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April 10th, 2017

Impact Physical Therapy

4950 NE Belknap Ct,
Hillsboro, OR 97124

Dear Impact Physical Therapists,

I would like to Thank you deeply for allowing me to spend time observing all of you this past
spring break. My experience at the clinic was exceptionally rewarding. Having this experience
working directly with Physical Therapists at your wonderful clinic was beyond beneficial to my
education and gave me a very good look into what I would like to pursue as a career in my
future. I thoroughly enjoyed working with each and every one of you. It was a pleasure to learn
from each of you.

In particular, I would like to thank you for answering all of my questions in depth. I think if i was
there for a few more days I would have asked a few more questions, but frankly, I was quite
nervous my first day. My new knowledge on this field will benefit me greatly in my endeavors at
Pacific University.

Please extend my gratitude to the rest of the clinic. Thank you.


Sydney Sahlfeld

(971) 645- 3591

34200 NW Bagley rd
Hillsboro, OR 97124

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