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Ivana Petrovi


Belgrade, 2009
Prirunik English language I je napisan, prevashodno, kao dodatni materijal

namenjen studentima Fakulteta za menadment nekretnina i Fakulteta za preduzetniki

biznis, Univerziteta UNION u Beogradu na predmetu Engleski jezik I, ali ga, zbog

svog sadraja, mogu koristiti svi oni koji ele da unaprede svoje znanje poslovnog

engleskog jezika. Materijal prati teme i gramatike partije predstavljene u prvom delu

knjige Cotton, D. Market Leader Intermediate Business English course book,

Pearson Education Ltd, 2000 koju studenti pomenutih fakulteta obrauju na

predavanjima i vebama iz predmeta Engleski jezik I. Teme i gramatike partije su

proiene i obogaene dodatnim vebanjima kako bi se studentima olakala priprema

kolokvijuma i zavrnog ispita iz predmeta Engleski jezik I.

Materijal se sastoji iz leksikog i gramatikog dela, i gradiran je po nivoima znanja u

cilju pomoi studentima da lake usvoje predvieni program. Takoe, Prirunik sadri i

primere reenih leksikih i gramatikih kolokvijuma, kao i pismenih ispita iz predmeta

Engleski jezik 1 iz nekih ranijih ispitnih rokova kako bi studenti lake sagledali ta ih na

testovima i ispitu oekuje, te da bi se za iste lake pripremili.

Autorka poziva studente da daju svoje ideje i sugestije u vezi sa ovim gradivom, kako bi

neka sledea izdanja Prirunika bila od vee koristi na njihovom putu da savladaju

poslovni engleski jezik.

Beograd, septembar 2009.



1. Translate the words/phrases:

a) infrastructure __________________________

b) issues _________________________________

c) profitability _____________________________

d) welfare benefits _________________________

e) flight of capital __________________________

f) head-quarters ___________________________

g) acquisition ______________________________

h) joint venture ____________________________

i) consortium ______________________________

j) franchising ______________________________

k) licensing ________________________________

l) local partner _____________________________

m) subsidiary ______________________________

2. Choose 5 words/phrases from the above exercise and make your own sentences:

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________

3. Give definitions of the following words/phrases:

1. in-plant ________________________________________________________

2. global enterprise __________________________________________________

3. to benefit from ____________________________________________________

4. retail chain _______________________________________________________

5. to lose temper _____________________________________________________

6. recruitment company ______________________________________________

7. respondent _______________________________________________________

4. Translate into English:

1. Da li biste eleli da ostavite poruku? __________________________________

2. Mogu li dobiti Va broj telefona? _____________________________________

3. Postarau se da dobije Vau poruku __________________________________

4. Bojim se da sada nije dostupan ______________________________________

5. Mogu li dobiti odeljenje prodaje, molim? ______________________________

5. Answer the questions:

1. What do companies do to improve their staff's telephone answering techniques?

2. Why do you loose temper on the telephone?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones?
4. Why are people more likely to express anger over the phone, rather than in face-to-face
5. What type of communication do you prefer and why?




U engleskom jeziku postoje tri stepena poreenja:

1) pozitiv - dark beautiful

2) komparativ darker more beautiful

3) superlativ the darkest the most beautiful

Iz samih ovih primera se moe izvesti zakljuak na koji nain se komparativ i superlativ

grade. Naime, kratki pridevi (jednosloni) grade komparativ dodavanjem sufiksa ER, a

superlativ dodavanjem sufiksa EST na pozitiv prideva. Dugi (sa tri i vie sloga) grade

komparativ dodavanjem prefiksa MORE, a superlativ dodavanjem prefiksa THE MOST

ispred pozitiva prideva. Postavlja se pitanje ta raditi sa pridevima srednje duine,

tanije onima koji imaju tano 2 sloga. U tom sluaju, oni se ponaaju kao jednosloni

ukoliko se zavravaju na ER, -Y ili LY (pretty-prettier-prettiest, holy-holier-holiest,

clever-cleverer-cleverest), a ukoliko se zavravaju na FUL, -LE ili ER kao viesloni

(doubtful-more doubtful-the most doubtful, obscure-more obscure-the most obscure,

hostile-more hostile-the most hostile).

S obzirom da je kod komparacije prideva prisutno poredjenje dve ili vie stvari, uz

komparative koristimo i re THAN (u znaenju nego, od)

You are OLDER THAN my brother.

Uz superlative, kao najvii stepen poredjenja, esto koristimo predlog OF:

She is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL OF all the girls in her school.

Posebnu grupu ine oni pridevi koji imaju nepravilnu komparaciju, tj. nemaju pomenute

nastavke. Najvaniji su sledei:

good better the best

bad worse the worst

little less the least

much more the most

many more the most

far further the furthest

far farther the farthest

Ukoliko elimo da uporedimo dve stvari koje su podjednakog kvaliteta upotrebiemo isti

stepen poredjenja koristei frazu AS......AS ili NOT AS.....AS.

My car is AS FAST AS your car. Moj auto je podjednako brz kao i tvoj.

He is NOT AS GOOD AS you. On nije tako dobar kao ti.


1. Make comparatives:

a) Employees earn __________ money than their managers. (much)

b) My father is ____________than my mother. (tall)

c) Some children are ________________ than the others. (happy)

d) My house is _________________ than yours. (small)

e) The book is _________________________ than the film. (interesting)

f) This is ____________________ than ever. (bad)

g) Your school is __________________than mine. (far)

h) Ive collected _______________ stamps than you. (many)

i) BMW is _______________________than Skoda. (expensive)

j) Well employ Mr. Smith. He is _______________________ than Mr. Jones.


2. Make superlatives:

a) She is ___________________ child in the neighbourhood. (polite)

b) Her flat is ______________________ in our building. (big)

c) I love this room. It has ____________________________ view. (beautiful)

d) That was _______________________ book I've ever read. (bad)

e) The hotel was __________________________ from the city centre. (far)

f) It is ________________________ place on the Earth. (cold)

g) Belgrade is ____________________________of all the towns in Serbia. (big)

h) This spider is ________________________of all of its kind. (dangerous)

i) Excercise A is ______________________ in the book. (difficult)

3. Use the phrase AS...AS or NOT AS....AS:

a) You are very clever, just like your sister. ________________________________

b) It was less hard than we had thought. ___________________________________

c) The book is interesting, just like the film. ________________________________

d) We are also hungry, like everybody else. ________________________________

e) It is not so cold today, as it was yesterday. _______________________________



1. Translate the words/phrases:

a) brand loyalty __________________________

b) to enhance brand awareness _________________________________

c) counterfeiter _____________________________

d) licensing rights _________________________

e) copyright abuse __________________________

f) to rip off ___________________________

g) fake ______________________________

h) merchandise ____________________________

i) corporate strategy ______________________________

j) to damage brand image ______________________________

k) to launch a product ________________________________

l) luxury brand _____________________________

m) market share ______________________________

n) target customers ____________________________

2. Choose 5 words/phrases from the above exercise and make your own sentences:

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________

3. Give definitions of the following words/phrases:

a) sales increase steadily ______________________________________________

b) to flood the market ________________________________________________

c) the goods were impounded by the police _______________________________

d) to uncover copyright abuse __________________________________________

e) to link the brand to poor quality merchandise


4. Translate into English:

a) Mislim da bi trebalo da podignemo nivo svesti o naem brendu


b) Bojim se da se ne slaem sa tim. _______________________________________

c) Po mom miljenju, ljudima se na brend dopada.


d) Mogu li neto da kaem? _____________________________________________

e) Potpuno se slaem. __________________________________________________

5. Answer the questions:

a) What are the main characteristics of branded goods?

b) What is your attitude towards fake merchandise?

c) How can a company fight against copyright abuse?

d) How loyal are you to the brands you buy?

e) Why are brands important?




Za govornike srpskog jezika, razlika izmedju vremena Simple Past Tense (trajnog

prolog vremena) i Present Perfect Tense (koje predstavlja jedno od sadanjih vremena u

engleskom jeziku) moe predstavljati veliki problem, s obzirom da se oba na srpski jezik

prevode prolim vremenom, tj. Present Perfect Tense u naem jeziku ne postoji.

Postavlja se pitanje kako onda prevesti sa srpskog na engleski jezik reenicu koja je na

srpskom jeziku u prolom vremenu? Odgovor emo dobiti ako se zapitamo da li je iz

reenice jasno kada se radnja dogodila, tj. da li je ta prolost vremenski odredjena. Npr. iz

reenice Kupio sam novi auto ne vidi se kada se to desilo. Samim tim, govornik

smatra da je ta informacija nepotrebna u datom trenutku i praktino vie eli da se

pohvali da je do pomenute radnje dolo nego da je stavi u odredjeni vremenski trenutak.

Zbog toga emo tu reenicu (iako je na srpskom jeziku izgovorena u prolom vremenu)

prevesti sadanjim vremenom i upotrebiti Present Perfect Tense, pa e ona glasiti I have

bought a new car. Ukoliko, pak, govornik navede vreme kupovine auta i kae, recimo,

Kupio sam novi auto pre dve nedelje, sama upotreba ove prole vremenske odrednice

ukazuje nam da reenicu moramo prevesti trajnim prolim vremenom, tj. upotrebiemo

Simple Past Tense i onda e prevod glasiti I bought a new car two weeks ago.

Da sumiramo, Present Perfect Tense je sadanje vreme i kao takvo spaja prolost sa

sadanjim trenutkom, tj. posledicom neke zavrene radnje koju imamo u sadanjosti

(govornik ima nova kola SADA iako ih je kupio u nekoj vremenski nedefinisanoj

prolosti). Ono se koristi i da saoptimo neko svoje iskustvo, javimo neku vest ili se

pohvalimo neim to smo dobili/uradili, kao to je to sluaj u reenicama:

My sister has worked for this company for 10 years!

She has got a baby!

I have been to London.

Simple Past Tense je prolo vreme kojim se opisuje radnja koja je zavrena u nekoj

vremenski odredjenoj prolosti. Zbog toga u reenici mora postojati vremenska odrednica

koja nam ukazuje kada se tano radnja dogodila ili ukoliko je nema, sagovornik mora biti

potpuno siguran u to kada se desila, kao to je to sluaj u reenicama:

I visited my parents yesterday.

She left Belgrade 2 months ago.

Last summer, we were in Greece.

I liked mathematics when I was at school.

U odabiru vremena nam mnogo mogu pomoi i tzv. prilozi za vreme. Za Simple Past

Tense oni nam jasno pokazuju da je do radnje dolo u prolosti, tako da su nam pouzdan

pokazatelj prilikom odluivanja oko toga koje vreme treba upotrebiti i to su

YESTERDAY, LAST, AGO, IN 1999, WHEN I WAS A CHILD... Medjutim, oni koji

se tiu Present Perfect Tense-a, obino su karakteristini za sva perfektna vremena i





1. Put Present Perfect Tense or Past Simple Tense where necessary:

a) I ____________________(not see) him for a long time.

b) He ___________________(not be) here since Christmas.

c) What ________ you ________(have) for breakfast today?

d) Last year, they _____________ (spend) their summer holiday in Turkey.

e) I ____________ (study) French when I was in school, but I

____________________(forget) most of it.

f) She ____________________(not find) a husband and she is 40!

g) How long ________ you _____________ (learn) English?

h) They ______________(move) to New York ten years ago.

i) __________ you __________ (been) to London? Yes, I __________(be) there

last year.

j) She _______________(look) well, when I ____________(meet) her last time.

k) _____________you already ________________(book) the flight?

l) _________you __________(hear) that Mr. Jones _______________(leave) last

week? __________anyone___________(be) appointed to take his place?

- I believe several men ___________________(applied) for the job, but so far

nothing ____________________(decide).

m) My brother ___________________(live) in Moscow for 10 years.

n) I _____________________(intend) to call on you yesterday.

o) How long ______________they ________________(live) at their present


p) My parents ______________________(live) in Nis since 1975. They

________________(live) in Novi Sad from 1960 to 1975.

q) He _______________________(help) me last time.

r) I ____________________________(work) in this company since 1999.



1. Translate the words/phrases:

a) jet lag __________________________

b) overbooking _________________________________

c) queue _____________________________

d) trolley _________________________

e) cancellation __________________________

f) hand luggage ___________________________

g) leaflet ______________________________

h) questionnaire ____________________________

i) accommodation ______________________________

j) economy/business class ______________________________

k) special offer ________________________________

l) prize draw _____________________________

m) voucher ______________________________

n) feedback ____________________________

o) misbehaviour ______________________________

p) runway ______________________________

q) cabin crew _______________________________

2. Choose 5 words/phrases from the above exercise and make your own sentences:

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________

3.Give definitions of the following words/phrases:

a) Fill in the enclosed questionnaire ________________________________

b) Attached leaflet ______________________________________________

c) Verbal/physical assault ______________________________________

d) Long queues at check-in _______________________________________

e) Extensive network of major destinations


4. Translate into English:

a) Da li bismo mogli da se nadjemo u sredu u 9 sati ujutro?


b) Da li ste slobodni sledeceg meseca? _______________________________

c) ao mi je. Ja ve imam zakazano u to vreme


d) Bojim se da neu moi da dodjem u sredu __________________________

e) Moemo li ugovoriti neko drugo vreme?


5. Answer the questions:

a) What do you like most about travelling?

b) What do you like least?

c) Can you compare travelling by plane and by bus?

d) What are advantages of travelling by car?

e) What are disadvantages of travelling by plane?




Izraava odluku, predlog, nameru, ponudu, zahtev, prognozu, nadu, obeanje,


I will stop quarelling and go to sleep.

You'll regret it.

It will be a nice day tomorrow.

I will bring you that book.

It will take place in October.

Will you do that for me?

Takodje, Future Simple Tense se koristi i kao deo prvog kondicionala:

If I learn English, I will pass the test.


Izraava nagovetaj onoga to e se desiti (I'll be studying tomorrow) nasuprot Simple

Future Tense koja izraava jaku nameru, obeanje da e se radnja u budunosti desiti (I'll

study tomorrow).

Shodno tome, ukoliko kaemo reenicu u Simple Future Tense He will not come

tomorrow, to bi znailo da on ne dolazi zbog toga to je to odbio i ne eli. Prikladnije je

rei He will not be coming tomorrow to bi znailo da nije u mogunosti da dodje.

3) WILL + BE + PAST PARTICIPLE (III kolona nepravilnih glagola ili pravilni glagol

sa nastavkom ED) FUTURE PASSIVE

Ova konstrukcija nije nita drugo nego pasivni oblik vremena Future Simple Tense i

kao svaki drugi pasiv, sledi formulu to be + past participle. U ovom sluaju, pomoni

glagol TO BE u buduem vremenu glasi WILL BE.

The goods will be delivered tomorrow.

4) WILL + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE (Future Perfect Tense) za svrenu radnju

koja e se zavriti do nekog trenutka u budunosti i

WILL + HAVE + BEEN + -ING (Future Continuous Tense) za nesvrenu radnju koja

e u tom trenutku u budunosti jo uvek biti u toku.

By next year, we will have produced 50t of sugar.

By the year 2015, he will be living in this city for 40 years.


1. He hasnt finished yet. He __________________________(mend) this car until


2. I dont think so. By midnight, he _______________________(mend) it, for sure!

3. Yes, but by midnight, he ____________________________(mend) it for 10 hours!

4. The most important thing is that tomorrow, the car _________________________

(mend) and that we ________________ (drive) them back home.

5. I hope they ___________________________(repair) this road by the time we come

back next summer.

6. Teacher: I ______________________(not have) boys here with long hair, so get your

hair cut. If you come here tomorrow with long hair, I

______________________(send) you home. Boy: All right, I ______________(not

come) tomorrow! I __________________(find) a job!

7. I wonder what we ____________________(do) this time next year.

8. I am determined that my son ___________________(have) the best possible


9. I am sorry, but I ______________________(not see) her. She

____________________(leave) by the time I arrive.

10. As soon as the shops open, we _____________________(go out).

11. Ive fished that river every year for the last fifteen years. Well, nobody

______________________(fish) it next year because the water is polluted and the

fish are dead.

12. By the end of next year, I _______________________(work) for him for 35 years!

13. I _____________________(be) back again at the end of next month.

14. I hope I ______________________(pass) my driving test by then. If I do that, I

__________________(pick) you up at the station.

15. You __________________________(not use) your car when youre on holiday, will

you? No, but dont ask me to lend it to you because I ___________________(not do)

it. Not after what happened last time.



1. Translate the words/phrases:

a) eye-catching advertisement __________________________

b) commercials _________________________________

c) exhibition _____________________________

d) free samples _________________________

e) leaflets __________________________

f) prime-time TV slots ___________________________

g) ad(vertisement) ______________________________

h) retail outlets ____________________________

i) target consumers ______________________________

j) to launch a new product ______________________________

k) competitors' products ________________________________

l) point-of-sale _____________________________

m) public transport ______________________________

n) market research ____________________________

o) to persuade consumers ______________________________

p) sponsorship ______________________________

q) to promote new product _______________________________

2. Choose 5 words/phrases from the above exercise and make your own sentences:


2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________

3.Give definitions of the following words/phrases:

f) To receive admiring glances ___________________________________

g) A multinational advertising ideal _______________________________

h) To appeal to clients __________________________________________

i) Ads created specifically for local markets __________________________

j) To outline the campaign concept ________________________________

4. Translate into English:

a) eleo bih da vam poelim dobrodolicu u svoje ime i u ime kompanije.


b) Govoriu vam o idejama do kojih smo doli za novu kampanju.


c) Ovo su rezultati istraivanja trita.


d) Podelio sam prezentaciju na 4 dela


e) Ukoliko imate nekih pitanja, molim prekinite me bez oklevanja.


5. Answer the questions:

a) What types of advertising can you think of?

b) What are advantages and disadvantages of commercials?

c) What do you think of using children in advertisements?

d) What is your favourite advertisement/commercial and why?

e) Should certain advertisements/commercials be banned?




U engleskom jeziku postoje dva lana: neodreeni a/an i odreeni the. Postoje

mnogobrojna pravila u vezi sa upotrebom lanova, a mi emo ovde navesti samo ona



Neodreeni lan se koristi kad prvi put neto spominjemo, tj. spominjemo informaciju o

kojoj na sagovornik jo nita ne zna. Stavlja se ispred brojivih imenica i esto se koristi

u znaenju jedan. Zbog toga se u mnoini ne upotrebljava, ve se izostavlja ili se

umesto njega potrebljava re SOME.

a book (jedna, neka knjiga, bilo koja, sagovornik ne zna tano na koju mislimo)

Give me a book. Daj mi neku knjigu (bilo koju).

Give me some books. Daj mi neke knjige (bilo koje).

Neodreeni lan A dobija oblik AN ukoliko se re koja mu sledi izgovara na samoglasnik

(a, e, i, o, u)

an island, an uncle, an egg, ali i an hour (jer se slovo H ne uje u izgovoru).

Jo neke upotrebe neodreenog lana:

Kada se imenica uzima kao predstavnik itave vrste/klase/roda, a u jednini je

A lion is a wild animal. (lav kao predstavnik itave svoje vrste...svi lavovi su divlje


Kada se imenica nalazi iza glagola TO BE, tj. kad je imenica komplement

She is a student. He wants to be a teacher. You will be an expert.

U frazama poput: a lot of, a great deal of, a couple of, a dozen, a hundred, a

thousand, a million

U distributivnim izrazima: once a week, twice a year, four times a day, 100

miles an hour, half a kilo

U razlomcima: a third, a half, a fifth (u znaenju jedan)

Ispred rei FEW i LITTLE u znaenju odreene, ali dovoljne koliine:

I have a few real friends Imam nekoliko pravih prijatelja (zadovoljan sam


I have a little milk. You don't have to go to the shop. Imam malo mleka

(dovoljno za ono to mi je potrebno). Ne mora do prodavnice

Ispred imena ili prezimena ljudi samo u znaenju neki, ne znam koji:

A Mr. Smith would like to see you, sir. Neki g. Smit bi eleo da Vas vidi,


U frazi WHAT A....! (za jedninu): What a lie! What a beautiful day!

(u mnoini se lan izostavlja: What lies! What bauties!)


Odreeni lan THE se koristi ispred imenica sa kojima je sagovornik ve upoznat,

odnosno kad oba sagovornika znaju o emu se radi.

There is a man in the street. The man is wearing a hat.

Postoji jo dosta pravila o upotrebi odreenog lana, a pomenuemo samo najvanije:

Za stvari/pojmove koji su jedinstveni: the Earth, the moon, the sky, the

Equator, the Queen, the President...

Ispred imenice koja je blie odreena nekom frazom koja je opisuje pa sagovornik

zna na ta govornik misli: the lady in red, the child with a stick, the place I've

been to, the prince of Wales, the pen that you have in your hand....

Ispred Saksonskog genitiva ('s): the butcher's shop, the father's job...

Ispred poimenienih prideva (prideva koji se ponaaju kao imenice) koji

oznaavaju itavu klasu: the sick (bolesni), the dead (mrtvi), the rich (bogati)...

Ispred naziva novina i asopisa: The Times, The Economist...

Ispred naziva nekih zgrada, hotela, brodova, institucija, bioskopa, lokaliteta...:

The House of Parliament, the Odeon cinema, The Palace Hotel, The Panama

Canal, The Sava Valley...

Ispred geografskih pojmova koji imaju oblik mnoine: The Alps, The East

Indies, The United States, The Soviet Union, The Netherlands...

Ispred naziva reka, jezera, mora, okeana, zaliva...: The Danube, The Adriatic,

The Pacific

Ispred naziva nacija u mnoini: The Serbs, the English, the Chinese

Ispred delova dana: in the morning, in the afternoon

Ispred rei same: the same

Ispred rednih brojeva: the first, the second...

Ispred superlativa prideva: the best friend, the most beautiful girl...

Posle rei half i all: all the people..., half the time...

Ispred prezimena u mnoini koja oznaavaju itavu porodicu: the Simpsons, the


Ispred delova tela: She was hit in the head (or her head)


U engleskom jeziku postoje pravila i kada se lanovi ne smeju stavljati:

Ispred vlastitih imena (ljudi, gradova, zemalja, kontinenata, parkova, trgova,

ulica...). Izuzetak su pomenuti nazivi koji imaju oblik mnoine (the Netherlands),

npr. za drave koje su federacije (the United States of America), The Hyde Park,

The Hague, the Baker Street...

Ispred apstraktnih imenica: beauty, music, art...

Ispred gradivnih imenica: wood, glass, milk, sugar...

Ispred naziva obroka: brakfast, lunch, dinner

Ispred superlativa priloga: Most people know that...I like it best.


Put a/an, the or / into the gaps:

1. They went to ____ party yesterday.

2. _______ ship you were speaking about has just come into ______ port.

3. We had _____ dinner in ______ small restaurant. _______ restaurant was just


4. What _______ horrible song!

5. _______ table has four legs.

6. _______ table is laid and _________ breakfast is ready.

7. _______ cat is ________domestic animal.

8. ________ Mr. Smith is looking for you. I don't know who he is.

9. He fell and broke ________ leg.

10. What's ________ weather like today?

11. My friend is ________ very intelligent man.

12. He is ________ Englishman.

13. We have English lessons twice _______ week.

14. She was teaching at _________Belgrade University.

15. ______airport is closed today.

16. My niece is ________most intelligent girl in _______school.

17. When do you expect _______ Browns?

18. _______curiosity killed _______ cat.

19. There is _______ cloud in _______ sky.

20. He said he was ______employee of _______gas company and had come to read


21. _______fog was so thick that we couldn't see _______side of ______road.

22. I think that is quite _______ cheap restaurant.

23. There will always be _______ conflict between ________old and ________young.

24. Mrs. Jovanovic is ________ best teacher in our school.

25. I ate _______ banana for lunch.

26. _______Mr. Jackson is _______ old customer and _______nice man.

27. I am ________ self-employed man.

28. We only have half ________hour to do _______job.

29. _______friend of mine is expecting _______ baby.

30. What ________name to give ________girl!

31. He is _______vegetarian. You won't get ________meat in his house.

32. We had _______fish and ________chips for _______lunch.

33. War criminals are taken to ________Hague in _______Netherlands.

34. Her wedding party will be in _______Palace Hotel.



1. Translate the words/phrases:

a) appearance __________________________

b) handwriting _________________________________

c) marital status _____________________________

d) sickness record _________________________

e) maternity leave __________________________

f) sick leave ___________________________

g) recruitment ______________________________

h) a graduate ____________________________

i) easy-going person ______________________________

j) quick-tempered person ______________________________

k) abilities ________________________________

l) low esteem _____________________________

m) skills ______________________________

n) references ____________________________

2. Choose 5 words/phrases from the above exercise and make your own sentences:

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________

3. Give definitions of the following words/phrases:

a) Growing number _________________________________________________

b) Human resources _________________________________________________

c) Unfair dismissal __________________________________________________

d) Professional appearance ____________________________________________

e) Good impression __________________________________________________

4. Translate into English:

1. Hajde da se bacimo na posao. _________________________________________

2. Dozvolite joj da zavri. ______________________________________________

3. Moemo li se vratiti na to? ___________________________________________

4. Mislim da ovo moramo jo malo prodiskutovati. __________________________

5. Moda bismo mogli da se vratimo na stvar. ______________________________

5. Answer the questions:

a) What are the most important personal characteristics that employers look for in

potential employees?

b) What skills are usually needed when looking for a job?

c) How important is appearance in looking for a job?

d) How important for a company is choosing the best candidate for a job?

e) Which questions are you normally asked during a job interview?



U engleskom jeziku postoje pitanja se mogu podeliti na:

1) Da/Ne pitanja (Yes/No questions) koja u srpskom jeziku poinju sa Da li? i na

koja se odgovara sa Da ili Ne (tj. Yes/No). Ona se postavljaju po sledeem modelu:

Pomoni glagol u odredjenom vremenu u kome je pitanje + subjekat + glavni glagol


Are you reading this text? - Yes, I am

Will you come home after school? -Yes, I will.

Have you been to New York? - Yes, I have.

Does he like the faculty? - Yes, he does.

Had they bought the tickets before they went to the cinema? - Yes, they had.

2) WH pitanja (WH questions) su ona koja poinju nekom od upitnih rei/fraza koje

poinju na WH kao to su WHEN, WHY, WHAT, WHERE, WHICH, pa i HOW. Ova

pitanja se postavljaju po istom modelu kao i Yes/No questions uz dodatak pomenute

upitne rei/fraze ispred, tj.

Upitna re/fraza + pomoni glagol u odredjenom vremenu u kome je pitanje +

subjekat + glavni glagol


Why are you reading the text?

When will you come home after school?

How does he like the faculty?

Where had they bought the tickets before they went to the cinema?


1) subjekatska koja tragaju za subjektom i poinju sa WHO ili WHAT


Who is your father? Peter is my father (Peter je subjekat u ovoj reenici) ili

What is the colour of the sky. Blue is the colour of the sky.

2) objekatska koja tragaju za objektom

He got the job. What job did he get?

S obzirom da u engleskom jeziku ne postoje padei, red rei u reenici/pitanju

je veoma bitan da bismo bili sigurni da e nas sagovornik dobro shvatiti. To

e se najbolje razumeti ako na primeru jedne reenice napravimo i

subjekatsko i objekatsko pitanje.


She interviewed him.

1) Who interviewed him? (ako elimo da znamo ko ga je

intervjuisao, tj. ako nam treba subjekat ove reenice) ili

2) Who did she interview? (ako elimo da znamo objekat, tj. koga

je to ona intervjuisala).

Iz ovog primera najbolje vidimo da se WH pitanja prave po modelu koji sam navela u

odeljku I samo ako su objekatska. Subjekatska se prave na laki nain tako to upitne

rei WHO ili WHAT dolaze na mesto subjekta, a red rei u pitanju ostaje isti kao u

potvrdnoj reenici.


1) direktna (koja se takodje prave po pomenutom modelu)

2) indirektna (koja su, zapravo, prepriavanje nekog pitanja, tj. nita drugo nego

potvrdna reenica tako da kod njih ne dolazi do inverzije)


Direktno pitanje bi bilo Where is the post office? (pitanje pravljeno po modelu i u njemu

IMA inverzije, tj. pomoni glagol IS dolazi ispred subjekta THE POST OFFICE)

Indirektno pitanje bi glasilo I always forget where the post office is. (ovo pitanje ne

sadri inverziju, tj. pomoni glagol IS dolazi iza subjekta THE POST OFFICE).

Indirektna pitanja esto koristimo u poslovnom jeziku, jer su ljubaznija. U tom sluaju,

ona jesu pitanja, ali red rei ostaje kao u potvrdnoj reenici.


Could you tell me where the post office is? Ili

Do you know where the post office is?

U oba ova pitanja inverzija je na samom poetku (pomoni glagoli COULD tj. DO ispred

subjekta YOU) tako da za njom nema potrebe kasnije, kada se pomene THE POST



1. Napravite yes/no pitanja:

a) I like music, and you? ______________________________________________?

b) I respect my parents, and he? ________________________________________?

c) I have been to London, and they? _____________________________________?

d) I am interested in sports, and she? ____________________________________?

e) I had prepared before I gave a speech, and you?


f) I am watching TV, and she? _________________________________________?

g) I was watching the quiz yesterday around 8, and you?


h) I am going to Turkey on holiday, and you?


i) I will send you a postcard, and you? ___________________________________?

j) I have met the President, and she? _____________________________________?

2. Napravite pravi red rei u pitanjima:

a) it did where you find?


b) buy want do a to shirt you?


c) you what to discount us give can?


d) delivery who for responsible is?


e) party were the they invited to?


f) child the could party our bring we to?


g) beautiful you visited place have such ever a?


h) world what river the is in longest the?


i) well your are doing you job?


j) please you her could let finish?


k) have years you in how you me five tell changed the

could last?


l) colleagues you I know say what about would to like your?


m) decisions what think employers' of you the do?


3. Postavite pitanja tako da odgovor bude re koja je podvuena:

a) Last year we lived in Paris. __________________________________________?

b) She saw me at the party _____________________________________________?

c) I will come as soon as I finish. ________________________________________?

d) We are listening to music. ___________________________________________?

e) My family always go on holiday in September ___________________________?

f) His brother applied for the job. _______________________________________?

g) Non-smoking staff always complain about the smoke.


h) People remember advertisements, not products.


i) Passangers feel safe? _______________________________________________?

j) They wanted him to conform to the company's new image.




1. Translate the words/phrases:

a) dumping __________________________

b) protectionism _________________________________

c) liberalise _____________________________

d) deregulation _________________________

e) quotas __________________________

f) tariffs ___________________________

g) customs ______________________________

h) subsidise ____________________________

i) infant industries ______________________________

j) strategic industries ______________________________

k) shipment ________________________________

l) insurance _____________________________

m) delivery ______________________________

n) protected industries ____________________________

o) the letter of credit ______________________________

p) the rate of commission ______________________________

q) terms of payment _______________________________

r) Chamber of Commerce ___________________________________

s) warehouse ______________________________

t) retail outlets _____________________________

u) wholesale _______________________________

v) Bill of Lading ____________________________

2. Choose 5 words/phrases from the above exercise and make your own sentences:


2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________

3.Give definitions of the following words/phrases:

1. To be confirmed by your correspondent bank in Argentina.


2. The specification of the goods we ordered


3. Please, find enclosed the list of wines we ordered.


4. The total value of the contract is 50,000 EUR.


5. To comply with all regulations __________________________________

4. Translate into English:

a) Moemo li sad poeti, molim?


b) Ukoliko naruite sada, daemo vam popust


c) Biemo spremni da vam ponudimo bolju cenu ukoliko poveate



d) ta imate na umu?


e) Mislim da se moemo sloiti sa tim.


5. Answer the questions:

b) What do you think about the quality of imported goods?

c) Which country do you think our country import from most?

d) What can be obstacles of trade?

e) Is protectionism in favour or against free trade?

f) What are advantages and disadvantages of free trade?



Kondicionali ili uslovne reenice su one reenice koje nam govore ta e se dogoditi ako

se ispuni odreeni uslov. U engleskom jeziku ih postoji 3, a tzv. prvi (realni)

kondicional se esto koristi u poslovnom okruenju, u pregovaranju. Realni se zove zbog

toga to je realno oekivati neku navedenu posledicu ako do ispunjenja uslova doe.


Ako poveate vau narudbinu, daemo vam 10% popusta.

If you increase your order, we will give you 10% discount.

Kao to se moe videti iz ovog primera, kondicionalni (uslovni) deo reenice (u ovom

sluaju stoji na poetku, ali ne nuno i poinje sa IF) je u Simple Present Tensu (ili u

Present Perfect Tensu). U drugom delu reenice moe se, kao i u ovom primeru, nai

Future Tense (will) ili alternativno jo jedan Simple Present Tense ili imperativ

(zapovedni nain).

Dakle, formula glasi:


If klauza Glavna klauza

Simple Present Tense Future Tense (will)

Present Perfect Tense Simple Present Tense



If he wants to go, he will go. (Present Simple + Future Tense)

If you water flowers, they grow (Present Simple + Present Simple)

If you make a promise, keep it! (Present Simple + Imperative)

If they have not heard your wish, they will not know how to do it. (Present Perfect +

Future Tense)

If I have offended you, I am very sorry (Present Perfect + Present Simple)

If you have done wrong, correct it! (Present Perfect + Imperative)

II KONDICIONAL (nije realno oekivati ispunjenje uslova, tako da se o posledici samo

hipotetiki govori)


If I were1 a princess, I would live in a castle.

S obzirom da, naalost, nikada neemo biti na mestu te princeze, nerealno je oekivati

proirenje ivotnog prostora te vrste.

Ako u ovoj reenici pogledamo kombinaciju upotrebljenih vremena, videemo da se u

ovoj vrsti kondicionala upotrebljava Simple Past Tense u IF delu reenice, a u onom

drugom delu (bez obzira na to gde mu je pozicija u reenici) tzv. Future in the past, tj.

would + infinitiv. Ponekad se u IF delu reenice upotrebljava should pa bi reenica


If I should tell you, you would not believe.

If klauza Glavna klauza

Simple Past Tense Would + infinitive


Were je tzv. subjunctive oblik i upotrebljava se u II kondicionalu za sva lica

If I knew the problem, I would offer my help.

If I were you, I would apologize to him.

If a child were to meet a dangerous dog, he would be scared.

You would accept the invitation, if they invited you.

You would give me your seat, if you were kind.


U ovom kondicionalu takoe nije realno oekivati ispunjenje uslova, pre svega zato to se

oni odnose na vreme koje je ve prolo, pa ne moe doi ni do posledice.


If I had known of your arrival, I would have met you. (but I didn't know, so I didn't

meet you)

Kao to se iz ovog primera vidi, kombinacija vremena je sledea:

If klauza Glavna klauza

Past Perfect Tense (had known) Would + have + past participle (-ed za

pravilne ili III kolona nepravilnih glagola)

If you had listened carefully, you would have understood.

If they hadn't watered the garden, the plants would have died.

If it hadn't rained yesterday, they would have stayed at home.

If we had attended his lectures, we would know the answer to his question.

If I had seen him, I would have helped him.


1.Napravite I kondicional:

a) If you _____________(come) to visit us in Belgrade, we _________________

(show) you the city.

b) If you _____________(see) a snake, ______________________! (not panic)

c) He ____________________ (be) sorry, if he _______________________(miss)

the party.

d) We _________________________(not come), if they

____________________(show up).

e) If the weather _________________(be) good, we ___________________(go) out


2.Napravite II kondicional:

a) If I _____________________(be) you, I _____________________(enrol) that


b) If he ____________________(see) me, he ____________________(say) hello.

c) We _______________________(not be) here, if they

_____________________(invite) us.

d) My father __________________________(help) you, if he


e) Be assured that we _________________(join) you, if we

_______________________(receive) the invitation for the party.

3.Napravite III kondicional:

a) If he _______________________(come), I

____________________________(see) him. But he didn't come.

b) I ______________________________(send) you a fax, if I

___________________(know) that you were waiting for it.

c) He ______________________________(not speak) to you, if he

_______________________(see) you smoking.

d) His parents ____________________________(move) to another flat, if they

____________________________(know) that you wanted this one.

e) My school ________________________(be) open, if the reconstruction

________________________(be) on time.

4.Izaberite odgovarajui kondicional:

a) I ____________________(tell) him when he __________________(come).

b) If my parents ___________________________(know) about your holiday house,

they _________________________(build) it themselves.

c) If I ________________________(have) a wife, I _______________________(not

cook) myself.

d) If I __________________(be) you, I ______________________(not talk) to him.

e) What ______________he _____________(do) if he ______________(not have)

such nice parents?





I Put the verbs into a correct tense:

1. Oh, my God. Not again! You _______always ____________(complain) of

everything and of everybody. What is the matter with you?
2. We ______________________(consider) the job to be not so well paid, and
therefore we ________________________(consider) changing our job as well.
3. ________ you _____________(listen) to me? __________ you
______________________(understand) what I ______________________ (talk)
4. It ____________________ (rain) hard, when I ______________________ (leave)
5. What _________ you ___________(do) two days ago, between 7 and 10?
6. I cant believe I _________________ (get) that apartment. I
____________________ (submit) my application last week, but I didnt think I
had a chance of actually getting it. When I _____________________ (show) up
to take a look around, there were at least twenty other people who
__________________ (arrive) before me.
7. Its strange that you _____________________(call) because I
__________________________(think, just) about you.
8. I ________________(do) German at school, but I _________________(forget)
most of it.
9. I _____________________________(live) in Belgrade, since 1987.
10. Have a nice holiday! Thank you. I _________________________(send) you a
postcard. I ________________________(send) postcards to all my friends.

10 points

II Complete the sentences:

1. If we __________(go) to London, we _______________(see) the Tower.

2. What ____________you ____________(do), if you _________________(be) a
3. If I __________________(catch) the bus, I _______________(be) there on time.
4. If you ____________________(live) in the 18th century, you
_______________________(live) in a palace.
5. I ____________________(not do) that, if I ________________(am) you.

5 points

III Put A, AN, THE or / where necessary:

1. Many people think of ________twentieth century as ___________ age of

2. These goods will be arriving __________next Friday.
3. Can you give me ________egg. I havent got any left.
4. Mr and Mrs Foster have _________son and _________daughter. _________son
lives at ________home and _________daughter is __________student.
5. A: Whats ________name of ________hotel where youre staying?
B:___________Imperial. Its in _______city centre. Its near _________station.

5 points

IV Translate into English:

1. eleo bih da Vam se izvinim zbog neprijatnosti koje ste imali.

2. Piem Vam da bi se alio na Vae usluge.

3. Predloio bih da reimo problem.

4. Molim Vas, u prilogu nadjite na najnoviji katalog.

5. Bie nam veoma drago da saradjujemo sa Vama u budunosti.


5 points

I Put a, an, the or X where necessery:

I am from Seattle, Washington. Seattle is ______city in ______United States. It is near

________border of ________Canada.. I live in ______house in ______street in the
countryside. _______street is called "Bear Street". I am ________English teacher at
_________school in ________centre of _______town. I like ________ taking
photographs. I usually have _______lunch at school. I usually go _________home by

5 points

II Put the verbs into a correct tense:

John likes traveling a lot. In fact, he __________ (be) only two years old when he first
__________ (fly) to the US. John _____________ (be) born in France, but his parents
____________ (meet) in Cologne, Germany after they ________ (live) there for five
years. They ______ (meet) one day while John's father __________ (read) a book in the

As a matter of fact, John ____________ (visit) his parents in France at the moment. He
_______ (live) in New York now, but ______________ (visit) his parents for the past
few weeks.

This year he ___________ (fly) over 50,000 miles for his job. He _______________
(work) for Jackson & Co. for almost two years now. He's pretty sure that he
____________ (work) for them next year as well. His job __________ (require) a lot of

His girlfriend from New York _________ (telephone) to let him know that Jackson &
Co. ___________ (decide) to merge with a company in Australia. The two companies
______________ (negotiate) for the past month, so it really _______ (not be) much of a
surprise. Of course, this _______ (mean) that John _______ (have to catch) the next
plane back to New York.

10 points

III Make questions:

1. I am writing to complain about the incorrect placement of the advertisement.

2. The best solution would be to pay the full cost of the insurance
3. We were pleased with the outcome of the negotiations.
4. Few companies will have escaped all the failures.
5. Wed like to be paid by letter of credit. _______________________________?

5 points

IV Complete the conditional sentences:

1. If flights dont leave on time, passengers _________________ worried and

nervous. (feel)
2. I wouldnt listen to him, if I ___________ you. (be)
3. She ______________________ you, if you had called her. (help)
4. Unless it ___________, we will have a picnic. (rain)
5. I you __________ done business with us, we would be willing to give you a 10%
discount. (have)

5 points
V Translate into English:

1. eleli bismo da direktno predjemo na stvar.

2. Mi emo pokriti i osiguranje.
3. Spremni smo da ponudimo povoljne uslove ukoliko elite isporuku pre
Boine guve.
4. Veoma je vano ostaviti dobar utisak tokom intervjua za posao
oblaenjem na odgovarajui nain.
5. eleo bih da iznesem koncept kampanje koju smo razvili za vas.

5 points




1. a) infrastruktura b) pitanja, problemi c) profitabilnost d) socijalna davanja/beneficije e)

prenos/transfer kapitala f) sedite neke firme g) akvizicija h) ne prevodi se i)
konzorcijum j) franizing k) licenciranje l) lokalni partner m) erka firma
3. 1) mesto u kome se nalazi sedite fabrike, u tekstu se misli na Sijetl 2) globalno
preduzee 3) izvui korist od 4) maloprodajni lanac 5) izgubiti strpljenje 6) kompanija
za regrutaciju kadrova 7) ispitanik
4. 1) Would you like to leave a message? 2) Can/Could I have your telephone number? 3)
I'll make sure he gets the message. 4) I'm afraid he is not available now. 5) Can/Could I
have the sales department, please?


1. a) more b) taller c) happier d) smaller e) more interesting f) worse g) further h) more i)

more expensive j) more experienced. 2. a) the most polite b) the biggest c) the most
beautiful d) the worst e) the furthest f) the coldest g) the biggest h) the most dangerous i)
the most difficult. 3. a) You are as clever as your sister b) It was not as hard as we had
thought. c) The book is as interesting as the film. d) We are as hungry as everybody else.
e) Today, it is not as cold as yesterday.


1. a) lojalnost brendu b) poveati svest o brendu c) onaj koji kopira brendove d) licencna
prava e) zloupotreba autorskih prava f) skinuti (kopirati) brend g) laan h) roba i)
korporativna strategija j) unititi imid brenda k) lansirati proizvod l) luksuzni brend m)
udeo u tritu n) ciljni klijenti/potroai. 3. a) prodaja se konstantno poveava b)
preplaviti trite c) roba je zaplenjena od strane policije d) otkriti zloupotrebu autroskih
prava e) povezati brend sa robom loeg kvaliteta 4. a) I think we should rise the level of
our brand awareness. b) I'm afraid I don't agree with it. c) Can I say something? d) I
totally agree.


a) haven't seen b) hasn't been c) did you have d) spent e) studied, have forgotten f) hasn't
found g) have you learnt h) moved i) have you been?, was j) looked, met k) have you
already booked l) have you heard, left, has anyone been, applied, has been decided m)
has lived n) intended o) have lived p) have lived, lived q) helped r) have worked


1. a) izmenjeno fiziko stanje osobe nastalo usled dugog putovanja avionom iz jedne
u drugu vremensku zonu b) pravljenje duplih rezervacija na nekom letu zbog vie
prodatih mesta nego to ih ima u avionu c) red, stajati u redu d) kolica (za prtljag na
aerodromu) e) otkazivanje (leta) f) runi prtljag g) flajer h) upitnik i) smetaj j)
ekonomska/biznis klasa k) specijalna ponuda l) izvlaenje nagrade/nagradna igra m)
vauer n) povratna reakcija o) neprikladno ponaanje p) pista q) kabinska posada (u
avionu) 3. a) popuniti priloeni upitnik b) priloeni flajer c) verbalni/fiziki napad d)
dugaki redovi na alteru za predaju prtljaga e) ekstenzivna (iroka) mrea vanih
destinacija 4. a) Can/Could we meet on Wednesday at 9 a.m.? b) Are you free
(sometime) next month? c) I'm afraid I've already got an appointment then d) I'm
afraid I can't come on Wednesday e) Can/Could we fix another time?


1. will be mending 2. will have mended 3. will be mending 4. will be mended, will
drive 5. will repair 6. will not have, will send, will not come, will find 6. will be doing
7. will have 8. will not see, will have left 9. will go out 10. will be fishing 11. will
have been working 12. will be 13. will have passed, will pick 14. will not be using,
will not do.


1. a) reklama koja privlai pogled b) reklame na televiziji c) izloba/sajam d)

besplatni uzorci e) flajeri f) prostor na televiziji u udarnom terminu g) reklama/oglas
h) maloprodajni diskonti i) ciljni potroai j) lansirati novi proizvod k) konkurentski
proizvodi l) mesto kupovine m) javni prevoz n) istraivanje trita o) ubediti
potroae p) sponzorstvo q) promovisati novi proizvod 3. a) izazivati zadivljene
poglede b) multinacionalni reklamni ideal c) svideti se klijentima d) reklame
napravljene specijalno za lokalna trita e) dati nacrt koncepta kampanje 4. a) I would
like to welcome you on behalf of myself and my company. b) I'm going to tell you
about the ideas we have come up with for new campaign c) These are results of the
market research d) I've divided my presentation into four parts. e) If you have any
questions do not hesitate to interrupt me.


1.a 2. the, the 3. /, a, the 4. a 5. a 6. the, / 7. a, a 8. a 9. the 10. the 11. a 12. an 13. a
14. / 15. the 16. the, / 16. the 17. /, the 18. a, the 19. the, a, the 20. the, the, the 21. a

22. /, the, the 23. the 24. a 25. /, an, a 26. a 27. an, the 28. the, a 29. a, a 30. a, / 31. /, /,
/ 32. the, the 33. the


1. a) izgled b) rukopis c) brani status d) istorija uzimanja bolovanja e) porodiljsko

odsustvo f) odsustvo zbog bolovanja g) regrutacija nove radne snage h) diplomac i)
oputena osoba j) ustra osoba k) sposobnosti l) nizak stepen potovanja (nekoga) m)
vetine n) reference 3. a) rastui broj b) ljudski resursi c) nepoteno otputanje sa radnog
mesta d) profesionalni izgled e) dobar utisak 4. 1. Let's get down to work. 2. Let her
finish. 3. Can/Could we get back to it? 4. I think we should discuss this a bit more. 5. We
can possibly return to the matter.


1. a) Do you like music? b) Does he respect his parents? c) Have they been to London? d)
Is she interested in sports? e) Had you prepared before you gave a speech? f) Is she
watching TV? g) Were you watching the quiz yesterday around 8? h) Are you going to
Turkey on holiday? i) Will you send a postcard? j) Has she met the President? 2. a)
Where did you find it? b) Do you want to buy a shirt? c) What discount can you give us?
d) Who is responsible for delivery? e) Were they invited to the party? f) Could we bring
our child to the party? g) Have you ever visited such a beautiful place? h) What is the
longest river in the world? i) Are you doing your job well? j) Could you let her finish,
please? k) Could you tell me how you have changed in the last five years? l) I would like
to know what you say about your colleagues? m) What do you think of the employers'
decisions? 3. a) Where did we live last year? b) Who saw me at the party? c) When will
you come? d) What are we listening to? e) When do/does my family go on holiday? f)
Who applied for the job? g) Why do/does non-smoking staff always complain? h) Who
remember advertisements? i) How do passangers feel? j) What did they want him to
conform to?


1. a) damping b) protekcionizam c) liberalisati d) deregulacija e) kvote f) tarife g) carine

h) subvencionisati i) mlade grane industrije j) strateke grane industrije k) isporuka l)
osiguranje m) isporuka n) zatiene grane industrije o) akreditiv p) stopa provizije q)
uslovi plaanja r) Privredna komora s) magacin t) maloprodajni outlet objekti u)
veleprodaja v) tovarni list 3. 1) Mora biti potvrdjeno od strane vae poslovne banke u
Argentini 2) specifikacija robe koju smo naruili 3) Molimo, u prilogu nadjite spisak vina

koje smo naruili 4) Ukupna vrednost ugovora je 50000 evra 5) biti u saglasnosti sa svim
pravilima/zakonima 5. a) Can/could we start/begin now, please? b) If you order now, we
will give you a discount. c) We would be prepared/ready to offer you a better price if you
increased your order. d) What do you have in mind? e) I think we can agree to that.


1. a) come, will show b) see, don't panic c) will be, misses d) will not, show up e) is, will
go 2. a) were, would enrol b) saw, would say c) wouldn't be, invited d) would help, knew
e) would join, received 3. a) had come, would have seen b) would have sent, had known
c) wouldn't have spoken, had seen d) would have moved, had known e) would have been,
had been 4. a) will tell, comes b) had known, would have built c) had, would not d) were,
would not e) would he do, didn't have


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