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Romanian entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is no longer an abstract concept , there is greater and greater demand and
interest in creating new business as a key element of development and revitalization.

In the way they act Romanian people have a tendency to be more traditional than modern and
this, in my opinion, explains why most of the Romanian people avoid starting a business of
their own and are more likely to go for being employees. Despite the fact that we are quite an
optimistic nation, most of us prove to be pessimistic when it comes to taking a risk.
Romanians are people that rarely go outside their norms simply because of the fear of loosing
and not being able to go back to what they previously had.

Yet, despite of the fact that we do not have such a rich entrepeneurial culture, we deal with a
growing awarness of the importance of entrepreneurship in our country.

More and more young people choose to become entrepreneurs, to take risks, being less afraid
of experimenting or failure. This resulted, probably from the fact that Romanian state
encourages young entrepreneurs through various funding programs fully or partially
nonrefundable like Young Entrepreneurs Program ,Starting Program and Program

This strategy proved to be succesful as in the past two years in Romania there were founded
twice more firms than those which were closed.

Still, when it comes to entreprenueurial culture, Romania has to deal with some weak links
like entreprenuarial education and financing, which are still at the beginning, not being as
developed as in US or Western Europe.

I think a successful entrepreneur must be passionate about what he is doing, be creative, be

willing to take calculated risks.

The path to succes must be preced by a solid business plan, constant willing to make changes
and assume risks ans repsonsabilities.

Also online business is becoming more and more appealing to Romanian people, being a great
way to make money.

To conclude, I would say that we still need to improve the business support infrastructure
through the creation and development of industrial parks, business incubators, better
informing the public on government programs managed to stimulate private initiative.

Craciun Doina-Veronica

FABIZ ENGLEZA, Year 1, A Series, Group 112

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