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Beck 1

Lauren Beck

Professor Moore

English 1301

5 March 2017

Short Response Three

Fraser takes approach to the subject of body image and beauty by writing about

perspectives throughout history because it avoids displaying opinions of her own. Instead, she is

writing about the views and attitude on the matter in the words of others. The idea is that the

reader will collaborate all the written opinions and generate one of their own.

As Fraser intertwines the quoted opinions of other authors, she is simultaneously

integrating her words. Fraser is completing her thoughts by citing the words of others. For

example, in paragraph four Fraser explains how fashion is becoming the backbone of reasonable

weight in women. She then completes and summarizes her words by quoting Hutchison, ...all

chanting the new commandment of fashion: Thou shalt be thin! (776, Fraser). Throughout the

article, the reader should notice that most of the citations are in the ending of the paragraph. This

helps Fraser give, not only interpretation of what she writes about in words of another writer, but

also assurance for the reader by having another author with the same exposition. You can see this

clearly when she closes paragraph eight with the words of Schwartz, A woman should never be

seen eating or drinking, unless it to be lobster salad and champagne. (778, Fraser), and then

again in paragraph nine with, eat with Necessity, not Pleasure, for Lust knows not where

Necessity ends. (779, Fraser).

Beck 2

Works Cited
Fraser, Laura. "The Inner Corset." (n.d.): 775-782.

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