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Caila Anzalone

UWRT 1104

January 31, 2017

This I Believe

I believe news are only made to set fear on people

I believe everyone needs to travel

I believe the youth gets overlooked

I believe adulthood is terrifying

I believe religion is hard to understand

I believe social media is a government spy cam

I believe politics are corrupt

I believe we will never get rid of discrimination

I believe history might be falsified

I believe that forgiveness is always needed

Fox news, CNN, WRAL, and any other news sites you could think of, have negative,

heart tugging stories broadcasted all over their website or TV channel. They may throw in a few

heart warming stories but those usually have their own sad and tragic backgrounds. Thats what

catches peoples eyes. 15 dead in a pile up, boy commits suicide jumping off the bridge,

Spring has sprung. Which headline would you click on? Guaranteed you dont care about

spring because it comes around every year. They want people to be scared to continue reading

and updating the story. The only time people cared and kept up with a heart warming story was
the royal family. The only time. More fear, more views. Media knows how to get an audience

drooling at their feet.

I believe religion is hard to understand. It is not science, you cannot go back and figure

out when and why and where and how because it could be a made up concept to make people

feel like we are not the only walking skeletons in the galaxy. People dont like to fear things such

as death and if they glorify the afterworld, it isnt that scary anymore. Religion is a cover up for

our impending doom.

I believe history is falsified for the sake of country pride or interest. If we learned that

America was corrupt and did terrible things during war we would hate our country. Any country

needs to support and glorify their country in a way that the society doesnt revolt and hate the

government. Also interest, if Americas history wasnt one crazy ride and battles and terror and

acts of courage and craziness, no one would care. We celebrate fear and honor those who die and

terrible things that hold our interest. If the revolutionary war never happened, lets say Britain

just let us govern ourselves and stayed away, we wouldnt be celebrating Fourth of July because

we truly wouldnt care. But now we have an excuse to go to the beach and party.

Adulthood is scary because the second you turn 18, you are on your own. People just

make it more intense and frightening, you need a job, you need a house, you need a car, you need

money. You cant want things because you have to focus on your needs first. It is such a

difference from a selfish childhood these kids live and how mommy and daddy hand you

everything hand and foot and then they take it all away. I know its good, its just scary.
The theme I have here is fear. That comes from our society and people make sure you

fear things, therefore you are always by their side. If you question things, people would begin to

question you.

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