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Briefly describe what the DACA and DAPA programs are

why the Obama administration believed them to be legal Executive Orders

why they were challenged by 26 states,
what the court's' decision was in the state's' legal challenge.

The difference between DACA and DAPA is that one is for children and the other
for parents. (DACA) stands for deferred action for childhood arrivals. Our 44th president
Obama created this new policy for any young immigrant that entered the United States.
That helps them have the ability to work and get an education at the same time and to
maintain any other normal experience living in america just to start fresh again. (DAPA)
which stands for deferred action for parents of americans and lawful permanent residents.
Or parental accountability and that it also helps parents apply for the green card. Obamas
main idea of his executive order that he put down to keep families together and not be
separated for those who had a criminal record to keep them here and protected with his
executive order. To bring them a new beginning and future by applying for work permits
to give them an experience of the american dream. The reason why the twenty six states
that didnt approve of obama's executive order was known things that came into their
minds that the crime rate would go up or just believe the main stereotypes that you
would typically hear of immigrants. Not giving them a chance just closing their door on
opportunity.Know with our new president he wants to do the complete opposite of
keeping families together and giving them a chance to achieve he wants to separate them
which nobody wants to witness.

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