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Lexxi Angel

Professor Nate Hellmers

English 1201

30 January 2017

Barack Obamas Speech Summary

According to Barack Obama in his speech The Fiftieth Anniversary of the March on

Washington, all men are created equal and have certain rights that no man can take away. He

explained that even after many long years these rights were not being met. He also noted that in

the face of hatred, they prayed for their tormentors. Even when everyone was being violent

towards each other the victims sat peacefully and prayed. So, men and women from all walks of

life met in Washington D.C to petition the government.

It was emphasized that because of this march everyone who ever felt as if the they had

been wronged whether it be gays, blacks, jews, women and the disabled would be done justice.

It was said that on this day even though everyone had be through so much that something lit

within them and it would never die. To this day we must make sure that we are still continuing to

live with this justice and must make sure everyone is still being treated equally. Barack pointed

out this should have shortened the unemployment gap between whites and blacks but instead it

made it larger because, to this day twice as many African Americans are unemployed as white

people. It was said that if people just worked together than the gap would be sure to shorten.

Lastly he comments with that if enough people loved their country then they will have the power

to change it.

Works Cited

Obama, Barack,The Fiftieth Anniversary of the March on Washington.Lincoln Memorial.28

August 2013.Speech

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