of the he nefic p lu nets in the main period
ufSawr n IIH,:aled inlhe 6th. ~I h o r l~th hOllse. Ih e rc is m uc h co m-
fi lII. ~:ntld h ~. lhh. much glow on th e body. a n d ru le over Ihe CO UIl-
Ifyor a \ill ; , g~. (10)

1J1l[ ~1I4(1~~: ~era4 <:1 I

rnj; Iij"l lM1 ffi 1t1@Wp 0I"'! I I ~ ~ I I

~1 e<lflA : QIQvf:l41 I
r1Tt ~!-t'i 'f '~l q ~j\fi'l1 il/I1"l 1 1 ~'11 1

m~l llH ~l'1t a!fl:!iI lffll1iQF,Q t

ipilJi4 Q(lftilj ctRiElli'loi i!rAQ II ~Q I '

1)lIt iu f! th \. su n period of ncn dk p lanels in [he main ru li ng

IIl'rind UIS :lllln\ IOl'Clled in the3rd o rthe 11th e results arc
!LOInd. I he fl' is lil\l)ur fro m 1:!00'ernm ent & gai n o f o rnamenls.
( I 1)
Du rill): 11ll' ~ "h perious o f ma lelic pla nd s. howeve r. there is
IIllUtlh'. hll ' :'> IIITOW and loss of bro thers Nc. (12) Also one goes to
hlll'i)'" Ia II (t, . There lire con niclS. destrllct io n of servan IS. eati ng of
IIlIwh"l\"'>nlll l' fund. sC'rv ice u n d e r o the rs. eOOlac! with bad
WOtl\UII. (1.1J

\:f1f~HWlOi : ~ <rc:J Ql q~R1q~q I

(1",lIoi tjgIF'lG\ ifJl(I'l'!'i ~ ' I ~'d I I

'd<'*lll'llOl1 ~l'll ft! ,"(I dlt'li (rf1 Iii" "I I
( INHlf:1f ~ '1(0 1 ~ 11 ~ '1.. 11
edlajf?!lr/io"i : qr;t ~, 'l4i$::<:J I
3Q$4(j4~ r 'JdI1Q I~';-ji;.,"l II ~ & I I
'ii.,<fik1(gflj ~ Q"Flhl( '{&i1I'l I
3.11' lfflfi: (1'J'lI1~ 'If\iif~I4<fl I 'i!l.,1j II ~13 1 1

During the sub periods of malefic planets in the main period of

Saturn locall!d in the 2 nd ho u~e. the native u ndergocs pu n ish ment
from th e government. There arc great oh stacles. & confinement in
prison. (14) The re is aL~o lo~ s o f spirits. hodily suffl.!ring. (ever. &
indigestion. loss of ruling powers. dl!al h of cows. hor . . es etc &
da nger from conveyance. ( 15)
During the sub period" of be nef1c planets. howeve r. Ihe native
Iw s a firm mind. He hel ps o th ers. amuses him~elfw it h gambling.
(16) Also he engages himself in secre ts of singing. he gels food.
cloth es & ornaments. his drorts bear fruit. He gets ruling powers
ruby. coral & gold. (! 7)

l?:"WH14 tI'Rl4 1r~ qlRHI ~ I

<64f<!lsoi ~g 14"'1:i'l'l I"'Hi"'iA", If I I ~ I I
3(f1 IE ~ jll'!fltfl5'(041U1("'IUiHiOj I
f1qH4~ '16"<'1 f"'J1 1 i:h ~~ I I,! i I
i{f4 'fll1 ~ 41'4 qIq<fi "'l' i ('t f4 i! I
~"' l fHi G*1<tlq ltA\lqJ'l4if~::n'l II~ II
~ 1qi'3l1~ ~ ",\1.,'1 I
Jf\fi114 fiJ I ~ '" I~II fi ~1i5 "'II * 'fl'T1"IJ I I'd I I

During Ihe main period of Mercury located in kendra & the sub
period of maldic pl a nets. the re are obstacles in undenakings.
grea t wo rry & the fi ckleness of mind. (I)
Atthattim e t h~ native gets hi:> zeal b roken. & loss of cows. lands.
gold and clothes. He fall~ from the r osi tion held. Gn.'al hatred &.
toss of education. (2)
During the sub-period ofa benefic Mercury having maleflcs in
kendra to it. the native performs a.:ts such as marriage. yagyas.
charity. religious acts. Japa etc. (3)
In this period there is profundity Of lhought friendship with the

ruler, prosperity of agricuhure, lands, cows. coral. ruby, pearls.
.;onveyalH:es, clothes & ornaments. (4)
$14:'4 f,j~OI!!ffi4:'4 1l;~1141 ql~1[ wffi' I
!I'I(!{lI1'41IW[ 1f "'''11i!' 14,,'1(,1)1"1 11'( II
iJI~ql~liJ'lI'1lit 1f ~~il"l.dQ ~ I
QT~ 1"Ii!llj~ ~ ~: II a. I I
~ ~EI$I~ qr$ ~, 1qi~'lj1:J I
'5IR~' 4l"1faE1'hA ~ 4tI"lQI'1lraell ~ 111.3 1 I
Bl111"11~dq'lIf:1111"1C41"11qIRl qr I
toi'J'1.,I"("l,4I~ 1tWI~~: 11t; 11

I )uring the main ruling period of Mercury located in trine and

[h l' .~ll h periud PI' malefics. the native get~ loss of wife. sons. wealth.
karlllllS & gels mental disease. (j) He also gets losses in agriculture.
[rulll', & loss of relatives. breaking of feet. great enmity. & enmity
wilh Ihe rdatives. During the main ruling period of Mercury in
trine OLnd the suh period of benefics tbe native gets good health,
(olllf(Hts & pleasure of high class drinks, He writes prose in his'
lIaml.' or he gets title or honour. He also gets good food. clothes,
(IlIUlIllL'nts & ruling powers, (8)
ttil6IEC'1'I<:i$l4:'4 qRqli ~ QlfCl'1I1'1 I
Ffr ~(IR:c\1l!5r ~ ~(kil{tI(Ql$1"1 11q, II
4i4_opt(ul _ 'i<:'llehl~7R1'~ I
~ql_ ~ {t~~""'ifQlffl"l~ Off: II ~o II
~ f7:I'III'3I'flIfCI ijl'1'1ffi'
1"18tliT: I
anilllj qslfM'tI" ~ ~q'1'd<dqoll'l I I ~ ~ II
qrrit QiQ1qtf 4i41~'t14'd ~tHiv"111 I
Ihi4tl16ljI~c\181 '" qletQl(,&i 1ql~144"i I ! ~ 'I: II
Durin!!: the main ruling period of Mercury located in the 6th or
Klh hOlL~l', and inlhe sub period of malefic planets the native gets
lnHlblc from thieves. & fire & fever & loose motions. (9) Also death
of n:lutivcs, mental worry. loss of servants, wife. & son. quarrel &
iI ['8111ll1.'1l1~ with every relative. if Mercury is in the 6th or 8th house
hut ill the sub period ofbl!nefics. the native gets great fame. good
Ih'lllth, lovely looks. worship of Gods & Brahmins, (11)
Thi.~ is the result in the early part of the sub period, there is loss
of h!lppines,~ in the end trouble relating to cows and buffalloes.
U~l' of ,,:urt speech & fear from the government. (12)

qe\i4141jdQ\fQ J'1'I"~ ~ ~ I
~. 'l4 I ffit~ ~ 1 1';'&:H11!14q II ~ ~ t I
fe:tJ l,.4 ,qldi)f;, 41"14 tlft;c$ ('I"q! I
4ifi~' i fMi ~ i<IOI>R<fJllfO:;$&j 11 ~'d II
M lfei"l#lF4 ~ qlq'Iffi ~ I
\ihr~ 'ff~!if "" hllSQ4 ,qQ'j1.,'1 I I ~'( I I
,,1(lf(ejf8"l4tfu"~ ~t"i?I'f1if4~Q.,q I
~z:hi14 1l~1M rnrf'4Qi"l1 "" Q'j&"l&j II ~ 5. I I

During the muin ruling r.:riod ufMe: rcury located in the 3rd or
Ihe l lih h(Ju ~ e. & the suh re:riorJ ora he:nclic planet the native: ge:ts
guod results. He hus palie:nl:c und 2(';.1 of mind, & collection of
m1k'l.:s from ah mad. (1.3)
'k hilS MH:C':SS in .:d ucalion. friendshir wil h the ruler & lakes
im igur:tling foou. engages in wor!...s like yagyas. marriage & hear-
ing etl: of Sal:t\:rJ Te:\\.~ from Ihe Pl,.lrUlll\s etc. (14)
During th~' muin reriod of such u Mercury i.e:. 'A-hcn iOl:aled in
Ihe Jrd or II til htlll~e. and the ~lIh pe:riod of maldic planets there is
,\l.relll Janger, l() .~s of brother <l nrJ sisters. impairment of some lim b
& trouble f' ,)I11 the ruicr. (15) Also fear from Ihievcs .. enemil:s &
lire. COllllhit;lI ioll with u despicahle womall, worship of bad dead
~oub. he h..'lI V1.'~ \l,ork, has loss in ugrku h ure. & trouble from
dep ha nts ; tll~1 horses. (16)

"l"lf{ll:ldliJl'VIt'4 qf(qll! ~ I
!fI(jf~ (i'Jlitot "" ~ f.wt ifln II N i l
Felliiffl ~Md~ 1l~In~11~ I
~ ~: ~. f.:I~i"l(o-QIi.,'1 I I ~ C I I
fa' AI 41 {kl t'4" tt'1 kj fQ qft qliiS dtiilq qlCfj I
R"~ Re i lil~ ~+iI<ddul'l II ~q, II
5j'\:q(lf~liUi<4 I a:1 !(i.,lilq.,.qlft!Ifl'l I
C\f{'l4 qlil.'\tl~ f!mrnm:f "" ~,,<n. II ~O It
Uuring. Ill\' ma in ruling period of Mercury localcu in (he 2nd
hUllS\.' &. (h ... suh period ofmillelic planets thc native gl'ts pun ish
ment from th ... gov.:mmenL arrest and im('lrisonmcn1. (17)
Then.' is lmubll.: from poison. hatred with r.:lativcs. loss of
agrkullure. c()w~, l<llltis en 111 it)" with It II. always acting ina charae-
t ... ril.'~s 111 it II IlN. (I Hi During the period when Mercury is in Ihc 2nd
h() u ~ .... the 11utive get~ weallll, and in Ihe suh periods of heneik

plalll'!S grcat income & thc worship of God~ & Brahmins. (Jl})
Th!.' n" also performs great acts Ii ke yagyas. eh urilY, japll !.'tc.
Thl' period is onc for being respected by rc!ilthes. There is great
clllhu~iusm. & gaiil of education. (20)


.j;dpt~'f<"4~ tm qlqeF';'RhU I
qr;Nrf 'li5II!!1 ,q:o(l(I~ "iQliH'" II ~ I t

'll"l"ilvt trt'zt ~ 't1('Pfq"iI~Hq I

I!fiz:l"ililf mQlq~t:+i1t4,i!1i1 "'1~'d 11'1 t I
IfIdlR'l<lIf'!lilE4'li'X1 ~'iff1~ ,qlf&liq t
i:h~l(l' li$t _ lII1i1f1:1ft Q'llil14"l II ~ I I
l'iH"ii5l('lI'.IIfi:ijQlil ~ 401l(1\1j11 I
dcjl'l~ 1!fi1141~ t;qllil<;14q"il~I"i"l I I'd I t

I )uring the main ruling pcriod ofKetu locatcd in a kendra& the

~llh period of malefics. the native gets dishonour. he has grCill
l'lIemity & trouble from the ruler. thieves & fire. (I) Also loss of
muther or death of himself & the loss of wife. son. loss of position,
IrLlslrutillll in undertakings. & sudden QUilrrels. (2)
I)uring the main ruling period of such il Ketu located in a kcn-
dra & the sub period, of benefic planets. the native gets love from
lht' ruler. wmforts & good health & cordi~1 meetings with
n'llltiws. (J)
III th!.' lsi plJrI of the sub period the native enjoys good fooJ.
dothes & ornaments. In the last pari. there is mental .~orrow. frus-
traliOlI in undertakings. trouble from sex & the death of
rdati\c s. (4)
f?i~amf~liffit4 :lialitfit ~iH'j(j I
efclf':1e:! 14"i~1iC~ ~bFcl FCif<!jijlq1j 11'( I I
$Iq'llfd;'l(oj FQ41"tfQ1"Ii!IIFQ ~ I
~HI\'f4Ifd'4t ;:mt "1<:4~"iFq(l~ t IS: II
~1'iJI1tt ~al91 qF(q!cf; efade:1 t
f!f~'iIW'li!1lt:11{m.n i1/,{('I'llll"lq 11131 t
""'\1I"ilq(~!!iII:I ;;j' 'i~I~ QJIi1411VIi I
if*('Cj ;1 fi!l1'1",<1"i14~E"'ft("'(!1t q~ij II t: I !
During the main ruling period ofKetu located in a trinal house.
&. tht suh period of malefics. the native gets hurning fc.::iings. &

various kinds of troubles. (5) There are de.aths of son etc & father.
also loss of position & wealth & o pposition from servants &
relatives. (6) When there is the sub pe riod of benefic plancts in the
main period o f Ketu. the native gains from agriculture. cows.
lunds. & gets education & thc cordial meeting with his relatives. (7)
He also has comfort c f good food. clothes: this is the re5uh during
the 15t portion o f the sub period. In the end of the period. there is
movement frolll the place & sudden quarrels. (8)
Q"'5i&'!I4&4Ilf144:4 !fiii~4 ~ I
Jfa: IR1ff ~ ~ q<nl'l411 II~ I I
II ~ @'i.?I'lIfC1If?:(1 I!i i!I~(1 ft.,dhJ., i i
q; f!i"'l l ~ ~i!i=d 11' 1lR4,f"\i8~'1q I I~ Oil
~ Et1kiIl8N!I ~ ret
f4lq'll~"'l I

~ i o:tjl!ll(~'i"i~ "'l!i3rR~(!tII:q.,'1 i I ~ ~ II
~(!fl::f ':q'ift<f ':q' ~(fqI~NM ~ I
fl':ltI'1I"""\'I$" NIUOOTtqj&., "I I I ~ ~ I t
During th e main ruling period of Ketu located in the 6th or 8th
ho use and the sub period ofmaldics. the native dies. goes abroad
0 r loses posi tio n in life. (9) He ex;perienccs loss of semen. urinal
troubles. colic pain. & trouble from the rulc: r. thieves or fire. This is
the result durillg the early part of the sub period & saml: increase
in happiness in ~he last part. (10) In the sub period of benefic
planets there is increase so far as sons & wife are concerned. The
na tive gets grains. clothes. ornaments. high class jewels & gold.
(II) He goes back on his words, has bravery. bUI fall of his va lue in
the eyes of olhers. enmity with his ow n relath'cs & trouble in head-
eyes & reclUOl. (12)
qiftlli!ll4'Ff.fij ~ : Qrii qt ~q I
~i"h'l r",fifillii(IfiOI"'l t I ~ ~ I I
~I!!~ \{fil1!'1li:t 'f rf\ji'iI{0'4fJW1ij I
1(k:;'(I',4 ~ t411'!l>JI'1,{Ndl"l I t ~ 'd I t
QTtj'f~ ~ :ten': QIQfl4t1QJ'q(i'j I
m f"''"1~4~4 ~\'G+:t, il,!ppj I I~'(II

QUit4 ~ ~ 'fh<JllI QI&tiil$I'" I

,,!1!f:e4a tpi'i":::1lf.ei GI('l'I~"I'Ii'i"l I l~ e.l l

During th e muin period of Kelu located in the 3rd or 11th house

& Ihe sub periorJ o f benefic planets. the nalive gets income etc from

Ill e rUlloI', he gains fine clothes & ornaments. (13) Conveyance,
lalld~ , ~,,:cllis and !lowers, He gets tax. rent etc from f-.r off & gets
Il" Ill'l'l from his rdatives. (14)

1)u ring Ihe sub period of malefics the native acts sinfully
1<)\\,; 11'.1 ~ olhcr beings, he becomes creator of obstacles for all, is for-
~ ;II..l' II hy rcl., lives. (15) He has to serve under others & to wear bad
d ul l1,', . This is Ihe result relating the lsI part of the sub period. AI
1111' l'II<1 \ If the sub period. he gets happiness & gain of wife. son &
\\'(',11111 (I ll)

ro iJlll sirall: the aspect ofRahu here is a birth chart The person
11'1"1 h i~ wire in the main period ofKetu & the sub pt!riodofRahu.

1<.111 11 I' illll\l c n ~' cd hy Sun. both are "Separativc" in nature. Hence
lCl ll lI III ii' 'lIh periOlI will throw the separative influence of Sun &
oj il,,'1I" 1111 Vl'IHIs-lhe lord & signitkator of the 7th house. Rahu
;11,11 ; 1'1ll" d~ tilL' 7th house-the house o f wire. Hence all the three
[";), 1.0 1"' rq1rl'scllling wifc i.e. the 7th house. ils lord & significator
\,,'!l II' h l'in~ under separative influence. there was st!panHion.

~.:r~4~f4lf... qfNI<fl ~ I
'flilfcl fqft:li,:j ~~ "'1fij'l""1 14'11('. Jlt{ I I ~\9 1 I
'rAf'l'ilifj,.t?l!Oli ;::n"Q"R qMI4<H! )
m'II wr ~ f!F:t ItRlld ~*I",i1'"t{ I I~ t; I I
"I11I1~ "HI~ " F!I'ilii!li 'JIlIIi!l5t{ i
'lii'uilt fA41S11 qlJt"fi"l(lfIui t{ I I ~<i, I I
1f'~ q:;{j'jQ4 4:4:;;8 ftftu::"ji5'l'l'i I
'11:f11 1(.r:4 fOP''''!! 11~ m I I~O I I
I ) 11 1I1I~'. till' main ruling period ofKelU localed in Ihe 2nd house,
,11\01 li lt , lIh period of malefic planets, the nalive gels many

tra ubks. H ... hal' la be~ for his food & su ni:rs m.:nlally. (1 7)
There i~ Ihe dc=slruclion of sons. friend s. wife. He gets his wea lth
lost hy th\.' ru ler. o r 'hie\ .:s & g.:ts death of his relatives. (18) During
[h.: .~uh period vI" hc=netic pla nets thae is acquisition of v.'ealth &
vicw!"y in in tl..'lk'(;IU;l1di s~uss ions. He doc." good 10 all & gels good
lOud. ..:\othes & o rnamentS: ( 19)
Th is is Ihe r ~' s u II in IhI.' I s1part ar lh ... sub perio d I n the e nd Ih ... re
is some ex pl' nd ilu n:,. ~urtnl.!s s of spl!ech. exciteml!nl of mind & the
fru stration in aclions. PO )


~fifl'~ 1 ('l1 W ,fli ~114I., f ~ rj14 <::1 ,
( IJl41ff'od ( IJle;::qlot ljHliiI(~li'N1lJ ,. ~ t I

3rt:1lg '*)ftHlqlflA1~t.l.,~q<::: ,
lOll'41ttt I'fofl'4t4 (I'Ui(l~Nt"Itll'I I r~ I I
~ ~Si0('4 qlq~) ~ I
~ iJj4+d "" l(!"l~4fit'1I'H'1 II ~ I I
IfHfllT~) "" "iii!! flil>:! W\i.,4if-::mr I
'1@ "j'{f'l ~1N ~ 1(~Ql I ,.,jI 1 4'1 I t ~ "
During th~' main ruling period of Venus lo~ated in k... nd ra & the
sub period o f hend"ic pl anets. the native g... ts rul ing po we rs a nd
honou r fr om th e governmc=nt, ~onveyance. cJ o th ...s and OTl W-
mcnls. (I) en1 hu sias m. fume. fonune. wife. SO li & wea lth.
funhe rence of prospcCh. pali ence of mind & prom in ence in the
service of governme nt. (2 )
During the ma in ruling period of suc h a Venus i ..... Vc nus
o~cupying a hndra & the sub pcrioJ of m aldi ~ phi nels. Ihe nat ive
gets loss o f wealth. bad food. bad cloth ... s. & destruti o n of gooJ
actions. (3)
This is the result in th ~ 1st partaf the suh peri od but 111 Ih~' end it
is good & the person gains ho use. cows. land. & wealth from fll r aff
places. (4)
f,ti[Q~~ f(lIlit:4 ~ ~f,!f,41 I
hr'f'dl'lRt,l!'{ 'id<::j(f;ut-lii I t'.t. j I
4~lf~if,q{t', tLf "f ~1'1<it ~lj'1 I
~t) lI:f h:tiffa "" "fMIQ4;:fj(1:.fIl 115.11
~ Wht:4 414'lffl "';'1(','... I
'*,i(i<44j!(41.~ 1q~(ill"'Qls1ii II~ I I

~... <I>I ~ " "'JI'I ",~."" I
f.~ ~lt1qM"1q1fi\~ iilq ",C lit;, I

During the main ruling period of Venus located in a trinal

ho use & the sub period of benefic planet the native undertakes
good actions. he worships Gods. & Brahmins & there is the pros-
perity of sons & wife. (5) He performs yagyas etc & gains cows.
ornaments. lands & gets victory. good heah h, lustre ofhody. & gets
the desired object During the main ruling period of such a Venus
i.c. Venus situated in a trinal house, & the sub period of malefic
planets there is mental sorrow. The native gets bad health &
cltceeds bounds of good conduct & gets trouble from the ruler,
thi eves. & fire. (7) He get,> unholy contact with woman of bad
repute, & bad conversation, gets hatred from relatives & confusion
of mind, gets bad dreams, fall after attaining position of height &
defame. (8)
~ f{llflfll ~'f'!It'Q f{li'lljfh~ '1i!i'll fIT: I
<I'ljij"'""lt:,:qI4ifta $?if'ltt::HEN<t : I I ~ I I

~fiI~18"'l1"'lf*,l'llll;~ ~ tRm";flJ I
"~i!I 'JU;:fhtl ~~tffio;qq"'lI!lAlJ I I ~ Q II
f/l'iU8N!I ~ il 481t1nl 1'l@~"1 I
q(l ;::;:f lllqfillfr<:! '1\li'lIIi4~'i"'''1 I I ~ ~ I I
'1Ul<lI~ q;(!1il~ BII<;a ~m ~ I
'<i(1ft:48~s:1 'i f!iiilEf'l1"'1 ~1"'l"l I I ~~ II
During the rna:n ruling period of Venus located in 6th, 8th or
12th house and the sub periods of benefic planels. the nati ve gets
much fame. honour from the ruler. acquisition o f wealth, sons,
wi fe, & other fortune. (9)
During the early pa rt of the sub period. the nati ve gets clot he:..,
co nveyance. orna ments & sorrow: a t the end. en mi ty with
relatives, death of guru. loss of his own relatives. During the sub
period of bene fies, he ge t~ good health & much happiness, enjoys
food at ex pense of others. gets silk clothes, scents & orna ments.
Th is is th e resu lt in th e early p art of the sub peri od. Trouble is there
in the end fro m thieves & loss of relatives. (12)
18i414'f'!1@i~ Qft:41o$ ~ I
~ dl'li:41c1lftl t:R\;II;::(j~11~i14 I I ~ ~ II
3tljl l l:Jillfl1ir~ ~ WI(lfi11Q Ql5"i4 I
l{fl1<u~ ~ "'I ~I"I {qq<:4!4 'I' I I ~ WI I

dtflfliGfil @fifll fIl't$~ 'Ii!i~q I
1q'{~1 ~ ClUl'llitNti4dl'l l I t '( II
qli!i;:f '1,'4u uFe:1 '( t.1?1H1"lf'lEfqq : I
RQI(I"ld:S:I I II'1f f.jq\bl "iq~hli!i+f l it 5. I I
During the ruling period of Venus located in the 3rd or 11 th
house & the sub period of malefic planets. the native gels discom
fort.loss of grains etc. frustration in efforts. mental worry. Irouble
from the ruier, thieves and fire. litigation regarding land, loss of
relatives. & loss of position. (1314) During t~e main ruling period
of such a Venus i.e. Venus in 3rd or 11th house & the sub period o f
benefic planets.. there is much happiness.. ho nou r from the rul er.
firmness of mind. ruling over a village or territory. aCQuisilio n of
conveyance. orn aments. sons, wife and servants. provision of
drinking water for others, construction of o rchards & tanks &
doi ng act$ of religion. (1516)
HftlfIIlfq f@tlw ,qid~ Q8R5iQ'l I
eWfAl4ti11~ '( eqiilq3l.,lalOli{ II ~IS 11

~\l13I4 q;fl0'!1I~ h't""'d~l&j I

4~I~qs:h!11':t '( Q1 ~' 'lIzc4 (NT II ~ 1: I I
G.,fe4dfi4 W'I'i'It 4lqid~ I{VI ~ I '
(l'lIIeo a ~'d Ci\1;)illl'bu4hH'1 11 ~q, l'
~,uql~ ~~ (fi41!!1~ Q4Wli"q I'!l1(1fi:41fa",. t!iLld f l tlWl4 :. II~ Q I I

During the main ruling period of Venu s located in th e 2nd

house and the sub period of benefic planets. there is much h arpi
ness. gain of wife. son, wealth and the protection of relatives. suc
cess in education. happy mood. worship of Gods & Brahmins.
perfo rmance o f acts like yagy"as. getting name o r titles. In the sub
period of malefic pla nets there is trouble. punis hme nt fro m the
govern ment. sorrow in mind. suffe ring from hea n attac k o.: tc. loss
of wo rk. fall from position & fear fro m thieves. enemies & fire. (17-


qt;('Nj04ifil _ ttf4'1IQ'141N I
m::tr lQl(i1(i(l14 Qej0f44 ~: II~ I I

f<I""~!I "'" .... '" "fl<!,

'"'" ~I
~~~'*l'fll ~ ~!ff ~~iwt ~ I
w;=r ~~'fllitt't (I~'li if)t!1jfl;cn'l IIi( II

In horoscopes where the nakshatra (asterism) is of increased

duration i.e. where it last for 24 hours on the previous day and
extends to the next day as well the native gets health. wealth etc.
Similar good results should be declared where tithi ( d;.ne) etc
also extends similarly. (l)
In case the tithi etc is of kshaya type with two lunar dates end in
a particular date & some pan of Ihe 3rd lunar dale also sians in
(hal day, the lunar dale coming in the middle orthe 3 lunar dates is
termed as "Kshaya" lithi. It is taken as a malefic tithi.
The longevity etc is short accordingly. The Iilhi may be kepi as a
unit, the aSlerism is tenfold in results & the lagna lakh times more.
The integrated results should be taken. (2)

1ii"'lfl:tii';11 <lI~f.:I ~ t4 QJqI,1I4 ~ hcncrl~t;I : ~:

~ illftl:'1~. ~1!I1t1!lF4a:.;ftI5'f. I <t([~'l I l q II
q14a! q:)Q' lafii ~ 1!I111f.Ga qlq&~: 111r<: I
orrf ~Qblftl m orr'ffI~q(lft'ltlt:4<tl~IIA: I 1\111
~ .. dlftW'l<tlIU ~ : ~ QI'1!i"l: I
'5l(!'QI!1: ftl l(Qtt'!i: q14&<::1 iU!'lHl :qiq~Irc,~~ ~ II'~ I I

All malefic planets if located in kendras give bad re sults. They

~ive poverty & many troubles like cough, asthma. spleen. tro ub le
n rectum and belly. (3) If a malefic planet occupies the 10th house
i( is in the sign of debilitation & is associated .wit h a retrograde
, Ianet & aspected by malefic planets. the native gets loss of his
vife. Similarly the result o f the occupa tion of kendras by male fi c
,Ianet is thaI the native gets in tro ubles. is fool ish. inim ically d is-

posed towards p~() ple. one eyed lame. ~r. without name, shorl
liveo, ill-disposed towards Brahmins and gets defamed. (5)
illi!fi(lfll<:!lOld g;-t!'!'o1 'IiR ~o:1i1 ~ ~ qrqr:
~ 'lI"",/fllcl ~ ~ 1
fa6ih4d t:"'::j1.iiil!!'">Il1'iUt dqlil~1 ,,1...1 rtf !fi
ltft t4lij I 1~ I I
a'4l~ t1ti'i'Iq)~IUmui t11$fJ"'ol t4i"'l"'l<ft q<%FkI I
f<S:%:q 1411 iI~ "i ~ q4lildj<=j IJii!t ~ fbtlf.1,jtllq : I 1\9 1 1
t11!11f{:<qa ",,,,,,f.t ~ i!fit4 iI",,:q 'l!f ~-:ilq(ot ~ CfltelJ
fq$$~'1 I'1< ffi 'iffifd<:1 'qq('ilq M 'ifi1F1 : i lei I
Acharya Shankar hy name is o flh e o pinio n that the bad results
viz short life etc ascribed to the location of a ll malefics in kendras
accrue. if the male tics includ e the malefic lord of the lagna as
well. (6)
Similarly in cases where there is yoga for'bec.:oming a kipg. the
location of planets in the Navamsha o f their signs of debilitation
gives s hort lire & disco mforls& the native gets trouble to his father
or his death, lives on charity &. has loss of a limb. (1-8)
f'!1..f11 "i I' I! ~ '1 t! Q41 i) II II fi:I '4 fI'I IIt! "'I H'4 it E'4 .i
llo:<;:81ihM) ~ llf( t41ti':r~;Qjll QQ;cl >.rtft1' i 1<:1, II
"t:"'::j'f_ <",,,.,'1 I Itl ",Ml tJ ~ "'I "r:t tI "'t (I f~ I
fC!l4'l "l GI' lift! 'It! q4'J~ Ji h:ft fQ '{q (~qfq qfa II ~ \) II
~ ~~ I "lOh 'iItti ~'it2i1"'1 QllHii ,
rnl'ii~41'iI'4 (j'lI41'1IfotZlf 4lt!i'l I j~ ~ I I
Even though 1ho! loca tion of pl.wets in the Navamsha of their
signs of debilitation in the case of people with Rajayoga. normally
cttncels such a yoga, yet if the kendras and trin ~s are occupieJ by
bFoelic p l a n ~ls the yoga co nti,lUcs. (9) Similarly, a perso n with
Itajayoga ha\'ing planets located in Navamsha of debilitation. but
having Ihe planet crea ting Rajayoga in lagna. located in its own
Navamsha is aspected by Jupiter& the lord oflhe 2nd ho use. still
gives rulersh ip. (10) Thus the results o r Rajayoga fo r planets in
debilitation Navams ha. (II)

~i!4.dlan ~ : 1'f : fltgE"Q If~: A'4lIllI: itI$E04 fa"mQq!~~ I
1~"'cnE'4 If;ql'1lOJ1~'i 4l"lIO<fIll1 6Ilir!!: l'1it(l~l ~ : ~ I ~ ~ II
The seco nd decante o f Aries.. all the th ree of Gemi ni. & the first
of leo are kno ....'ll as " Bird" decantes. The 2nd and 3rd d ccantes o f

Cancer. the !irst & 3rd of Scorpio & the 3rd of Pisces arc o.:alkd
., &!ICi1I .. or serpent decan{es. The firs! do.:o.:ante of Clpri<.:orll l~
called "Nigad" (related to hanging).

~: ~: 'fA""IJJ ~)Ojl,i-n I
'r"'11i""lB"l'"il ~ 'fA *,h Jbl(lf:wtt I I ~ ~ I I

'F"I$"'i!~1 4i'1"'1'f}(lkti:t',wm: I
'fA Ji'~11 Ul/flJ: liln.! f"'1 A@ : ~iq(i~r:t: i I ~ \1 I I
Sun. Mars and Saturn arc "dry" planets. Moon and Venus arc
watery. Mercury and Jupiter become watery if associated with
watery signs. otherwise they are dry. Aquarius. Cancer. Pisces.
Capricorn. Scorpio. Libra an.: wateI)' signs. other signs arc without
water. (1214)
Ji""",~;:ffi f!';14'f}(~'1: ~,<i: +!(:nt : ~~r [0:"'1$(
wit 1Oji<i~ Wi1\~?I: i
.<:!TIt itliRf ~ "oI"ifft"'~Jf."'::t liGR 1Ft <:It(liI"IIH,r:;4
""IH~ '}lilol I I ~ I I

The 9 planets belonging the 9 asterisms at birth are as under &

give results as indicated against each: 1st Sun. heat; 2nd McrcuIY,
lovely face; 3rd Rahu, losses; 4th Jupiter, possession: 5th Kelu. des-
truction; 6th Moon, fame: 7th Saturn, losses; 8th Venus. dexu!ta
lion; 9th Mars, death. In this order SUil. MercuIY elc come
every day.
e ml",,1~.lIr~",,"'1 q(fQ( ii(i"i<tltti "'II t; I
UiliO II" ..
<:fl141 ... 4 (1< IFe ftl fI (I'fi "11 "lql Flp"Hh'''n' lIfi1<f1~n :
ti\fftl14iRW<I <:1(1 NI "III!IISi c11 qii( I'fMJ(& '<1(1 : . ~ I I;: I I
'q",\iJI(I'R'i=il W": 41",4""41 i<-J("I<:1'1<m.1 'l4l'iql "ur-lim'.!""
f~"Iitl(R~~<4I 'Alq411~jI::j~1 : "ij/~!6f("'1+ii: <Il1(<tIItll1IF"'~I' "11<:) I I ~ I I

The "Badhaka" (frustrative) planets are in the case of people

with movable signs. The planets in the 11th house & the lord of the
II Th house, for those having fixed signs as their Ascendants, the
9th house lord & the planets :n the 9th house & for people having
common signs as their Ascendant. the 7th house lord & the planets
in the 7th house are Badhakas. The planets. lord of the sign
occupied by the "Kharesh" (22nd decante) & Mandi are highly
Radhakas (obstructive) karkas (s:$nificator) for the 12 houses are
I st house Sun, 2nd Jupiter, 3rd Mars, 4th Moon & Mercury 5th
JUpiter. 61h Saturn & Mars 7th Venus 8th Saturn, 9th Sun & Jupiter

10th Jupiter, Sun '& Mercury 11th Jupiter & 12th Saturn.

Karak for the 1st house is Sun both fo r health and honour.
Karka i.e. significator for the 2nd ho\lse is Jupiter which mea ns in
finan cial matter. Significa tor for the 3rd house is Mars which has
to be studied when considering younger brOlh ers. Significato r for
the 4th house is Moon in res pect of mother. & Mercury in respect
o f relatives other than o ur own family. We can include here Saturn
as th e signifi cator of lands & Mars as the significator of b uilt up
property & Venus as thl'; significator for conveyances. Jupiter is the
significatOf fOf the 5th nouse as son. Saturn is significator fo r the
6: h ho use as disease, while Mars is significator of enemies. litiga-
lion e:. injuries. Venus is the significato r o f 7th house as wife.
Salurn is the significator of tbe8th~hou . s e as lo ngevity. .Sun is
significa tor of the 9th house as: lath er & Jupiter as Guru &
governmental favour. Sun is signlllcator for the 10th house as
"Ruling" powers. Jupiter & MercuI)' both can be r.:onsidered as
significators for acts of charity. Jupiter can be considered as
significator fortbe II th house both as the elder brother& as finan -
ces. Saturn can be c<;,nsidered as the significa to r for the 121h house
as a " Separator"

fqq~ a l(ll(l1:r'f: !ijIV, f'ij~t1i1ll6tll(it: ~ : I I ~ I I
~ q t""1iJ{(4~il":4Im<:: 6tllfcl 'lth.j lqOll"'ll';P"l1 : Q e l hlfT,~: I I ~ I I

'CTt , of! qp! >J( lj f4:6tI Ifd~hIi q ij I6 e tlrtt qfq

';: s ~q~ & $i l q( m~ d ~31 ~~
f1!I~qfl'1 ~ :rUbl~'.!o 4~fa"'i Fa
~l1ctll"H';1'-~ ~ ~ ~""'
i '"1"i)i':"
q ( lqql<::Bid?l~.:ji<jOI!6tl I ($ : 'f'l': I I~ I I

Et \;I fIl fit ifiifi 14 q rff,m "ll4 t10,~ I

:;rt\:I !:t~ if" Iit?! e 'J fi: II~ i'1 \lSi 1
i:t11a ~ I :r;wil ~ : 11".1 i I
~~ fjl:j:,m31
d~" M6tl l 131 'it '141"1 f11 I141 '"1 "'41 ~ :r;1:\1{->mq
J"ii'!l~lql q :tl4~111f(1 @! le1iijl(~1 ~: 11'( I I

{I ttl \;If! If~ fq <:: I fll (e I0; i d'1l!; '1 /f4fd ( f=r
;j;f{l1 f~!.i " ij f~ f" OJ q:;j rd~It 11 ([ :::II

<ufI<ti(O I( I:)j ~ ct ~<ti( 0l' II() "(;]I'J"8'
s:j~ I' Ii~11'm
<ti&l~ifl\("' : 1{I'i: I 1& 1 1
~ ""'Elqq(~s\f"lljfd~o~4
'it! Ric::! fUI ~lflOllj =II i1<:i "'., q f!l11
, '
q "I1'l'fltil ltil Al!$4 ~iq;::li QI1l"
'1lI(::tI : ~: 11\911

lIW : IIfdooi0'i1$1($1 ~ : t i C: t 1

Sun is significator for father, prowess. health. purity of mind.

liking. spiritual knowledge, Moon is the significator for white
'coloured chonirie (an item of royal use) fame. pleasure, lustre of
body. beauty of face. mother. mind & peace. (1-2) Mars is the
significator for bravery. victory. fame, battle. <.:ou'rage. generalship.
executive power. sword. parshu (axe) adha kuma (spear) kuthar.
guns. bhindpal. efficiency in use of bows & arrows, patience, glow
of face. seriousness. sex. anger. growth of enemies. argumentation.
bad name, freedom of self. the foster mother & earth. (3) Mercury
is the significator for progeny. peace of mind humility. devotion.
intellect. uncles. relalives. communily. prosperty of gotra (family
tree) malhemalics. spirilUai inte!lccl knowledge of Vedanta, (4)
Jupiter is the significalor for:-
Power of eloquence. Mantras (including advisory capacity)
management of governmental affairs. spiritually established.
elephants. horses. conveyances knowledge of Vedas. karma (good
& bad). son. wealth. means of livelihood. yoga. throne. (5) Venus is
significalor for.-
Music. litera lure. enjoyment of service of othe.~ fine sexual
enjoyments of women and other amorous etc pleasures. Fine
beauty, ruling powers. charming innuence. winning Over the king.
Knowledge of magic. nowers. excelling others. yagic powers. all
types o f wealth & power. enjoyments & wife. (6)
Saturn is significator o f greed attachment. cruel. tormentor of
o thers. adamanl ill-disposed poverty. bad condition. disease.
wind. curt speech. buffalow. barley. black grains. longevity. means
of livelihood. (7) Rahu is significator of fame. honour. canopy
etc. (In


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