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Multimedia Design Project Assessment (MDPA) Report Template

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The financial math webquest was intended for IB Math Studies students but could
be easily used for younger students. Math Studies is a mathematics course taught
to IB students in the 11th and 12th grade. This specific IB math course is designed
for students that are not as proficient or not as interested in math as their Calculus
peers. It is a survey course because it covers many different mathematical topics:
algebra, geometry, statistics, calculus, etc. The financial math is taught in a unit
called number and algebra. It is a unit that makes practical applications of more
basic operations and algebra skills.
Learner Analysis

Students are 11th and 12th grade IB students. Many are classified as gifted.
There are approximately 40% white, 50% black, and 10% Hispanic
students enrolled in math studies. All students enrolled in IB Math Studies
are fluent in English, and most have high reading level abilities. These
students are familiar with individual and group work settings. They tend to
be highly independent and on task when working on independent
Context Analysis

Class characteristics I teach two sections of IB Math Studies. There are

between 15 and 25 students in each section. Each class meets for 90
minutes on alternating days.
Technical considerations This is a web based project so it will be
necessary for students to have access to some type of electronic device
that can get onto the internet. There are class sets of laptops available, or I
can schedule time in a computer lab for this activity. Based on last years
roster, there were no students that required assistive technology, however
it is possible that there could be students with special needs. Most
commonly I have seen students in Math Studies that require vision
assistance. If needed, the webquest can be viewed on a device that can
Teacher characteristics I am fairly comfortable implementing this type of
open ended activity with my students involving technology. Knowing that
the students are comfortable with basic internet searches and presentation
platforms gives me more comfort to let them make decisions on their own.
If I were giving this assignment to a younger group, especially one that
was less proficient with technology, I would give much more scaffolding
in the process portion of the webquest and for the creation of the
Standards This webquest meets many standards for IB Math Studies
students, including Math Studies content standards, standards of
mathematical practice, and ISTE Student Standards.
IB Math Studies Standards
1.5 Currency conversions. Students should be able to perform currency transactions
involving commission.

Standards of Mathematical Practice

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

Use appropriate tools strategically.

Attend to precision.

ISTE Student Standards

1. Creativity and innovation. Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct

knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
2. Communication and collaboration, Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety
of digital environments and media
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
variety of media and formats
c. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of
other cultures d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems
3. Research and information fluency, Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and
use information.
a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from
a variety of sources and media
c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the
appropriateness to specific tasks
d. Process data and report results
4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Students use critical thinking
skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed
decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources
b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project
5. Digital citizenship. Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to
technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity
d. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship
6. Technology operations and concepts, Students demonstrate a sound understanding of
technology concepts, systems, and operations.
b. Select and use applications effectively and productively

Task Analysis

Learning Objectives There are several learning objectives that I want my

students working on with this webquest assignment:
How do you research and budget for travel?
How do you find current exchange rates?
How do you calculate currency conversions?
How do you use the internet to complete research?
How do you make a presentation?
How do you collaborate with a group with the same goal?

I wanted to get students engaged in an assignment that they would enjoy and find
useful. Many junior and senior level students could possibly begin traveling on
their own within a few years. It is important that they are prepared for this type of
travel, and it is important that they know where to start if they do need to plan a
trip out of the country. For each step of the webquest, students will be building on
their knowledge of their designated county. They are expected to develop
currency conversion skills and understand when and why this is useful for real
life. In order to help students develop 21st century skills, I intentionally did not
provide required sources to find their information. I want students to learn how to
find and evaluate reasonable sources when doing research. I included items that I
know they would need to account for if they ever did plan a trip to another
This webquest has specific steps required, but it is very open ended. Students can
find their information from any credible online site. They are also given choice in
the platform to create their presentation. Students may work together to build on
their individual strengths and weaknesses, and the teacher will be available to
provide guidance or suggestions if they struggle.
This webquest is to be completed in small groups (3-5 students). This allows for
investigation and collaboration as they work. I expect that students will find
conflicting values for some of their fees. These conflicts will create valuable
discussions and cause students to reason mathematically to come to an agreement.
If students need any special accommodations to complete this project to the same
level as their peers, it is possible to use zoom or read to features on the school
laptops we will be using. If students have other physical impairments, they can
communicate with their group members and submit a single presentation.

The development of this webquest was pretty straightforward. I used weebly,
which I am familiar with, but I did have to play around to remember how to start a
brand new page. Overall, since using weebly, I was able to construct my webquest
fairly quickly. The hard part was deciding on all of the steps that students needed
to complete within the process portion of the webquest.

This webquest is a stand-alone assignment for IB Math Studies students. I would
expect them to complete this webquest without any previous lessons on budgeting
or currency conversions. There are video links in the webquest that give some
sample calculations for conversions. This will be a one day (90 minute block)
activity. I dont think it will need much explanation before students begin the
webquest. I will either reserve time in the computer lab, or check out a laptop cart
to allow students equal access to a computer. Some students might have their own
devices, but I will have a set of computers available if anyone needs something to
work on. Internet access shouldnt be an issue during class time, and there should
be enough time during class for students to complete the assignment with quality
work. The student presentations will fit into the beginning of a second day. I
would expect students to get their presentation completed before they leave the
class on the first day and be prepared to present to their classmate during the next
class meeting.

Student Learning
Students will have to present their findings to their classmates. Within their
presentation they are asked to show at least one calculation of a currency
conversion problem. Their results on this presentation and future assessments will
allow me to determine if it was successful. The teacher will be monitoring the
groups throughout the entire process. I find it very important to monitor what they
are doing on the internet and observe their math skills and help when I can. I
provided the students with the rubric that will be used to grade their group and
they will be asked to peer grade each member of their group. This will give me
insight on anything I might have missed while students were working. I also
created a survey for students to complete that will provide me feedback for my
Product Design
I was not able to implement my webquest, but I will. Early in the next semester, I
will use this webquest as an introduction to financial math. I will observe students
as they work and take notes of any questions they might have. This will help me
make changes if I want to use the webquest again. I also left a survey in the
webquest for students to rate the application of the webquest. With these, I will be
able to address anything that might be unclear and improve the activity.

Project Development Ive used Weebly before, but it was a nice refresher to
design the webquest on a weebly website. It reminds me how easy it can be to
create a webpage. I also realized that I would change several things about the
presentation with younger students. I would have given younger students much
more guidance/expectations throughout the webquest. I really loved the map
header, but I had a hard time finding a font that was easy to read, so most of the
directions got moved to a new area of the webquest, in the body.
Instructional Design I chose to only provide a few videos for an initial starting
place. I wanted students to practice research. I did not want to provide direct links
because I didnt want students to think that my choice was the only possible
choice for finding the costs in their travel plans.
Personal Growth I had some frustrations with the creation of the webquest,
because I was afraid to give away too much. I really wanted students budget a
trip as they would if they were really traveling. I gave more supports with the
video tutorials for the math content (currency conversions). I also feel better
prepared to help other teachers create a webquest if needed. It is a great all-in-one
assignment that can address a lot of standards, both content and technology
For Others I would definitely recommend other teachers use the idea of a
webquest. Regardless of the host site, having all pertinent information in one
webpage gives students a lot of guidance and resources to use to work
independently (or with a group).

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