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The Time Machine

The Time Traveller is with a group of his colleagues. He talks to them about how space and time are relatively the
same thing. Most of them are not only befuddled with his claims, but very skeptical. He then shows him a model of his
time machine and how it actually works. This is important because it shows you what will be about. (1)

The next day, the Time Traveller leaves in his time machine to the unknown. He isnt exactly sure where he is going,
but he pulls the lever and starts moving so fast that he can see molecules rushing past him. This is important to the
timeline because it shows you where he will be going, and how he got there. (2)

The Time Traveller ends up in the very far future, finding himself in an unknown world. He meets these odd beasts;
the Eloi. The Eloi are less advanced evolved versions of humans. This part is especially important because it shows
you what he finds when he ends up in the future. (3)

While in the future, the Time Traveller meets an Eloi named Weena. He saves her life and she shows him gratitude
by letting him stay in her home. This is important because it leads up to important things in the future plot. (4)

The next morning the Time Traveller woke up and couldnt find the Time Machine. Although, next to where he left it
was a large building of a sphinx, he was very suspicious of the building because it looked large enough for his Time
Machine. (5)

While trying to figure out how to find his Time Machine, he stumbled across some heating ducts in the sphinx. The
Eloi warned him of the Morlocks, which are dirty, ugly beings who eat Eloi when the sun goes down. (6)

Next the Time Traveller tries to find his precious Time Machine and he finds the underground, which are filled with
scary Morlock. While trying to escape he almost dies because they try to kill him. (7)

Weena decided to come with him to one of his explorations. Unfortunately, the Morlocks decide to get revenge at
him. While the Time Traveller is napping, the Morlock come and take Weena and kill her. (8)

After he wakes up and escapes the Morlock, he decides to use a crowbar to help him get into the sphinx to find his
Time Machine. But everytime he tries to break in, he hears laughing. This gives you some suspense as to who the
laughing is from, and why. (9)

After he entered the sphinx, he realized that the Morlocks had spruced up his Time Machine. As soon as he got
there, the Morlock started to swarm around him, trying to attack him. He ran to the Time Machine just in time and
started it. (10)

The Time Traveller went through time into the future watching the world get more and more awful, eventually he
decided to go home. This is leading up to the moral of the story. (11)

When the Time Traveller finally gets home, he tells his colleagues about his adventure and how the world would
eventually end and how if we wouldnt change, it would end very badly. (12)

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