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Asymptomatic in children

1. Ebv
2. Vzv= mild
3. cmv
4. Parvo
Commonly acquired during childhood 5. Dengue in 90% kids
1. Hsv 1 6. Hep a mild in kids
2. Vzv 7. Rubella 50%
3. Ebv = mono = in YA and children aymsptomatic
4. Cmv= but affects all populations 8.
5. Polio
6. Mumps
7. Parainfluenxa resp infection more common in 1. kid Cmv
8. Rsv = most important cause of LRT IN kids 2. Hep a
9. Rota = infants and young kids ( 4 months -2yr) 3. Hep c
10.Astro= infants and young kids . 4. Hep e usually mild
a. Clinical illness less common in aults 5. Polio 90%
11.Aden0 infants and children ,4 yyrs 6. Rubella 50%
12.Bk aymsptomatic
13.Cox a = hand foot and mouth 7. Rsv in adutls
8. Bk
9. Rota = old children and

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