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Let's talk about this, Jyotish & Numerology.

First, I will give the list of planets for every number (as
rulers), in two options: the Vedic one and the Modern/ Western one.

The first List (from Varahamihira website): 1-Sun, 2-Moon, 3- Mars, 4-Mercury, 5- Jupiter, 6- Venus, 7-
Saturn, 8-Rahu and 9-Ketu.

The second List (from some books etc.): 1-Sun, 2-Moon, 3- Jupiter, 4- Rahu, 5- Mercury; 6- Venus, 7-
Ketu, 8- Saturn, 9- Mars.

Now, how to find the chart of numbers.

Ex: female born in 04.12.1922 (near Bucharest, Romania). First, add all the numbers till you will get a
decimal number. 4+1+2+1+9+2+2= 21, this means 3. Now, we have 4.12.1922.21.3. Now, we must
multiply 2 with the first number: in this case it is 0. Thus, 2*0=0. Now, from the number 21, we substract
0: 21-0=21. Now, we have: 4.12.1922. 21.3. 21.3 (the last number by adding 2+1=3, thus 3). So, the
final chart of numbers of this female is:











Thus, the the number 2 appear of 5 times. This is the most important number. The number 1 is
powerfull, thus she was a fiearless/ dominant lady (Sun). No 6: she lived for 28 years as a widow
(Venus weak). No 7- not very pious. (Ketu weak). No 8: when a number is lacking, we may have an
extreme situation in that field- she lived long- died at 85 yrs. One 9 only: she was not rich.

Now, about that powerfull 2 (Moon). In her chart, Moon was exalted. When we find many of 2, this
shows someone who has Shakti (Moon- shakti) and who can curse just by saying. In 1992 she was
accused of stealing, but that was not so. She has gone to the Church to do some kind of ritual of
cursing of that person (a man). The curse was: "Let your body become again dust!!!". That man died by
drowning after a few days in the Black Sea. She was may Grandmother.

Kurt Cobain 20.02.1967. Thus we have: 20.02.1967.


2- 2222

3- 3

4- 0

5- 5

6- 6

7- 77

8- 0


He had a powerfull voice, and was able to sing: 4 of 2 (2222). Moon shows singing, also stamina/
energy. Only one 3- not very much interested in school. One 6- he was in war all the time with his wife.
No 8: died at 27 yrs. Two of 99: he was rich. No 1: he was weak, dominated by his wife.

Ion Tiriac 9.5.1939. So, we have: 9.5.1939.









Many of 9 shows that he is very rich: the only Romanian in the World List of the most richest men on
planet. Mars rules that number. Bhoomi Karaka or what???

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