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Caila Anzalone

UWRT 1104
January 26, 2017

I am from poem

I am from the curio cabinet in the dining room,

From twin beds and Evening Garden Skaters,
The bright orange in the cul de sac in Merrimack or the bricks on the corner in Wake Forest,
The smell of incense when you walk through the door,
I am from the calla lily in the front yard,
The flower I thought was named after me.

Im from laughter and tears,

From momma and daddy,
Im from putting random animals in my car and never talking over others,
And from blocking out others because you were staring at your computer screen.

Im from always helping others and never talking back,

And Complicated by Avril Lavigne,
Im from Aunty Annes cookouts,
Im from Boston and Ireland,
Clams and lobsters,
From going to be an aunt soon
Because my oldest sister is about to get the best gift in the world.

From family photos,

Going down the hallway,
Always having a place in my heart.

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