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Being an avid reader of newspapers, my encounters with the news items related to accidents,

train derailments, ambulances facing the wrath of traffic immensely affected me. The loss of
lives, the trauma the survivors had to financially and emotionally triggered the inner me to
engineer solutions to these ever-existing problems thereby leading me towards transportation

Albeit involving the concepts of civil engineering transportation engineering also

encompasses the need for trans-disciplinary concepts like computer algorithms, image
processing, operations research, economics which further amplified my interest and opened
wider avenues for gaining knowledge. Being a part of Builder's Hive, the civil engineering
interest community of my college my interaction with fellow peers and some research on the
transportation systems prevalent in India unearthed a startling fact that even the best Indian
city is not half as good as some of its European counterparts in rendering services to the

Digging deep into the topic, I came to know that the Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS)
is the magic wand which can solve this problem. Also, I am currently ideating on a project in
designing a new transportation model which is set to involve the usage of MATLAB and a
traffic simulation software.

I firmly believe that even the smallest of the rocks is enough to create ripples in water
wherein I would like to play a role in enhancing the transportation system of India using this
internship as my stepping stone and to kick start a career in transportation engineering.

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