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Physiology & Behavior 69 (2000) 391397

Hypothyroidism increases prolactin secretion and decreases the

intromission threshold for induction of pseudopregnancy
in adult female rats
A. Toheia,b,*, K. Tayaa, G. Watanabea, J. L. Voogtb
Laboratory of Veterinary Physiology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu, Tokyo 1838509, Japan;
Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS 66160-7401, USA

In order to understand the mechanism by which thyroid hormones alter prolactin (PRL) secretion, we investigated the role of tubero-
infundibular dopamine (TIDA) neurons and pituitary and hypothalamus vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in thiouracil- (0.03% in
drinking water for 16 days) inducedhypothyroid adult female rats. The intromission threshold for induction of pseudopregnancy also
was examined to evaluate the PRL response to coital stimulation in hypothyroid rats. Hypothyroidism in adult female rats did not affect
TIDA neuronal activity as measured by tyrosine hydroxylase activity (DOPA accumulation 30 min after administration of m-hydroxy-
benzylhydrazine dihydrochloride, 100 mg/kg, i.p.) in the stalk-median eminence compared with that in euthyroid rats, whereas pituitary
concentration of VIP was dramatically increased. Plasma concentration of PRL was higher at 1100 h of proestrus and estrus in hypothy-
roid rats as compared with that of euthyroid rats. The proportion of female rats exhibiting pseudopregnancy was higher in hypothyroid
animals (100%) receiving seven intromissions than in euthyroid animals (43%). Administration of L-thyroxine in hypothyroid rats de-
creased the proportion of pseudopregnancy (40%) to the level of euthyroid animals. These results indicate that the increased level of pi-
tuitary VIP probably affects PRL secretion in a paracrine or autocrine manner and account for the hyperprolactinemia induced in hy-
pothyroid female rats. No role for TIDA neurons in PRL elevation can be ascribed. A decrease in the intromission threshold for
induction of pseudopregnancy might be due to increased levels of PRL in hypothyroid female rats. 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All
rights reserved.
Keywords: Hypothyroidism; Hyperprolactinemia; VIP; Dopamine

1. Introduction concentration of PRL increased on proestrus and estrus in

thiouracil-induced, hypothyroid adult female rats [41]. In
The lack of thyroid hormone has been known to produce
this study, we showed that hypothyroidism induced hyper-
reproductive abnormalities, including irregular menstrual
prolactinemia in intact adult female rats without additional
cycle, amenorrhea, and galactorrhea accompanied by hyper-
estrogen treatment.
prolactinemia in women [18,31,39]. Studies using male rats
It is well established that the secretion of PRL is under
[19,35,40] or ovariectomized [32] or immature female rats
tonic inhibitory hypothalamic control exerted by dopamine
[22], on the other hand, reported that hypothyroidism re-
[7,8,25]. In addition to the inhibitory dopaminergic tone, it
sulted in decreased levels of plasma and pituitary prolactin
is generally accepted that PRL secretion is influenced by
(PRL). Pan et al. have reported that ovariectomized, thy-
thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH), vasoactive intesti-
roidectomized rats treated with estrogen show increased
nal peptide (VIP), and other neuropeptides acting as PRL-
levels of plasma PRL, suggesting that estrogen plays a sig-
releasing factors [8,25]. Recent studies demonstrated that
nificant role in the induction of hyperprolactinemia in hy-
both TRH and VIP are also synthesized within the rat ante-
pothyroidism [32,44]. We also demonstrated that plasma
rior pituitary gland [5,10]. VIP has an autocrine or paracrine
role in basal PRL release, as shown in vivo and in both pri-
mary culture of anterior pituitary and GH3 cells [6,17,29].
Present address: Department of Pharmacology, Tokyo University of
Pharmacy and Life Science, 1432-1 Horinouchi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-
Hypothyroidism has been shown to increase VIP content
0392, Japan. [22] and release [23], and VIP-mRNA content [24,38] in
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 81-426-76-4530; Fax: 81-426-76-4529. anterior pituitary as well as immunoreactivity and gene ex-
E-mail address: pression in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) [42].
0031-9384/00/$ see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S0031-9384(00)00 2 2 4 - 9
392 A. Tohei et al. / Physiology & Behavior 69 (2000) 391397

Given the conflicting data on the effect of hypothyroid- racil, or two estrous cycles (8 days) after replacement of T4
ism on PRL and the positive effect on VIP, the present set of to thiouracil-treated rats, each female was placed into the
experiments were designed. The present study was designed test chamber with a cage-adapted stimulus male. During
to explore PRL regulation during hypothyroidism. Specifi- each test, the occurrence of each mount and intromission
cally, we examined the activity of the rate-limiting enzyme was recorded, and the occurrence of the lordotic response to
for dopamine synthesis, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in the each coital contact from the male also was recorded. The
stalk-median eminence (SME), and VIP concentrations in behavioral measures of sexual receptivity were the percent
the anterior pituitary, SME, and PVN in hypothyroid adult occurrence of lordosis in response to copulatory mounts or
female rats. The intromission threshold for induction of mounts with intromission from males (Lordosis Quotient,
pseudopregnancy also was examined to evaluate the effect LQ). Each female was mated until it received seven in-
of elevated PRL on the response to coital stimulation in hy- tromission from males, which would be expected to induce
pothyroid rats. pseudopregnancy in 50% of normal rats [12,15,16]. Follow-
ing behavioral tests, the animals were returned to their home
cages, and their vaginal estrous cycles were monitored daily
2. Materials and methods
for 14 days after the testing day.
2.1. Animals and treatments
2.4. Effects of thiouracil on the TH activity in vivo and
Adult female (230280 g) and male (300350 g) Wistar pituitary concentrations of VIP
strain rats were obtained from Harlan (Indianapolis, IN),
Charles River Breeding Labs, Inc. (Kingston, NY), and the Hypothyroidism was induced by administration of thiou-
Imamichi Institute for Animal Reproduction (Ibaraki, Ja- racil for four estrous cycles (16 days). Eight rats of each
pan). Rats were housed under controlled temperature and group were injected with m-hydroxybenzylhydrazine dihy-
lighting conditions and supplied with food and water ad libi- drochloride (NSD 1015; 100 mg/kg, i.p.), an L-aromatic
tum. The estrous cycle of female rats was followed by daily amino acid decarboxylase inhibitor, at 1030, 1630, 1930,
vaginal lavage. Hypothyroidism was induced by administra- and 2230 h on the day of proestrus and at 0430 h on the day
tion of 0.03% 4-methyl-2-thiouracil (Wako Pure Chemical of estrus. Rats were killed by decapitation after a 30-min in-
Industries, LTD; Osaka, Japan) in the drinking water. terval. The SME was dissected with a pair of fine scissors,
homogenized in 120 L 0.1 N perchloric acid, and centri-
2.2. Effects of thiouracil on the plasma fuged at 10,000 g for 3 min [14]. The content of DOPA in
concentration of PRL the supernatant was determined by high-pressure liquid
To examine the effects of thiouracil on plasma concen- chromatography with electrochemical detection, as de-
tration of PRL and spontaneous ovulation, five animals of scribed previously [1,2,3]. The pellet was solubilized in 0.5
each group were killed by decapitation at 1100 h on the day N sodium hydroxide and analyzed for protein content by the
of estrus. Hypothyroidism was induced by administration of method of Bradford [9]. Anterior pituitary glands were sep-
thiouracil for two (8 days) or four estrous cycles (16 days). arated from neural lobe, weighed, and homogenized in 250
Trunk blood was collected and centrifuged for the determina- L 0.1 mol acetic acid at 4C. The homogenates were then
tion of plasma levels of PRL, triiodo-thyronine (T3), L-thyrox- heated at 85C for 5 min, freeze thawed in an acetonedry
ine (T4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). After de- CO2 bath, and centrifuged at 10,000 g for 30 min at 4C.
capitation, the oviducts were examined for oocytes. The supernatants were collected and stored frozen at 20C
until VIP assay. The samples were neutralized by NaOH
2.3. Effects of thiouracil on the intromission threshold for prior to radioimmunoassay (RIA).
induction of pseudopregnancy and lordosis behavior in
adult female rats 2.5. Effects of thiouracil on the VIP concentration
in hypothalamus
Three groups of animals (seven control, seven thiouracil-
treated and five thiouracil-treated + T4-treated rats) were Hypothyroidism was induced by administration of thiou-
used in this experiment. Thyroid hormone replacement was racil for four estrous cycles (16 days). Eight animals of each
performed daily by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of T4 (5 group were killed by decapitation at 1100 h on the day of
g per injection, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) for 8 proestrus. This model was chosen because estradiol level is
days before the experiment. Tests of copulatory behavior at the highest concentration at this time [43]. Blood was col-
were conducted from 20002200 h (14 h light, 10 h dark; lected and centrifuged for the determination of plasma lev-
light on, 0500 h) under dim illumination from a 25-W red els of PRL. After decapitation, the SME was dissected with
bulb, by direct observation of male paired with proestrous a pair of fine scissors, homogenized in 0.1 mol acetic acid,
female rats in semicircular aquariums with sawdust bedding centrifuged, and stored in freezer for VIP assay. The re-
on the floor. A single vasectomized male was placed into mainder of the brain was frozen on dry ice, and the PVN on
the test chamber 5 min prior to introduction of the female. both sides (800-m-diameter punches) were microdissected
Four estrous cycles (16 days) after administration of thiou- (thickness: 1.2 mm). Tissue punches were also extracted in
A. Tohei et al. / Physiology & Behavior 69 (2000) 391397 393

0.1 mol acetic acid for VIP assay. The pellets of SME and suppressed in female rats as a result of administration of
PVN were solubilized in 0.5 N sodium hydroxide and ana- thiouracil for 16 days. On the other hand, plasma concentra-
lyzed for protein content by the method of Bradford [9]. An- tion of TSH (control, 0.98 0.25 ng/mL; thiouracil, 10.1
terior pituitary glands were separated from neural lobe, 2.3 ng/mL) in hypothyroid rats was significantly increased
weighed, and homogenized in 0.05 mol phosphate-buffered after administration of thiouracil.
saline (PBS) at 4C. The homogenates were centrifuged at Plasma concentration of PRL increased at 1100 h on the
10,000 g for 30 min at 4C, and the supernatants were col- day of estrus in hypothyroid rats treated with thiouracil for
lected and stored frozen at 20C until PRL assay. 16 days, although there was no difference in plasma PRL
levels between control rats and rats treated with thiouracil
2.6. Radioimmunoassay for 8 days (Fig. 1).
Concentrations of TSH and PRL were measured using The number of oocytes in oviducts at 1100 h on the day of
NIDDK rat RIA kits for rat TSH and PRL. The intra- and estrus was not statistically different in hypothyroid animals
interassay coefficients of variation were 6.6 and 7.9% for (10.8 0.86) as compared with euthyroid rats (12.4 0.51).
TSH and 5.5 and 8.3% for PRL, respectively. 3.2. Effects of thiouracil on the intromission threshold for
T3 and T4 [40] were measured by double-antibody RIAs induction of pseudopregnancy and lordosis behavior in
using 125I-labeled radioligands as described previously. An- adult female rat
tisera to T3 and T4 were kindly provided by Dr. M. Suzuki
(Gunma University, Gunma, Japan). The intra- and interas- All animals received seven intromissions from vasecto-
say coefficients of variations were 7.2 and 13.4 for T3 and mized males and did not receive any ejaculations. In addition
9.4 and 10.9 for T4. to seven intromissions, female rats received 510 mounts
VIP was measured by double-antibody RIA using 125I-la- without intromission during the tests. The number of animals
beled radioligands (ICN). Antiserum to VIP was kindly pro- exhibiting prolonged diestrous vaginal smears are shown in
vided by Dr. Walro (University of Akron, OH). The RIA Figure 1. The chi-square p-value was p 0.039, suggesting
tube contained 250 L buffer (0.05 mol PBS, pH 7.4; 3% a relationship between each treatment and frequency of
bovine serum albumin; 0.1% Triton X-100; and 0.1% pseudopregnancy. The proportion of female rats exhibiting
NaN3) plus VIP standard or sample and 100 L VIP antise- pseudopregnancy was significantly higher in hypothyroid
rum diluted 1:16,000 with 1:200 dilution of normal rabbit animals (7/7; 100%) receiving seven intromissions than in
serum in EDTA-PBS. After a 48-h incubation at 4C, 50 L euthyroid animals (3/7; 43%). Administration of T4 in hy-
125 pothyroid rats decreased the proportion of pseudopregnancy
I-VIP (8,00010,000 cpm) were added to all tubes, and
the mixture was incubated for an additional 48 h. Antirabbit (2/5; 40%) to the level of control animals. The length of pro-
-globulin was used to separate bound from unbound iodi- longed diestrus was not different between euthyroid, hy-
nated VIP. The intra- and interassay coefficients of varia- pothyroid, and T4-replacement groups. Nearly maximal LQs
tion were 5.2 and 9.4% for VIP. were displayed by all three groups (control, 0.95 0.03;
thiouracil, 0.96 0.02; T4, 0.98 0.02), and there was no
2.7. Statistical analyses significant effect of thiouracil treatment on LQ.
The percentage of females showing prolonged periods of
diestrus were compared by chi-square test and Fishers ex-
act probability test. To compare the data among three
groups, chi-square test was used, and Fishers exact proba-
bility test was used to compare between any two groups
(control thiouracil, thiouracil thiouracil T4, and
control thiouracil T4). All results except for frequency
of pseudopregnancy are expressed as the mean SEM.
Hormone and DOPA data were analyzed by one-way analy-
sis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Fishers protected
least significant difference (PLSD) test; a value of p 0.05
was considered significant. Fig. 1. (a) Plasma concentrations of PRL at 1100 h on estrus in control
(open bar) and hypothyroid (solid bar) adult female rats two (8 days) or
four estrous cycles (16 days) after treatment of thiouracil. Each bar repre-
3. Results sents the mean SEM of five animals. Asterisks indicate p 0.05 com-
pared with the value for the respective control. (b) The percentage of rats
3.1. Effects of thiouracil on the plasma concentration of T3, mated at 2000 h on proestrous that showed pseudopregnancy. Control
T4, TSH, and PRL (open bar), hypothyroid (solid bar), and hypothyroid T4 (hatched bar)
female rats received seven intromissive stimulations from vasectomized
Plasma concentrations of T3 (control, 680.4 47.8 pg/ male rats. *indicate p 0.05 compared with the value for the respective
mL; thiouracil, 183.8 22.5 pg/mL) and T4 (control; 53.9 control, and # indicate p 0.05 compared with the value for the hypothy-
12.6 ng/mL; thiouracil, 6.7 1.6 ng/mL) were markedly roid T4.
394 A. Tohei et al. / Physiology & Behavior 69 (2000) 391397

3.3. Effects of thiouracil on the TH activity in the SME and Pituitary concentrations of VIP were dramatically in-
pituitary concentrations of VIP creased at all times examined on proestrus and estrus in hy-
pothyroid rats as compared with euthyroid rats (Figure 2).
TH activity in the SME, measured by accumulation of
DOPA 30 min after injection of NSD 1015 (100 mg/kg, 3.4. Effects of thiouracil on plasma and pituitary
i.p.) was similar at all times examined on proestrus and es- concentrations of PRL and hypothalamic
trus in both control and thiouracil-treated rats except for a concentration of VIP
statistically significant decrease in TH activity at 1700 h on
The concentrations of PRL in plasma and pituitary at
proestrus (compared to 1100, 2300, and 0500 h on estrus)
1100 h on the day of proestrus were significantly increased
in control rats (Fig. 2). There were no statistically signifi-
in hypothyroid rats 16 days after administration of thiou-
cant effects of thiouracil treatment on TH activity at any of
racil as compared with control rats (Fig. 3a,b). The concen-
these times.
tration of VIP in SME at 1100 h on the day of proestrus was
similar in both the euthyroid and hypothyroid groups (Fig-
ure 3c). Although the concentration of VIP in PVN was
60% higher in hypothyroid rats, this difference from control
values was not statistically significant (Fig. 3d).

4. Discussion
Hypothyroidism induced by administration of thiouracil
for 16 days in intact female rats resulted in an increase in
plasma concentration of PRL at 1100 h on the day of
proestrus. Studies using male rats [19,35,40], ovariecto-
mized [32], or immature female rats [22], however, reported
that hypothyroidism resulted in decreased levels of plasma
and pituitary PRL. Previous reports indicated that ovariecto-
mized, thyroidectomized rats showed increased levels of
plasma PRL only if estrogen was present [32,44]. A finding
from our laboratory demonstrated that the plasma concen-
tration of PRL was higher at 2300 h on proestrus and at
0500 and 1100 h on estrus in thiouracil-induced hypothy-
roid adult female rats [41]. In this study, we showed that hy-

Fig. 2. (a) In vivo dopa accumulation 30 min after injections of NSD 1015
(100 mg/kg, i.p.) at 1100, 1700, 2000, and 2300 h on proestrus and at 0500
h on estrus in control (open bar) and hypothyroid (solid bar) adult female
rats. (b) Pituitary concentrations of VIP at 1100, 1700, 2000, and 2300 h on Fig. 3. PRL concentrations in plasma (a) and pituitary (b) and VIP concentra-
proestrus and at 0500 on estrus in control (open bar) and hypothyroid (solid tions in SME (c) and PVN (d) at 1100 h on proestrus in control (open bar) and
bar) adult female rats. Each bar represents the mean SEM of eight ani- hypothyroid (solid bar) adult female rats. Each bar represents the mean
mals. Asterisks indicate p 0.05 compared with the value for the respec- SEM of five animals. Asterisks indicate p 0.05 compared with the value for
tive control (one-way ANOVA followed by Fishers PLSD test). the respective control (one-way ANOVA followed by Fishers PLSD test).
A. Tohei et al. / Physiology & Behavior 69 (2000) 391397 395

pothyroidism induced hyperprolactinemia in intact adult fe- statistically significant. Both plasma and pituitary concen-
male rats without additional estrogen treatment. trations of PRL also increased in hypothyroid female rats as
The number of oocytes in the oviducts at 1100 h on the compared with control rats at this time. Hypothyroidism has
day of estrus was slightly less in hypothyroid as compared been shown to increase VIP content and/or mRNA in pitu-
with euthyroid rats, although the difference was not statisti- itary and PVN in male or immature female rats [2224,38].
cally significant. It has been reported that hypothyroidism No studies have been reported showing a concomitant in-
can induce reproductive abnormalities including amenor- crease of pituitary VIP and plasma PRL in hypothyroid
rhea in women [18,31,39]. We also observed that the num- adult female rats. In this study, we have shown a concomi-
ber of oocytes after human chorionic gonadotropin chal- tant increase of pituitary VIP and PRL secretion in hypothy-
lenge was significantly lower on the day of diestrus in roid female rats as compared with control rats, whereas TH
hypothyroid rats as compared with euthyroid rats, although activity in SME was not different between both groups.
there is no difference on the day of proestrus between hy- These results suggest that hypothyroidism-induced increase
pothyroid and control rats [41]. The duration of thiouracil in PRL may be due to an increase in pituitary VIP, which
administration may have been too short to decrease the can affect PRL secretion by acting as a paracrine or auto-
number of oocytes which ovulated spontaneously in the crine regulator. VIPpituitary adenylate cyclaseactivating
present study. polypeptide (PACAP) receptors have been shown to exist in
Pseudopregnancy occurred in 43% of control rats that re- anterior pituitary [33] and the somatolactotroph cell lines
ceived seven intromissions. This result is similar to those in GH3/GH4C1, which express mRNA for VIP-PACAP type 3
reports elsewhere [12,15,16]. The proportion of female rats receptor [33,34]. It also has been reported that anti-VIP se-
exhibiting pseudopregnancy was significantly higher in hy- rum decreases basal PRL secretion from cultured hypothy-
pothyroid animals receiving seven intromissions than in eu- roid pituitary cells [23]. VIP in the PVN, acting as a hypo-
thyroid animals. Administration of T4 in hypothyroid rats physiotropic factor, may also increase PRL secretion in
decreased the occurrence of pseudopregnancy to the level of hypothyroid female rats. Lactation, a state in which circulat-
control animals. Fewer than six intromissions was nearly ef- ing PRL concentrations are elevated, has been known to in-
fective for induction of pseudopregnancy, whereas pseudo- crease VIP immunoreactivity in the parvocellular portion of
pregnancy occurred in 67% of rats that received 69 in- the PVN and increase the number of VIP-positive fibers in
tromissions in normal adult female rats [12]. We demonstrated the external zone of the median eminence [27].
that hypothyroidism decreases the intromission threshold It is generally accepted that PRL secretion is mediated by
for induction of pseudopregnancy and that T4 replacement TRH, also acting as a PRL-releasing factor [8,25]. The se-
to hypothyroid rats restored the threshold to that observed in cretion of TRH would be expected to increase in hypothy-
euthyroid adult female rats. The increased levels of PRL in roid rats if a classical negative-feedback mechanism exists.
hypothyroid rats suggests that the PRL response to coital The effect of hypothyroidism on TRH secretion from hypo-
stimulation may be activated in hypothyroid female rats to thalamus, however, has not shown this to be the case. Some
account for the higher incidence of pseudopregnancy. studies showed that hypothyroidism can increase TRH im-
TH activity, as measured by DOPA accumulation 30 min munoreactivity and gene expression in PVN [26,37]. Other
after injections of NSD 1015, was similar at all times exam- studies reported that TRH levels in hypophysial-stalk blood
ined on proestrus and estrus in control rats except for a sta- and the hypothalamus, as determined by RIA, did not
tistically significant decrease (40% as compared with that at change in hypothyroid rats [13,20,28,36]. Main target sites
1100 h) in TH activity at 1700 h in control rats. The de- of negative feedback in thyroid hormone seem to be pitu-
crease at 1700 h confirms a report of a reduction in TH ac- itary because plasma concentrations of TSH dramatically
tivity in the SME on proestrus [4]. There were no significant increase in hypothyroid animals. TRH also may be involved
effects of thiouracil treatment on TH activity. Several previ- in the induction of hyperprolactinemia in hypothyroid adult
ous reports demonstrated that hypothyroidism increased the female rats by an increase in the anterior pituitary respon-
activity of dopaminergic neurons and decreased prolactin siveness to TRH for PRL release, which has been reported
secretion in male rats [19,21,30,35]. There are no reports re- in ovariectomized, thyroidectomized rats treated with estro-
garding TH activity in intact adult hypothyroid female rats. gen [32].
In the present study, we demonstrated that hypothyroidism An isolated report mentioned that hypothyroidism
has no effect on TH activity in the SME throughout caused hyperprolactonemia by decreasing the clearance of
proestrus in adult female rats, suggesting that the increase in PRL in plasma [11]. In the present study, we demonstrated
PRL secretion is not due to a change in dopamine secretion that hypothyroidism decreased the intromission threshold
from TIDA neurons. for induction of pseudopregnancy and increased pituitary
Pituitary concentration of VIP was dramatically in- contents of VIP as a PRL-releasing factor. These results
creased at all times examined on proestrus and estrus in hy- suggest that hyperprolactinemia observed in hypothyroid
pothyroid rats as compared with euthyroid rats. VIP concen- female rats is mainly due to the changes in neuroendocrine
tration in PVN also increased at 1100 h on the day of function.
proestrus in hypothyroid rats, though the difference was not In summary, hypothyroidism did not affect TH activity
396 A. Tohei et al. / Physiology & Behavior 69 (2000) 391397

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